eka fitasari - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by eka fitasari
JAPI (Jurnal Akses Pengabdian Indonesia)
Sayuran sisa hasil panen dan penjualan dianggap sebagai limbah oleh para petani sayur Siswandi di... more Sayuran sisa hasil panen dan penjualan dianggap sebagai limbah oleh para petani sayur Siswandi di Pujon Malang. Limbah sayuran dibiarkan menumpuk, dipinggirkan ke gudang, atau dibuang, sehingga jika membusuk akan mengakibatkan pencemaran dan bau yang menyengat. Padahal, sayuran sisa tersebut masih mengandung zat gizi makro dan mikro yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pakan ayam. Pakan pelet sangat dibutuhkan oleh peternak ayam Sumber Rejeki di Singosari Malang. Harga pelet pabrik yang mahal, mengakibatkan ayam diberikan pakan dari makanan sisa untuk menekan biaya produksi. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, dibutuhkan sinergitas dari petani sayur dan peternak melalui pelatihan pembuatan pelet yang mudah dibuat dan berdaya simpan lama, dengan memanfaatkan limbah sayur, serta penanganan pasca panen sayur. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan peningkatan keterampilan kedua kelompok tani dalam membuat pelet pakan ayam, serta peningkatan pendapatan peternak dengan produksi karkas ayam dalam kem...
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services
Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi peternak ayam Sumber Rejeki adalah penyediaan pakan yang memenuh... more Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi peternak ayam Sumber Rejeki adalah penyediaan pakan yang memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi, namun harganya terjangkau. Pada sisi yang lain, kelompok petani Siswandi dihadapkan pada permasalahan dengan banyaknya limbah sayur yang low grade dan bagian sayur yang tidak dapat dikonsumsi manusia. Limbah sayur yang menumpuk dan busuk, dapat menjadi penyebab pencemaran lingkungan dan bau yang menyengat di tempat pembuangan sampah. Oleh karenanya, sebagai alternatif untuk mengurangi potensi pencemaran sekaligus menjalin kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan dalam pemecahan masalah maka perlu adanya pemanfaatan limbah sayur menjadi bahan baku pelet pakan ayam broiler. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan pakan dari limbah sayur petani dan meningkatkan produksi ternak dengan parameter tingkat efisiensi pakan (FCR), mortalitas, dan peningkatan bobot badan. Penyuluhan dan praktek langsung pembuatan pelet, pendampingan selama pemeliharaan, da...
Vegetable waste causes problems for environmental and air pollution if only wasted. The purpose o... more Vegetable waste causes problems for environmental and air pollution if only wasted. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of vegetable waste in feed formulations on the performance of broiler chicken production and nutrient digestibility. The research method was using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments, namely P1 (control feed without vegetable waste), P2 (using 5% vegetable waste in 100% feed formulation), P3 (using 10% vegetable waste in 100% feed formulation), P3 (using 15% vegetable waste in 100% feed formulation), and P4 (using 20% vegetable waste in 100% feed formulation). The parameters observed consisted of 2 groups, namely the performance of production by measuring feed consumption, body weight gain, and FCR, the second was on nutrient digestibility, consisted AMEn parameter, N retention, metabolic CP digestibility, and CF digestibility parameter. The results showed that the level of vegetable waste gave significantly different results (p ...
Universitas Gajah Mada, 2017
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
Animal feed should ideally be inexpensive and not competing with humans. Ampas know is a waste of... more Animal feed should ideally be inexpensive and not competing with humans. Ampas know is a waste of the manufacture of tofu that contains protein and high energy. Its use has problems due to the existence of antinutrient and cannot be kept long. Lactobacillus Plantarum is a lactic acid (Gram-positive) bacteria used in the fermentation process to improve the quality of feed. The goal of fermentation is to remove the anti-nutrients that exist in the tofu pulp and increase the content of Isoflavone (Daidzin, Glycitein, and Genistein) and Isoflavone is a source of antioxidants important to growth. The study uses a Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatment of microbial culture concentrations of 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% (V/w), respectively repeated 3 times. The result of analyzes in the pulp of tofu fermentation suggests that fermentation by Lactobacillus Plantarum can increase the content of Daidzein, Glycitein, and genistein with the highest value resulting from the use of L. Plantar...
Fisheries and lovebirdcommodity, and cosmetics causing mealworm become popular to find and having... more Fisheries and lovebirdcommodity, and cosmetics causing mealworm become popular to find and having purpose as source cosmetics mixing and source of feed. Because of many source of feed in market, people or researcher should pay attention on nutrition need of each animal, energy and protein become principal references for production increasing. This research was done to know the influence of the using gross energy (GE) and crude protein (CP) combination and also looking for the best combinationthat giving good result on feed consumption and body weight gain of mealworm. This research used Factorial experiment in Completetely Randomized Design with 9 treatments were G1P1 (GE 4000 kkal/kg , CP 10%), G1P2 (GE 4000 kkal/kg , CP 12%), G1P3 (GE 4000 kkal/kg , CP 14%), G2P1 (GE 4500 kkal/kg , CP 10%), G2P2 (GE 4500 kkal/kg , CP 12%), G2P3 (GE 4500 kkal/kg, CP 14%), G3P1(GE 5000 kkal/kg,CP 10%) G3P2 (GE 5000 kkal/kg,CP 12%), G3P3 (GE 5000 kkal/kg,CP 14%).From the research can be concluded tha...
This research has done on February 9th, 2019 to March 4th, 2009 in Ngawi regency. This research h... more This research has done on February 9th, 2019 to March 4th, 2009 in Ngawi regency. This research has an aim to identify marketing channel, marketing efficiency by using marketing margin analysis and market structure approachment, conduct and performance (MS-C-P) including marketing integration and Transmission elasticity of goat farming cost.This research used puposive sampling technique method and snowball sampling. The data collected by interviewing and observation. The data analysis are descriptive data analysis, marketing margin analysis, MS-C-P approahment analysis and market ing integration includes cost transmission elasticity.The results show that there are eight marketing channels, agribusiness analysis by using MS-C-P approachment shows that there are many factors which not efficient yet. The level of market integration between market at the level of farmer and market of the level low consumers, with coefficeint coreelation 0.945 (less than one) at the line I. At the line V...
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production, 2021
Tuntutan peningkatan sumber protein hewani terutama daging unggas menuntut ketersediaan pakan yan... more Tuntutan peningkatan sumber protein hewani terutama daging unggas menuntut ketersediaan pakan yang kontinyu, salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan limbah sayur pasar. Limbah ini jumlahnya banyak setiap harinya dan masih banyak yang belum termanfaatkan bahkan cenderung menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari level terbaik penggunaan limbah sayur sebagai pakan ayam broiler yang memberikan peningkatan terhadap penampilan produksi dan kondisi microflora yang baik. Metode penelitian adalah menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan yaitu P1 (pakan control tanpa limbah sayur), P2 (penggunaan 5% limbah sayur dalam 100% formulasi pakan), P3 (penggunaan 10% limbah sayur dalam 100% formulasi pakan), P3 (penggunaan 15% limbah sayur dalam 100% formulasi pakan), dan P4 (penggunaan 20% limbah sayur dalam 100% formulasi pakan). Parameter yang diamati terdiri dari 2 kelompok yaitu terhadap penampilan produksi dan kondisi microflora usus. Hasil penelitian ...
Pomacea canaliculata Lamarckis a land water snail,knowing as gold snail, that famously knowed as ... more Pomacea canaliculata Lamarckis a land water snail,knowing as gold snail, that famously knowed as pestin the rice plant since 10 day age after transplanted. Harvest loss because this animal decreasing ricemild (gabah) range 16-40%. Arabian chicken (Gallus turcicus) basicly one ofnative chicken (buras) that already adapted it could be layed280 eggs and people consider that Arabian chicken egg is native chicken egg. The research was done to determine the precentage of gold snail powder (as alternative feed) that would give the best feed consumption andegg production quality. Field research used Completely Randomized Design replication with substitution of control feed with gold snail powder including P0 (basic/control feed without gold snail powder), P1 (97.5% control feed + 2.5% gold snail powder), P2 (95% control feed + 5% gold snail powder), P3 (92.5% control feed + 7.5% gold snail powder), and P4 (90% control feed + 10% gold snail powder), each treatments was repeatedly 5 times and...
The purpose of this research is to determine the level of protein stage that gives the best resul... more The purpose of this research is to determine the level of protein stage that gives the best results against the metabolizable energy of Local Chickens. The results of this research are expected can be a consideration and information about the differences effect of the dietary protein provision to the digestibility of metabolizable energy in Local Chicken, especially in the "New" strain of Local Chickens. This research was conducted at the Field Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Malang and at the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, the University of Brawijaya in January 2014 until February 2014. The method that used in this research was the biological experimental method and the materials that used are the local chicken which the result of cross-breeding between Kedu's chicken and Male Bangkok's chicken, with a number of materials are 20 materials and the each weight are 800 grams. The conclusion o...
Studi teknologi pakan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan bantuan kepada peternak agar d... more Studi teknologi pakan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan bantuan kepada peternak agar dapat meningkatkan keuntungan usaha ternak puyuh, sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidupnya. Bantuan yang diberikan berupa mesin pembuat pelet, agar peternak mampu membuat pakan sendiri dengan komposisi campuran bahan pakan yang kandungan nutrisi dan bentuknya sesuai dengan kebutuhan ternak puyuh. Dengan kemampuan membuat pakan sendiri, diharapkan akan dapat mengurangi biaya pengeluaran untuk pembelian makan. Untuk lebih mendukung keberhasilan usaha ternak puyuh yang dilakukan diberikan juga bantuan sangkar dan bibit puyuh. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan, yakni : a) Menginventarisasi jenis bahan pakan ternak terutama puyuh yang tersedia di daerah. Dari jenis bahan pakan yang diketemukan kemudian ditelusuri kandungan nutrisinya melalui penelusuran pustaka. Kalau tidak diketemukan, untuk mengetahui kandungan nutrisi bahan pakan maka perlu dilakukan analisa l...
Ulat hongkong (Tenebrio molitor L) merupakan bagian dari “aneka ternak” yang sangat mudah diterap... more Ulat hongkong (Tenebrio molitor L) merupakan bagian dari “aneka ternak” yang sangat mudah diterapkan bagi ibu rumah tangga baik sebagai mata pencaharaian utama maupun sampingan. Ulat hongkong merupakan komoditas yang digunakan sebagai makanan burung, ikan, reptile, pangan, dan sebagai bahan baku kosmetik. Dalam masa hidupnya, ulat hongkong melewati beberapa siklus yaitu telur, larva, kepompong (pupa), dan kepik / serangga. Bagi peternak ulat hongkong, 4 tahapan siklus ini harus dilakukan sendiri karena tidak ada pasar yang hanya menjual bibit berupa ulat muda maupun kepiknya saja. Kelembaban dan suhu merupakan masalah yang seringkali dialami oleh peternak ulat hongkong karena sangat berpengaruh pada siklus produksi terutama perubahan ulat dewasa menjadi kepik. Suhu dan kelembaban yang yang terlalu panas atau terlalu rendah akan menyebabkan pembentukan kepik dari ulat dewasa menjadi tidak serempak sehingga ulat yang lambat berkembang akan mengalami kematian akibat diinjak-injak atau ...
The purpose of the research was to study the effect of Aspergillus rice bran fermentation on inte... more The purpose of the research was to study the effect of Aspergillus rice bran fermentation on intestinal characteristic (pH, intestinal digest viscosity, proteolitic intestinal digest activity) and internal organs weights (liver, bile, pancreas). The materials used for this research were 96 Lohman broiler chicks with average initial body weight of 47,99 ± 4,93 g without difference on the sexes. The method used Complete Random Plan (RAL) with 4 treatments ie control (P0), control + 5% rice bran fermentation (P1), control + 10% rice bran fermentation (P2), and control + 15% rice bran fermentation (P3) with repeated 6 times. If there were significant influence it would be further tested with Duncan’s Multiple range Test (BNT). The result showed that treatments gave very significantly affected (P 0.05) on internal organs. The conclusion is that the using of 15% rice bran fermentation gives the best result based on intestinal characteristics
The using of probiotic become crucial as a natural feed additive to increase the production of na... more The using of probiotic become crucial as a natural feed additive to increase the production of native chicken and avoid the using of antibiotic which can leave bad residue in poultry meat. This research used 2 kinds of bacteria were probiotic A (Bacillus spp) and probiotic B (mixing bacteria) on four feed treatments were BR 1 (factory feed production that contain 21-23% protein), feed formulation corn-soybean basic contain 20%, 19% and 18% crude protein. The research used Nested method, there were 8 treatments and replication 3 times. The result showed that treatments combination didn’t give significant effect (p>0.05) on feed consumption, final weight, FCR (feed consumption ratio), and carcass weight, but it gave very significant effect on meat fat (p<0,01). From the research can be concluded that the using probiotic in feed can increase feed efficiency for feed until the crude protein become 18%. Probiotic application on hightly crude protein of feed will increase meat fat
Tofu waste is a waste product from tofu processing which is known as high protein sources. Its us... more Tofu waste is a waste product from tofu processing which is known as high protein sources. Its use as feed has a problem due to the antinutrient content and lower amino acids. Effective microorganism (EM4) is a mixture of some microbes that are used to improve the quality of feed. Lactobacillus plantarum is facultative bacteria heterofermentatif group that has a high ability to ferment carbohydrates. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of both of these bacteria to ferment tofu waste and its influence on the increase in the content of nutrients and amino acids. This study used a Random Nested Design with 2 factor: Factor 1 was type of microbe (EM4 and Lactobacillus plantarum), factor 2 was the concentration of microbes which consists of 5 levels (1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% , v / w), each treatments was repeated 3 times. The results showed that the average treatment gave very significant effect on dry matter, anorganic matter, crude fiber, crude protein and had...
Waste vegetable of traditional market provided very abundant and rarely used. German mealworm kno... more Waste vegetable of traditional market provided very abundant and rarely used. German mealworm known as giant meal worms are the larvae of insects named Zhopobas morio parent has a size larger than the hongkong mealworm. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of vegetable waste in feed media of German mealworm which has a different nutrient content. This experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial design with treatment G1P1 (GE 4000 kcal / kg, PK 10%), G1P2 (GE 4000 kcal / kg, PK 12%), G1P3 (GE 4000 kcal / kg, PK 14% ), G2P1 (GE 4500 kcal / kg, PK 10%), G2P2 (GE 4500 kcal / kg, PK 12%), G2P3 (GE 4500 kcal / kg, PK 14%), G3P1 (GE 5000 kcal / kg PK 10 %) G3P2 (GE 5000 kcal / kg PK 12%), G3P3 (GE 5000 kcal / kg PK 14%), each treatments replicated 3 times. The results of the research showed that the application of vegetable waste in german worm feed media is able to increase the use of feed concentrates containing gross energy and crude protein low...
Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Peternakan, Feb 22, 2012
The aim of this research was to examine the effect of dietary MEP+ inclusion on intestinal charac... more The aim of this research was to examine the effect of dietary MEP+ inclusion on intestinal characteristics in broilers. Forty eight male Lohmann day old chicks produced by PT. Multi Breeder Adirama Indonesia were used and offered three different diets based on age namely, starter (1 - 10 days), grower (11 -28 days), and finisher (29 – 35 days). Feed and water were given ad libitum. They were distributed to four dietary treatments, P1 = Basal diet (control); P2 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.2% (v/w); P3 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.4% (v/w) and P4 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.6% (v/w). Variables measured were intestinal content pH, Viscosity, proteolytic enzyme activity, number and length of villi, coloni number of Lactic Acid Bacteria, E coli and Salmonella sp. The results showed that inclusion of MEP+ did not significantly influenced pH, proteolytic enzyme activity and the number of villi. But, probiotics MEP+ significantly increased viscosity of intestinal content (P<0,01), and also increased villi height significantly (P<0,01) if added 0,4% in the diet. Treatments also did not affect population of Lactic Acid Bacteria, E coli and Salmonella sp, in fact the last bacteria was also undetected at 10-4 dilution rate. It is concluded that MEP+ might be positively influence the performances of broiler, but further research is needed (JIIPB 2009 Vol 19 No 2: 150-156). Keywords : MEP+, diet, intestinal characteristics, broiler
Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak, Mar 4, 2012
The research was conducted to find out the optimum level of wheat starch to produce processed che... more The research was conducted to find out the optimum level of wheat starch to produce processed cheese with good quality based on its moisture content, fat content, protein content, microstructure, and organoleptic quality. The result showed that the different level of wheat starch gave highly significant effect (p<0.01) on moisture content, fat content, protein content, and panelist preference to texture, taste, and smell. It is concluded that wheat starch decrease moisture content, fat content, protein content, and panelist preference to texture, taste and smell processed Gouda cheese. It is suggested to add 10 % wheat starch to produce processed cheese because the product met the existing standard of commercial product chemically and physically, except fat content and protein content. Further research on the production of processed cheese is suggested by adding fat and protein sources to meet the standard of fat and protein content.
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, 2016
The research was conducted to find the protein level that gives the best results on the productio... more The research was conducted to find the protein level that gives the best results on the production performances of native chickens (crossed of Bangkok and Kedu chicken) on feed consumption, water consumption, body weight gain, and FCR and protein digestibility. This research constisted two steps. Firstly, the study found the best production performances using 100 chicks (DOC) with average body weight of 36.98 ±5.50 g/chick without differentitating their sex. Secondly, using 60 months old cocks, the study invetigated the best treatment wich has a good protein digestibility. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments namely P0=control feed (using factory feed), P1=20% of protein feed, P2=19% of protein feed, P3=18% of protein feed, and P4=17 % of protein feed. Each treatment had 5 replications. If there was found significant differences among the results, the statistical test was continued by test of Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results showed that the use of different protein levels in feed did not give significant differences (P>0.05) on feed consumption, water consumption, body weight gain, and FCR. The treatment that used 19% of protein had the best value on weight gain. On the contrary, the results showed that decreasing levels of protein level on feed treatment had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on protein digestibility. The study suggests that 19% of protein can increase the weight of native chicken and has a good protein digestibility.
JAPI (Jurnal Akses Pengabdian Indonesia)
Sayuran sisa hasil panen dan penjualan dianggap sebagai limbah oleh para petani sayur Siswandi di... more Sayuran sisa hasil panen dan penjualan dianggap sebagai limbah oleh para petani sayur Siswandi di Pujon Malang. Limbah sayuran dibiarkan menumpuk, dipinggirkan ke gudang, atau dibuang, sehingga jika membusuk akan mengakibatkan pencemaran dan bau yang menyengat. Padahal, sayuran sisa tersebut masih mengandung zat gizi makro dan mikro yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pakan ayam. Pakan pelet sangat dibutuhkan oleh peternak ayam Sumber Rejeki di Singosari Malang. Harga pelet pabrik yang mahal, mengakibatkan ayam diberikan pakan dari makanan sisa untuk menekan biaya produksi. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, dibutuhkan sinergitas dari petani sayur dan peternak melalui pelatihan pembuatan pelet yang mudah dibuat dan berdaya simpan lama, dengan memanfaatkan limbah sayur, serta penanganan pasca panen sayur. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan peningkatan keterampilan kedua kelompok tani dalam membuat pelet pakan ayam, serta peningkatan pendapatan peternak dengan produksi karkas ayam dalam kem...
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services
Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi peternak ayam Sumber Rejeki adalah penyediaan pakan yang memenuh... more Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi peternak ayam Sumber Rejeki adalah penyediaan pakan yang memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi, namun harganya terjangkau. Pada sisi yang lain, kelompok petani Siswandi dihadapkan pada permasalahan dengan banyaknya limbah sayur yang low grade dan bagian sayur yang tidak dapat dikonsumsi manusia. Limbah sayur yang menumpuk dan busuk, dapat menjadi penyebab pencemaran lingkungan dan bau yang menyengat di tempat pembuangan sampah. Oleh karenanya, sebagai alternatif untuk mengurangi potensi pencemaran sekaligus menjalin kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan dalam pemecahan masalah maka perlu adanya pemanfaatan limbah sayur menjadi bahan baku pelet pakan ayam broiler. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan pakan dari limbah sayur petani dan meningkatkan produksi ternak dengan parameter tingkat efisiensi pakan (FCR), mortalitas, dan peningkatan bobot badan. Penyuluhan dan praktek langsung pembuatan pelet, pendampingan selama pemeliharaan, da...
Vegetable waste causes problems for environmental and air pollution if only wasted. The purpose o... more Vegetable waste causes problems for environmental and air pollution if only wasted. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of vegetable waste in feed formulations on the performance of broiler chicken production and nutrient digestibility. The research method was using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments, namely P1 (control feed without vegetable waste), P2 (using 5% vegetable waste in 100% feed formulation), P3 (using 10% vegetable waste in 100% feed formulation), P3 (using 15% vegetable waste in 100% feed formulation), and P4 (using 20% vegetable waste in 100% feed formulation). The parameters observed consisted of 2 groups, namely the performance of production by measuring feed consumption, body weight gain, and FCR, the second was on nutrient digestibility, consisted AMEn parameter, N retention, metabolic CP digestibility, and CF digestibility parameter. The results showed that the level of vegetable waste gave significantly different results (p ...
Universitas Gajah Mada, 2017
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
Animal feed should ideally be inexpensive and not competing with humans. Ampas know is a waste of... more Animal feed should ideally be inexpensive and not competing with humans. Ampas know is a waste of the manufacture of tofu that contains protein and high energy. Its use has problems due to the existence of antinutrient and cannot be kept long. Lactobacillus Plantarum is a lactic acid (Gram-positive) bacteria used in the fermentation process to improve the quality of feed. The goal of fermentation is to remove the anti-nutrients that exist in the tofu pulp and increase the content of Isoflavone (Daidzin, Glycitein, and Genistein) and Isoflavone is a source of antioxidants important to growth. The study uses a Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatment of microbial culture concentrations of 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% (V/w), respectively repeated 3 times. The result of analyzes in the pulp of tofu fermentation suggests that fermentation by Lactobacillus Plantarum can increase the content of Daidzein, Glycitein, and genistein with the highest value resulting from the use of L. Plantar...
Fisheries and lovebirdcommodity, and cosmetics causing mealworm become popular to find and having... more Fisheries and lovebirdcommodity, and cosmetics causing mealworm become popular to find and having purpose as source cosmetics mixing and source of feed. Because of many source of feed in market, people or researcher should pay attention on nutrition need of each animal, energy and protein become principal references for production increasing. This research was done to know the influence of the using gross energy (GE) and crude protein (CP) combination and also looking for the best combinationthat giving good result on feed consumption and body weight gain of mealworm. This research used Factorial experiment in Completetely Randomized Design with 9 treatments were G1P1 (GE 4000 kkal/kg , CP 10%), G1P2 (GE 4000 kkal/kg , CP 12%), G1P3 (GE 4000 kkal/kg , CP 14%), G2P1 (GE 4500 kkal/kg , CP 10%), G2P2 (GE 4500 kkal/kg , CP 12%), G2P3 (GE 4500 kkal/kg, CP 14%), G3P1(GE 5000 kkal/kg,CP 10%) G3P2 (GE 5000 kkal/kg,CP 12%), G3P3 (GE 5000 kkal/kg,CP 14%).From the research can be concluded tha...
This research has done on February 9th, 2019 to March 4th, 2009 in Ngawi regency. This research h... more This research has done on February 9th, 2019 to March 4th, 2009 in Ngawi regency. This research has an aim to identify marketing channel, marketing efficiency by using marketing margin analysis and market structure approachment, conduct and performance (MS-C-P) including marketing integration and Transmission elasticity of goat farming cost.This research used puposive sampling technique method and snowball sampling. The data collected by interviewing and observation. The data analysis are descriptive data analysis, marketing margin analysis, MS-C-P approahment analysis and market ing integration includes cost transmission elasticity.The results show that there are eight marketing channels, agribusiness analysis by using MS-C-P approachment shows that there are many factors which not efficient yet. The level of market integration between market at the level of farmer and market of the level low consumers, with coefficeint coreelation 0.945 (less than one) at the line I. At the line V...
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production, 2021
Tuntutan peningkatan sumber protein hewani terutama daging unggas menuntut ketersediaan pakan yan... more Tuntutan peningkatan sumber protein hewani terutama daging unggas menuntut ketersediaan pakan yang kontinyu, salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan limbah sayur pasar. Limbah ini jumlahnya banyak setiap harinya dan masih banyak yang belum termanfaatkan bahkan cenderung menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari level terbaik penggunaan limbah sayur sebagai pakan ayam broiler yang memberikan peningkatan terhadap penampilan produksi dan kondisi microflora yang baik. Metode penelitian adalah menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan yaitu P1 (pakan control tanpa limbah sayur), P2 (penggunaan 5% limbah sayur dalam 100% formulasi pakan), P3 (penggunaan 10% limbah sayur dalam 100% formulasi pakan), P3 (penggunaan 15% limbah sayur dalam 100% formulasi pakan), dan P4 (penggunaan 20% limbah sayur dalam 100% formulasi pakan). Parameter yang diamati terdiri dari 2 kelompok yaitu terhadap penampilan produksi dan kondisi microflora usus. Hasil penelitian ...
Pomacea canaliculata Lamarckis a land water snail,knowing as gold snail, that famously knowed as ... more Pomacea canaliculata Lamarckis a land water snail,knowing as gold snail, that famously knowed as pestin the rice plant since 10 day age after transplanted. Harvest loss because this animal decreasing ricemild (gabah) range 16-40%. Arabian chicken (Gallus turcicus) basicly one ofnative chicken (buras) that already adapted it could be layed280 eggs and people consider that Arabian chicken egg is native chicken egg. The research was done to determine the precentage of gold snail powder (as alternative feed) that would give the best feed consumption andegg production quality. Field research used Completely Randomized Design replication with substitution of control feed with gold snail powder including P0 (basic/control feed without gold snail powder), P1 (97.5% control feed + 2.5% gold snail powder), P2 (95% control feed + 5% gold snail powder), P3 (92.5% control feed + 7.5% gold snail powder), and P4 (90% control feed + 10% gold snail powder), each treatments was repeatedly 5 times and...
The purpose of this research is to determine the level of protein stage that gives the best resul... more The purpose of this research is to determine the level of protein stage that gives the best results against the metabolizable energy of Local Chickens. The results of this research are expected can be a consideration and information about the differences effect of the dietary protein provision to the digestibility of metabolizable energy in Local Chicken, especially in the "New" strain of Local Chickens. This research was conducted at the Field Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Malang and at the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, the University of Brawijaya in January 2014 until February 2014. The method that used in this research was the biological experimental method and the materials that used are the local chicken which the result of cross-breeding between Kedu's chicken and Male Bangkok's chicken, with a number of materials are 20 materials and the each weight are 800 grams. The conclusion o...
Studi teknologi pakan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan bantuan kepada peternak agar d... more Studi teknologi pakan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan bantuan kepada peternak agar dapat meningkatkan keuntungan usaha ternak puyuh, sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidupnya. Bantuan yang diberikan berupa mesin pembuat pelet, agar peternak mampu membuat pakan sendiri dengan komposisi campuran bahan pakan yang kandungan nutrisi dan bentuknya sesuai dengan kebutuhan ternak puyuh. Dengan kemampuan membuat pakan sendiri, diharapkan akan dapat mengurangi biaya pengeluaran untuk pembelian makan. Untuk lebih mendukung keberhasilan usaha ternak puyuh yang dilakukan diberikan juga bantuan sangkar dan bibit puyuh. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan, yakni : a) Menginventarisasi jenis bahan pakan ternak terutama puyuh yang tersedia di daerah. Dari jenis bahan pakan yang diketemukan kemudian ditelusuri kandungan nutrisinya melalui penelusuran pustaka. Kalau tidak diketemukan, untuk mengetahui kandungan nutrisi bahan pakan maka perlu dilakukan analisa l...
Ulat hongkong (Tenebrio molitor L) merupakan bagian dari “aneka ternak” yang sangat mudah diterap... more Ulat hongkong (Tenebrio molitor L) merupakan bagian dari “aneka ternak” yang sangat mudah diterapkan bagi ibu rumah tangga baik sebagai mata pencaharaian utama maupun sampingan. Ulat hongkong merupakan komoditas yang digunakan sebagai makanan burung, ikan, reptile, pangan, dan sebagai bahan baku kosmetik. Dalam masa hidupnya, ulat hongkong melewati beberapa siklus yaitu telur, larva, kepompong (pupa), dan kepik / serangga. Bagi peternak ulat hongkong, 4 tahapan siklus ini harus dilakukan sendiri karena tidak ada pasar yang hanya menjual bibit berupa ulat muda maupun kepiknya saja. Kelembaban dan suhu merupakan masalah yang seringkali dialami oleh peternak ulat hongkong karena sangat berpengaruh pada siklus produksi terutama perubahan ulat dewasa menjadi kepik. Suhu dan kelembaban yang yang terlalu panas atau terlalu rendah akan menyebabkan pembentukan kepik dari ulat dewasa menjadi tidak serempak sehingga ulat yang lambat berkembang akan mengalami kematian akibat diinjak-injak atau ...
The purpose of the research was to study the effect of Aspergillus rice bran fermentation on inte... more The purpose of the research was to study the effect of Aspergillus rice bran fermentation on intestinal characteristic (pH, intestinal digest viscosity, proteolitic intestinal digest activity) and internal organs weights (liver, bile, pancreas). The materials used for this research were 96 Lohman broiler chicks with average initial body weight of 47,99 ± 4,93 g without difference on the sexes. The method used Complete Random Plan (RAL) with 4 treatments ie control (P0), control + 5% rice bran fermentation (P1), control + 10% rice bran fermentation (P2), and control + 15% rice bran fermentation (P3) with repeated 6 times. If there were significant influence it would be further tested with Duncan’s Multiple range Test (BNT). The result showed that treatments gave very significantly affected (P 0.05) on internal organs. The conclusion is that the using of 15% rice bran fermentation gives the best result based on intestinal characteristics
The using of probiotic become crucial as a natural feed additive to increase the production of na... more The using of probiotic become crucial as a natural feed additive to increase the production of native chicken and avoid the using of antibiotic which can leave bad residue in poultry meat. This research used 2 kinds of bacteria were probiotic A (Bacillus spp) and probiotic B (mixing bacteria) on four feed treatments were BR 1 (factory feed production that contain 21-23% protein), feed formulation corn-soybean basic contain 20%, 19% and 18% crude protein. The research used Nested method, there were 8 treatments and replication 3 times. The result showed that treatments combination didn’t give significant effect (p>0.05) on feed consumption, final weight, FCR (feed consumption ratio), and carcass weight, but it gave very significant effect on meat fat (p<0,01). From the research can be concluded that the using probiotic in feed can increase feed efficiency for feed until the crude protein become 18%. Probiotic application on hightly crude protein of feed will increase meat fat
Tofu waste is a waste product from tofu processing which is known as high protein sources. Its us... more Tofu waste is a waste product from tofu processing which is known as high protein sources. Its use as feed has a problem due to the antinutrient content and lower amino acids. Effective microorganism (EM4) is a mixture of some microbes that are used to improve the quality of feed. Lactobacillus plantarum is facultative bacteria heterofermentatif group that has a high ability to ferment carbohydrates. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of both of these bacteria to ferment tofu waste and its influence on the increase in the content of nutrients and amino acids. This study used a Random Nested Design with 2 factor: Factor 1 was type of microbe (EM4 and Lactobacillus plantarum), factor 2 was the concentration of microbes which consists of 5 levels (1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% , v / w), each treatments was repeated 3 times. The results showed that the average treatment gave very significant effect on dry matter, anorganic matter, crude fiber, crude protein and had...
Waste vegetable of traditional market provided very abundant and rarely used. German mealworm kno... more Waste vegetable of traditional market provided very abundant and rarely used. German mealworm known as giant meal worms are the larvae of insects named Zhopobas morio parent has a size larger than the hongkong mealworm. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of vegetable waste in feed media of German mealworm which has a different nutrient content. This experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial design with treatment G1P1 (GE 4000 kcal / kg, PK 10%), G1P2 (GE 4000 kcal / kg, PK 12%), G1P3 (GE 4000 kcal / kg, PK 14% ), G2P1 (GE 4500 kcal / kg, PK 10%), G2P2 (GE 4500 kcal / kg, PK 12%), G2P3 (GE 4500 kcal / kg, PK 14%), G3P1 (GE 5000 kcal / kg PK 10 %) G3P2 (GE 5000 kcal / kg PK 12%), G3P3 (GE 5000 kcal / kg PK 14%), each treatments replicated 3 times. The results of the research showed that the application of vegetable waste in german worm feed media is able to increase the use of feed concentrates containing gross energy and crude protein low...
Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Peternakan, Feb 22, 2012
The aim of this research was to examine the effect of dietary MEP+ inclusion on intestinal charac... more The aim of this research was to examine the effect of dietary MEP+ inclusion on intestinal characteristics in broilers. Forty eight male Lohmann day old chicks produced by PT. Multi Breeder Adirama Indonesia were used and offered three different diets based on age namely, starter (1 - 10 days), grower (11 -28 days), and finisher (29 – 35 days). Feed and water were given ad libitum. They were distributed to four dietary treatments, P1 = Basal diet (control); P2 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.2% (v/w); P3 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.4% (v/w) and P4 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.6% (v/w). Variables measured were intestinal content pH, Viscosity, proteolytic enzyme activity, number and length of villi, coloni number of Lactic Acid Bacteria, E coli and Salmonella sp. The results showed that inclusion of MEP+ did not significantly influenced pH, proteolytic enzyme activity and the number of villi. But, probiotics MEP+ significantly increased viscosity of intestinal content (P<0,01), and also increased villi height significantly (P<0,01) if added 0,4% in the diet. Treatments also did not affect population of Lactic Acid Bacteria, E coli and Salmonella sp, in fact the last bacteria was also undetected at 10-4 dilution rate. It is concluded that MEP+ might be positively influence the performances of broiler, but further research is needed (JIIPB 2009 Vol 19 No 2: 150-156). Keywords : MEP+, diet, intestinal characteristics, broiler
Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak, Mar 4, 2012
The research was conducted to find out the optimum level of wheat starch to produce processed che... more The research was conducted to find out the optimum level of wheat starch to produce processed cheese with good quality based on its moisture content, fat content, protein content, microstructure, and organoleptic quality. The result showed that the different level of wheat starch gave highly significant effect (p<0.01) on moisture content, fat content, protein content, and panelist preference to texture, taste, and smell. It is concluded that wheat starch decrease moisture content, fat content, protein content, and panelist preference to texture, taste and smell processed Gouda cheese. It is suggested to add 10 % wheat starch to produce processed cheese because the product met the existing standard of commercial product chemically and physically, except fat content and protein content. Further research on the production of processed cheese is suggested by adding fat and protein sources to meet the standard of fat and protein content.
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, 2016
The research was conducted to find the protein level that gives the best results on the productio... more The research was conducted to find the protein level that gives the best results on the production performances of native chickens (crossed of Bangkok and Kedu chicken) on feed consumption, water consumption, body weight gain, and FCR and protein digestibility. This research constisted two steps. Firstly, the study found the best production performances using 100 chicks (DOC) with average body weight of 36.98 ±5.50 g/chick without differentitating their sex. Secondly, using 60 months old cocks, the study invetigated the best treatment wich has a good protein digestibility. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments namely P0=control feed (using factory feed), P1=20% of protein feed, P2=19% of protein feed, P3=18% of protein feed, and P4=17 % of protein feed. Each treatment had 5 replications. If there was found significant differences among the results, the statistical test was continued by test of Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results showed that the use of different protein levels in feed did not give significant differences (P>0.05) on feed consumption, water consumption, body weight gain, and FCR. The treatment that used 19% of protein had the best value on weight gain. On the contrary, the results showed that decreasing levels of protein level on feed treatment had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on protein digestibility. The study suggests that 19% of protein can increase the weight of native chicken and has a good protein digestibility.