ema komara rachma ema - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by ema komara rachma ema
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, May 16, 2020
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, May 16, 2020
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, Jan 16, 2020
Journal on Education, Jan 22, 2023
This study aims to determine the effect of plant spacing and chicken manure on the growth and yie... more This study aims to determine the effect of plant spacing and chicken manure on the growth and yield of rice plants by using the SRI method on tidal land and their interactions. The study was carried out in Kalimas Village, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya District, on tidal land. This research was conducted from November 2017 - March 2018, using a divided plot design consisting of spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm, 30 cm x 30 cm, and 40 cm x 40 cm as sub plot and chickens manure 5 tons/ha and 10 tons/ha as main plot. Each treatment was repeated 4 times, with 5 sample plants per map. The observation variables in this study were plant height, maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, panicle length, total grain per panicle, percentage of filled grain per panicle, weight of 1000 grain items, weight of grain per clump and weight of grain per plot. The results showed that the treatment of spacing had a significant effect on the variable number of maximum tillers, number of producti...
Jurnal Inovasi Pengabdian Masyarakat Sains (JIMAS-Sains)
Digital transformation in the government sector needs to be supported by Human Resources (HR) who... more Digital transformation in the government sector needs to be supported by Human Resources (HR) who have competence in the field of information and communication technology so that digital-based public services by the government can be implemented properly. However, the reality shows that the quality of some of the human resources of the government apparatus in terms of mastering these competencies and awareness of the importance of digital transformation, especially at the village government level, is still low. This issue has become a strategic issue faced by partners in this Community Service (PKM) activity. The stages carried out in the implementation of this PKM include 1) problem mapping and identification of partner needs; 2) analysis of data and information; 3) formulation of solutions; and 4) activity design; 5) implementation; 6) evaluation of activities. The method used in organizing this PKM activity is through seminars and workshops on digital literacy and media literacy,...
Jurnal Komunikasi, 2020
This study aims to uncover the political discourse of the Presidential Candidates after the secon... more This study aims to uncover the political discourse of the Presidential Candidates after the second round of debates, Jokowi VS Prabowo in virtual space. The background of the political discourse of the 2019 Presidential Election debate in the virtual space gave rise to various responses and sentiments among the supporters. After the Presidential Election debate, the hashtag war between #BohongLagiJokowi and # 02GagapUnicorn on social media Twitter became the main discussion. The aim is to disperse the power, ideology, and interests behind the presidential political discourse through the Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis. The research method uses qualitative methods to parse the problem in research, using critical thinking as a basis for research. The results showed the tweet of Prabowo supporters trying to show stunts through language. The use of subject pronouns such as the word Mukidi to dwarf the subject, also uses the hashtags #DeletJokowi, #UnistallJokowi, and #BohongLagiJ...
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, Jan 16, 2020
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, Jan 16, 2020
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial, 2021
Banyak masyarakat Desa Mekarsari yang melakukan tradisi Mipit Pare tetapi tidak mengetahui makna ... more Banyak masyarakat Desa Mekarsari yang melakukan tradisi Mipit Pare tetapi tidak mengetahui makna simbol dari tradisi tersebut. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui makna simbol dan proses pelaksanaan yang terdapat dalam tradisi Mipit Pare. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari pengamatan langsung, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa, pelaksanaan tradisi Mipit Pare memiliki beberapa tahapan dan masing-masing memiliki makna simbol, diantaranya : Penentuan hari pelaksanaan memiliki makna simbol bahwa dalam menentukan sesuatu harus sesuai dengan kepercayaan yang dianut agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, sesajen memiliki makna simbol sebagai tanda terimakasih kepada leluhur dan Sanghyang Sri, pembacaan kidung dan membakar kemenyan memiliki makna simbol untuk memanggil leluhur dan Sanghyang Sri, Nyembur memiliki makna simbol sebagai penolak bala, pemotongan...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia (SENASTINDO), 2021
Penerapan teknologi LiDAR 2 dimensi (Light Detection And Rangging) terkadang terkendala oleh ada... more Penerapan teknologi LiDAR 2 dimensi (Light Detection And Rangging) terkadang terkendala oleh adanya anomaly data atau noise sehingga mempengaruhi keakuratan dalam mendeteksi objek yang sesungguhnya. Jika tidak diatasi dengan baik maka dapat menggangu operasional kerjanya, terlebih lagi jika diterapkan pada kendaraan listrik otonom. Oleh sebab itu perlu upaya untuk mereduksi noise yang diimplementasikan pada software pemroses data LiDAR. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan teknologi pereduksi noise yang muncul pada point cloud data LiDAR dua dimensi. Adapun konsep yang diterapkan adalah pengembangan algoritma pengolahan data LiDAR secara sistematis. Desain algoritma ini berisikan visualiasi dari pendeteksian objek, penyimpanan point cloud data LiDAR sebagai informasi objek yang terdeteksi, serta metode pengurangan noise pada point cloud data LiDAR dua dimensi tersebut. Algoritma ini di realisasikan dalam bentuk software pada perangkat keras Raspberry Pi 4, dengan menggunaka...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia (SENASTINDO), 2021
Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, setiap produsen mobil selalu menciptakan produkterbarunya lebi... more Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, setiap produsen mobil selalu menciptakan produkterbarunya lebih canggih. Ide ini kemudian melahirkan konsep kendaraan listrik otonom (KLO). Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk selalu menghadirkan kendaraan yang dapat memenuhi selera konsumen yang terus berkembang, disamping juga ramah lingkungan Kehadiran kendaraan listrik otonom pastinya akan dialami oleh Indonesia yang masyarakatnya sudah mulai bergantung pada alat transportasi mobil. Oleh sebab itu situasi ini mengharuskan kita bersiap menghadapi era Mobility in Society 5.0, dimana kita harus dapat menguasai teknologi pendukungnya. Kendaraan litrik otonom dapat terealisasi jika sistemnya mampu mendeteksi objek dengan baik. Oleh sebab itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem pendeteksi pejalan kaki berbasis deep learning dan memanfaatkan gambar 360°. Sistem software deteksi objek yang dibangun menggunakan Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) MobilenetV1, sedangkan hardware yang digunakan untuk ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia (SENASTINDO), 2021
Perkembangan saat ini telah membuat teknologi website menjadi sarana penyebaran informasi yang me... more Perkembangan saat ini telah membuat teknologi website menjadi sarana penyebaran informasi yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan serta kecepatan dalam penyajiannya. Kecepatan dan kenyamanan merupakan nilai positif dari keberadaan internet. Website lebih mudah diakses oleh masyarakat di berbagai daerah hanya dengan menggunakan internet. Salah satunya dalam hal pemasaran produk suatu usaha, website dapat menjadi sarana mempromosikan, memasarkan dan menyampaikan informasi yang efektif dan efisien kepada masyarakat. Salah satu hal yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari teknologi website adalah untuk keperluan informasi kendaraan listrik otonom. Teknologi kendaraan ini kedepannya dapat diintegrasikan pada website untuk keperluan informasi keberadaan dan kondisinya. Bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk lahirnya aplikasi pemanfaatan kendaraan listrik otonom dengan melakukan panggilan melalui website, seperti halnya aplikasi yang sudah marak saat ini yaitu Gojek atau Grab. Pada penelitian ini dikembang...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia (SENASTINDO), 2021
Untuk memetakan suatu objek berupa kontur suatu daerah akan terasa sulit jikamenggunakan sistem s... more Untuk memetakan suatu objek berupa kontur suatu daerah akan terasa sulit jikamenggunakan sistem sensor pasif seperti kamera karena keterbatasannya untuk menembus awan, kabut dan cuaca yang tidak menentu. Oleh sebab itu diperlukannya teknologi yang lebih baik untuk dapat memetakan suatu objek dari atas permukaan bumi atau udara. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) adalah teknik pemetaan dengan menggunakan radar untuk menghasilkan peta kontur bumi dengan resolusi tinggi, atau menggambarkan suatu objek serta menyajikan informasi dalam bentuk citra atau gambar. SAR dapat bekerja dalam kondisi cuaca apapun, baik dalam keadaan hujan, salju atau bahkan kabut sekalipun. Kemampuan SAR lainnya adalah untuk dapat mendeteksi objek dengan tingkat keakuratanyang cukup baik. Beradasarkan hal tersebut di atas, penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi SAR sangat diperlukan. Pada penelitian ini studi awal mengenai teknologi SAR telah dilakukan. Penelitian tersebut dimaksudkan untuk dapat melengkapi kemampuan...
Journal of Education and Practice, 2015
The study seek to reviel the importance of instructional visual in educational systems in Bauchi... more The study seek to reviel the importance of instructional visual in educational systems in Bauchi Nigeria. Instructional visual play very significant roles as medium of communication for learning. The research for this article was motivated by this understanding of the need. The study carried out in Nigeria in one of the most challenging state, Bauchi with low enrolment of students in school and in the study of sciences.Piloted atotal of 189 experimental and 189 of control despondence were studied. The studies focus on the experimental, to compare among the zones.The experimental outperformed the control group. However, location II was found to have the highest impact with a mean performance of 57.8572 follow by location III with a mean performance of 56.1746 and lastly a mean performance of 54.9208 for location I. In all the locations their means performance fall within ‘C’ grade which is a good profile of information assimilation by the respondents.
This study aimed to reveal the development discourses about the vision of Jokowi-JK World Maritim... more This study aimed to reveal the development discourses about the vision of Jokowi-JK World Maritime Axis. Discourse is a public communication in which power generates knowledge through discourses, systems thinking and ideas that then establish the concept that binds a country to the planned changes. Through the discussion of Regulation No. 16 of the year 2017 on maritime policy in Indonesia, it is linked to the context of the social, cultural, economic and political aspects that influenced it. By analysing critical discourses about disclosure and disinformation over injustice and supremacy in the discussion. Research carried out by government agencies regulation-makers, observers and the public. Research using a basic data source, a Regulation 16/2017 document, an interview with an author, observers and the public. Results of the analysis show that the micro level, Corpus text regulation, represents the vision of the power of the ' Neoliberal ' ideology and of open foreign po...
Journal of Education and Practice, 2016
This paper presents an outline on how teachers can use "The Design Process and Animation Tec... more This paper presents an outline on how teachers can use "The Design Process and Animation Techniques to produce animated instructional resources (AIR) which, can be used to facilitate Open Distance Learning in especially Science and Technology Education. A model of the Animated Instructional Resource was developed for the teaching of Human Digestive System, piloted in selected senior secondary schools in Bauchi State Nigeria. The results indicated that, the developed AIR had significant impact in students' learning of the subject matter. AIR was found to be a veritable learning tool for use in and out of classroom, even from remote locations. It was also found to be a good means of stirring teachers' creativity towards developing similar resources, and that this initiative could help boost open distance learning where specialist teachers and high-tech resources are scarce for regular in-class teaching/learning
People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis …, 1988
Oversized item; kept on top of shelving uni
Jurnal Politikom Indonesiana, 2019
This research was conducted to reveal the communication process towards local independence in the... more This research was conducted to reveal the communication process towards local independence in the Karangpawitan Village through Social Media. The use of development communication strategies through social media through Karang Taruna empowerment can increase local income through local culinary tourism promotion activities. Karangpawitan which is commonly used for culinary tourism is also an icon for the city of Karawang, so this is what makes the reason why there is a need for a strategy to increase tourism there. To build local independence, a promotion through Social Media is needed. The method used is descriptive qualitative, which records symptoms that occur through observations and direct interviews with informants or through literature studies to compare existing data. The results show that communication strategies through promotion on social media are able to change the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of audiences towards the income of local people. Through a strategy of ch...
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, May 16, 2020
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, May 16, 2020
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, Jan 16, 2020
Journal on Education, Jan 22, 2023
This study aims to determine the effect of plant spacing and chicken manure on the growth and yie... more This study aims to determine the effect of plant spacing and chicken manure on the growth and yield of rice plants by using the SRI method on tidal land and their interactions. The study was carried out in Kalimas Village, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya District, on tidal land. This research was conducted from November 2017 - March 2018, using a divided plot design consisting of spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm, 30 cm x 30 cm, and 40 cm x 40 cm as sub plot and chickens manure 5 tons/ha and 10 tons/ha as main plot. Each treatment was repeated 4 times, with 5 sample plants per map. The observation variables in this study were plant height, maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, panicle length, total grain per panicle, percentage of filled grain per panicle, weight of 1000 grain items, weight of grain per clump and weight of grain per plot. The results showed that the treatment of spacing had a significant effect on the variable number of maximum tillers, number of producti...
Jurnal Inovasi Pengabdian Masyarakat Sains (JIMAS-Sains)
Digital transformation in the government sector needs to be supported by Human Resources (HR) who... more Digital transformation in the government sector needs to be supported by Human Resources (HR) who have competence in the field of information and communication technology so that digital-based public services by the government can be implemented properly. However, the reality shows that the quality of some of the human resources of the government apparatus in terms of mastering these competencies and awareness of the importance of digital transformation, especially at the village government level, is still low. This issue has become a strategic issue faced by partners in this Community Service (PKM) activity. The stages carried out in the implementation of this PKM include 1) problem mapping and identification of partner needs; 2) analysis of data and information; 3) formulation of solutions; and 4) activity design; 5) implementation; 6) evaluation of activities. The method used in organizing this PKM activity is through seminars and workshops on digital literacy and media literacy,...
Jurnal Komunikasi, 2020
This study aims to uncover the political discourse of the Presidential Candidates after the secon... more This study aims to uncover the political discourse of the Presidential Candidates after the second round of debates, Jokowi VS Prabowo in virtual space. The background of the political discourse of the 2019 Presidential Election debate in the virtual space gave rise to various responses and sentiments among the supporters. After the Presidential Election debate, the hashtag war between #BohongLagiJokowi and # 02GagapUnicorn on social media Twitter became the main discussion. The aim is to disperse the power, ideology, and interests behind the presidential political discourse through the Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis. The research method uses qualitative methods to parse the problem in research, using critical thinking as a basis for research. The results showed the tweet of Prabowo supporters trying to show stunts through language. The use of subject pronouns such as the word Mukidi to dwarf the subject, also uses the hashtags #DeletJokowi, #UnistallJokowi, and #BohongLagiJ...
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, Jan 16, 2020
Jurnal Industri Elektro dan Penerbangan, Jan 16, 2020
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial, 2021
Banyak masyarakat Desa Mekarsari yang melakukan tradisi Mipit Pare tetapi tidak mengetahui makna ... more Banyak masyarakat Desa Mekarsari yang melakukan tradisi Mipit Pare tetapi tidak mengetahui makna simbol dari tradisi tersebut. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui makna simbol dan proses pelaksanaan yang terdapat dalam tradisi Mipit Pare. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari pengamatan langsung, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa, pelaksanaan tradisi Mipit Pare memiliki beberapa tahapan dan masing-masing memiliki makna simbol, diantaranya : Penentuan hari pelaksanaan memiliki makna simbol bahwa dalam menentukan sesuatu harus sesuai dengan kepercayaan yang dianut agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, sesajen memiliki makna simbol sebagai tanda terimakasih kepada leluhur dan Sanghyang Sri, pembacaan kidung dan membakar kemenyan memiliki makna simbol untuk memanggil leluhur dan Sanghyang Sri, Nyembur memiliki makna simbol sebagai penolak bala, pemotongan...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia (SENASTINDO), 2021
Penerapan teknologi LiDAR 2 dimensi (Light Detection And Rangging) terkadang terkendala oleh ada... more Penerapan teknologi LiDAR 2 dimensi (Light Detection And Rangging) terkadang terkendala oleh adanya anomaly data atau noise sehingga mempengaruhi keakuratan dalam mendeteksi objek yang sesungguhnya. Jika tidak diatasi dengan baik maka dapat menggangu operasional kerjanya, terlebih lagi jika diterapkan pada kendaraan listrik otonom. Oleh sebab itu perlu upaya untuk mereduksi noise yang diimplementasikan pada software pemroses data LiDAR. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan teknologi pereduksi noise yang muncul pada point cloud data LiDAR dua dimensi. Adapun konsep yang diterapkan adalah pengembangan algoritma pengolahan data LiDAR secara sistematis. Desain algoritma ini berisikan visualiasi dari pendeteksian objek, penyimpanan point cloud data LiDAR sebagai informasi objek yang terdeteksi, serta metode pengurangan noise pada point cloud data LiDAR dua dimensi tersebut. Algoritma ini di realisasikan dalam bentuk software pada perangkat keras Raspberry Pi 4, dengan menggunaka...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia (SENASTINDO), 2021
Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, setiap produsen mobil selalu menciptakan produkterbarunya lebi... more Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, setiap produsen mobil selalu menciptakan produkterbarunya lebih canggih. Ide ini kemudian melahirkan konsep kendaraan listrik otonom (KLO). Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk selalu menghadirkan kendaraan yang dapat memenuhi selera konsumen yang terus berkembang, disamping juga ramah lingkungan Kehadiran kendaraan listrik otonom pastinya akan dialami oleh Indonesia yang masyarakatnya sudah mulai bergantung pada alat transportasi mobil. Oleh sebab itu situasi ini mengharuskan kita bersiap menghadapi era Mobility in Society 5.0, dimana kita harus dapat menguasai teknologi pendukungnya. Kendaraan litrik otonom dapat terealisasi jika sistemnya mampu mendeteksi objek dengan baik. Oleh sebab itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem pendeteksi pejalan kaki berbasis deep learning dan memanfaatkan gambar 360°. Sistem software deteksi objek yang dibangun menggunakan Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) MobilenetV1, sedangkan hardware yang digunakan untuk ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia (SENASTINDO), 2021
Perkembangan saat ini telah membuat teknologi website menjadi sarana penyebaran informasi yang me... more Perkembangan saat ini telah membuat teknologi website menjadi sarana penyebaran informasi yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan serta kecepatan dalam penyajiannya. Kecepatan dan kenyamanan merupakan nilai positif dari keberadaan internet. Website lebih mudah diakses oleh masyarakat di berbagai daerah hanya dengan menggunakan internet. Salah satunya dalam hal pemasaran produk suatu usaha, website dapat menjadi sarana mempromosikan, memasarkan dan menyampaikan informasi yang efektif dan efisien kepada masyarakat. Salah satu hal yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari teknologi website adalah untuk keperluan informasi kendaraan listrik otonom. Teknologi kendaraan ini kedepannya dapat diintegrasikan pada website untuk keperluan informasi keberadaan dan kondisinya. Bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk lahirnya aplikasi pemanfaatan kendaraan listrik otonom dengan melakukan panggilan melalui website, seperti halnya aplikasi yang sudah marak saat ini yaitu Gojek atau Grab. Pada penelitian ini dikembang...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Indonesia (SENASTINDO), 2021
Untuk memetakan suatu objek berupa kontur suatu daerah akan terasa sulit jikamenggunakan sistem s... more Untuk memetakan suatu objek berupa kontur suatu daerah akan terasa sulit jikamenggunakan sistem sensor pasif seperti kamera karena keterbatasannya untuk menembus awan, kabut dan cuaca yang tidak menentu. Oleh sebab itu diperlukannya teknologi yang lebih baik untuk dapat memetakan suatu objek dari atas permukaan bumi atau udara. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) adalah teknik pemetaan dengan menggunakan radar untuk menghasilkan peta kontur bumi dengan resolusi tinggi, atau menggambarkan suatu objek serta menyajikan informasi dalam bentuk citra atau gambar. SAR dapat bekerja dalam kondisi cuaca apapun, baik dalam keadaan hujan, salju atau bahkan kabut sekalipun. Kemampuan SAR lainnya adalah untuk dapat mendeteksi objek dengan tingkat keakuratanyang cukup baik. Beradasarkan hal tersebut di atas, penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi SAR sangat diperlukan. Pada penelitian ini studi awal mengenai teknologi SAR telah dilakukan. Penelitian tersebut dimaksudkan untuk dapat melengkapi kemampuan...
Journal of Education and Practice, 2015
The study seek to reviel the importance of instructional visual in educational systems in Bauchi... more The study seek to reviel the importance of instructional visual in educational systems in Bauchi Nigeria. Instructional visual play very significant roles as medium of communication for learning. The research for this article was motivated by this understanding of the need. The study carried out in Nigeria in one of the most challenging state, Bauchi with low enrolment of students in school and in the study of sciences.Piloted atotal of 189 experimental and 189 of control despondence were studied. The studies focus on the experimental, to compare among the zones.The experimental outperformed the control group. However, location II was found to have the highest impact with a mean performance of 57.8572 follow by location III with a mean performance of 56.1746 and lastly a mean performance of 54.9208 for location I. In all the locations their means performance fall within ‘C’ grade which is a good profile of information assimilation by the respondents.
This study aimed to reveal the development discourses about the vision of Jokowi-JK World Maritim... more This study aimed to reveal the development discourses about the vision of Jokowi-JK World Maritime Axis. Discourse is a public communication in which power generates knowledge through discourses, systems thinking and ideas that then establish the concept that binds a country to the planned changes. Through the discussion of Regulation No. 16 of the year 2017 on maritime policy in Indonesia, it is linked to the context of the social, cultural, economic and political aspects that influenced it. By analysing critical discourses about disclosure and disinformation over injustice and supremacy in the discussion. Research carried out by government agencies regulation-makers, observers and the public. Research using a basic data source, a Regulation 16/2017 document, an interview with an author, observers and the public. Results of the analysis show that the micro level, Corpus text regulation, represents the vision of the power of the ' Neoliberal ' ideology and of open foreign po...
Journal of Education and Practice, 2016
This paper presents an outline on how teachers can use "The Design Process and Animation Tec... more This paper presents an outline on how teachers can use "The Design Process and Animation Techniques to produce animated instructional resources (AIR) which, can be used to facilitate Open Distance Learning in especially Science and Technology Education. A model of the Animated Instructional Resource was developed for the teaching of Human Digestive System, piloted in selected senior secondary schools in Bauchi State Nigeria. The results indicated that, the developed AIR had significant impact in students' learning of the subject matter. AIR was found to be a veritable learning tool for use in and out of classroom, even from remote locations. It was also found to be a good means of stirring teachers' creativity towards developing similar resources, and that this initiative could help boost open distance learning where specialist teachers and high-tech resources are scarce for regular in-class teaching/learning
People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis …, 1988
Oversized item; kept on top of shelving uni
Jurnal Politikom Indonesiana, 2019
This research was conducted to reveal the communication process towards local independence in the... more This research was conducted to reveal the communication process towards local independence in the Karangpawitan Village through Social Media. The use of development communication strategies through social media through Karang Taruna empowerment can increase local income through local culinary tourism promotion activities. Karangpawitan which is commonly used for culinary tourism is also an icon for the city of Karawang, so this is what makes the reason why there is a need for a strategy to increase tourism there. To build local independence, a promotion through Social Media is needed. The method used is descriptive qualitative, which records symptoms that occur through observations and direct interviews with informants or through literature studies to compare existing data. The results show that communication strategies through promotion on social media are able to change the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of audiences towards the income of local people. Through a strategy of ch...