emilda sulasmi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by emilda sulasmi
Islam Realitas: Journal of Islamic and Social Studies
This article aims to explain the challenge professional social workers in order to empower the co... more This article aims to explain the challenge professional social workers in order to empower the community based on their license. The method used in this study is qualitative method with the study in ODH Social Rehabilitation Center "Bahagia" Medan. This article found that the challenge of professionalism of technology-based social workers is internally related to using digital communication facilities. This can be overcome by training and mentoring and making technological innovations to strengthen social work in community empowerment. This article contributes the necessary knowledge that social workers must be civilized with information technology in today's digital age to support social workers' professionalism by using a dualistic approach in industrial revolution 4.0 towards the Society 5.0 revolution. Regarding the Certificate, it was found that certification is relevant to the professionalism of Social workers in Indonesia, especially social workers in the Ce...
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences
This study aims to analyze the learning process at SMP Negeri 14 Medan. This research uses qualit... more This study aims to analyze the learning process at SMP Negeri 14 Medan. This research uses qualitative research, with a case study approach of SMP Negeri 14 Medan. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, focus group discussions and documentation and then analyzed descriptively with descriptive analysis model. The results obtained are that the modeling learning strategy has a good impact on improving student learning outcomes, by making several figures into models who practice certain materials in the learning process, so that learning to dance starts from opening, core activities to closing. The conclusion of this research is that the modeling learning strategy designed by SMP Negeri 14 Medan, the modeling learning strategy takes into account the interests of students, the learning outcomes taught with modeling learning strategies are higher than those taught with conventional learning strategies.
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues
The problem of school performance, especially the performance of personnel involved in school org... more The problem of school performance, especially the performance of personnel involved in school organizations (principals, teachers and staff), is rated lowly. Therefore, the ability of people in school organizations is required to ensure that the school's target will be achieved effectively. This study was conducted by using mixed method (embedded qualitative-quantitative type mix): the qualitative method as the primary method and the quantitative method as secondary method that was carried out in one stage of the study (the qualitative-quantitative stage together). Open and closed questionnaires through predetermined respondents, as well as documentation studies were used as data collection tool. Meanwhile, the data was analyzed by using statistical approach (quantitative) and data transformation (qualitative) was obtained from sources or participants determined in the study. The results showed that from the characteristics of (1) collegiality collaboration skills among teachers...
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal
When BJ Habibie became the head of the BPPT, the idea of establishing a boarding school-based mad... more When BJ Habibie became the head of the BPPT, the idea of establishing a boarding school-based madrasa was based on the basic concept of the integration of Faith and Taqwa (IMAQ) and Science and Technology (IPTEK) called Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendikia in Serpong, then this model developed to various provinces one of which is Bengkulu Province. The problem is the model developed by Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Cendikia Insane already running optimally and optimally, the extent of the success of student coaching in the Dormitory at Madrasa Aliyah Negeri Cendikia Insan Bengkulu Tengah. Therefore, this study discusses the evaluation of the management of student coaching in MAN Insan Cendikia Bengkulu Tengah Boarding House.The research method used is descriptive qualitative with evaluative research type, this research was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendikia Bengkulu Tengah, research data sources consisted of Boarding Trustees and Students. The results showed that all comp...
IJEMS:Indonesian Journal of Education and Mathematical Science
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi program pengelolaan dana bantuan operasional... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi program pengelolaan dana bantuan operasional penyelenggaraan di lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini di kota Bengkulu. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah evaluasi kebijakan melalui pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Model evaluasi yang digunakan adalah CIPP model yang dikembangkan oleh Stufflebeam. Evaluasi model ini terdiri dari empat komponen yaitu: Context, Input, Process Dan Product. Yang menjadi obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah PAUD di Kota Bengkulu, guru-guru serta pihak yang terkait Kepala Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi dan Kepala Bidang PAUDNI Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bengkulu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan angket, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi tentang kebijakan dana BOP. Dari hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat kaitan antara kebijakan penyaluran dana BOP, perencanaan pelaksanaan penyaluran dana BOP, prosedur penyaluran dana BOP serta Hasil Pelaksanaan Penyaluran dana Bantuan Operasional Penyelenggaraan di lembaga PAUD Kota Bengkulu adanya bukti pencapaian tujuan bantuan BOP yaitu dilihat dari peningkatan kualitas pendidikan disegala bidang dengan bukti prestasi baik dari lembaga,guru dan murid.
Islam Realitas: Journal of Islamic and Social Studies
This article aims to explain the challenge professional social workers in order to empower the co... more This article aims to explain the challenge professional social workers in order to empower the community based on their license. The method used in this study is qualitative method with the study in ODH Social Rehabilitation Center "Bahagia" Medan. This article found that the challenge of professionalism of technology-based social workers is internally related to using digital communication facilities. This can be overcome by training and mentoring and making technological innovations to strengthen social work in community empowerment. This article contributes the necessary knowledge that social workers must be civilized with information technology in today's digital age to support social workers' professionalism by using a dualistic approach in industrial revolution 4.0 towards the Society 5.0 revolution. Regarding the Certificate, it was found that certification is relevant to the professionalism of Social workers in Indonesia, especially social workers in the Ce...
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences
This study aims to analyze the learning process at SMP Negeri 14 Medan. This research uses qualit... more This study aims to analyze the learning process at SMP Negeri 14 Medan. This research uses qualitative research, with a case study approach of SMP Negeri 14 Medan. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, focus group discussions and documentation and then analyzed descriptively with descriptive analysis model. The results obtained are that the modeling learning strategy has a good impact on improving student learning outcomes, by making several figures into models who practice certain materials in the learning process, so that learning to dance starts from opening, core activities to closing. The conclusion of this research is that the modeling learning strategy designed by SMP Negeri 14 Medan, the modeling learning strategy takes into account the interests of students, the learning outcomes taught with modeling learning strategies are higher than those taught with conventional learning strategies.
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues
The problem of school performance, especially the performance of personnel involved in school org... more The problem of school performance, especially the performance of personnel involved in school organizations (principals, teachers and staff), is rated lowly. Therefore, the ability of people in school organizations is required to ensure that the school's target will be achieved effectively. This study was conducted by using mixed method (embedded qualitative-quantitative type mix): the qualitative method as the primary method and the quantitative method as secondary method that was carried out in one stage of the study (the qualitative-quantitative stage together). Open and closed questionnaires through predetermined respondents, as well as documentation studies were used as data collection tool. Meanwhile, the data was analyzed by using statistical approach (quantitative) and data transformation (qualitative) was obtained from sources or participants determined in the study. The results showed that from the characteristics of (1) collegiality collaboration skills among teachers...
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal
When BJ Habibie became the head of the BPPT, the idea of establishing a boarding school-based mad... more When BJ Habibie became the head of the BPPT, the idea of establishing a boarding school-based madrasa was based on the basic concept of the integration of Faith and Taqwa (IMAQ) and Science and Technology (IPTEK) called Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendikia in Serpong, then this model developed to various provinces one of which is Bengkulu Province. The problem is the model developed by Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Cendikia Insane already running optimally and optimally, the extent of the success of student coaching in the Dormitory at Madrasa Aliyah Negeri Cendikia Insan Bengkulu Tengah. Therefore, this study discusses the evaluation of the management of student coaching in MAN Insan Cendikia Bengkulu Tengah Boarding House.The research method used is descriptive qualitative with evaluative research type, this research was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendikia Bengkulu Tengah, research data sources consisted of Boarding Trustees and Students. The results showed that all comp...
IJEMS:Indonesian Journal of Education and Mathematical Science
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi program pengelolaan dana bantuan operasional... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi program pengelolaan dana bantuan operasional penyelenggaraan di lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini di kota Bengkulu. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah evaluasi kebijakan melalui pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Model evaluasi yang digunakan adalah CIPP model yang dikembangkan oleh Stufflebeam. Evaluasi model ini terdiri dari empat komponen yaitu: Context, Input, Process Dan Product. Yang menjadi obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah PAUD di Kota Bengkulu, guru-guru serta pihak yang terkait Kepala Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi dan Kepala Bidang PAUDNI Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bengkulu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan angket, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi tentang kebijakan dana BOP. Dari hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat kaitan antara kebijakan penyaluran dana BOP, perencanaan pelaksanaan penyaluran dana BOP, prosedur penyaluran dana BOP serta Hasil Pelaksanaan Penyaluran dana Bantuan Operasional Penyelenggaraan di lembaga PAUD Kota Bengkulu adanya bukti pencapaian tujuan bantuan BOP yaitu dilihat dari peningkatan kualitas pendidikan disegala bidang dengan bukti prestasi baik dari lembaga,guru dan murid.