emilio vercillo - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by emilio vercillo

Research paper thumbnail of 9 . Farmacoterapia en Trastornos Postraumáticos. Un recurso estratégico en el tratamiento de refugiados

Research paper thumbnail of 8. Variaciones culturales en la prescripción farmacológica. Etnopsicofarmacología

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 9. Pharmacotherapy in Post-Traumatic Disorders. A strategic resource in the therapy of refugees

Research paper thumbnail of Clinica del trauma en los refugiados. Indice y Capitulo 1

Capítulo 8: Diferencias culturales en la prescripción farmacológica. Etnopsicofarmacología. Emili... more Capítulo 8: Diferencias culturales en la prescripción farmacológica. Etnopsicofarmacología. Emilio Vercillo Capítulo 9: Tratamiento farmacológico en los trastornos postraumáticos. Un recurso estratégico en el tratamiento de los refugiados.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitulo 7 Encuentros terapéuticos entre culturas distintas. La mediación cultural

La eficacia de las consultas terapéuticas con personas de diferentes culturas se basa principalme... more La eficacia de las consultas terapéuticas con personas de diferentes culturas se basa principalmente en el uso de intérpretes de diferentes idiomas, o mediadores culturales (existen diferencias significativas entre estos dos términos, como se verá). En SaMiFo, el servicio en el que trabajan los autores, colaboramos estrechamente con mediadores seleccionados que forman parte orgánica del servicio. El modelo se basa en el respeto mutuo de las funciones, la colaboración, la formación y, sobre todo, las experiencias de trabajo común repetidas a lo largo del tiempo. Todos los demás servicios como el nuestro se basan en la cooperación entre especialistas médicos o psicólogos y mediadores. De hecho, no sólo es necesario comunicarse en distintos idiomas, sino que también es un factor que garantiza la eficacia de las intervenciones. No sólo la confianza mutua y la práctica

Research paper thumbnail of 5. Condiciones extremas Esclavitud y psicopatología Algunas reflexiones sobre la patología postraumática en la esclavitud femenina en Mauritania

La esclavitud se distingue de otras formas de violación de los derechos humanos por ciertas carac... more La esclavitud se distingue de otras formas de violación de los derechos humanos por ciertas características que pueden resumirse en la posibilidad de ser comprado o vendido como propiedad, ser privado de libertad de movimiento, ser obligado a trabajar bajo la presión de amenazas o violencia y sufrir restricciones físicas. Amnesty International 2014 "Moulkheir Mint Yarba regresó de su tarea diaria de cuidar las cabras de su amo en el desierto para encontrarse con algo inimaginable: su hija pequeña, apenas capaz de gatear, abandonada a la intemperie para que muriera. La madre, con su habitual semblante estoico,-cuyos ojos negros y manos calladas arrastraban décadas de tristezarompió a llorar cuando vio el rostro de su niña sin vida, con los ojos abiertos y cubierta de hormigas, inmóvil sobre la arena anaranjada del desierto mauritano. El amo, que había violado a Moulkheir para que tuviera a la niña, quería castigarla. Decía que, sin su hija a cuestas, trabajaría más deprisa. Intentando recomponerse, Moulkheir preguntó si podía tomarse un descanso para dar a su hija una sepultura adecuada. El amo respondió: manos a la obra. "Tiene alma de perro", dice recordando. Ese mismo día, en el cementerio, "cavamos una fosa poco profunda y la enterramos con su ropa, sin lavarla ni realizar ritos funerarios".

Research paper thumbnail of Capitulo 4 Los pre-juicios del trauma.Fenomenología de los fenómenos postraumáticos

Prejuicio es un término con una historia filosófica, y va más allá del juicio moral: generalmente... more Prejuicio es un término con una historia filosófica, y va más allá del juicio moral: generalmente se define como una opinión formada de antemano, especialmente una basada en hechos inadecuados. En este artículo utilizamos una definición más amplia de prejuicio, como todo rasgo que precede a una opinión o juicio. En este sentido, abarca temas como las creencias básicas (por ejemplo, las suposiciones sobre uno mismo, las ideas sobre las personas y el mundo en que vivimos), pero también las formas generales que nuestro conocimiento actual necesita para formularse, como la percepción del tiempo, en la que está sumida toda experiencia. El mismo concepto de prejuicio podría expresarse como suposición, preconcepción, hipótesis, es decir, formas a priori de acercarse al mundo que necesitan una actualidad, una realización para transformarse en pensamientos. Estas formas a priori de nuestra existencia cotidiana podrían verse subvertidas por el trauma. Trabajando en un servicio dedicado a una población de refugiados, pudimos observar la universalidad de tales distorsiones. En este capítulo se examinan algunas alteraciones de los prejuicios causados por el trauma, como el tiempo y el espacio, el pensamiento (como contenido y como sujeto agencial) y el cuerpo, para esbozar desde un punto de vista psicopatológico la experiencia fenomenológica de los pacientes traumatizados.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitulo 6 Las voces del torturador y la geopolítica clínica de Françoise Sironi

Research paper thumbnail of 8. Cultural variations in pharmacological prescription. Ethnopsychopharmacology

Towards the end of the meeting, the man on the other side of the desk opens a drawer, takes out a... more Towards the end of the meeting, the man on the other side of the desk opens a drawer, takes out a piece of paper and begins to write. You can see a series of printed lines at the top of the paper, the man's name and other notes. It is a tense moment, the two do not speak, the man is bent over the paper, concentrating on what he is writing. Finally, the man stands up, turns the paper over for the other to read, and explains what he has written. There is probably no one among us who does not recognise in this scene the moment of a prescription between a doctor and a patient. But this exchange, this communication behaviour between the two is by no means self-evident; it contains a precise code of expected behaviour and roles, a code that varies according to time, place and circumstances, as well as according to different cultures.

Research paper thumbnail of Mental health in asylum seekers and refugees: early detection at SAMIFO Center

Population medicine, Apr 27, 2023

Population Medicine considers the following types of articles: • Research Papers-reports of data ... more Population Medicine considers the following types of articles: • Research Papers-reports of data from original research or secondary dataset analyses. • Review Papers-comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. These include both systematic reviews and narrative reviews. • Short Reports-brief reports of data from original research. • Policy Case Studies-brief articles on policy development at a regional or national level. • Study Protocols-articles describing a research protocol of a study. • Methodology Papers-papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. • Methodology Papers-papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. • Letters to the Editor-a response to authors of an original publication, or a very small article that may be relevant to readers. • Editorials-articles written by the Editorial Board or by invited experts on a specific topic. Research Papers Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, and abstract and key points of the article, whilst it is recommended that the number of references should not exceed 36.

Research paper thumbnail of Le parti e il nulla. Trauma theory e sviluppo dissociativo

Psicobiettivo, Mar 1, 2016

Il caso clinico permette di seguire la chiara progressione verso un disturbo dissociativo dalle s... more Il caso clinico permette di seguire la chiara progressione verso un disturbo dissociativo dalle sue premesse. La fredda atmosfera di indifferenza e trascuratezza, l’oscura presenza di un doppio (il gemello morto), il crearsi di una Strategia controllante sottomessa, fino a una manifesta serie di abusi in infanzia e adolescenza: tutto rende impossibile il formarsi di una personalita abbastanza integrata, terminando con lo stabilirsi di subsistemi separati nella stessa persona. L’autore sintetizza la dinamica interna delle diverse parti interne, e sottolinea la natura non difensiva di questa struttura psichica, che e solo l’inevitabile effetto di un contesto di sviluppo sfavorente, ma l’unico modo di permettere e garantire la sopravvivenza.

Research paper thumbnail of 5. Extreme conditions Slavery and psychopathology Some reflections on post-traumatic pathology of female slavery in Mauritania

Slavery is distinguished from other forms of human rights abuses by certain characteristics that ... more Slavery is distinguished from other forms of human rights abuses by certain characteristics that can be summarised as the possibility of being bought or sold as property, being deprived of freedom of movement, being forced to work under the pressure of threats or violence, and being physically restrained.. Amnesty International 2014 " Moulkheir Mint Yarba returned from a day of tending her master's goats out on the Sahara Desert to find something unimaginable: Her baby girl, barely old enough to crawl, had been left outdoors to die. The usually stoic mother-whose jet-black eyes and cardboard hands carry decades of sadness-wept when she saw her child's lifeless face, eyes open and covered in ants, resting in the orange sands of the Mauritanian desert. The master who raped Moulkheir to produce the child wanted to punish his slave. He told her she would work faster without the child on her back. Trying to pull herself together, Moulkheir asked if she could take a break to give her daughter a proper burial. Her master's reply: Get back to work. "Her soul is a dog's soul," she recalls him saying. Later that day, at the cemetery, "We dug a shallow grave and buried her in her clothes, without washing her or giving her burial rites." "I only had my tears to console me," she would later tell anti-slavery activists, according to a written testimony. "I cried a lot for my daughter and for the situation I was in. Instead of understanding, they ordered me to shut up. Otherwise, they would make things worse for me-so bad that I wouldn't be able to endure it.".

Research paper thumbnail of Strategie farmaco terapeutiche nei disturbi post-traumatici. L'esperienza su una popolazione di rifugiati


Research paper thumbnail of 6. The voices of the torturer and Sironi's clinical geopolitics

This predator of the interior is not at all what it seems. A closer look reveals an embodied surv... more This predator of the interior is not at all what it seems. A closer look reveals an embodied survival guide written by a child, a scaly armor that protects soft and vulnerable underbelly. It is assembled from a patchwork of painful lessons reaped from the grim world of childhood. (Kathy Steele 2009) "The therapist must make himself an explicit accomplice of the patient, his role is to become the antidote to the perpetrator by attacking the guilty" (Sironi 1999).

Research paper thumbnail of 7. Therapeutic Encounters between Distinct Cultures: Cultural Mediation

The effectiveness of therapeutic consultations with people from different cultures is mainly base... more The effectiveness of therapeutic consultations with people from different cultures is mainly based on the use of interpreters in different languages, or cultural mediators (there are significant differences between these two terms, as will be seen).In SaMiFo, the service in which the writers work, we work closely with selected mediators who are an organic part of the service. The model is based on mutual respect for roles, collaboration, training and above all experiences of common work repeated over time. All the other services like ours are based on cooperation between medical specialists or psychologists and mediators. In fact, not only is it necessary to communicate in different languages, but it is also a factor that guarantees the effectiveness of interventions. Not only the mutual trust and the common well-established practice allow for the appropriateness of the interventions, but also for the implementation of a specific setting that allows each mediation and mediator to make optimal use of the benefits of this therapeutic configuration.

Research paper thumbnail of 4. The Pre judices of Trauma. Phenomenology of post traumatic phenomena

Research paper thumbnail of Le parti e il nulla. Trauma theory e sviluppo dissociativo

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between self-evaluation and observer-reported scales in a sample of dysthymic patients

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of TSO Ontologia del politicamente corretto in Psichiatria

Italian dominant paradigm on psychiatry policy will be in the future classified as an extreme for... more Italian dominant paradigm on psychiatry policy will be in the future classified as an extreme form of philosophical nominalism, claiming to create (or erase) reality only with Word: a religious model of thinking that conjugate the begetting of a politically correct standard, and a liberalistic lassaiz-faire. The aim is to impede the community (the State) to have to care their citizens, by simply negate their needs, or the pure existence of the problem they suffer of. The paper delineate the many way of obtaining that target, chiefly by reshaping the reality by worlds

Research paper thumbnail of SCHIAVITÚ E PSICOPATOLOGIA. Alcune riflessioni sulla patologia post-traumatica nella schiavitù femminile in Mauritania

Post-traumatic disorders are prevalent among refugees population, ranging from simple hyperarousa... more Post-traumatic disorders are prevalent among refugees population, ranging from simple
hyperarousal manifestation to psychotic-like symptomatology. Biological, human species’
universal aspects prevail on cultural differences and depressive syndromes in this population,
making pathological manifestations uniform across ethnicities and countries of provenance,
but remarkable differences exist for age, continuity and persistence of causal trauma events. A
specific instance is that of previously slave born in traditional slave society such as
Mauritania. Mauritanian society is described with its ethnic casts, what’s like to live in slave
condition, and how this could pathoplastically shape the psychopathology in that specific

Research paper thumbnail of 9 . Farmacoterapia en Trastornos Postraumáticos. Un recurso estratégico en el tratamiento de refugiados

Research paper thumbnail of 8. Variaciones culturales en la prescripción farmacológica. Etnopsicofarmacología

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 9. Pharmacotherapy in Post-Traumatic Disorders. A strategic resource in the therapy of refugees

Research paper thumbnail of Clinica del trauma en los refugiados. Indice y Capitulo 1

Capítulo 8: Diferencias culturales en la prescripción farmacológica. Etnopsicofarmacología. Emili... more Capítulo 8: Diferencias culturales en la prescripción farmacológica. Etnopsicofarmacología. Emilio Vercillo Capítulo 9: Tratamiento farmacológico en los trastornos postraumáticos. Un recurso estratégico en el tratamiento de los refugiados.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitulo 7 Encuentros terapéuticos entre culturas distintas. La mediación cultural

La eficacia de las consultas terapéuticas con personas de diferentes culturas se basa principalme... more La eficacia de las consultas terapéuticas con personas de diferentes culturas se basa principalmente en el uso de intérpretes de diferentes idiomas, o mediadores culturales (existen diferencias significativas entre estos dos términos, como se verá). En SaMiFo, el servicio en el que trabajan los autores, colaboramos estrechamente con mediadores seleccionados que forman parte orgánica del servicio. El modelo se basa en el respeto mutuo de las funciones, la colaboración, la formación y, sobre todo, las experiencias de trabajo común repetidas a lo largo del tiempo. Todos los demás servicios como el nuestro se basan en la cooperación entre especialistas médicos o psicólogos y mediadores. De hecho, no sólo es necesario comunicarse en distintos idiomas, sino que también es un factor que garantiza la eficacia de las intervenciones. No sólo la confianza mutua y la práctica

Research paper thumbnail of 5. Condiciones extremas Esclavitud y psicopatología Algunas reflexiones sobre la patología postraumática en la esclavitud femenina en Mauritania

La esclavitud se distingue de otras formas de violación de los derechos humanos por ciertas carac... more La esclavitud se distingue de otras formas de violación de los derechos humanos por ciertas características que pueden resumirse en la posibilidad de ser comprado o vendido como propiedad, ser privado de libertad de movimiento, ser obligado a trabajar bajo la presión de amenazas o violencia y sufrir restricciones físicas. Amnesty International 2014 "Moulkheir Mint Yarba regresó de su tarea diaria de cuidar las cabras de su amo en el desierto para encontrarse con algo inimaginable: su hija pequeña, apenas capaz de gatear, abandonada a la intemperie para que muriera. La madre, con su habitual semblante estoico,-cuyos ojos negros y manos calladas arrastraban décadas de tristezarompió a llorar cuando vio el rostro de su niña sin vida, con los ojos abiertos y cubierta de hormigas, inmóvil sobre la arena anaranjada del desierto mauritano. El amo, que había violado a Moulkheir para que tuviera a la niña, quería castigarla. Decía que, sin su hija a cuestas, trabajaría más deprisa. Intentando recomponerse, Moulkheir preguntó si podía tomarse un descanso para dar a su hija una sepultura adecuada. El amo respondió: manos a la obra. "Tiene alma de perro", dice recordando. Ese mismo día, en el cementerio, "cavamos una fosa poco profunda y la enterramos con su ropa, sin lavarla ni realizar ritos funerarios".

Research paper thumbnail of Capitulo 4 Los pre-juicios del trauma.Fenomenología de los fenómenos postraumáticos

Prejuicio es un término con una historia filosófica, y va más allá del juicio moral: generalmente... more Prejuicio es un término con una historia filosófica, y va más allá del juicio moral: generalmente se define como una opinión formada de antemano, especialmente una basada en hechos inadecuados. En este artículo utilizamos una definición más amplia de prejuicio, como todo rasgo que precede a una opinión o juicio. En este sentido, abarca temas como las creencias básicas (por ejemplo, las suposiciones sobre uno mismo, las ideas sobre las personas y el mundo en que vivimos), pero también las formas generales que nuestro conocimiento actual necesita para formularse, como la percepción del tiempo, en la que está sumida toda experiencia. El mismo concepto de prejuicio podría expresarse como suposición, preconcepción, hipótesis, es decir, formas a priori de acercarse al mundo que necesitan una actualidad, una realización para transformarse en pensamientos. Estas formas a priori de nuestra existencia cotidiana podrían verse subvertidas por el trauma. Trabajando en un servicio dedicado a una población de refugiados, pudimos observar la universalidad de tales distorsiones. En este capítulo se examinan algunas alteraciones de los prejuicios causados por el trauma, como el tiempo y el espacio, el pensamiento (como contenido y como sujeto agencial) y el cuerpo, para esbozar desde un punto de vista psicopatológico la experiencia fenomenológica de los pacientes traumatizados.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitulo 6 Las voces del torturador y la geopolítica clínica de Françoise Sironi

Research paper thumbnail of 8. Cultural variations in pharmacological prescription. Ethnopsychopharmacology

Towards the end of the meeting, the man on the other side of the desk opens a drawer, takes out a... more Towards the end of the meeting, the man on the other side of the desk opens a drawer, takes out a piece of paper and begins to write. You can see a series of printed lines at the top of the paper, the man's name and other notes. It is a tense moment, the two do not speak, the man is bent over the paper, concentrating on what he is writing. Finally, the man stands up, turns the paper over for the other to read, and explains what he has written. There is probably no one among us who does not recognise in this scene the moment of a prescription between a doctor and a patient. But this exchange, this communication behaviour between the two is by no means self-evident; it contains a precise code of expected behaviour and roles, a code that varies according to time, place and circumstances, as well as according to different cultures.

Research paper thumbnail of Mental health in asylum seekers and refugees: early detection at SAMIFO Center

Population medicine, Apr 27, 2023

Population Medicine considers the following types of articles: • Research Papers-reports of data ... more Population Medicine considers the following types of articles: • Research Papers-reports of data from original research or secondary dataset analyses. • Review Papers-comprehensive, authoritative, reviews within the journal's scope. These include both systematic reviews and narrative reviews. • Short Reports-brief reports of data from original research. • Policy Case Studies-brief articles on policy development at a regional or national level. • Study Protocols-articles describing a research protocol of a study. • Methodology Papers-papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. • Methodology Papers-papers that present different methodological approaches that can be used to investigate problems in a relevant scientific field and to encourage innovation. • Letters to the Editor-a response to authors of an original publication, or a very small article that may be relevant to readers. • Editorials-articles written by the Editorial Board or by invited experts on a specific topic. Research Papers Articles reporting research may be full length or brief reports. These should report original research findings within the journal's scope. Papers should generally be a maximum of 4000 words in length, excluding tables, references, and abstract and key points of the article, whilst it is recommended that the number of references should not exceed 36.

Research paper thumbnail of Le parti e il nulla. Trauma theory e sviluppo dissociativo

Psicobiettivo, Mar 1, 2016

Il caso clinico permette di seguire la chiara progressione verso un disturbo dissociativo dalle s... more Il caso clinico permette di seguire la chiara progressione verso un disturbo dissociativo dalle sue premesse. La fredda atmosfera di indifferenza e trascuratezza, l’oscura presenza di un doppio (il gemello morto), il crearsi di una Strategia controllante sottomessa, fino a una manifesta serie di abusi in infanzia e adolescenza: tutto rende impossibile il formarsi di una personalita abbastanza integrata, terminando con lo stabilirsi di subsistemi separati nella stessa persona. L’autore sintetizza la dinamica interna delle diverse parti interne, e sottolinea la natura non difensiva di questa struttura psichica, che e solo l’inevitabile effetto di un contesto di sviluppo sfavorente, ma l’unico modo di permettere e garantire la sopravvivenza.

Research paper thumbnail of 5. Extreme conditions Slavery and psychopathology Some reflections on post-traumatic pathology of female slavery in Mauritania

Slavery is distinguished from other forms of human rights abuses by certain characteristics that ... more Slavery is distinguished from other forms of human rights abuses by certain characteristics that can be summarised as the possibility of being bought or sold as property, being deprived of freedom of movement, being forced to work under the pressure of threats or violence, and being physically restrained.. Amnesty International 2014 " Moulkheir Mint Yarba returned from a day of tending her master's goats out on the Sahara Desert to find something unimaginable: Her baby girl, barely old enough to crawl, had been left outdoors to die. The usually stoic mother-whose jet-black eyes and cardboard hands carry decades of sadness-wept when she saw her child's lifeless face, eyes open and covered in ants, resting in the orange sands of the Mauritanian desert. The master who raped Moulkheir to produce the child wanted to punish his slave. He told her she would work faster without the child on her back. Trying to pull herself together, Moulkheir asked if she could take a break to give her daughter a proper burial. Her master's reply: Get back to work. "Her soul is a dog's soul," she recalls him saying. Later that day, at the cemetery, "We dug a shallow grave and buried her in her clothes, without washing her or giving her burial rites." "I only had my tears to console me," she would later tell anti-slavery activists, according to a written testimony. "I cried a lot for my daughter and for the situation I was in. Instead of understanding, they ordered me to shut up. Otherwise, they would make things worse for me-so bad that I wouldn't be able to endure it.".

Research paper thumbnail of Strategie farmaco terapeutiche nei disturbi post-traumatici. L'esperienza su una popolazione di rifugiati


Research paper thumbnail of 6. The voices of the torturer and Sironi's clinical geopolitics

This predator of the interior is not at all what it seems. A closer look reveals an embodied surv... more This predator of the interior is not at all what it seems. A closer look reveals an embodied survival guide written by a child, a scaly armor that protects soft and vulnerable underbelly. It is assembled from a patchwork of painful lessons reaped from the grim world of childhood. (Kathy Steele 2009) "The therapist must make himself an explicit accomplice of the patient, his role is to become the antidote to the perpetrator by attacking the guilty" (Sironi 1999).

Research paper thumbnail of 7. Therapeutic Encounters between Distinct Cultures: Cultural Mediation

The effectiveness of therapeutic consultations with people from different cultures is mainly base... more The effectiveness of therapeutic consultations with people from different cultures is mainly based on the use of interpreters in different languages, or cultural mediators (there are significant differences between these two terms, as will be seen).In SaMiFo, the service in which the writers work, we work closely with selected mediators who are an organic part of the service. The model is based on mutual respect for roles, collaboration, training and above all experiences of common work repeated over time. All the other services like ours are based on cooperation between medical specialists or psychologists and mediators. In fact, not only is it necessary to communicate in different languages, but it is also a factor that guarantees the effectiveness of interventions. Not only the mutual trust and the common well-established practice allow for the appropriateness of the interventions, but also for the implementation of a specific setting that allows each mediation and mediator to make optimal use of the benefits of this therapeutic configuration.

Research paper thumbnail of 4. The Pre judices of Trauma. Phenomenology of post traumatic phenomena

Research paper thumbnail of Le parti e il nulla. Trauma theory e sviluppo dissociativo

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between self-evaluation and observer-reported scales in a sample of dysthymic patients

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of TSO Ontologia del politicamente corretto in Psichiatria

Italian dominant paradigm on psychiatry policy will be in the future classified as an extreme for... more Italian dominant paradigm on psychiatry policy will be in the future classified as an extreme form of philosophical nominalism, claiming to create (or erase) reality only with Word: a religious model of thinking that conjugate the begetting of a politically correct standard, and a liberalistic lassaiz-faire. The aim is to impede the community (the State) to have to care their citizens, by simply negate their needs, or the pure existence of the problem they suffer of. The paper delineate the many way of obtaining that target, chiefly by reshaping the reality by worlds

Research paper thumbnail of SCHIAVITÚ E PSICOPATOLOGIA. Alcune riflessioni sulla patologia post-traumatica nella schiavitù femminile in Mauritania

Post-traumatic disorders are prevalent among refugees population, ranging from simple hyperarousa... more Post-traumatic disorders are prevalent among refugees population, ranging from simple
hyperarousal manifestation to psychotic-like symptomatology. Biological, human species’
universal aspects prevail on cultural differences and depressive syndromes in this population,
making pathological manifestations uniform across ethnicities and countries of provenance,
but remarkable differences exist for age, continuity and persistence of causal trauma events. A
specific instance is that of previously slave born in traditional slave society such as
Mauritania. Mauritanian society is described with its ethnic casts, what’s like to live in slave
condition, and how this could pathoplastically shape the psychopathology in that specific