ence darmo - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by ence darmo

Research paper thumbnail of An Efficient Anther Culture on Double-Layered Media to Produce Doubled Haploid Plants of Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Methods in molecular biology, 2021

An efficient anther culture on double-layered media to produce doubled haploid (DH) plants in pep... more An efficient anther culture on double-layered media to produce doubled haploid (DH) plants in pepper (Capsicum annuum) was clearly shown to outperformed other techniques such as anther culture on solid medium and direct isolated microspore culture on liquid medium. It was even used for DH production in a cayenne type of hot pepper which was previously known as less responsive or even more recalcitrant to androgenesis than sweet bell pepper. Indeed, anther culture on double-layered media has been routinely used to produce DH plants on broad genotypes of C. annuum as parental candidates to develop hybrid varieties. The step-by-step protocol of pepper anther culture on double-layered media, we hereby present in detail, includes the growth of donor plants, the use of flower buds as anther source, flower bud disinfection, anther isolation, anther culture and incubation processes, embryo germination and plant acclimatization process, and transplanting of plants to the soil-compost medium ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Teknologi Haploid Cabai : dari Recalcitrants Menjadi Responsif, dari Laboratorium ke Lapang(an) dan Industri

Research paper thumbnail of Successful development of a shed-microspore culture protocol for doubled haploid production in Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Research paper thumbnail of Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis in Sengon ( Falcataria moluccana ) With Thidiazuron and Light Treatments

HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Perlakuan antibiotik untuk implementasi kultur sebar-mikrospora antera cabai pada media dua-lapis

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan ulang pengembangan teknologi haploid cabai dan prospeknya untuk percepatan penelitian genetika dan pemuliaan tanaman

Research paper thumbnail of Heterologous expression of the BABY BOOM AP2/ERF transcription factor enhances the regeneration capacity of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

Research paper thumbnail of Refinement of shed-microspore culture protocol to increase normal embryos production in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Scientia Horticulturae, 2011

Abstract A low percentage of normal-looking embryos (20%) is still a problem in an efficient shed... more Abstract A low percentage of normal-looking embryos (20%) is still a problem in an efficient shed-microspore culture of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and it is more a serious problem in other androgenesic culture systems of pepper. Therefore, several factors were investigated to refine the protocol in order to increase the percentage of normal-looking embryos. The most important factors which improved the protocol and resulted in a significantly higher percentage of normal-looking embryos produces (>50%), were delayed enrichment of the liquid upper layer medium with 2.5 μM Zeatin and 5 μM IAA, and reduced incubation temperature from 28 °C to 21 °C, both after 3 weeks of culture. Addition of 1% activated charcoal in the solid lower layer of the medium enhanced the total embryo yield only, while an application of abscisic acid and increased osmolality medium had a detrimental effect on embryo production. The use of doubled haploid lines as anther donor plants has clearly decreased the variability and improved the statistical analysis of treatment effects. A higher percentage of normal embryos are produced with this refined protocol, and is therefore more suitable for implementation in the breeding programs of hot pepper.

Research paper thumbnail of Successful development of a shed-microspore culture protocol for doubled haploid production in Indonesian hot pepper ( Capsicum annuum L

Plant Cell Reports, 2006

Various systems of anther and microspore cultures were studied to establish an efficient doubled ... more Various systems of anther and microspore cultures were studied to establish an efficient doubled haploid production method for Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). A shed-microspore culture protocol was developed which outperformed all the previously reported methods of haploid production in pepper. The critical factors of the protocol are: selection of flower buds with more than 50% late unicellular microspores, a 1 day 4°C pretreatment of the buds, followed by culture of the anthers in double-layer medium system for 1 week at 9°C and thereafter at 28°C in continuous darkness. The medium contained Nitsch components and 2% maltose, with 1% activated charcoal in the solid under layer and 2.5 μM zeatin and 5 μM indole-3-acetic acid in the liquid upper layer. All the ten genotypes of hot pepper tested, responded to this protocol. The best genotypes produced four to seven plants per original flower bud. This protocol can be used as a potential tool for producing doubled haploid p...

Research paper thumbnail of Regeneration of zygotic-like microspore-derived embryos suggests an important role for the suspensor in early embryo patterning

Journal of Experimental Botany, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Induksi Androgenesis Kedelai melalui Kultur Antera pada Media Dua-Iapis untuk Pengembangan Teknologi Haploid dalam Percepatan Proses Pemuliaan

Research paper thumbnail of Cara Cepat Dapat Tetua Cabai Hibrida

Research paper thumbnail of The Bemisia tabaci species complex: additions from different parts of the world

Bemisia tabaci is one of the most threatening pests in many crops. We sequenced part of the mitoc... more Bemisia tabaci is one of the most threatening pests in many crops. We sequenced part of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene from fifty whitefly populations collected in Indonesia, Thailand, India and China. Nineteen unique sequences (haplotypes) of the cytochrome oxidase I were identified in these populations. They were combined with sequences available in databases, resulting in a total of 407 haplotypes and analyzed together with nine outgroup accessions. A phylogenetic tree was calculated using the maximum likelihood method. The tree showed that all groups that were found in previous studies were also present in our study. Additionally, seven new groups were identified based on the new haplotypes. Most B. tabaci haplotypes grouped based on their geographical origin. Two groups were found to have a worldwide distribution. Our results indicate that our knowledge on the species complex around B. tabaci is still far from complete.

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity of several lines of soybean in Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of silverleaf whitefly resistance in pepper

Plant Breeding, 2011

Whitefly is economically one of the most threatening pests of pepper worldwide, which is mainly c... more Whitefly is economically one of the most threatening pests of pepper worldwide, which is mainly caused by its ability to transmit many different viruses. In this research, we characterized pepper germplasm to identify whitefly-resistant accessions that will form the basis for future resistance breeding. Forty-four pepper accessions representing four species (Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, C. chinense, C. baccatum) were screened

Research paper thumbnail of Heterologous expression of the BABY BOOM AP2/ERF transcription factor enhances the regeneration capacity of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

Research paper thumbnail of Innovations in microspore embryogenesis in Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and Brassica napus L

Hot pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) is the most important vegetable in Indonesia , but the yield is ... more Hot pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) is the most important vegetable in Indonesia , but the yield is low, and the breeding programs are confined to the conventional methods and not efficient. To improve the efficiency of the breeding programs by speeding up the production of homozygous lines, studies were aimed at the introduction of haploid technology, which includes the regeneration and the production of doubled haploid plants from gametes. This technique is well developed in the model species Brassica napus L. via microspore culture. The results of various investigations involving both applied and fundamental aspects on microspore embryogenesis are presented in this thesis. The main results of the applied part deal with the development of an efficient shed-microspore culture protocol for the production of doubled haploid plants in Indonesian hot pepper ( C. annuum ), and its implementation under the local conditions of Indonesia. With regard to the more fundamental part, we presented...

Research paper thumbnail of An Efficient Anther Culture on Double-Layered Media to Produce Doubled Haploid Plants of Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Methods in molecular biology, 2021

An efficient anther culture on double-layered media to produce doubled haploid (DH) plants in pep... more An efficient anther culture on double-layered media to produce doubled haploid (DH) plants in pepper (Capsicum annuum) was clearly shown to outperformed other techniques such as anther culture on solid medium and direct isolated microspore culture on liquid medium. It was even used for DH production in a cayenne type of hot pepper which was previously known as less responsive or even more recalcitrant to androgenesis than sweet bell pepper. Indeed, anther culture on double-layered media has been routinely used to produce DH plants on broad genotypes of C. annuum as parental candidates to develop hybrid varieties. The step-by-step protocol of pepper anther culture on double-layered media, we hereby present in detail, includes the growth of donor plants, the use of flower buds as anther source, flower bud disinfection, anther isolation, anther culture and incubation processes, embryo germination and plant acclimatization process, and transplanting of plants to the soil-compost medium ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Teknologi Haploid Cabai : dari Recalcitrants Menjadi Responsif, dari Laboratorium ke Lapang(an) dan Industri

Research paper thumbnail of Successful development of a shed-microspore culture protocol for doubled haploid production in Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Research paper thumbnail of Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis in Sengon ( Falcataria moluccana ) With Thidiazuron and Light Treatments

HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Perlakuan antibiotik untuk implementasi kultur sebar-mikrospora antera cabai pada media dua-lapis

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan ulang pengembangan teknologi haploid cabai dan prospeknya untuk percepatan penelitian genetika dan pemuliaan tanaman

Research paper thumbnail of Heterologous expression of the BABY BOOM AP2/ERF transcription factor enhances the regeneration capacity of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

Research paper thumbnail of Refinement of shed-microspore culture protocol to increase normal embryos production in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Scientia Horticulturae, 2011

Abstract A low percentage of normal-looking embryos (20%) is still a problem in an efficient shed... more Abstract A low percentage of normal-looking embryos (20%) is still a problem in an efficient shed-microspore culture of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and it is more a serious problem in other androgenesic culture systems of pepper. Therefore, several factors were investigated to refine the protocol in order to increase the percentage of normal-looking embryos. The most important factors which improved the protocol and resulted in a significantly higher percentage of normal-looking embryos produces (>50%), were delayed enrichment of the liquid upper layer medium with 2.5 μM Zeatin and 5 μM IAA, and reduced incubation temperature from 28 °C to 21 °C, both after 3 weeks of culture. Addition of 1% activated charcoal in the solid lower layer of the medium enhanced the total embryo yield only, while an application of abscisic acid and increased osmolality medium had a detrimental effect on embryo production. The use of doubled haploid lines as anther donor plants has clearly decreased the variability and improved the statistical analysis of treatment effects. A higher percentage of normal embryos are produced with this refined protocol, and is therefore more suitable for implementation in the breeding programs of hot pepper.

Research paper thumbnail of Successful development of a shed-microspore culture protocol for doubled haploid production in Indonesian hot pepper ( Capsicum annuum L

Plant Cell Reports, 2006

Various systems of anther and microspore cultures were studied to establish an efficient doubled ... more Various systems of anther and microspore cultures were studied to establish an efficient doubled haploid production method for Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). A shed-microspore culture protocol was developed which outperformed all the previously reported methods of haploid production in pepper. The critical factors of the protocol are: selection of flower buds with more than 50% late unicellular microspores, a 1 day 4°C pretreatment of the buds, followed by culture of the anthers in double-layer medium system for 1 week at 9°C and thereafter at 28°C in continuous darkness. The medium contained Nitsch components and 2% maltose, with 1% activated charcoal in the solid under layer and 2.5 μM zeatin and 5 μM indole-3-acetic acid in the liquid upper layer. All the ten genotypes of hot pepper tested, responded to this protocol. The best genotypes produced four to seven plants per original flower bud. This protocol can be used as a potential tool for producing doubled haploid p...

Research paper thumbnail of Regeneration of zygotic-like microspore-derived embryos suggests an important role for the suspensor in early embryo patterning

Journal of Experimental Botany, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Induksi Androgenesis Kedelai melalui Kultur Antera pada Media Dua-Iapis untuk Pengembangan Teknologi Haploid dalam Percepatan Proses Pemuliaan

Research paper thumbnail of Cara Cepat Dapat Tetua Cabai Hibrida

Research paper thumbnail of The Bemisia tabaci species complex: additions from different parts of the world

Bemisia tabaci is one of the most threatening pests in many crops. We sequenced part of the mitoc... more Bemisia tabaci is one of the most threatening pests in many crops. We sequenced part of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene from fifty whitefly populations collected in Indonesia, Thailand, India and China. Nineteen unique sequences (haplotypes) of the cytochrome oxidase I were identified in these populations. They were combined with sequences available in databases, resulting in a total of 407 haplotypes and analyzed together with nine outgroup accessions. A phylogenetic tree was calculated using the maximum likelihood method. The tree showed that all groups that were found in previous studies were also present in our study. Additionally, seven new groups were identified based on the new haplotypes. Most B. tabaci haplotypes grouped based on their geographical origin. Two groups were found to have a worldwide distribution. Our results indicate that our knowledge on the species complex around B. tabaci is still far from complete.

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity of several lines of soybean in Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of silverleaf whitefly resistance in pepper

Plant Breeding, 2011

Whitefly is economically one of the most threatening pests of pepper worldwide, which is mainly c... more Whitefly is economically one of the most threatening pests of pepper worldwide, which is mainly caused by its ability to transmit many different viruses. In this research, we characterized pepper germplasm to identify whitefly-resistant accessions that will form the basis for future resistance breeding. Forty-four pepper accessions representing four species (Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, C. chinense, C. baccatum) were screened

Research paper thumbnail of Heterologous expression of the BABY BOOM AP2/ERF transcription factor enhances the regeneration capacity of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

Research paper thumbnail of Innovations in microspore embryogenesis in Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and Brassica napus L

Hot pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) is the most important vegetable in Indonesia , but the yield is ... more Hot pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) is the most important vegetable in Indonesia , but the yield is low, and the breeding programs are confined to the conventional methods and not efficient. To improve the efficiency of the breeding programs by speeding up the production of homozygous lines, studies were aimed at the introduction of haploid technology, which includes the regeneration and the production of doubled haploid plants from gametes. This technique is well developed in the model species Brassica napus L. via microspore culture. The results of various investigations involving both applied and fundamental aspects on microspore embryogenesis are presented in this thesis. The main results of the applied part deal with the development of an efficient shed-microspore culture protocol for the production of doubled haploid plants in Indonesian hot pepper ( C. annuum ), and its implementation under the local conditions of Indonesia. With regard to the more fundamental part, we presented...