evelyn martin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by evelyn martin

Research paper thumbnail of Steroidhaemning Af Reduceret Nicotinamid Adenin Dinucleotid Oxidase Aktivitet I Elektron Transport Partikler

Research paper thumbnail of Osteoradionecrosis costal post radioterapia: Análisis dosimétrico de una toxicidad infrecuente en la actualidad

Research paper thumbnail of Österreichische Frauensynodenbewegung : prophetische Frauen-Mahnrede wider die Resignation

Research paper thumbnail of Report of the super fixed target beauty facility working group on progress towards the SFT at the SSC

A low intensity 20 TeV proton beam extracted from the SSC by crystal channeling has been proposed... more A low intensity 20 TeV proton beam extracted from the SSC by crystal channeling has been proposed for use in producing B hadrons in a fixed target configuration. This option for doing B physics offers a relatively inexpensive way of obtaining large numbers of reconstructable B decays for the study of rare B decays and CP violation in the B system. This paper reports on the progress during and since the 1990 Snowmass meeting in developing the techniques for the crystal extraction and discusses special advantages that an SSC fixed target spectrometer may have relative to other experimental methods for studying B decays.

Research paper thumbnail of Sucrose proton symport for phloem loading in the Ricinus seedling

Research paper thumbnail of A view of the philosophical development of adult education as influenced by Vincent, Lindeman, and Knowles

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign investment in Indonesia with special consideration of Japanese investment

Research paper thumbnail of Overall Survival in Patients With Resected Glioblastoma Treated With Adjuvant Therapy: A Retrospective Study in a Public Hospital in Chile

Research paper thumbnail of The Value of Lung Ultrasound to Detect the Early Pleural and Pulmonary Pathologies in Nonhospitalized COVID ‐19‐Suspected Cases in a Population with a Low Prevalence of COVID ‐19 Infection

Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2021

OBJECTIVES This prospective study aimed to evaluate the value of B-mode lung ultrasound (LUS) for... more OBJECTIVES This prospective study aimed to evaluate the value of B-mode lung ultrasound (LUS) for the early diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection in nonhospitalized COVID-19 suspected cases in a population with a low prevalence of disease. METHODS From April 2020 to June 2020, in an ambulatory testing center for COVID-19-suspected cases, 297 subjects were examined by LUS before a nasopharyngeal swab was taken for a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test. The following LUS findings were defined as pathological ultrasound findings and were analyzed: the presence of 1) pleural effusion, 2) B-lines, 3) fragmented visceral pleura, 4) consolidation, and 5) air bronchogram in the consolidation. The LUS findings were compared with the RT-PCR test results. RESULTS The result of the RT-PCR test for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was positive in 11 and negative in 286 subjects, and the prevalence of COVID-19 infection in the study participants was 3.7%. On LUS, a pathological finding could be detected in 56/297 (18.9%) study participants. The LUS revealed a sensitivity of 27.3%, a specificity of 81.5%, a positive predictive value of 5.4%, a negative predictive value of 96.7%, and a diagnostic accuracy of 79.9% for the identification of COVID-19 infection. CONCLUSIONS For the identification of COVID-19 infection, LUS is highly sensitive to the patient spectrum and to the prevalence of the disease. Due to the low diagnostic performance in nonhospitalized COVID-19 cases in low-prevalence areas, LUS cannot be considered to be an adequate method for making a diagnosis in this group.

Research paper thumbnail of Eco-Shakespeare in Performance: Introduction

Shakespeare Bulletin, 2018

Can performing Shakespeare address, let alone mitigate, the threats to human and nonhuman life in... more Can performing Shakespeare address, let alone mitigate, the threats to human and nonhuman life in the Anthropocene? Perhaps because its destruction seems to be virtually unstoppable and, on some levels, invisible and baffling, the answer so far seems to be, no. Today’s worsening climate-change impacts, rising sea levels, and species extinctions are rarely reflected in today’s productions of Shakespeare. James Shapiro has remarked that we read the news to find out what has happened in the world and then turn to Shakespeare to make sense of it.1 But this does not seem to be happening in terms of ecology and Shakespearean performance, even though ecocritics have been exploring relations between the playwright, early modern environmental history, and contemporary ecology for the past dozen years or so.2 These studies have focused mainly on textual readings of Shakespeare’s and other early modern plays.3 In 2011, Lynne Brucker and Dan Brayton’s introduction to their ground-breaking collection, Ecocritical Shakespeare, asked, “Can reading, writing about and teaching Shakespeare contribute to the health of the planet?” (2), leaving performance out of the enquiry. And while theater scholars Wendy Arons and Theresa J. May note that the “critical and theoretical intersections between literary ecocriticism and theater/ performance studies [...] have been slowly but increasingly articulated over the past two decades” (3), there is little evidence, as yet, of ecocritical studies of theater and performance crossing over with Shakespearean ecocriticism.4 Randall Martin’s epilogue to his study Shakespeare and Ecology calls for future work in this direction by asserting that “Shakespeare’s greatest possibilities for becoming our eco-contemporary [...] lie not in academic discourse but in performance” (167). Richard Kerridge makes a similar provocation, imagining a production of Macbeth that might realize

Research paper thumbnail of Therapeutic Recreation in the Public Schools: A Community Partnership

Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action, 2018

In 2002, the University of Southern Mississippi's Therapeutic Recreation Program and the Hatt... more In 2002, the University of Southern Mississippi's Therapeutic Recreation Program and the Hattiesburg (MS) Public School District's Department of Exceptional Children and Health Services formed a partnership that has lasted (off and on) for 15 years. The partnership was formed based on a shared mission of education and training, and grew in depth based on reciprocated respect and support. Early collaborative efforts included simple programming efforts that provided health and educational benefits for the students with disabilities in the public schools and training for the future professionals in therapeutic recreation at the university. As the program progressed, more complex programs were designed to teach students with disabilities to build the capacity for pursuing and maintaining personal health. Planned programming efforts for the near future focus on collecting data to support the development of an extracurricular athletic program for students with disabilities.

Research paper thumbnail of A Study on the Equilibrium-Pricing Mechanism of Apartment

Journal of the Korean Institute of Building Construction, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of A Research Driven Microscopy Core at New York University Langone Medical Center

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2013

Extended abstract of a paper presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2013 in Indianapolis, Indi... more Extended abstract of a paper presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2013 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, August 4 – August 8, 2013.

Research paper thumbnail of Use of ultrasound to characterise the fluid-handling characteristics of four foam dressings

Journal of wound care, 2007

To observe and measure the process of hydration and dehydration in four commonly used adhesive fo... more To observe and measure the process of hydration and dehydration in four commonly used adhesive foam dressings using high frequency ultrasound. High frequency ultrasound (20MHz) with an axial resolution of 60 microm was used to image the inside of the wound dressings under investigation and thereby assess their level of hydration. This allowed the uptake of a bolus of fluid into the dressing via absorption and the subsequent loss of fluid via evaporation to be both observed and measured. Four dressings were assessed:ActivHeal Foam Island (10 x 10cm), Allevyn Adhesive (10 x 10 cm), Biatain Adhesive (12 x 12cm), and Mepilex Border (10 x 10 cm). Part I showed that Allevyn hydrated most rapidly followed byActivHeal, Biatain and Mepilex. Part 2 indicated that Allevyn dehydrated most rapidly followed by Mepilex,ActivHeal and Biatain. High frequency ultrasound proved to be an effective tool in assessing the fluid handling properties of wound dressings. Of the dressings tested Allevyn demons...

Research paper thumbnail of La crisis de los veinte años (1919-1939) : una introducción al estudio de las relaciones internacionales, por Edward Hallett Carr, Madrid : Editorial Catarata, 2004

Estudios Internacionales, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Biochemical characterization of recombinant nucleoside hydrolase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Intimate Partner Violence and the Meaning of Love

Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Steroidhaemning Af Reduceret Nicotinamid Adenin Dinucleotid Oxidase Aktivitet I Elektron Transport Partikler

Research paper thumbnail of Osteoradionecrosis costal post radioterapia: Análisis dosimétrico de una toxicidad infrecuente en la actualidad

Research paper thumbnail of Österreichische Frauensynodenbewegung : prophetische Frauen-Mahnrede wider die Resignation

Research paper thumbnail of Report of the super fixed target beauty facility working group on progress towards the SFT at the SSC

A low intensity 20 TeV proton beam extracted from the SSC by crystal channeling has been proposed... more A low intensity 20 TeV proton beam extracted from the SSC by crystal channeling has been proposed for use in producing B hadrons in a fixed target configuration. This option for doing B physics offers a relatively inexpensive way of obtaining large numbers of reconstructable B decays for the study of rare B decays and CP violation in the B system. This paper reports on the progress during and since the 1990 Snowmass meeting in developing the techniques for the crystal extraction and discusses special advantages that an SSC fixed target spectrometer may have relative to other experimental methods for studying B decays.

Research paper thumbnail of Sucrose proton symport for phloem loading in the Ricinus seedling

Research paper thumbnail of A view of the philosophical development of adult education as influenced by Vincent, Lindeman, and Knowles

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign investment in Indonesia with special consideration of Japanese investment

Research paper thumbnail of Overall Survival in Patients With Resected Glioblastoma Treated With Adjuvant Therapy: A Retrospective Study in a Public Hospital in Chile

Research paper thumbnail of The Value of Lung Ultrasound to Detect the Early Pleural and Pulmonary Pathologies in Nonhospitalized COVID ‐19‐Suspected Cases in a Population with a Low Prevalence of COVID ‐19 Infection

Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2021

OBJECTIVES This prospective study aimed to evaluate the value of B-mode lung ultrasound (LUS) for... more OBJECTIVES This prospective study aimed to evaluate the value of B-mode lung ultrasound (LUS) for the early diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection in nonhospitalized COVID-19 suspected cases in a population with a low prevalence of disease. METHODS From April 2020 to June 2020, in an ambulatory testing center for COVID-19-suspected cases, 297 subjects were examined by LUS before a nasopharyngeal swab was taken for a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test. The following LUS findings were defined as pathological ultrasound findings and were analyzed: the presence of 1) pleural effusion, 2) B-lines, 3) fragmented visceral pleura, 4) consolidation, and 5) air bronchogram in the consolidation. The LUS findings were compared with the RT-PCR test results. RESULTS The result of the RT-PCR test for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was positive in 11 and negative in 286 subjects, and the prevalence of COVID-19 infection in the study participants was 3.7%. On LUS, a pathological finding could be detected in 56/297 (18.9%) study participants. The LUS revealed a sensitivity of 27.3%, a specificity of 81.5%, a positive predictive value of 5.4%, a negative predictive value of 96.7%, and a diagnostic accuracy of 79.9% for the identification of COVID-19 infection. CONCLUSIONS For the identification of COVID-19 infection, LUS is highly sensitive to the patient spectrum and to the prevalence of the disease. Due to the low diagnostic performance in nonhospitalized COVID-19 cases in low-prevalence areas, LUS cannot be considered to be an adequate method for making a diagnosis in this group.

Research paper thumbnail of Eco-Shakespeare in Performance: Introduction

Shakespeare Bulletin, 2018

Can performing Shakespeare address, let alone mitigate, the threats to human and nonhuman life in... more Can performing Shakespeare address, let alone mitigate, the threats to human and nonhuman life in the Anthropocene? Perhaps because its destruction seems to be virtually unstoppable and, on some levels, invisible and baffling, the answer so far seems to be, no. Today’s worsening climate-change impacts, rising sea levels, and species extinctions are rarely reflected in today’s productions of Shakespeare. James Shapiro has remarked that we read the news to find out what has happened in the world and then turn to Shakespeare to make sense of it.1 But this does not seem to be happening in terms of ecology and Shakespearean performance, even though ecocritics have been exploring relations between the playwright, early modern environmental history, and contemporary ecology for the past dozen years or so.2 These studies have focused mainly on textual readings of Shakespeare’s and other early modern plays.3 In 2011, Lynne Brucker and Dan Brayton’s introduction to their ground-breaking collection, Ecocritical Shakespeare, asked, “Can reading, writing about and teaching Shakespeare contribute to the health of the planet?” (2), leaving performance out of the enquiry. And while theater scholars Wendy Arons and Theresa J. May note that the “critical and theoretical intersections between literary ecocriticism and theater/ performance studies [...] have been slowly but increasingly articulated over the past two decades” (3), there is little evidence, as yet, of ecocritical studies of theater and performance crossing over with Shakespearean ecocriticism.4 Randall Martin’s epilogue to his study Shakespeare and Ecology calls for future work in this direction by asserting that “Shakespeare’s greatest possibilities for becoming our eco-contemporary [...] lie not in academic discourse but in performance” (167). Richard Kerridge makes a similar provocation, imagining a production of Macbeth that might realize

Research paper thumbnail of Therapeutic Recreation in the Public Schools: A Community Partnership

Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action, 2018

In 2002, the University of Southern Mississippi's Therapeutic Recreation Program and the Hatt... more In 2002, the University of Southern Mississippi's Therapeutic Recreation Program and the Hattiesburg (MS) Public School District's Department of Exceptional Children and Health Services formed a partnership that has lasted (off and on) for 15 years. The partnership was formed based on a shared mission of education and training, and grew in depth based on reciprocated respect and support. Early collaborative efforts included simple programming efforts that provided health and educational benefits for the students with disabilities in the public schools and training for the future professionals in therapeutic recreation at the university. As the program progressed, more complex programs were designed to teach students with disabilities to build the capacity for pursuing and maintaining personal health. Planned programming efforts for the near future focus on collecting data to support the development of an extracurricular athletic program for students with disabilities.

Research paper thumbnail of A Study on the Equilibrium-Pricing Mechanism of Apartment

Journal of the Korean Institute of Building Construction, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of A Research Driven Microscopy Core at New York University Langone Medical Center

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2013

Extended abstract of a paper presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2013 in Indianapolis, Indi... more Extended abstract of a paper presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2013 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, August 4 – August 8, 2013.

Research paper thumbnail of Use of ultrasound to characterise the fluid-handling characteristics of four foam dressings

Journal of wound care, 2007

To observe and measure the process of hydration and dehydration in four commonly used adhesive fo... more To observe and measure the process of hydration and dehydration in four commonly used adhesive foam dressings using high frequency ultrasound. High frequency ultrasound (20MHz) with an axial resolution of 60 microm was used to image the inside of the wound dressings under investigation and thereby assess their level of hydration. This allowed the uptake of a bolus of fluid into the dressing via absorption and the subsequent loss of fluid via evaporation to be both observed and measured. Four dressings were assessed:ActivHeal Foam Island (10 x 10cm), Allevyn Adhesive (10 x 10 cm), Biatain Adhesive (12 x 12cm), and Mepilex Border (10 x 10 cm). Part I showed that Allevyn hydrated most rapidly followed byActivHeal, Biatain and Mepilex. Part 2 indicated that Allevyn dehydrated most rapidly followed by Mepilex,ActivHeal and Biatain. High frequency ultrasound proved to be an effective tool in assessing the fluid handling properties of wound dressings. Of the dressings tested Allevyn demons...

Research paper thumbnail of La crisis de los veinte años (1919-1939) : una introducción al estudio de las relaciones internacionales, por Edward Hallett Carr, Madrid : Editorial Catarata, 2004

Estudios Internacionales, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Biochemical characterization of recombinant nucleoside hydrolase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Intimate Partner Violence and the Meaning of Love

Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2013