FLOWKYO 999 - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Books by FLOWKYO 999
The Power of Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest in Joseph Campbell and his wor... more The Power of Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest in Joseph Campbell and his work. A preeminent scholar, writer, and teacher, he has had a profound influence on millions of people--including Star Wars creator George Lucas. To Campbell, mythology was the "song of the universe, the music of the spheres." With Bill Moyers, one of America's most prominent journalists, as his thoughtful and engaging interviewer, The Power of Myth touches on subjects from modern marriage to virgin births, from Jesus to John Lennon, offering a brilliant combination of intelligence and wit. This extraordinary book reveals how the themes and symbols of ancient narratives continue to bring meaning to birth, death, love, and war. From stories of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome to traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, a broad array of themes are considered that together identify the universality of human experience across time and culture. An impeccable match of interviewer and subject, a timeless distillation of Campbell's work, The Power of Myth continues to exert a profound influence on our culture.
In 'The Myth of Normal' renowned physician Gabor Maté eloquently dissects how Western countries t... more In 'The Myth of Normal' renowned physician Gabor Maté eloquently dissects how Western countries that pride themselves on their healthcare systems are actually seeing an upsurge in chronic illness and general ill health. Prescription drug usage, high blood pressure, mental illness, and so many other troubling issues are on the rise.
Over four decades of clinical experience, Maté has come to recognize the prevailing
understanding of “normal” as false, neglecting the roles that trauma and stress, and the pressures of modern-day living, exert on our bodies and our minds at the expense of good health. For all our expertise and technological sophistication, Western medicine often fails to
treat the whole person, ignoring how the toxicity of today’s culture stresses the body,
burdens the immune system, and undermines emotional balance.
Now Maté brings his perspective to the great untangling of common myths about what makes us sick, connects the dots between the maladies of individuals and the declining soundness of society— and offers a compassionate guide for health and healing.
Shirley Blackwell Lawrence Msc.D has written a great introductory book into the science of numero... more Shirley Blackwell Lawrence Msc.D has written a great introductory book into the science of numerology.
The Secret Science of Numerology is unlike any other book on numerology, because it explains WHY numerology works.
It reveals the science behind this ancient mystical art. And, the book introduces the Inner Guidance Number, a powerful tool for accessing our inner knowing. The Secret Science of Numerology is the first book to present a thorough explanation of the numbers and letters, starting with their origins-the how and why of their design, and exploring their nature in names and in language.
Thomas Ring zählt der wichtigsten Astrologen des 20. Jh. Sein Strandardwerk 'Astrologische Me... more Thomas Ring zählt der wichtigsten Astrologen des 20. Jh.
Sein Strandardwerk 'Astrologische Menschenkunde' gilt als fundiertes wissenschaftliches Lehrbuch zur astrologischen Wesensbeschreibung mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Hans Bender, Universität Freiburg i. Br.
Band 1 bringt Klärung der Grundbegriffe, bestimmt die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Aussage und leitet in die Kombination über, durchgehend in enger Fühlung mit psychologischer und charakterologischer Sicht derselben Sachverhalte.
The concept of 'Archteypes' and the hypothesis of 'A Collective Unconscious' are two of Jung's be... more The concept of 'Archteypes' and the hypothesis of 'A Collective Unconscious' are two of Jung's better known and most exciting ideas. In this volume - taken from the Collected Works and appearing in paperback for the first time - Jung describes and elaborates the two concepts.
Three essays establish the theoretical basis which are then followed by essays on specific archetypes. The relation of these to the process of individuation is examined in the last section. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious is one of Jung's central works.
For the Sake of the Future, for the Sake of Peace. Despite what academia.edu claims, I am NOT... more For the Sake of the Future, for the Sake of Peace.
Despite what academia.edu claims, I am NOT a co-author on this paper. It is entirely the work of Richard Wilson, Ph.D.; I have found it to be very inspiring and asked his permission to post it here, which he kindly granted. If you cite this paper, please give him full credit. More of Dr. Wilson's work can be found at: https://ciis.academia.edu/RichardWilson
Dr. Wilson writes: "Both Jungian psychology and the Nichiren Buddhism I have long practiced as a member of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) offer a model for self-transformation, and through that, social transformation as well. I sketch out here some similarities and differences between these two approaches.
„Die stürmische Suche nach dem Selbst: Praktische Hilfe für Spirituelle Krisen“ Stan Grof ist ... more „Die stürmische Suche nach dem Selbst: Praktische Hilfe für Spirituelle Krisen“
Stan Grof ist Psychiater mit mehr als 50-jähriger Erfahrung auf dem Forschungsgebiet außergewöhnlicher Bewusstseinszustände und gilt international als der maßgebliche Experte für "Transpersonale Psychologie" .
Die traditionelle Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie benutzt ein Modell der menschlichen Persönlichkeit, das sich auf die Lebensgeschichte und auf das von Freud beschriebene persönliche Unbewusste zentriert. Die Erforschung von außergewöhnlichen Bewusstseinszuständen seit über 40 Jahren hat eine Kartografie der Psyche möglich gemacht, die Bereiche jenseits des Biografischen einschließt. Grof benennt diese als perinatale Ebene, Erfahrungen von Geburt und Tod als spirituelle Wiedergeburt, und transpersonale Ebene (“kollektives Unbewusstes” nach C.G. Jung). Diese Ebenen sind alle Bestandteil der “Transpersonalen Psychologie", die u.a. von Stan Grof, Abraham Maslow, Francis Vaughan und Roger Walsh begründet wurde. Die Bewusstseinsforschung Grofs, der eng mit Wissenschaftlern anderer Disziplinen wie Quantenphysik, Biologie, Anthropologie, Psychologie oder Mythologie zusammenarbeitet. Der gemeinsame Nenner ihrer Forschungen belegt, dass Spiritualität eine wichtige Dimension unserer kretativen Intelligenz ist und spirituelle Transformationsprozesse zwischenzeitlich ungewöhnliche, verwirrende oder dramatische Formen annehmen können.
Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how ... more Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how these Waves allow us to understand the shifting eras on Earth as well as the possibilities of the future.
• Explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how their holograms shape the human mind
• Shows how throughout history each revolution in human consciousness has been driven by the activation of one of the Nine Waves of Creation
• Reveals how we can consciously work to deactivate the negative patterns of the Sixth Wave and manifest the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave
In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new Waves of Creation emanating from the center of the universe that influence human thinking. From the Big Bang to the present, these Waves guide the evolution of the universe and, through their holographic resonance with the human mind, profoundly shape revolutions in religion, technology, economy, and social consciousness.
Presenting a quantum-holographic perspective on world history and human consciousness, Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how these Waves allow us to understand the shifting eras on Earth as well as the possibilities of the future. He describes how, prior to the activation of the 6th Wave in 3115 BCE, our social systems were based on a unified cosmic order, but the hologram of this Wave shifted society to an all-consuming focus on Good and Evil, leading to the rise of patriarchal religious structures, slavery, and warfare. He explores how later Waves and their new holograms helped humanity survive the negative effects of the 6th Wave, such as the Industrial Revolution of the 7th Wave and the Digital Revolution of the 8th Wave. In 2011, the 9th Wave was activated, bringing with it an accelerated push for a more egalitarian world, a rising awareness of unity consciousness, and access to the full power of all Nine Waves of Creation.
Dr. David R Hawkins explains human psychology using chaos theory, nonlinear physics dynamics and ... more Dr. David R Hawkins explains human psychology using chaos theory, nonlinear physics dynamics and particle physicals. He focuses on how to understand the decisions humans make to help readers better navigate the world. He explains human consciousness, free will within the matrix of our reality and the forces outside of human control. Anyone looking to be humbled, fascinated by the human mind will be fascinated by the truths within this book.
Encompassing astronomy, mythology, psychology, and astrology, Pluto offers a wealth of knowledge ... more Encompassing astronomy, mythology, psychology, and astrology, Pluto offers a wealth of knowledge about our most famous dwarf planet. First observed in 1930 and once defined as the ninth and final planet in our solar system, Pluto and its discovery and reclassification throw a unique light on how we generate meaning in science and culture. This anthology, timed to appear in concordance with NASA’s New Horizons's approach to Pluto in July 2015, shows that while the astronomical Pluto may be little more than an ordinary escaped moon or tiny Kuiper Belt object, it is a powerful hyperobject, for its mythological and cultural effigies on Earth incubate deep unconscious seeds of the human psyche.
Certain astronomical features pertain to Pluto in terms of its distance from the Sun, coldness, and barrenness. These also inform its mythology and astrology as befitting a planet named after the God of the Underworld. Among the issues central to this collection are the meanings of darkness, loss, grief, inner transformation, rebirth, reincarnation, and karmic revelation, all of which are associated with the astrology of Pluto. Pluto also embodies the meaning of true wealth as being nonmaterial essence instead of property, conventional accolades, ego identity, achievement. It is the marker of negative capability.
Stanislav Grof, M.D., is a psychiatrist who has been principal investigator at the Psychiatric Re... more Stanislav Grof, M.D., is a psychiatrist who has been principal investigator at the Psychiatric Research Institute in Prague, Chief of Psychedelic Research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, and assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University. He is now professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His 20 books include Beyond the Brain, Psychology of the Future, The Cosmic Genius, and Spiritual Emergency.
Einweihung in die Hermetik
Die Bedeutung der Freiheit für den modernen Menschen Erich Fromm setzt sich in dieser Monografie ... more Die Bedeutung der Freiheit für den modernen Menschen Erich Fromm setzt sich in dieser Monografie mit der Bedeutung der Freiheit für den modernen Menschen auseinander und zeigt, dass er diese Freiheit, verstanden als positive Verwirklichung des individuellen Selbst, noch nicht errungen hat. Ein Grundlagenwerk des berühmten Sozialphilosophen, in dem seine wichtigsten Positionen versammelt sind.
Patricia Cori ‚Galactic Prophecies for the Ascending Human Collective‘
spiritual astrology in the modern era.
The effects of spiritual practices are now being investigated scientifically as never before, and... more The effects of spiritual practices are now being investigated scientifically as never before, and many studies have shown that religious and spiritual practices generally make people happier and healthier. In this pioneering book, Rupert Sheldrake shows how science helps validate seven practices on which many religions are built, and which are part of our common human heritage: meditation, gratitude, connecting with nature, relating to plants, rituals, singing and chanting, and pilgrimage and holy places. Sheldrake summarizes the latest scientific research on what happens when we take part in these practices, and suggests ways that listeners can explore these fields for themselves. For those who are religious, Science and Spiritual Practices will illuminate the evolutionary origins of their own traditions and give a new appreciation of their power. For the nonreligious, this book will show how the core practices of spirituality are accessible to all. This is a book for anyone who suspects that in the drive toward radical secularism, something valuable has been left behind. Rupert Sheldrake compellingly argues that by opening ourselves to the spiritual dimension, we may find the strength to live more fulfilling lives.
Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung's thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the f... more Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung's thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the first time, significantly adding to our understanding of his work. Jung's Collected Works , seminars, and letters contain numerous discussions of this ancient divinatory system, and Jung himself used astrological horoscopes as a diagnostic tool in his analytic practice. Understood in terms of his own psychology as a symbolic representation of the archetypes of the collective unconscious, Jung found in astrology a wealth of spiritual and psychological meaning and suggested it represents the "sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity." The selections and editorial introductions by Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice address topics that were of critical importance to Jung-such as the archetypal symbolism in astrology, the precession of the equinoxes and astrological ages, astrology as a form of synchronicity and acausal correspondence, the qualitative nature of time, and the experience of astrological fate-allowing readers to assess astrology's place within the larger corpus of Jung's work and its value as a source of symbolic meaning for our time. The book will be of great interest to analytical psychologists, Jungian psychotherapists, and academics and students of depth psychology and Jungian and post-Jungian studies, as well as to astrologers and therapists of other orientations, especially transpersonal.
2. The number of antithesis; also of witness and confirmation. The binomial, as plus and minus, a... more 2. The number of antithesis; also of witness and confirmation. The binomial, as plus and minus, active and passive, male and female, positive and negative, profit and loss, etc. It stands for the dualism of manifested life -God and Nature, Spirit and Matter, and their relationships. It denotes agreement, also separation, the law of alternation, subject and object, reflection. As uniting in itself opposite terms and principles, it denotes creation, production, fruition, combination. Primarily the two conditions, the manifest and the unmanifest, the explicit and the implicit. The symbol of the Moon.
The Power of Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest in Joseph Campbell and his wor... more The Power of Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest in Joseph Campbell and his work. A preeminent scholar, writer, and teacher, he has had a profound influence on millions of people--including Star Wars creator George Lucas. To Campbell, mythology was the "song of the universe, the music of the spheres." With Bill Moyers, one of America's most prominent journalists, as his thoughtful and engaging interviewer, The Power of Myth touches on subjects from modern marriage to virgin births, from Jesus to John Lennon, offering a brilliant combination of intelligence and wit. This extraordinary book reveals how the themes and symbols of ancient narratives continue to bring meaning to birth, death, love, and war. From stories of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome to traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, a broad array of themes are considered that together identify the universality of human experience across time and culture. An impeccable match of interviewer and subject, a timeless distillation of Campbell's work, The Power of Myth continues to exert a profound influence on our culture.
In 'The Myth of Normal' renowned physician Gabor Maté eloquently dissects how Western countries t... more In 'The Myth of Normal' renowned physician Gabor Maté eloquently dissects how Western countries that pride themselves on their healthcare systems are actually seeing an upsurge in chronic illness and general ill health. Prescription drug usage, high blood pressure, mental illness, and so many other troubling issues are on the rise.
Over four decades of clinical experience, Maté has come to recognize the prevailing
understanding of “normal” as false, neglecting the roles that trauma and stress, and the pressures of modern-day living, exert on our bodies and our minds at the expense of good health. For all our expertise and technological sophistication, Western medicine often fails to
treat the whole person, ignoring how the toxicity of today’s culture stresses the body,
burdens the immune system, and undermines emotional balance.
Now Maté brings his perspective to the great untangling of common myths about what makes us sick, connects the dots between the maladies of individuals and the declining soundness of society— and offers a compassionate guide for health and healing.
Shirley Blackwell Lawrence Msc.D has written a great introductory book into the science of numero... more Shirley Blackwell Lawrence Msc.D has written a great introductory book into the science of numerology.
The Secret Science of Numerology is unlike any other book on numerology, because it explains WHY numerology works.
It reveals the science behind this ancient mystical art. And, the book introduces the Inner Guidance Number, a powerful tool for accessing our inner knowing. The Secret Science of Numerology is the first book to present a thorough explanation of the numbers and letters, starting with their origins-the how and why of their design, and exploring their nature in names and in language.
Thomas Ring zählt der wichtigsten Astrologen des 20. Jh. Sein Strandardwerk 'Astrologische Me... more Thomas Ring zählt der wichtigsten Astrologen des 20. Jh.
Sein Strandardwerk 'Astrologische Menschenkunde' gilt als fundiertes wissenschaftliches Lehrbuch zur astrologischen Wesensbeschreibung mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Hans Bender, Universität Freiburg i. Br.
Band 1 bringt Klärung der Grundbegriffe, bestimmt die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Aussage und leitet in die Kombination über, durchgehend in enger Fühlung mit psychologischer und charakterologischer Sicht derselben Sachverhalte.
The concept of 'Archteypes' and the hypothesis of 'A Collective Unconscious' are two of Jung's be... more The concept of 'Archteypes' and the hypothesis of 'A Collective Unconscious' are two of Jung's better known and most exciting ideas. In this volume - taken from the Collected Works and appearing in paperback for the first time - Jung describes and elaborates the two concepts.
Three essays establish the theoretical basis which are then followed by essays on specific archetypes. The relation of these to the process of individuation is examined in the last section. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious is one of Jung's central works.
For the Sake of the Future, for the Sake of Peace. Despite what academia.edu claims, I am NOT... more For the Sake of the Future, for the Sake of Peace.
Despite what academia.edu claims, I am NOT a co-author on this paper. It is entirely the work of Richard Wilson, Ph.D.; I have found it to be very inspiring and asked his permission to post it here, which he kindly granted. If you cite this paper, please give him full credit. More of Dr. Wilson's work can be found at: https://ciis.academia.edu/RichardWilson
Dr. Wilson writes: "Both Jungian psychology and the Nichiren Buddhism I have long practiced as a member of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) offer a model for self-transformation, and through that, social transformation as well. I sketch out here some similarities and differences between these two approaches.
„Die stürmische Suche nach dem Selbst: Praktische Hilfe für Spirituelle Krisen“ Stan Grof ist ... more „Die stürmische Suche nach dem Selbst: Praktische Hilfe für Spirituelle Krisen“
Stan Grof ist Psychiater mit mehr als 50-jähriger Erfahrung auf dem Forschungsgebiet außergewöhnlicher Bewusstseinszustände und gilt international als der maßgebliche Experte für "Transpersonale Psychologie" .
Die traditionelle Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie benutzt ein Modell der menschlichen Persönlichkeit, das sich auf die Lebensgeschichte und auf das von Freud beschriebene persönliche Unbewusste zentriert. Die Erforschung von außergewöhnlichen Bewusstseinszuständen seit über 40 Jahren hat eine Kartografie der Psyche möglich gemacht, die Bereiche jenseits des Biografischen einschließt. Grof benennt diese als perinatale Ebene, Erfahrungen von Geburt und Tod als spirituelle Wiedergeburt, und transpersonale Ebene (“kollektives Unbewusstes” nach C.G. Jung). Diese Ebenen sind alle Bestandteil der “Transpersonalen Psychologie", die u.a. von Stan Grof, Abraham Maslow, Francis Vaughan und Roger Walsh begründet wurde. Die Bewusstseinsforschung Grofs, der eng mit Wissenschaftlern anderer Disziplinen wie Quantenphysik, Biologie, Anthropologie, Psychologie oder Mythologie zusammenarbeitet. Der gemeinsame Nenner ihrer Forschungen belegt, dass Spiritualität eine wichtige Dimension unserer kretativen Intelligenz ist und spirituelle Transformationsprozesse zwischenzeitlich ungewöhnliche, verwirrende oder dramatische Formen annehmen können.
Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how ... more Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how these Waves allow us to understand the shifting eras on Earth as well as the possibilities of the future.
• Explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how their holograms shape the human mind
• Shows how throughout history each revolution in human consciousness has been driven by the activation of one of the Nine Waves of Creation
• Reveals how we can consciously work to deactivate the negative patterns of the Sixth Wave and manifest the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave
In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new Waves of Creation emanating from the center of the universe that influence human thinking. From the Big Bang to the present, these Waves guide the evolution of the universe and, through their holographic resonance with the human mind, profoundly shape revolutions in religion, technology, economy, and social consciousness.
Presenting a quantum-holographic perspective on world history and human consciousness, Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how these Waves allow us to understand the shifting eras on Earth as well as the possibilities of the future. He describes how, prior to the activation of the 6th Wave in 3115 BCE, our social systems were based on a unified cosmic order, but the hologram of this Wave shifted society to an all-consuming focus on Good and Evil, leading to the rise of patriarchal religious structures, slavery, and warfare. He explores how later Waves and their new holograms helped humanity survive the negative effects of the 6th Wave, such as the Industrial Revolution of the 7th Wave and the Digital Revolution of the 8th Wave. In 2011, the 9th Wave was activated, bringing with it an accelerated push for a more egalitarian world, a rising awareness of unity consciousness, and access to the full power of all Nine Waves of Creation.
Dr. David R Hawkins explains human psychology using chaos theory, nonlinear physics dynamics and ... more Dr. David R Hawkins explains human psychology using chaos theory, nonlinear physics dynamics and particle physicals. He focuses on how to understand the decisions humans make to help readers better navigate the world. He explains human consciousness, free will within the matrix of our reality and the forces outside of human control. Anyone looking to be humbled, fascinated by the human mind will be fascinated by the truths within this book.
Encompassing astronomy, mythology, psychology, and astrology, Pluto offers a wealth of knowledge ... more Encompassing astronomy, mythology, psychology, and astrology, Pluto offers a wealth of knowledge about our most famous dwarf planet. First observed in 1930 and once defined as the ninth and final planet in our solar system, Pluto and its discovery and reclassification throw a unique light on how we generate meaning in science and culture. This anthology, timed to appear in concordance with NASA’s New Horizons's approach to Pluto in July 2015, shows that while the astronomical Pluto may be little more than an ordinary escaped moon or tiny Kuiper Belt object, it is a powerful hyperobject, for its mythological and cultural effigies on Earth incubate deep unconscious seeds of the human psyche.
Certain astronomical features pertain to Pluto in terms of its distance from the Sun, coldness, and barrenness. These also inform its mythology and astrology as befitting a planet named after the God of the Underworld. Among the issues central to this collection are the meanings of darkness, loss, grief, inner transformation, rebirth, reincarnation, and karmic revelation, all of which are associated with the astrology of Pluto. Pluto also embodies the meaning of true wealth as being nonmaterial essence instead of property, conventional accolades, ego identity, achievement. It is the marker of negative capability.
Stanislav Grof, M.D., is a psychiatrist who has been principal investigator at the Psychiatric Re... more Stanislav Grof, M.D., is a psychiatrist who has been principal investigator at the Psychiatric Research Institute in Prague, Chief of Psychedelic Research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, and assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University. He is now professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His 20 books include Beyond the Brain, Psychology of the Future, The Cosmic Genius, and Spiritual Emergency.
Einweihung in die Hermetik
Die Bedeutung der Freiheit für den modernen Menschen Erich Fromm setzt sich in dieser Monografie ... more Die Bedeutung der Freiheit für den modernen Menschen Erich Fromm setzt sich in dieser Monografie mit der Bedeutung der Freiheit für den modernen Menschen auseinander und zeigt, dass er diese Freiheit, verstanden als positive Verwirklichung des individuellen Selbst, noch nicht errungen hat. Ein Grundlagenwerk des berühmten Sozialphilosophen, in dem seine wichtigsten Positionen versammelt sind.
Patricia Cori ‚Galactic Prophecies for the Ascending Human Collective‘
spiritual astrology in the modern era.
The effects of spiritual practices are now being investigated scientifically as never before, and... more The effects of spiritual practices are now being investigated scientifically as never before, and many studies have shown that religious and spiritual practices generally make people happier and healthier. In this pioneering book, Rupert Sheldrake shows how science helps validate seven practices on which many religions are built, and which are part of our common human heritage: meditation, gratitude, connecting with nature, relating to plants, rituals, singing and chanting, and pilgrimage and holy places. Sheldrake summarizes the latest scientific research on what happens when we take part in these practices, and suggests ways that listeners can explore these fields for themselves. For those who are religious, Science and Spiritual Practices will illuminate the evolutionary origins of their own traditions and give a new appreciation of their power. For the nonreligious, this book will show how the core practices of spirituality are accessible to all. This is a book for anyone who suspects that in the drive toward radical secularism, something valuable has been left behind. Rupert Sheldrake compellingly argues that by opening ourselves to the spiritual dimension, we may find the strength to live more fulfilling lives.
Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung's thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the f... more Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung's thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the first time, significantly adding to our understanding of his work. Jung's Collected Works , seminars, and letters contain numerous discussions of this ancient divinatory system, and Jung himself used astrological horoscopes as a diagnostic tool in his analytic practice. Understood in terms of his own psychology as a symbolic representation of the archetypes of the collective unconscious, Jung found in astrology a wealth of spiritual and psychological meaning and suggested it represents the "sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity." The selections and editorial introductions by Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice address topics that were of critical importance to Jung-such as the archetypal symbolism in astrology, the precession of the equinoxes and astrological ages, astrology as a form of synchronicity and acausal correspondence, the qualitative nature of time, and the experience of astrological fate-allowing readers to assess astrology's place within the larger corpus of Jung's work and its value as a source of symbolic meaning for our time. The book will be of great interest to analytical psychologists, Jungian psychotherapists, and academics and students of depth psychology and Jungian and post-Jungian studies, as well as to astrologers and therapists of other orientations, especially transpersonal.
2. The number of antithesis; also of witness and confirmation. The binomial, as plus and minus, a... more 2. The number of antithesis; also of witness and confirmation. The binomial, as plus and minus, active and passive, male and female, positive and negative, profit and loss, etc. It stands for the dualism of manifested life -God and Nature, Spirit and Matter, and their relationships. It denotes agreement, also separation, the law of alternation, subject and object, reflection. As uniting in itself opposite terms and principles, it denotes creation, production, fruition, combination. Primarily the two conditions, the manifest and the unmanifest, the explicit and the implicit. The symbol of the Moon.