abdul ghofar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by abdul ghofar
Management of Aquatic Resources Journal, Jan 29, 2015
Rajungan merupakan hasil komoditi perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual yang sangat tinggi, baik seb... more Rajungan merupakan hasil komoditi perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual yang sangat tinggi, baik sebagai komoditi lokal maupun komoditi ekspor. Desa Betahwalang, Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah merupakan pusat pendaratan rajungan dari berbagai wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi biomassa, Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) dan pemanfaatan nilai ekonomi rajungan level MSY di Kabupaten Demak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode swept area untuk menentukan biomassa dari rajungan dan wawancara dengan nelayan arad untuk menentukan pemanfaatan nilai ekonomi. Pengumpulan data MSY diperoleh dari 6 kali trip penangkapan dan pengumpulan data pemanfaatan nilai ekonomi diperoleh dari wawancara terhadap 30 nelayan arad. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa dan MSY rajungan di Desa Betahwalang masing-masing yaitu 23,5 ton dengan nilai ekonomi sebesar Rp. 305.141.586/tahun. Hali ini bahwa perairan Demak telah mengalami fully exploited.
Fishery is an economic activity resulte from production factor which aimed to gain profit. Fisher... more Fishery is an economic activity resulte from production factor which aimed to gain profit. Fishery can be categorized as successful if the fisherman can gain the maximum profit. Trap and (arad) mini trawl are fishing gear used by fishermen to catch blue swimming crab in Betahwalang. Blue swimming crab is commodity of fisheries with high economic value, either for local and export. The purposes of this research are analyzing the income, expense and profit, and analyze the financial feasibility of trap and mini trawl in Demak. The methods were used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Sampling method used snowball sampling. The research used variables of business feasibility included NPV, B/C Ratio, IRR, and Payback Period. The avarage value of NPV (arad) mini trawl was Rp 100,577,288 NPV trap fishing gear was Rp 837,586,870. the average value of IRR was 60 % (arad) mini trawl gear and trap gear was not identified of the value IRR trap and the average value of Benefit and Cost Ra...
Pedagogia : Jurnal Pendidikan, 2016
Kedisplinan pada anak-anak adalah memberikan pengertian akan mana yang baik dan yang buruk. Pendi... more Kedisplinan pada anak-anak adalah memberikan pengertian akan mana yang baik dan yang buruk. Pendidikan disiplin perlu di tanamkan pada anak bahwa berbuat kesalahan tentu mengandung sejumlah konsekuensi,untuk itulah fungsi hukuman dalam pendidikan anak. Disiplin merupakan perilaku nilai yang bisa dilakukan secara paksa dan bisa dilakukan dengan sukarela. Untuk anak usia dini, bentuk disiplin harus dilaksanakan secara sukarela dan melalui bermain. Guru, masyarakat dan orangtua adalah faktor-faktor adalah faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh untuk mendisiplinkan anak.
Background : Oral hygiene is activity to clear the mouth, teeth and gums. Inability to care for s... more Background : Oral hygiene is activity to clear the mouth, teeth and gums. Inability to care for stroke patients and there isn’t cure mouthwash, ointment, paste can replace effort to systematically clean the oral cavity. if there isn’t oral higiene can lead to mouth odor and can also occur oral infections. Therefore, it is necessary technical ability of nurses in the implementation of stroke patients oral hygiene. Methods : This study used a correlational design with cross-sectional approach. Sample of 12 respondents with total sampling techniques. There was two variables that independent variables is knowledge and attitudes, dependent variables is technical ability of nurse. The statistical tests is rank correlation (rho) with significance level α <0.05. Results : There was relationship between of knowledge with technical ability nurse of oral hygiene (ρ = 0.001), the attitude of nurses in the implementation oral hygiene associated with technical ability nurse (ρ = 0.002). Discus...
JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi, Feb 5, 2013
Micro, small and enterprises (SMEs) is one of the most crucial of economic development and local ... more Micro, small and enterprises (SMEs) is one of the most crucial of economic development and local communities. For driving the economy, SMEs must be able to survive in an increasingly competitive business competition. This study examines influence of the external environment and competitive strategies on performance of SMEs in Yogyakarta. Competitive strategy used in this study is Porter generic strategies are cost leadership and differentiation, while the external environment used is environment dynamism and environment hostility. Based on 106 respondents who responded to the questionnaire, the results showed that cost leadership affects the performance of SMEs in Yogyakarta, but differentiation strategy doesn't effect on the performance of SMEs in Yogyakarta. Differentiation strategy does'nt effect on performance of SMEs because there is less supported by the SME workforce skilled in applying innovation to improve its performance. The other results in this study are environment dynamism is not a variable that moderates the relationship strategy to performance of SMEs, while environment hostility is variable that moderates the relationship cost leadership to performance of SMEs but is not a variable that moderates the relationship differentiation to performance of SMEs
Prosiding Seminar Nasional LPPM, Nov 25, 2021
This community service program is a development program for the application of research results t... more This community service program is a development program for the application of research results that have been carried out by servants with the influence of innovation strategies on performance mediated by knowledge sharing in SMEs. In this community service program, the devotees take the innovation side of waste treatment, namely leaf waste and wood waste. The innovations developed in this community service are in the form of processing leaf waste into organic waste and processing wood waste into charcoal briquettes. This community service partner is a group of PKK women in the Celungan, Moyudan Sleman. The urgency of this community service is: the problem of waste is a material that is wasted or disposed of from sources of human activity and natural processes that have not been processed so that it does not have a value of benefit. The result of the Community Service program is that the community is able to make organic fertilizer and charcoal briquettes that are available around the environment, so that they can help increase community income by selling organic fertilizer and charcoal briquettes.
Garang watershed is located in Central Java, Indonesia. Various activities around the Garang wate... more Garang watershed is located in Central Java, Indonesia. Various activities around the Garang watershed cause river pollution, by producing heavy metal waste, which can accumulate in the sediment, being absorbed from the water by organisms. This study was conducted to determine the concentration of heavy metals in the sediments, map the spread in the Garang watershed (Banjir Kanal Barat River, Garang River, Kreo River), and to determine the state of sediment pollution with heavy metals. The sediment samples were collected from 7 stations, with 3 replicates for each station. Samples of sediment were analyzed with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS), then the concentration of metals was mapped according to the sampling location. The sediment pollution index was determined. The results showed that the metal concentrations in sediment varied, from concentrations below the detection limit to tens of thousands of ppb. Lead had the highest concentration, followed by Cr and Cu. Cd and ...
Variable processes were optimized for the production of lactic acid from cassava by Streptococcus... more Variable processes were optimized for the production of lactic acid from cassava by Streptococcus bovis for batch, fed batch and continuous fermentations. In the batch fermentation, maximum yield 82.5% and maximum lactic acid productivity 2.43 was achieved at 39°C, pH 5.5 with 50 g/L cassava concentration. In the continuous fermentation, dilution rates analyzed were between 0.03 to 0.06 h-1. The lactic acid concentration, productivity and specific growth rate increased gradually with increase of dilution rate to a maximum at D = 0.05 h-1. Maximum productivity (1.25 g/l.h) and specific growth rate (0.59 h-1) were obtained at dilution rate of 0.05 h-1 .
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2005
Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perikanan cumi-cumi di Selat Alas, khususnya berkaitan dengan fluktua... more Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perikanan cumi-cumi di Selat Alas, khususnya berkaitan dengan fluktuasi tangkapan yang terjadi karena pengaruh aktivitas penangkapan dan variabilitas iklim. Cumi-cumi ditangkap dengan jalaoras (sejenis payang dengan lampu sebagai alat bantu mengumpulkan cumi-cumi); tangkapan dan alat tangkap inilah yang dipakai dalam analisis. 90% tangkapan cephalopoda berupa cumi-cumi yang terdiri dari 5 spesies. Indeks osilasi selatan (SOI) dipakai sebagai parameter yang mewakili variabilitas iklim. Satu set data 44 tahun (1960-2003), mengenai SOI, upaya penangkapan dan tangkapan cumi-cumi dianalisis. Diperoleh korelasi yang sangat kuat (p>0.001) antara ketiga komponen. Dengan memasukkan ketiga komponen tersebut, suatu model perikanan cumi-cumi untuk Selat Alas dikembangkan. Untuk mengkonstruksi model tersebut dipergunakan nilai rata-rata tahunan untuk SOI dan upaya penangkapan. Model yang dihasilkan dapat dipergunakan untuk memprediksi tangkapan cumi-cumi. Meskipun...
Characteristics Local Government and Government Performance : an Empirical Examination of the Loc... more Characteristics Local Government and Government Performance : an Empirical Examination of the Local Government in Indonesia. The role of local government since regional autonomy become greater. The local government has the authority to regulate and manage their own government. The implications of the implementation of regional autonomy is essentially created of the local governments independency. The level of independence of the region is highly dependent on the characteristics of the local government. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine the effect of the characteristics of the local government which is composed of the size of the local government, the regional welfare, general allocation fund and capital expenditure. Size of the local government is proxied by total assets, the regional welfare is proxied by local revenue or called PAD and general allocation fund is proxied DAU. During the period 2009 -2010 there are 42 local government financial reports are complete to b...
Wound in diabetics is a slow healing and chronic process. Stem cells have been reported to mobili... more Wound in diabetics is a slow healing and chronic process. Stem cells have been reported to mobilize the wound site, by secreting cellular growth factors and cytokines during their cultivation by promoting angiogenesis and remodeling of extracellular matrix (ECM), creating a favorable local environment for wound healing. The conditioned medium (CM) is a medium containing growth factors and cytokines cultivated in viable optimum environment for a certain period of time. These factors may promote the growth of new cells especially in wound microenvironment. Therefore, this work is conducted to establish and characterize rat amniotic fluid stem cells conditioned medium (rAFSC-CM) that is suitable for in vitro diabetic wound healing model using diabetic human dermal fibroblasts (HDF-D). To achieve this aim, a suitable number of rAFSCs density, which has been isolated, identified, and confirmed were used in the preparation of CM. The cells density at 0.25×106 cells/mL was used to prepare ...
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2005
Perikanan pelagik kecil dari empat ekosistem di Indonesia diperbandingkan, meliputi perairan pant... more Perikanan pelagik kecil dari empat ekosistem di Indonesia diperbandingkan, meliputi perairan pantai di sebelah selatan Jawa Timur, Selat Bali, Selat Alas dan Selat Sape. Pengkajian dimaksudkan untuk menentukan adatidaknya, dan kalau ada –bagaimana sifatnya, interaksi antar jenis-jenis ikan utama, dan antar ke empat perairan tersebut, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dalam mempertimbangkan pengembangan riset dan pengelolaan sumberdaya hayati laut pada masa-masa mendatang. Pengkajian ini menggunakan data tangkapan ikan dengan rentang-waktu 28 tahun, mulai 1976 sampai 2003, yang dikumpulkan dari pusat-pusat pendaratan ikan dan Dinas-dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan tingkat I dan Tingkat II di wilayah studi. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan dengan jelas adanya ko-eksistensi antar sumberdaya ikan pelagis kecil di ke empat wilayah perairan. Interaksi kelompok jenis antar ke empat ekosistem, serta implikasinya terhadap riset kelautan dan perikanan dibahas pula dalam tulisan ini. Kata kunci : ikan pelag...
ABSTRAK Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik ( PPOK) adalah penyakit obtruksi jalan napas karena bronc... more ABSTRAK Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik ( PPOK) adalah penyakit obtruksi jalan napas karena bronchitis kronik atau emfisema.Salah satu penyebabnya adalah merokok,perilaku merokok adalah salah satu faktor yang paling mendasar dalam terjadinya PPOK, oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku merokok dengan kejadian PPOK.Desain penelitian ini
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2005
Pengelolaan perikanan laut di Selat Bali mencakup wilayah berairan seluas 2,500km2 Selat Bali ter... more Pengelolaan perikanan laut di Selat Bali mencakup wilayah berairan seluas 2,500km2 Selat Bali terutama dipengaruhi oleh perairan dari Samodera Hindia, dan hampir tidak ada pengaruh dari laut Flores dan laut Bali. Perikanan di Selat Bali bersifat perikanan tunggal (purse seine) dan mempunyai target yang jelas (ikan lemuru) serta menerapkan teknologi yang relatif telah maju. Meskipun begitu, secara alamiah perikanan Selat Bali melibatkan 2 propinsi Bali dan Jawa Timur, dan meliputi 4 kabupaten, sehingga administrasi maupun pendekatan-pendekatan yang dilakukan cukup kompleks. Perencanaan dan pengelolaan perikanan di Selat Bali sampai dewasa ini lebih menitikberatkan pada usaha-bersama para pemangku kepentingan. Sementara hal itu secara formal dapat diterima, perkembangan dalam perikanan terakhir membuktikan perlunya keterlibatan secara riil masyarakat pesisir/nelayan dalam proses perencanaan dan pengelolaan sejak awal. Selain itu diperlukan pengkajian sumberdaya perikanan secara partis...
Dlsu Business & Economics Review, 2016
This research aims to investigate the existence of two market anomalies—accrual anomaly and winne... more This research aims to investigate the existence of two market anomalies—accrual anomaly and winner-loser anomaly—and compare whether these two anomalies significantly affect the abnormal return in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This research was designed into three steps: (1) Portfolios formation; (2) Test of Existence; and (3) Regression analysis, using the observation period of six years starting from 2002 to 2007. We found that winner-loser anomaly has been more significant in affecting abnormal return for the period of 2002–2007, despite that both accrual and winner-loser anomalies were indicated to exist in the period of observation. The test of accrual anomaly existence during six-year observation period has revealed that in 2003, low accrual firms had generated higher abnormal returns compared to the high accrual firms, for which it indicates the existence of accrual anomaly. The existence of winner-loser anomaly is justified by the significant effect of overreaction on the ...
International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 2021
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate governance and earnings management... more This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate governance and earnings management on expense stickiness. By defining small positive earnings or small earnings increases as the proxy of earnings management and divides the sample into earnings management (upward earnings management) and non-earnings management. This study uses a broad measure of corporate governance by extracting the main factors of corporate governance. The sample obtained is 251 company samples for earnings management samples and 133 companies for corporate governance samples and processed using the Multiple Linear Regression method using the regression model from the research of Xue and Hong (2016). The results showed that corporate governance can reduce the level of expense stickiness. However, the results of this study cannot prove that earnings management can reduce the level of expense stickiness, but this research proves that companies that do not indicate earning management influence the exist...
Croatian Journal of Fisheries, 2021
Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares is one of the major species of tuna caught in the Fisheries Mana... more Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares is one of the major species of tuna caught in the Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 573 of the Indian Ocean. Its production contributed to 35.83% of the total production of tuna in 2013. The study was conducted to assess the population dynamics of this species in FMA 573, based on length-frequency data collected in 2013-2017, and was analysed using FiSAT II software. The results obtained show length-weight relationship of W = 0.000052 FL2.78, negative allometric growth and growth equation of Lt = 194.25 (1-e-0.51 (t + 0.1889)). The length at first capture was estimated at 140 cm FL. Recruitment season occurs between July and September, with a peak in August. The rate of total mortality (Z) was 2.32 yr-1, including natural mortality rate (M) of 0.69 yr-1 and fishing mortality rate (F) of 1.63 yr-1. The exploitation rates of yellowfin tuna were estimated to be 0.70, indicating that it has exceeded the optimum exploitation rate (E = 0.5) and that overexpl...
RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences, 2021
This review plans to examine the impact of relative advantage, perceived ease of use, and perceiv... more This review plans to examine the impact of relative advantage, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness on the marketing performance of SMEs mediated by the adoption of e-commerce studies on SMEs in Sleman Regency. This study uses a sample of 100 respondents from Prima Village SMEs who have used e-commerce. The sampling technique utilized in this examination is purposive sampling, and the information investigation technique utilized is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that relative advantage, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness have a positive impact on e-commerce adoption. The relative advantage and adoption of e-commerce have an effect on marketing performance.
RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences, 2021
The COVID-19 widespread has hurt all economies around the world. In this context, it is hoped tha... more The COVID-19 widespread has hurt all economies around the world. In this context, it is hoped that many SMEs will implement a new normal strategy pattern that requires changes in business and management after the pandemic. This research aims to present a multidisciplinary methodological approach to guide SMEs in innovating products for new markets and utilizing limited resources with appropriate strategies. The results showed that. In Yogyakarta, Indonesia, the SME industrial sector prefers a differentiation strategy over cost advantage to drive SME performance. This sector has introduced the practice of using e-commerce which has initially been to reduce production costs to be unique innovations in the market with unique or different products and services offered by companies and improve the performance of SMEs.
Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES), 2018
Pantai Sadranan merupakan pantai yang terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa ... more Pantai Sadranan merupakan pantai yang terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Pantai Sadranan adalah salah satu obyek wisata alam yang banyak digemari karena pantai ini memiliki berbagai macam wisata yang tersedia, mulai dari pasir nya yang putih, pemandangan alam yang indah dan berbagai permainan air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman masyarakat tentang wisata bahari, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengembangan wisata bahari di Pantai Sadranan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive sampling dan accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemahaman tentang wisata bahari memiliki nilai tertinggi 96% tentang pemanfaatan wisata dan terendah 8% tentang lingkungan wisata. Persepsi pengunjung tentang peng...
Management of Aquatic Resources Journal, Jan 29, 2015
Rajungan merupakan hasil komoditi perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual yang sangat tinggi, baik seb... more Rajungan merupakan hasil komoditi perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual yang sangat tinggi, baik sebagai komoditi lokal maupun komoditi ekspor. Desa Betahwalang, Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah merupakan pusat pendaratan rajungan dari berbagai wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi biomassa, Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) dan pemanfaatan nilai ekonomi rajungan level MSY di Kabupaten Demak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode swept area untuk menentukan biomassa dari rajungan dan wawancara dengan nelayan arad untuk menentukan pemanfaatan nilai ekonomi. Pengumpulan data MSY diperoleh dari 6 kali trip penangkapan dan pengumpulan data pemanfaatan nilai ekonomi diperoleh dari wawancara terhadap 30 nelayan arad. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa dan MSY rajungan di Desa Betahwalang masing-masing yaitu 23,5 ton dengan nilai ekonomi sebesar Rp. 305.141.586/tahun. Hali ini bahwa perairan Demak telah mengalami fully exploited.
Fishery is an economic activity resulte from production factor which aimed to gain profit. Fisher... more Fishery is an economic activity resulte from production factor which aimed to gain profit. Fishery can be categorized as successful if the fisherman can gain the maximum profit. Trap and (arad) mini trawl are fishing gear used by fishermen to catch blue swimming crab in Betahwalang. Blue swimming crab is commodity of fisheries with high economic value, either for local and export. The purposes of this research are analyzing the income, expense and profit, and analyze the financial feasibility of trap and mini trawl in Demak. The methods were used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Sampling method used snowball sampling. The research used variables of business feasibility included NPV, B/C Ratio, IRR, and Payback Period. The avarage value of NPV (arad) mini trawl was Rp 100,577,288 NPV trap fishing gear was Rp 837,586,870. the average value of IRR was 60 % (arad) mini trawl gear and trap gear was not identified of the value IRR trap and the average value of Benefit and Cost Ra...
Pedagogia : Jurnal Pendidikan, 2016
Kedisplinan pada anak-anak adalah memberikan pengertian akan mana yang baik dan yang buruk. Pendi... more Kedisplinan pada anak-anak adalah memberikan pengertian akan mana yang baik dan yang buruk. Pendidikan disiplin perlu di tanamkan pada anak bahwa berbuat kesalahan tentu mengandung sejumlah konsekuensi,untuk itulah fungsi hukuman dalam pendidikan anak. Disiplin merupakan perilaku nilai yang bisa dilakukan secara paksa dan bisa dilakukan dengan sukarela. Untuk anak usia dini, bentuk disiplin harus dilaksanakan secara sukarela dan melalui bermain. Guru, masyarakat dan orangtua adalah faktor-faktor adalah faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh untuk mendisiplinkan anak.
Background : Oral hygiene is activity to clear the mouth, teeth and gums. Inability to care for s... more Background : Oral hygiene is activity to clear the mouth, teeth and gums. Inability to care for stroke patients and there isn’t cure mouthwash, ointment, paste can replace effort to systematically clean the oral cavity. if there isn’t oral higiene can lead to mouth odor and can also occur oral infections. Therefore, it is necessary technical ability of nurses in the implementation of stroke patients oral hygiene. Methods : This study used a correlational design with cross-sectional approach. Sample of 12 respondents with total sampling techniques. There was two variables that independent variables is knowledge and attitudes, dependent variables is technical ability of nurse. The statistical tests is rank correlation (rho) with significance level α <0.05. Results : There was relationship between of knowledge with technical ability nurse of oral hygiene (ρ = 0.001), the attitude of nurses in the implementation oral hygiene associated with technical ability nurse (ρ = 0.002). Discus...
JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi, Feb 5, 2013
Micro, small and enterprises (SMEs) is one of the most crucial of economic development and local ... more Micro, small and enterprises (SMEs) is one of the most crucial of economic development and local communities. For driving the economy, SMEs must be able to survive in an increasingly competitive business competition. This study examines influence of the external environment and competitive strategies on performance of SMEs in Yogyakarta. Competitive strategy used in this study is Porter generic strategies are cost leadership and differentiation, while the external environment used is environment dynamism and environment hostility. Based on 106 respondents who responded to the questionnaire, the results showed that cost leadership affects the performance of SMEs in Yogyakarta, but differentiation strategy doesn't effect on the performance of SMEs in Yogyakarta. Differentiation strategy does'nt effect on performance of SMEs because there is less supported by the SME workforce skilled in applying innovation to improve its performance. The other results in this study are environment dynamism is not a variable that moderates the relationship strategy to performance of SMEs, while environment hostility is variable that moderates the relationship cost leadership to performance of SMEs but is not a variable that moderates the relationship differentiation to performance of SMEs
Prosiding Seminar Nasional LPPM, Nov 25, 2021
This community service program is a development program for the application of research results t... more This community service program is a development program for the application of research results that have been carried out by servants with the influence of innovation strategies on performance mediated by knowledge sharing in SMEs. In this community service program, the devotees take the innovation side of waste treatment, namely leaf waste and wood waste. The innovations developed in this community service are in the form of processing leaf waste into organic waste and processing wood waste into charcoal briquettes. This community service partner is a group of PKK women in the Celungan, Moyudan Sleman. The urgency of this community service is: the problem of waste is a material that is wasted or disposed of from sources of human activity and natural processes that have not been processed so that it does not have a value of benefit. The result of the Community Service program is that the community is able to make organic fertilizer and charcoal briquettes that are available around the environment, so that they can help increase community income by selling organic fertilizer and charcoal briquettes.
Garang watershed is located in Central Java, Indonesia. Various activities around the Garang wate... more Garang watershed is located in Central Java, Indonesia. Various activities around the Garang watershed cause river pollution, by producing heavy metal waste, which can accumulate in the sediment, being absorbed from the water by organisms. This study was conducted to determine the concentration of heavy metals in the sediments, map the spread in the Garang watershed (Banjir Kanal Barat River, Garang River, Kreo River), and to determine the state of sediment pollution with heavy metals. The sediment samples were collected from 7 stations, with 3 replicates for each station. Samples of sediment were analyzed with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS), then the concentration of metals was mapped according to the sampling location. The sediment pollution index was determined. The results showed that the metal concentrations in sediment varied, from concentrations below the detection limit to tens of thousands of ppb. Lead had the highest concentration, followed by Cr and Cu. Cd and ...
Variable processes were optimized for the production of lactic acid from cassava by Streptococcus... more Variable processes were optimized for the production of lactic acid from cassava by Streptococcus bovis for batch, fed batch and continuous fermentations. In the batch fermentation, maximum yield 82.5% and maximum lactic acid productivity 2.43 was achieved at 39°C, pH 5.5 with 50 g/L cassava concentration. In the continuous fermentation, dilution rates analyzed were between 0.03 to 0.06 h-1. The lactic acid concentration, productivity and specific growth rate increased gradually with increase of dilution rate to a maximum at D = 0.05 h-1. Maximum productivity (1.25 g/l.h) and specific growth rate (0.59 h-1) were obtained at dilution rate of 0.05 h-1 .
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2005
Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perikanan cumi-cumi di Selat Alas, khususnya berkaitan dengan fluktua... more Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perikanan cumi-cumi di Selat Alas, khususnya berkaitan dengan fluktuasi tangkapan yang terjadi karena pengaruh aktivitas penangkapan dan variabilitas iklim. Cumi-cumi ditangkap dengan jalaoras (sejenis payang dengan lampu sebagai alat bantu mengumpulkan cumi-cumi); tangkapan dan alat tangkap inilah yang dipakai dalam analisis. 90% tangkapan cephalopoda berupa cumi-cumi yang terdiri dari 5 spesies. Indeks osilasi selatan (SOI) dipakai sebagai parameter yang mewakili variabilitas iklim. Satu set data 44 tahun (1960-2003), mengenai SOI, upaya penangkapan dan tangkapan cumi-cumi dianalisis. Diperoleh korelasi yang sangat kuat (p>0.001) antara ketiga komponen. Dengan memasukkan ketiga komponen tersebut, suatu model perikanan cumi-cumi untuk Selat Alas dikembangkan. Untuk mengkonstruksi model tersebut dipergunakan nilai rata-rata tahunan untuk SOI dan upaya penangkapan. Model yang dihasilkan dapat dipergunakan untuk memprediksi tangkapan cumi-cumi. Meskipun...
Characteristics Local Government and Government Performance : an Empirical Examination of the Loc... more Characteristics Local Government and Government Performance : an Empirical Examination of the Local Government in Indonesia. The role of local government since regional autonomy become greater. The local government has the authority to regulate and manage their own government. The implications of the implementation of regional autonomy is essentially created of the local governments independency. The level of independence of the region is highly dependent on the characteristics of the local government. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine the effect of the characteristics of the local government which is composed of the size of the local government, the regional welfare, general allocation fund and capital expenditure. Size of the local government is proxied by total assets, the regional welfare is proxied by local revenue or called PAD and general allocation fund is proxied DAU. During the period 2009 -2010 there are 42 local government financial reports are complete to b...
Wound in diabetics is a slow healing and chronic process. Stem cells have been reported to mobili... more Wound in diabetics is a slow healing and chronic process. Stem cells have been reported to mobilize the wound site, by secreting cellular growth factors and cytokines during their cultivation by promoting angiogenesis and remodeling of extracellular matrix (ECM), creating a favorable local environment for wound healing. The conditioned medium (CM) is a medium containing growth factors and cytokines cultivated in viable optimum environment for a certain period of time. These factors may promote the growth of new cells especially in wound microenvironment. Therefore, this work is conducted to establish and characterize rat amniotic fluid stem cells conditioned medium (rAFSC-CM) that is suitable for in vitro diabetic wound healing model using diabetic human dermal fibroblasts (HDF-D). To achieve this aim, a suitable number of rAFSCs density, which has been isolated, identified, and confirmed were used in the preparation of CM. The cells density at 0.25×106 cells/mL was used to prepare ...
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2005
Perikanan pelagik kecil dari empat ekosistem di Indonesia diperbandingkan, meliputi perairan pant... more Perikanan pelagik kecil dari empat ekosistem di Indonesia diperbandingkan, meliputi perairan pantai di sebelah selatan Jawa Timur, Selat Bali, Selat Alas dan Selat Sape. Pengkajian dimaksudkan untuk menentukan adatidaknya, dan kalau ada –bagaimana sifatnya, interaksi antar jenis-jenis ikan utama, dan antar ke empat perairan tersebut, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dalam mempertimbangkan pengembangan riset dan pengelolaan sumberdaya hayati laut pada masa-masa mendatang. Pengkajian ini menggunakan data tangkapan ikan dengan rentang-waktu 28 tahun, mulai 1976 sampai 2003, yang dikumpulkan dari pusat-pusat pendaratan ikan dan Dinas-dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan tingkat I dan Tingkat II di wilayah studi. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan dengan jelas adanya ko-eksistensi antar sumberdaya ikan pelagis kecil di ke empat wilayah perairan. Interaksi kelompok jenis antar ke empat ekosistem, serta implikasinya terhadap riset kelautan dan perikanan dibahas pula dalam tulisan ini. Kata kunci : ikan pelag...
ABSTRAK Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik ( PPOK) adalah penyakit obtruksi jalan napas karena bronc... more ABSTRAK Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik ( PPOK) adalah penyakit obtruksi jalan napas karena bronchitis kronik atau emfisema.Salah satu penyebabnya adalah merokok,perilaku merokok adalah salah satu faktor yang paling mendasar dalam terjadinya PPOK, oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku merokok dengan kejadian PPOK.Desain penelitian ini
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2005
Pengelolaan perikanan laut di Selat Bali mencakup wilayah berairan seluas 2,500km2 Selat Bali ter... more Pengelolaan perikanan laut di Selat Bali mencakup wilayah berairan seluas 2,500km2 Selat Bali terutama dipengaruhi oleh perairan dari Samodera Hindia, dan hampir tidak ada pengaruh dari laut Flores dan laut Bali. Perikanan di Selat Bali bersifat perikanan tunggal (purse seine) dan mempunyai target yang jelas (ikan lemuru) serta menerapkan teknologi yang relatif telah maju. Meskipun begitu, secara alamiah perikanan Selat Bali melibatkan 2 propinsi Bali dan Jawa Timur, dan meliputi 4 kabupaten, sehingga administrasi maupun pendekatan-pendekatan yang dilakukan cukup kompleks. Perencanaan dan pengelolaan perikanan di Selat Bali sampai dewasa ini lebih menitikberatkan pada usaha-bersama para pemangku kepentingan. Sementara hal itu secara formal dapat diterima, perkembangan dalam perikanan terakhir membuktikan perlunya keterlibatan secara riil masyarakat pesisir/nelayan dalam proses perencanaan dan pengelolaan sejak awal. Selain itu diperlukan pengkajian sumberdaya perikanan secara partis...
Dlsu Business & Economics Review, 2016
This research aims to investigate the existence of two market anomalies—accrual anomaly and winne... more This research aims to investigate the existence of two market anomalies—accrual anomaly and winner-loser anomaly—and compare whether these two anomalies significantly affect the abnormal return in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This research was designed into three steps: (1) Portfolios formation; (2) Test of Existence; and (3) Regression analysis, using the observation period of six years starting from 2002 to 2007. We found that winner-loser anomaly has been more significant in affecting abnormal return for the period of 2002–2007, despite that both accrual and winner-loser anomalies were indicated to exist in the period of observation. The test of accrual anomaly existence during six-year observation period has revealed that in 2003, low accrual firms had generated higher abnormal returns compared to the high accrual firms, for which it indicates the existence of accrual anomaly. The existence of winner-loser anomaly is justified by the significant effect of overreaction on the ...
International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 2021
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate governance and earnings management... more This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate governance and earnings management on expense stickiness. By defining small positive earnings or small earnings increases as the proxy of earnings management and divides the sample into earnings management (upward earnings management) and non-earnings management. This study uses a broad measure of corporate governance by extracting the main factors of corporate governance. The sample obtained is 251 company samples for earnings management samples and 133 companies for corporate governance samples and processed using the Multiple Linear Regression method using the regression model from the research of Xue and Hong (2016). The results showed that corporate governance can reduce the level of expense stickiness. However, the results of this study cannot prove that earnings management can reduce the level of expense stickiness, but this research proves that companies that do not indicate earning management influence the exist...
Croatian Journal of Fisheries, 2021
Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares is one of the major species of tuna caught in the Fisheries Mana... more Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares is one of the major species of tuna caught in the Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 573 of the Indian Ocean. Its production contributed to 35.83% of the total production of tuna in 2013. The study was conducted to assess the population dynamics of this species in FMA 573, based on length-frequency data collected in 2013-2017, and was analysed using FiSAT II software. The results obtained show length-weight relationship of W = 0.000052 FL2.78, negative allometric growth and growth equation of Lt = 194.25 (1-e-0.51 (t + 0.1889)). The length at first capture was estimated at 140 cm FL. Recruitment season occurs between July and September, with a peak in August. The rate of total mortality (Z) was 2.32 yr-1, including natural mortality rate (M) of 0.69 yr-1 and fishing mortality rate (F) of 1.63 yr-1. The exploitation rates of yellowfin tuna were estimated to be 0.70, indicating that it has exceeded the optimum exploitation rate (E = 0.5) and that overexpl...
RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences, 2021
This review plans to examine the impact of relative advantage, perceived ease of use, and perceiv... more This review plans to examine the impact of relative advantage, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness on the marketing performance of SMEs mediated by the adoption of e-commerce studies on SMEs in Sleman Regency. This study uses a sample of 100 respondents from Prima Village SMEs who have used e-commerce. The sampling technique utilized in this examination is purposive sampling, and the information investigation technique utilized is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that relative advantage, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness have a positive impact on e-commerce adoption. The relative advantage and adoption of e-commerce have an effect on marketing performance.
RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences, 2021
The COVID-19 widespread has hurt all economies around the world. In this context, it is hoped tha... more The COVID-19 widespread has hurt all economies around the world. In this context, it is hoped that many SMEs will implement a new normal strategy pattern that requires changes in business and management after the pandemic. This research aims to present a multidisciplinary methodological approach to guide SMEs in innovating products for new markets and utilizing limited resources with appropriate strategies. The results showed that. In Yogyakarta, Indonesia, the SME industrial sector prefers a differentiation strategy over cost advantage to drive SME performance. This sector has introduced the practice of using e-commerce which has initially been to reduce production costs to be unique innovations in the market with unique or different products and services offered by companies and improve the performance of SMEs.
Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES), 2018
Pantai Sadranan merupakan pantai yang terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa ... more Pantai Sadranan merupakan pantai yang terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Pantai Sadranan adalah salah satu obyek wisata alam yang banyak digemari karena pantai ini memiliki berbagai macam wisata yang tersedia, mulai dari pasir nya yang putih, pemandangan alam yang indah dan berbagai permainan air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman masyarakat tentang wisata bahari, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengembangan wisata bahari di Pantai Sadranan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive sampling dan accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemahaman tentang wisata bahari memiliki nilai tertinggi 96% tentang pemanfaatan wisata dan terendah 8% tentang lingkungan wisata. Persepsi pengunjung tentang peng...