Dr.G. srinivasarao - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Dr.G. srinivasarao

Research paper thumbnail of A Budget Planning Model for Health Care Hospitals

Mathematical theory and modeling, 2014

This paper is devoted to the application of goal programming to Health care planning. More specif... more This paper is devoted to the application of goal programming to Health care planning. More specifically, the paper presents the goal programming approach to the budget planning of health care Hospitals and drawing valid decisions for further improvement in future not only for healthcare but also for quality healthcare administration and resources. Key Words: Financial Catastrophe, Business Manager, Optimization Techniques, Health Service

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of P-Semi pseudo Symmetric Ideals in Ternary Semiring

In this paper we introduce and study about P-semipseudo symmetric ideals in ternary semi rings an... more In this paper we introduce and study about P-semipseudo symmetric ideals in ternary semi rings and characterized p-semipseudo symmetric ideals in ternary semirings.

Research paper thumbnail of A Hospital Admission System Based on Nursing Work Load

Management Science, 1972

A model is presented to compare hospital admission systems based on (i) patient census and (ii) n... more A model is presented to compare hospital admission systems based on (i) patient census and (ii) nursing work load. It is shown that nursing costs are lower under the work load-based system than under the patient-based one. Sensitivity studies show that the difference between the two systems is due to the fact that the work load-based policy takes into account patient differences.

Research paper thumbnail of Contributions on s-Edge Regular Bipolar Fuzzy Graphs

Bipolar fuzzy graphs are revolutionized the analysis of probabilistic data to arrive at a judicio... more Bipolar fuzzy graphs are revolutionized the analysis of probabilistic data to arrive at a judicious decision making power. In this paper we introduce the notation of s-edge regular bipolar fuzzy graph, strongly regular bipolar fuzzy graph and Biregular bipolar fuzzy graphs, describes various methods of their construction and discuss some of their important theorems related to these graphs and also investigate on equivalence theorem of these graphs.

Research paper thumbnail of Applications of ig, dg, bg -Closed type sets in topological ordered spaces

In this paper we discuss possible applications of ig, dg and bg-closed type sets in topological o... more In this paper we discuss possible applications of ig, dg and bg-closed type sets in topological ordered spaces.

Research paper thumbnail of Prime bi-interior Γ -ideals of TG-semiring

The notation of prime bi-interior ideal, semi prime bi-interior ideal, irreducible bi-interior id... more The notation of prime bi-interior ideal, semi prime bi-interior ideal, irreducible bi-interior ideal and strongly prime bi-interior ideal of TG-Semi ring (ternary gamma semi-ring) are introduced. We study properties of these ideals and relations between them and also characterize regular TG-Semi-ring and TG-Semi-ring using prime bi-interior ideals, irreducible and strongly irreducible bi-interior ideals in this article.

Research paper thumbnail of イベント駆動型洪水管理:設計と計算モジュール【Powered by NICT】

Research paper thumbnail of Concepts on Ordered Ternary Semirings

In this paper, we study the properties of ordered Ternary semirings satisfying the identity a + a... more In this paper, we study the properties of ordered Ternary semirings satisfying the identity a + ab 2 = a. It is proved that , let (T , + , . , ) be a totally ordered ternary semiring satisfying the condition a + ab 2 = a ,  a , b T. If ( T , + , ) is positively totally ordered ( negatively totally ordered ) , then ( T , . , ) is non-positively ordered ( non-negatively ordered).

Research paper thumbnail of Prime Radicals and Completely Prime Radicals in Ternary Semirings

Algebraic structures play a prominent role in mathe matics with wide ranging applications in many... more Algebraic structures play a prominent role in mathe matics with wide ranging applications in many disciplines such as theoretical physics, computer sciences, control eng in ering, information sciences, coding theory, topological sp aces, and the like. The theory of ternary algebraic systems was introduced by D. H. Lehmer [9]. He investigated ce rtain ternary algebraic systems called triplexes which tu rn out to be commutative ternary groups. D. MadhusudhanaRao[9] characterized the primary ideals in ternary semigro ups. about T. K. Dutta and S. Kar [6] introduced and studied s ome properties of ternary semirings which is a generali zation of ternary rings. D. MadhusudhanaRao and G. Srinivasa Rao [11] investigated and studied about special element s i a ternary semirings. D. Madhsusudhana Rao and G. Srin ivasa Rao [12, 13] introduced the ternary semiring in whi ch satisfies the some identities and they made a study and investigated structure of certain ideals in ternary semirings. Our...

Research paper thumbnail of P-Pseudo Symmetric Ideals in Ternary Semiring

In this paper we introduce and study about pseudo symmetric ideals and P-pseudo symmetric ideals ... more In this paper we introduce and study about pseudo symmetric ideals and P-pseudo symmetric ideals in ternary semi rings. It is proved that (1) every completely P-Semiprime ideal A in a ternary semi ring T is a Ppseudo symmetric ideal, (2) If A is a P-pseudo symmetric ideal of a ternary semi ring T then (i) A2 = {x : x n ∈ A for some odd natural number n∈ N} is a minimal completely P-Semiprime ideal of T, (ii) A4 = {x : < x >  A for some odd natural number n} is the minimal P-Semiprime ideal of T containing A, (3) Every P-prime ideal Q minimal relative to containing a P-pseudo symmetric ideal A in a ternary semi ring T is completely P-prime, and (4) Let A be an ideal of a ternary semi ring T. Then A is completely P-prime iff A is P-prime and P-pseudo symmetric. Further we introduced the terms pseudo symmetric ternary semi ring and P-pseudo symmetric ternary semi ring. It is proved that (1) Every commutative ternary semi ring is a pseudo symmetric ternary semi ring, (2) Every co...

Research paper thumbnail of Pseudo Symmetric Ideals In Ternary Semigroups

In this paper the terms pseudo symmetric ideals, pseudo symmetric ternary semigroups, semipseudo ... more In this paper the terms pseudo symmetric ideals, pseudo symmetric ternary semigroups, semipseudo symmetric ideals and semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroups. It is proved that for any pseudo symmetric ideal A in a ternary semigroup T, for any natural number n, a 1 a 2 … a n-1 a n ∈ A if and only if < a 1 > < a 2 > ………… < a n > ⊆ A. It is proved that every completely semiprime ideal of a ternary semigroup is a pseudo symmetric ideal. Further it is proved that an ideal A of a ternary semigroup is (1) completely prime iff A is prime and pseudo symmetric, (2) completely semiprime iff A is semiprime and pseudo symmetric. It is also proved that every prime ideal P minimal relative to containing a pseudo symmetric ideal A in a ternary semigroup T is completely prime and hence every prime ideal P minimal relative to containing a completely semiprime ideal A in a ternary semigroup T is completely prime. It is proved that every pseudo commutative ternary semigroup, ternary semigroup in which every element is a mid unit, are pseudo symmetric ternary semigroups. It is proved that every pseudo symmetric ideal of a ternary semigroup is a semipseudo symmetric ideal. It is also proved that every semiprime ideal P minimal relative to containing a semipseudo symmetric ideal A of a ternary semigroup is completely semiprime. If A is a semipseudo symmetric ideal of a ternary semigroup T, then (1) A 1 = the intersection of all completely prime ideals of T containing A, (2) 1 A = the intersection of all minimal completely prime ideals of T containing A, (3) 1 A = the minimal completely semiprime ideal of T relative to containing A, (4) A 2 = {x ∈ T : x n ∈ A for some odd natural number n},(5) A 3 = the intersection of all prime ideals of T containing A, (6) 3 A = the intersection of all minimal prime ideals of T containing A, (7) 3 A = The minimal semiprime ideal of relative to containing A (8) A 4 = {x ∈ T : n ⊆A for some odd natural number n}, are equivalent. If A is an ideal in a ternary semigroup then it is proved that (1) A is completely semiprime, A is semiprime and pseudo symmetric, A is semiprime and semipseudo symmetric, are equivalent, and (2) A is completely prime, A is prime and pseudo symmetric, A is prime and semipseudo symmetric are also equivalent. If M is a maximal ideal of a ternary semigroup T with M 4  T then it is proved that M is completely prime, M is completely semiprime, M is pseudo symmetric and M is semipseudo symmetric, are equivalent. It is proved that a ternary semigroup is a semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup iff every principal ideal is a semipseudo symmetric ideal. If T is a semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup then it is proved that the conditions; T is strongly archimedean, T is archimedean, T has no proper completely prime ideals, T has no proper completely semiprime ideals, T has no proper prime ideals and T has no proper semiprime ideals are equivalent. Further it is proved that an element is semisimple iff it is intra regular in a pseudo symmetric ternary semigroup. It is proved that every globally idempotent ternary semigroup having maximal ideals contains semisimple elements. It is proved that every nontrivial maximal ideal of a semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup is prime. If T is semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup and contains a non-trivial maximal ideal then it is shown that T contains semisimple elements. If T is a semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup, then it is proved that (1) T = { a ∈ T : √< a > ≠ T} is either empty or a prime ideal, (2) T\S is either empty or an archimedean subsemigroup of T.


In this paper we discuss possible applications of ig*,dg* & bg*-closed type sets in Topological o... more In this paper we discuss possible applications of ig*,dg* & bg*-closed type sets in Topological ordered spaces. KEY WORDS: Topological ordered space, closed set, g-closed set and g*-closed set.

Research paper thumbnail of Prime radicals and completly Prime radicals in ternary semirings.pdf

A = A. Further it is proved that an ideal Q of ternary semiring T is a semiprime ideal of T if an... more A = A. Further it is proved that an ideal Q of ternary semiring T is a semiprime ideal of T if and only if Q =Q. It is proved that if P is a prime ideal of a ternary semiring T, then () n P = P for all odd natural numbers n∈ N and if A is an ideal of a ternary semiring T then A ={x ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ T: every m-system of T containing x meets A} i.e.,


This paper presents the hospital admission systems based on (i) patient census and (ii) nursing w... more This paper presents the hospital admission systems based on (i) patient census and (ii) nursing work load. It is shown that nursing costs are lower under the work load-based system than under the patient-based one.


This paper is devoted to the application of goal programming to Health care planning. More specif... more This paper is devoted to the application of goal programming to Health care planning. More specifically, the paper presents the goal programming approach to the budget planning of health care clinics and drawing valid decisions for further improvement in future not only for healthcare but also for quality healthcare administration and resources.

Research paper thumbnail of Structure of Certain Ideals in Ternary Semirings

In this paper we studied about principal ternary ideals, simple ternary ideals and semisimple ter... more In this paper we studied about principal ternary ideals, simple ternary ideals and semisimple ternary ideals in ternary semirings. Mathematics Subject Classification: 16Y30, 16Y99.

Research paper thumbnail of CONCEPTS ON TERNARY SEMIRINGS

In this paper we study the properties of ternary semiring satisfying the identities. Mathematics ... more In this paper we study the properties of ternary semiring satisfying the identities. Mathematics Subject Classification : 16Y30, 16Y99.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterstics of Ternary Semirings.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Special Elements of a Ternary Semiring

In this paper we study the notion of some special elements such as identity, zero, absorbing, add... more In this paper we study the notion of some special elements such as identity, zero, absorbing, additive idempotent, idempotent, multiplicatively sub-idempotent, regular, Intra regular, completely regular, g–regular, invertible and the ternary semirings such as zero sum free ternary semiring, zero ternary semiring, zero divisor free ternary semiring, ternary semi-integral domain, semi-subtractive ternary semiring, multiplicative cancellative ternary semiring, Viterbi ternary semiring, regular ternary semiring, completely ternary semiring and characterize these ternary semirings. Mathematics Subject Classification : 16Y30, 16Y99.

Research paper thumbnail of A STUDY ON TERNARY SEMIRINGS

In this paper we study the notion of commutative ternary semi ring, quasi commutative ternary sem... more In this paper we study the notion of commutative ternary semi ring, quasi commutative ternary semi ring, normal ternary semi ring, left pseudo commutative, lateral pseudo commutative, right pseudo commutative and pseudo commutative ternary semi rungs, singular ternary semi ring, ternary sub semi ring and cyclic ternary semi ring and characterize them. Mathematics Subject Classification: 16Y30, 16Y99.

Research paper thumbnail of A Budget Planning Model for Health Care Hospitals

Mathematical theory and modeling, 2014

This paper is devoted to the application of goal programming to Health care planning. More specif... more This paper is devoted to the application of goal programming to Health care planning. More specifically, the paper presents the goal programming approach to the budget planning of health care Hospitals and drawing valid decisions for further improvement in future not only for healthcare but also for quality healthcare administration and resources. Key Words: Financial Catastrophe, Business Manager, Optimization Techniques, Health Service

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of P-Semi pseudo Symmetric Ideals in Ternary Semiring

In this paper we introduce and study about P-semipseudo symmetric ideals in ternary semi rings an... more In this paper we introduce and study about P-semipseudo symmetric ideals in ternary semi rings and characterized p-semipseudo symmetric ideals in ternary semirings.

Research paper thumbnail of A Hospital Admission System Based on Nursing Work Load

Management Science, 1972

A model is presented to compare hospital admission systems based on (i) patient census and (ii) n... more A model is presented to compare hospital admission systems based on (i) patient census and (ii) nursing work load. It is shown that nursing costs are lower under the work load-based system than under the patient-based one. Sensitivity studies show that the difference between the two systems is due to the fact that the work load-based policy takes into account patient differences.

Research paper thumbnail of Contributions on s-Edge Regular Bipolar Fuzzy Graphs

Bipolar fuzzy graphs are revolutionized the analysis of probabilistic data to arrive at a judicio... more Bipolar fuzzy graphs are revolutionized the analysis of probabilistic data to arrive at a judicious decision making power. In this paper we introduce the notation of s-edge regular bipolar fuzzy graph, strongly regular bipolar fuzzy graph and Biregular bipolar fuzzy graphs, describes various methods of their construction and discuss some of their important theorems related to these graphs and also investigate on equivalence theorem of these graphs.

Research paper thumbnail of Applications of ig, dg, bg -Closed type sets in topological ordered spaces

In this paper we discuss possible applications of ig, dg and bg-closed type sets in topological o... more In this paper we discuss possible applications of ig, dg and bg-closed type sets in topological ordered spaces.

Research paper thumbnail of Prime bi-interior Γ -ideals of TG-semiring

The notation of prime bi-interior ideal, semi prime bi-interior ideal, irreducible bi-interior id... more The notation of prime bi-interior ideal, semi prime bi-interior ideal, irreducible bi-interior ideal and strongly prime bi-interior ideal of TG-Semi ring (ternary gamma semi-ring) are introduced. We study properties of these ideals and relations between them and also characterize regular TG-Semi-ring and TG-Semi-ring using prime bi-interior ideals, irreducible and strongly irreducible bi-interior ideals in this article.

Research paper thumbnail of イベント駆動型洪水管理:設計と計算モジュール【Powered by NICT】

Research paper thumbnail of Concepts on Ordered Ternary Semirings

In this paper, we study the properties of ordered Ternary semirings satisfying the identity a + a... more In this paper, we study the properties of ordered Ternary semirings satisfying the identity a + ab 2 = a. It is proved that , let (T , + , . , ) be a totally ordered ternary semiring satisfying the condition a + ab 2 = a ,  a , b T. If ( T , + , ) is positively totally ordered ( negatively totally ordered ) , then ( T , . , ) is non-positively ordered ( non-negatively ordered).

Research paper thumbnail of Prime Radicals and Completely Prime Radicals in Ternary Semirings

Algebraic structures play a prominent role in mathe matics with wide ranging applications in many... more Algebraic structures play a prominent role in mathe matics with wide ranging applications in many disciplines such as theoretical physics, computer sciences, control eng in ering, information sciences, coding theory, topological sp aces, and the like. The theory of ternary algebraic systems was introduced by D. H. Lehmer [9]. He investigated ce rtain ternary algebraic systems called triplexes which tu rn out to be commutative ternary groups. D. MadhusudhanaRao[9] characterized the primary ideals in ternary semigro ups. about T. K. Dutta and S. Kar [6] introduced and studied s ome properties of ternary semirings which is a generali zation of ternary rings. D. MadhusudhanaRao and G. Srinivasa Rao [11] investigated and studied about special element s i a ternary semirings. D. Madhsusudhana Rao and G. Srin ivasa Rao [12, 13] introduced the ternary semiring in whi ch satisfies the some identities and they made a study and investigated structure of certain ideals in ternary semirings. Our...

Research paper thumbnail of P-Pseudo Symmetric Ideals in Ternary Semiring

In this paper we introduce and study about pseudo symmetric ideals and P-pseudo symmetric ideals ... more In this paper we introduce and study about pseudo symmetric ideals and P-pseudo symmetric ideals in ternary semi rings. It is proved that (1) every completely P-Semiprime ideal A in a ternary semi ring T is a Ppseudo symmetric ideal, (2) If A is a P-pseudo symmetric ideal of a ternary semi ring T then (i) A2 = {x : x n ∈ A for some odd natural number n∈ N} is a minimal completely P-Semiprime ideal of T, (ii) A4 = {x : < x >  A for some odd natural number n} is the minimal P-Semiprime ideal of T containing A, (3) Every P-prime ideal Q minimal relative to containing a P-pseudo symmetric ideal A in a ternary semi ring T is completely P-prime, and (4) Let A be an ideal of a ternary semi ring T. Then A is completely P-prime iff A is P-prime and P-pseudo symmetric. Further we introduced the terms pseudo symmetric ternary semi ring and P-pseudo symmetric ternary semi ring. It is proved that (1) Every commutative ternary semi ring is a pseudo symmetric ternary semi ring, (2) Every co...

Research paper thumbnail of Pseudo Symmetric Ideals In Ternary Semigroups

In this paper the terms pseudo symmetric ideals, pseudo symmetric ternary semigroups, semipseudo ... more In this paper the terms pseudo symmetric ideals, pseudo symmetric ternary semigroups, semipseudo symmetric ideals and semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroups. It is proved that for any pseudo symmetric ideal A in a ternary semigroup T, for any natural number n, a 1 a 2 … a n-1 a n ∈ A if and only if < a 1 > < a 2 > ………… < a n > ⊆ A. It is proved that every completely semiprime ideal of a ternary semigroup is a pseudo symmetric ideal. Further it is proved that an ideal A of a ternary semigroup is (1) completely prime iff A is prime and pseudo symmetric, (2) completely semiprime iff A is semiprime and pseudo symmetric. It is also proved that every prime ideal P minimal relative to containing a pseudo symmetric ideal A in a ternary semigroup T is completely prime and hence every prime ideal P minimal relative to containing a completely semiprime ideal A in a ternary semigroup T is completely prime. It is proved that every pseudo commutative ternary semigroup, ternary semigroup in which every element is a mid unit, are pseudo symmetric ternary semigroups. It is proved that every pseudo symmetric ideal of a ternary semigroup is a semipseudo symmetric ideal. It is also proved that every semiprime ideal P minimal relative to containing a semipseudo symmetric ideal A of a ternary semigroup is completely semiprime. If A is a semipseudo symmetric ideal of a ternary semigroup T, then (1) A 1 = the intersection of all completely prime ideals of T containing A, (2) 1 A = the intersection of all minimal completely prime ideals of T containing A, (3) 1 A = the minimal completely semiprime ideal of T relative to containing A, (4) A 2 = {x ∈ T : x n ∈ A for some odd natural number n},(5) A 3 = the intersection of all prime ideals of T containing A, (6) 3 A = the intersection of all minimal prime ideals of T containing A, (7) 3 A = The minimal semiprime ideal of relative to containing A (8) A 4 = {x ∈ T : n ⊆A for some odd natural number n}, are equivalent. If A is an ideal in a ternary semigroup then it is proved that (1) A is completely semiprime, A is semiprime and pseudo symmetric, A is semiprime and semipseudo symmetric, are equivalent, and (2) A is completely prime, A is prime and pseudo symmetric, A is prime and semipseudo symmetric are also equivalent. If M is a maximal ideal of a ternary semigroup T with M 4  T then it is proved that M is completely prime, M is completely semiprime, M is pseudo symmetric and M is semipseudo symmetric, are equivalent. It is proved that a ternary semigroup is a semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup iff every principal ideal is a semipseudo symmetric ideal. If T is a semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup then it is proved that the conditions; T is strongly archimedean, T is archimedean, T has no proper completely prime ideals, T has no proper completely semiprime ideals, T has no proper prime ideals and T has no proper semiprime ideals are equivalent. Further it is proved that an element is semisimple iff it is intra regular in a pseudo symmetric ternary semigroup. It is proved that every globally idempotent ternary semigroup having maximal ideals contains semisimple elements. It is proved that every nontrivial maximal ideal of a semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup is prime. If T is semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup and contains a non-trivial maximal ideal then it is shown that T contains semisimple elements. If T is a semipseudo symmetric ternary semigroup, then it is proved that (1) T = { a ∈ T : √< a > ≠ T} is either empty or a prime ideal, (2) T\S is either empty or an archimedean subsemigroup of T.


In this paper we discuss possible applications of ig*,dg* & bg*-closed type sets in Topological o... more In this paper we discuss possible applications of ig*,dg* & bg*-closed type sets in Topological ordered spaces. KEY WORDS: Topological ordered space, closed set, g-closed set and g*-closed set.

Research paper thumbnail of Prime radicals and completly Prime radicals in ternary semirings.pdf

A = A. Further it is proved that an ideal Q of ternary semiring T is a semiprime ideal of T if an... more A = A. Further it is proved that an ideal Q of ternary semiring T is a semiprime ideal of T if and only if Q =Q. It is proved that if P is a prime ideal of a ternary semiring T, then () n P = P for all odd natural numbers n∈ N and if A is an ideal of a ternary semiring T then A ={x ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ T: every m-system of T containing x meets A} i.e.,


This paper presents the hospital admission systems based on (i) patient census and (ii) nursing w... more This paper presents the hospital admission systems based on (i) patient census and (ii) nursing work load. It is shown that nursing costs are lower under the work load-based system than under the patient-based one.


This paper is devoted to the application of goal programming to Health care planning. More specif... more This paper is devoted to the application of goal programming to Health care planning. More specifically, the paper presents the goal programming approach to the budget planning of health care clinics and drawing valid decisions for further improvement in future not only for healthcare but also for quality healthcare administration and resources.

Research paper thumbnail of Structure of Certain Ideals in Ternary Semirings

In this paper we studied about principal ternary ideals, simple ternary ideals and semisimple ter... more In this paper we studied about principal ternary ideals, simple ternary ideals and semisimple ternary ideals in ternary semirings. Mathematics Subject Classification: 16Y30, 16Y99.

Research paper thumbnail of CONCEPTS ON TERNARY SEMIRINGS

In this paper we study the properties of ternary semiring satisfying the identities. Mathematics ... more In this paper we study the properties of ternary semiring satisfying the identities. Mathematics Subject Classification : 16Y30, 16Y99.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterstics of Ternary Semirings.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Special Elements of a Ternary Semiring

In this paper we study the notion of some special elements such as identity, zero, absorbing, add... more In this paper we study the notion of some special elements such as identity, zero, absorbing, additive idempotent, idempotent, multiplicatively sub-idempotent, regular, Intra regular, completely regular, g–regular, invertible and the ternary semirings such as zero sum free ternary semiring, zero ternary semiring, zero divisor free ternary semiring, ternary semi-integral domain, semi-subtractive ternary semiring, multiplicative cancellative ternary semiring, Viterbi ternary semiring, regular ternary semiring, completely ternary semiring and characterize these ternary semirings. Mathematics Subject Classification : 16Y30, 16Y99.

Research paper thumbnail of A STUDY ON TERNARY SEMIRINGS

In this paper we study the notion of commutative ternary semi ring, quasi commutative ternary sem... more In this paper we study the notion of commutative ternary semi ring, quasi commutative ternary semi ring, normal ternary semi ring, left pseudo commutative, lateral pseudo commutative, right pseudo commutative and pseudo commutative ternary semi rungs, singular ternary semi ring, ternary sub semi ring and cyclic ternary semi ring and characterize them. Mathematics Subject Classification: 16Y30, 16Y99.