hamid nach - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by hamid nach
IGI Global eBooks, Apr 2, 2013
The purpose of this research is to consolidate and formalize as ontology, on the basis of an exte... more The purpose of this research is to consolidate and formalize as ontology, on the basis of an extensive literature review, the key processes and skills required for successful implementation of ERP in an SME. Using the Protégé software, the research identified and formalized 395 terms, each of which has its own definition. Exploitation of this ontology could take multiple and varied forms, including the creation of a learning system, an on-line collaboration platform, or a project management process mapping tool contributing to successful implementation of ERP in SMEs.
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2021
This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicin... more This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicinity of insights and foresights, stimulating audience engagement. In alignment to the identified conference themes, panel discussants and presenters share their expertise on topics surrounding a) the conceptualization of FinTech in higher education, b) the development of curricula and teaching material in the context of FinTech as an emerging field of research, teaching and practice and c) the adoption of cross-industrial teaching and learning models for career-ready FinTech professionals. This interactive session consists of brief presentations, facilitated panel discussion and active audience participation, moderated by the session organizers
ASAC, Jun 6, 2009
... HONORABLE MENTION PAPER / MENTION HONORABLE: The impact of Information Technology on Identity... more ... HONORABLE MENTION PAPER / MENTION HONORABLE: The impact of Information Technology on Identity: Framing the Research Agenda. Hamid Nach, Albert Lejeune. Full Text: PDF.
Management research review, Jul 20, 2015
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine how people respond when their identity is challe... more Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine how people respond when their identity is challenged as they use computerized information systems in organizational settings. Using the critical realism perspective, the author built on the identity control theory and suggested a set of generative mechanisms that shed light on how individuals respond to the challenges that information technology (IT) poses to their identities when performing their jobs and how it affects their sense of self.Design/methodology/approach– The author conducted a field study in a Canadian health-care institution with the objective to examine how doctors and nurses coped with challenges posed by an Electronic Health Records system to their identities and how these systems shaped their identities. The author’s data are essentially qualitative. The author used retroduction as a mode off inference which combines both induction and deduction. The author hypothesized a set of identity mechanisms that are enacted as a response to a threat posed by IT in the work place. The author uses the evidence from the field study to verify the existence of these mechanisms and uncover new constructs and relationships that could enrich the understanding of the phenomenon.Findings– The results allowed to verify and provide an updated view of the proposed generative mechanisms that are triggered when identity is put to challenge by IT in the workplace. The identified mechanisms are, identity adjusting, IT threat neutralizing and emotion regulating. Their outcomes, which are, reinforced identity, redefined identity, ambivalent identity and anti-identity are much dependent on the availability and the breadth of personal and organizational resources people have at their disposal.Originality/value– The research offers a vantage point on how identities unfold in the course of interaction with technology. It contributes by providing empirically grounded mechanisms that shed light on how people response to threats posed by computerized information systems to identity and the various self-conceptions that ensue.
International Journal of e-Collaboration, 2018
Interorganizational systems (IOS) are information and communication technologybasedsystemsthattra... more Interorganizational systems (IOS) are information and communication technologybasedsystemsthattranscendorganizationalboundaries.However,theirusedoesnot always lead to successful interorganizational collaboration, particularly in settings where significant changes in business processes are needed. The architecture, engineeringandconstruction(AEC)industryofferssuchasetting,inparticularas itsstakeholdersareencouragedtouseofanoveltypeofinterorganizationalsystem knownasbuildinginformationmodeling (Building Information Modelling), which canonlybesuccessfullyusedifpartiescollaborate.Thisresearchseekstouncover whatleadstointerorganizationalcollaborationinthisparticularcontext.Drawingon richdatafrominterviewswithBIMusersinvolvedininterorganizationalprojects,the authorsproposeaconceptualmodelofhowinterorganizationalcollaborationunfolds. The authors highlight the central role played by interorganizational infrastructure, collectiveidentity,andITaffordances,oninterorganizationalcollaboration.
International Conference on Information Systems, 2016
This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and ... more This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and collective identity in the context of intergroup collaboration. Particularly, we investigate the type of IT affordances (i.e., collaborative, organizational memory, or process management) that are more prone to support certain types of identities (i.e., superordinate collective identity, intergroup relational identity, or intergroup ambivalent identity) when groups need to collaborate towards the accomplishment of a common goal. We suggest three hypotheses which we plan to test via a field study within the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.
Advances in knowledge acquisition, transfer and management book series, 2013
The purpose of this research is to consolidate and formalize as ontology, on the basis of an exte... more The purpose of this research is to consolidate and formalize as ontology, on the basis of an extensive literature review, the key processes and skills required for successful implementation of ERP in an SME. Using the Protégé software, the research identified and formalized 395 terms, each of which has its own definition. Exploitation of this ontology could take multiple and varied forms, including the creation of a learning system, an on-line collaboration platform, or a project management process mapping tool contributing to successful implementation of ERP in SMEs.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, May 29, 2008
ABSTRACT The model presented in figure 1 - the collaboration ontology roles game model (CORG) , i... more ABSTRACT The model presented in figure 1 - the collaboration ontology roles game model (CORG) , is an adaptation of the SECI model proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi in 1995. According to the authors, the process of knowledge creation is an iterative process which continuously cuts four modes of knowledge conversion: socialization (a meeting to share experiences), externalization (a map to formalize a new process), combination (of explicit knowledge in the real setting) and integration (or learning by doing) that is the ultimate goal for each individual willing to be prepared to face an emergency situation. The process of knowledge creation is described in detail by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) by considering the following steps: 1. Sharing tacit knowledge, 2. Creating concepts, 3. Justifying concepts, 4. Building an archetype and 5. Cross-levelling knowledge in the interorganizational network and its environment. Emergency situations – we are interested in this poster in a possible avian flu alert in Quebec – require collaboration between members of different organizations, agencies and communities (Daniels, 2007; Carver and Turoff, 2007). Recently, a new body of literature has emphasized the learning capacity of the adhocracy compared to automated responses from the hierarchy (Medonça et al. 2007). In this poster, we present our vision to develop a role-based simulation environment for the health care community and their partners to manage, on a collaborative basis, an extreme event such as avian flu. oui
Depuis quelques annees maintenant, les technologies de l'information (TI) ne sont plus l'... more Depuis quelques annees maintenant, les technologies de l'information (TI) ne sont plus l'apanage des specialistes et des experts. De plus en plus, des acteurs de divers secteurs integrent les TI pour accomplir leur travail. Seulement voila, pour s'adapter a leur environnement, les individus sont appeles a developper des nouvelles habilites, instaurer des nouvelles pratiques ou releguer d'autres au second plan. Auquel cas, l'identite de ces acteurs, c'est-a-dire la facon dont ils se definissent et se decrivent eu egard a leur travail pourrait en etre potentiellement affectee. Des lors, il n'est pas encore clair comment les individus s'adaptent aux defis que posent les TI a leur identite, ni comment ils s'efforcent a definir ou redefinir leur soi en reponse aux changements, parfois substantiels, induits par les TI. La these constitue une etape pour combler ce vide. Son objectif est de developper une theorie qui explique comment les individus s'adaptent aux defis poses par les TI a leur identite. Nous avons donc defini quatre strategies, a savoir : 1) agir sur la situation (acting on situation); 2) ajuster le sens de soi (adjusting the self); 3) pratiques cathartiques (cathartic practices), et 4) distanciation (distancing coping). Nous avons suggere que ces quatre strategies menent a l'une des quatre types d'identite : 1) identite renforcee (reinforced identity) 2) identite redefinie (redefined identity) 3) identite ambivalente (ambivalent identity) 4) et l'anti-identite (anti-identity). La theorie est validee par une etude de terrain menee aupres des professionnels de la sante, a savoir, des medecins et des infirmier(e)s dont les pratiques cliniques ont connu des changements substantiels induits par des systemes de dossiers patients electroniques. En somme, l'etude contribue a la litterature en offrant a point singulier pour examiner comment l'identite est construite dans le processus d'interaction avec les technologies de l'information qui, en retour, affectent certains comportements eu egard les TI tels que l'utilisation, l'appropriation et la resistance. La these contribue aussi au niveau pratique en offrant des outils singuliers aux gestionnaires, particulierement du secteur de la sante, pour reussir l'introduction des systemes de dossiers patients electroniques. ______________________________________________________________________________
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015
BIM is a modeling technology that allows architects and builders to visually create, analyze, and... more BIM is a modeling technology that allows architects and builders to visually create, analyze, and share building models. BIM is gaining a growing importance which may be reflected in the increasing number of owners who demand BIM use. However, despite the perceived uptick in demand for BIM, an industry wide adoption has not yet been reached. Likewise, the adoption of BIM enhanced business practices within both design and construction has been limited. While there are multiple barriers to BIM use, resistance to change has been identified by scholars as a major restraining force. Indeed, BIM prompts for substantial changes in the ways architects and constructors think and work which may question their performance and challenge their identities as competent workers. In this research, we address these dynamics, we use identity theory to gain an understanding on how identity accounts for acts of resistance and adoption of BIM in AEC industry.
WORLD SCIENTIFIC eBooks, Oct 27, 2021
Advances in IT personnel and project management, 2016
With growing maturity of social media over the last few years, many companies started using these... more With growing maturity of social media over the last few years, many companies started using these tools to interact with customers and employees. Business functions such as Sales, Marketing and Human Resources have innovatively embedded these technologies to support their processes and became, as such, an instrument for renewal. The use of social media in Project Management, however, seems to be very limited. The profession lags behind having difficulty keeping pace with the rapidly evolving web 2.0 driven technological innovations which are delivering on their promise to foster collaboration. The paper discusses the potential of social media in the project management practice. As the move towards harnessing the power of social media within the Project Management framework requires adequate organizational change, the study also addresses the implications of such an initiative on structure, culture, and control.
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2021
This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicin... more This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicinity of insights and foresights, stimulating audience engagement. In alignment to the identified conference themes, panel discussants and presenters share their expertise on topics surrounding a) the conceptualization of FinTech in higher education, b) the development of curricula and teaching material in the context of FinTech as an emerging field of research, teaching and practice and c) the adoption of cross-industrial teaching and learning models for career-ready FinTech professionals. This interactive session consists of brief presentations, facilitated panel discussion and active audience participation, moderated by the session organizers
This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicin... more This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicinity of insights and foresights, stimulating audience engagement. In alignment to the identified conference themes, panel discussants and presenters share their expertise on topics surrounding a) the conceptualization of FinTech in higher education, b) the development of curricula and teaching material in the context of FinTech as an emerging field of research, teaching and practice and c) the adoption of cross-industrial teaching and learning models for career-ready FinTech professionals. This interactive session consists of brief presentations, facilitated panel discussion and active audience participation, moderated by the session organizers
This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and ... more This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and collective identity in the context of intergroup collaboration. Particularly, we investigate the type of IT affordances (i.e., collaborative, organizational memory, or process management) that are more prone to support certain types of identities (i.e., superordinate collective identity, intergroup relational identity, or intergroup ambivalent identity) when groups need to collaborate towards the accomplishment of a common goal. We suggest three hypotheses which we plan to test via a field study within the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.
ABSTRACT L'objectif de cette étude est de faire la présentation d'une expérience ... more ABSTRACT L'objectif de cette étude est de faire la présentation d'une expérience d'utilisation du réseau social 'Google plus' comme dispositif de conversation et de collaboration dans le cadre d'un cours de MBA exécutif. Nous faisons le bilan de cette expérience et nous discutons des implications de l'intégration d'un réseau social comme outil pédagogique en enseignement supérieur.
European Journal of Information Systems, 2008
About 20 years ago, Markus and Robey noted that most research on IT impacts had been guided by de... more About 20 years ago, Markus and Robey noted that most research on IT impacts had been guided by deterministic perspectives and had neglected to use an emergent perspective, which could account for contradictory findings. They further observed that most research in this area had been carried out using variance theories at the expense of process theories. Finally, they suggested that more emphasis on multilevel theory building would likely improve empirical reliability. In this paper, we reiterate the observations and suggestions made by Markus and Robey on the causal structure of IT impact theories and carry out an analysis of empirical research published in four major IS journals, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), and Information and Organization (I&O), to assess compliance with those recommendations. Our final sample consisted of 161 theory-driven articles, accounting for approximately 21% of all the empirical articles published in these journals. Our results first reveal that 91% of the studies in MISQ, ISR, and EJIS focused on deterministic theories, while 63% of those in I&O adopted an emergent perspective. Furthermore, 91% of the articles in MISQ, ISR, and EJIS adopted a variance model; this compares with 71% from I&O that applied a process model. Lastly, mixed levels of analysis were found in 14% of all the surveyed articles. Implications of these findings for future research are discussed.
Computers in Human Behavior, 2010
Drawing on ideas from identity control theory and coping theory and on a diverse range of social ... more Drawing on ideas from identity control theory and coping theory and on a diverse range of social psychology literature, we propose an integrative theoretical framework that unpacks and traces the processes by which information technology comes to affect users' identity. We define four types of strategies (acting on the situation, adjusting the self, cathartic practices and distancing) through which people cope with technological challenges to the self. We suggest that these strategies may lead to four individual-level outcomes, namely reinforced identity, redefined identity, ambivalent identity and anti-identity. The model is provided with a preliminary support through reference to real life situations, carefully selected from extant empirical IS enquiries.
IGI Global eBooks, Apr 2, 2013
The purpose of this research is to consolidate and formalize as ontology, on the basis of an exte... more The purpose of this research is to consolidate and formalize as ontology, on the basis of an extensive literature review, the key processes and skills required for successful implementation of ERP in an SME. Using the Protégé software, the research identified and formalized 395 terms, each of which has its own definition. Exploitation of this ontology could take multiple and varied forms, including the creation of a learning system, an on-line collaboration platform, or a project management process mapping tool contributing to successful implementation of ERP in SMEs.
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2021
This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicin... more This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicinity of insights and foresights, stimulating audience engagement. In alignment to the identified conference themes, panel discussants and presenters share their expertise on topics surrounding a) the conceptualization of FinTech in higher education, b) the development of curricula and teaching material in the context of FinTech as an emerging field of research, teaching and practice and c) the adoption of cross-industrial teaching and learning models for career-ready FinTech professionals. This interactive session consists of brief presentations, facilitated panel discussion and active audience participation, moderated by the session organizers
ASAC, Jun 6, 2009
... HONORABLE MENTION PAPER / MENTION HONORABLE: The impact of Information Technology on Identity... more ... HONORABLE MENTION PAPER / MENTION HONORABLE: The impact of Information Technology on Identity: Framing the Research Agenda. Hamid Nach, Albert Lejeune. Full Text: PDF.
Management research review, Jul 20, 2015
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine how people respond when their identity is challe... more Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine how people respond when their identity is challenged as they use computerized information systems in organizational settings. Using the critical realism perspective, the author built on the identity control theory and suggested a set of generative mechanisms that shed light on how individuals respond to the challenges that information technology (IT) poses to their identities when performing their jobs and how it affects their sense of self.Design/methodology/approach– The author conducted a field study in a Canadian health-care institution with the objective to examine how doctors and nurses coped with challenges posed by an Electronic Health Records system to their identities and how these systems shaped their identities. The author’s data are essentially qualitative. The author used retroduction as a mode off inference which combines both induction and deduction. The author hypothesized a set of identity mechanisms that are enacted as a response to a threat posed by IT in the work place. The author uses the evidence from the field study to verify the existence of these mechanisms and uncover new constructs and relationships that could enrich the understanding of the phenomenon.Findings– The results allowed to verify and provide an updated view of the proposed generative mechanisms that are triggered when identity is put to challenge by IT in the workplace. The identified mechanisms are, identity adjusting, IT threat neutralizing and emotion regulating. Their outcomes, which are, reinforced identity, redefined identity, ambivalent identity and anti-identity are much dependent on the availability and the breadth of personal and organizational resources people have at their disposal.Originality/value– The research offers a vantage point on how identities unfold in the course of interaction with technology. It contributes by providing empirically grounded mechanisms that shed light on how people response to threats posed by computerized information systems to identity and the various self-conceptions that ensue.
International Journal of e-Collaboration, 2018
Interorganizational systems (IOS) are information and communication technologybasedsystemsthattra... more Interorganizational systems (IOS) are information and communication technologybasedsystemsthattranscendorganizationalboundaries.However,theirusedoesnot always lead to successful interorganizational collaboration, particularly in settings where significant changes in business processes are needed. The architecture, engineeringandconstruction(AEC)industryofferssuchasetting,inparticularas itsstakeholdersareencouragedtouseofanoveltypeofinterorganizationalsystem knownasbuildinginformationmodeling (Building Information Modelling), which canonlybesuccessfullyusedifpartiescollaborate.Thisresearchseekstouncover whatleadstointerorganizationalcollaborationinthisparticularcontext.Drawingon richdatafrominterviewswithBIMusersinvolvedininterorganizationalprojects,the authorsproposeaconceptualmodelofhowinterorganizationalcollaborationunfolds. The authors highlight the central role played by interorganizational infrastructure, collectiveidentity,andITaffordances,oninterorganizationalcollaboration.
International Conference on Information Systems, 2016
This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and ... more This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and collective identity in the context of intergroup collaboration. Particularly, we investigate the type of IT affordances (i.e., collaborative, organizational memory, or process management) that are more prone to support certain types of identities (i.e., superordinate collective identity, intergroup relational identity, or intergroup ambivalent identity) when groups need to collaborate towards the accomplishment of a common goal. We suggest three hypotheses which we plan to test via a field study within the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.
Advances in knowledge acquisition, transfer and management book series, 2013
The purpose of this research is to consolidate and formalize as ontology, on the basis of an exte... more The purpose of this research is to consolidate and formalize as ontology, on the basis of an extensive literature review, the key processes and skills required for successful implementation of ERP in an SME. Using the Protégé software, the research identified and formalized 395 terms, each of which has its own definition. Exploitation of this ontology could take multiple and varied forms, including the creation of a learning system, an on-line collaboration platform, or a project management process mapping tool contributing to successful implementation of ERP in SMEs.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, May 29, 2008
ABSTRACT The model presented in figure 1 - the collaboration ontology roles game model (CORG) , i... more ABSTRACT The model presented in figure 1 - the collaboration ontology roles game model (CORG) , is an adaptation of the SECI model proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi in 1995. According to the authors, the process of knowledge creation is an iterative process which continuously cuts four modes of knowledge conversion: socialization (a meeting to share experiences), externalization (a map to formalize a new process), combination (of explicit knowledge in the real setting) and integration (or learning by doing) that is the ultimate goal for each individual willing to be prepared to face an emergency situation. The process of knowledge creation is described in detail by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) by considering the following steps: 1. Sharing tacit knowledge, 2. Creating concepts, 3. Justifying concepts, 4. Building an archetype and 5. Cross-levelling knowledge in the interorganizational network and its environment. Emergency situations – we are interested in this poster in a possible avian flu alert in Quebec – require collaboration between members of different organizations, agencies and communities (Daniels, 2007; Carver and Turoff, 2007). Recently, a new body of literature has emphasized the learning capacity of the adhocracy compared to automated responses from the hierarchy (Medonça et al. 2007). In this poster, we present our vision to develop a role-based simulation environment for the health care community and their partners to manage, on a collaborative basis, an extreme event such as avian flu. oui
Depuis quelques annees maintenant, les technologies de l'information (TI) ne sont plus l'... more Depuis quelques annees maintenant, les technologies de l'information (TI) ne sont plus l'apanage des specialistes et des experts. De plus en plus, des acteurs de divers secteurs integrent les TI pour accomplir leur travail. Seulement voila, pour s'adapter a leur environnement, les individus sont appeles a developper des nouvelles habilites, instaurer des nouvelles pratiques ou releguer d'autres au second plan. Auquel cas, l'identite de ces acteurs, c'est-a-dire la facon dont ils se definissent et se decrivent eu egard a leur travail pourrait en etre potentiellement affectee. Des lors, il n'est pas encore clair comment les individus s'adaptent aux defis que posent les TI a leur identite, ni comment ils s'efforcent a definir ou redefinir leur soi en reponse aux changements, parfois substantiels, induits par les TI. La these constitue une etape pour combler ce vide. Son objectif est de developper une theorie qui explique comment les individus s'adaptent aux defis poses par les TI a leur identite. Nous avons donc defini quatre strategies, a savoir : 1) agir sur la situation (acting on situation); 2) ajuster le sens de soi (adjusting the self); 3) pratiques cathartiques (cathartic practices), et 4) distanciation (distancing coping). Nous avons suggere que ces quatre strategies menent a l'une des quatre types d'identite : 1) identite renforcee (reinforced identity) 2) identite redefinie (redefined identity) 3) identite ambivalente (ambivalent identity) 4) et l'anti-identite (anti-identity). La theorie est validee par une etude de terrain menee aupres des professionnels de la sante, a savoir, des medecins et des infirmier(e)s dont les pratiques cliniques ont connu des changements substantiels induits par des systemes de dossiers patients electroniques. En somme, l'etude contribue a la litterature en offrant a point singulier pour examiner comment l'identite est construite dans le processus d'interaction avec les technologies de l'information qui, en retour, affectent certains comportements eu egard les TI tels que l'utilisation, l'appropriation et la resistance. La these contribue aussi au niveau pratique en offrant des outils singuliers aux gestionnaires, particulierement du secteur de la sante, pour reussir l'introduction des systemes de dossiers patients electroniques. ______________________________________________________________________________
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015
BIM is a modeling technology that allows architects and builders to visually create, analyze, and... more BIM is a modeling technology that allows architects and builders to visually create, analyze, and share building models. BIM is gaining a growing importance which may be reflected in the increasing number of owners who demand BIM use. However, despite the perceived uptick in demand for BIM, an industry wide adoption has not yet been reached. Likewise, the adoption of BIM enhanced business practices within both design and construction has been limited. While there are multiple barriers to BIM use, resistance to change has been identified by scholars as a major restraining force. Indeed, BIM prompts for substantial changes in the ways architects and constructors think and work which may question their performance and challenge their identities as competent workers. In this research, we address these dynamics, we use identity theory to gain an understanding on how identity accounts for acts of resistance and adoption of BIM in AEC industry.
WORLD SCIENTIFIC eBooks, Oct 27, 2021
Advances in IT personnel and project management, 2016
With growing maturity of social media over the last few years, many companies started using these... more With growing maturity of social media over the last few years, many companies started using these tools to interact with customers and employees. Business functions such as Sales, Marketing and Human Resources have innovatively embedded these technologies to support their processes and became, as such, an instrument for renewal. The use of social media in Project Management, however, seems to be very limited. The profession lags behind having difficulty keeping pace with the rapidly evolving web 2.0 driven technological innovations which are delivering on their promise to foster collaboration. The paper discusses the potential of social media in the project management practice. As the move towards harnessing the power of social media within the Project Management framework requires adequate organizational change, the study also addresses the implications of such an initiative on structure, culture, and control.
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2021
This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicin... more This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicinity of insights and foresights, stimulating audience engagement. In alignment to the identified conference themes, panel discussants and presenters share their expertise on topics surrounding a) the conceptualization of FinTech in higher education, b) the development of curricula and teaching material in the context of FinTech as an emerging field of research, teaching and practice and c) the adoption of cross-industrial teaching and learning models for career-ready FinTech professionals. This interactive session consists of brief presentations, facilitated panel discussion and active audience participation, moderated by the session organizers
This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicin... more This panel is bringing together an international cohort of 5 academics offering an abundant vicinity of insights and foresights, stimulating audience engagement. In alignment to the identified conference themes, panel discussants and presenters share their expertise on topics surrounding a) the conceptualization of FinTech in higher education, b) the development of curricula and teaching material in the context of FinTech as an emerging field of research, teaching and practice and c) the adoption of cross-industrial teaching and learning models for career-ready FinTech professionals. This interactive session consists of brief presentations, facilitated panel discussion and active audience participation, moderated by the session organizers
This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and ... more This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and collective identity in the context of intergroup collaboration. Particularly, we investigate the type of IT affordances (i.e., collaborative, organizational memory, or process management) that are more prone to support certain types of identities (i.e., superordinate collective identity, intergroup relational identity, or intergroup ambivalent identity) when groups need to collaborate towards the accomplishment of a common goal. We suggest three hypotheses which we plan to test via a field study within the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.
ABSTRACT L'objectif de cette étude est de faire la présentation d'une expérience ... more ABSTRACT L'objectif de cette étude est de faire la présentation d'une expérience d'utilisation du réseau social 'Google plus' comme dispositif de conversation et de collaboration dans le cadre d'un cours de MBA exécutif. Nous faisons le bilan de cette expérience et nous discutons des implications de l'intégration d'un réseau social comme outil pédagogique en enseignement supérieur.
European Journal of Information Systems, 2008
About 20 years ago, Markus and Robey noted that most research on IT impacts had been guided by de... more About 20 years ago, Markus and Robey noted that most research on IT impacts had been guided by deterministic perspectives and had neglected to use an emergent perspective, which could account for contradictory findings. They further observed that most research in this area had been carried out using variance theories at the expense of process theories. Finally, they suggested that more emphasis on multilevel theory building would likely improve empirical reliability. In this paper, we reiterate the observations and suggestions made by Markus and Robey on the causal structure of IT impact theories and carry out an analysis of empirical research published in four major IS journals, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), and Information and Organization (I&O), to assess compliance with those recommendations. Our final sample consisted of 161 theory-driven articles, accounting for approximately 21% of all the empirical articles published in these journals. Our results first reveal that 91% of the studies in MISQ, ISR, and EJIS focused on deterministic theories, while 63% of those in I&O adopted an emergent perspective. Furthermore, 91% of the articles in MISQ, ISR, and EJIS adopted a variance model; this compares with 71% from I&O that applied a process model. Lastly, mixed levels of analysis were found in 14% of all the surveyed articles. Implications of these findings for future research are discussed.
Computers in Human Behavior, 2010
Drawing on ideas from identity control theory and coping theory and on a diverse range of social ... more Drawing on ideas from identity control theory and coping theory and on a diverse range of social psychology literature, we propose an integrative theoretical framework that unpacks and traces the processes by which information technology comes to affect users' identity. We define four types of strategies (acting on the situation, adjusting the self, cathartic practices and distancing) through which people cope with technological challenges to the self. We suggest that these strategies may lead to four individual-level outcomes, namely reinforced identity, redefined identity, ambivalent identity and anti-identity. The model is provided with a preliminary support through reference to real life situations, carefully selected from extant empirical IS enquiries.