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Papers by hande emin benli

Research paper thumbnail of Pi̇yasa Aksakliklari Kurami Çerçevesi̇nde Poli̇ti̇k Pi̇yasa: Anali̇ti̇k Bi̇r Yaklaşim

Yönetim ve ekonomi araştırmaları dergisi, Jun 30, 2022

The political market is a mechanism like the traditional economic market, in which the players ac... more The political market is a mechanism like the traditional economic market, in which the players act within the framework of the utility function, the exchange process, and formed market strategies. Although the economic necessity of political markets is obvious, it should be called an economic market in terms of the effect it has on social welfare. The effectiveness of the political market depends on whether it have the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market. A perfectly competitive market refers to a market of goods and services with the lowest possible price and the lowest cost, from which the players in the market benefit. However, when the market mechanism has difficulties in providing an optimal level of resource allocation in the current system, it begins to lose its perfectly competitive market feature and its effectiveness in economic terms. Since the market mechanism cannot be balanced naturally itself, it needs legal regulations that are called as non-market intervention and that have economic consequences, in order to regulate the market functions. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the economic market nature of the concept of political market. The political market is explained theoretically through the theory of market failures and the political market mechanism is revealed based upon conventional market logic.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of Economic and Institutional Dynamics on New Media Applications Penetration

IGI Global eBooks, Aug 5, 2022

New media applications become vital in order to compete as a country and as human beings. Despite... more New media applications become vital in order to compete as a country and as human beings. Despite the positive impact and increasing global usage of new media applications, some countries have low new media applications penetration when others have high. This should be analyzed and evaluated within the countries' own macroeconomic and institutional dynamics. Dynamic motives as institutional, macroeconomic, infrastructural, and political factors heavily divined and also easily damage the current and future conditions of the countries. This work conceptually and concretely investigated the role of specific factors. Macroeconomic factors are determined as population, GDP growth rate, and population rate of the countries. Institutional factors are evaluated through political stability index, rule of law index, and civil liberties index of each sample country. Infrastructural factors, business environment, and investments were analyzed with looking at international internet bandwidth per internet users and competitiveness data for countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Economy of Property Rights: Sample Country Cases

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 8, 2022

Property rights are the main components of liberal economic system. Therefore, free market econom... more Property rights are the main components of liberal economic system. Therefore, free market economies support institutional mechanism and political economic performance of the countries. More specifically, property rights protection and income inequality are the key legal and economic factors for economic growth. However, literature is lack in order to explain the relationship between property rights protection and income inequality in a theoretical and statistical way. This paper aims to fill these gaps with political economic perspective and through simple country analysis. It is important to show this relationship in order to show up the substitutability of legal protection of property rights with the political economic perspective in the event of income inequality. Especially developing countries are under the impact of efficient or inefficient institutions and political economic problems. In order to verify our hypothesis, this study try to reveal whether or not property rights protection and income inequality have a negative relationship simply. It is chosen Russia and Turkey as sample states and simple ordinary correlation analysis has done. The empirical results show the negative correlation between income inequality and legal protection of property rights under relevant conditions. Empirical results are consistent with the theoretical background and literature review part of this study.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomi̇k Performans Endeksleri̇ Ve Uluslararasi Ti̇caret Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇: Karşilaştirmali Bi̇r Anali̇z

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jul 30, 2022

Sefalet endeksleri ülkelerin ekonomik performanslarını ortaya koyan endekslerdir. Genel olarak se... more Sefalet endeksleri ülkelerin ekonomik performanslarını ortaya koyan endekslerdir. Genel olarak sefalet endeksleri, yüksek işsizliğin iş bulma sürecini zorlaştıracağı ve yüksek enflasyonun ise satın alma gücünü engellemesinden dolayı bireylerin potansiyel sefaletinin veya mutsuzluğunun belirlendiği ölçüttür. Piyasa aktörleri açısından ise sefalet endeksi değerleri ve piyasa mekanizması ilişkisini kurmak önemlidir. Literatürde sefalet endeksi özelinde çalışmalar mevcuttur ancak döviz kuru ve dış ticaret dengesini oluşturan, ihracat ile ithalat gibi değişkenler kullanılarak yapılan çalışmalar eksik kalmıştır dolayısıyla literatürdeki bu boşluk giderilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, çalışmada çerçevesinde sefalet endeksinin uluslararası ticaret veya dış ticaret göstergeleriyle etkileşim içerisinde olup olmadığı ampirik bir model ile ortaya konmaktadır. Çalışmaya konu endeksler Okun Sefalet Endeksi ile Barro Sefalet Endeksi'dir. Çalışma Türkiye ve BRICS ülkeleri olan Hindistan, Brezilya, Rusya, Çin ve Güney Afrika ülkelerini kapsamaktadır. Ülkeler özelinde Okun ve Barro Endeks değerleri üzerinden analizler yapılmıştır. Türkiye özelinde ise 2007Q3-2020Q3 dönemleri arasında Barro Sefalet Endeksi, döviz kuru ve dış ticaret dengesi değerleri hesaplanarak ekonometrik bir model kurulmuştur. Ampirik bulgulara göre, kurulan ekonometrik model ve değişkenler istatistiksel olarak anlamlı çıkmıştır. Elde edilen katsayı sonuçları ise Barro Sefalet Endeksi ile dış ticaret dengesi arasında negatif, döviz kuru ile arasında pozitif bir ilişkinin varlığını işaret göstermiştir. Granger nedensellik testine göre döviz kurunun dış ticaret dengesi ile Barro Sefalet Endeksini, Barro Sefalet Endeksinin ise dış ticaret dengesini etkilediği görülmüştür.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Relationship between Total Factor Productivity and Crime Rate: Evidence from US Courts, 1960-2011

Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, Mar 31, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Legal and Economic Considerations on the Efficacy of the Civil Law Fiduciary System Compared to the Common Law Trust under the Debates on the Dual Property System

Business Law Review

Fiduciary is a better alternative than real securities in many respects. However, it has critical... more Fiduciary is a better alternative than real securities in many respects. However, it has critical legal and economic disadvantages that cause inefficient consequences. Drawbacks of fiduciary outweigh its advantages compared to Common Law Trust. Since, Trust is based on a distinction of legal ownership and equity ownership which is compatible with the distinction of legal rights and economic rights in the economic theory of property rights. This compatibility between Trust and economic theory makes the Trust economically efficient. On the other hand, the economic rights and legal rights distinction is an unfamiliar issue to the civil law of property system. The civil law of property system covers limited real rights in accordance with the principle of numerus clausus that historically includes legal ownership as legal rights and to repudiate economic rights. In this paper, we analyse how to eliminate legal and economic drawbacks of fiduciary in order to make it as efficient as Trust ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Girişimci Ağına Kavramsal ve Makroekonomik Yaklaşım: Amerika Özelinde Bir Endeks Çalışması

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Aug 30, 2021

Öz Literatürde, girişimci ağı kavramının salt "ağ/network" kavramı ile ilişkilendirilmesinden kay... more Öz Literatürde, girişimci ağı kavramının salt "ağ/network" kavramı ile ilişkilendirilmesinden kaynaklı boşluk kavramın somut şekilde anlaşılmasını güçleştirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, "sürdürülebilir girişimci ağı" kavramını literatüre katmak için tanımsal bir çerçeve çizmek, bu kavramı formüller kullanarak ölçülebilir hale getirmek, örnek ülke özelinde endeks oluşturmak ve kavramın makroekonomi ile ilişkisini ortaya koymaktır. Yöntemsel olarak sürdürülebilir girişimci ağı girişimcilik kültürü, girişimci ağı ve evrimsel döngü unsurları çerçevesinde tanımlanmaktadır. Teorik arka planda literatürde yer alan Network Teorisi ve Ürün Yaşam Döngüsü Yaklaşımlarından esinlenilmiştir. Sürdürülebilir girişimci ağı tanımsal çerçeveden yola çıkarak dört evrede matematiksel formüllerle ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen göstergeler alt endekse dönüştürülmüş ve HDI metodolojisi kullanılarak Sürdürülebilir Girişimci Ağı Endeksi (SGAE) elde edilmiştir. Çoklu doğrusal bağlantı problemini ortadan kaldırmak amacıyla SGAE hem aritmetik ortalama (ağırlıklandırılmamış-AO) hem de Temel Bileşenler Analizi (ağırlıklandırılmış-PCA) yöntemleriyle hesaplanmıştır. 0-1 aralığında hesaplanan endeks değerlerine göre 1980-2014 dönemi içerisinde sürdürülebilir girişimci ağı endeksinde ağırlıklı olarak istikrar gözlenmiştir. En yüksek düzeyde olduğu yıl 0,73'lük oranla 1997 yılı olmuştur. 1980 yılı ise sürdürülebilir girişimci ağının 0.27'lik oranla en düşük olduğu yıldır. Sürdürülebilir girişimci ağının makroekonomi ile olan ilişkisi literatürden faydalanarak teorik bir çerçevede açıklanmıştır. Kavramın makroekonomiyle olan ilişkisi dört evreden oluşan kurumsal etki aracılığı ile açık şekilde kurulabilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of Economic and Institutional Dynamics on New Media Applications Penetration

Handbook of Research on New Media Applications in Public Relations and Advertising, 2021

New media applications become vital in order to compete as a country and as human beings. Despite... more New media applications become vital in order to compete as a country and as human beings. Despite the positive impact and increasing global usage of new media applications, some countries have low new media applications penetration when others have high. This should be analyzed and evaluated within the countries' own macroeconomic and institutional dynamics. Dynamic motives as institutional, macroeconomic, infrastructural, and political factors heavily divined and also easily damage the current and future conditions of the countries. This work conceptually and concretely investigated the role of specific factors. Macroeconomic factors are determined as population, GDP growth rate, and population rate of the countries. Institutional factors are evaluated through political stability index, rule of law index, and civil liberties index of each sample country. Infrastructural factors, business environment, and investments were analyzed with looking at international internet bandwidth...

Research paper thumbnail of Yargi Si̇stemi̇ni̇n Etki̇n İşleyi̇şi̇ Ve Ekonomi̇k Büyüme: Türki̇ye Örneği̇, 1980-2010

Research paper thumbnail of Optimality Condition of Place of Injury Rule in Cross Border Internet Torts and Implications for Turkey

Place of injury rule is not always optimal. In this paper, we measure the optimality condition of... more Place of injury rule is not always optimal. In this paper, we measure the optimality condition of place of injury rule under strict liability. We develop an extended new model that departs from the efficient condition of choice of law rule by O’Hara & Ribstein2. The first part of our model proposes the optimal amount of precaution in cross-border internet torts under strict liability. The second part of the model indicates the optimality condition of the place of injury rule. Our model shows that the choice of injury rule is not always optimal. However, Article 34/II of Turkish Act on Private International and Procedural Law accepts that the choice of injury rule is always optimal so that Article 34/II is inefficient and wealth destroying. In conclusion, we suggest that Article 34/II should not be a mandatory rule. It should grant discretion to judges in order to measure the optimality conditions of both place of injury rule and place of conduct rule in each case. Our model will gui...

Research paper thumbnail of The political economy of margin squeeze liability in the Turkish telecommunications market: A comparative assessment

Utilities Policy, 2015

This paper studies the increasing importance of margin squeeze issue in the Turkish telecommunica... more This paper studies the increasing importance of margin squeeze issue in the Turkish telecommunications market with a comparative assessment. Recent literature does not provide enough insight into the political economy of margin squeeze. The ideological background of the countries dominates their margin squeeze policies. The socialist experience and ordoliberal ideologies affect European Union (EU)’s margin squeeze policy. The EU policy leads to endorse margin squeeze as a standalone liability and it becomes relevant to the regulation and competition law. Turkey is one of the follower of the EU policy. However, the EU margin squeeze size does not fit to Turkey. The EU perspective is not an appropriate politically because it leads to the risk of conflict of authority. This risk has not existed yet in the EU because the EU has a supranational structure that allows the EU Commission to act as a central planner. However, the risk of conflict of authority is politically significant because Turkey is a nation state that does not allow the administrative authorities to act as a central planner. The EU margin squeeze policy is also not suitable for Turkey in terms of economics. Since, the EU approach leads to waste of resources. On the other hand, United States (US) courts endorse margin squeeze as a regulatory instrument and irrelevant to the imposition of antitrust law. The US practice seems to be more suitable for Turkey because it eliminates the risk of conflict of authority and waste of resources. The new Turkish regulatory framework on margin squeeze is more compatible with the US practices. Although the Turkish practice has formed under the influence of the Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica and Teliasonera cases, new margin squeeze regulation allows to follow the Linkline and Trinko decisions to ensure consumer welfare rather than competitors’ profitability.

Research paper thumbnail of Pi̇yasa Aksakliklari Kurami Çerçevesi̇nde Poli̇ti̇k Pi̇yasa: Anali̇ti̇k Bi̇r Yaklaşim

Yönetim ve ekonomi araştırmaları dergisi, Jun 30, 2022

The political market is a mechanism like the traditional economic market, in which the players ac... more The political market is a mechanism like the traditional economic market, in which the players act within the framework of the utility function, the exchange process, and formed market strategies. Although the economic necessity of political markets is obvious, it should be called an economic market in terms of the effect it has on social welfare. The effectiveness of the political market depends on whether it have the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market. A perfectly competitive market refers to a market of goods and services with the lowest possible price and the lowest cost, from which the players in the market benefit. However, when the market mechanism has difficulties in providing an optimal level of resource allocation in the current system, it begins to lose its perfectly competitive market feature and its effectiveness in economic terms. Since the market mechanism cannot be balanced naturally itself, it needs legal regulations that are called as non-market intervention and that have economic consequences, in order to regulate the market functions. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the economic market nature of the concept of political market. The political market is explained theoretically through the theory of market failures and the political market mechanism is revealed based upon conventional market logic.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of Economic and Institutional Dynamics on New Media Applications Penetration

IGI Global eBooks, Aug 5, 2022

New media applications become vital in order to compete as a country and as human beings. Despite... more New media applications become vital in order to compete as a country and as human beings. Despite the positive impact and increasing global usage of new media applications, some countries have low new media applications penetration when others have high. This should be analyzed and evaluated within the countries' own macroeconomic and institutional dynamics. Dynamic motives as institutional, macroeconomic, infrastructural, and political factors heavily divined and also easily damage the current and future conditions of the countries. This work conceptually and concretely investigated the role of specific factors. Macroeconomic factors are determined as population, GDP growth rate, and population rate of the countries. Institutional factors are evaluated through political stability index, rule of law index, and civil liberties index of each sample country. Infrastructural factors, business environment, and investments were analyzed with looking at international internet bandwidth per internet users and competitiveness data for countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Economy of Property Rights: Sample Country Cases

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 8, 2022

Property rights are the main components of liberal economic system. Therefore, free market econom... more Property rights are the main components of liberal economic system. Therefore, free market economies support institutional mechanism and political economic performance of the countries. More specifically, property rights protection and income inequality are the key legal and economic factors for economic growth. However, literature is lack in order to explain the relationship between property rights protection and income inequality in a theoretical and statistical way. This paper aims to fill these gaps with political economic perspective and through simple country analysis. It is important to show this relationship in order to show up the substitutability of legal protection of property rights with the political economic perspective in the event of income inequality. Especially developing countries are under the impact of efficient or inefficient institutions and political economic problems. In order to verify our hypothesis, this study try to reveal whether or not property rights protection and income inequality have a negative relationship simply. It is chosen Russia and Turkey as sample states and simple ordinary correlation analysis has done. The empirical results show the negative correlation between income inequality and legal protection of property rights under relevant conditions. Empirical results are consistent with the theoretical background and literature review part of this study.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomi̇k Performans Endeksleri̇ Ve Uluslararasi Ti̇caret Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇: Karşilaştirmali Bi̇r Anali̇z

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jul 30, 2022

Sefalet endeksleri ülkelerin ekonomik performanslarını ortaya koyan endekslerdir. Genel olarak se... more Sefalet endeksleri ülkelerin ekonomik performanslarını ortaya koyan endekslerdir. Genel olarak sefalet endeksleri, yüksek işsizliğin iş bulma sürecini zorlaştıracağı ve yüksek enflasyonun ise satın alma gücünü engellemesinden dolayı bireylerin potansiyel sefaletinin veya mutsuzluğunun belirlendiği ölçüttür. Piyasa aktörleri açısından ise sefalet endeksi değerleri ve piyasa mekanizması ilişkisini kurmak önemlidir. Literatürde sefalet endeksi özelinde çalışmalar mevcuttur ancak döviz kuru ve dış ticaret dengesini oluşturan, ihracat ile ithalat gibi değişkenler kullanılarak yapılan çalışmalar eksik kalmıştır dolayısıyla literatürdeki bu boşluk giderilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, çalışmada çerçevesinde sefalet endeksinin uluslararası ticaret veya dış ticaret göstergeleriyle etkileşim içerisinde olup olmadığı ampirik bir model ile ortaya konmaktadır. Çalışmaya konu endeksler Okun Sefalet Endeksi ile Barro Sefalet Endeksi'dir. Çalışma Türkiye ve BRICS ülkeleri olan Hindistan, Brezilya, Rusya, Çin ve Güney Afrika ülkelerini kapsamaktadır. Ülkeler özelinde Okun ve Barro Endeks değerleri üzerinden analizler yapılmıştır. Türkiye özelinde ise 2007Q3-2020Q3 dönemleri arasında Barro Sefalet Endeksi, döviz kuru ve dış ticaret dengesi değerleri hesaplanarak ekonometrik bir model kurulmuştur. Ampirik bulgulara göre, kurulan ekonometrik model ve değişkenler istatistiksel olarak anlamlı çıkmıştır. Elde edilen katsayı sonuçları ise Barro Sefalet Endeksi ile dış ticaret dengesi arasında negatif, döviz kuru ile arasında pozitif bir ilişkinin varlığını işaret göstermiştir. Granger nedensellik testine göre döviz kurunun dış ticaret dengesi ile Barro Sefalet Endeksini, Barro Sefalet Endeksinin ise dış ticaret dengesini etkilediği görülmüştür.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Relationship between Total Factor Productivity and Crime Rate: Evidence from US Courts, 1960-2011

Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, Mar 31, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Legal and Economic Considerations on the Efficacy of the Civil Law Fiduciary System Compared to the Common Law Trust under the Debates on the Dual Property System

Business Law Review

Fiduciary is a better alternative than real securities in many respects. However, it has critical... more Fiduciary is a better alternative than real securities in many respects. However, it has critical legal and economic disadvantages that cause inefficient consequences. Drawbacks of fiduciary outweigh its advantages compared to Common Law Trust. Since, Trust is based on a distinction of legal ownership and equity ownership which is compatible with the distinction of legal rights and economic rights in the economic theory of property rights. This compatibility between Trust and economic theory makes the Trust economically efficient. On the other hand, the economic rights and legal rights distinction is an unfamiliar issue to the civil law of property system. The civil law of property system covers limited real rights in accordance with the principle of numerus clausus that historically includes legal ownership as legal rights and to repudiate economic rights. In this paper, we analyse how to eliminate legal and economic drawbacks of fiduciary in order to make it as efficient as Trust ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Girişimci Ağına Kavramsal ve Makroekonomik Yaklaşım: Amerika Özelinde Bir Endeks Çalışması

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Aug 30, 2021

Öz Literatürde, girişimci ağı kavramının salt "ağ/network" kavramı ile ilişkilendirilmesinden kay... more Öz Literatürde, girişimci ağı kavramının salt "ağ/network" kavramı ile ilişkilendirilmesinden kaynaklı boşluk kavramın somut şekilde anlaşılmasını güçleştirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, "sürdürülebilir girişimci ağı" kavramını literatüre katmak için tanımsal bir çerçeve çizmek, bu kavramı formüller kullanarak ölçülebilir hale getirmek, örnek ülke özelinde endeks oluşturmak ve kavramın makroekonomi ile ilişkisini ortaya koymaktır. Yöntemsel olarak sürdürülebilir girişimci ağı girişimcilik kültürü, girişimci ağı ve evrimsel döngü unsurları çerçevesinde tanımlanmaktadır. Teorik arka planda literatürde yer alan Network Teorisi ve Ürün Yaşam Döngüsü Yaklaşımlarından esinlenilmiştir. Sürdürülebilir girişimci ağı tanımsal çerçeveden yola çıkarak dört evrede matematiksel formüllerle ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen göstergeler alt endekse dönüştürülmüş ve HDI metodolojisi kullanılarak Sürdürülebilir Girişimci Ağı Endeksi (SGAE) elde edilmiştir. Çoklu doğrusal bağlantı problemini ortadan kaldırmak amacıyla SGAE hem aritmetik ortalama (ağırlıklandırılmamış-AO) hem de Temel Bileşenler Analizi (ağırlıklandırılmış-PCA) yöntemleriyle hesaplanmıştır. 0-1 aralığında hesaplanan endeks değerlerine göre 1980-2014 dönemi içerisinde sürdürülebilir girişimci ağı endeksinde ağırlıklı olarak istikrar gözlenmiştir. En yüksek düzeyde olduğu yıl 0,73'lük oranla 1997 yılı olmuştur. 1980 yılı ise sürdürülebilir girişimci ağının 0.27'lik oranla en düşük olduğu yıldır. Sürdürülebilir girişimci ağının makroekonomi ile olan ilişkisi literatürden faydalanarak teorik bir çerçevede açıklanmıştır. Kavramın makroekonomiyle olan ilişkisi dört evreden oluşan kurumsal etki aracılığı ile açık şekilde kurulabilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of Economic and Institutional Dynamics on New Media Applications Penetration

Handbook of Research on New Media Applications in Public Relations and Advertising, 2021

New media applications become vital in order to compete as a country and as human beings. Despite... more New media applications become vital in order to compete as a country and as human beings. Despite the positive impact and increasing global usage of new media applications, some countries have low new media applications penetration when others have high. This should be analyzed and evaluated within the countries' own macroeconomic and institutional dynamics. Dynamic motives as institutional, macroeconomic, infrastructural, and political factors heavily divined and also easily damage the current and future conditions of the countries. This work conceptually and concretely investigated the role of specific factors. Macroeconomic factors are determined as population, GDP growth rate, and population rate of the countries. Institutional factors are evaluated through political stability index, rule of law index, and civil liberties index of each sample country. Infrastructural factors, business environment, and investments were analyzed with looking at international internet bandwidth...

Research paper thumbnail of Yargi Si̇stemi̇ni̇n Etki̇n İşleyi̇şi̇ Ve Ekonomi̇k Büyüme: Türki̇ye Örneği̇, 1980-2010

Research paper thumbnail of Optimality Condition of Place of Injury Rule in Cross Border Internet Torts and Implications for Turkey

Place of injury rule is not always optimal. In this paper, we measure the optimality condition of... more Place of injury rule is not always optimal. In this paper, we measure the optimality condition of place of injury rule under strict liability. We develop an extended new model that departs from the efficient condition of choice of law rule by O’Hara & Ribstein2. The first part of our model proposes the optimal amount of precaution in cross-border internet torts under strict liability. The second part of the model indicates the optimality condition of the place of injury rule. Our model shows that the choice of injury rule is not always optimal. However, Article 34/II of Turkish Act on Private International and Procedural Law accepts that the choice of injury rule is always optimal so that Article 34/II is inefficient and wealth destroying. In conclusion, we suggest that Article 34/II should not be a mandatory rule. It should grant discretion to judges in order to measure the optimality conditions of both place of injury rule and place of conduct rule in each case. Our model will gui...

Research paper thumbnail of The political economy of margin squeeze liability in the Turkish telecommunications market: A comparative assessment

Utilities Policy, 2015

This paper studies the increasing importance of margin squeeze issue in the Turkish telecommunica... more This paper studies the increasing importance of margin squeeze issue in the Turkish telecommunications market with a comparative assessment. Recent literature does not provide enough insight into the political economy of margin squeeze. The ideological background of the countries dominates their margin squeeze policies. The socialist experience and ordoliberal ideologies affect European Union (EU)’s margin squeeze policy. The EU policy leads to endorse margin squeeze as a standalone liability and it becomes relevant to the regulation and competition law. Turkey is one of the follower of the EU policy. However, the EU margin squeeze size does not fit to Turkey. The EU perspective is not an appropriate politically because it leads to the risk of conflict of authority. This risk has not existed yet in the EU because the EU has a supranational structure that allows the EU Commission to act as a central planner. However, the risk of conflict of authority is politically significant because Turkey is a nation state that does not allow the administrative authorities to act as a central planner. The EU margin squeeze policy is also not suitable for Turkey in terms of economics. Since, the EU approach leads to waste of resources. On the other hand, United States (US) courts endorse margin squeeze as a regulatory instrument and irrelevant to the imposition of antitrust law. The US practice seems to be more suitable for Turkey because it eliminates the risk of conflict of authority and waste of resources. The new Turkish regulatory framework on margin squeeze is more compatible with the US practices. Although the Turkish practice has formed under the influence of the Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica and Teliasonera cases, new margin squeeze regulation allows to follow the Linkline and Trinko decisions to ensure consumer welfare rather than competitors’ profitability.