harifuddin halim - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by harifuddin halim
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication
This study aims to reveal the forms of sacrifice as a model of preaching carried out by members o... more This study aims to reveal the forms of sacrifice as a model of preaching carried out by members of the Tabligh group. They do this as a manifestation of their belief in the Islamic religion that they profess. This study used a quantitative method with a survey approach to the Tablighi group. This approach is appropriate in expressing one focus of study, namely sacrifice as a model for group da'wah. The data was collected using a questionnaire to 25 members of the Tabligh group related to the 'sacrifice' da'wah model they carried out. The results showed: the form of sacrifice as a model of da'wah in their beliefs in the form of sacrifice of time, sacrifice of work, sacrifice of family, sacrifice of wealth, sacrifice of self, and sacrifice of feelings. They think all of these things are material that must be sacrificed to get a reward from Allah SWT.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
This paper aims to reveal the productive role of the fisherman's wife in improving her ho... more This paper aims to reveal the productive role of the fisherman's wife in improving her household's economy. Qualitative research with case study approach to five multi-profession fishermen's wives as fish seller, cake seller, daily needs seller, and others. The main data collection uses structured interviews. The focus of the interview is their role on improving the household economy. The data obtained found the equation and interpreted as a conclusion. The results of this study show that the role of fishermen's wives in improving their household economy include: selling (traditional) cakes, selling daily necessities, selling furniture, selling fish by peddling in the market, and sending it to other areas through distributors 1. Introduction The involvement of the Fishermen's wife in assisting her household economy has always been an important part in the realities of Fishermen's life. In fact, their existence is more often the determinant of the sustainability of these households when they are in economic pressure. Various activities that are generally Fishermen's wives do related to the economic activities of the household, among others open the shop daily needs, cleaning trawls from sea plants, and so forth. In addition to the above activities, other activities of value productive and not less important is related to fisheries. In the context of this activity, the Fisherman's wife indirectly also contributes to the work of her husband. Some of the productive activities include sorting fish by type, preserving fish, making fish jerky, and selling fish to the market or peddling around the village. Considering the social reality of the Fisherman's wife, Kusnadi asserted that "the economic role of coastal women is strong and dominating, both at the level of household and community level. At the household level, coastal women become "one of the pillars of the economy" of households, in tandem with their husbands. The functional relationship of husband and wife in meeting the economic needs of households is complementary or assist "household economic needs, but also to determine the availability of economic resources for household needs [1]. Similar perspectives are also stated by Rauf about ideally every member of the household to have their respective duties in order to establish a good cooperation [2]. Who does what is one of the patterns of division of labor in the household so that it does not have to be done by a certain wife or member only. The division of domestic work can also be distinguished by physical form and occupation. So term " Who " here mean family members of men or women. The perspective expressed both by Kusnadi and Rauf implied a construction of Gender Equality. As it is known that equality is the equality of the conditions of men and women to obtain opportunities and rights as human beings in order to be able to participate in political,
Pada dasarnya, setiap individu ingin memiliki hidup yang harmonis dengan relasi yang baik antar i... more Pada dasarnya, setiap individu ingin memiliki hidup yang harmonis dengan relasi yang baik antar individu, individu dengan lingkungan atau alam, individu dengan Tuhan dalam bentuk kepercayaan. Pernyataan ini meniscayakan bahwa setiap individu menjalani kehidupannya berdasarkan ruang dan waktu. Mereka membangun hubungan sosial, tindakan sehari-hari berdasarkan penghayatan mereka terhadap hubungan ketiganya sebagai kosmologi yang di dalamnya terkandung nilai khas dan spesifik menurut kesepakatan dan penghayatan mereka. Dalam konteks tersebut, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan proses terwujudnya tindakan individu tersebut sebagai sebuah proses konstruksi sosial yang berbasis nilai hidup bersama dan disepakati. Inilah yang penulis sebut sebagai sosiologi lingkungan-profetik. Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari sebuah penelitian tentang nilai lokal sebuah komunitas yang tetap eksis di tengah era modernitas sekarang. Sebuah masyarakat yang eksis dikarenakan mempraktekkan nilai lokal ...
The poverty in the fisher community viewed clearly in lower education level, lower of social part... more The poverty in the fisher community viewed clearly in lower education level, lower of social participation, the quality of home dwelling is under standard, lower income, etc. Many research found the poverty is in two aspect, they called structural poverty and cultural poverty. Structurally, the poverty regarded to the less of access by the fishermen to public sphere, political sphere, and broader social-economic sphere. Culturally, the fisher have less rational instrumental ethical work, non-oriented long term, tend to fatalist, resigned and deterministic. In the university, the social-culture of fisher community is knowledge space and social laboratory for developing the community change. The fisher community has its social-culture system evolutionary, meanwhile the university has its scientific basic progressively, constructively, futuristically as well as oriented to human wellbeing. University is always identically to knowledge and science that involving rational instrumental an...
ABDINE: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021
Kabupaten Maros merupakan wilayah yang kaya budaya dengan potensi alam yang indah yang berpeluang... more Kabupaten Maros merupakan wilayah yang kaya budaya dengan potensi alam yang indah yang berpeluang menjadi aset wisata pemerintah setempat. Banyaknya potensi wisata tersebut tidak serta merta signifikan terhadap tingkat partisipasi masyarakatnya. Oleh karena itulah, dianggap perlu untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka sadar dan terlibat dalam pengembangan pariwisata lokal yang kemudian dapat berdampak terhadap kehidupan ekonomi mereka. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan pemetaan pariwisata di Kabupaten Maros. Kegiatan pengabdian ini merupakan hasil kerjasama antara ADPERTISI dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Maros dengan lokasi pelatihan di Kecamatan Bontoa. Pengabdian ini dihadiri oleh kurang lebih 40 warga masyarakat berasal dari berbagai kelompok seperti kelompok karang taruna, kelompok pencinta desa wisata. Pelatihan ini bertujuan (1) memetakan potensi wisata di Kabupaten Maros khususnya di Kecamatan Bontoa, dan (2) menya...
The greatest problem faced by modern science today is the separating the spiritual aspect from mo... more The greatest problem faced by modern science today is the separating the spiritual aspect from modern science. Modern science-based rational and empirical epistemology do not admit for transcendent aspects in it. This situation later consequences for the whole of human life, among others, the moral value of human degradation and environmental degradation. Realizing the problem, various efforts made by the experts to find a solution. They agreed that urgent steps that must be done is to restore the 'transcendent' elements in modern science. The transcendent elements integrated with rationality and empirical science that guides human life to the 'humanity'. In modern sociology that 'positivistic' is for example, the step means transformative. If during the sociology just make an effort to understand or explaining the social reality, then the transformation step in question is a further step by providing solutions to the problems faced by humans in order to rea...
This paper aims to describe and analyze (1) the purpose of the Village Government Institutions an... more This paper aims to describe and analyze (1) the purpose of the Village Government Institutions and Village Consultative Council; (2) functional subsystem; (3) the dimensions of Village Government Institutions linkages and Village Consultative Council in Kolaka district Southeast Sulawesi Province. So that, it is used qualitative research design 'Dominant-Less Dominant' and informant as many as 27 people from nine villages. Data obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and documentation and the results analyzed using the interactive model. The results showed that: (1) the purpose of the Village Government Institutions in the Kolaka village has not really existed as a modern institution. (2) the functional subsystem as the internal structure of village government in Southeast Sulawesi is weak because it does not match the complexity of the task. (3) The Village Government Institutions links in Kolaka district, is in possible connection, functional linkages, and linkages to...
This article describes the strengthening of household food security institutions of poverty of fi... more This article describes the strengthening of household food security institutions of poverty of fishermen according to developments. The sample of this research is poor fisherman's household that analyzed descriptively. The collecting data technique using literature study. The results showed that traditional food security institutions have existed since long ago as a form of adaptation to the problem of poverty. Growing population and increasing demand for food require local and modern food-based food security management.
This paper aims to reveal the process of syncretization between immanent aspects and transcendent... more This paper aims to reveal the process of syncretization between immanent aspects and transcendental beliefs that exist in fishing communities, especially in Bontosua Island. The data were collected from the Fishermen using in-depth interview and observation techniques of their daily activities. The data obtained were categorized, reduced, analyzed and interpreted using phenomenological approach. The results indicate that the syncretization between immanent aspects in the form of animistic and dynamistic beliefs and Islam is manifested in incantation ritual using local languages (Buginese and Makassarese) and the language of Qur’an. Both of them are used before leaving for the sea, at the time of catching fish, and during particular rituals. Anthropologist, 33(1-3): 16-26 (2018) DOI: 10.31901/24566802.2018/343.1-3.1944 © Kamla-Raj 2018
Abstract: This paper aims to reveal the socio-political reality that is loaded with interest. Th... more Abstract: This paper aims to reveal the socio-political reality that is loaded with interest. The interest certainly are mutually-beneficial but often unbalanced political advantage. In this regard, politics always intersect or identical to ‘exchange’ and ‘communication’. When interpreted in reverse, that isn’t politics if it doesn’t contain elements of ‘exchange’ which must be preceded by a communication strategy its politicians. Specifi cally, this paper reveals the occurrence of a ‘political exchange’ and the ongoing process of ‘political communication’. Set in the elections in Soppeng district iIn 2010, the process of exchange and political communication that takes place generally is ‘transactional’. Although some cases of ‘looks’ is ‘interactional’ but it always ends with a political compensation (transactional). Keywords: Exchange, Political Communication, Election, Transactional, Interactional
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
This paper aims to reveal the application of Blue Print Model in the national cocoa movement prog... more This paper aims to reveal the application of Blue Print Model in the national cocoa movement program in Indonesia. This model compares the achievement of targets with expectations. The study was carried out by comparing targets to be achieved with targets obtained on three variables: seed rejuvenation, side-grafting activities, and intensification of cocoa plants. The results show that the target obtained is different from the expected target in the three variables. This means that the implementation of Blue Print Model in the national cocoa movement program was unsuccessful. However, with the integration of supply chain factors and blur print performance (BPP) measures, it is found that there is a significant relationship between the both. Meanwhile, some factors of supply chain have also shown their insignificant influence on the value of BPP.
This article aimed to describe the implementation process of reinforcement method as a strategy i... more This article aimed to describe the implementation process of reinforcement method as a strategy in sociology of politics teachings at student of Civics Social Sciences Department Faculty of Teaching and Education Universitas Pejuang RI of Makassar. So, the research done by using survey approaching through Quota Sampling Technique of 46 students. They are distributed questionnaires as the main collecting data, besides interview technique, and related literatures study. The result of interview and literature study used to support the questionnaire data. Then, the data analyzed through tabulation of frequency technique. The result showed that the reinforcement implementation is moderate in effective. One of vision in this teaching method is giving inspiration and motivation to student for learning not only in the class but also outside of the class. The reinforcement indicators i developed such as: smiling, happy face, close to students, giving good words, rejecting the bad words, and ...
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Pelayanan kesehatan yang baik, bermutu, profesional, dan diterima pasien... more ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Pelayanan kesehatan yang baik, bermutu, profesional, dan diterima pasien merupakan tujuan utama pelayanan rumah sakit. Namun hal ini tidak mudah dilakukan dewasa ini. Meskipun rumah sakit telah dilengkapi dengan tenaga medis, perawat, dan sarana penunjang lengkap, masih sering terdengar ketidakpuasan pasien akan pelayanan kesehatan yang mereka terima. Kurangnya komunikasi antara staf rumah sakit dengan pasien merupakan salah satu alasan keluhan umum pasien di rumah sakit. Pasien sering tidak puas dengan kualitas dan jumlah informasi yang diterima dari tenaga keperawatan. Tujuan: mengetahui bagaimana hubungan komunikasi interpersonal tenaga keperawatan dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat Inap di Ruang Nifas Puskesmas Batua Makassar Tahun 2012. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey analitik yang menggunakan data primer, sampel dari pasien yang dirawat inap 40 orang, teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling,dan uji statistik adalah Chi Square. ...
This paper aims to reveal the efforts of local or traditional fishermen (coastal fishermen) in de... more This paper aims to reveal the efforts of local or traditional fishermen (coastal fishermen) in dealing with open sea fishermen (modern fishermen) in Palu Bay related to seizure of marine resources. In revealing this, a literature study was conducted in the form of a search of documents and research reports (secondary data) on the efforts of traditional fishermen and various parties to seek justice that had been dominated by open sea fishermen (modern fishermen) in Palu Bay which had been going on for a long time. Data from various secondary sources are categorized and analyzed, then concluded. Based on the results of data analysis, the following descriptions are obtained: (1) natural poverty, cultural poverty, and structural poverty condition traditional fishing communities do not have social sustainability. (2) at the same time the trap of poverty creates social injustice. The conclusion of this article is that social sustainability and social justice are cause and effect, but real...
Istilah “Struktur-Aktor” mewakili dua entitas sosial yang sangat penting. Keduanya memiliki hubun... more Istilah “Struktur-Aktor” mewakili dua entitas sosial yang sangat penting. Keduanya memiliki hubungan timbal-balik dan saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain (reciprocity). Artinya, relasi-relasi antar aktor yang terbentuk, berulang dan terpola dalam jangka waktu yang lama akan menjadi struktur yang mapan. Struktur yang mapan tersebut kemudian menjadi “nilai” baru yang mengatur aktor-aktor yang telah menciptakannya. Proses timbal-balik tersebut mengandung proses “intersubjektifitas” dalam perspektif konstruksi sosial. Problem utamanya adalah “nilai” yang diproses dalam proses “intersubjektifitas” tersebut bersifat Positivistik semata yang telah terbukti mendegradasi kehidupan manusia. Untuk mengembalikan nilai “humanis” tersebut, unsur “Profetik” yang bersifat transendental dimasukkan dalam proses “intersubjektifitas” tersebut.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
This study aims to analyze the supply chain perspective in terms of customer relationship managem... more This study aims to analyze the supply chain perspective in terms of customer relationship management, delivery of services, and responsiveness with their impact on customer’s retention. For the analysis purpose, this study has collected primary data through questionnaire approach from a sample of 341 customers. Both descriptive and regression techniques are applied, and findings are presented with some significant discussion. It is observed that customer’s retention is positively influenced by the customer relationship management factors like passionate and friendly behavior of sales personnel, their courtesy and offering the comprehensive product’s introduction to the customers. Whereas, delivery of service in terms of high satisfaction to customers, quality based are positively influencing on customer’s retention. However, the effect of reliable, timely and flexible service delivery is negatively influencing on customer’s retention. In addition, more responsiveness in terms of tim...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
This paper aims to explain the impact of Wind Power Plant industry's existence on the livelihoods... more This paper aims to explain the impact of Wind Power Plant industry's existence on the livelihoods of communities around the mine from the farmers into entrepreneurs. The study was conducted using a case study approach on five local informants who became businessmen. Data collection was done with in-depth interviews and observations. Data analysis was done during the research with reduction technique, categorization, analysis, and interpretation.
Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2017
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (ICAAIP 2017), 2018
This study aims to reveal the forms of students' learning difficulties, efforts and cooperation o... more This study aims to reveal the forms of students' learning difficulties, efforts and cooperation of parents and teachers to solve. Based on these objectives, then I set the primary research sites at DDI 2 Palopo. As the data source is the 5 th grade students with 31 students as respondent. Data collection technique is questionnaires technique and interviews technique. The data then processed by tabulating frequency and analyzed qualitatively. The results showed; (1) The difficulties faced by students such as the difficulty to concentrate and understanding teacher's explanations, difficulty in answering the teacher's questions, the difficulty to quiet in class, difficulty practicing chant, wudhu ' and prayer. (2) Efforts of parents and teachers in dealing with learning difficulties students are teachers used variety of teaching methods. Teachers and parents do the individual approach to students, provide training to students and provide learning facilities. Model cooperation of parents and teachers in dealing with students' learning difficulties, among others: make the cooperation program, socialization program individually to students, making focus group discussion, evaluation reports monthly, involving teachers' guidance and counseling, as well as the school more proactive establish communication, coordination with the parents.
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication
This study aims to reveal the forms of sacrifice as a model of preaching carried out by members o... more This study aims to reveal the forms of sacrifice as a model of preaching carried out by members of the Tabligh group. They do this as a manifestation of their belief in the Islamic religion that they profess. This study used a quantitative method with a survey approach to the Tablighi group. This approach is appropriate in expressing one focus of study, namely sacrifice as a model for group da'wah. The data was collected using a questionnaire to 25 members of the Tabligh group related to the 'sacrifice' da'wah model they carried out. The results showed: the form of sacrifice as a model of da'wah in their beliefs in the form of sacrifice of time, sacrifice of work, sacrifice of family, sacrifice of wealth, sacrifice of self, and sacrifice of feelings. They think all of these things are material that must be sacrificed to get a reward from Allah SWT.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
This paper aims to reveal the productive role of the fisherman's wife in improving her ho... more This paper aims to reveal the productive role of the fisherman's wife in improving her household's economy. Qualitative research with case study approach to five multi-profession fishermen's wives as fish seller, cake seller, daily needs seller, and others. The main data collection uses structured interviews. The focus of the interview is their role on improving the household economy. The data obtained found the equation and interpreted as a conclusion. The results of this study show that the role of fishermen's wives in improving their household economy include: selling (traditional) cakes, selling daily necessities, selling furniture, selling fish by peddling in the market, and sending it to other areas through distributors 1. Introduction The involvement of the Fishermen's wife in assisting her household economy has always been an important part in the realities of Fishermen's life. In fact, their existence is more often the determinant of the sustainability of these households when they are in economic pressure. Various activities that are generally Fishermen's wives do related to the economic activities of the household, among others open the shop daily needs, cleaning trawls from sea plants, and so forth. In addition to the above activities, other activities of value productive and not less important is related to fisheries. In the context of this activity, the Fisherman's wife indirectly also contributes to the work of her husband. Some of the productive activities include sorting fish by type, preserving fish, making fish jerky, and selling fish to the market or peddling around the village. Considering the social reality of the Fisherman's wife, Kusnadi asserted that "the economic role of coastal women is strong and dominating, both at the level of household and community level. At the household level, coastal women become "one of the pillars of the economy" of households, in tandem with their husbands. The functional relationship of husband and wife in meeting the economic needs of households is complementary or assist "household economic needs, but also to determine the availability of economic resources for household needs [1]. Similar perspectives are also stated by Rauf about ideally every member of the household to have their respective duties in order to establish a good cooperation [2]. Who does what is one of the patterns of division of labor in the household so that it does not have to be done by a certain wife or member only. The division of domestic work can also be distinguished by physical form and occupation. So term " Who " here mean family members of men or women. The perspective expressed both by Kusnadi and Rauf implied a construction of Gender Equality. As it is known that equality is the equality of the conditions of men and women to obtain opportunities and rights as human beings in order to be able to participate in political,
Pada dasarnya, setiap individu ingin memiliki hidup yang harmonis dengan relasi yang baik antar i... more Pada dasarnya, setiap individu ingin memiliki hidup yang harmonis dengan relasi yang baik antar individu, individu dengan lingkungan atau alam, individu dengan Tuhan dalam bentuk kepercayaan. Pernyataan ini meniscayakan bahwa setiap individu menjalani kehidupannya berdasarkan ruang dan waktu. Mereka membangun hubungan sosial, tindakan sehari-hari berdasarkan penghayatan mereka terhadap hubungan ketiganya sebagai kosmologi yang di dalamnya terkandung nilai khas dan spesifik menurut kesepakatan dan penghayatan mereka. Dalam konteks tersebut, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan proses terwujudnya tindakan individu tersebut sebagai sebuah proses konstruksi sosial yang berbasis nilai hidup bersama dan disepakati. Inilah yang penulis sebut sebagai sosiologi lingkungan-profetik. Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari sebuah penelitian tentang nilai lokal sebuah komunitas yang tetap eksis di tengah era modernitas sekarang. Sebuah masyarakat yang eksis dikarenakan mempraktekkan nilai lokal ...
The poverty in the fisher community viewed clearly in lower education level, lower of social part... more The poverty in the fisher community viewed clearly in lower education level, lower of social participation, the quality of home dwelling is under standard, lower income, etc. Many research found the poverty is in two aspect, they called structural poverty and cultural poverty. Structurally, the poverty regarded to the less of access by the fishermen to public sphere, political sphere, and broader social-economic sphere. Culturally, the fisher have less rational instrumental ethical work, non-oriented long term, tend to fatalist, resigned and deterministic. In the university, the social-culture of fisher community is knowledge space and social laboratory for developing the community change. The fisher community has its social-culture system evolutionary, meanwhile the university has its scientific basic progressively, constructively, futuristically as well as oriented to human wellbeing. University is always identically to knowledge and science that involving rational instrumental an...
ABDINE: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021
Kabupaten Maros merupakan wilayah yang kaya budaya dengan potensi alam yang indah yang berpeluang... more Kabupaten Maros merupakan wilayah yang kaya budaya dengan potensi alam yang indah yang berpeluang menjadi aset wisata pemerintah setempat. Banyaknya potensi wisata tersebut tidak serta merta signifikan terhadap tingkat partisipasi masyarakatnya. Oleh karena itulah, dianggap perlu untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mereka sadar dan terlibat dalam pengembangan pariwisata lokal yang kemudian dapat berdampak terhadap kehidupan ekonomi mereka. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan pemetaan pariwisata di Kabupaten Maros. Kegiatan pengabdian ini merupakan hasil kerjasama antara ADPERTISI dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Maros dengan lokasi pelatihan di Kecamatan Bontoa. Pengabdian ini dihadiri oleh kurang lebih 40 warga masyarakat berasal dari berbagai kelompok seperti kelompok karang taruna, kelompok pencinta desa wisata. Pelatihan ini bertujuan (1) memetakan potensi wisata di Kabupaten Maros khususnya di Kecamatan Bontoa, dan (2) menya...
The greatest problem faced by modern science today is the separating the spiritual aspect from mo... more The greatest problem faced by modern science today is the separating the spiritual aspect from modern science. Modern science-based rational and empirical epistemology do not admit for transcendent aspects in it. This situation later consequences for the whole of human life, among others, the moral value of human degradation and environmental degradation. Realizing the problem, various efforts made by the experts to find a solution. They agreed that urgent steps that must be done is to restore the 'transcendent' elements in modern science. The transcendent elements integrated with rationality and empirical science that guides human life to the 'humanity'. In modern sociology that 'positivistic' is for example, the step means transformative. If during the sociology just make an effort to understand or explaining the social reality, then the transformation step in question is a further step by providing solutions to the problems faced by humans in order to rea...
This paper aims to describe and analyze (1) the purpose of the Village Government Institutions an... more This paper aims to describe and analyze (1) the purpose of the Village Government Institutions and Village Consultative Council; (2) functional subsystem; (3) the dimensions of Village Government Institutions linkages and Village Consultative Council in Kolaka district Southeast Sulawesi Province. So that, it is used qualitative research design 'Dominant-Less Dominant' and informant as many as 27 people from nine villages. Data obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and documentation and the results analyzed using the interactive model. The results showed that: (1) the purpose of the Village Government Institutions in the Kolaka village has not really existed as a modern institution. (2) the functional subsystem as the internal structure of village government in Southeast Sulawesi is weak because it does not match the complexity of the task. (3) The Village Government Institutions links in Kolaka district, is in possible connection, functional linkages, and linkages to...
This article describes the strengthening of household food security institutions of poverty of fi... more This article describes the strengthening of household food security institutions of poverty of fishermen according to developments. The sample of this research is poor fisherman's household that analyzed descriptively. The collecting data technique using literature study. The results showed that traditional food security institutions have existed since long ago as a form of adaptation to the problem of poverty. Growing population and increasing demand for food require local and modern food-based food security management.
This paper aims to reveal the process of syncretization between immanent aspects and transcendent... more This paper aims to reveal the process of syncretization between immanent aspects and transcendental beliefs that exist in fishing communities, especially in Bontosua Island. The data were collected from the Fishermen using in-depth interview and observation techniques of their daily activities. The data obtained were categorized, reduced, analyzed and interpreted using phenomenological approach. The results indicate that the syncretization between immanent aspects in the form of animistic and dynamistic beliefs and Islam is manifested in incantation ritual using local languages (Buginese and Makassarese) and the language of Qur’an. Both of them are used before leaving for the sea, at the time of catching fish, and during particular rituals. Anthropologist, 33(1-3): 16-26 (2018) DOI: 10.31901/24566802.2018/343.1-3.1944 © Kamla-Raj 2018
Abstract: This paper aims to reveal the socio-political reality that is loaded with interest. Th... more Abstract: This paper aims to reveal the socio-political reality that is loaded with interest. The interest certainly are mutually-beneficial but often unbalanced political advantage. In this regard, politics always intersect or identical to ‘exchange’ and ‘communication’. When interpreted in reverse, that isn’t politics if it doesn’t contain elements of ‘exchange’ which must be preceded by a communication strategy its politicians. Specifi cally, this paper reveals the occurrence of a ‘political exchange’ and the ongoing process of ‘political communication’. Set in the elections in Soppeng district iIn 2010, the process of exchange and political communication that takes place generally is ‘transactional’. Although some cases of ‘looks’ is ‘interactional’ but it always ends with a political compensation (transactional). Keywords: Exchange, Political Communication, Election, Transactional, Interactional
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
This paper aims to reveal the application of Blue Print Model in the national cocoa movement prog... more This paper aims to reveal the application of Blue Print Model in the national cocoa movement program in Indonesia. This model compares the achievement of targets with expectations. The study was carried out by comparing targets to be achieved with targets obtained on three variables: seed rejuvenation, side-grafting activities, and intensification of cocoa plants. The results show that the target obtained is different from the expected target in the three variables. This means that the implementation of Blue Print Model in the national cocoa movement program was unsuccessful. However, with the integration of supply chain factors and blur print performance (BPP) measures, it is found that there is a significant relationship between the both. Meanwhile, some factors of supply chain have also shown their insignificant influence on the value of BPP.
This article aimed to describe the implementation process of reinforcement method as a strategy i... more This article aimed to describe the implementation process of reinforcement method as a strategy in sociology of politics teachings at student of Civics Social Sciences Department Faculty of Teaching and Education Universitas Pejuang RI of Makassar. So, the research done by using survey approaching through Quota Sampling Technique of 46 students. They are distributed questionnaires as the main collecting data, besides interview technique, and related literatures study. The result of interview and literature study used to support the questionnaire data. Then, the data analyzed through tabulation of frequency technique. The result showed that the reinforcement implementation is moderate in effective. One of vision in this teaching method is giving inspiration and motivation to student for learning not only in the class but also outside of the class. The reinforcement indicators i developed such as: smiling, happy face, close to students, giving good words, rejecting the bad words, and ...
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Pelayanan kesehatan yang baik, bermutu, profesional, dan diterima pasien... more ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Pelayanan kesehatan yang baik, bermutu, profesional, dan diterima pasien merupakan tujuan utama pelayanan rumah sakit. Namun hal ini tidak mudah dilakukan dewasa ini. Meskipun rumah sakit telah dilengkapi dengan tenaga medis, perawat, dan sarana penunjang lengkap, masih sering terdengar ketidakpuasan pasien akan pelayanan kesehatan yang mereka terima. Kurangnya komunikasi antara staf rumah sakit dengan pasien merupakan salah satu alasan keluhan umum pasien di rumah sakit. Pasien sering tidak puas dengan kualitas dan jumlah informasi yang diterima dari tenaga keperawatan. Tujuan: mengetahui bagaimana hubungan komunikasi interpersonal tenaga keperawatan dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat Inap di Ruang Nifas Puskesmas Batua Makassar Tahun 2012. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey analitik yang menggunakan data primer, sampel dari pasien yang dirawat inap 40 orang, teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling,dan uji statistik adalah Chi Square. ...
This paper aims to reveal the efforts of local or traditional fishermen (coastal fishermen) in de... more This paper aims to reveal the efforts of local or traditional fishermen (coastal fishermen) in dealing with open sea fishermen (modern fishermen) in Palu Bay related to seizure of marine resources. In revealing this, a literature study was conducted in the form of a search of documents and research reports (secondary data) on the efforts of traditional fishermen and various parties to seek justice that had been dominated by open sea fishermen (modern fishermen) in Palu Bay which had been going on for a long time. Data from various secondary sources are categorized and analyzed, then concluded. Based on the results of data analysis, the following descriptions are obtained: (1) natural poverty, cultural poverty, and structural poverty condition traditional fishing communities do not have social sustainability. (2) at the same time the trap of poverty creates social injustice. The conclusion of this article is that social sustainability and social justice are cause and effect, but real...
Istilah “Struktur-Aktor” mewakili dua entitas sosial yang sangat penting. Keduanya memiliki hubun... more Istilah “Struktur-Aktor” mewakili dua entitas sosial yang sangat penting. Keduanya memiliki hubungan timbal-balik dan saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain (reciprocity). Artinya, relasi-relasi antar aktor yang terbentuk, berulang dan terpola dalam jangka waktu yang lama akan menjadi struktur yang mapan. Struktur yang mapan tersebut kemudian menjadi “nilai” baru yang mengatur aktor-aktor yang telah menciptakannya. Proses timbal-balik tersebut mengandung proses “intersubjektifitas” dalam perspektif konstruksi sosial. Problem utamanya adalah “nilai” yang diproses dalam proses “intersubjektifitas” tersebut bersifat Positivistik semata yang telah terbukti mendegradasi kehidupan manusia. Untuk mengembalikan nilai “humanis” tersebut, unsur “Profetik” yang bersifat transendental dimasukkan dalam proses “intersubjektifitas” tersebut.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
This study aims to analyze the supply chain perspective in terms of customer relationship managem... more This study aims to analyze the supply chain perspective in terms of customer relationship management, delivery of services, and responsiveness with their impact on customer’s retention. For the analysis purpose, this study has collected primary data through questionnaire approach from a sample of 341 customers. Both descriptive and regression techniques are applied, and findings are presented with some significant discussion. It is observed that customer’s retention is positively influenced by the customer relationship management factors like passionate and friendly behavior of sales personnel, their courtesy and offering the comprehensive product’s introduction to the customers. Whereas, delivery of service in terms of high satisfaction to customers, quality based are positively influencing on customer’s retention. However, the effect of reliable, timely and flexible service delivery is negatively influencing on customer’s retention. In addition, more responsiveness in terms of tim...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
This paper aims to explain the impact of Wind Power Plant industry's existence on the livelihoods... more This paper aims to explain the impact of Wind Power Plant industry's existence on the livelihoods of communities around the mine from the farmers into entrepreneurs. The study was conducted using a case study approach on five local informants who became businessmen. Data collection was done with in-depth interviews and observations. Data analysis was done during the research with reduction technique, categorization, analysis, and interpretation.
Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2017
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (ICAAIP 2017), 2018
This study aims to reveal the forms of students' learning difficulties, efforts and cooperation o... more This study aims to reveal the forms of students' learning difficulties, efforts and cooperation of parents and teachers to solve. Based on these objectives, then I set the primary research sites at DDI 2 Palopo. As the data source is the 5 th grade students with 31 students as respondent. Data collection technique is questionnaires technique and interviews technique. The data then processed by tabulating frequency and analyzed qualitatively. The results showed; (1) The difficulties faced by students such as the difficulty to concentrate and understanding teacher's explanations, difficulty in answering the teacher's questions, the difficulty to quiet in class, difficulty practicing chant, wudhu ' and prayer. (2) Efforts of parents and teachers in dealing with learning difficulties students are teachers used variety of teaching methods. Teachers and parents do the individual approach to students, provide training to students and provide learning facilities. Model cooperation of parents and teachers in dealing with students' learning difficulties, among others: make the cooperation program, socialization program individually to students, making focus group discussion, evaluation reports monthly, involving teachers' guidance and counseling, as well as the school more proactive establish communication, coordination with the parents.