hariya toni - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by hariya toni

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Dakwah Baznas dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan (Studi Baznas Provinsi Bengkulu)

Jurnal at-Taghyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat strategi dakwah BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dalam pengentasan ke... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat strategi dakwah BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dalam pengentasan kemiskinan. Metode dalam penelitian ini ialah mixed metode dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, dengan teknik analisis model interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam mengoptimalkan pengelolaan zakat harus berorientasi pada nilai-nilai dakwah berbasis maqosyid syariah dalam mewujudkan misi dakwahnya sebagai pengentasan kemiskinan. Strategi yang digunakan ialah dengan menyusur pada menejemen dakwah yaitu tahap perencanaan. Pada tahap ini ada beberapa strategi yang digunakan oleh BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dalam pengelolaan organisasi yang menangani zakat. Diantaranya dengan berbagai metode dakwah bil-lisan, bil-qolam dan bil hal dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan program ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan dan dakwah. Namun, strategi perencanaan BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu mengalami beberapa kendala, terutama dalam hal angga...

Research paper thumbnail of Neutron star parameter constraints for accretion-powered millisecond pulsars from the simulated IXPE data

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021

We have simulated the X-ray polarization data that can be obtained with the Imaging X-ray Polarim... more We have simulated the X-ray polarization data that can be obtained with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer, when observing accretion-powered millisecond pulsars. We estimated the necessary exposure times for SAX J1808.4−3658 in order to obtain different accuracy in the measured time-dependent Stokes profiles integrated over all energy channels. We found that the measured relative errors strongly depend on the relative configuration of the observer and the emitting hotspot. The improvement in the minimum relative error in Stokes Q and U parameters as a function of observing time t scales as 1/√t, and it spans the range from 30–90% with a 200 ks exposure time to 20–60% with a 500 ks exposure time (in the case of data binned in 19 phase bins). The simulated data were also used to predict how accurate measurements of the geometrical parameters of the neutron star can be made when modelling only Q and U parameters, but not the flux. We found that the observer inclination and the hots...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan Zakat Dan Pengembangan Kegiatan Dakwah (Studi Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Provinsi Bengkulu)

Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi

The religious program (Dakwah) is one of the main work programs at the National Amil Zakat Agency... more The religious program (Dakwah) is one of the main work programs at the National Amil Zakat Agency from the center to the regions. Although overall, BAZNAS activities are da'wah activities because the National Amil Zakat Agency is given the responsibility to manage the social piety of the people. The achievement of the goals of BAZNAS is strongly influenced by the ability to manage zakat funds and program implementation as well as the approach taken to mustahik and stakeholders. This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach to examine the management of zakat in the religious sector (da'wah) and examines the approach used by the Bengkulu Province National Amil Zakat Agency in the religious sector (da'wah) as an effort to achieve goals. The implementation of the distribution of zakat in the Bengkulu taqwa program is for TPA/MDA teachers and Islamic boarding schools 2%, assistance for TPA/MDA teachers and Islamic boarding schools 2%, assistance ...

Research paper thumbnail of Zakat Institution and Maqasid al-Shariʻa: A Study of a Community Empowerment-Based Zakat Program Run by the BAZNAS Bengkulu Province

Al-Risalah: Forum Kajian Hukum dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan

This paper discusses a community empowerment-based zakat program run by the BAZNAS (National Amil... more This paper discusses a community empowerment-based zakat program run by the BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency) of Bengkulu Province as well as proves the flexibility of the classical maqāṣid al-sharīʻa in responding to modern development that have not been analyzed by previous researchers. In addition, this paper argues that institutionalizing zakat is not a "bureaucratization of sharia" as stated by Asep Saepuddin Jahar. This paper uses principles of field studies that are corroborated with relevant literature sources. This paper shows that programs initiated by the BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province such as 'Bengkulu takwa', 'healthy Bengkulu', 'smart Bengkulu', and 'prosperous Bengkulu' are an implementation of maqāṣid al-sharīʻa in responding to modern development. These programs demonstrate that preserving religion (al-dīn), soul (al-nafs), intellect (al-ʿaql), lineage (al-nasl), and property (al-māl) in the classical maqāṣid al-sharīʻa disco...

Research paper thumbnail of STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI ANTAR UMAT BERAGAMA (Studi Suku Anak Dalam Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara)

Ath Thariq Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi

Mes SAD Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara ini memiliki peseta didik yang majemuk baik golongan maupun a... more Mes SAD Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara ini memiliki peseta didik yang majemuk baik golongan maupun agama dimana mayoritas berasal dari dusun Kerta Dewa, Pulau Kidak, Sungai Kijang, Sungai Jernih, Nibung, Muara Tiku dan Tebing Tinggi. Juga terdapat mayoritas penganut agama Islam dan Kristen. Dengan kemajemukan diatas menjadikan Mes SAD lebih baik dalam berkomunikasi antara sesama dan menghargai kearifan-kearifan lokal, sehingga secara efektif dapat menghindarkan adanya benturan ataupun konflik antar kelompok masyarakat Mes SAD.Pada bidang budaya anak-anak Mes SAD menjaga dan menjunjung tinggi budaya dan adat istiadat yang diwarisi oleh para leluhur, hal ini terbukti masih berlakunya tatanan budaya yakni pencak silat, tari adat suku anak dalam dan laiannya.Dengan dibentuknya kelompok pencak silat dan tari pada anak-anak mes SAD, semakin menggambarkan pelestarian budaya, tentunya yang tidak bertentangan dengan agama dan hukum negara.Dalam aspek keagamaan Mes SAD mempunyai peserta didik y...

Research paper thumbnail of Supervision System in The Effectiveness of Zakat Utilization in Baznas of Bengkulu Province

AJIS: Academic Journal of Islamic Studies

This study aims to examine the supervisory system of BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province in the empowerme... more This study aims to examine the supervisory system of BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province in the empowerment of zakat with the aim to alleviate poverty. The research method used in this research is a qualitative approach with a phenomenological paradigm to build the reality of ideas. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation which were then analyzed by using the Miles & Huberman interactive model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results obtained show that the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Bengkulu Province community empowerment was carried out in the form of direct and indirect supervision by BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province. The form of direct supervision was a form of preventive supervision (Concurrent Control) and initial supervision (Feed Forward Control), while the form of indirect supervision was feedback control in which this supervision was used to measure the results of an activity that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Likuiditas, Solvabilitas, Aktivitas, Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan DI Bursa Efek Indonesia


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of liquidity, solvency, activity, and firm size... more This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of liquidity, solvency, activity, and firm size on the profitability of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2016-2021. Profitability is proxied by ROA, liquidity is proxied by CR, solvency is proxied by DER, activity is proxied by Asset turnover, and company size is proxied by Ln (total assets). This study uses an associative quantitative approach with a causal nature. The population in this study are companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. There are 15 companies selected as samples using purposive sampling method. In this study, the analytical technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing, obtained a significant effect on profitability, with the results of the coefficient of determination test of 87%. Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing, liquidity, solvency, firm size affect profitability while activity has no effect on pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Cyber Religion sebagai Ekspresi Keberagamaan di Internet padaKomunitas Shift

Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Syarif Qasim, Jun 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Institution of Zakat and Maqasid al-Syari'ah : A Study of Community Empowerment-Based Zakat Program at BAZNAS Bengkulu Province

Faculty of Sharia, State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi iklan Lifebuoy Pencegah Covid-19 di Kelurahan Tempel Rejo Rejang Lebong

Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah, 2021

This study aims to determine public perceptions of advertising to prevent the spread of the Covid... more This study aims to determine public perceptions of advertising to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. To describe this perception, the researcher focused on several sub-categories, namely applications through the sense of sight and sense of hearing so as to produce people's perceptions of messages in advertisements. The research method in this study used a qualitative approach, namely descriptive analysis. The subjects in this study were 3 people. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and internet searching. The results of the study illustrate that, the application of perception through the sense of sight is very positive, where people consider the visuals displayed in this advertisement to be very attractive so that people do not get bored seeing it. The application of perception through the sense of hearing is also very good, because the audio presentation displayed in this advertisement uses language that is easy to understan...

Research paper thumbnail of Migrants Etnic Inter-Cultural Communication In the Delivery of Dakwah Messages In the City of Bengkulu

<i>This study aims to describe the communication process of ethnic da'i (moslem scholar... more <i>This study aims to describe the communication process of ethnic da'i (moslem scholar preacher) communication in the delivery of da'wah messages both verbally and nonverbally, and formulate the model of intercultural communication of ethnic immigrants in the delivery of da'wah messages in Bengkulu City. The research approach used is qualitative with a tradition of symbolic interactionism. There are 5 (five) research informants selected by purposive sampling. Data collection through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The results of the study of ethnic preachers in the delivery of messages da'wah verbally using language that is simple, understandable, easy to digest, and can be understood in general by the congregation, nonverbal messages used by giving smiles to the congregation, shaking hands, eye contact , and dress modestly. Second, the intercultural communication model carried out by ethnic migrants the "empathy" communication model, namely: [a] respecting the culture that is alive and embraced by the congregation; [b] appreciate the differences; [c] does not discuss the issue of khilafiyah; [d] uses simple language as it is easy to understand and comprehend by the congregation; [e] using Indonesian language to make it easier for follower to understand; [f] occasionally use / mimic a local language he happens to understand; and [g] there is also a da'i (preacher) if da'wah to the people who come from his own area by using the local language.</i>

Research paper thumbnail of DRAMATURGI UMAT BERAGAMA: Toleransi dan Reproduksi identitas Beragama di Rejang Lebong

Penelitian difokuskan untuk mencari makna terhadap perilaku dramaturgi umat beragama dalam upaya ... more Penelitian difokuskan untuk mencari makna terhadap perilaku dramaturgi umat beragama dalam upaya menciptakan toleransi dan reproduksi identitas umat beragama di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Multi identitas dalam menyokong toleransi beragama di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong membawa bias pada identitas masing-masing pemeluk agama. Sehingga perlu dikaji lebih jauh mengenai bagaimana dramaturgi antarumat beragama, bagaimana bentuk reproduksi identitas umat beragama, dan bagaimana dampak reproduksi identitas umat beragama di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Menjawab permasalah, penelitian ini mengunakan teori interaksi sosial, interaksionis simbolik, dramaturgi, serta identitas etnis yang merupakan turunan dari paradigma interpretif (fenomenologi), yang diharapkan dapat memberi makna dan mengupas fenomena interaksi antarumat beragama di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan adanya permainan peran pada panggung depan (front stage) dan panggung belakang (backstage). Adanya reproduksi ident...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Iklan Bulan Ramadhan Perspektif Advertising and Branding (Studi Kasus Iklan Im3, Axis dan XL)

Abstrak: Logikanya, tujuan pengiklan mengiklankan produknnya adalah agar masyarakat “sadar merek”... more Abstrak: Logikanya, tujuan pengiklan mengiklankan produknnya adalah agar masyarakat “sadar merek” dan meningkatkan angka statistik penjualan produk tersebut. Untuk tujuan itu, perusahaan gencar meluncurkan ide-ide kreatif agar masyarakat tertarik. Pada bulan Ramadhan pengiklan berbondong-bondong menyerbu tema Islami. Sayangnya, kreatifitas itu sering kali kebablasan. Padahal dalam UU Penyiaran disebutkan bahwa kewajiban pelaku usaha dalam mengiklankan produknya adalah mencerdaskan bangsa dan menciptakan masyarakat yang berimtaq. Dari uraian diatas, bagaimanakah iklan Im3, Axis dan XLdi bulan Ramadhan jika dilihat dari perspektif advertising and branding? Untuk menjelaskan permasalahan tersebut, teori yang dipakai dalam makalah ini adalah teori advertising and branding dari David Aaker. Setelah diamati, Iklan im3, axis dan Xl di bulan Ramadhan cenderung mengomodifikasi atribut Islam demi uang. Mereka menggunakan atribut Islam, untukmelipatgandakan keuntungan. Hal ini dilakukan tanp...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Komunikasi Penyiar Radio NamoraDalam menarik Minat PendengarDi Kelurahan Talang Tenih Kecamatan CurupKabupaten Rejang Lebong

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Strategi Komunikasi Penyiar Radio Namora Curup dalam menarik mina... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Strategi Komunikasi Penyiar Radio Namora Curup dalam menarik minat pendengar di kel. Talang Benih Kec. Curup Kab. Rejang Lebong. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Pertama bagaimana strategi komunikasi penyiar Radio Namora agar tercapai komunikasi yang efektif, dan yang Kedua bagaimana penerapan strategi komunikasi penyiar dalam menarik minat pendengar Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif, dengan sumber data yakni data primer (informan penelitian) dan data sekunder (buku referensi). Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kajian pustaka. Informan dalam penelitian adalah, koordinator program, penyiar serta pendengar Radio Namora. Teknik penentuan informan dilakukan secara purposive yakni berdasarkan kapasitas yang memberikan kemudahan dan kesediaan dalam wawancara. Data selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data dilakukan secara induktif (dari data ke teori). Berdasarkan pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Pesantren Sebagai Potensi Pengembangan Dakwah Islam

Boarding School is an institution that transforms education and exemplary values every second and... more Boarding School is an institution that transforms education and exemplary values every second and minute and every hour of the clerics to his students. Educational boarding school students aim to forge themselves into an independent person and to develop a spirit of togetherness, which includes the attitude of mutual assistance, solidarity and brotherhood among the students. In terms of individual character development, schools teach thrift and simple life away from the consumptive nature. Thus, Boarding School as an educational institution owned by the community is really potential for the Establishing of Human Resources (HR), potential for the creation of intelligence and well-being of the nation. Not a bit of Da’wah that could be done through schools, good Da’wah that convey the teachings of Islam, as well as preaching about the life and development of the Ummah.

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi masyarakat terhadap eksistensi dakwahPondok pesantren modern darussalam kepahiang

Pesantren merupakan Lembaga Pendidikan yang agamis, banyak yang tertarik untuk menyekolahkan anak... more Pesantren merupakan Lembaga Pendidikan yang agamis, banyak yang tertarik untuk menyekolahkan anaknya di pesantren, akan tetapi banyak juga yang enggan menyekolahkan anaknya dipesantren, salah satunya masyarakat kepahiang itu sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan atau (field research) yang bersifat sosiologi empiris yaitu melakukan penelitian dilapangan untuk memperoleh data atau informasi secara langsung dengan mendatangi responden yang berada dilokasi penelitian tersebut, menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis data yaitu data primer dan sekunder adapun teknik pengumpulan data yaitu studi lapangan dengan cara observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi Masyarakat Kepahiang terhadap Eksistensi Dakwah Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam sangat membantu aktifitas Masyarakat Kepahiang terutama dalam aspek keagamaan. Manfaat atau kontribusi Pesantren Modern Darussalam san...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Toeng Market Malang

Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Ekonomi Asia, 2018

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan da... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan dan pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja karyawan Toeng Market Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausal, populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 69 karyawan, jumlah sampel sebanyak 69 karyawan dengan menggunakan teknik sampel penuh. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t (parsial) dan uji F (simultan). Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, budaya organisasi tidak berpengaruh secara positif dan tidak signifikan, gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan.

Research paper thumbnail of Multicultural Paradigm and Da'Wah Strategy Building Religious Moderation in Rejang Lebong

Alfuad: Jurnal Sosial Keagamaan, 2021

The research looks at how the multicultural paradigm influences one's experience and what is ... more The research looks at how the multicultural paradigm influences one's experience and what is the da'wah strategy in dealing with a multicultural society? To conduct this research, the researcher uses a mixed method research (qualitative and quantitative) which aims to combine two methods at once in order to obtain more comprehensive, valid, reliable and objective data. The subjects and objects of this research are students from 3 high schools in Rejang Lebong, Curup city, namely SMAN 1, SMAN 2 and SMAN Xaverius. The results of the research show that the portrait of the paradigm of experience High school students in Rejang Lebong have high enough confidence to consistently interact and adapt to differences. In fact, it is not only considered a luxury, but is interpreted as a necessity where they cannot avoid religious differences. This has implications for their multicultural behavior where they are able to be smart in responding to differences. In this context, the experienc...

Research paper thumbnail of Dakwah Syarikat Islam Dan Kontribusinya Dalam Masyarakat Indonesia

Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah), 2020

This study aims to analyze the Islamic Syarikat da'wah movement and its contribution to Indonesia... more This study aims to analyze the Islamic Syarikat da'wah movement and its contribution to Indonesian society. This research uses a qualitative approach with literature study. The data was collected using historical research techniques and library research by collecting relevant primary sources. The results showed that sociologically, the Islamic Syarikat played an important role or contributed from the New Order era to the present which made this organization a media of socialization for Muslims in the fields of education, economics and politics. The Islamic Syarikat Organization (SI) has an ideology to fight for and play an important role in community empowerment in creating people's awareness and realizing Indonesian independence. This is manifested in the SI trilogy, namely, As clean as tawhid, as high as knowledge and as clever as siasah. The impact of this research can encourage more active preaching activities, both for internal and external organizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Cyber Religion sebagai Ekspresi Keberagamaan di Internet pada Komunitas Shift (Cyber Religion Phenomenon as a Religious Expression on the Internet in the Shift Community)

Jurnal Dakwah Risalah

This article aims to determine the form of Shift's religious expression and the factor of the... more This article aims to determine the form of Shift's religious expression and the factor of the Shift community's interest in the context of cyberreligion. The research method is qualitative with the type of phenomenological research. There are 5 research subjects (subscribers) and the research object of the YouTube channel Shift. The interactive model analysis technique of Miles & Huberman from the results of data collection that the authors get. The results showed that the phenomenon of cyberreligion has touched various circles and was used by Ust. Hanan Attaki by establishing a Shift which targets the younger generation in the form of online religion. The use of YouTube as a means of spreading Shift's da'wah is categorized into the File-Sharing category. The study, which is nicely packaged by Ust. Hanan Attaki, has made it loved by the younger generation as an alternative in their religious information.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Dakwah Baznas dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan (Studi Baznas Provinsi Bengkulu)

Jurnal at-Taghyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat strategi dakwah BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dalam pengentasan ke... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat strategi dakwah BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dalam pengentasan kemiskinan. Metode dalam penelitian ini ialah mixed metode dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, dengan teknik analisis model interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam mengoptimalkan pengelolaan zakat harus berorientasi pada nilai-nilai dakwah berbasis maqosyid syariah dalam mewujudkan misi dakwahnya sebagai pengentasan kemiskinan. Strategi yang digunakan ialah dengan menyusur pada menejemen dakwah yaitu tahap perencanaan. Pada tahap ini ada beberapa strategi yang digunakan oleh BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dalam pengelolaan organisasi yang menangani zakat. Diantaranya dengan berbagai metode dakwah bil-lisan, bil-qolam dan bil hal dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan program ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan dan dakwah. Namun, strategi perencanaan BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu mengalami beberapa kendala, terutama dalam hal angga...

Research paper thumbnail of Neutron star parameter constraints for accretion-powered millisecond pulsars from the simulated IXPE data

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021

We have simulated the X-ray polarization data that can be obtained with the Imaging X-ray Polarim... more We have simulated the X-ray polarization data that can be obtained with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer, when observing accretion-powered millisecond pulsars. We estimated the necessary exposure times for SAX J1808.4−3658 in order to obtain different accuracy in the measured time-dependent Stokes profiles integrated over all energy channels. We found that the measured relative errors strongly depend on the relative configuration of the observer and the emitting hotspot. The improvement in the minimum relative error in Stokes Q and U parameters as a function of observing time t scales as 1/√t, and it spans the range from 30–90% with a 200 ks exposure time to 20–60% with a 500 ks exposure time (in the case of data binned in 19 phase bins). The simulated data were also used to predict how accurate measurements of the geometrical parameters of the neutron star can be made when modelling only Q and U parameters, but not the flux. We found that the observer inclination and the hots...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan Zakat Dan Pengembangan Kegiatan Dakwah (Studi Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Provinsi Bengkulu)

Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi

The religious program (Dakwah) is one of the main work programs at the National Amil Zakat Agency... more The religious program (Dakwah) is one of the main work programs at the National Amil Zakat Agency from the center to the regions. Although overall, BAZNAS activities are da'wah activities because the National Amil Zakat Agency is given the responsibility to manage the social piety of the people. The achievement of the goals of BAZNAS is strongly influenced by the ability to manage zakat funds and program implementation as well as the approach taken to mustahik and stakeholders. This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach to examine the management of zakat in the religious sector (da'wah) and examines the approach used by the Bengkulu Province National Amil Zakat Agency in the religious sector (da'wah) as an effort to achieve goals. The implementation of the distribution of zakat in the Bengkulu taqwa program is for TPA/MDA teachers and Islamic boarding schools 2%, assistance for TPA/MDA teachers and Islamic boarding schools 2%, assistance ...

Research paper thumbnail of Zakat Institution and Maqasid al-Shariʻa: A Study of a Community Empowerment-Based Zakat Program Run by the BAZNAS Bengkulu Province

Al-Risalah: Forum Kajian Hukum dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan

This paper discusses a community empowerment-based zakat program run by the BAZNAS (National Amil... more This paper discusses a community empowerment-based zakat program run by the BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency) of Bengkulu Province as well as proves the flexibility of the classical maqāṣid al-sharīʻa in responding to modern development that have not been analyzed by previous researchers. In addition, this paper argues that institutionalizing zakat is not a "bureaucratization of sharia" as stated by Asep Saepuddin Jahar. This paper uses principles of field studies that are corroborated with relevant literature sources. This paper shows that programs initiated by the BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province such as 'Bengkulu takwa', 'healthy Bengkulu', 'smart Bengkulu', and 'prosperous Bengkulu' are an implementation of maqāṣid al-sharīʻa in responding to modern development. These programs demonstrate that preserving religion (al-dīn), soul (al-nafs), intellect (al-ʿaql), lineage (al-nasl), and property (al-māl) in the classical maqāṣid al-sharīʻa disco...

Research paper thumbnail of STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI ANTAR UMAT BERAGAMA (Studi Suku Anak Dalam Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara)

Ath Thariq Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi

Mes SAD Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara ini memiliki peseta didik yang majemuk baik golongan maupun a... more Mes SAD Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara ini memiliki peseta didik yang majemuk baik golongan maupun agama dimana mayoritas berasal dari dusun Kerta Dewa, Pulau Kidak, Sungai Kijang, Sungai Jernih, Nibung, Muara Tiku dan Tebing Tinggi. Juga terdapat mayoritas penganut agama Islam dan Kristen. Dengan kemajemukan diatas menjadikan Mes SAD lebih baik dalam berkomunikasi antara sesama dan menghargai kearifan-kearifan lokal, sehingga secara efektif dapat menghindarkan adanya benturan ataupun konflik antar kelompok masyarakat Mes SAD.Pada bidang budaya anak-anak Mes SAD menjaga dan menjunjung tinggi budaya dan adat istiadat yang diwarisi oleh para leluhur, hal ini terbukti masih berlakunya tatanan budaya yakni pencak silat, tari adat suku anak dalam dan laiannya.Dengan dibentuknya kelompok pencak silat dan tari pada anak-anak mes SAD, semakin menggambarkan pelestarian budaya, tentunya yang tidak bertentangan dengan agama dan hukum negara.Dalam aspek keagamaan Mes SAD mempunyai peserta didik y...

Research paper thumbnail of Supervision System in The Effectiveness of Zakat Utilization in Baznas of Bengkulu Province

AJIS: Academic Journal of Islamic Studies

This study aims to examine the supervisory system of BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province in the empowerme... more This study aims to examine the supervisory system of BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province in the empowerment of zakat with the aim to alleviate poverty. The research method used in this research is a qualitative approach with a phenomenological paradigm to build the reality of ideas. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation which were then analyzed by using the Miles & Huberman interactive model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results obtained show that the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Bengkulu Province community empowerment was carried out in the form of direct and indirect supervision by BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province. The form of direct supervision was a form of preventive supervision (Concurrent Control) and initial supervision (Feed Forward Control), while the form of indirect supervision was feedback control in which this supervision was used to measure the results of an activity that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Likuiditas, Solvabilitas, Aktivitas, Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan DI Bursa Efek Indonesia


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of liquidity, solvency, activity, and firm size... more This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of liquidity, solvency, activity, and firm size on the profitability of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2016-2021. Profitability is proxied by ROA, liquidity is proxied by CR, solvency is proxied by DER, activity is proxied by Asset turnover, and company size is proxied by Ln (total assets). This study uses an associative quantitative approach with a causal nature. The population in this study are companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. There are 15 companies selected as samples using purposive sampling method. In this study, the analytical technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing, obtained a significant effect on profitability, with the results of the coefficient of determination test of 87%. Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing, liquidity, solvency, firm size affect profitability while activity has no effect on pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Cyber Religion sebagai Ekspresi Keberagamaan di Internet padaKomunitas Shift

Fakultas Dakwah Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Syarif Qasim, Jun 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Institution of Zakat and Maqasid al-Syari'ah : A Study of Community Empowerment-Based Zakat Program at BAZNAS Bengkulu Province

Faculty of Sharia, State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi iklan Lifebuoy Pencegah Covid-19 di Kelurahan Tempel Rejo Rejang Lebong

Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah, 2021

This study aims to determine public perceptions of advertising to prevent the spread of the Covid... more This study aims to determine public perceptions of advertising to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. To describe this perception, the researcher focused on several sub-categories, namely applications through the sense of sight and sense of hearing so as to produce people's perceptions of messages in advertisements. The research method in this study used a qualitative approach, namely descriptive analysis. The subjects in this study were 3 people. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and internet searching. The results of the study illustrate that, the application of perception through the sense of sight is very positive, where people consider the visuals displayed in this advertisement to be very attractive so that people do not get bored seeing it. The application of perception through the sense of hearing is also very good, because the audio presentation displayed in this advertisement uses language that is easy to understan...

Research paper thumbnail of Migrants Etnic Inter-Cultural Communication In the Delivery of Dakwah Messages In the City of Bengkulu

<i>This study aims to describe the communication process of ethnic da'i (moslem scholar... more <i>This study aims to describe the communication process of ethnic da'i (moslem scholar preacher) communication in the delivery of da'wah messages both verbally and nonverbally, and formulate the model of intercultural communication of ethnic immigrants in the delivery of da'wah messages in Bengkulu City. The research approach used is qualitative with a tradition of symbolic interactionism. There are 5 (five) research informants selected by purposive sampling. Data collection through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The results of the study of ethnic preachers in the delivery of messages da'wah verbally using language that is simple, understandable, easy to digest, and can be understood in general by the congregation, nonverbal messages used by giving smiles to the congregation, shaking hands, eye contact , and dress modestly. Second, the intercultural communication model carried out by ethnic migrants the "empathy" communication model, namely: [a] respecting the culture that is alive and embraced by the congregation; [b] appreciate the differences; [c] does not discuss the issue of khilafiyah; [d] uses simple language as it is easy to understand and comprehend by the congregation; [e] using Indonesian language to make it easier for follower to understand; [f] occasionally use / mimic a local language he happens to understand; and [g] there is also a da'i (preacher) if da'wah to the people who come from his own area by using the local language.</i>

Research paper thumbnail of DRAMATURGI UMAT BERAGAMA: Toleransi dan Reproduksi identitas Beragama di Rejang Lebong

Penelitian difokuskan untuk mencari makna terhadap perilaku dramaturgi umat beragama dalam upaya ... more Penelitian difokuskan untuk mencari makna terhadap perilaku dramaturgi umat beragama dalam upaya menciptakan toleransi dan reproduksi identitas umat beragama di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Multi identitas dalam menyokong toleransi beragama di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong membawa bias pada identitas masing-masing pemeluk agama. Sehingga perlu dikaji lebih jauh mengenai bagaimana dramaturgi antarumat beragama, bagaimana bentuk reproduksi identitas umat beragama, dan bagaimana dampak reproduksi identitas umat beragama di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Menjawab permasalah, penelitian ini mengunakan teori interaksi sosial, interaksionis simbolik, dramaturgi, serta identitas etnis yang merupakan turunan dari paradigma interpretif (fenomenologi), yang diharapkan dapat memberi makna dan mengupas fenomena interaksi antarumat beragama di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan adanya permainan peran pada panggung depan (front stage) dan panggung belakang (backstage). Adanya reproduksi ident...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Iklan Bulan Ramadhan Perspektif Advertising and Branding (Studi Kasus Iklan Im3, Axis dan XL)

Abstrak: Logikanya, tujuan pengiklan mengiklankan produknnya adalah agar masyarakat “sadar merek”... more Abstrak: Logikanya, tujuan pengiklan mengiklankan produknnya adalah agar masyarakat “sadar merek” dan meningkatkan angka statistik penjualan produk tersebut. Untuk tujuan itu, perusahaan gencar meluncurkan ide-ide kreatif agar masyarakat tertarik. Pada bulan Ramadhan pengiklan berbondong-bondong menyerbu tema Islami. Sayangnya, kreatifitas itu sering kali kebablasan. Padahal dalam UU Penyiaran disebutkan bahwa kewajiban pelaku usaha dalam mengiklankan produknya adalah mencerdaskan bangsa dan menciptakan masyarakat yang berimtaq. Dari uraian diatas, bagaimanakah iklan Im3, Axis dan XLdi bulan Ramadhan jika dilihat dari perspektif advertising and branding? Untuk menjelaskan permasalahan tersebut, teori yang dipakai dalam makalah ini adalah teori advertising and branding dari David Aaker. Setelah diamati, Iklan im3, axis dan Xl di bulan Ramadhan cenderung mengomodifikasi atribut Islam demi uang. Mereka menggunakan atribut Islam, untukmelipatgandakan keuntungan. Hal ini dilakukan tanp...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Komunikasi Penyiar Radio NamoraDalam menarik Minat PendengarDi Kelurahan Talang Tenih Kecamatan CurupKabupaten Rejang Lebong

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Strategi Komunikasi Penyiar Radio Namora Curup dalam menarik mina... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Strategi Komunikasi Penyiar Radio Namora Curup dalam menarik minat pendengar di kel. Talang Benih Kec. Curup Kab. Rejang Lebong. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Pertama bagaimana strategi komunikasi penyiar Radio Namora agar tercapai komunikasi yang efektif, dan yang Kedua bagaimana penerapan strategi komunikasi penyiar dalam menarik minat pendengar Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif, dengan sumber data yakni data primer (informan penelitian) dan data sekunder (buku referensi). Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kajian pustaka. Informan dalam penelitian adalah, koordinator program, penyiar serta pendengar Radio Namora. Teknik penentuan informan dilakukan secara purposive yakni berdasarkan kapasitas yang memberikan kemudahan dan kesediaan dalam wawancara. Data selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data dilakukan secara induktif (dari data ke teori). Berdasarkan pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Pesantren Sebagai Potensi Pengembangan Dakwah Islam

Boarding School is an institution that transforms education and exemplary values every second and... more Boarding School is an institution that transforms education and exemplary values every second and minute and every hour of the clerics to his students. Educational boarding school students aim to forge themselves into an independent person and to develop a spirit of togetherness, which includes the attitude of mutual assistance, solidarity and brotherhood among the students. In terms of individual character development, schools teach thrift and simple life away from the consumptive nature. Thus, Boarding School as an educational institution owned by the community is really potential for the Establishing of Human Resources (HR), potential for the creation of intelligence and well-being of the nation. Not a bit of Da’wah that could be done through schools, good Da’wah that convey the teachings of Islam, as well as preaching about the life and development of the Ummah.

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi masyarakat terhadap eksistensi dakwahPondok pesantren modern darussalam kepahiang

Pesantren merupakan Lembaga Pendidikan yang agamis, banyak yang tertarik untuk menyekolahkan anak... more Pesantren merupakan Lembaga Pendidikan yang agamis, banyak yang tertarik untuk menyekolahkan anaknya di pesantren, akan tetapi banyak juga yang enggan menyekolahkan anaknya dipesantren, salah satunya masyarakat kepahiang itu sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan atau (field research) yang bersifat sosiologi empiris yaitu melakukan penelitian dilapangan untuk memperoleh data atau informasi secara langsung dengan mendatangi responden yang berada dilokasi penelitian tersebut, menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis data yaitu data primer dan sekunder adapun teknik pengumpulan data yaitu studi lapangan dengan cara observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi Masyarakat Kepahiang terhadap Eksistensi Dakwah Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam sangat membantu aktifitas Masyarakat Kepahiang terutama dalam aspek keagamaan. Manfaat atau kontribusi Pesantren Modern Darussalam san...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Toeng Market Malang

Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Ekonomi Asia, 2018

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan da... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan dan pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja karyawan Toeng Market Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausal, populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 69 karyawan, jumlah sampel sebanyak 69 karyawan dengan menggunakan teknik sampel penuh. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t (parsial) dan uji F (simultan). Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, budaya organisasi tidak berpengaruh secara positif dan tidak signifikan, gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan.

Research paper thumbnail of Multicultural Paradigm and Da'Wah Strategy Building Religious Moderation in Rejang Lebong

Alfuad: Jurnal Sosial Keagamaan, 2021

The research looks at how the multicultural paradigm influences one's experience and what is ... more The research looks at how the multicultural paradigm influences one's experience and what is the da'wah strategy in dealing with a multicultural society? To conduct this research, the researcher uses a mixed method research (qualitative and quantitative) which aims to combine two methods at once in order to obtain more comprehensive, valid, reliable and objective data. The subjects and objects of this research are students from 3 high schools in Rejang Lebong, Curup city, namely SMAN 1, SMAN 2 and SMAN Xaverius. The results of the research show that the portrait of the paradigm of experience High school students in Rejang Lebong have high enough confidence to consistently interact and adapt to differences. In fact, it is not only considered a luxury, but is interpreted as a necessity where they cannot avoid religious differences. This has implications for their multicultural behavior where they are able to be smart in responding to differences. In this context, the experienc...

Research paper thumbnail of Dakwah Syarikat Islam Dan Kontribusinya Dalam Masyarakat Indonesia

Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah), 2020

This study aims to analyze the Islamic Syarikat da'wah movement and its contribution to Indonesia... more This study aims to analyze the Islamic Syarikat da'wah movement and its contribution to Indonesian society. This research uses a qualitative approach with literature study. The data was collected using historical research techniques and library research by collecting relevant primary sources. The results showed that sociologically, the Islamic Syarikat played an important role or contributed from the New Order era to the present which made this organization a media of socialization for Muslims in the fields of education, economics and politics. The Islamic Syarikat Organization (SI) has an ideology to fight for and play an important role in community empowerment in creating people's awareness and realizing Indonesian independence. This is manifested in the SI trilogy, namely, As clean as tawhid, as high as knowledge and as clever as siasah. The impact of this research can encourage more active preaching activities, both for internal and external organizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Cyber Religion sebagai Ekspresi Keberagamaan di Internet pada Komunitas Shift (Cyber Religion Phenomenon as a Religious Expression on the Internet in the Shift Community)

Jurnal Dakwah Risalah

This article aims to determine the form of Shift's religious expression and the factor of the... more This article aims to determine the form of Shift's religious expression and the factor of the Shift community's interest in the context of cyberreligion. The research method is qualitative with the type of phenomenological research. There are 5 research subjects (subscribers) and the research object of the YouTube channel Shift. The interactive model analysis technique of Miles & Huberman from the results of data collection that the authors get. The results showed that the phenomenon of cyberreligion has touched various circles and was used by Ust. Hanan Attaki by establishing a Shift which targets the younger generation in the form of online religion. The use of YouTube as a means of spreading Shift's da'wah is categorized into the File-Sharing category. The study, which is nicely packaged by Ust. Hanan Attaki, has made it loved by the younger generation as an alternative in their religious information.