hendro setiawan - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by hendro setiawan

Research paper thumbnail of Uji Model Fisik 2 Dimensi Stabilitas Lapis Pelindung Struktur Jetty Muara Sungai Tukad Unda

Jurnal Teknik Sumber Daya Air

Tukad Unda yang bermuara di Pantai Jumpai, Kabupaten Klungkung telah mengalami perubahan arah alu... more Tukad Unda yang bermuara di Pantai Jumpai, Kabupaten Klungkung telah mengalami perubahan arah alur akibat perubahan arah gelombang dan penutupan mulut muara sungai. Selain itu kawasan muara Tukad Unda juga akan jadi bagian dari Pusat Kebudayaan Bali (PKB). Bangunan jetty tegak lurus pantai yang diletakkan pada kedua sisi muara sungai, menggunakan tumpukan batu sebagai lapis pelindung mengalami kerusakan pada bagian kepala jetty. Sebagai pengamanan terhadap struktur jetty agar tidak bertambah direncanakan menambah lapis pelindung pada bagian kepala dan badan jetty dengan menggunakan tambahan armor BPPT-lock. Sebagai unit lapis pelindung struktur jetty harus dilakukan pengujian model fisik dalam skala laboratorium. Pengujian model fisik dalam skala laboratorium ini dilakukan sebagai verifikasi terhadap kehandalan struktur armor BPPT-lock. Pada skenario pengujian Tipikal 1 (FF P8-P10), dengan skema pemasangan acak dari kaki sampai slope atas serta perubahan geometri struktur yaitu tanp...

Research paper thumbnail of Postmodernisme, Panggilan Akan Gerak Keluar Gereja

Mitra Sriwijaya: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen

Post modernism thought is the main stream forming contemporary society (at this time). At this ti... more Post modernism thought is the main stream forming contemporary society (at this time). At this time, the world is faced with many strange problems. Never before has the world experienced such an abyss of social injustice and the threat of destruction so massive. The threat of environmental damage, nuclear war, and the exclusion of humans from jobs due to technology, have become a part of today's life. The legalization of abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, the death penalty, etc., which are contrary to religious values, is increasingly widespread among countries in the world. In the midst of this situation, it is worth reflecting on: what is the role of religion in people's lives so far? This is interesting considering that the majority of the world's population today are in fact religious people. Why do religious values seem to disappear in real life? Why is the world moving in the opposite direction of religious values? What is the role of Christianity as the largest religion of its adherents in the world today? How can the Church be more involved? On the basis of the need to answer these questions, this research was conducted. The research is focused in the context of Christianity and is carried out through literature studies. The method used is to compare the essence of post-modernism thought on related topics, with the nature of the Church's vocation in the wider community. The results of the study indicate that the post-modernism era has opened a wider call for the outward movement of the Church as a carrier of good values. The world can no longer run without the value of virtue as a support. The destructive direction of the world's movement needs to be corrected immediately. It takes new, appropriate ways for the Church to bring back these important values in the public sphere.

Research paper thumbnail of Mencari Makna Terbaik Pandemi Bagi Hidup Manusia, Melalui Filsafat Eksistensial Soren A. Kierkergaard

RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice

Lebih dari setahun pandemi Covid 19 telah melanda dunia. Lebih dari 100 juta orang telah terpapar... more Lebih dari setahun pandemi Covid 19 telah melanda dunia. Lebih dari 100 juta orang telah terpapar dan lebih dari dua juta orang meninggal dunia diseluruh dunia. Angka-angka ini masih akan terus bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu. Selain bencana kesehatan, pandemi Covid 19 telah memicu bencana multidimensi global terbesar dalam satu abad terakhir. Selain dampak kesehatan, pandemi telah memicu dampak ekonomi, psikologi, sosial, pendidikan, dst. Dimulainya program vaksinasi, walau masih terbatas dan belum merata, telah memberikan harapan baru bagi masyarakat dunia untuk keluar dari krisis ini. Ditengah situasi ini, sebuah studi tentang: bagaimana seharusnya manusia memaknai pandemi ini adalah perlu dan mendesak. Pemaknaan atas suatu situasi, menentukan cara manusia bereaksi terhadapnya. Pemaknaan yang baik, membawa manusia pada tindakan positif yang membaharui. Sebaliknya, pemaknaan yang buruk berdampak destruktif bagi kehidupan. Faktanya walaupun pandemi telah berlangsung lama, pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengetahuan Guru Terhadap Metode Bercerita dalam Pembelajaran Paud Di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang

Jurnal pendidikan anak, Dec 5, 2018

Teacher Knowledge To Story Methods In Early Childhood Education Learning In Tanjung Senang Distri... more Teacher Knowledge To Story Methods In Early Childhood Education Learning In Tanjung Senang District.The problem in this study is that most early childhood education teachers in Tanjung Senang District have not applied the storytelling method. The purpose of this study was to describe the teacher's knowledge in the storytelling method. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this study amounted to 102 teachers, with a sample of 39 teachers conducted by cluster random sampling technique. Data collection techniques use tests and documentation. The results of the study were that 1 teacher (1.90%) was in the tofu category, 10 teachers (26.30%) were in the know enough category, 23 teachers (59.00%) were in the category of ignorant, and 5 teachers (12.80%) are in the category of not knowing. This shows that the knowledge of early childhood education teachers in the storytelling method in Tanjung Senang Subdistrict is in the category of poor understanding. Keyword :teacher of early childhood education, method of storytelling, teacher's knowledge. Abstrak:Pengetahuan Guru Terhadap Metode Bercerita Dalam Pembelajaran Paud Di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang.Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebagian besar guru pendidikan anak usia dini yang berada di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang belum menerapkan metode bercerita. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan guru dalam metode bercerita. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 102 guru, dengan sampel penelitian 39 guru yang dilakukan dengan teknik Cluster Random Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang di dapat ialah 1 guru (1,90%) berada dalam kategori tahu, 10 guru (26,30%) berada dalam kategori cukup tahu, 23 guru (59,00%) berada dalam kategori kurang tahu, dan 5 guru (12,80%) berada dalam kategori tidak tahu. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan guru pendidikan anak usia dini dalam metode bercerita yang berada di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang dalam kategori kurang paham. Kata Kunci: guru pendidikan anak usia dini, metode bercerita, pengetahuan guru.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing the Student’s Writing Skills of Procedure Text by Using Storyboarding at the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School 53 Palembang

Jurnal Didascein Bahasa, Jan 21, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Using Blended Learning Education-Based Game Learning Media Android for Students Basic Electronics

Journal of Vocational Education Studies, 2021

The objectives of this study were to: (1) develop a blended learning model using Android-based le... more The objectives of this study were to: (1) develop a blended learning model using Android-based learning media for basic electrical electronics subjects; and (2) determine the effectiveness and level of student satisfaction with the developed model. This study used the Research and Development method with the ADDIE development model which consisted of defining, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating stages. The research subjects consisted of 2 media expert validators, 2 material expert validators, and 31 product trial students. The research instrument used a questionnaire for media experts and material experts, as well as tests and questionnaires for students. The level of student satisfaction with the developed model was determined by the percentage technique, while the product testing was carried out with an experimental design (before-after) and a one group pretest-posttest pattern. This study produces a blended learning model using educational game media based on andr...

Research paper thumbnail of Konstruksi Citra Joko Widodo dalam Sampul Majalah Milenial Arrajol, Arab Saudi, Edisi 20 Mei 2019

Al-Ma'rifah, 2020

Indonesian President Joko Widodo is widely discussed on social media because he was chosen as the... more Indonesian President Joko Widodo is widely discussed on social media because he was chosen as the cover story in Arrajol, a monthly Arabic men’s lifestyle magazine published in Saudi Arabia. On its official Facebook page, Arrajol displays a promotional video of their latest edition by writing, “President of Indonesia, a figure in the new edition of Arrajol magazine.” The video was uploaded by Arrajol on Thursday, May 16, 2019. The purposes of this study are to determine the symbol contained in Arrajol, the meaning contained within the symbol, and how these symbols constructing Joko Widodo’s image as a role model. This study uses qualitative methods with semiotics analysis from Charles Sanders Peirce. The result of this study showed Arrajol magazine consists of two main symbols, the gesture symbol of Joko Widodo who is dressed in a suit with a thin smile on his face, is Joko Widodo’s authority, and followed by the text on the bottom right showing Joko Widodo’s personality. These symb...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Ruangan Dari Jauh Dengan Sensor Passive Infrared (Pir) Melalui SMS

Pada tugas akhir ini akan diuraikan tentang perancangan sistem monitoring ruangan dari jauh denga... more Pada tugas akhir ini akan diuraikan tentang perancangan sistem monitoring ruangan dari jauh dengan sensor passive infrared (PIR) melalui sms. Output dari sensor passive infrared (PIR) pada alat, akan berlogika low jika belum menangkap adanya gelombang panas yang dideteksi dari tubuh manusia. Ketika sensor mendeteksi adanya manusia, maka keluaran sensor yang dihubungkan dengan PORTC.0 pada mikrokontroller akan berlogika high. Jarak maksimal yang mampu dideteksi oleh sensor adalah 5 meter. Pada saat sensor mendeteksi, maka mikrokontroller yang sudah diprogram akan memproses data yang terdeteksi untuk memberikan perintah buzzer berbunyi. Mikrokontroller akan memberi sinyal pada telepon seluler yang dipasang pada alat, selanjutnya akan mengirimkan pesan ke telepon seluler pemilik, adapun pesan yang akan dikirim terlebih dahulu dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman dan selanjutnya disimpan di dalam mikrokontroller ATMega 16. Dari telepon seluler penerima pesan, pemilik dapat mematikan sistem ...

Research paper thumbnail of Membaharui Dunia Lewat Semangat Persaudaraan Global

The latest Pope Francis encyclical entitled "On The Fraternity and Social Friendship" (... more The latest Pope Francis encyclical entitled "On The Fraternity and Social Friendship" (Fratelli Tutti) was signed on October 3, 2020. This encyclical emerged as the world was struggling against the Covid 19 pandemic. This encyclical is considered a universal proposal and is proposed to improve the world. Global phenomena in the form of: social injustice, environmental damage, ineffective handling of the pandemic, and various other major problems, considered by the Pope as urgent to be reflected and renewed. Through this encyclical, the pope invites all parties, all religions, even atheists, to work together in creating a better world for everyone. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Pope Francis has reflected on the pandemic as a universal call to strengthen human fraternity. Pope invites all parties during the pandemic, to think about and prepare for a better world in the context of humanity. The world after the pandemic must be a world that is more welcoming to everyone...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan App Inventor Dalam Pembuatan Game Education Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Yang Mandiri Dan Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Titl Pada Pembelajaran Listrik Dasar SMK Muhammadiyah Majenang

Edu Elektrika Journal, 2015

Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat media pembelajaran yang cocok diterapkan k... more Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat media pembelajaran yang cocok diterapkan kepada siswa TITL SMK Muahmmadiyah Majenang sebagai media yang mandiri dan interkatif, Sehingga penerapan model pembelajaran yang dipakai oleh guru tidak membosankan cenderung menyenangkan dan bisa meningkatkan hasil belajar. Adapun tujuan yang hendak peneliti capai yaitu dengan dapat mengembangkan dan menghasilkan produk aplikasi android berupa game edukasi media pembelajaran tentang listrik dasar, dan mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan aplikasi game edukasi sebagai media pembelajaran untuk suplemen belajar siswa dengan materi Listrik dasar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development dengan desain/rancangan adalah pre-experimental design dengan bentuk one-group pretest-posttest design . Hasil penelitian yang telah didapatkan adalah menghasilkan produk aplikasi android game edukasi materi listrik dasar dengan hasil uji coba aplikasi sudah berfungsi dan berjalan ...

Research paper thumbnail of PENGARUH KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL TERHADAP KINERJAKARYAWAN(Studi pada Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta di Sleman DIY)

Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui komitmen organisasi karyawan hotel sahid raya yogya... more Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui komitmen organisasi karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta, mengetahui kinerja karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta, menganalisis pengaruh komitmen affective terhadap kinerja karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta, menganalisis pengaruh komitmen normative terhadap kinerja karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta, dan menganalisis pengaruh komitmen continuance terhadap kinerja karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Dalam penelitian ini sampel yang diambil adalah sebagian karyawan Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 110 orang. Alat analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan responden (69,6%) menilai Komitmen Organisasi (komitmen affective, normative, dan continuance) karyawan Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta, Tinggi, kebanyakan responden (94,6%) menilai Kinerja Karyawan Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta,...

Research paper thumbnail of Manusia utuh: sebuah kajian atas pemikiran Abraham Maslow

Buku ini mengantar pembaca ke dalam garis besar pemikiran Maslow tentang manusia yang, itu kekuat... more Buku ini mengantar pembaca ke dalam garis besar pemikiran Maslow tentang manusia yang, itu kekuatannya, berdasarkan bukan pada spekulasi, melainkan pada amatan psikologis. Hendro Setiawan melakukannya secara kritis dengan juga menunjuk di mana terletak pelbagai keterbatasan yang tentu juga ada pada pemikiran Maslow. Buku ini tidak hanya memperluas wawasan kita tentang salah seorang psikolog paling termasyhur abad lalu, melainkan dapat memperkaya dan memperdalam pengertian kita tentang siapa kita ini, kita manusia

Research paper thumbnail of Struktur Wacana dan Pesan Dakwah pada Lagu Lawlaka Maher Zaen

The purpose of this paper is to describe the structure that exists in the lyrics of the song Lawl... more The purpose of this paper is to describe the structure that exists in the lyrics of the song Lawlaka so that readers especially song lovers can know, understand and know what is contained in the song lyrics Lawlaka as well as the linguistic aspects in it. The primary data is the Lawlaka text contained in the Youtube Awkening Music channel, while the secondary data uses Van Dijk's discourse analysis. The results show that there is a complex structure found in the lyrics of the song Lawlaka . In the text dimension it contains micro and macro structures: from the micro structure it contains the thematic elements of the hope of His grace, begging for forgiveness and praise. The superstructure that contains the schematic shows the title / lead . In the macro structure there are background elements, details and meanings. Whereas the social dimension of the Lawlaka song is not just textual but has meaning within it. As for the social context of his sinful state that others feel. Maher ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Mutasi Pegawai Pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman

Research paper thumbnail of Pengetahuan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Dalammenerapkan Metode Bercerita Pada Pembelajaran Paud

Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar guru pendidikan anak usia dini belum menerapka... more Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar guru pendidikan anak usia dini belum menerapkan metode bercerita. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan guru pendidikan anak usia dini dalam menerapkan metode bercerita. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 100 guru dari 17 Taman Kanak-kanak yang berada di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang, dengan sampel penelitian 80 guru yang dilakukan dengan teknik proporsional. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik tes dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang di dapat ialah 6 guru atau 7,81% berada dalam kategori tahu, 55 guru atau 69,12% berada dalam kategori kurang tahu dan 19 guru atau 24,06% berada dalam kategori tidak tahu. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan guru pendidikan anak usia dini tentang metode bercerita sebagian besar berada dalam kategori kurang tahu. Kata Kunci : guru pendidikan anak usia dini, metode bercerita, p...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Hotel “ Grand Solo Palace ”10 Lantai DI Surakarta Dengan Sistem Daktail Penuh Berdasarkan Sni - 03 – 2847 - 2002

PERENCANAAN HOTEL “ GRAND SOLO PALACE ”10 LANTAI DI SURAKARTA DENGAN SISTEM DAKTAIL PENUH BERDASA... more PERENCANAAN HOTEL “ GRAND SOLO PALACE ”10 LANTAI DI SURAKARTA DENGAN SISTEM DAKTAIL PENUH BERDASARKAN SNI - 03 – 2847 - 2002 Tugas akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk merencanakan gedung perhotelan sepuluh lantai di Surakarta untuk mewujudkan kebutuhan akan hunian bagi wisatawan domestik dan juga wisatawan mancanegara yang akan singgah ke kota Surakarta. Sistem perencanaan gedung perhotelan ini menggunakan prinsip perencanaan daktail penuh. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penyusunan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mendapatkan hasil hitungan struktur bangunan gedung perhotelan sepuluh lantai tahan gempa yang berlokasi di Surakarta sesuai dengan prinsip daktail penuh berdasarkan SNI - 03 - 2847 – 2002. Struktur gedung perhotelan di Surakarta termasuk dalam wilayah gempa 3. Perencanaan gedung perhotelan ini menggunakan peraturan yang digunakan sebagai acuan. Peraturan yang dipakai meliputi PPPURG (SNI-03-1727-1989) untuk merencanakan pembebanan gedung, SPKGUSBG (SNI-1726-2002) untuk mencari gaya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Implikasi atas Ketidaksesuaian Gambaran Manusia yang Menjadi Landasan Pemikiran Kapitalisme dan Ajaran Kristen

Immanuel: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2021

Within the limitations of human reason, every product of human thought is always built on certain... more Within the limitations of human reason, every product of human thought is always built on certain basic postulates or assumptions. It is not possible for humans to use the whole reality of life with all its complexity as the basis of a thought. Thus, the necessity of using postulates as a basis for developing a thought is human and acceptable. Concepts in social sciences are built on the basis of certain postulates of human images that are limited, not comprehensive. The economic system of capitalism as a product of human thought is also built on the postulate of a limited human picture. Every social science theory is built on the basis of a particular human image. Based on this human image, the whole conceptual framework is built to achieve the good that is the goal. The economic system of capitalism today is the system used in the majority of the world throughout the world. This is mainly due to globalization. Globalization expands the network of capitalism to all corners of the w...

Research paper thumbnail of Media Literasi Alternatif: Studi Kasus Pada Teenlit DI Postingan Instagram Akun “Sastraarabcom”

SASDAYA: Gadjah Mada Journal of Humanities, 2020

The purpose of this research is to find teenlit in the Instagram account of Sastraarabcom which c... more The purpose of this research is to find teenlit in the Instagram account of Sastraarabcom which can be used as a medium to improve literacy culture among adolescents. to improve the literature faced by adolescents, writers must use various approaches, such as writing things they like, discussions, simulations, questions and answers and the like. Such a contextual approach is a key element in increasing adolescent learning interest. The results showed that teenlit Sastraarabcom can improve and become an alternative media in increasing teenage literacy, not only being able to read but can understand the contents of reading, with the hope of moral messages such as peace, social care, social values, mutual cooperation, values moral, and mutual respect between friends will be reflected in the actions of future adolescent behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Group Investigation Technique in Teaching Reading of Descriptive Text to the Seventh Graders of SMPN 2 Sidoarjo

Retain, 2015

The students are expected to have skills of the English language such as reading, writing, listen... more The students are expected to have skills of the English language such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking that must be taught to the students through the chosen themes. From those four skills above, reading is the focus of this research. The students should have some purpose or aims from reading that is for getting knowledge and get the meaning of the text. For that reason, a suitable atmosphere of teaching and learning process and a proper technique to conduct the teaching would affect students understanding in reading. Group investigation technique as one of cooperative learning method is an alternative way of organizational approach that allows a class to work actively and collaboratively in small groups and enables students to take an active role in determining their own learning goals and processes. The research design used in this research is a qualitative research. The purpose of this research was to find the description of the implementation of group investigation technique in teaching reading. First, the researcher used observation checklist and field note to answer the first research question. Second, the researcher used interview to answer the second research question. Last, the researcher used reading task to answer the third research questions. According to the observation result, the researcher made conclusion that the group investigation technique can be implemented in the classroom. It could be seen from the students" task results in the group investigation technique. The students also agreed that the technique was appropriate to be used to teach English in the classroom. Group investigation can be implemented as a technique to teach reading descriptive text to the seventh grader students in SMPN 2 Sidoarjo because this technique is able to make the students more interested in study English. After the implementation of the technique, the students reading comprehension were good. The response of the student towards the technique showed that through group investigation they can communicate and interact more when learning English.

Research paper thumbnail of Dislocations in P-MBE Grown ZnO Layers Characterized by HRXRD and TEM

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008

We have characterized dislocations in ZnO layers grown on c‐sapphire (α‐Al2O3) by plasma‐assisted... more We have characterized dislocations in ZnO layers grown on c‐sapphire (α‐Al2O3) by plasma‐assisted molecular‐beam epitaxy (P‐MBE) with and without MgO buffer layer. ZnO without MgO buffer was grown three‐dimensionally (3D), while ZnO with MgO buffer was grown two‐dimensionally (2D). Mosaic spread (tilt and twist angles), types and density of dislocations in the layers were studied by both high‐resolution X‐ray diffraction (HRXRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). HRXRD experiments reveal that screw dislocation densities in the ZnO layer are 8.1×108 cm−2 and 6.1×105 cm−2, for ZnO with and without MgO buffer, respectively, while edge dislocation densities are 1.1×1010 cm−2 and 1.3×105 cm−2, for ZnO with and without MgO buffer, respectively. HRXRD and TEM data showed the same result that the major dislocations in the ZnO layers are edge type dislocations running along c‐axis. Therefore, HRXRD technique can be applied to characterize dislocations in ZnO layers.

Research paper thumbnail of Uji Model Fisik 2 Dimensi Stabilitas Lapis Pelindung Struktur Jetty Muara Sungai Tukad Unda

Jurnal Teknik Sumber Daya Air

Tukad Unda yang bermuara di Pantai Jumpai, Kabupaten Klungkung telah mengalami perubahan arah alu... more Tukad Unda yang bermuara di Pantai Jumpai, Kabupaten Klungkung telah mengalami perubahan arah alur akibat perubahan arah gelombang dan penutupan mulut muara sungai. Selain itu kawasan muara Tukad Unda juga akan jadi bagian dari Pusat Kebudayaan Bali (PKB). Bangunan jetty tegak lurus pantai yang diletakkan pada kedua sisi muara sungai, menggunakan tumpukan batu sebagai lapis pelindung mengalami kerusakan pada bagian kepala jetty. Sebagai pengamanan terhadap struktur jetty agar tidak bertambah direncanakan menambah lapis pelindung pada bagian kepala dan badan jetty dengan menggunakan tambahan armor BPPT-lock. Sebagai unit lapis pelindung struktur jetty harus dilakukan pengujian model fisik dalam skala laboratorium. Pengujian model fisik dalam skala laboratorium ini dilakukan sebagai verifikasi terhadap kehandalan struktur armor BPPT-lock. Pada skenario pengujian Tipikal 1 (FF P8-P10), dengan skema pemasangan acak dari kaki sampai slope atas serta perubahan geometri struktur yaitu tanp...

Research paper thumbnail of Postmodernisme, Panggilan Akan Gerak Keluar Gereja

Mitra Sriwijaya: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen

Post modernism thought is the main stream forming contemporary society (at this time). At this ti... more Post modernism thought is the main stream forming contemporary society (at this time). At this time, the world is faced with many strange problems. Never before has the world experienced such an abyss of social injustice and the threat of destruction so massive. The threat of environmental damage, nuclear war, and the exclusion of humans from jobs due to technology, have become a part of today's life. The legalization of abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, the death penalty, etc., which are contrary to religious values, is increasingly widespread among countries in the world. In the midst of this situation, it is worth reflecting on: what is the role of religion in people's lives so far? This is interesting considering that the majority of the world's population today are in fact religious people. Why do religious values seem to disappear in real life? Why is the world moving in the opposite direction of religious values? What is the role of Christianity as the largest religion of its adherents in the world today? How can the Church be more involved? On the basis of the need to answer these questions, this research was conducted. The research is focused in the context of Christianity and is carried out through literature studies. The method used is to compare the essence of post-modernism thought on related topics, with the nature of the Church's vocation in the wider community. The results of the study indicate that the post-modernism era has opened a wider call for the outward movement of the Church as a carrier of good values. The world can no longer run without the value of virtue as a support. The destructive direction of the world's movement needs to be corrected immediately. It takes new, appropriate ways for the Church to bring back these important values in the public sphere.

Research paper thumbnail of Mencari Makna Terbaik Pandemi Bagi Hidup Manusia, Melalui Filsafat Eksistensial Soren A. Kierkergaard

RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice

Lebih dari setahun pandemi Covid 19 telah melanda dunia. Lebih dari 100 juta orang telah terpapar... more Lebih dari setahun pandemi Covid 19 telah melanda dunia. Lebih dari 100 juta orang telah terpapar dan lebih dari dua juta orang meninggal dunia diseluruh dunia. Angka-angka ini masih akan terus bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu. Selain bencana kesehatan, pandemi Covid 19 telah memicu bencana multidimensi global terbesar dalam satu abad terakhir. Selain dampak kesehatan, pandemi telah memicu dampak ekonomi, psikologi, sosial, pendidikan, dst. Dimulainya program vaksinasi, walau masih terbatas dan belum merata, telah memberikan harapan baru bagi masyarakat dunia untuk keluar dari krisis ini. Ditengah situasi ini, sebuah studi tentang: bagaimana seharusnya manusia memaknai pandemi ini adalah perlu dan mendesak. Pemaknaan atas suatu situasi, menentukan cara manusia bereaksi terhadapnya. Pemaknaan yang baik, membawa manusia pada tindakan positif yang membaharui. Sebaliknya, pemaknaan yang buruk berdampak destruktif bagi kehidupan. Faktanya walaupun pandemi telah berlangsung lama, pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengetahuan Guru Terhadap Metode Bercerita dalam Pembelajaran Paud Di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang

Jurnal pendidikan anak, Dec 5, 2018

Teacher Knowledge To Story Methods In Early Childhood Education Learning In Tanjung Senang Distri... more Teacher Knowledge To Story Methods In Early Childhood Education Learning In Tanjung Senang District.The problem in this study is that most early childhood education teachers in Tanjung Senang District have not applied the storytelling method. The purpose of this study was to describe the teacher's knowledge in the storytelling method. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this study amounted to 102 teachers, with a sample of 39 teachers conducted by cluster random sampling technique. Data collection techniques use tests and documentation. The results of the study were that 1 teacher (1.90%) was in the tofu category, 10 teachers (26.30%) were in the know enough category, 23 teachers (59.00%) were in the category of ignorant, and 5 teachers (12.80%) are in the category of not knowing. This shows that the knowledge of early childhood education teachers in the storytelling method in Tanjung Senang Subdistrict is in the category of poor understanding. Keyword :teacher of early childhood education, method of storytelling, teacher's knowledge. Abstrak:Pengetahuan Guru Terhadap Metode Bercerita Dalam Pembelajaran Paud Di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang.Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebagian besar guru pendidikan anak usia dini yang berada di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang belum menerapkan metode bercerita. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan guru dalam metode bercerita. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 102 guru, dengan sampel penelitian 39 guru yang dilakukan dengan teknik Cluster Random Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang di dapat ialah 1 guru (1,90%) berada dalam kategori tahu, 10 guru (26,30%) berada dalam kategori cukup tahu, 23 guru (59,00%) berada dalam kategori kurang tahu, dan 5 guru (12,80%) berada dalam kategori tidak tahu. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan guru pendidikan anak usia dini dalam metode bercerita yang berada di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang dalam kategori kurang paham. Kata Kunci: guru pendidikan anak usia dini, metode bercerita, pengetahuan guru.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing the Student’s Writing Skills of Procedure Text by Using Storyboarding at the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School 53 Palembang

Jurnal Didascein Bahasa, Jan 21, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Using Blended Learning Education-Based Game Learning Media Android for Students Basic Electronics

Journal of Vocational Education Studies, 2021

The objectives of this study were to: (1) develop a blended learning model using Android-based le... more The objectives of this study were to: (1) develop a blended learning model using Android-based learning media for basic electrical electronics subjects; and (2) determine the effectiveness and level of student satisfaction with the developed model. This study used the Research and Development method with the ADDIE development model which consisted of defining, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating stages. The research subjects consisted of 2 media expert validators, 2 material expert validators, and 31 product trial students. The research instrument used a questionnaire for media experts and material experts, as well as tests and questionnaires for students. The level of student satisfaction with the developed model was determined by the percentage technique, while the product testing was carried out with an experimental design (before-after) and a one group pretest-posttest pattern. This study produces a blended learning model using educational game media based on andr...

Research paper thumbnail of Konstruksi Citra Joko Widodo dalam Sampul Majalah Milenial Arrajol, Arab Saudi, Edisi 20 Mei 2019

Al-Ma'rifah, 2020

Indonesian President Joko Widodo is widely discussed on social media because he was chosen as the... more Indonesian President Joko Widodo is widely discussed on social media because he was chosen as the cover story in Arrajol, a monthly Arabic men’s lifestyle magazine published in Saudi Arabia. On its official Facebook page, Arrajol displays a promotional video of their latest edition by writing, “President of Indonesia, a figure in the new edition of Arrajol magazine.” The video was uploaded by Arrajol on Thursday, May 16, 2019. The purposes of this study are to determine the symbol contained in Arrajol, the meaning contained within the symbol, and how these symbols constructing Joko Widodo’s image as a role model. This study uses qualitative methods with semiotics analysis from Charles Sanders Peirce. The result of this study showed Arrajol magazine consists of two main symbols, the gesture symbol of Joko Widodo who is dressed in a suit with a thin smile on his face, is Joko Widodo’s authority, and followed by the text on the bottom right showing Joko Widodo’s personality. These symb...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Ruangan Dari Jauh Dengan Sensor Passive Infrared (Pir) Melalui SMS

Pada tugas akhir ini akan diuraikan tentang perancangan sistem monitoring ruangan dari jauh denga... more Pada tugas akhir ini akan diuraikan tentang perancangan sistem monitoring ruangan dari jauh dengan sensor passive infrared (PIR) melalui sms. Output dari sensor passive infrared (PIR) pada alat, akan berlogika low jika belum menangkap adanya gelombang panas yang dideteksi dari tubuh manusia. Ketika sensor mendeteksi adanya manusia, maka keluaran sensor yang dihubungkan dengan PORTC.0 pada mikrokontroller akan berlogika high. Jarak maksimal yang mampu dideteksi oleh sensor adalah 5 meter. Pada saat sensor mendeteksi, maka mikrokontroller yang sudah diprogram akan memproses data yang terdeteksi untuk memberikan perintah buzzer berbunyi. Mikrokontroller akan memberi sinyal pada telepon seluler yang dipasang pada alat, selanjutnya akan mengirimkan pesan ke telepon seluler pemilik, adapun pesan yang akan dikirim terlebih dahulu dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman dan selanjutnya disimpan di dalam mikrokontroller ATMega 16. Dari telepon seluler penerima pesan, pemilik dapat mematikan sistem ...

Research paper thumbnail of Membaharui Dunia Lewat Semangat Persaudaraan Global

The latest Pope Francis encyclical entitled "On The Fraternity and Social Friendship" (... more The latest Pope Francis encyclical entitled "On The Fraternity and Social Friendship" (Fratelli Tutti) was signed on October 3, 2020. This encyclical emerged as the world was struggling against the Covid 19 pandemic. This encyclical is considered a universal proposal and is proposed to improve the world. Global phenomena in the form of: social injustice, environmental damage, ineffective handling of the pandemic, and various other major problems, considered by the Pope as urgent to be reflected and renewed. Through this encyclical, the pope invites all parties, all religions, even atheists, to work together in creating a better world for everyone. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Pope Francis has reflected on the pandemic as a universal call to strengthen human fraternity. Pope invites all parties during the pandemic, to think about and prepare for a better world in the context of humanity. The world after the pandemic must be a world that is more welcoming to everyone...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan App Inventor Dalam Pembuatan Game Education Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Yang Mandiri Dan Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Titl Pada Pembelajaran Listrik Dasar SMK Muhammadiyah Majenang

Edu Elektrika Journal, 2015

Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat media pembelajaran yang cocok diterapkan k... more Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat media pembelajaran yang cocok diterapkan kepada siswa TITL SMK Muahmmadiyah Majenang sebagai media yang mandiri dan interkatif, Sehingga penerapan model pembelajaran yang dipakai oleh guru tidak membosankan cenderung menyenangkan dan bisa meningkatkan hasil belajar. Adapun tujuan yang hendak peneliti capai yaitu dengan dapat mengembangkan dan menghasilkan produk aplikasi android berupa game edukasi media pembelajaran tentang listrik dasar, dan mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan aplikasi game edukasi sebagai media pembelajaran untuk suplemen belajar siswa dengan materi Listrik dasar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development dengan desain/rancangan adalah pre-experimental design dengan bentuk one-group pretest-posttest design . Hasil penelitian yang telah didapatkan adalah menghasilkan produk aplikasi android game edukasi materi listrik dasar dengan hasil uji coba aplikasi sudah berfungsi dan berjalan ...

Research paper thumbnail of PENGARUH KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL TERHADAP KINERJAKARYAWAN(Studi pada Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta di Sleman DIY)

Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui komitmen organisasi karyawan hotel sahid raya yogya... more Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui komitmen organisasi karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta, mengetahui kinerja karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta, menganalisis pengaruh komitmen affective terhadap kinerja karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta, menganalisis pengaruh komitmen normative terhadap kinerja karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta, dan menganalisis pengaruh komitmen continuance terhadap kinerja karyawan hotel sahid raya yogyakarta. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Dalam penelitian ini sampel yang diambil adalah sebagian karyawan Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 110 orang. Alat analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan responden (69,6%) menilai Komitmen Organisasi (komitmen affective, normative, dan continuance) karyawan Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta, Tinggi, kebanyakan responden (94,6%) menilai Kinerja Karyawan Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta,...

Research paper thumbnail of Manusia utuh: sebuah kajian atas pemikiran Abraham Maslow

Buku ini mengantar pembaca ke dalam garis besar pemikiran Maslow tentang manusia yang, itu kekuat... more Buku ini mengantar pembaca ke dalam garis besar pemikiran Maslow tentang manusia yang, itu kekuatannya, berdasarkan bukan pada spekulasi, melainkan pada amatan psikologis. Hendro Setiawan melakukannya secara kritis dengan juga menunjuk di mana terletak pelbagai keterbatasan yang tentu juga ada pada pemikiran Maslow. Buku ini tidak hanya memperluas wawasan kita tentang salah seorang psikolog paling termasyhur abad lalu, melainkan dapat memperkaya dan memperdalam pengertian kita tentang siapa kita ini, kita manusia

Research paper thumbnail of Struktur Wacana dan Pesan Dakwah pada Lagu Lawlaka Maher Zaen

The purpose of this paper is to describe the structure that exists in the lyrics of the song Lawl... more The purpose of this paper is to describe the structure that exists in the lyrics of the song Lawlaka so that readers especially song lovers can know, understand and know what is contained in the song lyrics Lawlaka as well as the linguistic aspects in it. The primary data is the Lawlaka text contained in the Youtube Awkening Music channel, while the secondary data uses Van Dijk's discourse analysis. The results show that there is a complex structure found in the lyrics of the song Lawlaka . In the text dimension it contains micro and macro structures: from the micro structure it contains the thematic elements of the hope of His grace, begging for forgiveness and praise. The superstructure that contains the schematic shows the title / lead . In the macro structure there are background elements, details and meanings. Whereas the social dimension of the Lawlaka song is not just textual but has meaning within it. As for the social context of his sinful state that others feel. Maher ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Mutasi Pegawai Pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman

Research paper thumbnail of Pengetahuan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Dalammenerapkan Metode Bercerita Pada Pembelajaran Paud

Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar guru pendidikan anak usia dini belum menerapka... more Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar guru pendidikan anak usia dini belum menerapkan metode bercerita. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan guru pendidikan anak usia dini dalam menerapkan metode bercerita. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 100 guru dari 17 Taman Kanak-kanak yang berada di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang, dengan sampel penelitian 80 guru yang dilakukan dengan teknik proporsional. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik tes dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang di dapat ialah 6 guru atau 7,81% berada dalam kategori tahu, 55 guru atau 69,12% berada dalam kategori kurang tahu dan 19 guru atau 24,06% berada dalam kategori tidak tahu. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan guru pendidikan anak usia dini tentang metode bercerita sebagian besar berada dalam kategori kurang tahu. Kata Kunci : guru pendidikan anak usia dini, metode bercerita, p...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Hotel “ Grand Solo Palace ”10 Lantai DI Surakarta Dengan Sistem Daktail Penuh Berdasarkan Sni - 03 – 2847 - 2002

PERENCANAAN HOTEL “ GRAND SOLO PALACE ”10 LANTAI DI SURAKARTA DENGAN SISTEM DAKTAIL PENUH BERDASA... more PERENCANAAN HOTEL “ GRAND SOLO PALACE ”10 LANTAI DI SURAKARTA DENGAN SISTEM DAKTAIL PENUH BERDASARKAN SNI - 03 – 2847 - 2002 Tugas akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk merencanakan gedung perhotelan sepuluh lantai di Surakarta untuk mewujudkan kebutuhan akan hunian bagi wisatawan domestik dan juga wisatawan mancanegara yang akan singgah ke kota Surakarta. Sistem perencanaan gedung perhotelan ini menggunakan prinsip perencanaan daktail penuh. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penyusunan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mendapatkan hasil hitungan struktur bangunan gedung perhotelan sepuluh lantai tahan gempa yang berlokasi di Surakarta sesuai dengan prinsip daktail penuh berdasarkan SNI - 03 - 2847 – 2002. Struktur gedung perhotelan di Surakarta termasuk dalam wilayah gempa 3. Perencanaan gedung perhotelan ini menggunakan peraturan yang digunakan sebagai acuan. Peraturan yang dipakai meliputi PPPURG (SNI-03-1727-1989) untuk merencanakan pembebanan gedung, SPKGUSBG (SNI-1726-2002) untuk mencari gaya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Implikasi atas Ketidaksesuaian Gambaran Manusia yang Menjadi Landasan Pemikiran Kapitalisme dan Ajaran Kristen

Immanuel: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2021

Within the limitations of human reason, every product of human thought is always built on certain... more Within the limitations of human reason, every product of human thought is always built on certain basic postulates or assumptions. It is not possible for humans to use the whole reality of life with all its complexity as the basis of a thought. Thus, the necessity of using postulates as a basis for developing a thought is human and acceptable. Concepts in social sciences are built on the basis of certain postulates of human images that are limited, not comprehensive. The economic system of capitalism as a product of human thought is also built on the postulate of a limited human picture. Every social science theory is built on the basis of a particular human image. Based on this human image, the whole conceptual framework is built to achieve the good that is the goal. The economic system of capitalism today is the system used in the majority of the world throughout the world. This is mainly due to globalization. Globalization expands the network of capitalism to all corners of the w...

Research paper thumbnail of Media Literasi Alternatif: Studi Kasus Pada Teenlit DI Postingan Instagram Akun “Sastraarabcom”

SASDAYA: Gadjah Mada Journal of Humanities, 2020

The purpose of this research is to find teenlit in the Instagram account of Sastraarabcom which c... more The purpose of this research is to find teenlit in the Instagram account of Sastraarabcom which can be used as a medium to improve literacy culture among adolescents. to improve the literature faced by adolescents, writers must use various approaches, such as writing things they like, discussions, simulations, questions and answers and the like. Such a contextual approach is a key element in increasing adolescent learning interest. The results showed that teenlit Sastraarabcom can improve and become an alternative media in increasing teenage literacy, not only being able to read but can understand the contents of reading, with the hope of moral messages such as peace, social care, social values, mutual cooperation, values moral, and mutual respect between friends will be reflected in the actions of future adolescent behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Group Investigation Technique in Teaching Reading of Descriptive Text to the Seventh Graders of SMPN 2 Sidoarjo

Retain, 2015

The students are expected to have skills of the English language such as reading, writing, listen... more The students are expected to have skills of the English language such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking that must be taught to the students through the chosen themes. From those four skills above, reading is the focus of this research. The students should have some purpose or aims from reading that is for getting knowledge and get the meaning of the text. For that reason, a suitable atmosphere of teaching and learning process and a proper technique to conduct the teaching would affect students understanding in reading. Group investigation technique as one of cooperative learning method is an alternative way of organizational approach that allows a class to work actively and collaboratively in small groups and enables students to take an active role in determining their own learning goals and processes. The research design used in this research is a qualitative research. The purpose of this research was to find the description of the implementation of group investigation technique in teaching reading. First, the researcher used observation checklist and field note to answer the first research question. Second, the researcher used interview to answer the second research question. Last, the researcher used reading task to answer the third research questions. According to the observation result, the researcher made conclusion that the group investigation technique can be implemented in the classroom. It could be seen from the students" task results in the group investigation technique. The students also agreed that the technique was appropriate to be used to teach English in the classroom. Group investigation can be implemented as a technique to teach reading descriptive text to the seventh grader students in SMPN 2 Sidoarjo because this technique is able to make the students more interested in study English. After the implementation of the technique, the students reading comprehension were good. The response of the student towards the technique showed that through group investigation they can communicate and interact more when learning English.

Research paper thumbnail of Dislocations in P-MBE Grown ZnO Layers Characterized by HRXRD and TEM

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008

We have characterized dislocations in ZnO layers grown on c‐sapphire (α‐Al2O3) by plasma‐assisted... more We have characterized dislocations in ZnO layers grown on c‐sapphire (α‐Al2O3) by plasma‐assisted molecular‐beam epitaxy (P‐MBE) with and without MgO buffer layer. ZnO without MgO buffer was grown three‐dimensionally (3D), while ZnO with MgO buffer was grown two‐dimensionally (2D). Mosaic spread (tilt and twist angles), types and density of dislocations in the layers were studied by both high‐resolution X‐ray diffraction (HRXRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). HRXRD experiments reveal that screw dislocation densities in the ZnO layer are 8.1×108 cm−2 and 6.1×105 cm−2, for ZnO with and without MgO buffer, respectively, while edge dislocation densities are 1.1×1010 cm−2 and 1.3×105 cm−2, for ZnO with and without MgO buffer, respectively. HRXRD and TEM data showed the same result that the major dislocations in the ZnO layers are edge type dislocations running along c‐axis. Therefore, HRXRD technique can be applied to characterize dislocations in ZnO layers.