hidayati azkiya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by hidayati azkiya
Research begins from the low ability of learning Indonesian Language Skills to elementary school ... more Research begins from the low ability of learning Indonesian Language Skills to elementary school students Elementary School Education Studies. This is seen in the midterm exam results as well as interviews with lecturers of Indonesian Language Skills Speaking to SD-an. The objective of this research is to know the influence of active learning model of card sort type to learning Indonesian Language Skills to Elementary School Primary School Teacher Education Program students. The type of this research is Quasi Eksperimen. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and learning result tests and data analysis techniques with t-test and ANAVA. The results showed that the students' learning outcomes by using the active learning model of card sort type is higher than the conventional learning model both from the whole and from the learning motivation. And there is no interaction of learning model with learning motivation to Indonesian Speaking Skill to SD-an. So it can be conclud...
This research aims to know the influence of the implementation of Cooperative learning model type... more This research aims to know the influence of the implementation of Cooperative learning model type of articulation to cognitive learning outcomes C1, C2, and C3 level IPS fourth grade students of SD Negeri 05 Kototinggi, Kabupaten 50 Kota. This type of research is experimental research. The independent variable in this research is the Influence of articulation model and the dependent variable is the cognitive learning result of C1, C2, and C3 IPS levels. The population is all students of SDN 05 Kototinggi which amounted to 190 students. The sample is the students of grade IV SDN 05 Kototinggi amounting to 30 students taken using porposive sampling technique. The data collected in the form of students' IPS learning outcomes. Data collection techniques in this study using the formula t-test, preceded by a prerequisite test analysis is the test of normality and homogeneity. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence of IPS learning outcomes between expe...
Education is one of the activities needed in human life, because wherever and whenever in the wor... more Education is one of the activities needed in human life, because wherever and whenever in the world there is education. Education is a basic need for humans, with education, the quality of human life will also be better. In the world of education a teacher, especially elementary school teachers must be able to master all subjects in elementary school, including social studies. . The Nature of IPS Susanto, 2013: 137 science that studies various social and humanities disciplines as well as basic human activities that are scientifically packaged in providing students with insight and deep understanding, especially at the primary and secondary levels. The use of models in the learning process has significant significance. Learning models are plans or concepts to help students in the learning process and understand learning easily. By using a model in learning, it will help eliminate students' boredom in receiving lessons. One of them is by using circuit learning models in social stu...
Siswa harus diberikan materi pendidikan berbasis karakter dengan tujuan agar siswa mengetahui ten... more Siswa harus diberikan materi pendidikan berbasis karakter dengan tujuan agar siswa mengetahui tentang: (1) Karakter anak; (2) Akhlak sebagai kunci karakter; dan (3) Sejarah para nabi dan rosul sebagai contoh karakter. Sasaran program pengabdian adalah para siswa TPQ/TQA Masjid Darul Mukhlisin Padang yang berjumlah 61 siswa. Pelaksanaan program pengabdian dilakukan dengan cara mengadakan workshop dan seminar dengan penyampaian beberapa materi tentang upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengoptimalisasikan pendidikan berbasis karakter siswa TPQ/TQA di Masjid Darul Mukhlisin Padang. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh dari program pengabdian adalah peningkatan sikap dan karakter siswa, terutama pada penerapan pendidikan berbasis karakter yang dilakukan siswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga siswa selalu bersikap dan bertingkah laku sesuai dengan karakter yang telah diketahui dan dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan dengan orang tua, guru, serta teman. Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, wor...
Aspek afektif kerja sama dan mengerjakan tugas (LKS) pada siklus I53,57meningkat menjadi 76,19 pa... more Aspek afektif kerja sama dan mengerjakan tugas (LKS) pada siklus I53,57meningkat menjadi 76,19 pada siklus II. Hasil belajar Pada siklus I, siswa 57,14 meningkat Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas II C diSD Negeri 10Sungai Sapih Kota Padang. Hal ini dikarenakan siswa kurang memperhatikan guru dalam memberikan materi sehingga hasil belajar siswa rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas II Cdengan model pembelajaran role playing di SD Negeri 10Sungai Sapih Kota Padang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Dengan subjek, siswa kelas II C SD Negeri 10Sungai Sapih Kota Padangyang berjumlah 42 orang. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi kegiatan guru, lembar aspek afektif siswa, dan tes hasil belajar siswa. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada tema peristiwadenganmodel pembelajaran role playing kelas II C berlangsung dengan baik. Terlihat pada tindakan pembelajaran pada siklus I, rata-rata jumlahmenj...
Kondisi guru-guru di sekolah ini tidak boleh dibiarkan berlarut-larut seperti saat ini. Mereka ha... more Kondisi guru-guru di sekolah ini tidak boleh dibiarkan berlarut-larut seperti saat ini. Mereka harus dilatih supaya mampu menggunakan model-model pembelajaran kooperarif. Tujuannya adalah agar pembelajaran menjadi hidup dan siswa termotivasi untuk mengikuti pelajaran. Guru-guru tersebut harus diberi bekal cara mengajar dengan baik, agar mereka kreatif menggunakan berbagai model pembelajaran kooperatif. Program ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang kemampuan memilih model-model pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi belajar. Karena pembelajaran yang ideal adalah pembelajaran yang selalu berubah sesusi dengan kondisi yang sedang berlangsung. Sehingga bagaimana pun bentuk kondisi yang dihadapi guru dan siswa ketika belajar akan tetap mempunyai daya tarik terhadap siswa. Hasil akhir yang dapat diperoleh dari program ini adalah peningkatan kreatifitas guru dalam mengajar. Terutama pada penggunaan dan penerapan model-model pembelajaran yang inovatif, sep...
The background of this research is the lack of creativity of student learning, marked lack of cre... more The background of this research is the lack of creativity of student learning, marked lack of creativity make inquiries and creativity of students in expressing opinions that have an impact on learning outcomes. This research aims to enhance creativity and student learning outcomes and is a class action with students 21 people. The research data obtained through observation sheet activities of teachers and students' creativity observation sheets, test sheets, research instruments kongnitif realm. mean score observations creativity to make inquiries in the first cycle reaches 54.66% 80.15% increase the second cycle. Krativitas observations mean score in expressing opinions. In the first cycle reaches 45.13% 72.21% increase the second cycle. Results of the level of understanding cognitive learning first cycle there were 10 students completed reached 47.61%, an increase of 85.71% with 18 students in the second cycle. Based on the research concluded that creativity and learning outc...
Al-Ta lim Journal, 2017
This research aims to find the teacher condition in teaching relating to the use of instructional... more This research aims to find the teacher condition in teaching relating to the use of instructional media. This study used descriptive qualitative method to gain the data in which the the researcher play his role as the major Instrument and put the teachers as the key informant while the secondary informant is the principal. The results of the research shows that the teachers were satisfied with what he/she has always do, and they feel there is no need to be changed or developed on the pattern of teaching and learning with the help of the media. This research conclude that teachers assumee that teaching does not suported by various types of media and it make them have lack ability to use the learning media. Finally, this reseach recomend the teacher to change their habbit in using the media while the school leader provide them with opportunities to utilize the media in their teaching process.
Abstract of Undergraduate Faculty of Education Bung Hatta University, Sep 5, 2013
The background of this research is the lack of IV B grades student’s motivation for IPA subject i... more The background of this research is the lack of IV B grades student’s motivation for IPA subject in SD Kartika I-11 Padang, with percentage of student’s which has learning motivation is 53%. The problem is poor in learning strategy. One of the ways to overcome the lack of student’s motivation is by using card sort. The purpose of this research is to describe the increasing of student’s motivation in learning process of IPA subject. This research is class measuring research. This research is performed in two cycles. Subject in this research is 30 student of IV B class SD Kartika I-11 Padang. Instruments in this research are questionnaire of students’ motivation and observation sheet of student’s motivation. Results show that there is an increasing in learning motivation for IPA subject. Analysis of student’s motivation sheets in first cycle is 56.24% and 84.16% in second cycles. Analysis of student’s motivation questionnaires in first cycle is 75.49% and 86.24% in second cycles. It can be conclude that learning process of IPA subject through card sort strategy can improve student’s motivation. It is suggested that teacher use the learning cell method to increase student’s learning motivation. Keywords: motivation, card sort strategy.
Abstract of Undergraduate Faculty of Education Bung Hatta University, Aug 28, 2014
ABSTRACT This research of background by fact in field that lack of ability read intensively of st... more ABSTRACT This research of background by fact in field that lack of ability read intensively of student in course of study in class of IV SD Negeri 06 Cubadak Lilin Kecamatan Matur masing use conventional approach that is with discourse method. The condition is low resulting of him ability of student at study read intensively. Therefore, done/conductedby research with aim to to increase ability of student in reading intensive in class of IV SD Negeri 06 Cubadak Lilin Kecamatan Matur by using strategy of DRTA. Theory becoming reference in this research is theory read told by Abbas Saleh and applying of Directed Reading Thinking Activity ( DRTA) told by Gracious Farida. This Research use approach qualitative and research type that is research of class action ( PTK). Result of research indicate that the existence of the make-up of ability of student in study read intensively. The mentioned shown with make-up of result of in the form of got by value is student, of assessment score to value of tes student at cycle of I mean 69 not yet reached complete experience of the make-up of mean 77,1 at cycle of II. Pursuant to result of research above can be concluded that strategy of DRTA can improve ability read intensively of student. Is for that suggested to teacher to be able to use strategy of DRTA in executing study read Keyword: strategy of DRTA, ability read intensively
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh melemahnya khasanah budaya karena perkembangan zaman dan tek... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh melemahnya khasanah budaya karena perkembangan zaman dan teknologi serta modernisasi. Kebudayaan yang ada di daerah Kamang Mudiak salah satunya dalam bentuk sastra lisan tidak dikenal dan diketahui lagi oleh generasi muda. Padahal mengenal budaya dan melestarikannya merupakan bagian dalam mengukuhkan budaya lokal sehingga tidah hilang seiring perkembangan zamn. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini difokuskan pada fungsi sosial cerita rakyat kamang mudiak: pengukuh warisan budaya lokal. Hal ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan fungsi sosial teks sastra lisan cerita rakyat Kanagarian Kamang Mudiak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah teks cerita rakyat di Kanagarian Kamang Mudiak. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui perekaman, pencatatan, pengamatan, dan wawancara. Sedangkan untuk menguji keabsahan data, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat fungsi sosial dalam teks cerita rakyat Kamang Mudiak yaitu: (a) mengembangkan integrasi Masyarakat yang terdapat dalam teks cerita
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2020
This researchofbackground by lowering of ability read class student of V SDN Ulak Karang Utara Pa... more This researchofbackground by lowering of ability read class student of V SDN Ulak Karang Utara Padang, caused by the lack of student enthusiasm to read. Target of this research is to improve ability in reading by using model of Modelling The WayinSDN Ulak Karang Utara Padang. Theory taken as in perceiving dataistheory read told by Tarigan, while theory of Istarani explain about model study of Modelling The Way. Method weared in this researchismethod Research Of Action Class (PTK) by Arikunto, dkk. Assessment instrument the usedisability observation sheet read student, activity observation sheet learn and tes result of learning. Pursuant to result of research, percentage of ability read cycle student of I equal to 68,27% mountingatcycle of II become 75,26%. Pursuant to result of research can be concluded that by using model of Modelling The Way can improve ability of student in reading. Keyword: Study Of Indonesian, Model Modelling The Way, Ability Read
Research begins from the low ability of learning Indonesian Language Skills to elementary school ... more Research begins from the low ability of learning Indonesian Language Skills to elementary school students Elementary School Education Studies. This is seen in the midterm exam results as well as interviews with lecturers of Indonesian Language Skills Speaking to SD-an. The objective of this research is to know the influence of active learning model of card sort type to learning Indonesian Language Skills to Elementary School Primary School Teacher Education Program students. The type of this research is Quasi Eksperimen. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and learning result tests and data analysis techniques with t-test and ANAVA. The results showed that the students' learning outcomes by using the active learning model of card sort type is higher than the conventional learning model both from the whole and from the learning motivation. And there is no interaction of learning model with learning motivation to Indonesian Speaking Skill to SD-an. So it can be conclud...
This research aims to know the influence of the implementation of Cooperative learning model type... more This research aims to know the influence of the implementation of Cooperative learning model type of articulation to cognitive learning outcomes C1, C2, and C3 level IPS fourth grade students of SD Negeri 05 Kototinggi, Kabupaten 50 Kota. This type of research is experimental research. The independent variable in this research is the Influence of articulation model and the dependent variable is the cognitive learning result of C1, C2, and C3 IPS levels. The population is all students of SDN 05 Kototinggi which amounted to 190 students. The sample is the students of grade IV SDN 05 Kototinggi amounting to 30 students taken using porposive sampling technique. The data collected in the form of students' IPS learning outcomes. Data collection techniques in this study using the formula t-test, preceded by a prerequisite test analysis is the test of normality and homogeneity. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence of IPS learning outcomes between expe...
Education is one of the activities needed in human life, because wherever and whenever in the wor... more Education is one of the activities needed in human life, because wherever and whenever in the world there is education. Education is a basic need for humans, with education, the quality of human life will also be better. In the world of education a teacher, especially elementary school teachers must be able to master all subjects in elementary school, including social studies. . The Nature of IPS Susanto, 2013: 137 science that studies various social and humanities disciplines as well as basic human activities that are scientifically packaged in providing students with insight and deep understanding, especially at the primary and secondary levels. The use of models in the learning process has significant significance. Learning models are plans or concepts to help students in the learning process and understand learning easily. By using a model in learning, it will help eliminate students' boredom in receiving lessons. One of them is by using circuit learning models in social stu...
Siswa harus diberikan materi pendidikan berbasis karakter dengan tujuan agar siswa mengetahui ten... more Siswa harus diberikan materi pendidikan berbasis karakter dengan tujuan agar siswa mengetahui tentang: (1) Karakter anak; (2) Akhlak sebagai kunci karakter; dan (3) Sejarah para nabi dan rosul sebagai contoh karakter. Sasaran program pengabdian adalah para siswa TPQ/TQA Masjid Darul Mukhlisin Padang yang berjumlah 61 siswa. Pelaksanaan program pengabdian dilakukan dengan cara mengadakan workshop dan seminar dengan penyampaian beberapa materi tentang upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengoptimalisasikan pendidikan berbasis karakter siswa TPQ/TQA di Masjid Darul Mukhlisin Padang. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh dari program pengabdian adalah peningkatan sikap dan karakter siswa, terutama pada penerapan pendidikan berbasis karakter yang dilakukan siswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga siswa selalu bersikap dan bertingkah laku sesuai dengan karakter yang telah diketahui dan dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan dengan orang tua, guru, serta teman. Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, wor...
Aspek afektif kerja sama dan mengerjakan tugas (LKS) pada siklus I53,57meningkat menjadi 76,19 pa... more Aspek afektif kerja sama dan mengerjakan tugas (LKS) pada siklus I53,57meningkat menjadi 76,19 pada siklus II. Hasil belajar Pada siklus I, siswa 57,14 meningkat Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas II C diSD Negeri 10Sungai Sapih Kota Padang. Hal ini dikarenakan siswa kurang memperhatikan guru dalam memberikan materi sehingga hasil belajar siswa rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas II Cdengan model pembelajaran role playing di SD Negeri 10Sungai Sapih Kota Padang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Dengan subjek, siswa kelas II C SD Negeri 10Sungai Sapih Kota Padangyang berjumlah 42 orang. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi kegiatan guru, lembar aspek afektif siswa, dan tes hasil belajar siswa. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada tema peristiwadenganmodel pembelajaran role playing kelas II C berlangsung dengan baik. Terlihat pada tindakan pembelajaran pada siklus I, rata-rata jumlahmenj...
Kondisi guru-guru di sekolah ini tidak boleh dibiarkan berlarut-larut seperti saat ini. Mereka ha... more Kondisi guru-guru di sekolah ini tidak boleh dibiarkan berlarut-larut seperti saat ini. Mereka harus dilatih supaya mampu menggunakan model-model pembelajaran kooperarif. Tujuannya adalah agar pembelajaran menjadi hidup dan siswa termotivasi untuk mengikuti pelajaran. Guru-guru tersebut harus diberi bekal cara mengajar dengan baik, agar mereka kreatif menggunakan berbagai model pembelajaran kooperatif. Program ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang kemampuan memilih model-model pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi belajar. Karena pembelajaran yang ideal adalah pembelajaran yang selalu berubah sesusi dengan kondisi yang sedang berlangsung. Sehingga bagaimana pun bentuk kondisi yang dihadapi guru dan siswa ketika belajar akan tetap mempunyai daya tarik terhadap siswa. Hasil akhir yang dapat diperoleh dari program ini adalah peningkatan kreatifitas guru dalam mengajar. Terutama pada penggunaan dan penerapan model-model pembelajaran yang inovatif, sep...
The background of this research is the lack of creativity of student learning, marked lack of cre... more The background of this research is the lack of creativity of student learning, marked lack of creativity make inquiries and creativity of students in expressing opinions that have an impact on learning outcomes. This research aims to enhance creativity and student learning outcomes and is a class action with students 21 people. The research data obtained through observation sheet activities of teachers and students' creativity observation sheets, test sheets, research instruments kongnitif realm. mean score observations creativity to make inquiries in the first cycle reaches 54.66% 80.15% increase the second cycle. Krativitas observations mean score in expressing opinions. In the first cycle reaches 45.13% 72.21% increase the second cycle. Results of the level of understanding cognitive learning first cycle there were 10 students completed reached 47.61%, an increase of 85.71% with 18 students in the second cycle. Based on the research concluded that creativity and learning outc...
Al-Ta lim Journal, 2017
This research aims to find the teacher condition in teaching relating to the use of instructional... more This research aims to find the teacher condition in teaching relating to the use of instructional media. This study used descriptive qualitative method to gain the data in which the the researcher play his role as the major Instrument and put the teachers as the key informant while the secondary informant is the principal. The results of the research shows that the teachers were satisfied with what he/she has always do, and they feel there is no need to be changed or developed on the pattern of teaching and learning with the help of the media. This research conclude that teachers assumee that teaching does not suported by various types of media and it make them have lack ability to use the learning media. Finally, this reseach recomend the teacher to change their habbit in using the media while the school leader provide them with opportunities to utilize the media in their teaching process.
Abstract of Undergraduate Faculty of Education Bung Hatta University, Sep 5, 2013
The background of this research is the lack of IV B grades student’s motivation for IPA subject i... more The background of this research is the lack of IV B grades student’s motivation for IPA subject in SD Kartika I-11 Padang, with percentage of student’s which has learning motivation is 53%. The problem is poor in learning strategy. One of the ways to overcome the lack of student’s motivation is by using card sort. The purpose of this research is to describe the increasing of student’s motivation in learning process of IPA subject. This research is class measuring research. This research is performed in two cycles. Subject in this research is 30 student of IV B class SD Kartika I-11 Padang. Instruments in this research are questionnaire of students’ motivation and observation sheet of student’s motivation. Results show that there is an increasing in learning motivation for IPA subject. Analysis of student’s motivation sheets in first cycle is 56.24% and 84.16% in second cycles. Analysis of student’s motivation questionnaires in first cycle is 75.49% and 86.24% in second cycles. It can be conclude that learning process of IPA subject through card sort strategy can improve student’s motivation. It is suggested that teacher use the learning cell method to increase student’s learning motivation. Keywords: motivation, card sort strategy.
Abstract of Undergraduate Faculty of Education Bung Hatta University, Aug 28, 2014
ABSTRACT This research of background by fact in field that lack of ability read intensively of st... more ABSTRACT This research of background by fact in field that lack of ability read intensively of student in course of study in class of IV SD Negeri 06 Cubadak Lilin Kecamatan Matur masing use conventional approach that is with discourse method. The condition is low resulting of him ability of student at study read intensively. Therefore, done/conductedby research with aim to to increase ability of student in reading intensive in class of IV SD Negeri 06 Cubadak Lilin Kecamatan Matur by using strategy of DRTA. Theory becoming reference in this research is theory read told by Abbas Saleh and applying of Directed Reading Thinking Activity ( DRTA) told by Gracious Farida. This Research use approach qualitative and research type that is research of class action ( PTK). Result of research indicate that the existence of the make-up of ability of student in study read intensively. The mentioned shown with make-up of result of in the form of got by value is student, of assessment score to value of tes student at cycle of I mean 69 not yet reached complete experience of the make-up of mean 77,1 at cycle of II. Pursuant to result of research above can be concluded that strategy of DRTA can improve ability read intensively of student. Is for that suggested to teacher to be able to use strategy of DRTA in executing study read Keyword: strategy of DRTA, ability read intensively
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh melemahnya khasanah budaya karena perkembangan zaman dan tek... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh melemahnya khasanah budaya karena perkembangan zaman dan teknologi serta modernisasi. Kebudayaan yang ada di daerah Kamang Mudiak salah satunya dalam bentuk sastra lisan tidak dikenal dan diketahui lagi oleh generasi muda. Padahal mengenal budaya dan melestarikannya merupakan bagian dalam mengukuhkan budaya lokal sehingga tidah hilang seiring perkembangan zamn. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini difokuskan pada fungsi sosial cerita rakyat kamang mudiak: pengukuh warisan budaya lokal. Hal ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan fungsi sosial teks sastra lisan cerita rakyat Kanagarian Kamang Mudiak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah teks cerita rakyat di Kanagarian Kamang Mudiak. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui perekaman, pencatatan, pengamatan, dan wawancara. Sedangkan untuk menguji keabsahan data, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat fungsi sosial dalam teks cerita rakyat Kamang Mudiak yaitu: (a) mengembangkan integrasi Masyarakat yang terdapat dalam teks cerita
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2020
This researchofbackground by lowering of ability read class student of V SDN Ulak Karang Utara Pa... more This researchofbackground by lowering of ability read class student of V SDN Ulak Karang Utara Padang, caused by the lack of student enthusiasm to read. Target of this research is to improve ability in reading by using model of Modelling The WayinSDN Ulak Karang Utara Padang. Theory taken as in perceiving dataistheory read told by Tarigan, while theory of Istarani explain about model study of Modelling The Way. Method weared in this researchismethod Research Of Action Class (PTK) by Arikunto, dkk. Assessment instrument the usedisability observation sheet read student, activity observation sheet learn and tes result of learning. Pursuant to result of research, percentage of ability read cycle student of I equal to 68,27% mountingatcycle of II become 75,26%. Pursuant to result of research can be concluded that by using model of Modelling The Way can improve ability of student in reading. Keyword: Study Of Indonesian, Model Modelling The Way, Ability Read