huldani huldani - (original) (raw)
Papers by huldani huldani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences
Kerangas forest is known as a source of traditional medicinal plants and thus potentially the sou... more Kerangas forest is known as a source of traditional medicinal plants and thus potentially the source of simplicia. Medicinal plant preparations of simplicia are usually dried to meet water content standards (< 10%). However, in some cases the drying process carried out still does not eliminate the microbial content in the simplicia. This study aims to analyze the phytochemical compounds contained in three types of medicinal plant simplicia and the total microbial content by treatment with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. The types of simplicia used were Baeckea frutescens leaves, Shorea balangeran bark and Vitex pubescens leaves (obtained from the kerangas forest). Before testing the total microbial content, simplicia first received UV irradiation. The first simplicia sample was not irradiated, while the next simplicia sample was given UV irradiation with a power of 60 watts and an irradiation time of 1, 2 and 4 h. The microbial content test used the total plate count method with th...
Aktivitas fisik dapat menimbulkan respons inflamasi. Biomarker inflamasi yang mudah untuk diukur ... more Aktivitas fisik dapat menimbulkan respons inflamasi. Biomarker inflamasi yang mudah untuk diukur adalah C-reaktif protein. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan perbedaan kadar CRP sebelum dan setelah lari 30 menit dengan intensitas sedang pada remaja terlatih dan tidak terlatih. Penelitian dilangsungkan melalui Cross Sectional Study pada 15 remaja terlatih yaitu pemain sepak bola dari Klub Perseban Banjarmasin dan 15 remaja tidak terlatih di Banjarmasin yang berkisar umur 16-22 tahun dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki. Teknik pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengukuran kadar CRP dilakukan sebelum dan setelah lari intensitas sedang 30 menit. Penelitian didapatkan nilai kadar rata-rata CRP 5.3 mg/L pada kelompok remaja terlatih setelah lari intensitas sedang 30 menit dan 11.58 mg/L pada kelompok remaja tidak terlatih setelah lari. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji t tidak berpasangan untuk membandingkan perbedaan (setelah lari) kadar CRP antara 2 kelompok yang dikumpulkan y...
Peningkatan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida dapat disebabkan kurangnya aktivitas fisik, sehingg... more Peningkatan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida dapat disebabkan kurangnya aktivitas fisik, sehingga terjadi penumpukan plak pada pembuluh darah dan terjadi gangguan metabolisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh kadar kolesterol total dan trigliserida sebelum dan sesudah lari aerobik 12 menit yang dilakukan 4 kali dalam seminggu selama 6 minggu pada pemain sepak bola. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimental non control group design yang sudah ditetapkan untuk kriteria sebagai sampel penelitian. Sampel penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan mengambil 15 orang klub sepak bola Banjarmasin. Pengukuran kadar kolesterol total dan kadar trigliserida dilakukan sebelum program 12 menit dan setelah program 12 menit. Data dianalisis menggunakan t-test berpasangan.Rerata kadar kolesterol total sebelum 188,06 ± 43,46 dan sesudah 158,86 ± 31,12. Hasil analisis data adalah terdapat pengaruh bermakna pada kadar kolesterol total (p=0.000). Rerata kada...
Kejang demam merupakan bangkitan kejang yang terjadi karena kenaikan suhu tubuh (suhu diatas 38ºC... more Kejang demam merupakan bangkitan kejang yang terjadi karena kenaikan suhu tubuh (suhu diatas 38ºC) yang ditimbulkan oleh proses ekstrakranium. pada anak dengan kadar hemoglobin rendah menyebabkan kemampuan sel darah merah yang mengikat oksigen menurun dan diduga dapat mengakibatkan kejang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan kadar hemoglobin dengan kejang demam kompleks dan simpleks. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Cross Sectional Study dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing 30 untuk kasus kejang demam kompleks dan kejang demam simpleks. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling. Data berupa data sekunder yang diambil dari rekam medik di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square (R2). Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa 9 orang (45%) yang memiliki Hb rendah yang mengalami kejang demam simpleks dan terdapat 11 orang (55%) yang memilki Hb rendah yang mengalami kejang demam kompleks. Terdapat 21 orang (52,5%) yang memiliki Hb normal yang mengal...
Kejang demam merupakan penyakit bangkitan kejang yang terjadi pada anak dengan kenaikan suhu tubu... more Kejang demam merupakan penyakit bangkitan kejang yang terjadi pada anak dengan kenaikan suhu tubuh lebih dari 38°C. Kejang demam diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 jenis kejang, kejang demam simpleks dan kejang demam kompleks, yang diduga berhubungan dengan usia dan jenis kelamin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengaetahui hubungan usia dan jenis kelamin dengan kejang demam simpleks dan kompleks pada anak di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Pada anak dengan umur 1-2 tahun sering mengalami kejang demam, yang dimana berkaitan dengan tingkat kematangan otak anak. Pada anak laki-laki sering mengalami kejang demam, dibandingkan anak perempuan hal ini berkaitan dengan proses neurogenesis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Cross Sectional Study dengan jumlah 60 sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, yang diambil dari rekam medik di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square (R2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar pasien berusia < 2 ta...
Sport is a form of physical activities that is carried out by a programm and measurable manner th... more Sport is a form of physical activities that is carried out by a programm and measurable manner that aim of achieving physical fitness and achievement. To achieve the optimal athlete achievement, good hemoglobin levels and VO2 max are necessary because they both a critical role in providing energy and transporting oxygen to tissues when doing competitions. This literature review aims to analyze the relationship between hemoglobin levels and VO2 max in athletes from 16 literatures. The reviewed articles were obtained through the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The articles included are in English and Indonesian with the publication year 2011-2021. Based on the 16 literatures, there were differences in results, 93.75% of them showed a relationship between hemoglobin levels and VO2 max in athletes while the rest showed no significant relationship. The difference in results is supposed to be related to differences in several influencing factors, such as gender, type of sport, physical activity, duration and intensity of exercise, body composition, individual variation, and sports anaemia.
Maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2 max) is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed during... more Maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2 max) is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed during continuous physical activity until fatigue occurs. VO2 max can be measured using the field test method or the CPET method. The purpose of this literature review is to analyze the difference in the maximum oxygen consumption value between the field test method and the CPET method. The reference data in this article review was obtained by searching using PubMed and Google Scholar published in 2011 to 2021. After the search and selection process of articles, 6 articles were included in this literature review. A total of 6 articles, 5 articles show that there was not significant difference between the VO2 max value using the field test method while in another article show that there was a significant difference.
In athletes, it is very important to maintain a good performance from start to finish, especially... more In athletes, it is very important to maintain a good performance from start to finish, especially at certain times. The use of oxygen and blood flow will increase to meet the oxygen needs of the muscles during exercise. When there is increasing oxygen demand happens in the body, there will be stimulation of erythropoietin to produce red blood cells in the bone marrow, which is affect to the haematocrit value. The purpose of this literature review is to make a distinction about the difference in haematocrit levels in athletes and non-athletes. The reviewed articles were obtained through the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The articles included are in English and Indonesian, published in 2011-2021. Different results were found between the studies appraised in this review, this could be due to differences in several factors such as duration, frequency, type of exercise, dehydration, gender, and nutritional intake
Oxygen saturation is an indicator to determine the high and low aerobic capacity. Low oxygen satu... more Oxygen saturation is an indicator to determine the high and low aerobic capacity. Low oxygen saturation will affect VO2 max, then it will affect the decrease the training strength. High oxygen saturation speeds up the post-workout recovery process. The aim of writing this literature review is to analyze the differences of oxygen saturation in physically active men and women before and after physical activity. This writing was done by literature analysis through a search in medical article’s databese, Google Scholar and PubMed. There are 5 articles in Indonesian and English published in the last 10 years. There is no significant difference of oxygen saturation in men and women before the physical activity. After physical activity, 4 articles show a decrease in oxygen saturation, but 1 article shows a significant increase of oxygen saturation. After physical activity, 4 articles show that the reduction of oxygen saturation in women is less than men, even though there are 2 articles th...
Hemoglobin is a molecule that works as a binder of oxygen in the blood which will then be distrib... more Hemoglobin is a molecule that works as a binder of oxygen in the blood which will then be distributed throughout the body. Physical exercise that is done with a certain duration can cause a decrease or increase in hemoglobin. As a form of achieving goals, an athlete in sports needs to look for physical exercise. The purpose of writing this literature review is to analyze the differences between athletes and non-athletes. The reviewed articles were obtained through the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The articles included are in English and Indonesian, published in 2011-2021. A total of 11 articles were included in this literature review. There were differences in results among the studies assessed in this review, this could be due to several factors such as duration, frequency and type of exercise, as well as nutritional intake.
Sport is defined as a subcategory of physical activity that is carried out systematically and pro... more Sport is defined as a subcategory of physical activity that is carried out systematically and progressively. Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is an indicator to determining an athlete's fitness in achieving goals. VO2 max in a person largely depends on the efficient transport of oxygen to active tissues. Hematocrit is one indicator that plays a role in oxygen transport to active tissues. The purpose of writing this literature review is to make a review on the relationship between hematocrit levels and VO2 max values in athletes. The reviewed articles were obtained from search results on Google Scholar and PubMed. The articles included are in English and Indonesian, published in 2011-2021. There are differences in results between studies related to the relationship between hematocrit levels and VO2 max values in athletes due to differences in several influencing factors such as gender, physical exercise, dehydration, body fat composition, as well as haemoconcentration and autohemodilution phenomena.
Cell Communication and Signaling
Concanavalin A (ConA), the most studied plant lectin, has been known as a potent anti-neoplastic ... more Concanavalin A (ConA), the most studied plant lectin, has been known as a potent anti-neoplastic agent for a long time. Since initial reports on its capacity to kill cancer cells, much attention has been devoted to unveiling the lectin's exact molecular mechanism. It has been revealed that ConA can bind to several receptors on cancerous and normal cells and modulate the related signaling cascades. The most studied host receptor for ConA is MT1-MMP, responsible for most of the lectin's modulations, ranging from activating immune cells to killing tumor cells. In this study, in addition to studying the effect of ConA on signaling and immune cell function, we will focus on the most up-to-date advancements that unraveled the molecular mechanisms by which ConA can induce autophagy and apoptosis in various cancer cell types, where it has been found that P73 and JAK/STAT3 are the leading players. Moreover, we further discuss the main signaling molecules causing liver injury as the m...
Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale
Diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases, which have far-reaching economic an... more Diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases, which have far-reaching economic and social consequences and threaten the national production and economy of countries. However, diabetes is a disease of self-control. Therefore, self-care strategies can maintain patients’ independence while reducing the burden imposed on health care resources. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting self-care behaviors in diabetic patients. This study is a systematic review; Google Scholar, SID, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, and ISI databases were used; 17,500 articles were found including the keywords “self-care”, “diabetes” and “affecting factors” in the search process, and all studies after 2010 were included. After reviewing the titles and abstracts, 51 studies were included. The studies’ reports on selfcare behaviors and their prevalence were very different depending on the tools used. The studies show the relationship between selfcare behaviors in patients with diab...
Pathology - Research and Practice
Nowadays, the focus of researchers is on perceiving the heterogeneity observed in a tumor. The re... more Nowadays, the focus of researchers is on perceiving the heterogeneity observed in a tumor. The researchers studied the role of a specific subset of cancer cells with high resistance to traditional treatments, recurrence, and unregulated metastasis. This small population of tumor cells that have stem-cell-like specifications was named Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs). The unique features that distinguish this type of cancer cell are self-renewing, generating clones of the tumor, plasticity, recurrence, and resistance to therapies. There are various mechanisms that contribute to the drug resistance of CSCs, such as CSCs markers, Epithelial mesenchymal transition, hypoxia, other cells, inflammation, and signaling pathways. Recent investigations have revealed the primary role of HMGA2 in the development and invasion of cancer cells. Importantly, HMGA2 also plays a key role in resistance to treatment through their function in the drug resistance mechanisms of CSCs and challenge it. Therefore, a deep understanding of this issue can provide a clearer perspective for researchers in the face of this problem.
Abstract: Neutrophils play a role in nonspecific cellular immune system which can be found in cir... more Abstract: Neutrophils play a role in nonspecific cellular immune system which can be found in circulation. Neutrophils are white blood cells (leukocytes) are characterized histologically by its ability to stained by the dye neutral and functional with its role in mediating the immune response against infectious microorganisms. . Neutrophil granules are usually pink or purple - blue with dye. Neutrophil Approximately 50 to 80 percent of all white blood cells in the human body. Neutrophils are quite uniform in size with a diameter between 12 and 15 micrometers. The core consists of 2-5 lobes joined together by the hairlike filaments. Neutrophils move by amoeboid movement. In neutrophils migrate to the area of the body to infection or tissue injury. Tensile strength which determines the direction in which neutrophils will move known as chemotaxis and is associated with substance released from the damaged tissue. Neutrophils are active phagocytes that engulf bacteria and other microorga...
ABSTRACT: VO 2 max is one of the best indicators for cardiovascular function and physical enduran... more ABSTRACT: VO 2 max is one of the best indicators for cardiovascular function and physical endurance. A person who has continuous exercise will have better value of VO 2 max rather than a person who does not have one. The objective of this research is finding out the difference of VO2 max average value between trained students and untrained students in SMAN 1 Martapura. It is an descriptive analytic research using cross sectional approach, the population is taken from students of SMAN 1 Martapura which consist of two groups of sample, the trained students (basketball players) and untrained students with the minimal amount of samples is 30 for each group. The VO 2 max is measured using multistage fitness test. The VO 2 max average for trained students is 46,853 and for untrained students is 40,337. Unpaired t test result (p = 0,000) shows that there is a significant difference of VO 2 max average value between the trained students and untrained students of SMAN 1 Martapura. Keywords :...
ABSTRACT: Reaction time is the time between the onset of the stimulus and the initiation of respo... more ABSTRACT: Reaction time is the time between the onset of the stimulus and the initiation of response under the condition that, the subject has been instructed to respond early and rapidly. There were several factors that influence a reaction time. One of them werefatigue and menstruation. Menstruating and not menstruating women who were given loading can lead to fatigue, and fatigue will result in lengthening the reaction time. The aim of this research is to figure out the difference of reaction time after ergocycle test between female students Medical Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin who are menstruating and not menstruating. This research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The samples are taken using purposive sampling technique, 30 female students who are menstruating and 30 female students who are not menstruating. The instrument used for loading is an ergocycle, whileKosinki’s time reaction software used for measurement of reaction time. T...
Latar Belakang: Daya tahan kardiovaskular merupakan komponen penting kebugaran fisik yang diketah... more Latar Belakang: Daya tahan kardiovaskular merupakan komponen penting kebugaran fisik yang diketahui dengan mengukur konsumsi oksigen maksimal (VO 2 maks). Individu yang mempunyai aktivitas tinggi akan mempunyai nilai VO 2 maks yang baik dan akan meningkatkan efisiensi kerja jantung termasuk tekanan darah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh nilai VO 2 maks terhadap tekanan darah siswa kelas V SD di desa Tabanio Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional . Cara pengambilan sampel adalah totally sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi, yaitu berusia antara 10-13 tahun, mempunyai indeks massa tubuh normal, tidak merokok, belum menstruasi, sehat jasmani, dan kooperatif. Cara pengukuran VO 2 maks menggunakan multistage fitness test dan pengukuran tekanan darah dengan Sphygmomanometer . Data yang didapa t terlebih dahulu diuji distribusinya dengan uji Shapiro-Wilk. Jika data terdistribusi normal maka akan diuji statisti...
: VO 2 maximum is maximum volume that can be processed and O 2 consumed by the body that delivere... more : VO 2 maximum is maximum volume that can be processed and O 2 consumed by the body that delivered from the lungs to the all of human muscles during physical activities or intense activities until fatugue. Maximum consumption of oxygen was calculated in mililitres/minutes/kilos of body weights. VO 2 max value was influenced not only by physical characteristhic like age, sex, heights, and weights, but also cardiovascular, respiratory, hematology, and oxydative muscle abilities. The study was conducted by measuring VO 2 max values for boys and girls grade fifth elementary school in Tabanio village in order to compare both them VO 2 max value when they have similarities physical activities cause both of them was helping their parents since childern age. The research approached amount cross-sectional method with samples from 23 boys and 14 girls who includes criteria in non-probability purposive sampling technique. How to measure that is using Multistage Fitness Test that is run back a...
Meningitis adalah sebuah inflamasi dari membran pelindung yang menutupi otak dan medula spinalis ... more Meningitis adalah sebuah inflamasi dari membran pelindung yang menutupi otak dan medula spinalis yang dikenal sebagai meninges (1). Inflamasi dari meningen dapat disebabkan oleh infeksi virus, bakteri atau mikroorganisme lain dan penyebab paling jarang adalah karena obat-obatan (2). Meningitis dapat mengancam jiwa dan merupakan sebuah kondisi kegawatdaruratan (1,3). Klasifikasi meningitis dibuat berdasarkan agen penyebabnya, yaitu meningitis bakterial, meningitis viral, meningitis jamur, meningitis parasitik dan meningitis non infeksius. Meningitis bakterial merupakan meningitis yang disebabkan infeksi bakteri dan merupakan kondisi yang serius yang dapat jika tidak segera ditangani akan menyebabkan kerusakan otak dan bahkan kematian (1,3). Berdasarkan penelitian epidemiologi mengenai infeksi sistem saraf pusat di Asia, pada daerah Asia Tenggara, meningitis yang paling sering dijumpai adalah meningitis tuberkulosis (4).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences
Kerangas forest is known as a source of traditional medicinal plants and thus potentially the sou... more Kerangas forest is known as a source of traditional medicinal plants and thus potentially the source of simplicia. Medicinal plant preparations of simplicia are usually dried to meet water content standards (< 10%). However, in some cases the drying process carried out still does not eliminate the microbial content in the simplicia. This study aims to analyze the phytochemical compounds contained in three types of medicinal plant simplicia and the total microbial content by treatment with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. The types of simplicia used were Baeckea frutescens leaves, Shorea balangeran bark and Vitex pubescens leaves (obtained from the kerangas forest). Before testing the total microbial content, simplicia first received UV irradiation. The first simplicia sample was not irradiated, while the next simplicia sample was given UV irradiation with a power of 60 watts and an irradiation time of 1, 2 and 4 h. The microbial content test used the total plate count method with th...
Aktivitas fisik dapat menimbulkan respons inflamasi. Biomarker inflamasi yang mudah untuk diukur ... more Aktivitas fisik dapat menimbulkan respons inflamasi. Biomarker inflamasi yang mudah untuk diukur adalah C-reaktif protein. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan perbedaan kadar CRP sebelum dan setelah lari 30 menit dengan intensitas sedang pada remaja terlatih dan tidak terlatih. Penelitian dilangsungkan melalui Cross Sectional Study pada 15 remaja terlatih yaitu pemain sepak bola dari Klub Perseban Banjarmasin dan 15 remaja tidak terlatih di Banjarmasin yang berkisar umur 16-22 tahun dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki. Teknik pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengukuran kadar CRP dilakukan sebelum dan setelah lari intensitas sedang 30 menit. Penelitian didapatkan nilai kadar rata-rata CRP 5.3 mg/L pada kelompok remaja terlatih setelah lari intensitas sedang 30 menit dan 11.58 mg/L pada kelompok remaja tidak terlatih setelah lari. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji t tidak berpasangan untuk membandingkan perbedaan (setelah lari) kadar CRP antara 2 kelompok yang dikumpulkan y...
Peningkatan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida dapat disebabkan kurangnya aktivitas fisik, sehingg... more Peningkatan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida dapat disebabkan kurangnya aktivitas fisik, sehingga terjadi penumpukan plak pada pembuluh darah dan terjadi gangguan metabolisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh kadar kolesterol total dan trigliserida sebelum dan sesudah lari aerobik 12 menit yang dilakukan 4 kali dalam seminggu selama 6 minggu pada pemain sepak bola. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimental non control group design yang sudah ditetapkan untuk kriteria sebagai sampel penelitian. Sampel penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan mengambil 15 orang klub sepak bola Banjarmasin. Pengukuran kadar kolesterol total dan kadar trigliserida dilakukan sebelum program 12 menit dan setelah program 12 menit. Data dianalisis menggunakan t-test berpasangan.Rerata kadar kolesterol total sebelum 188,06 ± 43,46 dan sesudah 158,86 ± 31,12. Hasil analisis data adalah terdapat pengaruh bermakna pada kadar kolesterol total (p=0.000). Rerata kada...
Kejang demam merupakan bangkitan kejang yang terjadi karena kenaikan suhu tubuh (suhu diatas 38ºC... more Kejang demam merupakan bangkitan kejang yang terjadi karena kenaikan suhu tubuh (suhu diatas 38ºC) yang ditimbulkan oleh proses ekstrakranium. pada anak dengan kadar hemoglobin rendah menyebabkan kemampuan sel darah merah yang mengikat oksigen menurun dan diduga dapat mengakibatkan kejang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan kadar hemoglobin dengan kejang demam kompleks dan simpleks. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Cross Sectional Study dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing 30 untuk kasus kejang demam kompleks dan kejang demam simpleks. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling. Data berupa data sekunder yang diambil dari rekam medik di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square (R2). Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa 9 orang (45%) yang memiliki Hb rendah yang mengalami kejang demam simpleks dan terdapat 11 orang (55%) yang memilki Hb rendah yang mengalami kejang demam kompleks. Terdapat 21 orang (52,5%) yang memiliki Hb normal yang mengal...
Kejang demam merupakan penyakit bangkitan kejang yang terjadi pada anak dengan kenaikan suhu tubu... more Kejang demam merupakan penyakit bangkitan kejang yang terjadi pada anak dengan kenaikan suhu tubuh lebih dari 38°C. Kejang demam diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 jenis kejang, kejang demam simpleks dan kejang demam kompleks, yang diduga berhubungan dengan usia dan jenis kelamin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengaetahui hubungan usia dan jenis kelamin dengan kejang demam simpleks dan kompleks pada anak di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Pada anak dengan umur 1-2 tahun sering mengalami kejang demam, yang dimana berkaitan dengan tingkat kematangan otak anak. Pada anak laki-laki sering mengalami kejang demam, dibandingkan anak perempuan hal ini berkaitan dengan proses neurogenesis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Cross Sectional Study dengan jumlah 60 sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, yang diambil dari rekam medik di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square (R2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar pasien berusia < 2 ta...
Sport is a form of physical activities that is carried out by a programm and measurable manner th... more Sport is a form of physical activities that is carried out by a programm and measurable manner that aim of achieving physical fitness and achievement. To achieve the optimal athlete achievement, good hemoglobin levels and VO2 max are necessary because they both a critical role in providing energy and transporting oxygen to tissues when doing competitions. This literature review aims to analyze the relationship between hemoglobin levels and VO2 max in athletes from 16 literatures. The reviewed articles were obtained through the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The articles included are in English and Indonesian with the publication year 2011-2021. Based on the 16 literatures, there were differences in results, 93.75% of them showed a relationship between hemoglobin levels and VO2 max in athletes while the rest showed no significant relationship. The difference in results is supposed to be related to differences in several influencing factors, such as gender, type of sport, physical activity, duration and intensity of exercise, body composition, individual variation, and sports anaemia.
Maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2 max) is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed during... more Maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2 max) is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed during continuous physical activity until fatigue occurs. VO2 max can be measured using the field test method or the CPET method. The purpose of this literature review is to analyze the difference in the maximum oxygen consumption value between the field test method and the CPET method. The reference data in this article review was obtained by searching using PubMed and Google Scholar published in 2011 to 2021. After the search and selection process of articles, 6 articles were included in this literature review. A total of 6 articles, 5 articles show that there was not significant difference between the VO2 max value using the field test method while in another article show that there was a significant difference.
In athletes, it is very important to maintain a good performance from start to finish, especially... more In athletes, it is very important to maintain a good performance from start to finish, especially at certain times. The use of oxygen and blood flow will increase to meet the oxygen needs of the muscles during exercise. When there is increasing oxygen demand happens in the body, there will be stimulation of erythropoietin to produce red blood cells in the bone marrow, which is affect to the haematocrit value. The purpose of this literature review is to make a distinction about the difference in haematocrit levels in athletes and non-athletes. The reviewed articles were obtained through the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The articles included are in English and Indonesian, published in 2011-2021. Different results were found between the studies appraised in this review, this could be due to differences in several factors such as duration, frequency, type of exercise, dehydration, gender, and nutritional intake
Oxygen saturation is an indicator to determine the high and low aerobic capacity. Low oxygen satu... more Oxygen saturation is an indicator to determine the high and low aerobic capacity. Low oxygen saturation will affect VO2 max, then it will affect the decrease the training strength. High oxygen saturation speeds up the post-workout recovery process. The aim of writing this literature review is to analyze the differences of oxygen saturation in physically active men and women before and after physical activity. This writing was done by literature analysis through a search in medical article’s databese, Google Scholar and PubMed. There are 5 articles in Indonesian and English published in the last 10 years. There is no significant difference of oxygen saturation in men and women before the physical activity. After physical activity, 4 articles show a decrease in oxygen saturation, but 1 article shows a significant increase of oxygen saturation. After physical activity, 4 articles show that the reduction of oxygen saturation in women is less than men, even though there are 2 articles th...
Hemoglobin is a molecule that works as a binder of oxygen in the blood which will then be distrib... more Hemoglobin is a molecule that works as a binder of oxygen in the blood which will then be distributed throughout the body. Physical exercise that is done with a certain duration can cause a decrease or increase in hemoglobin. As a form of achieving goals, an athlete in sports needs to look for physical exercise. The purpose of writing this literature review is to analyze the differences between athletes and non-athletes. The reviewed articles were obtained through the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The articles included are in English and Indonesian, published in 2011-2021. A total of 11 articles were included in this literature review. There were differences in results among the studies assessed in this review, this could be due to several factors such as duration, frequency and type of exercise, as well as nutritional intake.
Sport is defined as a subcategory of physical activity that is carried out systematically and pro... more Sport is defined as a subcategory of physical activity that is carried out systematically and progressively. Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is an indicator to determining an athlete's fitness in achieving goals. VO2 max in a person largely depends on the efficient transport of oxygen to active tissues. Hematocrit is one indicator that plays a role in oxygen transport to active tissues. The purpose of writing this literature review is to make a review on the relationship between hematocrit levels and VO2 max values in athletes. The reviewed articles were obtained from search results on Google Scholar and PubMed. The articles included are in English and Indonesian, published in 2011-2021. There are differences in results between studies related to the relationship between hematocrit levels and VO2 max values in athletes due to differences in several influencing factors such as gender, physical exercise, dehydration, body fat composition, as well as haemoconcentration and autohemodilution phenomena.
Cell Communication and Signaling
Concanavalin A (ConA), the most studied plant lectin, has been known as a potent anti-neoplastic ... more Concanavalin A (ConA), the most studied plant lectin, has been known as a potent anti-neoplastic agent for a long time. Since initial reports on its capacity to kill cancer cells, much attention has been devoted to unveiling the lectin's exact molecular mechanism. It has been revealed that ConA can bind to several receptors on cancerous and normal cells and modulate the related signaling cascades. The most studied host receptor for ConA is MT1-MMP, responsible for most of the lectin's modulations, ranging from activating immune cells to killing tumor cells. In this study, in addition to studying the effect of ConA on signaling and immune cell function, we will focus on the most up-to-date advancements that unraveled the molecular mechanisms by which ConA can induce autophagy and apoptosis in various cancer cell types, where it has been found that P73 and JAK/STAT3 are the leading players. Moreover, we further discuss the main signaling molecules causing liver injury as the m...
Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale
Diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases, which have far-reaching economic an... more Diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases, which have far-reaching economic and social consequences and threaten the national production and economy of countries. However, diabetes is a disease of self-control. Therefore, self-care strategies can maintain patients’ independence while reducing the burden imposed on health care resources. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting self-care behaviors in diabetic patients. This study is a systematic review; Google Scholar, SID, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, and ISI databases were used; 17,500 articles were found including the keywords “self-care”, “diabetes” and “affecting factors” in the search process, and all studies after 2010 were included. After reviewing the titles and abstracts, 51 studies were included. The studies’ reports on selfcare behaviors and their prevalence were very different depending on the tools used. The studies show the relationship between selfcare behaviors in patients with diab...
Pathology - Research and Practice
Nowadays, the focus of researchers is on perceiving the heterogeneity observed in a tumor. The re... more Nowadays, the focus of researchers is on perceiving the heterogeneity observed in a tumor. The researchers studied the role of a specific subset of cancer cells with high resistance to traditional treatments, recurrence, and unregulated metastasis. This small population of tumor cells that have stem-cell-like specifications was named Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs). The unique features that distinguish this type of cancer cell are self-renewing, generating clones of the tumor, plasticity, recurrence, and resistance to therapies. There are various mechanisms that contribute to the drug resistance of CSCs, such as CSCs markers, Epithelial mesenchymal transition, hypoxia, other cells, inflammation, and signaling pathways. Recent investigations have revealed the primary role of HMGA2 in the development and invasion of cancer cells. Importantly, HMGA2 also plays a key role in resistance to treatment through their function in the drug resistance mechanisms of CSCs and challenge it. Therefore, a deep understanding of this issue can provide a clearer perspective for researchers in the face of this problem.
Abstract: Neutrophils play a role in nonspecific cellular immune system which can be found in cir... more Abstract: Neutrophils play a role in nonspecific cellular immune system which can be found in circulation. Neutrophils are white blood cells (leukocytes) are characterized histologically by its ability to stained by the dye neutral and functional with its role in mediating the immune response against infectious microorganisms. . Neutrophil granules are usually pink or purple - blue with dye. Neutrophil Approximately 50 to 80 percent of all white blood cells in the human body. Neutrophils are quite uniform in size with a diameter between 12 and 15 micrometers. The core consists of 2-5 lobes joined together by the hairlike filaments. Neutrophils move by amoeboid movement. In neutrophils migrate to the area of the body to infection or tissue injury. Tensile strength which determines the direction in which neutrophils will move known as chemotaxis and is associated with substance released from the damaged tissue. Neutrophils are active phagocytes that engulf bacteria and other microorga...
ABSTRACT: VO 2 max is one of the best indicators for cardiovascular function and physical enduran... more ABSTRACT: VO 2 max is one of the best indicators for cardiovascular function and physical endurance. A person who has continuous exercise will have better value of VO 2 max rather than a person who does not have one. The objective of this research is finding out the difference of VO2 max average value between trained students and untrained students in SMAN 1 Martapura. It is an descriptive analytic research using cross sectional approach, the population is taken from students of SMAN 1 Martapura which consist of two groups of sample, the trained students (basketball players) and untrained students with the minimal amount of samples is 30 for each group. The VO 2 max is measured using multistage fitness test. The VO 2 max average for trained students is 46,853 and for untrained students is 40,337. Unpaired t test result (p = 0,000) shows that there is a significant difference of VO 2 max average value between the trained students and untrained students of SMAN 1 Martapura. Keywords :...
ABSTRACT: Reaction time is the time between the onset of the stimulus and the initiation of respo... more ABSTRACT: Reaction time is the time between the onset of the stimulus and the initiation of response under the condition that, the subject has been instructed to respond early and rapidly. There were several factors that influence a reaction time. One of them werefatigue and menstruation. Menstruating and not menstruating women who were given loading can lead to fatigue, and fatigue will result in lengthening the reaction time. The aim of this research is to figure out the difference of reaction time after ergocycle test between female students Medical Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin who are menstruating and not menstruating. This research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The samples are taken using purposive sampling technique, 30 female students who are menstruating and 30 female students who are not menstruating. The instrument used for loading is an ergocycle, whileKosinki’s time reaction software used for measurement of reaction time. T...
Latar Belakang: Daya tahan kardiovaskular merupakan komponen penting kebugaran fisik yang diketah... more Latar Belakang: Daya tahan kardiovaskular merupakan komponen penting kebugaran fisik yang diketahui dengan mengukur konsumsi oksigen maksimal (VO 2 maks). Individu yang mempunyai aktivitas tinggi akan mempunyai nilai VO 2 maks yang baik dan akan meningkatkan efisiensi kerja jantung termasuk tekanan darah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh nilai VO 2 maks terhadap tekanan darah siswa kelas V SD di desa Tabanio Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional . Cara pengambilan sampel adalah totally sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi, yaitu berusia antara 10-13 tahun, mempunyai indeks massa tubuh normal, tidak merokok, belum menstruasi, sehat jasmani, dan kooperatif. Cara pengukuran VO 2 maks menggunakan multistage fitness test dan pengukuran tekanan darah dengan Sphygmomanometer . Data yang didapa t terlebih dahulu diuji distribusinya dengan uji Shapiro-Wilk. Jika data terdistribusi normal maka akan diuji statisti...
: VO 2 maximum is maximum volume that can be processed and O 2 consumed by the body that delivere... more : VO 2 maximum is maximum volume that can be processed and O 2 consumed by the body that delivered from the lungs to the all of human muscles during physical activities or intense activities until fatugue. Maximum consumption of oxygen was calculated in mililitres/minutes/kilos of body weights. VO 2 max value was influenced not only by physical characteristhic like age, sex, heights, and weights, but also cardiovascular, respiratory, hematology, and oxydative muscle abilities. The study was conducted by measuring VO 2 max values for boys and girls grade fifth elementary school in Tabanio village in order to compare both them VO 2 max value when they have similarities physical activities cause both of them was helping their parents since childern age. The research approached amount cross-sectional method with samples from 23 boys and 14 girls who includes criteria in non-probability purposive sampling technique. How to measure that is using Multistage Fitness Test that is run back a...
Meningitis adalah sebuah inflamasi dari membran pelindung yang menutupi otak dan medula spinalis ... more Meningitis adalah sebuah inflamasi dari membran pelindung yang menutupi otak dan medula spinalis yang dikenal sebagai meninges (1). Inflamasi dari meningen dapat disebabkan oleh infeksi virus, bakteri atau mikroorganisme lain dan penyebab paling jarang adalah karena obat-obatan (2). Meningitis dapat mengancam jiwa dan merupakan sebuah kondisi kegawatdaruratan (1,3). Klasifikasi meningitis dibuat berdasarkan agen penyebabnya, yaitu meningitis bakterial, meningitis viral, meningitis jamur, meningitis parasitik dan meningitis non infeksius. Meningitis bakterial merupakan meningitis yang disebabkan infeksi bakteri dan merupakan kondisi yang serius yang dapat jika tidak segera ditangani akan menyebabkan kerusakan otak dan bahkan kematian (1,3). Berdasarkan penelitian epidemiologi mengenai infeksi sistem saraf pusat di Asia, pada daerah Asia Tenggara, meningitis yang paling sering dijumpai adalah meningitis tuberkulosis (4).