iis diatin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by iis diatin

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of the production of soft shell crab (Scylla sp.) cultivation using the apartment system

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research/Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, Jul 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Kinerja Produksi dan Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Pembesaran Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.) pada Sistem Bioflok Terbuka dan Tertutup

Research paper thumbnail of Production Performance and Financial Analysis of Three Segments Business to Support Availability Hybrid Grouper Seeds in Marine Culture

Research Square (Research Square), Aug 10, 2023

Important factors in grouper mariculture are continuous availability of seeds. Purpose of this re... more Important factors in grouper mariculture are continuous availability of seeds. Purpose of this research was to analyse production performance and nancial analysis of three segments that support production of cantang hybrid grouper (macan/tiger, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × kertang/giant, Epinephelus lanceolatus) and cantik hybrid grouper (macan/tiger, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × batik/camou age, Epinephelus microdon). Research was conducted for one year in 2022 three businesses, namely egg production, small-scale hatchery and nursery businesses. Egg production in a year for cantang hybrid grouper 97,300,000 eggs and cantik hybrid gouper of 17,800,000 eggs. Small-scale hatchery were harvested with average total length of ± 3.0 cm with SR 2.1-15.7%


Berita biologi/Berita Biologi, Apr 16, 2024

Salah satu komoditas ikan hias air tawar yang penting dengan potensi ekonomi yang signifikan, bai... more Salah satu komoditas ikan hias air tawar yang penting dengan potensi ekonomi yang signifikan, baik domestic maupun global adalah ikan koi (Cyprinus carpio). Pembenihan adalah tahap budidaya yang berperan penting bertujuan untuk menghasilkan benih ikan siap tebar dalam proses pembesaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi produksi dan distribusi pembenihan ikan koi berdasarkan sebaran kualitas seleksi di Omah Koi Farm Indonesia. Beberapa parameter uji yang diukur adalah fekunditas, derajat pembuatan telur atau fertilizatian rate (FR), derajat penetasan atau hatching rate (HR), kualitas benih, kelangsungan hidup, dan kualitas air. Metode penelitian meliputi persiapan kolam, seleksi induk matang gonad, pemijahan, penetasan telur, pemeliharaan larva, pemanenan larva, penebaran larva, pemanenan benih, seleksi benih, dan analisis kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fekunditas ikan koi varietas

Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Program Bina Desa Terhadap Perilaku Masyarakat Di Desa Binaan

Since 1992, every forest consession holder has been obliged to carry out a special program in a v... more Since 1992, every forest consession holder has been obliged to carry out a special program in a village or villages in or arround the concession. Bassically, the purpose of the program is to change behavior of the villagers, such as abondaning the practice of shifting cultivation, developing awarness on environment, etc. The main objective of this study is to investigate impacts of the program on the behavior of the villagers in the village where the program has been carried out. This would include agricultural practices and attitude as we/I as way of thinking of the villagers. The later consists of nine dimensions: (a) attitude toward education, (b) universalism, (c) openess, (d) rationality, (e) value orientation, (f) gender, (g) family planning, (h) environmental awarness and (I) farming orientation. The method used in this study was Natural Experiment (Babbie, 1989 : 230). Several component of the behavior were quantified using scoring system. This study reveals that in the domain of the agricutural practices, a quite fundamental change has taken place, that is the switching of the agricultural practices from swidden agriculture to the •permanent cultivation" system. There is a. significant difference at the level of 95 % in the seven component: attitude toward education, universalism, openess, rationality, value orientation, environmental awarness and the farming orientation. There is no siginficant difference in the gender and family planning issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Finansial Analysis of Wanayasa Tilapia Culture in Mekarsari Farmer Group

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia (e-journal), 2007

This research aims to discover the general overview of the Nila Wanayasa's seeding business which... more This research aims to discover the general overview of the Nila Wanayasa's seeding business which conduct by Mekarsari's Conductors Group in Tanjungsari Village, to analyze the business' rent, to analyze the investment eligibility and to analyze the sensitivity of the price fluctuation of production factors, in this case is feed. The business eligibility and its sensitivity judged by investment criteria i.e. NPV, Net B/C, and IRR. The result shows the NPV is IDR 225,116,401.83, Net B/C is 19.38, and IRR is 707%. The sensitivity analysis which using the switching value methods shows that the business is eligible to be continued with increasing price of feed until 800.917%, because of the NPV is zero, Net B/C is 1, and IRR is equal to the rate.

Research paper thumbnail of Intensive culture of corydoras ornamental fish (Corydoras aeneus): evaluation of stocking density and water exchange

Aacl Bioflux, 2015

This research was conducted to find the best stocking density in combination with water exchange ... more This research was conducted to find the best stocking density in combination with water exchange level in order to increase the productivity of corydoras (Corydoras aeneus). Corydoras at the initial body weight of 0.44-0.51 g and total body length of 2.20-2.31 cm were used in this research. The research was conducted in two-factor factorial design. The first factor was the stocking density level (3000, 4500, 6000 fish/m 2) and the second factor was the water exchange level (50 and 100 % day-1). The result showed that specific growth rate of length and weight of fish were significantly different among treatments. There was interaction between stocking density and water exchange level in the specific growth rate. The highest value of specific length increase was 0.4±0.02 % day-1 and specific weight gain was 1.04±0.09 % day-1 , found at stocking density of 3000 fish/m 2 with 100 % day-1 of water exchange. There was no significant difference between survival rate of 3000 and 4500 fish/m 2 treatments at 94.81±0.64% and 98.33±1.44%, respectively. The range of water quality such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, turbidity, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite during rearing period were suitable for Corydoras fish culture. As a conclusion, the best stocking density for corydoras fish was 3000 fish/m 2 with 100 % day-1 of water exchange.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimalisasi Produksi Upang Beku Pada PT Wirontono Baru, Jakarta Utara

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Pendederan Ikan Kerapu melalui Peningkatan Kapasitas Kelompok untuk Penguatan Komoditas Unggulan Kabupaten Administratif Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta

Agrokreatif: jurnal ilmiah pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Jun 7, 2021

Pendederan perlu dikembangkan untuk menguatkan ikan kerapu sebagai komoditas unggulan Kabupaten A... more Pendederan perlu dikembangkan untuk menguatkan ikan kerapu sebagai komoditas unggulan Kabupaten Administratif Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Pengembangan usaha pendederan ini dilakukan melalui pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan teknologi tepat guna (TTG). Pendederan ikan kerapu diharapkan bisa menjadi unit usaha baru di kabupaten yang sebagian besar kawasannya berupa laut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan SDM dan TTG pendederan ikan kerapu melalui pelatihan, percontohan, dan pendampingan. Kegiatan dilakukan kepada 23 orang anggota masyarakat yang tergabung ke dalam tiga Pokdakan. Materi pelatihan mencakup aspek teknis dan manajemen usaha pendederan ikan kerapu. Percontohan dan pendampingan pendederan ini dilakukan secara paralel dengan pengembangan TTG aplikasi tepung meniran-bawang putih, dan dilakukan di Balai Sea Farming PKSPL-IPB, Kepulauan Seribu. Percontohan mencakup penyiapan karamba, penebaran benih, pemberian pakan, pengelelolaan kualitas air dan kesehatan ikan, sampling, pemanenan dan penanganan pascapanen. Pendampingan dilakukan dengan melayani kunjungan peserta ke balai, wawancara, dan pertemuan. Setelah pelatihan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan serta munculnya motivasi untuk melakukan pendederan ikan kerapu. Pada saat percontohan dan pendampingan keterlibatan dan antusias peserta relatif tinggi dengan berbagai aspek yang didiskusikan. Aplikasi tepung meniran-bawang putih dalam pakan pada pendederan ikan kerapu dapat memperbaiki rasio konversi pakan, sehingga biaya pakan menjadi lebih hemat. Salah satu peserta telah mencoba melakukan usaha pendederan ikan kerapu bebek secara mandiri, dan diperoleh keuntungan setelah dua bulan pemeliharaan. Kata kunci: kerapu, pelatihan, pendampingan, pendederan, percontohan.

Research paper thumbnail of Soil Compaction by a Forwarder in Timber Harvesting

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Sep 10, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pemasaran Ekspor Ikan Tuna Beku

Research paper thumbnail of Heavy metal and water quality at settling ponds of a post-mining area after reclamation and revegetation at Cibadak Sukabumi, Indonesia

World Journal Of Advanced Research and Reviews, Dec 30, 2021

We analyzed the heavy metals and water quality of a post-mining area of silica for material of ce... more We analyzed the heavy metals and water quality of a post-mining area of silica for material of cement factory. The research was located in the Cibadak district, Sukabumi West Java Indonesia. The water sampling method was carried out in two locations, namely a large settling pond and a small settling pond. Water quality parameters were analyzed such as pH, alkalinity, turbidity, total organic matter, and total ammonia nitrogen. The results showed that the water in both pond contents heavy metals. The heavy metals in the form were Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Arsen (As), Ferrum (Fe), and Cromium (Cr6+) in the both settling ponds. However, in small ponds there was a higher Fe value so the water is yellowish. There is a difference in acidity showed in the two ponds, pH 3-4 in the small pond and the large pond pH 7-8. Total organic matter was higher in large pond. Small settling pond has a very low pH value, so they are classified as acidic waters and contain high iron content so they cannot be used for human needs or aquatic life. Large settling ponds can still be used for aquaculture activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the Water Quality of Settling Pond after Revegetation at Ex-Mining Area

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Sep 11, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Rencana Bisnis Budidaya Ikan Palmas Ornatipinis (Polypteus Omatippinis) di Darmaga Fish Culture Bogor

Oriental Fish is one of the pottential fisheries commodity, which is contribute devisas for the c... more Oriental Fish is one of the pottential fisheries commodity, which is contribute devisas for the country. Palmas Omatipinis is one of the new introduction arlifidal fish in Indonesia. Thats why we should know the feasibility analysis as a plan to develop in Oannaga Fish Culture. The study shows that fanning of Palmas Omatipinis in the beginning level process at Oannaga Fish Culture, feasible to be develop in tenn of maril.et aspect, technique aspect, managerial aspect and finansial aspect. The result given by discount rates 4 % I periode for

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Budidaya Ikan Nila Wanayasa Pada Kelompok Pembudidaya Mekarsari

Research paper thumbnail of Optimalisasi input produksi pada kegiatan budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei): studi kasus pada UD jasa hasil diri di Desa Lamaran Tarung, Kecamatan Cantigi, Kabupaten Indramayu

Research paper thumbnail of Financial analysis of pond area extension in Pacific white shrimp culture at Cantigi Indramayu

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia (e-journal), 2010

Pacific white shrimp is one of the primadona of fishery commodities. This shrimp is superior as i... more Pacific white shrimp is one of the primadona of fishery commodities. This shrimp is superior as it resists to diseases and also high productivity. Jati Hasil Diri (JHD) located in Cantigi Indramayu is one of the pacific white shrimp culture company. In order to develop the business, this company planned to extent their pond area from 26 to 42 Ha. This plan was therefore needed to be financially analyzed to confirm its feasibility. There were two different scenarios of area extension, first scenario was to extent pond area without any technical improvement, and the second scenario was to extent pond area with technical improvement. The result of the study shows that the pond area extension was feasible with NPV of Rp7.221.427.150,00 and Rp29.867.006.067,00, the net B/C of 2,62 and 7,7 and also the IRR of 47,84% and 146,55% for the first and second scenario, respectively. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the business is still feasible to be operated at a maximal of feed price the increase of 38,84% for the first scenario and 119,36% for the second scenario or if the shrimp price decrease with a maximum decrease of 18,81% and 41,12% at first and second scenario, respectively. The first business scenario is more sensitive as compare to the second scenario.

Research paper thumbnail of Innovational Communication Strategy for Sustainable Farming Fisheries Development Bogor District

International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Feb 20, 2023

Identify the frequency, direction, content, communication channels, characteristics and stages of... more Identify the frequency, direction, content, communication channels, characteristics and stages of adoption of innovations for cultivators and development of sustainable aquaculture in Bogor Regency and analyze the effect of frequency, direction, content, communication channels on the stages of adoption of innovations for catfish enlargement cultivators in Bogor Regency. This study uses a pragmatic paradigm with a mixed approach or method because the innovation communication strategy for the development of sustainable aquaculture is not enough to answer only by measuring the influence between variables in a postpositivist manner, but needs to be traced through the process of communication of innovation between cultivators as actors. Data collected based on data sources consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from respondents at the time the research was conducted, while secondary data is supporting data that is already available at the research location obtained from the Livestock and Fisheries Service of Bogor Regency, data available to extension workers and data available to extension workers. catfish rearing group. Research Results Based on the test results related to whether or not the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable can be seen based on t count and significant value. From the table above, the ttable value is 13.843 > 2.042 (ttable obtained by finding df and looking at ttable, df = number of correspondents-2 and a significance value of 0.00 <0.05. Based on these measurements, the R value is obtained at 0.930, and after interpretation it is known that there is a very high relationship between the variables x and y.The R Square test (R2) is used to determine how much influence the value of the regression coefficient (R) states there is a correlation between the independent and dependent variables.

Research paper thumbnail of The The Growth Performance and Physiological Status of Comet Goldfish (Carassius auratus) in Aquascape System with Different Aquatic Plant Species

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia

This study aimed to evaluate the physiological performance and status of comet goldfish (Carassiu... more This study aimed to evaluate the physiological performance and status of comet goldfish (Carassius auratus) in aquascape system with different aquatic plant species. Comet goldfish (6.5 ± 0.073 cm length and 9.1 ± 0.1 g weight in average) were reared in aquaria with 10 fish/L density per aquarium for 45 days. The results obtained a positive correlation between SR value and SGR value, followed by a significant different value among the treatments applied (P<0.05). Based on the total chromatophore cells, comet goldfish reared in aquarium containing aquatic plants had a significant different (P<0.05) on the total chromatophore cells compared to aquarium without aquatic plants (control). After blood glucose test, comet goldfish reared with aquatic plants consistently showed a lower blood glucose level than without aquatic plants. The liver SOD level of comet goldfish obtained a significant different value between fish reared with aquatic plants and without aquatic plants, while th...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Strategi Bisnis Ekspor Ikan Hias Air Tawar (Kasus di PT NAE, Jakarta) Aim of Business strategy analysis toward PT NAE on this research is to identify strengthens and weaknesses of internal and extemal factors of the company and recommend alternative strategies to the company as considera...

Analisis Strategi Bisnis Ekspor Ikan Hias Air Tawar (Kasus di PT NAE, Jakarta) Aim of Business st... more Analisis Strategi Bisnis Ekspor Ikan Hias Air Tawar (Kasus di PT NAE, Jakarta) Aim of Business strategy analysis toward PT NAE on this research is to identify strengthens and weaknesses of internal and extemal factors of the company and recommend alternative strategies to the company as consideration for releasing essential policy related on fresh water ornamental fish business. Based on analysis through input matrix obtained scores above the average of 2,5, those are 2,545 for IFE and 2,651 for EFE. The scores show that PT NAE was enabling in using its internal strength and overcome its internal weakness to gain business opportunities and avoid treats. Based on analysis through matching matrix with SWOT, SPACE, IE and Grand Strategy analysis, result as altematives strategy was produced. The altemative strategies are product development and market penetration. Final step is making priority on recent altemative strategy. Based on as PM analysis. product development is being the 1st s...

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of the production of soft shell crab (Scylla sp.) cultivation using the apartment system

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research/Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, Jul 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Kinerja Produksi dan Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Pembesaran Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.) pada Sistem Bioflok Terbuka dan Tertutup

Research paper thumbnail of Production Performance and Financial Analysis of Three Segments Business to Support Availability Hybrid Grouper Seeds in Marine Culture

Research Square (Research Square), Aug 10, 2023

Important factors in grouper mariculture are continuous availability of seeds. Purpose of this re... more Important factors in grouper mariculture are continuous availability of seeds. Purpose of this research was to analyse production performance and nancial analysis of three segments that support production of cantang hybrid grouper (macan/tiger, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × kertang/giant, Epinephelus lanceolatus) and cantik hybrid grouper (macan/tiger, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × batik/camou age, Epinephelus microdon). Research was conducted for one year in 2022 three businesses, namely egg production, small-scale hatchery and nursery businesses. Egg production in a year for cantang hybrid grouper 97,300,000 eggs and cantik hybrid gouper of 17,800,000 eggs. Small-scale hatchery were harvested with average total length of ± 3.0 cm with SR 2.1-15.7%


Berita biologi/Berita Biologi, Apr 16, 2024

Salah satu komoditas ikan hias air tawar yang penting dengan potensi ekonomi yang signifikan, bai... more Salah satu komoditas ikan hias air tawar yang penting dengan potensi ekonomi yang signifikan, baik domestic maupun global adalah ikan koi (Cyprinus carpio). Pembenihan adalah tahap budidaya yang berperan penting bertujuan untuk menghasilkan benih ikan siap tebar dalam proses pembesaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi produksi dan distribusi pembenihan ikan koi berdasarkan sebaran kualitas seleksi di Omah Koi Farm Indonesia. Beberapa parameter uji yang diukur adalah fekunditas, derajat pembuatan telur atau fertilizatian rate (FR), derajat penetasan atau hatching rate (HR), kualitas benih, kelangsungan hidup, dan kualitas air. Metode penelitian meliputi persiapan kolam, seleksi induk matang gonad, pemijahan, penetasan telur, pemeliharaan larva, pemanenan larva, penebaran larva, pemanenan benih, seleksi benih, dan analisis kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fekunditas ikan koi varietas

Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Program Bina Desa Terhadap Perilaku Masyarakat Di Desa Binaan

Since 1992, every forest consession holder has been obliged to carry out a special program in a v... more Since 1992, every forest consession holder has been obliged to carry out a special program in a village or villages in or arround the concession. Bassically, the purpose of the program is to change behavior of the villagers, such as abondaning the practice of shifting cultivation, developing awarness on environment, etc. The main objective of this study is to investigate impacts of the program on the behavior of the villagers in the village where the program has been carried out. This would include agricultural practices and attitude as we/I as way of thinking of the villagers. The later consists of nine dimensions: (a) attitude toward education, (b) universalism, (c) openess, (d) rationality, (e) value orientation, (f) gender, (g) family planning, (h) environmental awarness and (I) farming orientation. The method used in this study was Natural Experiment (Babbie, 1989 : 230). Several component of the behavior were quantified using scoring system. This study reveals that in the domain of the agricutural practices, a quite fundamental change has taken place, that is the switching of the agricultural practices from swidden agriculture to the •permanent cultivation" system. There is a. significant difference at the level of 95 % in the seven component: attitude toward education, universalism, openess, rationality, value orientation, environmental awarness and the farming orientation. There is no siginficant difference in the gender and family planning issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Finansial Analysis of Wanayasa Tilapia Culture in Mekarsari Farmer Group

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia (e-journal), 2007

This research aims to discover the general overview of the Nila Wanayasa's seeding business which... more This research aims to discover the general overview of the Nila Wanayasa's seeding business which conduct by Mekarsari's Conductors Group in Tanjungsari Village, to analyze the business' rent, to analyze the investment eligibility and to analyze the sensitivity of the price fluctuation of production factors, in this case is feed. The business eligibility and its sensitivity judged by investment criteria i.e. NPV, Net B/C, and IRR. The result shows the NPV is IDR 225,116,401.83, Net B/C is 19.38, and IRR is 707%. The sensitivity analysis which using the switching value methods shows that the business is eligible to be continued with increasing price of feed until 800.917%, because of the NPV is zero, Net B/C is 1, and IRR is equal to the rate.

Research paper thumbnail of Intensive culture of corydoras ornamental fish (Corydoras aeneus): evaluation of stocking density and water exchange

Aacl Bioflux, 2015

This research was conducted to find the best stocking density in combination with water exchange ... more This research was conducted to find the best stocking density in combination with water exchange level in order to increase the productivity of corydoras (Corydoras aeneus). Corydoras at the initial body weight of 0.44-0.51 g and total body length of 2.20-2.31 cm were used in this research. The research was conducted in two-factor factorial design. The first factor was the stocking density level (3000, 4500, 6000 fish/m 2) and the second factor was the water exchange level (50 and 100 % day-1). The result showed that specific growth rate of length and weight of fish were significantly different among treatments. There was interaction between stocking density and water exchange level in the specific growth rate. The highest value of specific length increase was 0.4±0.02 % day-1 and specific weight gain was 1.04±0.09 % day-1 , found at stocking density of 3000 fish/m 2 with 100 % day-1 of water exchange. There was no significant difference between survival rate of 3000 and 4500 fish/m 2 treatments at 94.81±0.64% and 98.33±1.44%, respectively. The range of water quality such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, turbidity, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite during rearing period were suitable for Corydoras fish culture. As a conclusion, the best stocking density for corydoras fish was 3000 fish/m 2 with 100 % day-1 of water exchange.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimalisasi Produksi Upang Beku Pada PT Wirontono Baru, Jakarta Utara

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Pendederan Ikan Kerapu melalui Peningkatan Kapasitas Kelompok untuk Penguatan Komoditas Unggulan Kabupaten Administratif Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta

Agrokreatif: jurnal ilmiah pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Jun 7, 2021

Pendederan perlu dikembangkan untuk menguatkan ikan kerapu sebagai komoditas unggulan Kabupaten A... more Pendederan perlu dikembangkan untuk menguatkan ikan kerapu sebagai komoditas unggulan Kabupaten Administratif Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Pengembangan usaha pendederan ini dilakukan melalui pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan teknologi tepat guna (TTG). Pendederan ikan kerapu diharapkan bisa menjadi unit usaha baru di kabupaten yang sebagian besar kawasannya berupa laut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan SDM dan TTG pendederan ikan kerapu melalui pelatihan, percontohan, dan pendampingan. Kegiatan dilakukan kepada 23 orang anggota masyarakat yang tergabung ke dalam tiga Pokdakan. Materi pelatihan mencakup aspek teknis dan manajemen usaha pendederan ikan kerapu. Percontohan dan pendampingan pendederan ini dilakukan secara paralel dengan pengembangan TTG aplikasi tepung meniran-bawang putih, dan dilakukan di Balai Sea Farming PKSPL-IPB, Kepulauan Seribu. Percontohan mencakup penyiapan karamba, penebaran benih, pemberian pakan, pengelelolaan kualitas air dan kesehatan ikan, sampling, pemanenan dan penanganan pascapanen. Pendampingan dilakukan dengan melayani kunjungan peserta ke balai, wawancara, dan pertemuan. Setelah pelatihan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan serta munculnya motivasi untuk melakukan pendederan ikan kerapu. Pada saat percontohan dan pendampingan keterlibatan dan antusias peserta relatif tinggi dengan berbagai aspek yang didiskusikan. Aplikasi tepung meniran-bawang putih dalam pakan pada pendederan ikan kerapu dapat memperbaiki rasio konversi pakan, sehingga biaya pakan menjadi lebih hemat. Salah satu peserta telah mencoba melakukan usaha pendederan ikan kerapu bebek secara mandiri, dan diperoleh keuntungan setelah dua bulan pemeliharaan. Kata kunci: kerapu, pelatihan, pendampingan, pendederan, percontohan.

Research paper thumbnail of Soil Compaction by a Forwarder in Timber Harvesting

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Sep 10, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pemasaran Ekspor Ikan Tuna Beku

Research paper thumbnail of Heavy metal and water quality at settling ponds of a post-mining area after reclamation and revegetation at Cibadak Sukabumi, Indonesia

World Journal Of Advanced Research and Reviews, Dec 30, 2021

We analyzed the heavy metals and water quality of a post-mining area of silica for material of ce... more We analyzed the heavy metals and water quality of a post-mining area of silica for material of cement factory. The research was located in the Cibadak district, Sukabumi West Java Indonesia. The water sampling method was carried out in two locations, namely a large settling pond and a small settling pond. Water quality parameters were analyzed such as pH, alkalinity, turbidity, total organic matter, and total ammonia nitrogen. The results showed that the water in both pond contents heavy metals. The heavy metals in the form were Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Arsen (As), Ferrum (Fe), and Cromium (Cr6+) in the both settling ponds. However, in small ponds there was a higher Fe value so the water is yellowish. There is a difference in acidity showed in the two ponds, pH 3-4 in the small pond and the large pond pH 7-8. Total organic matter was higher in large pond. Small settling pond has a very low pH value, so they are classified as acidic waters and contain high iron content so they cannot be used for human needs or aquatic life. Large settling ponds can still be used for aquaculture activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the Water Quality of Settling Pond after Revegetation at Ex-Mining Area

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Sep 11, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Rencana Bisnis Budidaya Ikan Palmas Ornatipinis (Polypteus Omatippinis) di Darmaga Fish Culture Bogor

Oriental Fish is one of the pottential fisheries commodity, which is contribute devisas for the c... more Oriental Fish is one of the pottential fisheries commodity, which is contribute devisas for the country. Palmas Omatipinis is one of the new introduction arlifidal fish in Indonesia. Thats why we should know the feasibility analysis as a plan to develop in Oannaga Fish Culture. The study shows that fanning of Palmas Omatipinis in the beginning level process at Oannaga Fish Culture, feasible to be develop in tenn of maril.et aspect, technique aspect, managerial aspect and finansial aspect. The result given by discount rates 4 % I periode for

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Budidaya Ikan Nila Wanayasa Pada Kelompok Pembudidaya Mekarsari

Research paper thumbnail of Optimalisasi input produksi pada kegiatan budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei): studi kasus pada UD jasa hasil diri di Desa Lamaran Tarung, Kecamatan Cantigi, Kabupaten Indramayu

Research paper thumbnail of Financial analysis of pond area extension in Pacific white shrimp culture at Cantigi Indramayu

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia (e-journal), 2010

Pacific white shrimp is one of the primadona of fishery commodities. This shrimp is superior as i... more Pacific white shrimp is one of the primadona of fishery commodities. This shrimp is superior as it resists to diseases and also high productivity. Jati Hasil Diri (JHD) located in Cantigi Indramayu is one of the pacific white shrimp culture company. In order to develop the business, this company planned to extent their pond area from 26 to 42 Ha. This plan was therefore needed to be financially analyzed to confirm its feasibility. There were two different scenarios of area extension, first scenario was to extent pond area without any technical improvement, and the second scenario was to extent pond area with technical improvement. The result of the study shows that the pond area extension was feasible with NPV of Rp7.221.427.150,00 and Rp29.867.006.067,00, the net B/C of 2,62 and 7,7 and also the IRR of 47,84% and 146,55% for the first and second scenario, respectively. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the business is still feasible to be operated at a maximal of feed price the increase of 38,84% for the first scenario and 119,36% for the second scenario or if the shrimp price decrease with a maximum decrease of 18,81% and 41,12% at first and second scenario, respectively. The first business scenario is more sensitive as compare to the second scenario.

Research paper thumbnail of Innovational Communication Strategy for Sustainable Farming Fisheries Development Bogor District

International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Feb 20, 2023

Identify the frequency, direction, content, communication channels, characteristics and stages of... more Identify the frequency, direction, content, communication channels, characteristics and stages of adoption of innovations for cultivators and development of sustainable aquaculture in Bogor Regency and analyze the effect of frequency, direction, content, communication channels on the stages of adoption of innovations for catfish enlargement cultivators in Bogor Regency. This study uses a pragmatic paradigm with a mixed approach or method because the innovation communication strategy for the development of sustainable aquaculture is not enough to answer only by measuring the influence between variables in a postpositivist manner, but needs to be traced through the process of communication of innovation between cultivators as actors. Data collected based on data sources consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from respondents at the time the research was conducted, while secondary data is supporting data that is already available at the research location obtained from the Livestock and Fisheries Service of Bogor Regency, data available to extension workers and data available to extension workers. catfish rearing group. Research Results Based on the test results related to whether or not the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable can be seen based on t count and significant value. From the table above, the ttable value is 13.843 > 2.042 (ttable obtained by finding df and looking at ttable, df = number of correspondents-2 and a significance value of 0.00 <0.05. Based on these measurements, the R value is obtained at 0.930, and after interpretation it is known that there is a very high relationship between the variables x and y.The R Square test (R2) is used to determine how much influence the value of the regression coefficient (R) states there is a correlation between the independent and dependent variables.

Research paper thumbnail of The The Growth Performance and Physiological Status of Comet Goldfish (Carassius auratus) in Aquascape System with Different Aquatic Plant Species

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia

This study aimed to evaluate the physiological performance and status of comet goldfish (Carassiu... more This study aimed to evaluate the physiological performance and status of comet goldfish (Carassius auratus) in aquascape system with different aquatic plant species. Comet goldfish (6.5 ± 0.073 cm length and 9.1 ± 0.1 g weight in average) were reared in aquaria with 10 fish/L density per aquarium for 45 days. The results obtained a positive correlation between SR value and SGR value, followed by a significant different value among the treatments applied (P<0.05). Based on the total chromatophore cells, comet goldfish reared in aquarium containing aquatic plants had a significant different (P<0.05) on the total chromatophore cells compared to aquarium without aquatic plants (control). After blood glucose test, comet goldfish reared with aquatic plants consistently showed a lower blood glucose level than without aquatic plants. The liver SOD level of comet goldfish obtained a significant different value between fish reared with aquatic plants and without aquatic plants, while th...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Strategi Bisnis Ekspor Ikan Hias Air Tawar (Kasus di PT NAE, Jakarta) Aim of Business strategy analysis toward PT NAE on this research is to identify strengthens and weaknesses of internal and extemal factors of the company and recommend alternative strategies to the company as considera...

Analisis Strategi Bisnis Ekspor Ikan Hias Air Tawar (Kasus di PT NAE, Jakarta) Aim of Business st... more Analisis Strategi Bisnis Ekspor Ikan Hias Air Tawar (Kasus di PT NAE, Jakarta) Aim of Business strategy analysis toward PT NAE on this research is to identify strengthens and weaknesses of internal and extemal factors of the company and recommend alternative strategies to the company as consideration for releasing essential policy related on fresh water ornamental fish business. Based on analysis through input matrix obtained scores above the average of 2,5, those are 2,545 for IFE and 2,651 for EFE. The scores show that PT NAE was enabling in using its internal strength and overcome its internal weakness to gain business opportunities and avoid treats. Based on analysis through matching matrix with SWOT, SPACE, IE and Grand Strategy analysis, result as altematives strategy was produced. The altemative strategies are product development and market penetration. Final step is making priority on recent altemative strategy. Based on as PM analysis. product development is being the 1st s...