ikhsan khasani - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by ikhsan khasani
Loka Riset Pemuliaan dan Teknologi Budidaya Perikanan Air Tawar, 2010
IOP conference series, Dec 1, 2022
The faster growth and higher survival of a strain, including the giant freshwater prawn (GFP), is... more The faster growth and higher survival of a strain, including the giant freshwater prawn (GFP), is an urgent requirement to support GFP farming. The selective breeding of GIMacro II (the superior strain of GFP) resulted in a fourth-generation (G4) which grew faster (35%) than the based population (G0). The comparative test among the selected GI Macro II (SGM), the control of GI Macro II (SGM), and the Siratu (SR, the previous superior strain) were conducted to evaluate the performance of these strains in the larval rearing phage, resistance to vibriosis of the larvae, and tolerance to stressors (pH, temperature, salinity, and formaldehyde) of the juvenile. In the larvae rearing stage, the growth (Larvae stage index, LSI) of the three populations was not different, there were 10.25 ± 0.14, 10.31 ± 0.18, and 10.12 ± 0.15 for SGM, CGM, and SR, respectively. The survival rate of the SGM is about 59.92 ± 4.631 %, significantly higher than the CGM larvae (52.67 ± 2.64 %) and SR larvae (45.85 ± 1.74 %). The resistance level of SGM larvae to Vibrio sp. infection (72.75 ± 4.88 %) is not different from the CGM larvae (70.25 ± 5.06%) and SR larvae (67.88 ± 6.59%). The tolerance level of the SGM, CGM, and SR juvenile to low pH, formaldehyde, temperature fluctuation, and salinity fluctuation were relatively high (>90%). The data suggested that the selected GI Macro II has a good prospect to be developed in the GFP farming system.
The high productivity and quality of the harvested prawn are the main objectives of the intensive... more The high productivity and quality of the harvested prawn are the main objectives of the intensive giant freshwater prawn (GFP) culture. Therefore, the breeding program to create a superior strain of the prawn has been conducted in several countries to support prawn farming. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the productivity and female reproductive performance of the GFP superior strains, namely the selected GI Macro (GI) and Siratu (SR) in the three farming conditions. The GI has resulted from an individual selection program based on standard length and maturation level characters. The multi-location test was conducted in the grow-out phase for 90 days at the three locations based on altitude, namely low-lands (in Subang, 10-25 m above the sea level, asl), medium-lands (in Ciamis, 70-100 m asl), high-lands (in Kuningan, 700-800 m asl). The growth characters consisting of total length/TL, standard length/SL, and body weight/BB of GI and SR were not significantly different, bo...
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal, 2009
Indonesia is rich of giant fresh water prawn (GFP) germ plasms. Best utilization of these resourc... more Indonesia is rich of giant fresh water prawn (GFP) germ plasms. Best utilization of these resources for the purpose of either aquaculture development or conservation of genetic resources requires some information on the structure and levels of their genetic diversity. This study was aimed to characterize those GFP genetic resources by applying RAPD genetic markers. Six Indonesian populations of GFP from Asahan, Barito, Ciasem, Ogan, GImacro and Papua were collected and analyzed for their genetic variation using five RAPD primers. The results showed the diversity within the populations, as revealed by the level of polymorphism, ranged from 29% to 76% while genetic divergence between populations as shown by genetic distance ranged from 0.04 to 0.50. In terms of genetic divergence, two genetically distinct groups of GFP, namely the Papua GFP in one group and the remaining five GFP populations in the other, were identified. The results also showed the presence of specific population mar...
IOP conference series, Dec 1, 2022
Nusantara Bioscience
Febrianti R, Khasani I, Rosada KK. 2021. Assessing the susceptibility of the selected gourami (Os... more Febrianti R, Khasani I, Rosada KK. 2021. Assessing the susceptibility of the selected gourami (Osphronemus goramy) to Aeromonas hydrophila. Nusantara Bioscience 13: 111-120. A breeding program to improve the growth performance of the gourami fish was carried out through selection methods that produced faster growth gourami (selected population). The purpose of this study was to determine the susceptibility of the selected gourami to Aeromonas hydrophila infection based on tolerance limits (LD50) and investigated clinical signs post-injection of the pathogenic bacteria. The challenge test by intramuscular injection of A. hydrophila was done to the fingerling fish (15-20 g) for 14 days post-infection. The population of the tested fish was obtained from six families, selected gourami (SP), and non-selected control (CP) groups. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) as control and several doses of the pathogen, 10 2 , 10 4 , 10 5 , 10 6 , 10 7 , and 10 8 CFU/mL of A. hydrophila, were injected into the fish. Fish mortality and clinical signs were observed daily. The fish mortality was confirmed by isolating bacteria in the fish which showed clinical signs, followed by biochemical characterization of the isolated bacteria using API 20E and PCR. The LD50 of A. hydrophila to the selected population (9.70 × 10 5 CFU/mL) was higher than that of the control (6.50 × 10 4 CFU/mL). On the final day of the test, the accumulation mortality of CP (63.33±5.77%) higher than that in SP (33.33±5.77%). Based on the output test statistics, it was known that there was a significant difference between the mortality and clinical signs of SP and CP. The data suggested that the selected gourami were more resistant to A. hydrophila infection than that of the control. The A. hydrophila infection caused most of the major clinical signs, including mass mortality of the fish. The biochemical and PCR test ensure that fish mortality was caused by A. hydrophila infection.
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyinaran terhadap sintasan dan kecepata... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyinaran terhadap sintasan dan kecepatan metamorfosis larva udang galah.
Media Akuakultur, 2021
Pertumbuhan lambat dan maturasi dini merupakan permasalahan serius pada budidaya udang galah kare... more Pertumbuhan lambat dan maturasi dini merupakan permasalahan serius pada budidaya udang galah karena berdampak pada penurunan produktivitas budidayanya. Seleksi secara simultan pada karakter panjang standar (PS) dan level maturasi (LM) calon induk udang galah betina telah dilakukan dengan tujuan mendapatkan udang galah generasi ketiga (G-3) dengan performa tumbuh cepat dan maturasi lambat. Evaluasi performa benih populasi seleksi (PSL) dan kontrol (PKT), dilakukan pada tiga fase budidaya udang galah, yaitu fase pemeliharaan larva, pendederan, dan pembesaran. Fase pembenihan diperoleh indeks perkembangan larva (IPL) dan kelangsungan hidup (KH) yang lebih baik pada populasi PSL (9,63 ± 0,91 dan 59,43 ± 9,2%), dibandingkan pada PKT (8,73 ± 0,72 dan 39,64 ± 8,4%). Fase pendederan diperoleh PS, bobot badan (BB) dan KH sebesar 19,98 ± 2,95 mm; 0,22 ± 0,10 g; dan 87,27 ± 6,70% untuk PSL, lebih baik dibandingkan pada PKT; (18,70 ± 2,72 mm; 0,20 ± 0,09 g; dan 74,55 ± 5,4%). Fase pembesaran, P...
Program seleksi merupakan metode efektif dalam penyediaan induk unggul udang galah lima strain, y... more Program seleksi merupakan metode efektif dalam penyediaan induk unggul udang galah lima strain, yaitu: Barito, Musi, Asahan, Ciasem, dan GI Macro digunakan untuk membentuk populasi dasar sintetik udang galah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk merakit udang galah dengan potensi tumbuh 30% lebih cepat dibandingkan strain yang dibudidayakan. Seleksi dilakukan dengan cara memilih 10% calon induk jantan dan 10% calon induk betina terbaik berdasarkan ukuran panjang standar (PS). Populasi induk jantan dan betina yang menempati posisi urutan 40%-60% pada karakter PS digunakan sebagai pembanding dalam uji respons seleksi. Sebanyak 300 ekor induk betina dan 300 ekor induk jantan dipijahkan secara massal di kolam 200 m2. Induk betina bertelur ditempatkan dalam corong penetasan, 1 ekor per corong. Larva dipelihara dalam sistem air jernih hingga mencapai pasca larva (PL). Pendederan dilakukan di bak sistem resirkulasi selama 30 hari. Pengujian respons seleksi dilakukan dalam kolam 50 m2 yang dilengkapi...
Vibriosis merupakan salah satu penyakit utama pada pembenihan udang galah, menyebabkan kematian m... more Vibriosis merupakan salah satu penyakit utama pada pembenihan udang galah, menyebabkan kematian massal hingga 100%. Studi tentang sistem imun udang galah perlu dilakukan sebagai langkah awal upaya penanggulangan penyakit. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi ekspresi gen crustin, chaperonin dan prophenoloxidase, pada udang galah yang diinfeksi Vibrio harveyi . Udang galah berukuran 8–10 g diinfeksi dengan menyuntikkan 50 uL suspensi bakteri V. harveyi dengan kepadatan sel 1x108 cfu/mL dan 0 cfu/mL (kontrol). Udang uji dipelihara pada media air bersalinitas 14 g/L yang dilengkapi sistem aerasi. Sampel jaringan otot udang uji diambil pada jam ke-0, 3, 6, 12, 18 dan 24 pasca infeksi. Ekspresi gen dianalisis secara semi-kuantitatif menggunakan metode RT-PCR. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekspresi gen chaperonin meningkat (up regulated) pada jam ke-3, selanjutnya menurun pada jam ke-6, 12, 18 dan 24 pasca infeksi. Ekspresi gen ProPO pada jam ke-3 menurun (down regulated) ...
Media Akuakultur, 2007
Perkembangan kegiatan budi daya perikanan yang pesat dengan penerapan sistem intensif telah memun... more Perkembangan kegiatan budi daya perikanan yang pesat dengan penerapan sistem intensif telah memunculkan permasalahan berupa penurunan daya dukung kolam atau tambak bagi kehidupan ikan yang dibudidayakan. Dampak lanjut yang ditimbulkan adalah terjadinya serangkaian serangan penyakit yang menimbulkan kerugian besar. Langkah antisipatif melalui penerapan teknologi budi daya dengan berpedoman pada kaidah keseimbangan ekosistem merupakan solusi untuk mencegah kerusakan yang lebih serius. Di antara langkah tersebut adalah melalui aplikasi probiotik yang mempunyai kemampuan dalam mempertahankan kualitas air dan penghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme patogen.
Pemuliaan merupakan pendekatan genetik yang lazim diterapkan dalam upaya mendapatkan strain yang ... more Pemuliaan merupakan pendekatan genetik yang lazim diterapkan dalam upaya mendapatkan strain yang unggul. Salah satu implementasinya adalah dengan seleksi individu pada karakter pertumbuhan. Pada tahun 2010 telah diperoleh populasi dasar “populasi sintetik” yang dibentuk dari udang galah asal beberapa populasi, yaitu asal Musi, Barito, Asahan, Ciasem, dan GI Macro, dan untuk memperoleh generasi selanjutnya dilakukan dengan seleksi individu. Varietas baru perlu diketahui karakter spesifik baik fenotip maupun genotip. Pengukuran variasi genetik udang dapat dilakukan berdasarkan karakter fenotipnya melalui analisis morfometrik, meristik, dan trus morfometrik. Tiga populasi udang galah yaitu F-3 Seleksi, GI Macro, dan Asahan udang galah dianalisis pada 24 karakter, terdiri atas 19 karakter morfometrik dan 5 karakter bobot. Analisis data menggunakan program statistik Kyplot yang berdasarkan Analisis Komponen Utama (Principal Componen Analysis) dan scaterplot menggunakan Systat versi 11. H...
Striped snakehead (Channa striata) is an essential commodity with potential important economic va... more Striped snakehead (Channa striata) is an essential commodity with potential important economic value as a consumable fish and a source of albumin-producing products. This study aimed to determine the optimal dose of hormones to be used in maturation, ovulation, and the effects of the hormones on the reproductive performance of striped snakehead in improving productivity. This study on the maturation and ovulation of striped snakehead was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The maturation activity used 12 prospective broodstock measuring 23.75±0.80 cm in standard length and 238.08±8.66 g in weight. Striped snakeheads were marked and maintained communally in ponds measuring 3 m x 5 m with a water level of about 1 m. Maturation induction used a combination of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and anti-dopamine hormones with doses as follows: (A) 2.0 mL kg, (B) 2.25 mL kg, (C) 2.5 mL kg and (D) controls (without...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri nitrifikasi yang memiliki pote... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri nitrifikasi yang memiliki potensi mengoksidasi amonia dan nitrit pada media pemeliharaan larva udang galah. Bakteri diisolasi dari bak pengolahan air bekas pemeliharaan larva udang galah di Loka Riset Pemuliaan dan Teknologi Budidaya Perikanan Air Tawar, Sukamandi. Sebanyak 52 isolat bakteri berhasil diisolasi, yang terdiri atas 25 isolat tumbuh pada medium nitrifikasi-1 dan 27 isolat tumbuh pada medium nitrifikasi-2. Di antara isolat bakteri yang tumbuh pada medium nitrifikasi-1 hanya tiga isolat yang mampu mengoksidasi amonia, yaitu Acinetobacter ligniersii A10, Chromobacterium violaceum C2, dan Acinetobacter anitratus C1. Uji oksidasi amonia terhadap tiga isolat yang diperoleh dan satu strain kontrol, Pseudomonas stutzeri ASLT2, menunjukkan bahwa P. stutzeri mempunyai kemampuan oksidasi amonia lebih tinggi dibanding A. ligniersii A10, C. violaceum C2, dan A. anitratus. Uji kemampuan 27 isolat bakteri yang tumbuh p...
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal, 2006
The objective of this experiment was to find out the appropriate dosage for producing homogametic... more The objective of this experiment was to find out the appropriate dosage for producing homogametic female of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) by feminization. This experiment was carried out at Research Institute for Freshwater Fish Breeding and Aquaculture, Sukamandi. The giant freshwater prawn at PL-5 stage was treated orally by estradiol-17s. Estradiol-17s was given orally. The dosage levels are 0, 30, 50, and 70 mg/kg of feed. The hormonal feed was given for 30 days. Prawns were reared in aquaria for 30 days and hapas for 60 days. The parameters observed are sex ratio, survival rate, total length, and body weight. The results showed that estradiol-17s increased production of female giant freshwater prawn. The best dosage was 70 mg/kg of feed that could produce 65.33% ± 5.64% of female. Survival rate and growth of giant freshwater prawn were not affected by estradiol-17s (P<0.05).
Loka Riset Pemuliaan dan Teknologi Budidaya Perikanan Air Tawar, 2010
IOP conference series, Dec 1, 2022
The faster growth and higher survival of a strain, including the giant freshwater prawn (GFP), is... more The faster growth and higher survival of a strain, including the giant freshwater prawn (GFP), is an urgent requirement to support GFP farming. The selective breeding of GIMacro II (the superior strain of GFP) resulted in a fourth-generation (G4) which grew faster (35%) than the based population (G0). The comparative test among the selected GI Macro II (SGM), the control of GI Macro II (SGM), and the Siratu (SR, the previous superior strain) were conducted to evaluate the performance of these strains in the larval rearing phage, resistance to vibriosis of the larvae, and tolerance to stressors (pH, temperature, salinity, and formaldehyde) of the juvenile. In the larvae rearing stage, the growth (Larvae stage index, LSI) of the three populations was not different, there were 10.25 ± 0.14, 10.31 ± 0.18, and 10.12 ± 0.15 for SGM, CGM, and SR, respectively. The survival rate of the SGM is about 59.92 ± 4.631 %, significantly higher than the CGM larvae (52.67 ± 2.64 %) and SR larvae (45.85 ± 1.74 %). The resistance level of SGM larvae to Vibrio sp. infection (72.75 ± 4.88 %) is not different from the CGM larvae (70.25 ± 5.06%) and SR larvae (67.88 ± 6.59%). The tolerance level of the SGM, CGM, and SR juvenile to low pH, formaldehyde, temperature fluctuation, and salinity fluctuation were relatively high (>90%). The data suggested that the selected GI Macro II has a good prospect to be developed in the GFP farming system.
The high productivity and quality of the harvested prawn are the main objectives of the intensive... more The high productivity and quality of the harvested prawn are the main objectives of the intensive giant freshwater prawn (GFP) culture. Therefore, the breeding program to create a superior strain of the prawn has been conducted in several countries to support prawn farming. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the productivity and female reproductive performance of the GFP superior strains, namely the selected GI Macro (GI) and Siratu (SR) in the three farming conditions. The GI has resulted from an individual selection program based on standard length and maturation level characters. The multi-location test was conducted in the grow-out phase for 90 days at the three locations based on altitude, namely low-lands (in Subang, 10-25 m above the sea level, asl), medium-lands (in Ciamis, 70-100 m asl), high-lands (in Kuningan, 700-800 m asl). The growth characters consisting of total length/TL, standard length/SL, and body weight/BB of GI and SR were not significantly different, bo...
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal, 2009
Indonesia is rich of giant fresh water prawn (GFP) germ plasms. Best utilization of these resourc... more Indonesia is rich of giant fresh water prawn (GFP) germ plasms. Best utilization of these resources for the purpose of either aquaculture development or conservation of genetic resources requires some information on the structure and levels of their genetic diversity. This study was aimed to characterize those GFP genetic resources by applying RAPD genetic markers. Six Indonesian populations of GFP from Asahan, Barito, Ciasem, Ogan, GImacro and Papua were collected and analyzed for their genetic variation using five RAPD primers. The results showed the diversity within the populations, as revealed by the level of polymorphism, ranged from 29% to 76% while genetic divergence between populations as shown by genetic distance ranged from 0.04 to 0.50. In terms of genetic divergence, two genetically distinct groups of GFP, namely the Papua GFP in one group and the remaining five GFP populations in the other, were identified. The results also showed the presence of specific population mar...
IOP conference series, Dec 1, 2022
Nusantara Bioscience
Febrianti R, Khasani I, Rosada KK. 2021. Assessing the susceptibility of the selected gourami (Os... more Febrianti R, Khasani I, Rosada KK. 2021. Assessing the susceptibility of the selected gourami (Osphronemus goramy) to Aeromonas hydrophila. Nusantara Bioscience 13: 111-120. A breeding program to improve the growth performance of the gourami fish was carried out through selection methods that produced faster growth gourami (selected population). The purpose of this study was to determine the susceptibility of the selected gourami to Aeromonas hydrophila infection based on tolerance limits (LD50) and investigated clinical signs post-injection of the pathogenic bacteria. The challenge test by intramuscular injection of A. hydrophila was done to the fingerling fish (15-20 g) for 14 days post-infection. The population of the tested fish was obtained from six families, selected gourami (SP), and non-selected control (CP) groups. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) as control and several doses of the pathogen, 10 2 , 10 4 , 10 5 , 10 6 , 10 7 , and 10 8 CFU/mL of A. hydrophila, were injected into the fish. Fish mortality and clinical signs were observed daily. The fish mortality was confirmed by isolating bacteria in the fish which showed clinical signs, followed by biochemical characterization of the isolated bacteria using API 20E and PCR. The LD50 of A. hydrophila to the selected population (9.70 × 10 5 CFU/mL) was higher than that of the control (6.50 × 10 4 CFU/mL). On the final day of the test, the accumulation mortality of CP (63.33±5.77%) higher than that in SP (33.33±5.77%). Based on the output test statistics, it was known that there was a significant difference between the mortality and clinical signs of SP and CP. The data suggested that the selected gourami were more resistant to A. hydrophila infection than that of the control. The A. hydrophila infection caused most of the major clinical signs, including mass mortality of the fish. The biochemical and PCR test ensure that fish mortality was caused by A. hydrophila infection.
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyinaran terhadap sintasan dan kecepata... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyinaran terhadap sintasan dan kecepatan metamorfosis larva udang galah.
Media Akuakultur, 2021
Pertumbuhan lambat dan maturasi dini merupakan permasalahan serius pada budidaya udang galah kare... more Pertumbuhan lambat dan maturasi dini merupakan permasalahan serius pada budidaya udang galah karena berdampak pada penurunan produktivitas budidayanya. Seleksi secara simultan pada karakter panjang standar (PS) dan level maturasi (LM) calon induk udang galah betina telah dilakukan dengan tujuan mendapatkan udang galah generasi ketiga (G-3) dengan performa tumbuh cepat dan maturasi lambat. Evaluasi performa benih populasi seleksi (PSL) dan kontrol (PKT), dilakukan pada tiga fase budidaya udang galah, yaitu fase pemeliharaan larva, pendederan, dan pembesaran. Fase pembenihan diperoleh indeks perkembangan larva (IPL) dan kelangsungan hidup (KH) yang lebih baik pada populasi PSL (9,63 ± 0,91 dan 59,43 ± 9,2%), dibandingkan pada PKT (8,73 ± 0,72 dan 39,64 ± 8,4%). Fase pendederan diperoleh PS, bobot badan (BB) dan KH sebesar 19,98 ± 2,95 mm; 0,22 ± 0,10 g; dan 87,27 ± 6,70% untuk PSL, lebih baik dibandingkan pada PKT; (18,70 ± 2,72 mm; 0,20 ± 0,09 g; dan 74,55 ± 5,4%). Fase pembesaran, P...
Program seleksi merupakan metode efektif dalam penyediaan induk unggul udang galah lima strain, y... more Program seleksi merupakan metode efektif dalam penyediaan induk unggul udang galah lima strain, yaitu: Barito, Musi, Asahan, Ciasem, dan GI Macro digunakan untuk membentuk populasi dasar sintetik udang galah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk merakit udang galah dengan potensi tumbuh 30% lebih cepat dibandingkan strain yang dibudidayakan. Seleksi dilakukan dengan cara memilih 10% calon induk jantan dan 10% calon induk betina terbaik berdasarkan ukuran panjang standar (PS). Populasi induk jantan dan betina yang menempati posisi urutan 40%-60% pada karakter PS digunakan sebagai pembanding dalam uji respons seleksi. Sebanyak 300 ekor induk betina dan 300 ekor induk jantan dipijahkan secara massal di kolam 200 m2. Induk betina bertelur ditempatkan dalam corong penetasan, 1 ekor per corong. Larva dipelihara dalam sistem air jernih hingga mencapai pasca larva (PL). Pendederan dilakukan di bak sistem resirkulasi selama 30 hari. Pengujian respons seleksi dilakukan dalam kolam 50 m2 yang dilengkapi...
Vibriosis merupakan salah satu penyakit utama pada pembenihan udang galah, menyebabkan kematian m... more Vibriosis merupakan salah satu penyakit utama pada pembenihan udang galah, menyebabkan kematian massal hingga 100%. Studi tentang sistem imun udang galah perlu dilakukan sebagai langkah awal upaya penanggulangan penyakit. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi ekspresi gen crustin, chaperonin dan prophenoloxidase, pada udang galah yang diinfeksi Vibrio harveyi . Udang galah berukuran 8–10 g diinfeksi dengan menyuntikkan 50 uL suspensi bakteri V. harveyi dengan kepadatan sel 1x108 cfu/mL dan 0 cfu/mL (kontrol). Udang uji dipelihara pada media air bersalinitas 14 g/L yang dilengkapi sistem aerasi. Sampel jaringan otot udang uji diambil pada jam ke-0, 3, 6, 12, 18 dan 24 pasca infeksi. Ekspresi gen dianalisis secara semi-kuantitatif menggunakan metode RT-PCR. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekspresi gen chaperonin meningkat (up regulated) pada jam ke-3, selanjutnya menurun pada jam ke-6, 12, 18 dan 24 pasca infeksi. Ekspresi gen ProPO pada jam ke-3 menurun (down regulated) ...
Media Akuakultur, 2007
Perkembangan kegiatan budi daya perikanan yang pesat dengan penerapan sistem intensif telah memun... more Perkembangan kegiatan budi daya perikanan yang pesat dengan penerapan sistem intensif telah memunculkan permasalahan berupa penurunan daya dukung kolam atau tambak bagi kehidupan ikan yang dibudidayakan. Dampak lanjut yang ditimbulkan adalah terjadinya serangkaian serangan penyakit yang menimbulkan kerugian besar. Langkah antisipatif melalui penerapan teknologi budi daya dengan berpedoman pada kaidah keseimbangan ekosistem merupakan solusi untuk mencegah kerusakan yang lebih serius. Di antara langkah tersebut adalah melalui aplikasi probiotik yang mempunyai kemampuan dalam mempertahankan kualitas air dan penghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme patogen.
Pemuliaan merupakan pendekatan genetik yang lazim diterapkan dalam upaya mendapatkan strain yang ... more Pemuliaan merupakan pendekatan genetik yang lazim diterapkan dalam upaya mendapatkan strain yang unggul. Salah satu implementasinya adalah dengan seleksi individu pada karakter pertumbuhan. Pada tahun 2010 telah diperoleh populasi dasar “populasi sintetik” yang dibentuk dari udang galah asal beberapa populasi, yaitu asal Musi, Barito, Asahan, Ciasem, dan GI Macro, dan untuk memperoleh generasi selanjutnya dilakukan dengan seleksi individu. Varietas baru perlu diketahui karakter spesifik baik fenotip maupun genotip. Pengukuran variasi genetik udang dapat dilakukan berdasarkan karakter fenotipnya melalui analisis morfometrik, meristik, dan trus morfometrik. Tiga populasi udang galah yaitu F-3 Seleksi, GI Macro, dan Asahan udang galah dianalisis pada 24 karakter, terdiri atas 19 karakter morfometrik dan 5 karakter bobot. Analisis data menggunakan program statistik Kyplot yang berdasarkan Analisis Komponen Utama (Principal Componen Analysis) dan scaterplot menggunakan Systat versi 11. H...
Striped snakehead (Channa striata) is an essential commodity with potential important economic va... more Striped snakehead (Channa striata) is an essential commodity with potential important economic value as a consumable fish and a source of albumin-producing products. This study aimed to determine the optimal dose of hormones to be used in maturation, ovulation, and the effects of the hormones on the reproductive performance of striped snakehead in improving productivity. This study on the maturation and ovulation of striped snakehead was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The maturation activity used 12 prospective broodstock measuring 23.75±0.80 cm in standard length and 238.08±8.66 g in weight. Striped snakeheads were marked and maintained communally in ponds measuring 3 m x 5 m with a water level of about 1 m. Maturation induction used a combination of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and anti-dopamine hormones with doses as follows: (A) 2.0 mL kg, (B) 2.25 mL kg, (C) 2.5 mL kg and (D) controls (without...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri nitrifikasi yang memiliki pote... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri nitrifikasi yang memiliki potensi mengoksidasi amonia dan nitrit pada media pemeliharaan larva udang galah. Bakteri diisolasi dari bak pengolahan air bekas pemeliharaan larva udang galah di Loka Riset Pemuliaan dan Teknologi Budidaya Perikanan Air Tawar, Sukamandi. Sebanyak 52 isolat bakteri berhasil diisolasi, yang terdiri atas 25 isolat tumbuh pada medium nitrifikasi-1 dan 27 isolat tumbuh pada medium nitrifikasi-2. Di antara isolat bakteri yang tumbuh pada medium nitrifikasi-1 hanya tiga isolat yang mampu mengoksidasi amonia, yaitu Acinetobacter ligniersii A10, Chromobacterium violaceum C2, dan Acinetobacter anitratus C1. Uji oksidasi amonia terhadap tiga isolat yang diperoleh dan satu strain kontrol, Pseudomonas stutzeri ASLT2, menunjukkan bahwa P. stutzeri mempunyai kemampuan oksidasi amonia lebih tinggi dibanding A. ligniersii A10, C. violaceum C2, dan A. anitratus. Uji kemampuan 27 isolat bakteri yang tumbuh p...
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal, 2006
The objective of this experiment was to find out the appropriate dosage for producing homogametic... more The objective of this experiment was to find out the appropriate dosage for producing homogametic female of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) by feminization. This experiment was carried out at Research Institute for Freshwater Fish Breeding and Aquaculture, Sukamandi. The giant freshwater prawn at PL-5 stage was treated orally by estradiol-17s. Estradiol-17s was given orally. The dosage levels are 0, 30, 50, and 70 mg/kg of feed. The hormonal feed was given for 30 days. Prawns were reared in aquaria for 30 days and hapas for 60 days. The parameters observed are sex ratio, survival rate, total length, and body weight. The results showed that estradiol-17s increased production of female giant freshwater prawn. The best dosage was 70 mg/kg of feed that could produce 65.33% ± 5.64% of female. Survival rate and growth of giant freshwater prawn were not affected by estradiol-17s (P<0.05).