indah sulistiyowati - (original) (raw)

Papers by indah sulistiyowati

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Alat Perbaikan Faktor Listrik Rumah Tangga Dengan Monitoring Telegram

Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer, Apr 12, 2023

ABSTRAK-Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan hidup. Penggunaan beban listrik induktif da... more ABSTRAK-Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan hidup. Penggunaan beban listrik induktif dapat menurunkan nilai factor daya pada listrik, faktor daya yang baik adalah antara 0,85 sampai 1. Oleh karena itu perlu ditambahkan kompensasi daya reaktif yang timbul dari beban listrik induktif untuk menghindari kerugian yang timbul akibat kekurangan nilai faktor daya. Dengan menggunakan kapasitor yang dipasang secara paralel bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai factor daya. Dengan sistem pemantauan jarak jauh menggunakan smartphone android dan Alat ini menggunakan ESP32 sebagai mikrokontroler dan sensor PZEM 004T untuk mengukur besaran listrik. Hasil pengukuran ditampilkan pada LCD dan smartphone Android yang dikirimkan melalui internet. Modul relai digunakan sebagai sakelar pemilihan kapasitor otomatis untuk peningkatan faktor daya. Ditemukan bahwa hasil tes pembacaan sensor memiliki akurasi hingga 99,7%. Untuk peningkatan efisiensi, nilai faktor daya dapat mencapai 95%, dan peningkatan tertinggi adalah 35,8%. Sedangkan pengujian pengiriman data juga dapat dilakukan pada jarak 53 Km.

Research paper thumbnail of Multivoltage Input Output Variant in Small Scale Inverter (Case Study : Solar Panel and VRLA Battery)

Research paper thumbnail of Prototype-Based Flood Detection Using Lora SX1278 and Device Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Case Study Gelam Sidoarjo

Research paper thumbnail of An Inventory Tool for Receiving Practicum Report Based on IoT by Using ESP32-CAM and UV Sterilizer: A Case Study at Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo

Journal of electrical technology UMY, Jul 26, 2022

Currently, there are several problems related to practicum report collection in the electrical en... more Currently, there are several problems related to practicum report collection in the electrical engineering laboratory at the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo. The first problem is the presence of crowds during practicum report collection that have their dangers, specifically during the Covid-19 pandemic. Another problem is the absence of laboratory assistants in the electrical engineering laboratory when there are students who will collect reports. A tool that can receive practicum reports was made from these problems, and it can be monitored remotely by a laboratory assistant. By putting an RFID card to the RFID sensor on the box so that the solenoid can open the box door and the student can put the report into the box. At the same time, ESP32-CAM takes pictures of students collecting the report. Then, notification in the form of photos and student information will be sent to the laboratory assistant through the Telegram application. After the report is placed into the box, the UV Sterilizer will turn on to disinfect the report. The expectation of making this tool is to facilitate the collecting report process of practicum results and reduce the crowd in the laboratory.

Research paper thumbnail of Technology diffusion: Application of slicer machine in making milkfish crackers in Kampung Tambak Asri, Surabaya

Community Empowerment, Jun 29, 2023

Members of the At-Taubah Assembly of Aisyiah Branch Leadership (PCA) Krembangan, Tambak Asri Vill... more Members of the At-Taubah Assembly of Aisyiah Branch Leadership (PCA) Krembangan, Tambak Asri Village Surabaya, have difficulties in processing milkfish into fish crackers. The purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge on how to process milkfish into crackers using slicer machine tools. The method used in this activity consisted of three stages, namely socialization, demonstrating the processing of milkfish crackers, and giving a cracker cutting machine. The results of this community service are the members of Majelis Ta'lim At-Taubah become aware and understand how to use a slicer machine for the process of making milkfish crackers.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Spark Fire Safety System when Cutting Wood in Wood Industry Company

Research paper thumbnail of Google Sheet-based Monitoring of Screw Turbine Pico Hydro Power Plant on Masangan Wetan Village's River Flow

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, Feb 16, 2023

Developments continue to be made to meet the electricity needs of the people in Indonesia. Still,... more Developments continue to be made to meet the electricity needs of the people in Indonesia. Still, in dire need of electricity as a life support, the Pico hydro Power Plant (PLTPH) is a cheap alternative, the advantage of the water turbine is that it is environmentally friendly because it does not disturb the water ecosystem in the rivers that exist in every rural area. The method used by the author is to design a tool to measure the rotation of the generator, the power that comes out of the generator, and others. where the flow of water passes through the turbine lattice so that it moves the turbine shaft and produces electrical energy through a generator then electricity can be stored in the battery and can be used for the appropriate working voltage of 12VDC. In the charging process, reading is also carried out by the sensor, to detect the voltage and current which is then processed by the NodeMCU Esp 32 and then transmitted into the Google sheet.

Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Roof Control System in IoT-Based Clothes Drying Room

Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, Jan 31, 2021

One of the problems that often occurs is that housewives are worried about their clothes getting ... more One of the problems that often occurs is that housewives are worried about their clothes getting wet in the rainy season. The automatic roof control system in the drying room is the best way to help the process of drying clothes in the rainy season. In this study, roof automation was developed using rain sensors and LDR as light detectors. NodeMCU esp3266 is also used so that the device can be controlled remotely with the Internet of Things system. The way this tool works is when the sun is hot the roof will open and when it rains the roof will close automatically, the heater and fan turn on simultaneously when the roof closes. The results of this study are the tool can detect rain and light then the heater and fan can work when the tool closes the roof with a maximum duration of 60 minutes. This tool can also operate remotely with the farthest range at 21 km.

Research paper thumbnail of Hybrid Energy Storage Performance Evaluation of Fuel Cell Injection on Standalone Photovoltaic System

Journal of Electrical Technology UMY

In this research, some performance evaluations of battery as the main storageand supercapacitor a... more In this research, some performance evaluations of battery as the main storageand supercapacitor as the supporting storage in a hybrid energy storage system werecarried out to determine the recommendations of whether fuel cells could be integratedinto a standalone photovoltaic system. In previous studies, the fuel cell circuit was judgedto be quite different by integration with a standalone photovoltaic system, and in thisstudy, observations were made on aspects of power quality such as voltage, current, andpower for the two energy storage systems. The research method is using simulation as themedium with several self-definition aspects on photovoltaic, fuel cell, battery, andsupercapacitor, also with their parameters. The result shows that on the battery, the fuelcell integration has no particular effect since the battery is the main storage, and thevoltage and current had minor perturbation. While in a supercapacitor, majorperturbation from the system had been absorbed due to the f...

Research paper thumbnail of Weather prediction system and recommendation of plant varieties as an effort to minimize harvest failure with android-based Backpropagation Artificial Neural Networks

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021

Based on Malang Regency agriculture data in 2017 presented by the Head of the Agriculture and Foo... more Based on Malang Regency agriculture data in 2017 presented by the Head of the Agriculture and Food Crops and Horticulture Office (DPTPH), there was a 2.5% decrease in yields. One hectare of paddy land can produce 7.71 tons during normal weather, but currently only produces 6.9 tons per hectare. Three farmers’ groups in Malang Regency (2018), are of the opinion that the current weather greatly influences crop failure. Weather prediction used so far using conventional benchmarks for planting, is no longer relevant to current reality. These estimates are often incorrect, resulting in crop failures, which have an impact on the farmer’s economy. This study aims to make the application of weather prediction systems and recommendations for suitable planting varieties based on data on temperature, humidity, time of sun exposure, wind speed, and rainfall using Backpropagation ANN method. Data used for Karangploso District weather prediction from 2009-2018. While the variables used in the app...

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring electrical energy in electronic energy audits through internet of things technology

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

Energy conservation, especially electricity, can be done by conducting an energy audit. Energy au... more Energy conservation, especially electricity, can be done by conducting an energy audit. Energy audit activities can analyse and find energy-saving opportunities from energy use. This study developed a prototype of a wireless electrical energy monitoring system on a laboratory scale to monitor the use of electrical energy from both electrical equipment using a microcontroller as a sensor node. These nodes have installed several sensors, namely the current sensor, humidity sensor, temperature sensor and light sensor. The protocol used in communication between nodes and servers is the HTTP protocol in the Internet of Things design that can communicate using internet network intermediaries. Data on the server can be monitored in real time using the application on the client side.

Research paper thumbnail of The utilization of levelled fuzzy logic for more precision results

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The use of Fuzzy logic in the forecasting process, problem analysis, and decision making of the p... more The use of Fuzzy logic in the forecasting process, problem analysis, and decision making of the process is often used. The development of this fuzzy logic by widening the foot of the membership function as interval fuzzy type 2, fuzzy signature or carried out a hybrid between fuzzy logic and other artificial intelligence systems or a hybrid algorithm has also got quite good results. At this time, a multilevel fuzzy logic method is proposed. This multilevel Fuzzy Logic is interesting behind the input of a process in fuzzy logic, which is the output of the previous fuzzy logic or the output of a fuzzy logic analysis is input into the next stage of fuzzy logic. This multilevel fuzzy logic can be done up to several levels of depth according to the variables to be analysed. If the final analysis has the equation X(i) + Y(i) = Z(i), then the value of X (i) can be the result of A(i-1), where A(i-1) is the result of the Fuzzy Logic B(i-1) + C(i-1). by performing multilevel fuzzy logic is ex...

Research paper thumbnail of Training on Milkfish Processing to Enhance the Knowledge of Tambak Asri Surabaya Community in Fish Crackers Production

Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development

Tambak Asri Village, which is located in Morokrembangan Village, Surabaya City, some of its peopl... more Tambak Asri Village, which is located in Morokrembangan Village, Surabaya City, some of its people have problems in community welfare. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve community welfare through providing knowledge about making milkfish crackers. The method used in this community service activity is divided into two stages. The first stage is to communicate with abdimas partners regarding fish crackers making activities. The second stage is to explain the formulation and processing of milkfish into cracker products. The result of this community service activity is the increase in knowledge of how to process milkfish into fish crackers products. Highlights: Enhanced welfare: The community service activity aims to improve the welfare of Tambak Asri Village residents through knowledge sharing on milkfish cracker production. Two-stage method: The activity involves communication with abdimas partners and providing explanations on the formulation and processing...

Research paper thumbnail of Telemetry Based 3 Phase Voltage Monitoring System

Research paper thumbnail of Hybrid Powered Automatic Planting and Lighting Prototype in Outdoor Garden

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Repair Tool Power Factor in Household Electricity with Telegram Monitoring

Research paper thumbnail of Buku Ajar Pengantar Teknik Tenaga Listrik

Umsida Press eBooks, Nov 17, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Prototype Kandang Pintar Untuk Anak Ayam Dengan Monitoring Pengendalian Amonia Dan Pembersihan Kotoran Otomatis

JEECOM Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer

Ayam pedaging merupakan bisnis usaha yang menjanjikan, tetapi ada berbagai permasalahan terkait d... more Ayam pedaging merupakan bisnis usaha yang menjanjikan, tetapi ada berbagai permasalahan terkait dengan kebersihan kandang yang ditimbulkan oleh kotoran ayam dan bau amonia. Bahaya yang ditimbulkan antara lain produktivitas dan pertumbuhan ayam menjadi lambat. Oleh karena itu, dari permasalahan tersebut diperlukan sebuah sistem monitoring pengendalian gas amonia serta pembersihan kotoran secara otomatis. Sensor MQ135 digunakan untuk mengetahui kadar gas amonia dan DHT11 untuk membaca suhu kandang. Jika sensor MQ-135 membaca nilai konsentrasi gas amonia (>=20ppm) maka akan menghidupkan kipas dc selama beberapa detik sampai nilai amonia dibawah 20 ppm, jika gas amonia melebihi atau sama dengan 30ppm maka akan menghidupkan kipas dc dan menghidupkan pompa air sebagai pembersihan kotoran pada kandang selama beberapa detik sampai kotoran bersih. Blynk sebagai monitoring yang menampilkan hasil pembacaan dari sensor MQ-135 dan DHT11 di handphone, dan juga hasil dari pembacaan sensor-senso...

Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Stove Control System And Cooking Temperature Control Based On The NodeMCU ESP8266 Microcontroller

Research paper thumbnail of Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Picohydro Menggunakan Turbin Ulir Dengan Monitoring Berbasis Google Sheet Pada Aliran Sungai Desa Masangan Wetan

Prosiding Sains Nasional dan Teknologi, Dec 1, 2022

Perkembangan terus di lakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik masyarakat di Indonesia. Masih san... more Perkembangan terus di lakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik masyarakat di Indonesia. Masih sangat membutuhkan listrik sebagai selah satu penunjang kehidupan, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Picohiydro (PLTPh) merupakan alternatif yang murah, keunggulan dari turbin air adalah ramah lingkungan, karena tidak menggangu ekosistem air pada sungai yang ada disetiap perdesaan menjadi potensi besar dalam mengembangkan Pembangkit Listrik Picohiydro (PLTPh). Metode yang dilakukan penulis yaitu dengan merancang alat untuk dilakukan pengukuran putaran generator, daya yang keluar pada generator, dan lain-lain. dimana aliran air melewati kisi-kisi turbin sehingga menggerakkan poros turbin dan menghasilkan energi listrik melalui generator kemudian listrik dapat disimpan di baterai dan dapat digunakan untuk tegangan kerja yang sesuai yaitu 12vdc. Dalam proses pengisian juga dilakukan pembacaan oleh sensor, untuk mendeteksi voltase dan arus yang kemudian diolah oleh Nodemcu Esp 32 untuk kemudian ditransmisikan ke dalam bentuk Google sheet.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Alat Perbaikan Faktor Listrik Rumah Tangga Dengan Monitoring Telegram

Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer, Apr 12, 2023

ABSTRAK-Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan hidup. Penggunaan beban listrik induktif da... more ABSTRAK-Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan hidup. Penggunaan beban listrik induktif dapat menurunkan nilai factor daya pada listrik, faktor daya yang baik adalah antara 0,85 sampai 1. Oleh karena itu perlu ditambahkan kompensasi daya reaktif yang timbul dari beban listrik induktif untuk menghindari kerugian yang timbul akibat kekurangan nilai faktor daya. Dengan menggunakan kapasitor yang dipasang secara paralel bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai factor daya. Dengan sistem pemantauan jarak jauh menggunakan smartphone android dan Alat ini menggunakan ESP32 sebagai mikrokontroler dan sensor PZEM 004T untuk mengukur besaran listrik. Hasil pengukuran ditampilkan pada LCD dan smartphone Android yang dikirimkan melalui internet. Modul relai digunakan sebagai sakelar pemilihan kapasitor otomatis untuk peningkatan faktor daya. Ditemukan bahwa hasil tes pembacaan sensor memiliki akurasi hingga 99,7%. Untuk peningkatan efisiensi, nilai faktor daya dapat mencapai 95%, dan peningkatan tertinggi adalah 35,8%. Sedangkan pengujian pengiriman data juga dapat dilakukan pada jarak 53 Km.

Research paper thumbnail of Multivoltage Input Output Variant in Small Scale Inverter (Case Study : Solar Panel and VRLA Battery)

Research paper thumbnail of Prototype-Based Flood Detection Using Lora SX1278 and Device Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Case Study Gelam Sidoarjo

Research paper thumbnail of An Inventory Tool for Receiving Practicum Report Based on IoT by Using ESP32-CAM and UV Sterilizer: A Case Study at Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo

Journal of electrical technology UMY, Jul 26, 2022

Currently, there are several problems related to practicum report collection in the electrical en... more Currently, there are several problems related to practicum report collection in the electrical engineering laboratory at the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo. The first problem is the presence of crowds during practicum report collection that have their dangers, specifically during the Covid-19 pandemic. Another problem is the absence of laboratory assistants in the electrical engineering laboratory when there are students who will collect reports. A tool that can receive practicum reports was made from these problems, and it can be monitored remotely by a laboratory assistant. By putting an RFID card to the RFID sensor on the box so that the solenoid can open the box door and the student can put the report into the box. At the same time, ESP32-CAM takes pictures of students collecting the report. Then, notification in the form of photos and student information will be sent to the laboratory assistant through the Telegram application. After the report is placed into the box, the UV Sterilizer will turn on to disinfect the report. The expectation of making this tool is to facilitate the collecting report process of practicum results and reduce the crowd in the laboratory.

Research paper thumbnail of Technology diffusion: Application of slicer machine in making milkfish crackers in Kampung Tambak Asri, Surabaya

Community Empowerment, Jun 29, 2023

Members of the At-Taubah Assembly of Aisyiah Branch Leadership (PCA) Krembangan, Tambak Asri Vill... more Members of the At-Taubah Assembly of Aisyiah Branch Leadership (PCA) Krembangan, Tambak Asri Village Surabaya, have difficulties in processing milkfish into fish crackers. The purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge on how to process milkfish into crackers using slicer machine tools. The method used in this activity consisted of three stages, namely socialization, demonstrating the processing of milkfish crackers, and giving a cracker cutting machine. The results of this community service are the members of Majelis Ta'lim At-Taubah become aware and understand how to use a slicer machine for the process of making milkfish crackers.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Spark Fire Safety System when Cutting Wood in Wood Industry Company

Research paper thumbnail of Google Sheet-based Monitoring of Screw Turbine Pico Hydro Power Plant on Masangan Wetan Village's River Flow

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, Feb 16, 2023

Developments continue to be made to meet the electricity needs of the people in Indonesia. Still,... more Developments continue to be made to meet the electricity needs of the people in Indonesia. Still, in dire need of electricity as a life support, the Pico hydro Power Plant (PLTPH) is a cheap alternative, the advantage of the water turbine is that it is environmentally friendly because it does not disturb the water ecosystem in the rivers that exist in every rural area. The method used by the author is to design a tool to measure the rotation of the generator, the power that comes out of the generator, and others. where the flow of water passes through the turbine lattice so that it moves the turbine shaft and produces electrical energy through a generator then electricity can be stored in the battery and can be used for the appropriate working voltage of 12VDC. In the charging process, reading is also carried out by the sensor, to detect the voltage and current which is then processed by the NodeMCU Esp 32 and then transmitted into the Google sheet.

Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Roof Control System in IoT-Based Clothes Drying Room

Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, Jan 31, 2021

One of the problems that often occurs is that housewives are worried about their clothes getting ... more One of the problems that often occurs is that housewives are worried about their clothes getting wet in the rainy season. The automatic roof control system in the drying room is the best way to help the process of drying clothes in the rainy season. In this study, roof automation was developed using rain sensors and LDR as light detectors. NodeMCU esp3266 is also used so that the device can be controlled remotely with the Internet of Things system. The way this tool works is when the sun is hot the roof will open and when it rains the roof will close automatically, the heater and fan turn on simultaneously when the roof closes. The results of this study are the tool can detect rain and light then the heater and fan can work when the tool closes the roof with a maximum duration of 60 minutes. This tool can also operate remotely with the farthest range at 21 km.

Research paper thumbnail of Hybrid Energy Storage Performance Evaluation of Fuel Cell Injection on Standalone Photovoltaic System

Journal of Electrical Technology UMY

In this research, some performance evaluations of battery as the main storageand supercapacitor a... more In this research, some performance evaluations of battery as the main storageand supercapacitor as the supporting storage in a hybrid energy storage system werecarried out to determine the recommendations of whether fuel cells could be integratedinto a standalone photovoltaic system. In previous studies, the fuel cell circuit was judgedto be quite different by integration with a standalone photovoltaic system, and in thisstudy, observations were made on aspects of power quality such as voltage, current, andpower for the two energy storage systems. The research method is using simulation as themedium with several self-definition aspects on photovoltaic, fuel cell, battery, andsupercapacitor, also with their parameters. The result shows that on the battery, the fuelcell integration has no particular effect since the battery is the main storage, and thevoltage and current had minor perturbation. While in a supercapacitor, majorperturbation from the system had been absorbed due to the f...

Research paper thumbnail of Weather prediction system and recommendation of plant varieties as an effort to minimize harvest failure with android-based Backpropagation Artificial Neural Networks

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021

Based on Malang Regency agriculture data in 2017 presented by the Head of the Agriculture and Foo... more Based on Malang Regency agriculture data in 2017 presented by the Head of the Agriculture and Food Crops and Horticulture Office (DPTPH), there was a 2.5% decrease in yields. One hectare of paddy land can produce 7.71 tons during normal weather, but currently only produces 6.9 tons per hectare. Three farmers’ groups in Malang Regency (2018), are of the opinion that the current weather greatly influences crop failure. Weather prediction used so far using conventional benchmarks for planting, is no longer relevant to current reality. These estimates are often incorrect, resulting in crop failures, which have an impact on the farmer’s economy. This study aims to make the application of weather prediction systems and recommendations for suitable planting varieties based on data on temperature, humidity, time of sun exposure, wind speed, and rainfall using Backpropagation ANN method. Data used for Karangploso District weather prediction from 2009-2018. While the variables used in the app...

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring electrical energy in electronic energy audits through internet of things technology

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

Energy conservation, especially electricity, can be done by conducting an energy audit. Energy au... more Energy conservation, especially electricity, can be done by conducting an energy audit. Energy audit activities can analyse and find energy-saving opportunities from energy use. This study developed a prototype of a wireless electrical energy monitoring system on a laboratory scale to monitor the use of electrical energy from both electrical equipment using a microcontroller as a sensor node. These nodes have installed several sensors, namely the current sensor, humidity sensor, temperature sensor and light sensor. The protocol used in communication between nodes and servers is the HTTP protocol in the Internet of Things design that can communicate using internet network intermediaries. Data on the server can be monitored in real time using the application on the client side.

Research paper thumbnail of The utilization of levelled fuzzy logic for more precision results

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The use of Fuzzy logic in the forecasting process, problem analysis, and decision making of the p... more The use of Fuzzy logic in the forecasting process, problem analysis, and decision making of the process is often used. The development of this fuzzy logic by widening the foot of the membership function as interval fuzzy type 2, fuzzy signature or carried out a hybrid between fuzzy logic and other artificial intelligence systems or a hybrid algorithm has also got quite good results. At this time, a multilevel fuzzy logic method is proposed. This multilevel Fuzzy Logic is interesting behind the input of a process in fuzzy logic, which is the output of the previous fuzzy logic or the output of a fuzzy logic analysis is input into the next stage of fuzzy logic. This multilevel fuzzy logic can be done up to several levels of depth according to the variables to be analysed. If the final analysis has the equation X(i) + Y(i) = Z(i), then the value of X (i) can be the result of A(i-1), where A(i-1) is the result of the Fuzzy Logic B(i-1) + C(i-1). by performing multilevel fuzzy logic is ex...

Research paper thumbnail of Training on Milkfish Processing to Enhance the Knowledge of Tambak Asri Surabaya Community in Fish Crackers Production

Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development

Tambak Asri Village, which is located in Morokrembangan Village, Surabaya City, some of its peopl... more Tambak Asri Village, which is located in Morokrembangan Village, Surabaya City, some of its people have problems in community welfare. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve community welfare through providing knowledge about making milkfish crackers. The method used in this community service activity is divided into two stages. The first stage is to communicate with abdimas partners regarding fish crackers making activities. The second stage is to explain the formulation and processing of milkfish into cracker products. The result of this community service activity is the increase in knowledge of how to process milkfish into fish crackers products. Highlights: Enhanced welfare: The community service activity aims to improve the welfare of Tambak Asri Village residents through knowledge sharing on milkfish cracker production. Two-stage method: The activity involves communication with abdimas partners and providing explanations on the formulation and processing...

Research paper thumbnail of Telemetry Based 3 Phase Voltage Monitoring System

Research paper thumbnail of Hybrid Powered Automatic Planting and Lighting Prototype in Outdoor Garden

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Repair Tool Power Factor in Household Electricity with Telegram Monitoring

Research paper thumbnail of Buku Ajar Pengantar Teknik Tenaga Listrik

Umsida Press eBooks, Nov 17, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Prototype Kandang Pintar Untuk Anak Ayam Dengan Monitoring Pengendalian Amonia Dan Pembersihan Kotoran Otomatis

JEECOM Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer

Ayam pedaging merupakan bisnis usaha yang menjanjikan, tetapi ada berbagai permasalahan terkait d... more Ayam pedaging merupakan bisnis usaha yang menjanjikan, tetapi ada berbagai permasalahan terkait dengan kebersihan kandang yang ditimbulkan oleh kotoran ayam dan bau amonia. Bahaya yang ditimbulkan antara lain produktivitas dan pertumbuhan ayam menjadi lambat. Oleh karena itu, dari permasalahan tersebut diperlukan sebuah sistem monitoring pengendalian gas amonia serta pembersihan kotoran secara otomatis. Sensor MQ135 digunakan untuk mengetahui kadar gas amonia dan DHT11 untuk membaca suhu kandang. Jika sensor MQ-135 membaca nilai konsentrasi gas amonia (>=20ppm) maka akan menghidupkan kipas dc selama beberapa detik sampai nilai amonia dibawah 20 ppm, jika gas amonia melebihi atau sama dengan 30ppm maka akan menghidupkan kipas dc dan menghidupkan pompa air sebagai pembersihan kotoran pada kandang selama beberapa detik sampai kotoran bersih. Blynk sebagai monitoring yang menampilkan hasil pembacaan dari sensor MQ-135 dan DHT11 di handphone, dan juga hasil dari pembacaan sensor-senso...

Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Stove Control System And Cooking Temperature Control Based On The NodeMCU ESP8266 Microcontroller

Research paper thumbnail of Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Picohydro Menggunakan Turbin Ulir Dengan Monitoring Berbasis Google Sheet Pada Aliran Sungai Desa Masangan Wetan

Prosiding Sains Nasional dan Teknologi, Dec 1, 2022

Perkembangan terus di lakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik masyarakat di Indonesia. Masih san... more Perkembangan terus di lakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik masyarakat di Indonesia. Masih sangat membutuhkan listrik sebagai selah satu penunjang kehidupan, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Picohiydro (PLTPh) merupakan alternatif yang murah, keunggulan dari turbin air adalah ramah lingkungan, karena tidak menggangu ekosistem air pada sungai yang ada disetiap perdesaan menjadi potensi besar dalam mengembangkan Pembangkit Listrik Picohiydro (PLTPh). Metode yang dilakukan penulis yaitu dengan merancang alat untuk dilakukan pengukuran putaran generator, daya yang keluar pada generator, dan lain-lain. dimana aliran air melewati kisi-kisi turbin sehingga menggerakkan poros turbin dan menghasilkan energi listrik melalui generator kemudian listrik dapat disimpan di baterai dan dapat digunakan untuk tegangan kerja yang sesuai yaitu 12vdc. Dalam proses pengisian juga dilakukan pembacaan oleh sensor, untuk mendeteksi voltase dan arus yang kemudian diolah oleh Nodemcu Esp 32 untuk kemudian ditransmisikan ke dalam bentuk Google sheet.