ida zulaeha - (original) (raw)
Papers by ida zulaeha
Diglosia, Mar 15, 2024
is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Int... more is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) Analisis kebutuhan modul pembelajaran keterampilan menulis teks deskripsi berwawasan kebinekaan global Analysis of the need for a learning module for writing description text skills with an insight into global diversity
Lingua Cultura/Lingua cultura, Oct 27, 2023
A research showed that the development of students' basic speaking skills had not reached the exp... more A research showed that the development of students' basic speaking skills had not reached the expected target. It was important to develop speaking skills by learning materials using Japan Foundation (JF) standards. Speaking skill was communicative competence and mastering language use rather than learning. Speaking, in general, could be intended as a skill to convey one person's ideas to others by using spoken language. Therefore, the research aimed to address these problems by developing teaching materials for blended learning during a pandemic. It also aimed to develop teaching materials that motivate Japanese students to learn speaking skills independently. Teaching materials were developed following the ADDIE model and tested by learning content and design expert groups. ADDIE of product development were Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Information was collected through class observations and interviews with four Japanese language skills course lecturers. Validation of content and learning design expert tests obtained feasibility of 86% and 91%, respectively. Furthermore, average eligibility for small groups and field testing was 92% and 96%, respectively. The research finds that blended learning-based teaching materials are essential during the pandemic because they increase students' motivation for physical activities and introduce the use of technology. The research can be developed further to test the application of teaching materials based on blended learning quantitatively.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
The quality of the population of a nation is influenced by many things, including: education, hea... more The quality of the population of a nation is influenced by many things, including: education, health and the level of economic income. Compared to developed countries, the level of education is very good and quality because it is supported by adequate educational facilities and infrastructure. In the era of globalization and the increasingly strong development of information technology today, relations between nations and countries are increasingly open and it is necessary to learn from each other, especially from developing and underdeveloped countries to more developed countries. Indonesia as a developing country can take that choice to study in a more advanced country as a step to adapt to the times so as not to be crushed by competition or isolated from world relations. The article is an educational comparison study using the method of literature studies or literature studies on theories or data relevant to the objectives and problems studied. The topic studied was education in Denmark with the aim of exploring good practices that can be adapted for education in Indonesia. The focus study examines concepts, theories and literature-sourced data, such as sites, books, journals, and so on published in print or online. Meanwhile, the method of collecting data from the data source of this research is documentation, by making documents or records as data sources and the contents of records become the subject of research or variables. This article is interested in comparing education between Denmark and Indonesia with the following considerations. First, the political and regulatory systems between Denmark and Indonesia are very different, so it is interesting to compare them with each other in order to find gaps and red threads in improving education in Indonesia with the existing regulatory situation. Second, comparative studies of education between Denmark and Indonesia are still very rare, so it is very interesting to make comparisons of education in order to take good practices (best practices) from other countries with more advanced education, such as Denmark, to adopt and adapt several things that can be implemented in policy and practice. Third, Denmark and Indonesia have different socio-cultural and political systems although based on the same spirit, namely democracy, but have different socio-cultural roots and national ideologies. This is an interesting reason for the need to compare education in Denmark and Indonesia in terms of making the socio-cultural roots and the roots of the national system as the basis for formulating the national education system, especially the literacy movements in their respective countries.
Jurnal Profesi Keguruan, Oct 11, 2019
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial da... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan sekolah terhadap sikap bahasa siswa di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif berjenis ex pose facto . Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cerme. Sampel penelitian dipilih secara purposive sampel yaitu siswa kelas 5 dengan alasan sudah memasuki masa operasional konkret. Data diperoleh dengan metode angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pola asuh orang tua memengaruhi sikap bahasa siswa, terutama pola asuh otoriter. (2) lingkungan sosial memengaruhi sikap bahasa siswa pada aspek kognitif (3) lingkungan sekolah mempengaruhi sikap bahasa siswa aspek konatif. (4) pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan sekolah memengaruhi sikap bahasa siswa. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan sekolah memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap sikap bahasa siswa. Diperlukan pembinaan sikap bahasa, baik Bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa daerah. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of parenting, social and school environments on students' language attitudes in primary school. This research is a quantitative research of ex pose facto type. The population in this study were Cerme Public Elementary School students. The research sample was selected purposively, namely 5th grade students on the grounds that they entered a concrete operational period. Data obtained by questionnaire method. The results showed that: (1) Parenting patterns affect students' language attitudes, especially authoritarian parenting. (2) the social environment influences students 'language attitudes on cognitive aspects (3) the school environment influences students' conative aspects of language attitudes. (4) parenting style, social environment and school environment influence students' language attitudes. The conclusion of this study is parenting, social environment and school environment have a significant influence on students' language attitudes. Necessary guidance of language attitudes, both Indonesian and regional languages.
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Dec 10, 2017
Dalam penyusunan buku teks pelajaran, kualitas kelayakan buku teks perlu diperhatikan, antara lai... more Dalam penyusunan buku teks pelajaran, kualitas kelayakan buku teks perlu diperhatikan, antara lain: kelayakan isi, kelayakan penyajian, kelayakan bahasa, dan kelayakan kegrafikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas materi teks fabel pada buku Bahasa Indonesia kelas VII Kurikulum 2013, khususnya pada kelayakan isi dan kelayakan penyajian. Penelitian yang dilakukan termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Langkah yang dilakukan adalah menghimpun, mengidentifikasi, dan menganalisis data serta menyusun deskripsi data dari analisis data primer penelitian. Analisis kelayakan buku teks pada penelitian ini berdasarkan pada instrumen penilaian buku teks dari BSNP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas materi teks fabel pada buku teks Bahasa Indonesia kelas VII telah terkategori layak. Rata-rata presentase indikator pada kelayakan isi sebesar 65,5% dan rata-rata presentase indikator pada kelayakan penyajian sebesar 71,7%. Kata kunci: buku teks; kelayakan isi; kelayakan penyajian; teks fabel.
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Dec 31, 2020
___________________________________________________________________ This research aims to analyze... more ___________________________________________________________________ This research aims to analyze the humanist expressive speech acts of journalists in the covid-19 outbreak. The data collection technique was carried out by using the free non-participatory technique. The sources of data are the journalists' utterances on YouTube in the covid-19 Outbreak. The humanist expressive speech act forms used by journalists, is 58% used the direct speech act forms with imperative, interrogative, and declarative modes; and 42% forms of indirect speech acts were declarative-imperative and declarativeinterrogative modes. Results of this study shows that journalists use the forms of direct speech acts with declarative mode mostly. The form of indirect speech acts with the declarative-imperative mode are mostly used by the journalists. This research is important to be a journalist's guide so that the utterances spoken can be accepted by the society in the covid-19 outbreak.
The topic of this study is based on the fact that Javanese language teachers have difficulty iden... more The topic of this study is based on the fact that Javanese language teachers have difficulty identifying the character values and teach it with a scientific approach. The solution offered in this study is to implement the "if branching" in identifying character values and making effective designs learning by implementing scientific approach. This research uses descriptive naturalistic method by process carried out through inventory and classification of character values using "if branch" formula and compiling scientific learning design. In-depth study found 181 values of national character which included religious 29%, honest 7%, tolerance 1%, discipline 6%, hard work 27%, independent 1%, democracy 4%, respect for achievement 3%, communicative 10%, love for peace 2%, love to read 4%, and responsibility 7%. The conclusion of this study is that Serat Wedhatama is dominant in religious values, hard work, communicative, responsibility, and discipline, with cumulative 79%. Serat Wedhatama learning with a scientific approach is carried out by observing, questioning, analyzing, trying to produce text, and communicating the text referring to the Serat Wedhatama.
Industrial revolution 4.0 initiates a new model with more innovative strategies in the world of l... more Industrial revolution 4.0 initiates a new model with more innovative strategies in the world of language education. This has encouraged the digitalization of education system. Therefore, the renewal of the world of language education can be applied through web-based learning. The objective of this study was to analyze aspects of website a as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials as well as analyzing the needs of students and lecturers on website as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials in Universitas Negeri Semarang. The type of study was qualitative descriptive, using a qualitative naturalistic approach because it carried out in natural conditions. Data obtained by questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Data analysis was quantitative techniques. The aspects contained on website as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials consisted of material content aspects, presentation aspects, language and readability aspects, and figureic aspects. Student needs on website as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials in Universitas Negeri Semarang showed that there was a very needed category in presentation aspect was 24% and figureic aspects was 20%, category was needed in the content and material aspects was 49%, and enough categories on language and readability aspects was 70%, while lecturer needs on website as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials showed that there was a very needed category in presentation and figureic aspects was 23%, category was needed in the content and material aspects was 48%, and category of language and readability aspects was 73%.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of learning writing skills of expositio... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of learning writing skills of exposition text containing conservation values with cooperative integrated reading and composition models based on learning styles of student's X class. Learning styles affect the effectiveness of learning putting ideas or opinions in a paper that provides information, knowledge, usefulness benefits to its readers including thesis, argumentation, and reaffirmation. The research was conducted by using quasi-experimental factorial design on learners Madrasah Aliyah. The learning process is carried out in accordance with the syntax of teams, placement test, student creative, team study, team scorer and team recognition, teaching group, facts test, and whole-class units. As a result, learning to write expository text with CIRC models based on learning style of learners is more effective on learners in visual style rather than auditory and kinesthetic. The effectiveness of learning occurs because the behavior of learners shows a positive change, namely more cooperation, appreciate the opinions of others, and the development of science in the academic field.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Jan 25, 2020
This research aims to observe and reveal world vision of authors on Darul Islam event as mentione... more This research aims to observe and reveal world vision of authors on Darul Islam event as mentioned in Sekali Peristiwa di Ban ten Selatan by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and Lingkar Tanah Lingkar Air novels by Ahmad Tohari. Method that is applied in this research is dialectics method based on genetic structuralism theory perspective. Result of the research indicates ; (1) representations of the authors' world vision on Darul Islam event in Sekali Peristiwa di Banten Selatan novel are (a) Mutual cooperation, as Indonesian people ancestors' legacy continue to grow in the society, especially in dealing with various problems, such as in solving the Darul Islam rebellion case in Indonesia at that time, (b) There is no boundaries to unity in Indonesia, as various ethnicities, religions, races, and even intergroups must live in harmony because a prosperous life will only be achieved if respecting each other ; (2) representations of the authors' world vision on Darul Islam in Lingkar Tanah Lingkar Air novel by Ahmad Tohari are (a) Policies taken by the Government shall consider every aspect and avoid disappointment from particular groups in the country, (b) God is the Most Merciful where human as His creation shall not have any violence. Conclusion of this research is the idea, affection, and aspiration of the authors as disclosed in the novels imply on the social change. The social, cultural and political issues occurred during the cross-nations conflict case, such as the Darul Islam rebellion as background of the novel, is a hypogram of social portrait occurred in Indonesia. Therefore, all part ies, such as the teachers and litterateurs are suggested to apply this research as reference in their learning activity and as comparative material in their discussions.
The industrial revolution 4.0 is a matter of rapid and fundamental change. Academic literacy comp... more The industrial revolution 4.0 is a matter of rapid and fundamental change. Academic literacy competency is one of the competencies that must be possessed by students. This study aims to evaluate the quality of input of academic literacy competencies of Indonesian Language and Literature Department students at Semarang State University. The approach used is evaluative research by analyzing data using qualitative description analysis. This study resulted in the findings of the quality input of academic literacy competencies students got a score of 69.5 with sufficient categories. The conclusion of this study is the quality of input of academic literacy competencies based on internal and external aspects of students and lecturers. This research contributes in providing evaluation of programs owned by individuals to be able to give consideration to change and improvement in improving student academic literacy competencies.
Review of International Geographical Education Online, Jul 6, 2021
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, Nov 28, 2020
Character in literature plays an important role in constructing human identity. One of the charac... more Character in literature plays an important role in constructing human identity. One of the characters in the literature is the Islamic character values. The Islamic character consists of four aspects namely faith (aqidah), worship (ibadah) , muamalah, and morals. Novel Markesot Bertutur is one of the novels that has Islamic character values. In this novel, there are 21 values of faith, 13 values of moral, and 188 values of worship.
Folklore is a kind of literatures that is beneficial for readers. One of benefits of reading folk... more Folklore is a kind of literatures that is beneficial for readers. One of benefits of reading folklore is to improve the development of children including holistic, moral, language and social aspects. Besides, folklore could be used as a biblioteraphy method. This research is a qualitative descriptive study of the Bibliotherapy method. The biblioteraphy method or the so-called reading therapy method was conducted in many stages. The first stage was providing motivation about the benefits of folklore; the second stage was the activity of reading folklore; the third stage was incubation as providing some time to the children to think about the folklore they read; the fourth stage was the follow-up by sharing opinions so a new idea could arise; finally the fifth stage was evaluation that could be in forms of drawing conclusions.
Pesantren is a very influential islamization network in Java Island. Pesantren has become a good ... more Pesantren is a very influential islamization network in Java Island. Pesantren has become a good place to grow for literature and traditions which have unique characteristics. Pesantren literature as one of uniqueness of Javanese coastal literature has never been abandoned as one of coastal pesantren literature. The unique coastal literatury work is syair or syiir. Syiir is one of sufistic poetry. The coastal literature could be used as an alternative in studying literary reading for students of PBSI Unissula. Moreover, Unissula as an islamic university should have different unique characteristics than other universities.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2016
Memproduksi teks anekdot adalah suatu kegiatan menghasilkan tulisan bergenre teks sastra yang ber... more Memproduksi teks anekdot adalah suatu kegiatan menghasilkan tulisan bergenre teks sastra yang berisi amanat tertentu. Teks tersebut disampaikan melalui tulisan humor yang berfungsi untuk menyampaikan kritik dan saran terhadap pembaca. Pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot, siswa kelas X membutuhkan gaya berpikir tingkat tinggi untuk keterampilan memproduksi teks anekdot. Padahal gaya berpikir siswa dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu field dependent danfield independent. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pengujian keefektifan pembelajaran yang menggunakan model sinektiks dan problem based instruction dalam keterampilan memproduksi teks anekdot pada gaya kognitif siswa field dependent danfield independent untuk mengoptimalkan proses dan hasil pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot dengan model sinektiks dan model problembased instruction pada siswa bergaya kognitif field dependent danfield independent; menentukan perbedaan keefektifan pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot dengan model sinektiks dan model problem based instruction pada siswa yang bergaya kognitif field dependent danfield independent. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas X SMA di SMA Negeri 3 Semarang dan MAN Purwodadi tahun ajaran 2015/2016 dengan menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian analisis jalur. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode tes dan nontes. Instrumen tes berupaGroup Embedded Figeres Test (GEFT), dan memproduksi teks anekdot. Instrumen nontes berupa observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu model pembelajaran sinektiks lebih cocok diterapkan pada siswa bergaya kognitif field independent dan model pembelajaran problem based instruction lebih cocok diterapkan pada siswa bergaya kognitif field dependent. Kemudian terdapat perbedaan keefektifan diantara keduanya, kedua model yang diterapkan pada siswa bergaya field dependent danfield independent dikatakan tidak saling berinteraksi hal tersebut dapat dijabarkan dari proses dan hasil perhitungan bahwa F hitung =11,040 sedangkan F tabel= 4,052, sehingga F hitung >F tbael. Kedua model pada gaya kognitif siswa tersebut memiliki kedudukan yang sama bahwa setiap model berpengaruh pada gaya kognitif siswa yang berbeda dan tidak saling memengaruhi. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, peneliti menyarankan (1) sekolah hendaknya memberikan Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) pada setiap siswa tahun ajaran baru untuk mengetahui gaya kognitif siswa sehingga membentuk kelas yang homogen sehingga proses dan hasil pembelajaran dapat lebih optimal; (2) guru bahasa Indonesia hendaknya menerapkan model pembelajaran sinektiks pada siswa bergaya kognitif field independent dan model pembelajaran problem based instruction pada siswa bergaya kognitif field dependent pada pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot; (3) hendaknya guru berwawasan luas agar dapat memberikan contoh nyata peristiwa yang dapat dipahami siswa ketika menerapkan model sinektiks dan model problem based instruction serta memanfaatkan media yang tersedia dalam pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot agar hasil pembelajaran lebih optimal.
Languages, Sep 7, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Diglosia, Mar 15, 2024
is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Int... more is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) Analisis kebutuhan modul pembelajaran keterampilan menulis teks deskripsi berwawasan kebinekaan global Analysis of the need for a learning module for writing description text skills with an insight into global diversity
Lingua Cultura/Lingua cultura, Oct 27, 2023
A research showed that the development of students' basic speaking skills had not reached the exp... more A research showed that the development of students' basic speaking skills had not reached the expected target. It was important to develop speaking skills by learning materials using Japan Foundation (JF) standards. Speaking skill was communicative competence and mastering language use rather than learning. Speaking, in general, could be intended as a skill to convey one person's ideas to others by using spoken language. Therefore, the research aimed to address these problems by developing teaching materials for blended learning during a pandemic. It also aimed to develop teaching materials that motivate Japanese students to learn speaking skills independently. Teaching materials were developed following the ADDIE model and tested by learning content and design expert groups. ADDIE of product development were Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Information was collected through class observations and interviews with four Japanese language skills course lecturers. Validation of content and learning design expert tests obtained feasibility of 86% and 91%, respectively. Furthermore, average eligibility for small groups and field testing was 92% and 96%, respectively. The research finds that blended learning-based teaching materials are essential during the pandemic because they increase students' motivation for physical activities and introduce the use of technology. The research can be developed further to test the application of teaching materials based on blended learning quantitatively.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
The quality of the population of a nation is influenced by many things, including: education, hea... more The quality of the population of a nation is influenced by many things, including: education, health and the level of economic income. Compared to developed countries, the level of education is very good and quality because it is supported by adequate educational facilities and infrastructure. In the era of globalization and the increasingly strong development of information technology today, relations between nations and countries are increasingly open and it is necessary to learn from each other, especially from developing and underdeveloped countries to more developed countries. Indonesia as a developing country can take that choice to study in a more advanced country as a step to adapt to the times so as not to be crushed by competition or isolated from world relations. The article is an educational comparison study using the method of literature studies or literature studies on theories or data relevant to the objectives and problems studied. The topic studied was education in Denmark with the aim of exploring good practices that can be adapted for education in Indonesia. The focus study examines concepts, theories and literature-sourced data, such as sites, books, journals, and so on published in print or online. Meanwhile, the method of collecting data from the data source of this research is documentation, by making documents or records as data sources and the contents of records become the subject of research or variables. This article is interested in comparing education between Denmark and Indonesia with the following considerations. First, the political and regulatory systems between Denmark and Indonesia are very different, so it is interesting to compare them with each other in order to find gaps and red threads in improving education in Indonesia with the existing regulatory situation. Second, comparative studies of education between Denmark and Indonesia are still very rare, so it is very interesting to make comparisons of education in order to take good practices (best practices) from other countries with more advanced education, such as Denmark, to adopt and adapt several things that can be implemented in policy and practice. Third, Denmark and Indonesia have different socio-cultural and political systems although based on the same spirit, namely democracy, but have different socio-cultural roots and national ideologies. This is an interesting reason for the need to compare education in Denmark and Indonesia in terms of making the socio-cultural roots and the roots of the national system as the basis for formulating the national education system, especially the literacy movements in their respective countries.
Jurnal Profesi Keguruan, Oct 11, 2019
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial da... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan sekolah terhadap sikap bahasa siswa di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif berjenis ex pose facto . Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cerme. Sampel penelitian dipilih secara purposive sampel yaitu siswa kelas 5 dengan alasan sudah memasuki masa operasional konkret. Data diperoleh dengan metode angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pola asuh orang tua memengaruhi sikap bahasa siswa, terutama pola asuh otoriter. (2) lingkungan sosial memengaruhi sikap bahasa siswa pada aspek kognitif (3) lingkungan sekolah mempengaruhi sikap bahasa siswa aspek konatif. (4) pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan sekolah memengaruhi sikap bahasa siswa. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan sekolah memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap sikap bahasa siswa. Diperlukan pembinaan sikap bahasa, baik Bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa daerah. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of parenting, social and school environments on students' language attitudes in primary school. This research is a quantitative research of ex pose facto type. The population in this study were Cerme Public Elementary School students. The research sample was selected purposively, namely 5th grade students on the grounds that they entered a concrete operational period. Data obtained by questionnaire method. The results showed that: (1) Parenting patterns affect students' language attitudes, especially authoritarian parenting. (2) the social environment influences students 'language attitudes on cognitive aspects (3) the school environment influences students' conative aspects of language attitudes. (4) parenting style, social environment and school environment influence students' language attitudes. The conclusion of this study is parenting, social environment and school environment have a significant influence on students' language attitudes. Necessary guidance of language attitudes, both Indonesian and regional languages.
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Dec 10, 2017
Dalam penyusunan buku teks pelajaran, kualitas kelayakan buku teks perlu diperhatikan, antara lai... more Dalam penyusunan buku teks pelajaran, kualitas kelayakan buku teks perlu diperhatikan, antara lain: kelayakan isi, kelayakan penyajian, kelayakan bahasa, dan kelayakan kegrafikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas materi teks fabel pada buku Bahasa Indonesia kelas VII Kurikulum 2013, khususnya pada kelayakan isi dan kelayakan penyajian. Penelitian yang dilakukan termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Langkah yang dilakukan adalah menghimpun, mengidentifikasi, dan menganalisis data serta menyusun deskripsi data dari analisis data primer penelitian. Analisis kelayakan buku teks pada penelitian ini berdasarkan pada instrumen penilaian buku teks dari BSNP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas materi teks fabel pada buku teks Bahasa Indonesia kelas VII telah terkategori layak. Rata-rata presentase indikator pada kelayakan isi sebesar 65,5% dan rata-rata presentase indikator pada kelayakan penyajian sebesar 71,7%. Kata kunci: buku teks; kelayakan isi; kelayakan penyajian; teks fabel.
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Dec 31, 2020
___________________________________________________________________ This research aims to analyze... more ___________________________________________________________________ This research aims to analyze the humanist expressive speech acts of journalists in the covid-19 outbreak. The data collection technique was carried out by using the free non-participatory technique. The sources of data are the journalists' utterances on YouTube in the covid-19 Outbreak. The humanist expressive speech act forms used by journalists, is 58% used the direct speech act forms with imperative, interrogative, and declarative modes; and 42% forms of indirect speech acts were declarative-imperative and declarativeinterrogative modes. Results of this study shows that journalists use the forms of direct speech acts with declarative mode mostly. The form of indirect speech acts with the declarative-imperative mode are mostly used by the journalists. This research is important to be a journalist's guide so that the utterances spoken can be accepted by the society in the covid-19 outbreak.
The topic of this study is based on the fact that Javanese language teachers have difficulty iden... more The topic of this study is based on the fact that Javanese language teachers have difficulty identifying the character values and teach it with a scientific approach. The solution offered in this study is to implement the "if branching" in identifying character values and making effective designs learning by implementing scientific approach. This research uses descriptive naturalistic method by process carried out through inventory and classification of character values using "if branch" formula and compiling scientific learning design. In-depth study found 181 values of national character which included religious 29%, honest 7%, tolerance 1%, discipline 6%, hard work 27%, independent 1%, democracy 4%, respect for achievement 3%, communicative 10%, love for peace 2%, love to read 4%, and responsibility 7%. The conclusion of this study is that Serat Wedhatama is dominant in religious values, hard work, communicative, responsibility, and discipline, with cumulative 79%. Serat Wedhatama learning with a scientific approach is carried out by observing, questioning, analyzing, trying to produce text, and communicating the text referring to the Serat Wedhatama.
Industrial revolution 4.0 initiates a new model with more innovative strategies in the world of l... more Industrial revolution 4.0 initiates a new model with more innovative strategies in the world of language education. This has encouraged the digitalization of education system. Therefore, the renewal of the world of language education can be applied through web-based learning. The objective of this study was to analyze aspects of website a as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials as well as analyzing the needs of students and lecturers on website as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials in Universitas Negeri Semarang. The type of study was qualitative descriptive, using a qualitative naturalistic approach because it carried out in natural conditions. Data obtained by questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Data analysis was quantitative techniques. The aspects contained on website as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials consisted of material content aspects, presentation aspects, language and readability aspects, and figureic aspects. Student needs on website as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials in Universitas Negeri Semarang showed that there was a very needed category in presentation aspect was 24% and figureic aspects was 20%, category was needed in the content and material aspects was 49%, and enough categories on language and readability aspects was 70%, while lecturer needs on website as the basis for developing scientific work teaching materials showed that there was a very needed category in presentation and figureic aspects was 23%, category was needed in the content and material aspects was 48%, and category of language and readability aspects was 73%.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of learning writing skills of expositio... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of learning writing skills of exposition text containing conservation values with cooperative integrated reading and composition models based on learning styles of student's X class. Learning styles affect the effectiveness of learning putting ideas or opinions in a paper that provides information, knowledge, usefulness benefits to its readers including thesis, argumentation, and reaffirmation. The research was conducted by using quasi-experimental factorial design on learners Madrasah Aliyah. The learning process is carried out in accordance with the syntax of teams, placement test, student creative, team study, team scorer and team recognition, teaching group, facts test, and whole-class units. As a result, learning to write expository text with CIRC models based on learning style of learners is more effective on learners in visual style rather than auditory and kinesthetic. The effectiveness of learning occurs because the behavior of learners shows a positive change, namely more cooperation, appreciate the opinions of others, and the development of science in the academic field.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Jan 25, 2020
This research aims to observe and reveal world vision of authors on Darul Islam event as mentione... more This research aims to observe and reveal world vision of authors on Darul Islam event as mentioned in Sekali Peristiwa di Ban ten Selatan by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and Lingkar Tanah Lingkar Air novels by Ahmad Tohari. Method that is applied in this research is dialectics method based on genetic structuralism theory perspective. Result of the research indicates ; (1) representations of the authors' world vision on Darul Islam event in Sekali Peristiwa di Banten Selatan novel are (a) Mutual cooperation, as Indonesian people ancestors' legacy continue to grow in the society, especially in dealing with various problems, such as in solving the Darul Islam rebellion case in Indonesia at that time, (b) There is no boundaries to unity in Indonesia, as various ethnicities, religions, races, and even intergroups must live in harmony because a prosperous life will only be achieved if respecting each other ; (2) representations of the authors' world vision on Darul Islam in Lingkar Tanah Lingkar Air novel by Ahmad Tohari are (a) Policies taken by the Government shall consider every aspect and avoid disappointment from particular groups in the country, (b) God is the Most Merciful where human as His creation shall not have any violence. Conclusion of this research is the idea, affection, and aspiration of the authors as disclosed in the novels imply on the social change. The social, cultural and political issues occurred during the cross-nations conflict case, such as the Darul Islam rebellion as background of the novel, is a hypogram of social portrait occurred in Indonesia. Therefore, all part ies, such as the teachers and litterateurs are suggested to apply this research as reference in their learning activity and as comparative material in their discussions.
The industrial revolution 4.0 is a matter of rapid and fundamental change. Academic literacy comp... more The industrial revolution 4.0 is a matter of rapid and fundamental change. Academic literacy competency is one of the competencies that must be possessed by students. This study aims to evaluate the quality of input of academic literacy competencies of Indonesian Language and Literature Department students at Semarang State University. The approach used is evaluative research by analyzing data using qualitative description analysis. This study resulted in the findings of the quality input of academic literacy competencies students got a score of 69.5 with sufficient categories. The conclusion of this study is the quality of input of academic literacy competencies based on internal and external aspects of students and lecturers. This research contributes in providing evaluation of programs owned by individuals to be able to give consideration to change and improvement in improving student academic literacy competencies.
Review of International Geographical Education Online, Jul 6, 2021
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, Nov 28, 2020
Character in literature plays an important role in constructing human identity. One of the charac... more Character in literature plays an important role in constructing human identity. One of the characters in the literature is the Islamic character values. The Islamic character consists of four aspects namely faith (aqidah), worship (ibadah) , muamalah, and morals. Novel Markesot Bertutur is one of the novels that has Islamic character values. In this novel, there are 21 values of faith, 13 values of moral, and 188 values of worship.
Folklore is a kind of literatures that is beneficial for readers. One of benefits of reading folk... more Folklore is a kind of literatures that is beneficial for readers. One of benefits of reading folklore is to improve the development of children including holistic, moral, language and social aspects. Besides, folklore could be used as a biblioteraphy method. This research is a qualitative descriptive study of the Bibliotherapy method. The biblioteraphy method or the so-called reading therapy method was conducted in many stages. The first stage was providing motivation about the benefits of folklore; the second stage was the activity of reading folklore; the third stage was incubation as providing some time to the children to think about the folklore they read; the fourth stage was the follow-up by sharing opinions so a new idea could arise; finally the fifth stage was evaluation that could be in forms of drawing conclusions.
Pesantren is a very influential islamization network in Java Island. Pesantren has become a good ... more Pesantren is a very influential islamization network in Java Island. Pesantren has become a good place to grow for literature and traditions which have unique characteristics. Pesantren literature as one of uniqueness of Javanese coastal literature has never been abandoned as one of coastal pesantren literature. The unique coastal literatury work is syair or syiir. Syiir is one of sufistic poetry. The coastal literature could be used as an alternative in studying literary reading for students of PBSI Unissula. Moreover, Unissula as an islamic university should have different unique characteristics than other universities.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2016
Memproduksi teks anekdot adalah suatu kegiatan menghasilkan tulisan bergenre teks sastra yang ber... more Memproduksi teks anekdot adalah suatu kegiatan menghasilkan tulisan bergenre teks sastra yang berisi amanat tertentu. Teks tersebut disampaikan melalui tulisan humor yang berfungsi untuk menyampaikan kritik dan saran terhadap pembaca. Pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot, siswa kelas X membutuhkan gaya berpikir tingkat tinggi untuk keterampilan memproduksi teks anekdot. Padahal gaya berpikir siswa dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu field dependent danfield independent. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pengujian keefektifan pembelajaran yang menggunakan model sinektiks dan problem based instruction dalam keterampilan memproduksi teks anekdot pada gaya kognitif siswa field dependent danfield independent untuk mengoptimalkan proses dan hasil pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot dengan model sinektiks dan model problembased instruction pada siswa bergaya kognitif field dependent danfield independent; menentukan perbedaan keefektifan pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot dengan model sinektiks dan model problem based instruction pada siswa yang bergaya kognitif field dependent danfield independent. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas X SMA di SMA Negeri 3 Semarang dan MAN Purwodadi tahun ajaran 2015/2016 dengan menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian analisis jalur. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode tes dan nontes. Instrumen tes berupaGroup Embedded Figeres Test (GEFT), dan memproduksi teks anekdot. Instrumen nontes berupa observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu model pembelajaran sinektiks lebih cocok diterapkan pada siswa bergaya kognitif field independent dan model pembelajaran problem based instruction lebih cocok diterapkan pada siswa bergaya kognitif field dependent. Kemudian terdapat perbedaan keefektifan diantara keduanya, kedua model yang diterapkan pada siswa bergaya field dependent danfield independent dikatakan tidak saling berinteraksi hal tersebut dapat dijabarkan dari proses dan hasil perhitungan bahwa F hitung =11,040 sedangkan F tabel= 4,052, sehingga F hitung >F tbael. Kedua model pada gaya kognitif siswa tersebut memiliki kedudukan yang sama bahwa setiap model berpengaruh pada gaya kognitif siswa yang berbeda dan tidak saling memengaruhi. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, peneliti menyarankan (1) sekolah hendaknya memberikan Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) pada setiap siswa tahun ajaran baru untuk mengetahui gaya kognitif siswa sehingga membentuk kelas yang homogen sehingga proses dan hasil pembelajaran dapat lebih optimal; (2) guru bahasa Indonesia hendaknya menerapkan model pembelajaran sinektiks pada siswa bergaya kognitif field independent dan model pembelajaran problem based instruction pada siswa bergaya kognitif field dependent pada pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot; (3) hendaknya guru berwawasan luas agar dapat memberikan contoh nyata peristiwa yang dapat dipahami siswa ketika menerapkan model sinektiks dan model problem based instruction serta memanfaatkan media yang tersedia dalam pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot agar hasil pembelajaran lebih optimal.
Languages, Sep 7, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY