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Papers by jerry wert

Research paper thumbnail of SEU Sensitivity of Power Converters with MOSFETs in Space

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1987

This paper presents the results of an investigation into the survivability of power MOSFETs in sp... more This paper presents the results of an investigation into the survivability of power MOSFETs in space. Seventy-two of these devices are presently in geosynchronous orbit on board six communications spacecraft, and operating at 70V which is 70% of the nominal breakdown voltage. No failures have occurred after 94536 device-days in space. The irradiation of discrete parts as well as the prototype flight power converter, containing the same part types, by iron particles with a LET of 10 MeV-cm2/mg, and an iron spectrum with a maximum LET of 26 showed these Hi-Rel ("S") flight parts to be relatively harder than the same type of devices previously ground tested. This appears to be the explanation for the lack of failures in space.

Research paper thumbnail of First observations of power MOSFET burnout with high energy neutrons

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1996

... 43, NO. 6, DECEMBER 1996 2913 First Observations of Power MOSFET Burnout with High Energy Neu... more ... 43, NO. 6, DECEMBER 1996 2913 First Observations of Power MOSFET Burnout with High Energy Neutrons DL Oberg, Senior Member, IEEE, JL Wed, E. Normand, Member, IEEE, & PP Majewski, Member, IEEE Boeing Defense & Space Group Seattle, WA 98124-2499 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Neutron-induced single event burnout in high voltage electronics

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1997

... Accelerator Facilities,” 1977 8) E. Normand, “Single Event Upset at Ground Level,” IEEE Trans... more ... Accelerator Facilities,” 1977 8) E. Normand, “Single Event Upset at Ground Level,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 43,2741 (1996) 9) GH Johnson, R. Schrimpf, K. Galloway and R. Koga, “Temperature Dependence of Single Event Burnout in N-

Research paper thumbnail of Observations of single event failure in power MOSFETs

IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1994

This first compendium of single event test data for power MOSFETs provides failure thresholds fro... more This first compendium of single event test data for power MOSFETs provides failure thresholds from burnout or gate rupture for over 100 devices of eight manufacturers. Ordering the data has also provided some useful insights.

Research paper thumbnail of Heavy Ion, High-Energy, and Low-Energy Proton SEE Sensitivity of 90-nm RHBD SRAMs

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2010

We measure the sensitivity of different 90-nm SRAM cells to single-event upsets (SEUs) caused by ... more We measure the sensitivity of different 90-nm SRAM cells to single-event upsets (SEUs) caused by heavy ions, high energy protons, and low energy protons. We discuss radiation hardened by design techniques that impact SEU sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Single event upset and latchup measurements in avionics devices using the WNR neutron beam and a new neutron-induced latchup model

IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1995

... The word/labet upset ratio of -2.6 is close to the ideal ratio of 2 that would be expected ba... more ... The word/labet upset ratio of -2.6 is close to the ideal ratio of 2 that would be expected based on the number of bits being monitored. Results of the testing are tabulated in Table 3. We note that the AMI devices showed no upset, but both US2 types did. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Propagating SET Characterization Technique for Digital CMOS Libraries

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2006

A circuit architecture based on simple logic gates is described which uses small chip areas and l... more A circuit architecture based on simple logic gates is described which uses small chip areas and low speed testing to characterize single event transients for digital applications. Utility of this architecture is demonstrated with heavy ion data on a 130 nm library

Research paper thumbnail of First Nondestructive Measurements of Power MOSFET Single Event Burnout Cross Sections

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1987

... 1) While the ion flux is held constant and the load resistor set to 1K Ohm, the deviceVds is ... more ... 1) While the ion flux is held constant and the load resistor set to 1K Ohm, the deviceVds is set to produce a current pulse every few seconds, or for a specific fluence. Subsequently, the load resistor is set to 0 Ohms. (Since the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Angular Dependence of Single Event Sensitivity in Hardened Flip/Flop Designs

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2008

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 55, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2008 ... Angular Dependence of Sin... more IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 55, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2008 ... Angular Dependence of Single Event Sensitivity in ... MP Baze, Barrie Hughlock, J. Wert, Joe Tostenrude, Lloyd Massengill, Oluwole Amusan, Ronald Lacoe, Klas Lilja, and Mike ...

Research paper thumbnail of First Nondestructive Measurements of Power MOSFET Single Event Burnout Cross Sections

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

... 1) While the ion flux is held constant and the load resistor set to 1K Ohm, the deviceVds is ... more ... 1) While the ion flux is held constant and the load resistor set to 1K Ohm, the deviceVds is set to produce a current pulse every few seconds, or for a specific fluence. Subsequently, the load resistor is set to 0 Ohms. (Since the ...

Research paper thumbnail of HBD layout isolation techniques for multiple node charge collection mitigation

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2005

Page 1. 2536 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 52, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2005 HBD Layout Isola... more Page 1. 2536 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 52, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2005 HBD Layout Isolation Techniques for Multiple Node Charge Collection Mitigation Jeffrey D. Black, Member, IEEE, Andrew L. Sternberg ...

Research paper thumbnail of A compendium of recent optocoupler radiation test data

Focus on Powder Coatings, 2000

We present a compendium of optocoupler radiation test data including data on neutron, proton and ... more We present a compendium of optocoupler radiation test data including data on neutron, proton and heavy ion displacement damage (DD), single event transients (SET) and degradation due to total ionizing dose (TID). Proton data includes ionizing and non-ionizing damage mechanisms.

Research paper thumbnail of Single event upset and charge collection measurements using high energy protons and neutrons

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1994

RAMs, microcontrollers and surface barrier detectors were exposed to beams of high energy protons... more RAMs, microcontrollers and surface barrier detectors were exposed to beams of high energy protons and neutrons to measure the induced number of upsets as well as energy deposition. The WNR facility at Los Alamos provided a neutron spectrum similar to that of the atmospheric neutrons. Its effect on devices was compared to that of protons with energies of 200, 400,

Research paper thumbnail of Low-Energy Proton Testing Using the Boeing Radiation Effects Laboratory 2.2 MeV Dynamitron

2012 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2012


Research paper thumbnail of First Record of Single-Event Upset on Ground, Cray-1 Computer at Los Alamos in 1976

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 57, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2010 ... First Record of Single-Ev... more IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 57, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2010 ... First Record of Single-Event Upset on Ground, ... Cray-1 Computer at Los Alamos in 1976 ... Eugene Normand, Senior Member, IEEE, Jerry L. Wert, Heather Quinn, Thomas D. Fairbanks, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of SEU Thresholds and Cross Sections at Fixed Incidence Angles

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

Current SEU testing and analysis techniques have as basic assumptions that the charge deposited a... more Current SEU testing and analysis techniques have as basic assumptions that the charge deposited at a junction depends linearly on the linear energy transfer (LET) of the ion and the pathlength of the ion through an imagined parallelepiped that represents the depletion region. This study tests these assumptions for two bipolar parts, AMD 27LSOO and Fairchild 93L422, by irradiating at

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting the Single-Event Error Rate of a Radiation Hardened by Design Microprocessor

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

We describe the approach used to calculate and verify on-orbit upset rates of radiation hardened ... more We describe the approach used to calculate and verify on-orbit upset rates of radiation hardened microprocessors. System designers use these error rates to choose between microprocessors and add appropriate system-level recovery and redundancy.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced TID susceptibility in sub-100 nm bulk CMOS I/O transistors and circuits

Nuclear Science, …, 2007

Abstract This paper evaluates the radiation responses of 2.5 VI/O transistors and regular-thresho... more Abstract This paper evaluates the radiation responses of 2.5 VI/O transistors and regular-threshold MOSFETs from a 90 nm commercial bulk CMOS technology. The data obtained from Co ionizing radiation experiments indicate enhanced TID susceptibility in I/O devices ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison and implications of charge collection measurements in silicon and InGaAs irradiated by energetic protons and neutrons

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Dec 1995

Research paper thumbnail of SEU Sensitivity of Power Converters with MOSFETs in Space

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1987

This paper presents the results of an investigation into the survivability of power MOSFETs in sp... more This paper presents the results of an investigation into the survivability of power MOSFETs in space. Seventy-two of these devices are presently in geosynchronous orbit on board six communications spacecraft, and operating at 70V which is 70% of the nominal breakdown voltage. No failures have occurred after 94536 device-days in space. The irradiation of discrete parts as well as the prototype flight power converter, containing the same part types, by iron particles with a LET of 10 MeV-cm2/mg, and an iron spectrum with a maximum LET of 26 showed these Hi-Rel ("S") flight parts to be relatively harder than the same type of devices previously ground tested. This appears to be the explanation for the lack of failures in space.

Research paper thumbnail of First observations of power MOSFET burnout with high energy neutrons

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1996

... 43, NO. 6, DECEMBER 1996 2913 First Observations of Power MOSFET Burnout with High Energy Neu... more ... 43, NO. 6, DECEMBER 1996 2913 First Observations of Power MOSFET Burnout with High Energy Neutrons DL Oberg, Senior Member, IEEE, JL Wed, E. Normand, Member, IEEE, & PP Majewski, Member, IEEE Boeing Defense & Space Group Seattle, WA 98124-2499 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Neutron-induced single event burnout in high voltage electronics

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1997

... Accelerator Facilities,” 1977 8) E. Normand, “Single Event Upset at Ground Level,” IEEE Trans... more ... Accelerator Facilities,” 1977 8) E. Normand, “Single Event Upset at Ground Level,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 43,2741 (1996) 9) GH Johnson, R. Schrimpf, K. Galloway and R. Koga, “Temperature Dependence of Single Event Burnout in N-

Research paper thumbnail of Observations of single event failure in power MOSFETs

IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1994

This first compendium of single event test data for power MOSFETs provides failure thresholds fro... more This first compendium of single event test data for power MOSFETs provides failure thresholds from burnout or gate rupture for over 100 devices of eight manufacturers. Ordering the data has also provided some useful insights.

Research paper thumbnail of Heavy Ion, High-Energy, and Low-Energy Proton SEE Sensitivity of 90-nm RHBD SRAMs

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2010

We measure the sensitivity of different 90-nm SRAM cells to single-event upsets (SEUs) caused by ... more We measure the sensitivity of different 90-nm SRAM cells to single-event upsets (SEUs) caused by heavy ions, high energy protons, and low energy protons. We discuss radiation hardened by design techniques that impact SEU sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Single event upset and latchup measurements in avionics devices using the WNR neutron beam and a new neutron-induced latchup model

IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 1995

... The word/labet upset ratio of -2.6 is close to the ideal ratio of 2 that would be expected ba... more ... The word/labet upset ratio of -2.6 is close to the ideal ratio of 2 that would be expected based on the number of bits being monitored. Results of the testing are tabulated in Table 3. We note that the AMI devices showed no upset, but both US2 types did. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Propagating SET Characterization Technique for Digital CMOS Libraries

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2006

A circuit architecture based on simple logic gates is described which uses small chip areas and l... more A circuit architecture based on simple logic gates is described which uses small chip areas and low speed testing to characterize single event transients for digital applications. Utility of this architecture is demonstrated with heavy ion data on a 130 nm library

Research paper thumbnail of First Nondestructive Measurements of Power MOSFET Single Event Burnout Cross Sections

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1987

... 1) While the ion flux is held constant and the load resistor set to 1K Ohm, the deviceVds is ... more ... 1) While the ion flux is held constant and the load resistor set to 1K Ohm, the deviceVds is set to produce a current pulse every few seconds, or for a specific fluence. Subsequently, the load resistor is set to 0 Ohms. (Since the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Angular Dependence of Single Event Sensitivity in Hardened Flip/Flop Designs

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2008

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 55, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2008 ... Angular Dependence of Sin... more IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 55, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2008 ... Angular Dependence of Single Event Sensitivity in ... MP Baze, Barrie Hughlock, J. Wert, Joe Tostenrude, Lloyd Massengill, Oluwole Amusan, Ronald Lacoe, Klas Lilja, and Mike ...

Research paper thumbnail of First Nondestructive Measurements of Power MOSFET Single Event Burnout Cross Sections

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

... 1) While the ion flux is held constant and the load resistor set to 1K Ohm, the deviceVds is ... more ... 1) While the ion flux is held constant and the load resistor set to 1K Ohm, the deviceVds is set to produce a current pulse every few seconds, or for a specific fluence. Subsequently, the load resistor is set to 0 Ohms. (Since the ...

Research paper thumbnail of HBD layout isolation techniques for multiple node charge collection mitigation

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2005

Page 1. 2536 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 52, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2005 HBD Layout Isola... more Page 1. 2536 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 52, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2005 HBD Layout Isolation Techniques for Multiple Node Charge Collection Mitigation Jeffrey D. Black, Member, IEEE, Andrew L. Sternberg ...

Research paper thumbnail of A compendium of recent optocoupler radiation test data

Focus on Powder Coatings, 2000

We present a compendium of optocoupler radiation test data including data on neutron, proton and ... more We present a compendium of optocoupler radiation test data including data on neutron, proton and heavy ion displacement damage (DD), single event transients (SET) and degradation due to total ionizing dose (TID). Proton data includes ionizing and non-ionizing damage mechanisms.

Research paper thumbnail of Single event upset and charge collection measurements using high energy protons and neutrons

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1994

RAMs, microcontrollers and surface barrier detectors were exposed to beams of high energy protons... more RAMs, microcontrollers and surface barrier detectors were exposed to beams of high energy protons and neutrons to measure the induced number of upsets as well as energy deposition. The WNR facility at Los Alamos provided a neutron spectrum similar to that of the atmospheric neutrons. Its effect on devices was compared to that of protons with energies of 200, 400,

Research paper thumbnail of Low-Energy Proton Testing Using the Boeing Radiation Effects Laboratory 2.2 MeV Dynamitron

2012 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2012


Research paper thumbnail of First Record of Single-Event Upset on Ground, Cray-1 Computer at Los Alamos in 1976

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 57, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2010 ... First Record of Single-Ev... more IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 57, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2010 ... First Record of Single-Event Upset on Ground, ... Cray-1 Computer at Los Alamos in 1976 ... Eugene Normand, Senior Member, IEEE, Jerry L. Wert, Heather Quinn, Thomas D. Fairbanks, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of SEU Thresholds and Cross Sections at Fixed Incidence Angles

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

Current SEU testing and analysis techniques have as basic assumptions that the charge deposited a... more Current SEU testing and analysis techniques have as basic assumptions that the charge deposited at a junction depends linearly on the linear energy transfer (LET) of the ion and the pathlength of the ion through an imagined parallelepiped that represents the depletion region. This study tests these assumptions for two bipolar parts, AMD 27LSOO and Fairchild 93L422, by irradiating at

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting the Single-Event Error Rate of a Radiation Hardened by Design Microprocessor

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

We describe the approach used to calculate and verify on-orbit upset rates of radiation hardened ... more We describe the approach used to calculate and verify on-orbit upset rates of radiation hardened microprocessors. System designers use these error rates to choose between microprocessors and add appropriate system-level recovery and redundancy.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhanced TID susceptibility in sub-100 nm bulk CMOS I/O transistors and circuits

Nuclear Science, …, 2007

Abstract This paper evaluates the radiation responses of 2.5 VI/O transistors and regular-thresho... more Abstract This paper evaluates the radiation responses of 2.5 VI/O transistors and regular-threshold MOSFETs from a 90 nm commercial bulk CMOS technology. The data obtained from Co ionizing radiation experiments indicate enhanced TID susceptibility in I/O devices ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison and implications of charge collection measurements in silicon and InGaAs irradiated by energetic protons and neutrons

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Dec 1995