joko dewanto - (original) (raw)

Papers by joko dewanto

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Perekrutan Dan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt. Krakatau Industrial Estate Cilegon

JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, 2007

Dalam menentukan karyawan baru dan menilai kinerja karyawan dibutuhkan beberapa aspek pertimbanga... more Dalam menentukan karyawan baru dan menilai kinerja karyawan dibutuhkan beberapa aspek pertimbangan yang matang dan akurat. Dengan terbatasnya waktu dan terbatasnya kemampuan melihat segala aspek dengan akurat sering menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan SPK (Sistem Penunjang Keputusan) perekrutan dan penilaian kinerja karyawan dengan memperhatikan bobot-bobot aspek yang ada. Dengan metode analisis dan perancangan AHP (Analytical Hierarchial Process) dapat dilakukan pembobotan tingkat prioritas dari variabel-variabel yang diinginkan dengan membuat hirarki dari semua variabel yang ada. Dengan membandingkan antara tiap-tiap calon dan diintegrasikan dengan bobot kategori yang dibutuhkan, akan menghasilkan sebuah keputusan akan calon terbaik dari kategori yang telah ditentukan. Diimplementasikan dalam sistem pendukung keputusan perekrutan dan penilaian kinerja karyawan PT. Krakatau Industrial Estate Cilegon. Dengan sistem pendukung keputusan yang dirancang ini diharapkan pihak Divisi Sumberdaya Manusia PT.KIEC dapat mengambil keputusan dalam perekrutan dan penilaian kinerja karyawan dengan baik dengan melihat kriteria para calon dan mengambil yang terbaik.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Career Center Untuk Departemen Konseling Dan Pengembangan Karir (DKPK) Universitas Esa Unggul

JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, 2013

The Departemen Konseling dan Pengembangan Karir (dkpk), is a departments in esa unggul university... more The Departemen Konseling dan Pengembangan Karir (dkpk), is a departments in esa unggul university that moves in the field of service center for a career and job fair. Dkpk as of service center for a career, help the alumni to look for a job, and to improve career. Dkpk work, as an exchange serves as bridge between job seekers (job seeker) and employer (employer), where between job seekers and employer this is to be formed an information that is job vacancies. So far, the employer always have difficulty in acquiring employee candidates in accordance with the criteria vacancy. The great number of applicants with kriteria-kriterianya data candidates each cause problems for both employer in determine a candidate applicants work exact conformity to the needs of the company. Therefore, required a the support system decision that could ease firm in determine a candidate a suitor who exactly corresponding criteria vacancy expected. With the existence of the application of the determination of a candidate applicants work dna-based the web being a candidate of applicants would obtain work in accordance with the criteria vacancy. A candidate a suitor who according to be confirmed to perform phases recruitment available at the company. Selanjutnya adalah the company perform the process of recruitment as usual.

Research paper thumbnail of Rancangan Bangun Dan Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Usaha Tani Dan Pengepul Tanaman Polowijo

Tujuan pelaksanaan program vucer ini adalah untuk membantu usaha kecil mitra (UKM) dalam mencari ... more Tujuan pelaksanaan program vucer ini adalah untuk membantu usaha kecil mitra (UKM) dalam mencari solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi. UKM bergerak dibidang pengepul (pengusaha kecil penampung hasil pertanian) jagung dan pemipilan jagung. Permasalahan yang dihadapi UKM adalah peralatan produksinya (khusus alat pemipil jagung) masih sangat tradisioal, sehingga tidak efektif dan efisien untuk melakukan proses produksi. Akibatnya UKM sering dipaksa harus mengecewakan pelanggan karena tidak dapat memenuhi order tepat pada waktunya. Untuk membantu UKM dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut melalui program vucer ini ditawarkan suatu solusi berupa penerapan TTG mesin pemipil jagung hasil rancangan Tim TTG UNESA Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode partidipasi aktif, yakni dengan melibatkan UKM secara aktif mulai dari perencanaan teknispembuatan TTG hingga pengoprasiaanya. Hasil pelaksanaan program UKM menunjukkan bahwa Tim pelaksana berhasil mewujudkanTTG mesin pemipil jagung seperti yang diharapkan UKM betul-betul dapat teratasi. Hasil uji coba dilapangan menunjukkan bahwa TTG mesin pemipil jagung tersebut memiliki kemampuan yang jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan peralatan yang dipakai UKM sebelumnya. Kelebihan lain dari TTG ini adalah cara pengoprasiaanya lebih mudah, praktis, dan tidak membutuhkan banyak operator, serta dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web Pada Produk Dan Layanan Bank Muamalat

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Inventory Barang Jadi Dan Logistik DI Pt. Snfood

Inventory System at PT SNFOOD has existed and still manual with data processing using MsExcel. In... more Inventory System at PT SNFOOD has existed and still manual with data processing using MsExcel. Inventory system is used for finished goods needs of customers while logistics to see the basic material obtained from the supplier. Many parts logistics process data quantity of incoming and outgoing goods. Methodology Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD), While tools that use Wamp Server, PHP, Apache Server, MySQL.These applications facilitate employees in the warehouse to monitor and determine information regarding incoming outgoing goods in the warehouse for speed processing of items.Application System can be used for parts inventory warehouse as well as to provide convenience in the process of controlling the data in the warehouse of finished goods and provide information updates stock of goods

Research paper thumbnail of Development Model of Learning Information Technology Project Management Based of Multimedia on Higher Education


Research paper thumbnail of Akkord und Prämie

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Knowledge Management, Data Culture and the Development of Data Innovation on the Quality of the Business Insights Framework

Linguistics and Culture Review, 2022

This study examines how much the influence of Knowledge Management Process, Information Culture a... more This study examines how much the influence of Knowledge Management Process, Information Culture and Information Technology Maturity on the Business Intelligence System Quality. This study uses descriptive analytic research method and SEM-PLS statistic method. Data is collected from questionnaires distributed and returned from the employees of Finance & Accounting Department and Information Technology Department on private higher education at Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia as respondents. The result indicates a positive influence of Knowledge Management Process, Information Culture and Information Technology Maturity partially To the Business Intelligence System Quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Forum Ilmiah Vol 11 Nomer 1 Januari

PT. SNFOOD in business has one of the finished goods warehouse Division. Goods inventory informat... more PT. SNFOOD in business has one of the finished goods warehouse Division. Goods inventory information in the warehouse finished goods can affect the smooth production and inventory to support customer demand. Every day the warehouse finished goods Division deal with a lot of data entry and exit goods in large quantities. Data penggolahan currently still using manual systems. The transaction Data is written on a paper form and data storage was created with Ms Excel. Therefore needed an application that can facilitate the work of employees. An application that can control and provides information about goods that enter and exit the warehouse the goods so quickly. The application is built using the PHP programming language and WampServer as a base data.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Basic Nature of the Study of Economic Philosophy

Economic philosophy,when confined to the methodology of the study of modern economics or the stud... more Economic philosophy,when confined to the methodology of the study of modern economics or the study of its basis of philosophical ontology,can be classified into critical economic philosophy and speculative economic philosophy.Because of the lack of achievements in the past,the discussion of its basic nature has made little progress,which in turn hinders a correct understanding of the basic nature of Marxist economic philosophy.The author holds that "Marxist economic philosophy" is only a "historical science" rather than metaphysics or economic science and a "criticism of political economics" for the clarification of the historical prerequisite of capital civilization and the confirmation of its real domain of existence as the theme.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Classification Algorithm With Genetic Algorithm In Public Transport Analysis

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020

Congestion major cities in Indonesia caused by the proliferation of the use of private vehicles. ... more Congestion major cities in Indonesia caused by the proliferation of the use of private vehicles. Some people express their opinions and its opinion regarding public transport users through social media sites and other websites. This opinion can be used as a sentiment analysis material to find out whether the public transport service is positive or negative. The results of the sentiment analysis can help in the assessment and evaluation of the use of public transportation, it is also expected to improve services and facilities from public transportation so that the public tends to have a positive opinion. Based on the results of the sentiment analysis, it is expected that the community will switch to using public transportation which will certainly reduce congestion. In this study also added preprocessing stages by using the GataFramework framework to complete processes that cannot be done on RapidMiner tools. The method used in this study is sentiment analysis with the method of app...

Research paper thumbnail of An outbreak of fasdoliasis in sheep in north-east Yugoslavia

Research paper thumbnail of Transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganado bovino de doble propósito

Revista MVZ Córdoba, 2017

En las fincas «El Tequendama» y «La Belleza», pertenecientes al Municipio de San Carlos y «El Dil... more En las fincas «El Tequendama» y «La Belleza», pertenecientes al Municipio de San Carlos y «El Diluvio», ubicada en el Municipio de Montería, departamento de Córdoba, se realizó el presente trabajo con el fin de validar y divulgar la técnica de transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganaderías de Doble Propósito. Las receptoras se sincronizaron con progestágenos en grupos de 25 hembras mestizas, conformados por novillas y vacas. La selección de receptoras se hizo con base en la calidad de cuerpo lúteo, normalidad del tracto reproductivo y condición corporal superior a 3, en una escala de 1 (muy flaca) a 5 (cebada). La tasa de presentación de celo a las 48 horas de retirados los implantes, en la finca «El Tequendama» fue de 100% (25/25), en «La Belleza» de 100% (25/25) y en «El Diluvio» de 92% (23/25). La transferencia de embriones se realizó por el método no quirúrgico y se obtuvo una tasa de gestación de 25%, 16% y 0% en las fincas «El Tequendama», «La Belleza» y «El Dilu...

Research paper thumbnail of Pembuatan Aplikasi Sms Kriptografi Rsa Dengan Android

Forum Ilmiah, 2013

Sending a message is an activity who use by everyone for a day now. But we a citizen must beware ... more Sending a message is an activity who use by everyone for a day now. But we a citizen must beware of message spy without permission or tap a message content while a message inside a process sending from cellular owner who has that message. Of course cellular owner doesn't know there's a other who know that a message content that is a private message or steal an idea content of message. For thatim initiative for build a security message using cryptograph with RSA Method which a cellular owner can sending or receive a message without spy by other (cryptonalyst). For me cryptograph is the only way for secure a message from cryptonalyst (hacker) and a cryptography has been called like a code language. And why I am implement RSA Method for a securing a message than an other method of cryptograph ? That thing because a common method like blowfish , chipper cigne , etc only use one key for encrypt and decrypt a message , but with a RSA Method a message will be encrypt and decrypt with two key and its call public key for encrypt a message and private key for decrypt a message. And this application will be build in android platform because there's many people have an android mobile.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Penjadwalan Kuliah Menggunakan Metode : Auto Generate Time Table

Tujuan Penelitian: Menghasilkan Penjadwalan Kuliah Menggunakan Metode Otomatis Menghasilkan Jadwa... more Tujuan Penelitian: Menghasilkan Penjadwalan Kuliah Menggunakan Metode Otomatis Menghasilkan Jadwal yang dapat digunakan secara efektif untuk kuliah di Raharja Higher Education. Masalah penelitian mengatur jadwal kuliah adalah waktu, ruang dan waktu slot. Mempertimbangkan daftar kendala sulit dan kendala lunak yang disajikan dalam satu semester, jadi tidak ada konflik yang dibuat dalam mengalokasikan jadwal. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuesioner penjadwalan dan kartu studi tetap, serta menggunakan metodologi pengembangan sistem SDLC dan desain OOAD. Alat-alat yang digunakan adalah UML, Xamp dengan dukungan perangkat lunak Apache, PHP, MySql, dan Yii Framework. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan optimalisasi pengaturan penjadwalan dan kartu belajar tetap yang dapat digunakan perkuliahan di lingkup perguruan tinggi Raharja. Tindak lanjut penelitian dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem optimalisasi yang lain dalam mendukung sistem informasi akademik Kata kunci...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Perilaku Syariah Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Pada Investor Muslim DI Bursa Efek Indonesia

The aim of this study was to determine the model of Islamic sharia investor behavior in their int... more The aim of this study was to determine the model of Islamic sharia investor behavior in their intent to invest in stock investment decisions to maximize sharia in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Data collection method was survey. The type of data in a form of expression, experience, or the characteristics of the study subjects individually. The dimension of time is one shot study. The respondents were investors Muslim in Indonesian Capital Market by the number of 120 respondents. The results showed that Islamic investors of all ages scattered adults and there is still the largest in the productive age range 41-45 years, as for the dominant factor in the decision making on the ratings outlook for shares in fundamental knowledge than the technical aspects. Attitude and confidence in the intention to invest, the revision of the decision-making of investors through stock ratings prospects based on the merits of financial information, price information, and hamblumminannas, hablumminallah fa...

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Ajax Technology in New Students Registration Website at Matana University

Formerly, website technology only used HTML to display static content (web 1.0), then in the mode... more Formerly, website technology only used HTML to display static content (web 1.0), then in the modern era, modern website was developed (web 2.0). The use of HTML language was combined with dynamic web programming languages such as PHP, ASP.Net, and JSP. However, in order to make the website page become more interactive and responsive, the use of dynamic web programming languages was not enough, therefore a technology that called as AJAX was created. This application is able to make website page becomes more responsive and interactive. The use of AJAX technology in modern website applications can also make the website page load faster and save the bandwidth usage of the internet network connection due to the asynchronous data transfer process between the client and the server. This study was aimed to fi nd out the mechanism of data transfer process and the comparison 99 of access speed level between client computer and the server (web and database server), especially on the website pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Pembelajaran Inkuiri Berbantuan Multimedia Interaktif Pada Mata Pelajaran Ipa Kelas V SD

Jurnal Muara Pendidikan

Inkuiri merupakan pembelajaran yang melibatkan secara maksimal seluruh kemampuan peserta didik un... more Inkuiri merupakan pembelajaran yang melibatkan secara maksimal seluruh kemampuan peserta didik untuk mencari dan menyelidiki fenomena alam, mahluk hidup atau benda secara kritis, analitis dan logis untuk menghasilkan siswa-siswa yang kreatif dan inovatif dalam memecahkan masalah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan pembelajaran inkuiri berbantuan multimedia interaktif pada mata pelajaran IPA kelas V sekolah dasar meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan pendekatan pembelajaran Borg and Gall dan model desain pembelajaran Dick and Carey. Desain yang digunakan adalah: R&D, ADDIE, SDLC, model evaluasi formatif Tesmer. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan desain multimedia interaktif terstandar berbasis model pembelajaran inkuiri yang dapat membantu guru melaksanakan pembelajaran IPA, untuk pembentukan kompetensi siswa kelas V SD, implikasinya dalam peningkatan produktivitas guru dan peningkatan...

Research paper thumbnail of Web Desain : Metode Aplikasi Dan Implementasi

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Dan Perbandingansistem Operasi Symbian Dan Androidpada Perangkat Smartphone

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Perekrutan Dan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt. Krakatau Industrial Estate Cilegon

JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, 2007

Dalam menentukan karyawan baru dan menilai kinerja karyawan dibutuhkan beberapa aspek pertimbanga... more Dalam menentukan karyawan baru dan menilai kinerja karyawan dibutuhkan beberapa aspek pertimbangan yang matang dan akurat. Dengan terbatasnya waktu dan terbatasnya kemampuan melihat segala aspek dengan akurat sering menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan SPK (Sistem Penunjang Keputusan) perekrutan dan penilaian kinerja karyawan dengan memperhatikan bobot-bobot aspek yang ada. Dengan metode analisis dan perancangan AHP (Analytical Hierarchial Process) dapat dilakukan pembobotan tingkat prioritas dari variabel-variabel yang diinginkan dengan membuat hirarki dari semua variabel yang ada. Dengan membandingkan antara tiap-tiap calon dan diintegrasikan dengan bobot kategori yang dibutuhkan, akan menghasilkan sebuah keputusan akan calon terbaik dari kategori yang telah ditentukan. Diimplementasikan dalam sistem pendukung keputusan perekrutan dan penilaian kinerja karyawan PT. Krakatau Industrial Estate Cilegon. Dengan sistem pendukung keputusan yang dirancang ini diharapkan pihak Divisi Sumberdaya Manusia PT.KIEC dapat mengambil keputusan dalam perekrutan dan penilaian kinerja karyawan dengan baik dengan melihat kriteria para calon dan mengambil yang terbaik.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Career Center Untuk Departemen Konseling Dan Pengembangan Karir (DKPK) Universitas Esa Unggul

JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, 2013

The Departemen Konseling dan Pengembangan Karir (dkpk), is a departments in esa unggul university... more The Departemen Konseling dan Pengembangan Karir (dkpk), is a departments in esa unggul university that moves in the field of service center for a career and job fair. Dkpk as of service center for a career, help the alumni to look for a job, and to improve career. Dkpk work, as an exchange serves as bridge between job seekers (job seeker) and employer (employer), where between job seekers and employer this is to be formed an information that is job vacancies. So far, the employer always have difficulty in acquiring employee candidates in accordance with the criteria vacancy. The great number of applicants with kriteria-kriterianya data candidates each cause problems for both employer in determine a candidate applicants work exact conformity to the needs of the company. Therefore, required a the support system decision that could ease firm in determine a candidate a suitor who exactly corresponding criteria vacancy expected. With the existence of the application of the determination of a candidate applicants work dna-based the web being a candidate of applicants would obtain work in accordance with the criteria vacancy. A candidate a suitor who according to be confirmed to perform phases recruitment available at the company. Selanjutnya adalah the company perform the process of recruitment as usual.

Research paper thumbnail of Rancangan Bangun Dan Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Usaha Tani Dan Pengepul Tanaman Polowijo

Tujuan pelaksanaan program vucer ini adalah untuk membantu usaha kecil mitra (UKM) dalam mencari ... more Tujuan pelaksanaan program vucer ini adalah untuk membantu usaha kecil mitra (UKM) dalam mencari solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi. UKM bergerak dibidang pengepul (pengusaha kecil penampung hasil pertanian) jagung dan pemipilan jagung. Permasalahan yang dihadapi UKM adalah peralatan produksinya (khusus alat pemipil jagung) masih sangat tradisioal, sehingga tidak efektif dan efisien untuk melakukan proses produksi. Akibatnya UKM sering dipaksa harus mengecewakan pelanggan karena tidak dapat memenuhi order tepat pada waktunya. Untuk membantu UKM dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut melalui program vucer ini ditawarkan suatu solusi berupa penerapan TTG mesin pemipil jagung hasil rancangan Tim TTG UNESA Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode partidipasi aktif, yakni dengan melibatkan UKM secara aktif mulai dari perencanaan teknispembuatan TTG hingga pengoprasiaanya. Hasil pelaksanaan program UKM menunjukkan bahwa Tim pelaksana berhasil mewujudkanTTG mesin pemipil jagung seperti yang diharapkan UKM betul-betul dapat teratasi. Hasil uji coba dilapangan menunjukkan bahwa TTG mesin pemipil jagung tersebut memiliki kemampuan yang jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan peralatan yang dipakai UKM sebelumnya. Kelebihan lain dari TTG ini adalah cara pengoprasiaanya lebih mudah, praktis, dan tidak membutuhkan banyak operator, serta dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web Pada Produk Dan Layanan Bank Muamalat

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Inventory Barang Jadi Dan Logistik DI Pt. Snfood

Inventory System at PT SNFOOD has existed and still manual with data processing using MsExcel. In... more Inventory System at PT SNFOOD has existed and still manual with data processing using MsExcel. Inventory system is used for finished goods needs of customers while logistics to see the basic material obtained from the supplier. Many parts logistics process data quantity of incoming and outgoing goods. Methodology Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD), While tools that use Wamp Server, PHP, Apache Server, MySQL.These applications facilitate employees in the warehouse to monitor and determine information regarding incoming outgoing goods in the warehouse for speed processing of items.Application System can be used for parts inventory warehouse as well as to provide convenience in the process of controlling the data in the warehouse of finished goods and provide information updates stock of goods

Research paper thumbnail of Development Model of Learning Information Technology Project Management Based of Multimedia on Higher Education


Research paper thumbnail of Akkord und Prämie

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Knowledge Management, Data Culture and the Development of Data Innovation on the Quality of the Business Insights Framework

Linguistics and Culture Review, 2022

This study examines how much the influence of Knowledge Management Process, Information Culture a... more This study examines how much the influence of Knowledge Management Process, Information Culture and Information Technology Maturity on the Business Intelligence System Quality. This study uses descriptive analytic research method and SEM-PLS statistic method. Data is collected from questionnaires distributed and returned from the employees of Finance & Accounting Department and Information Technology Department on private higher education at Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia as respondents. The result indicates a positive influence of Knowledge Management Process, Information Culture and Information Technology Maturity partially To the Business Intelligence System Quality.

Research paper thumbnail of Forum Ilmiah Vol 11 Nomer 1 Januari

PT. SNFOOD in business has one of the finished goods warehouse Division. Goods inventory informat... more PT. SNFOOD in business has one of the finished goods warehouse Division. Goods inventory information in the warehouse finished goods can affect the smooth production and inventory to support customer demand. Every day the warehouse finished goods Division deal with a lot of data entry and exit goods in large quantities. Data penggolahan currently still using manual systems. The transaction Data is written on a paper form and data storage was created with Ms Excel. Therefore needed an application that can facilitate the work of employees. An application that can control and provides information about goods that enter and exit the warehouse the goods so quickly. The application is built using the PHP programming language and WampServer as a base data.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Basic Nature of the Study of Economic Philosophy

Economic philosophy,when confined to the methodology of the study of modern economics or the stud... more Economic philosophy,when confined to the methodology of the study of modern economics or the study of its basis of philosophical ontology,can be classified into critical economic philosophy and speculative economic philosophy.Because of the lack of achievements in the past,the discussion of its basic nature has made little progress,which in turn hinders a correct understanding of the basic nature of Marxist economic philosophy.The author holds that "Marxist economic philosophy" is only a "historical science" rather than metaphysics or economic science and a "criticism of political economics" for the clarification of the historical prerequisite of capital civilization and the confirmation of its real domain of existence as the theme.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Classification Algorithm With Genetic Algorithm In Public Transport Analysis

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020

Congestion major cities in Indonesia caused by the proliferation of the use of private vehicles. ... more Congestion major cities in Indonesia caused by the proliferation of the use of private vehicles. Some people express their opinions and its opinion regarding public transport users through social media sites and other websites. This opinion can be used as a sentiment analysis material to find out whether the public transport service is positive or negative. The results of the sentiment analysis can help in the assessment and evaluation of the use of public transportation, it is also expected to improve services and facilities from public transportation so that the public tends to have a positive opinion. Based on the results of the sentiment analysis, it is expected that the community will switch to using public transportation which will certainly reduce congestion. In this study also added preprocessing stages by using the GataFramework framework to complete processes that cannot be done on RapidMiner tools. The method used in this study is sentiment analysis with the method of app...

Research paper thumbnail of An outbreak of fasdoliasis in sheep in north-east Yugoslavia

Research paper thumbnail of Transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganado bovino de doble propósito

Revista MVZ Córdoba, 2017

En las fincas «El Tequendama» y «La Belleza», pertenecientes al Municipio de San Carlos y «El Dil... more En las fincas «El Tequendama» y «La Belleza», pertenecientes al Municipio de San Carlos y «El Diluvio», ubicada en el Municipio de Montería, departamento de Córdoba, se realizó el presente trabajo con el fin de validar y divulgar la técnica de transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganaderías de Doble Propósito. Las receptoras se sincronizaron con progestágenos en grupos de 25 hembras mestizas, conformados por novillas y vacas. La selección de receptoras se hizo con base en la calidad de cuerpo lúteo, normalidad del tracto reproductivo y condición corporal superior a 3, en una escala de 1 (muy flaca) a 5 (cebada). La tasa de presentación de celo a las 48 horas de retirados los implantes, en la finca «El Tequendama» fue de 100% (25/25), en «La Belleza» de 100% (25/25) y en «El Diluvio» de 92% (23/25). La transferencia de embriones se realizó por el método no quirúrgico y se obtuvo una tasa de gestación de 25%, 16% y 0% en las fincas «El Tequendama», «La Belleza» y «El Dilu...

Research paper thumbnail of Pembuatan Aplikasi Sms Kriptografi Rsa Dengan Android

Forum Ilmiah, 2013

Sending a message is an activity who use by everyone for a day now. But we a citizen must beware ... more Sending a message is an activity who use by everyone for a day now. But we a citizen must beware of message spy without permission or tap a message content while a message inside a process sending from cellular owner who has that message. Of course cellular owner doesn't know there's a other who know that a message content that is a private message or steal an idea content of message. For thatim initiative for build a security message using cryptograph with RSA Method which a cellular owner can sending or receive a message without spy by other (cryptonalyst). For me cryptograph is the only way for secure a message from cryptonalyst (hacker) and a cryptography has been called like a code language. And why I am implement RSA Method for a securing a message than an other method of cryptograph ? That thing because a common method like blowfish , chipper cigne , etc only use one key for encrypt and decrypt a message , but with a RSA Method a message will be encrypt and decrypt with two key and its call public key for encrypt a message and private key for decrypt a message. And this application will be build in android platform because there's many people have an android mobile.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Penjadwalan Kuliah Menggunakan Metode : Auto Generate Time Table

Tujuan Penelitian: Menghasilkan Penjadwalan Kuliah Menggunakan Metode Otomatis Menghasilkan Jadwa... more Tujuan Penelitian: Menghasilkan Penjadwalan Kuliah Menggunakan Metode Otomatis Menghasilkan Jadwal yang dapat digunakan secara efektif untuk kuliah di Raharja Higher Education. Masalah penelitian mengatur jadwal kuliah adalah waktu, ruang dan waktu slot. Mempertimbangkan daftar kendala sulit dan kendala lunak yang disajikan dalam satu semester, jadi tidak ada konflik yang dibuat dalam mengalokasikan jadwal. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuesioner penjadwalan dan kartu studi tetap, serta menggunakan metodologi pengembangan sistem SDLC dan desain OOAD. Alat-alat yang digunakan adalah UML, Xamp dengan dukungan perangkat lunak Apache, PHP, MySql, dan Yii Framework. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan optimalisasi pengaturan penjadwalan dan kartu belajar tetap yang dapat digunakan perkuliahan di lingkup perguruan tinggi Raharja. Tindak lanjut penelitian dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem optimalisasi yang lain dalam mendukung sistem informasi akademik Kata kunci...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Perilaku Syariah Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Pada Investor Muslim DI Bursa Efek Indonesia

The aim of this study was to determine the model of Islamic sharia investor behavior in their int... more The aim of this study was to determine the model of Islamic sharia investor behavior in their intent to invest in stock investment decisions to maximize sharia in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Data collection method was survey. The type of data in a form of expression, experience, or the characteristics of the study subjects individually. The dimension of time is one shot study. The respondents were investors Muslim in Indonesian Capital Market by the number of 120 respondents. The results showed that Islamic investors of all ages scattered adults and there is still the largest in the productive age range 41-45 years, as for the dominant factor in the decision making on the ratings outlook for shares in fundamental knowledge than the technical aspects. Attitude and confidence in the intention to invest, the revision of the decision-making of investors through stock ratings prospects based on the merits of financial information, price information, and hamblumminannas, hablumminallah fa...

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Ajax Technology in New Students Registration Website at Matana University

Formerly, website technology only used HTML to display static content (web 1.0), then in the mode... more Formerly, website technology only used HTML to display static content (web 1.0), then in the modern era, modern website was developed (web 2.0). The use of HTML language was combined with dynamic web programming languages such as PHP, ASP.Net, and JSP. However, in order to make the website page become more interactive and responsive, the use of dynamic web programming languages was not enough, therefore a technology that called as AJAX was created. This application is able to make website page becomes more responsive and interactive. The use of AJAX technology in modern website applications can also make the website page load faster and save the bandwidth usage of the internet network connection due to the asynchronous data transfer process between the client and the server. This study was aimed to fi nd out the mechanism of data transfer process and the comparison 99 of access speed level between client computer and the server (web and database server), especially on the website pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Pembelajaran Inkuiri Berbantuan Multimedia Interaktif Pada Mata Pelajaran Ipa Kelas V SD

Jurnal Muara Pendidikan

Inkuiri merupakan pembelajaran yang melibatkan secara maksimal seluruh kemampuan peserta didik un... more Inkuiri merupakan pembelajaran yang melibatkan secara maksimal seluruh kemampuan peserta didik untuk mencari dan menyelidiki fenomena alam, mahluk hidup atau benda secara kritis, analitis dan logis untuk menghasilkan siswa-siswa yang kreatif dan inovatif dalam memecahkan masalah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan pembelajaran inkuiri berbantuan multimedia interaktif pada mata pelajaran IPA kelas V sekolah dasar meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan pendekatan pembelajaran Borg and Gall dan model desain pembelajaran Dick and Carey. Desain yang digunakan adalah: R&D, ADDIE, SDLC, model evaluasi formatif Tesmer. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan desain multimedia interaktif terstandar berbasis model pembelajaran inkuiri yang dapat membantu guru melaksanakan pembelajaran IPA, untuk pembentukan kompetensi siswa kelas V SD, implikasinya dalam peningkatan produktivitas guru dan peningkatan...

Research paper thumbnail of Web Desain : Metode Aplikasi Dan Implementasi

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Dan Perbandingansistem Operasi Symbian Dan Androidpada Perangkat Smartphone