jose antonio perrella Balestieri - (original) (raw)
composição by jose antonio perrella Balestieri
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Advanced Energy Systems Division Aes, Dec 1, 1995
Proceedings of the 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2015
Revista De Ciencia Tecnologia, 2004
ABSTRACT In this paper, thermodynamics' first and second laws were applied to a firewood ... more ABSTRACT In this paper, thermodynamics' first and second laws were applied to a firewood boiler in order to evaluate its performance. Some other physical parameters, such as the electric ones, were taken into account in the development of the analysis for its performance evaluation. The procedure based on thermodynamic laws is recommended as a general tool for the analysis of heat systems, aiming at reaching some operational and design information - mainly qualitative results - by means of the second law analysis, which helps to estimate the critical points for a better energy conservation. The analysis of a firewood boiler in a small pasta factory is presented to illustrate the use of exergetic modeling.
Desalination, 2009
This paper aims to analyze dual-purpose systems focusing the total cost optimization; a superstru... more This paper aims to analyze dual-purpose systems focusing the total cost optimization; a superstructure is proposed to present cogeneration systems and desalination technologies alternatives for the synthesis process. The superstructure consists of excluding components, gas turbines or ...
Actas Archivo De Ordenador Ii Encuentro Iberoamericano Sobre Investigacion Basica En Educacion En Ciencias Burgos 21 24 De Septiembre De 2004 2005 Isbn 84 96394 27 1 Pags 132 146, 2005
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Revista Brasileira De Gestao E Desenvolvimento Regional, Dec 8, 2014
We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a deter... more We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a determinant factor on the performance of water supply systems. This is a relevant research issue because privatization and increased private sector participation in water supply systems are global trends, aimed to improve the low levels of performance and efficiency of these systems.The evidences collected in the literature shows that the ownership, itself, is not a determining factor on the performance levels of water supply systems. This finding shows that privatization can be an inefective operation to improve water supply systems performance, if other factors are not jointly considered. Regulation, competition and transparency are the main factors that define the efficiency and performance of this sector.
Abstract. Performance measurement systems (PMSs) are frequently used in the corporate sector as a... more Abstract. Performance measurement systems (PMSs) are frequently used in the corporate sector as an instrument of strategic planning and management, allowing quantifying, analyzing and disseminating efficiency information about various areas of a company-...
Revista Arvore, Jun 1, 2013
RESUMO -Perfiladores acústicos Doppler de corrente são, na atualidade, a principal opção para med... more RESUMO -Perfiladores acústicos Doppler de corrente são, na atualidade, a principal opção para medição de vazão e monitoramento hidrodinâmico de cursos d´água, em substituição aos métodos tradicionais. A disseminação desse tipo de equipamento deve-se, principalmente, às suas vantagens operativas, que vão da rapidez de medição até o maior detalhamento e quantidade de informações geradas sobre a hidrodinâmica das seções hidrométricas. Assim como no emprego de métodos e equipamentos tradicionais, o uso de perfiladores acústicos Doppler deve ser pautado pela busca da qualidade dos dados, uma vez que estes são a base para projetos e gestão de obras e sistemas de recursos hídricos. Nesse sentido, o trabalho apresenta uma análise das incertezas de medição de uma campanha hidrométrica realizada no Rio Sapucaí (Piranguinho-MG), utilizando dois perfiladores Doppler distintos: um ADCP Rio Grande 1.200 kHz e um Qmetrix Qliner. Foram realizadas 10 medições consecutivas com cada equipamento, seguindo-se os protocolos de qualidade existentes na literatura e, posteriormente, uma análise de incerteza do Tipo A (ou seja, análise estatística de várias observações independentes das grandezas de entrada sob as mesmas condições). As medições do ADCP e Qliner apresentaram, respectivamente, incertezaspadrão de 0,679% e 0,508% em relação às médias. Tais resultados são satisfatórios e aceitáveis quando comparados a referências da literatura, indicando a validade do uso de perfiladores Doppler para a expansão de redes fluviométricas e geração de dados hidrológicos.
Revista Brasileira De Gestao E Desenvolvimento Regional, Nov 30, 2014
We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a deter... more We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a determinant factor on the performance of water supply systems. This is a relevant research issue because privatization and increased private sector participation in water supply systems are global trends, aimed to improve the low levels of performance and efficiency of these systems.The evidences collected in the literature shows that the ownership, itself, is not a determining factor on the performance levels of water supply systems. This finding shows that privatization can be an inefective operation to improve water supply systems performance, if other factors are not jointly considered. Regulation, competition and transparency are the main factors that define the efficiency and performance of this sector.
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional para análise exergoeconômi... more Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional para análise exergoeconômica de sistemas de cogeração que empregam turbinas a gás associado ao sistema de refrigeração por absorção. O programa computacional seleciona sistemas de turbinas a gás, visando a operação em paridade térmica, através de um banco de dados composto de turbinas a gás comercialmente disponíveis no mercado, nas condições ISO (International Standards Organization). O programa computacional corrige os parâmetros de performance dos sistemas selecionados para as condições locais da instalação. A análise exergoeconômica é feita com base no menor custo de manufatura exergético no qual é considerado o melhor sistema entre os selecionados, àquele que apresentar o menor índice de irreversibilidade. O programa computacional foi desenvolvido em linguagem FORTRAN77, é um programa bastante amigável ,com janelas que descrevem cada etapa de sua utilização. Um exemplo de estudo de caso da aplicação do programa computacional é apresentado neste trabalho.
Library technology reports
Library technology reports
In this paper, thermodynamics' first and second laws were applied to a firewood boiler in ord... more In this paper, thermodynamics' first and second laws were applied to a firewood boiler in order to evaluate its performance. Some other physical parameters, such as the electric ones, were taken into account in the development of the analysis for its performance evaluation. The procedure based on thermodynamic laws is recommended as a general tool for the analysis of heat systems, aiming at reaching some operational and design information - mainly qualitative results - by means of the second law analysis, which helps to estimate the critical points for a better energy conservation. The analysis of a firewood boiler in a small pasta factory is presented to illustrate the use of exergetic modeling.
Proceedings of the 24th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1989
ABSTRACT Deciding how to allocate the crop share in the combined alcohol-sugar industries using d... more ABSTRACT Deciding how to allocate the crop share in the combined alcohol-sugar industries using dynamic programming is discussed. This planning is based on production and storage restrictions and on market price and demand. The authors present a model for scheduling the sugar cane crop so as to increase the energy surplus from the plant, which is measured by the bagasse excess. This excess can be transformed into electrical power to the public utilities, with high economic return. The main tools used in this study were the simulation of the sugar cane plants and the dynamic programming model. A case study for a southeastern Brazil combined alcohol-sugar plant is given
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015
ABSTRACT The present work approaches the necessity of the hydraulic and energetic efficiency indi... more ABSTRACT The present work approaches the necessity of the hydraulic and energetic efficiency indicator development for the management and decision making of water supply systems (WSSs) that can enable the comparison between the current situation of the system with its optimal technical condition regarding the energy and hydraulic terms. Such indicators must consider and represent the physical and operational components which integrate the hydraulic and energetic conversion processes in WSSs. The optimal technical condition refers to the target-value of the analyzed variable, which makes possible the lowest consumption/demand of electricity and hydraulic head, or their better use, simultaneously meeting the operational requirements of the system. The literature registers the lack of efficiency indicators for the analysis of WSSs, since the existing indicators only address the energy situation of these systems, which are not related with the energy efficiency and conservation potentials. The evaluation of the global energy efficiency of WSSs depends on the individual and separated analysis of the various physical components and energy conversion processes. In order to sustain the decision making, such individual analysis needs to be associated with the hydraulic and energy efficiency measures applicable to the system. Three technological hydraulic and energy efficiency indicators for water supply systems (WSSs) are proposed: hydraulic energy recovery indicator; optimized pumping operation indicator; and supplied hydraulic head indicator. These indicators consider the existing energy and hydraulic flows of the WSSs, allowing the full assessment of the possibilities for the energy efficiency improvements of the WSSs arising from different physical and operational energy efficiency measures. The proposed indicators are tested in real cases that show their application and potentiality.
ABSTRACT We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership i... more ABSTRACT We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a determinant factor on the performance of water supply systems. This is a relevant research issue because privatization and increased private sector participation in water supply systems are global trends, aimed to improve the low levels of performance and efficiency of these systems.The evidences collected in the literature shows that the ownership, itself, is not a determining factor on the performance levels of water supply systems. This finding shows that privatization can be an inefective operation to improve water supply systems performance, if other factors are not jointly considered. Regulation, competition and transparency are the main factors that define the efficiency and performance of this sector.
ABSTRACT Acoustic Doppler current profilers are currently the main option for flow measurement an... more ABSTRACT Acoustic Doppler current profilers are currently the main option for flow measurement and hydrodynamic monitoring of streams, replacing traditional methods. The spread of such equipment is mainly due to their operational advantages ranging from speed measurement to the greatest detail and amount of information generated about the hydrodynamics of hydrometric sections. As in the use of traditional methods and equipments, the use of acoustic Doppler profilers should be guided by the pursuit of data quality, since these are the basis for project and management of water resources constructions and systems. In this sense, the paper presents an analysis of measurement uncertainties of a hydrometric campaign held in Sapucaí River (Piranguinho-MG), using two different Doppler profilers - a Rio Grande ADCP 1200 kHz and a Qmetrix Qliner. 10 measurements were performed with each equipment consecutively, following the literature quality protocols, and later, a Type A uncertainty analysis (statistical analysis of several independent observations of the input under the same conditions). The measurements of the ADCP and Qliner presented, respectively, standard uncertainties of 0.679% and 0.508% compared with the averages. These results are satisfactory and acceptable when compared to references in the literature, indicating that the use of Doppler profilers is valid for expansion and upgrade of streamflow measurement networks and generation of hydrological data.
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 2011
ABSTRACT The paper presents monitoring results from the implementation of energy efficient buildi... more ABSTRACT The paper presents monitoring results from the implementation of energy efficient buildings, renewable energy supply systems and energy management in a sustainable neighborhood in Germany. The whole quarter has low energy standard buildings, which have been monitored for heating and electricity consumption. About 80% of the heating energy demand and 50% of the electricity consumption of the whole area is supplied by a wood fired co-generation plant with 1 MW electrical output and 5.3 MW thermal power output. In summer the heat from the network is used for decentralized absorption cooling in one of the office buildings. The main performance results of this monitored area are presented and the potential for replication are discussed.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Advanced Energy Systems Division Aes, Dec 1, 1995
Proceedings of the 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2015
Revista De Ciencia Tecnologia, 2004
ABSTRACT In this paper, thermodynamics' first and second laws were applied to a firewood ... more ABSTRACT In this paper, thermodynamics' first and second laws were applied to a firewood boiler in order to evaluate its performance. Some other physical parameters, such as the electric ones, were taken into account in the development of the analysis for its performance evaluation. The procedure based on thermodynamic laws is recommended as a general tool for the analysis of heat systems, aiming at reaching some operational and design information - mainly qualitative results - by means of the second law analysis, which helps to estimate the critical points for a better energy conservation. The analysis of a firewood boiler in a small pasta factory is presented to illustrate the use of exergetic modeling.
Desalination, 2009
This paper aims to analyze dual-purpose systems focusing the total cost optimization; a superstru... more This paper aims to analyze dual-purpose systems focusing the total cost optimization; a superstructure is proposed to present cogeneration systems and desalination technologies alternatives for the synthesis process. The superstructure consists of excluding components, gas turbines or ...
Actas Archivo De Ordenador Ii Encuentro Iberoamericano Sobre Investigacion Basica En Educacion En Ciencias Burgos 21 24 De Septiembre De 2004 2005 Isbn 84 96394 27 1 Pags 132 146, 2005
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Revista Brasileira De Gestao E Desenvolvimento Regional, Dec 8, 2014
We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a deter... more We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a determinant factor on the performance of water supply systems. This is a relevant research issue because privatization and increased private sector participation in water supply systems are global trends, aimed to improve the low levels of performance and efficiency of these systems.The evidences collected in the literature shows that the ownership, itself, is not a determining factor on the performance levels of water supply systems. This finding shows that privatization can be an inefective operation to improve water supply systems performance, if other factors are not jointly considered. Regulation, competition and transparency are the main factors that define the efficiency and performance of this sector.
Abstract. Performance measurement systems (PMSs) are frequently used in the corporate sector as a... more Abstract. Performance measurement systems (PMSs) are frequently used in the corporate sector as an instrument of strategic planning and management, allowing quantifying, analyzing and disseminating efficiency information about various areas of a company-...
Revista Arvore, Jun 1, 2013
RESUMO -Perfiladores acústicos Doppler de corrente são, na atualidade, a principal opção para med... more RESUMO -Perfiladores acústicos Doppler de corrente são, na atualidade, a principal opção para medição de vazão e monitoramento hidrodinâmico de cursos d´água, em substituição aos métodos tradicionais. A disseminação desse tipo de equipamento deve-se, principalmente, às suas vantagens operativas, que vão da rapidez de medição até o maior detalhamento e quantidade de informações geradas sobre a hidrodinâmica das seções hidrométricas. Assim como no emprego de métodos e equipamentos tradicionais, o uso de perfiladores acústicos Doppler deve ser pautado pela busca da qualidade dos dados, uma vez que estes são a base para projetos e gestão de obras e sistemas de recursos hídricos. Nesse sentido, o trabalho apresenta uma análise das incertezas de medição de uma campanha hidrométrica realizada no Rio Sapucaí (Piranguinho-MG), utilizando dois perfiladores Doppler distintos: um ADCP Rio Grande 1.200 kHz e um Qmetrix Qliner. Foram realizadas 10 medições consecutivas com cada equipamento, seguindo-se os protocolos de qualidade existentes na literatura e, posteriormente, uma análise de incerteza do Tipo A (ou seja, análise estatística de várias observações independentes das grandezas de entrada sob as mesmas condições). As medições do ADCP e Qliner apresentaram, respectivamente, incertezaspadrão de 0,679% e 0,508% em relação às médias. Tais resultados são satisfatórios e aceitáveis quando comparados a referências da literatura, indicando a validade do uso de perfiladores Doppler para a expansão de redes fluviométricas e geração de dados hidrológicos.
Revista Brasileira De Gestao E Desenvolvimento Regional, Nov 30, 2014
We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a deter... more We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a determinant factor on the performance of water supply systems. This is a relevant research issue because privatization and increased private sector participation in water supply systems are global trends, aimed to improve the low levels of performance and efficiency of these systems.The evidences collected in the literature shows that the ownership, itself, is not a determining factor on the performance levels of water supply systems. This finding shows that privatization can be an inefective operation to improve water supply systems performance, if other factors are not jointly considered. Regulation, competition and transparency are the main factors that define the efficiency and performance of this sector.
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional para análise exergoeconômi... more Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional para análise exergoeconômica de sistemas de cogeração que empregam turbinas a gás associado ao sistema de refrigeração por absorção. O programa computacional seleciona sistemas de turbinas a gás, visando a operação em paridade térmica, através de um banco de dados composto de turbinas a gás comercialmente disponíveis no mercado, nas condições ISO (International Standards Organization). O programa computacional corrige os parâmetros de performance dos sistemas selecionados para as condições locais da instalação. A análise exergoeconômica é feita com base no menor custo de manufatura exergético no qual é considerado o melhor sistema entre os selecionados, àquele que apresentar o menor índice de irreversibilidade. O programa computacional foi desenvolvido em linguagem FORTRAN77, é um programa bastante amigável ,com janelas que descrevem cada etapa de sua utilização. Um exemplo de estudo de caso da aplicação do programa computacional é apresentado neste trabalho.
Library technology reports
Library technology reports
In this paper, thermodynamics' first and second laws were applied to a firewood boiler in ord... more In this paper, thermodynamics' first and second laws were applied to a firewood boiler in order to evaluate its performance. Some other physical parameters, such as the electric ones, were taken into account in the development of the analysis for its performance evaluation. The procedure based on thermodynamic laws is recommended as a general tool for the analysis of heat systems, aiming at reaching some operational and design information - mainly qualitative results - by means of the second law analysis, which helps to estimate the critical points for a better energy conservation. The analysis of a firewood boiler in a small pasta factory is presented to illustrate the use of exergetic modeling.
Proceedings of the 24th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1989
ABSTRACT Deciding how to allocate the crop share in the combined alcohol-sugar industries using d... more ABSTRACT Deciding how to allocate the crop share in the combined alcohol-sugar industries using dynamic programming is discussed. This planning is based on production and storage restrictions and on market price and demand. The authors present a model for scheduling the sugar cane crop so as to increase the energy surplus from the plant, which is measured by the bagasse excess. This excess can be transformed into electrical power to the public utilities, with high economic return. The main tools used in this study were the simulation of the sugar cane plants and the dynamic programming model. A case study for a southeastern Brazil combined alcohol-sugar plant is given
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015
ABSTRACT The present work approaches the necessity of the hydraulic and energetic efficiency indi... more ABSTRACT The present work approaches the necessity of the hydraulic and energetic efficiency indicator development for the management and decision making of water supply systems (WSSs) that can enable the comparison between the current situation of the system with its optimal technical condition regarding the energy and hydraulic terms. Such indicators must consider and represent the physical and operational components which integrate the hydraulic and energetic conversion processes in WSSs. The optimal technical condition refers to the target-value of the analyzed variable, which makes possible the lowest consumption/demand of electricity and hydraulic head, or their better use, simultaneously meeting the operational requirements of the system. The literature registers the lack of efficiency indicators for the analysis of WSSs, since the existing indicators only address the energy situation of these systems, which are not related with the energy efficiency and conservation potentials. The evaluation of the global energy efficiency of WSSs depends on the individual and separated analysis of the various physical components and energy conversion processes. In order to sustain the decision making, such individual analysis needs to be associated with the hydraulic and energy efficiency measures applicable to the system. Three technological hydraulic and energy efficiency indicators for water supply systems (WSSs) are proposed: hydraulic energy recovery indicator; optimized pumping operation indicator; and supplied hydraulic head indicator. These indicators consider the existing energy and hydraulic flows of the WSSs, allowing the full assessment of the possibilities for the energy efficiency improvements of the WSSs arising from different physical and operational energy efficiency measures. The proposed indicators are tested in real cases that show their application and potentiality.
ABSTRACT We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership i... more ABSTRACT We developed a concise literature review to investigate if public or private ownership is a determinant factor on the performance of water supply systems. This is a relevant research issue because privatization and increased private sector participation in water supply systems are global trends, aimed to improve the low levels of performance and efficiency of these systems.The evidences collected in the literature shows that the ownership, itself, is not a determining factor on the performance levels of water supply systems. This finding shows that privatization can be an inefective operation to improve water supply systems performance, if other factors are not jointly considered. Regulation, competition and transparency are the main factors that define the efficiency and performance of this sector.
ABSTRACT Acoustic Doppler current profilers are currently the main option for flow measurement an... more ABSTRACT Acoustic Doppler current profilers are currently the main option for flow measurement and hydrodynamic monitoring of streams, replacing traditional methods. The spread of such equipment is mainly due to their operational advantages ranging from speed measurement to the greatest detail and amount of information generated about the hydrodynamics of hydrometric sections. As in the use of traditional methods and equipments, the use of acoustic Doppler profilers should be guided by the pursuit of data quality, since these are the basis for project and management of water resources constructions and systems. In this sense, the paper presents an analysis of measurement uncertainties of a hydrometric campaign held in Sapucaí River (Piranguinho-MG), using two different Doppler profilers - a Rio Grande ADCP 1200 kHz and a Qmetrix Qliner. 10 measurements were performed with each equipment consecutively, following the literature quality protocols, and later, a Type A uncertainty analysis (statistical analysis of several independent observations of the input under the same conditions). The measurements of the ADCP and Qliner presented, respectively, standard uncertainties of 0.679% and 0.508% compared with the averages. These results are satisfactory and acceptable when compared to references in the literature, indicating that the use of Doppler profilers is valid for expansion and upgrade of streamflow measurement networks and generation of hydrological data.
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 2011
ABSTRACT The paper presents monitoring results from the implementation of energy efficient buildi... more ABSTRACT The paper presents monitoring results from the implementation of energy efficient buildings, renewable energy supply systems and energy management in a sustainable neighborhood in Germany. The whole quarter has low energy standard buildings, which have been monitored for heating and electricity consumption. About 80% of the heating energy demand and 50% of the electricity consumption of the whole area is supplied by a wood fired co-generation plant with 1 MW electrical output and 5.3 MW thermal power output. In summer the heat from the network is used for decentralized absorption cooling in one of the office buildings. The main performance results of this monitored area are presented and the potential for replication are discussed.
A co-geracao industrial tem sido apresentada como uma alternativa eficiente para o uso racional d... more A co-geracao industrial tem sido apresentada como uma alternativa eficiente para o uso racional da energia, o que tem motivado o desenvolvimento de analises tanto a nivel macro quanto microscopico. Do ponto de vista microscopico, diferentes metodologias tem sido propostas no sentido de auxiliar o planejamento de centrais de co-geracao no contexto de sua integracao a certas plantas de processo industriais. A revisao bibliografica apresentada permite vislumbrar que tanto os modelos analiticos de simulacao quanto os modelos de otimizacao tem sido empregados com sucesso na analise da operacao desses sistemas, com particular vantagem para esses ultimos no tocante a qualidade dos resultados alcancados. Apresenta-se, nesta tese, uma metodologia de otimizacao multiobjetiva que faz uso de criterios economicos, tecnicos e ambientais para a definicao da configuracao a ser recomendada a cada caso. Uma discussao individual de cada criterio e dos respectivos equacionamentos e valores pertinentes ...
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
This paper critically analyses pervasive contemporary discourses that call for children and young... more This paper critically analyses pervasive contemporary discourses that call for children and young people to be "reconnected" with nature and natural resources. Simultaneously, it reflects on emerging forms of nexus thinking and policy that seek to identify and govern connections between diverse sectors, and especially water, energy and food. Both of these fields of scholarship are concerned with connections, of different kinds, and at different spatial scales. Based on a large-scale, mixedmethod research project in São Paulo State, Brazil, this paper explores how these rather different literatures could be combined in order to (re)think notions of (re)connection that operate across different spatial, political and material registers. Through research with Brazilian professionals and young people about their experiences of, and learning about, the water-energy-food nexus, the paper makes several substantive contributions to scholarship on childhood, youth, environmental education and nexus thinking. Centrally, it is argued that, rather than dispense with them, there are manifold possibilities for expanding and complicating notions of (re)connection, which rely on a more nuanced analysis of the logistical, technical, social and political contexts in which nexuses are constituted. Thus, our work flips dominant forms of nexus thinking by privileging a "bottom-up" analysis of (especially) young people's everyday, embodied engagements with water, food and energy. Our resultant findings indicated that young people are "connected" with natures and with the water-energy-food nexus, in both fairly conventional ways and in ways that significantly extend beyond contemporary discourses about childhoods-natures (and particularly in articulating the importance of care and community). Consequently, the nexus approach that is advocated in this paper could enable more nuanced, politically aware conceptualisations of (re)connection, both within and beyond scholarship on childhoods-natures and nexus thinking.