karmela filipovic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by karmela filipovic

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation between bone mineral density and body mass index as a risk factor for the development of osteoporosis

Timočki medicinski glasnik, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza bola i funkcionalnog statusa pacijen- ata sa osteoartrozom kolena nakon primene transkutane električne nervne stimulacije

Objective. Evaluation of analgesic effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) a... more Objective. Evaluation of analgesic effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and functional status of pa­ tients with knee osteoarthritis in three intervals: immediately after treatment, one and three months after therapy. Methods. Sample consisted of 40 patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis, aged from 50-75 years. In examinees' evaluation, the same protocol was used for all patients: cir­ cumference of knees across the middle of patella, perimeter of knee movements, and rough muscle strength of quadriceps femoris muscle. Measurements were performed before and af­ ter therapy, after a month, and after three months. The ques­ tionnaire of pain, short form of McGill pain questionnaire, was filled in the same time interval. TENS procedures were applied five times of week, total of ten days. The same protocol of kinesitherapy treatment applied to all patients, uniformly. In statistical analysis we used descriptive methods and t-test. Results. There was an im...

Research paper thumbnail of Social and mental functioning in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density

Medical review, 2018

Introduction. Osteoporosis is a systemic, metabolic, progressive bone disease characterized by re... more Introduction. Osteoporosis is a systemic, metabolic, progressive bone disease characterized by reduced bone mineral density leading to bone fragility and reduced quality of life. The objective of this study was to examine the quality of social and mental functioning in postmenopausal women with reduced mineral bone density. Material and Methods. This prospective cross-sectional study included 210 postmenopausal women aged ? 50 years, who were referred for osteodensitometry to the Special Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases Novi Sad, Serbia. The study was conducted in the period from February 24 to April 3, 2017. All women completed the Serbian version of the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (41). They all underwent bone mineral density measurement in two regions of interest, and the results were interpreted according to the current definition of osteoporosis. The participants? social and mental functioning was analyzed including the following var...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of associated diseases in gout and influence on course and treatment

Zdravstvena zastita, 2012

Сажетак Увод. Познато је да су неке болести и патолошка стања чешће присутни код болесника са гих... more Сажетак Увод. Познато је да су неке болести и патолошка стања чешће присутни код болесника са гихтом него у осталој популацији. До данас нису тачно утврђени разлози за ову повезаност, али је сигурно да удружене болести погоршавају прогнозу гихта. Циљ. Утврђивање утицаја удружених болести у гихту на његов ток и лечење. Материјал и метод. Ретроспективном анализом обухваћено је 168 болесника, оба пола, различите старосне доби, оболелих од уратног артритиса, а лечених у Специјалној болници за реуматске болести у Новом Саду од 2008. до 2011. године. Код свих пацијената су праћене друге придружене болести (хипертензија, дијабетес мелитус, гојазност, хиперхолестеролемија са хипертриглицеридемијом и атеросклероза). Из студије су били искључени сви пацијенти који имају дијагностиковану реналну инсуфицијенцију. Резултати. Највећи број испитаника чинили су мушкарци (89%). Више од половине испитаника (54%) имали су 2 и 3 гихтична напада. Најзаступљеније придружене болести су хиперхолестеролемија, затим хипертензија, гојазност, дијабетес мелитус и атеросклероза. Највећи број оболелих од гихта имало је више од 3 придружене болести (67% пацијената), што је резултовано већим бројем атака. Закључак. Учесталост гихтичних напада је у функцији времена трајања болести, у току које Summаry Introduction. It is well known that some diseases and pathological conditions are more frequent in patients with gout than in general population. Till this date is unclear why, but associated diseases negatively affect gout disease and its future prognosis. Aim. Determining the impact of joint diseases on gout and the course of the treatment. Materials and method. Retrospective analysis included 168 patients of both sexes, different ages, uric arthritis patients, which were treated in a Special Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Novi Sad from 2008 to 2011. All patients were monitored for other associated diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypercholesterolemia with hypertriglyceridemia and atherosclerosis). This study excluded all patients diagnosed with renal insufficiency. Results. The majority of patients were males, 89%. More than half of patients (54%) had 2 and 3 gout attacks. The most common associated disease was hypercholesterolemia, followed by hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. Most patients had more than three associated diseases (67% of them), which resulted in inreased number of attacks. Conclusion. Gout attacks frequency is progressive with time, during which its number increases, correlating the number of associated events. Hence

Research paper thumbnail of Polymyalgia rheumatica as a problem in differential diagnosis: Case report

Zdravstvena zastita, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Previous fractures as a predictor of osteoporosis development

Zdravstvena zastita, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Capture the vertebral fracture: Risk factors as a prediction

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2019

OBJECTIVE: Vertebral fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures occurring due to low bo... more OBJECTIVE: Vertebral fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures occurring due to low bone mineral density, as well as other risk factors. The aim of the paper is to investigate risk factors for vertebral osteoporotic fracture occurrence in postmenopausal women. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of data pertaining to 651 postmenopausal women obtained from the National Osteoporosis Registry of Serbia was conducted. Further analyses were performed on 217 osteoporotic women identified from those records, whereby those in the experimental group (n = 110) had a vertebral fracture, while those assigned to the control group (n = 107) did not. The two groups were comparable in terms of age (t = 0.450; p > 0.01). Risk factors that could serve as the best predictors of vertebral fracture occurrence were investigated. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used for testing effect of several factors on vertebral fracture occurrence as the dependent variable. RESULTS: Patients that have never suffered a vertebral fracture had a significantly higher bone mineral density (t = 8.161; p < 0.01) in comparison to those with a verified vertebral fracture. Factors that significantly contributed to the risk of vertebral fracture were presence of kyphosis (OR 708.338; 95% CI 19.238-26.081.950), use of glucocorticoids (OR 87.618; 95% CI 9.175-836.707), and presence of comorbidities (OR 7.327; 95% CI 1.500-35.793). Moreover, a unit increase in body mass index (BMI) was found to lower the probability of vertebral fracture by a factor of 0.846. Women that entered menopause later have lower chance of suffering a vertebral fracture (OR = 0.539; 95% CI 0.400-0.726). CONCLUSION: Lower body mass index, presence of kyphosis, use of glucocorticoids, early menopause onset, and presence of comorbidities are the factors that contribute the most to vertebral osteoporotic fracture occurrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of mobility of the spinal column in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Timocki medicinski glasnik, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Risk factors for osteoarthritis of the hip

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2013

UVOD. Osteoartroza kuka je degenerativna bolest kuka, nepoznatog uzroka, sa simptomima bola i uko... more UVOD. Osteoartroza kuka je degenerativna bolest kuka, nepoznatog uzroka, sa simptomima bola i ukočenosti i oštećenom funkcijom zgloba. CILJ. Utvrditi uticaj dva faktora rizika na nastanak osteoartroze kuka (opterećenje kuka pri obavljanju profesionalne aktivnosti i BMI). MATERIJAL I METOD. Analizirano je 148 bolenika. Bolesnici su bili podeljeni u jedanake grupe (I grupa sa osteoartrozom kuka i II grupa bez osteoartroze kuka). Kod svih bolesnika je sproveden dijagnostički postupak: anamneza; fizikalni pregled (procena hoda, opseg pokreta zgloba); laboratorijski pregled krvi i urina; radiološki pregled kukova i uzimanje podataka o telesnoj visini i težini bolesnika u cilju izračunavanja BMI. Praćeni su podaci koji su se odnosili na opterećenje zgloba kuka pri profesionalnoj aktivnosti (pretežno sedeći posao i pretežno stojeći posao uz ponavljano nošenje tereta). Za statističku obradu korišćen je programski paket SPSS 14,0, Microsoft Office Word 2003. REZULTATI. U prvoj grupi prosečna starost je bila 67,76 godina, žene su bile zastupljenije (67,6%). U ovoj grupi zabeležena je veća telesna težina (81,82 ±12,18), te je ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika (t=2,923,p<0,01); prosečan BMI je bio veći (30,18 ± 4,6) i ustanovljena je statistički značajna razlika (t= 3,832, p<0,01). U ovoj grupi bila je veća zastupljenost prekomerno uhranjenih bolesnika (87,7%) i statistički visoko značajna razlika (Fisher test, p<0,01). U I grupi 62,2% bolesnika je obavljalo pretežno stojeći posao (stojeći posao uz ponavljano nošenje tereta). Utvrđena je statistička značajnost među grupama (Fisher test, p<0,05). ZAKLJUČAK. Bolenici sa osteoartrozom kuka imali su veću telesnu težinu i veći BMI. Takođe, utvrđen je uticaj obavljanja teškog fizičkog rada tokom profesionalne delatnost, jer su ispitanici uglavnom obavljali stojeći posao uz ponavljano nošenje tereta.

Research paper thumbnail of Importance of the body mass index in development of osteoporosis

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2013

UVOD: Osteoporozu odlikuje smanjena mineralna koštana gustina (BMD), povećana fragilnost i sklono... more UVOD: Osteoporozu odlikuje smanjena mineralna koštana gustina (BMD), povećana fragilnost i sklonost ka prelomima. Veliki uticaj u nastanku osteoporoze imaju i faktori rizika među koje spada nizak indeks telesne mase (BMI). CILJ: Utvrditi značaj indeksa telesne mase u nastanku osteoporoze. MATERIJAL I METOD: Prospektivno ispitivanje je rađeno u Specijalnoj bolnici za reumatske bolesti u Novom Sadu i obuhvatilo je 1 323 pacijenta oba pola, prosečne starosne dobi 64 godine, kojima je merena mineralna koštana gustina (BMD) na lumbalnom delu kičme i na kuku. Rezultati osteodenzitometrijskog nalaza su interpretirani prema važećoj definiciji osteoporoze. Takođe, svim ispitanicima je merena telesna masa, telesna visina i određen im je indeks telesne mase. Posmatrana je povezanost između BMI i BMD. Svi podaci su unošeni u Bonlink bazu podataka. U statističkoj obradi podataka korišćena je deskriptivna statistika, mere centralne tendencije i Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije. REZULTATI: Većinu ispitanika su činile žene, 96%, a svega 4% muškarci. Što se tiče stepena uhranjenosti pacijenata: 43% je bilo prekomerno uhranjenih, 20% gojaznih, 35% normalno uhranjenih i 2% pothranjenih. Najveći broj ispitanika je imao T skor kuka (66%) i T skor kičme (61%) na nivou osteopenije. Korelacija posmatranih parametara T skora i BMI je pozitivna i pokazuje statističku povezanost na nivou p<0,01. ZAKLJUČAK: Ispitanici sa nižom telesnom masom imaju manju mineralnu koštanu gustinu, što svrstava nisku telesnu masu u značajan faktor rizika za nastanak osteoporoze. KLJUČNE REČI: osteoporoza, indeks telesne mase, mineralna koštana gustina.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of pain and functional status of patients with knee osteoarthritis after transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation treatment

PONS - medicinski casopis, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison Between Ultrasonography Results and Results of Magnetic Resonance in Shoulder Pathology – Case Report

Acta medica medianae, 2013

The common pathological condition of the shoulder joint is rotator cuff diseases. Patient, 68 yea... more The common pathological condition of the shoulder joint is rotator cuff diseases. Patient, 68 years, had pain in the shoulder with limited joint mobility. After clinical examination, blood tests (SE >100 nmol/L, CSF normal, hypergammaglobulinemia) and radiographic examination (bone dilution with deformities of the humeral head), a solitary plasmocytoma was suspected. This diagnosis was excluded after biopsy. Patient was referred to the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the shoulder, so ultrasonographic (US) examination was performed. Our case study points to comparability between US and MRI results regarding tendinitis of muscles in the rotator cuff. By applying both diagnostic methods, calcifications within muscle tendons were evident. Sonography is faster, cheaper, more accessible and readily available method that certainly is a valuable tool for clinicians when it comes to rotator cuff lesions.

Research paper thumbnail of Glukozamin sulfat u lecenju osteoartroze kolena

bio da se ispita i utvrdi simptomatski i strukturalni efekat primene kristalnog glukozamin sulfat... more bio da se ispita i utvrdi simptomatski i strukturalni efekat primene kristalnog glukozamin sulfata (KGS) (1.5 g/dan) kod osteoartroze kolena. Primena KGS je upoređivana u odnosu na nesteroidne antiinflamatorne lekove (NSAIL) (ibuprofen 1200-1600 mg/dan; diklofenak natrijum 75mg/dan). U otvorenu, prospektivnu studiju sa periodom praćenja od godinu dana, je uključeno 111 ambulatnih bolesnika oba pola, starosti ≥55 godina. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Specijalnoj bolnici za reumatske bolesti u Novom Sadu u periodu od 2011.-2013. godine. Do kraja je u studiji ostalo 80 bolesnika. Bolesnici su dolazili na zakazane kontrole nakon 1.,3.,6.,9. i 12. meseca (5 kontrola). Procena terapijskog efekta je praćena pomoću kliničkih (WOMAC index i Lequesne index) i strukturalnih parametara bolesti (radiološko merenje širine zglobnog prostora u medijalnom kompartmanu tibiofemoralanog zgloba kolena). Nakon 1. meseca kod bolesnika NSAIL grupe je registrovano statistički značajnije smanjenje bola i ukočenosti i poboljšanje funkcije (p<0.05). Za isti period obe grupe bolesnika su imale niži Lequesne indeks, bez statistički značajne razlike (p>0.05). Nakon 3. meseca kod bolesnika KGS grupe i bolesnika NSAIL je registrovano ublažavanje simptoma bolesti, bez statistički značajne razlike (p>0.05). Nakon 6. meseca, primena KGS je dovela do značajnijeg smanjenja bola, poboljšanja funkcije zgloba i smanjenja Lequesne indeksa (p<0.01). Daljom primenom KGS nastavljen je trend smanjenja simptoma bolesti. Na kraju istraživanja bolesnici KGS grupe su imali statistički značajnije smanjenje bola, poboljšanje funkcije (WOMAC bol, WOMAC funkcionalni status i ukupan WOMAC zbira) (p<0.01) i poboljšanje simptoma praćenih pomoću Lequene indeksa u odnosu na bolesnike NSAIL grupe (p>0.05). U periodu prekida uzimanja KGS (početak 7. do kraja 9. meseca) kod bolesnika je registrovano pogoršanje simptoma bolesti u odnosu na prethodnu kotrolu, ali je tokom 1. meseca prekida uzimanja KGS (7. mesec istraživanja) održavan prolongirani simptomatski efekat leka, jer nije zabeleženo uzimanje tbl. acetamonofena. U obe grupe bolesnika je registrovano radiološko napredovanje bolesti, odnosno smanjenje širine zglobnog prostora kolena bez statistički značajne razlike među grupama (p>0.05). Simptomatska efikasnost je pokazana primenom KGS i NSAIL, s tim što je progresivnije poboljšanje simptoma bolesti nastupilo u KGS grupi, dok se u NSAIL grupi trend poboljšanja gubio i to pokazuje da KGS ima prolongirane simptomatske efekte, iako njegova strukturna efikasnost nije dokazana.

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of the Body Mass Index as a Risk Factor for the Development of Hip Osteoarthrosis

INTRODUCTION: Hip osteoarthrosis is a degenerative disease of unknown origin, with pain symptoms ... more INTRODUCTION: Hip osteoarthrosis is a degenerative disease of unknown origin, with pain symptoms and diminished joint function. AIM: To establish a connection to body mass index (BMI) as a risk factor for the development of hip osteoarthrosis. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A sample of 148 people was examined, both genders, between 55 and 75 years of age. The first group (74 patients) was diagnosed with hip osteoarthrosis; the other was the control group (74 patients) in which the presence of hip osteoarthrosis was excluded. In all patients, the same diagnostic procedure was conducted, including medical history, physical examination (assessment of walking, range of joint motion), laboratory blood and urine tests, radiological examination and data regarding body height and weight in order to compute the BMI. Statistical analysis was done using the software package SPSS 14.0, Microsoft Office Word 2003. RESULTS: In the first group, average age was 67.76 years, with females prevailing (67.6%). I...

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation between bone mineral density and body mass index as a risk factor for the development of osteoporosis

Timočki medicinski glasnik, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza bola i funkcionalnog statusa pacijen- ata sa osteoartrozom kolena nakon primene transkutane električne nervne stimulacije

Objective. Evaluation of analgesic effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) a... more Objective. Evaluation of analgesic effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and functional status of pa­ tients with knee osteoarthritis in three intervals: immediately after treatment, one and three months after therapy. Methods. Sample consisted of 40 patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis, aged from 50-75 years. In examinees' evaluation, the same protocol was used for all patients: cir­ cumference of knees across the middle of patella, perimeter of knee movements, and rough muscle strength of quadriceps femoris muscle. Measurements were performed before and af­ ter therapy, after a month, and after three months. The ques­ tionnaire of pain, short form of McGill pain questionnaire, was filled in the same time interval. TENS procedures were applied five times of week, total of ten days. The same protocol of kinesitherapy treatment applied to all patients, uniformly. In statistical analysis we used descriptive methods and t-test. Results. There was an im...

Research paper thumbnail of Social and mental functioning in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density

Medical review, 2018

Introduction. Osteoporosis is a systemic, metabolic, progressive bone disease characterized by re... more Introduction. Osteoporosis is a systemic, metabolic, progressive bone disease characterized by reduced bone mineral density leading to bone fragility and reduced quality of life. The objective of this study was to examine the quality of social and mental functioning in postmenopausal women with reduced mineral bone density. Material and Methods. This prospective cross-sectional study included 210 postmenopausal women aged ? 50 years, who were referred for osteodensitometry to the Special Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases Novi Sad, Serbia. The study was conducted in the period from February 24 to April 3, 2017. All women completed the Serbian version of the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (41). They all underwent bone mineral density measurement in two regions of interest, and the results were interpreted according to the current definition of osteoporosis. The participants? social and mental functioning was analyzed including the following var...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of associated diseases in gout and influence on course and treatment

Zdravstvena zastita, 2012

Сажетак Увод. Познато је да су неке болести и патолошка стања чешће присутни код болесника са гих... more Сажетак Увод. Познато је да су неке болести и патолошка стања чешће присутни код болесника са гихтом него у осталој популацији. До данас нису тачно утврђени разлози за ову повезаност, али је сигурно да удружене болести погоршавају прогнозу гихта. Циљ. Утврђивање утицаја удружених болести у гихту на његов ток и лечење. Материјал и метод. Ретроспективном анализом обухваћено је 168 болесника, оба пола, различите старосне доби, оболелих од уратног артритиса, а лечених у Специјалној болници за реуматске болести у Новом Саду од 2008. до 2011. године. Код свих пацијената су праћене друге придружене болести (хипертензија, дијабетес мелитус, гојазност, хиперхолестеролемија са хипертриглицеридемијом и атеросклероза). Из студије су били искључени сви пацијенти који имају дијагностиковану реналну инсуфицијенцију. Резултати. Највећи број испитаника чинили су мушкарци (89%). Више од половине испитаника (54%) имали су 2 и 3 гихтична напада. Најзаступљеније придружене болести су хиперхолестеролемија, затим хипертензија, гојазност, дијабетес мелитус и атеросклероза. Највећи број оболелих од гихта имало је више од 3 придружене болести (67% пацијената), што је резултовано већим бројем атака. Закључак. Учесталост гихтичних напада је у функцији времена трајања болести, у току које Summаry Introduction. It is well known that some diseases and pathological conditions are more frequent in patients with gout than in general population. Till this date is unclear why, but associated diseases negatively affect gout disease and its future prognosis. Aim. Determining the impact of joint diseases on gout and the course of the treatment. Materials and method. Retrospective analysis included 168 patients of both sexes, different ages, uric arthritis patients, which were treated in a Special Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Novi Sad from 2008 to 2011. All patients were monitored for other associated diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypercholesterolemia with hypertriglyceridemia and atherosclerosis). This study excluded all patients diagnosed with renal insufficiency. Results. The majority of patients were males, 89%. More than half of patients (54%) had 2 and 3 gout attacks. The most common associated disease was hypercholesterolemia, followed by hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. Most patients had more than three associated diseases (67% of them), which resulted in inreased number of attacks. Conclusion. Gout attacks frequency is progressive with time, during which its number increases, correlating the number of associated events. Hence

Research paper thumbnail of Polymyalgia rheumatica as a problem in differential diagnosis: Case report

Zdravstvena zastita, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Previous fractures as a predictor of osteoporosis development

Zdravstvena zastita, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Capture the vertebral fracture: Risk factors as a prediction

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2019

OBJECTIVE: Vertebral fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures occurring due to low bo... more OBJECTIVE: Vertebral fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures occurring due to low bone mineral density, as well as other risk factors. The aim of the paper is to investigate risk factors for vertebral osteoporotic fracture occurrence in postmenopausal women. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of data pertaining to 651 postmenopausal women obtained from the National Osteoporosis Registry of Serbia was conducted. Further analyses were performed on 217 osteoporotic women identified from those records, whereby those in the experimental group (n = 110) had a vertebral fracture, while those assigned to the control group (n = 107) did not. The two groups were comparable in terms of age (t = 0.450; p > 0.01). Risk factors that could serve as the best predictors of vertebral fracture occurrence were investigated. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used for testing effect of several factors on vertebral fracture occurrence as the dependent variable. RESULTS: Patients that have never suffered a vertebral fracture had a significantly higher bone mineral density (t = 8.161; p < 0.01) in comparison to those with a verified vertebral fracture. Factors that significantly contributed to the risk of vertebral fracture were presence of kyphosis (OR 708.338; 95% CI 19.238-26.081.950), use of glucocorticoids (OR 87.618; 95% CI 9.175-836.707), and presence of comorbidities (OR 7.327; 95% CI 1.500-35.793). Moreover, a unit increase in body mass index (BMI) was found to lower the probability of vertebral fracture by a factor of 0.846. Women that entered menopause later have lower chance of suffering a vertebral fracture (OR = 0.539; 95% CI 0.400-0.726). CONCLUSION: Lower body mass index, presence of kyphosis, use of glucocorticoids, early menopause onset, and presence of comorbidities are the factors that contribute the most to vertebral osteoporotic fracture occurrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of mobility of the spinal column in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Timocki medicinski glasnik, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Risk factors for osteoarthritis of the hip

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2013

UVOD. Osteoartroza kuka je degenerativna bolest kuka, nepoznatog uzroka, sa simptomima bola i uko... more UVOD. Osteoartroza kuka je degenerativna bolest kuka, nepoznatog uzroka, sa simptomima bola i ukočenosti i oštećenom funkcijom zgloba. CILJ. Utvrditi uticaj dva faktora rizika na nastanak osteoartroze kuka (opterećenje kuka pri obavljanju profesionalne aktivnosti i BMI). MATERIJAL I METOD. Analizirano je 148 bolenika. Bolesnici su bili podeljeni u jedanake grupe (I grupa sa osteoartrozom kuka i II grupa bez osteoartroze kuka). Kod svih bolesnika je sproveden dijagnostički postupak: anamneza; fizikalni pregled (procena hoda, opseg pokreta zgloba); laboratorijski pregled krvi i urina; radiološki pregled kukova i uzimanje podataka o telesnoj visini i težini bolesnika u cilju izračunavanja BMI. Praćeni su podaci koji su se odnosili na opterećenje zgloba kuka pri profesionalnoj aktivnosti (pretežno sedeći posao i pretežno stojeći posao uz ponavljano nošenje tereta). Za statističku obradu korišćen je programski paket SPSS 14,0, Microsoft Office Word 2003. REZULTATI. U prvoj grupi prosečna starost je bila 67,76 godina, žene su bile zastupljenije (67,6%). U ovoj grupi zabeležena je veća telesna težina (81,82 ±12,18), te je ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika (t=2,923,p<0,01); prosečan BMI je bio veći (30,18 ± 4,6) i ustanovljena je statistički značajna razlika (t= 3,832, p<0,01). U ovoj grupi bila je veća zastupljenost prekomerno uhranjenih bolesnika (87,7%) i statistički visoko značajna razlika (Fisher test, p<0,01). U I grupi 62,2% bolesnika je obavljalo pretežno stojeći posao (stojeći posao uz ponavljano nošenje tereta). Utvrđena je statistička značajnost među grupama (Fisher test, p<0,05). ZAKLJUČAK. Bolenici sa osteoartrozom kuka imali su veću telesnu težinu i veći BMI. Takođe, utvrđen je uticaj obavljanja teškog fizičkog rada tokom profesionalne delatnost, jer su ispitanici uglavnom obavljali stojeći posao uz ponavljano nošenje tereta.

Research paper thumbnail of Importance of the body mass index in development of osteoporosis

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2013

UVOD: Osteoporozu odlikuje smanjena mineralna koštana gustina (BMD), povećana fragilnost i sklono... more UVOD: Osteoporozu odlikuje smanjena mineralna koštana gustina (BMD), povećana fragilnost i sklonost ka prelomima. Veliki uticaj u nastanku osteoporoze imaju i faktori rizika među koje spada nizak indeks telesne mase (BMI). CILJ: Utvrditi značaj indeksa telesne mase u nastanku osteoporoze. MATERIJAL I METOD: Prospektivno ispitivanje je rađeno u Specijalnoj bolnici za reumatske bolesti u Novom Sadu i obuhvatilo je 1 323 pacijenta oba pola, prosečne starosne dobi 64 godine, kojima je merena mineralna koštana gustina (BMD) na lumbalnom delu kičme i na kuku. Rezultati osteodenzitometrijskog nalaza su interpretirani prema važećoj definiciji osteoporoze. Takođe, svim ispitanicima je merena telesna masa, telesna visina i određen im je indeks telesne mase. Posmatrana je povezanost između BMI i BMD. Svi podaci su unošeni u Bonlink bazu podataka. U statističkoj obradi podataka korišćena je deskriptivna statistika, mere centralne tendencije i Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije. REZULTATI: Većinu ispitanika su činile žene, 96%, a svega 4% muškarci. Što se tiče stepena uhranjenosti pacijenata: 43% je bilo prekomerno uhranjenih, 20% gojaznih, 35% normalno uhranjenih i 2% pothranjenih. Najveći broj ispitanika je imao T skor kuka (66%) i T skor kičme (61%) na nivou osteopenije. Korelacija posmatranih parametara T skora i BMI je pozitivna i pokazuje statističku povezanost na nivou p<0,01. ZAKLJUČAK: Ispitanici sa nižom telesnom masom imaju manju mineralnu koštanu gustinu, što svrstava nisku telesnu masu u značajan faktor rizika za nastanak osteoporoze. KLJUČNE REČI: osteoporoza, indeks telesne mase, mineralna koštana gustina.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of pain and functional status of patients with knee osteoarthritis after transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation treatment

PONS - medicinski casopis, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison Between Ultrasonography Results and Results of Magnetic Resonance in Shoulder Pathology – Case Report

Acta medica medianae, 2013

The common pathological condition of the shoulder joint is rotator cuff diseases. Patient, 68 yea... more The common pathological condition of the shoulder joint is rotator cuff diseases. Patient, 68 years, had pain in the shoulder with limited joint mobility. After clinical examination, blood tests (SE >100 nmol/L, CSF normal, hypergammaglobulinemia) and radiographic examination (bone dilution with deformities of the humeral head), a solitary plasmocytoma was suspected. This diagnosis was excluded after biopsy. Patient was referred to the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the shoulder, so ultrasonographic (US) examination was performed. Our case study points to comparability between US and MRI results regarding tendinitis of muscles in the rotator cuff. By applying both diagnostic methods, calcifications within muscle tendons were evident. Sonography is faster, cheaper, more accessible and readily available method that certainly is a valuable tool for clinicians when it comes to rotator cuff lesions.

Research paper thumbnail of Glukozamin sulfat u lecenju osteoartroze kolena

bio da se ispita i utvrdi simptomatski i strukturalni efekat primene kristalnog glukozamin sulfat... more bio da se ispita i utvrdi simptomatski i strukturalni efekat primene kristalnog glukozamin sulfata (KGS) (1.5 g/dan) kod osteoartroze kolena. Primena KGS je upoređivana u odnosu na nesteroidne antiinflamatorne lekove (NSAIL) (ibuprofen 1200-1600 mg/dan; diklofenak natrijum 75mg/dan). U otvorenu, prospektivnu studiju sa periodom praćenja od godinu dana, je uključeno 111 ambulatnih bolesnika oba pola, starosti ≥55 godina. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Specijalnoj bolnici za reumatske bolesti u Novom Sadu u periodu od 2011.-2013. godine. Do kraja je u studiji ostalo 80 bolesnika. Bolesnici su dolazili na zakazane kontrole nakon 1.,3.,6.,9. i 12. meseca (5 kontrola). Procena terapijskog efekta je praćena pomoću kliničkih (WOMAC index i Lequesne index) i strukturalnih parametara bolesti (radiološko merenje širine zglobnog prostora u medijalnom kompartmanu tibiofemoralanog zgloba kolena). Nakon 1. meseca kod bolesnika NSAIL grupe je registrovano statistički značajnije smanjenje bola i ukočenosti i poboljšanje funkcije (p<0.05). Za isti period obe grupe bolesnika su imale niži Lequesne indeks, bez statistički značajne razlike (p>0.05). Nakon 3. meseca kod bolesnika KGS grupe i bolesnika NSAIL je registrovano ublažavanje simptoma bolesti, bez statistički značajne razlike (p>0.05). Nakon 6. meseca, primena KGS je dovela do značajnijeg smanjenja bola, poboljšanja funkcije zgloba i smanjenja Lequesne indeksa (p<0.01). Daljom primenom KGS nastavljen je trend smanjenja simptoma bolesti. Na kraju istraživanja bolesnici KGS grupe su imali statistički značajnije smanjenje bola, poboljšanje funkcije (WOMAC bol, WOMAC funkcionalni status i ukupan WOMAC zbira) (p<0.01) i poboljšanje simptoma praćenih pomoću Lequene indeksa u odnosu na bolesnike NSAIL grupe (p>0.05). U periodu prekida uzimanja KGS (početak 7. do kraja 9. meseca) kod bolesnika je registrovano pogoršanje simptoma bolesti u odnosu na prethodnu kotrolu, ali je tokom 1. meseca prekida uzimanja KGS (7. mesec istraživanja) održavan prolongirani simptomatski efekat leka, jer nije zabeleženo uzimanje tbl. acetamonofena. U obe grupe bolesnika je registrovano radiološko napredovanje bolesti, odnosno smanjenje širine zglobnog prostora kolena bez statistički značajne razlike među grupama (p>0.05). Simptomatska efikasnost je pokazana primenom KGS i NSAIL, s tim što je progresivnije poboljšanje simptoma bolesti nastupilo u KGS grupi, dok se u NSAIL grupi trend poboljšanja gubio i to pokazuje da KGS ima prolongirane simptomatske efekte, iako njegova strukturna efikasnost nije dokazana.

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of the Body Mass Index as a Risk Factor for the Development of Hip Osteoarthrosis

INTRODUCTION: Hip osteoarthrosis is a degenerative disease of unknown origin, with pain symptoms ... more INTRODUCTION: Hip osteoarthrosis is a degenerative disease of unknown origin, with pain symptoms and diminished joint function. AIM: To establish a connection to body mass index (BMI) as a risk factor for the development of hip osteoarthrosis. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A sample of 148 people was examined, both genders, between 55 and 75 years of age. The first group (74 patients) was diagnosed with hip osteoarthrosis; the other was the control group (74 patients) in which the presence of hip osteoarthrosis was excluded. In all patients, the same diagnostic procedure was conducted, including medical history, physical examination (assessment of walking, range of joint motion), laboratory blood and urine tests, radiological examination and data regarding body height and weight in order to compute the BMI. Statistical analysis was done using the software package SPSS 14.0, Microsoft Office Word 2003. RESULTS: In the first group, average age was 67.76 years, with females prevailing (67.6%). I...