katarzyna mikołajczyk-bator - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by katarzyna mikołajczyk-bator
Badania zostały sfinansowane ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji... more Badania zostały sfinansowane ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji numer DEC-2012/07/B/NZ9/00047.
Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna, 2012
Nauki Inżynierskie i Technologie, 2022
W pracy analizowano preferencje konsumentów wobec różnych rodzajów piw ze szczególnym uwzględnien... more W pracy analizowano preferencje konsumentów wobec różnych rodzajów piw ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem akceptacji cech goryczkowych oraz przeprowadzono prognozowanie metodą farmakoforową smaku gorzkiego składników goryczkowych. Związki występujące w ekstraktach chmielowych, tj. humulony i izohumulony, wywołują smak gorzki, dlatego istotne jest sprecyzowanie ich indywidualnych cech goryczkowych. W tym celu dla badanych składników goryczkowych użyto prognozowanie farmakoforowe, metodą SPM (Simple Pharmacophore Model). Metoda ta pozwala sterować procesem izomeryzacji humulonów, co umożliwia modyfikację cech organoleptycznych piw. W badaniach ankietowych analizowano wpływ zmiennych socjodemograficznych na wiedzę i opinię konsumentów na temat smaku gorzkiego w piwach. Badania te wykazały, że konsumenci preferują głównie piwa średnio- lub wysokogoryczkowe. Z analizy statystycznej wynika, że znajomość terminu IBU (International Bitterness Units) determinował głównie wiek respondentów.
Engineering Sciences And Technologies
W pracy analizowano preferencje konsumentów wobec różnych rodzajów piw ze szczególnym uwzględnien... more W pracy analizowano preferencje konsumentów wobec różnych rodzajów piw ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem akceptacji cech goryczkowych oraz przeprowadzono prognozowanie metodą farmakoforową smaku gorzkiego składników goryczkowych. Związki występujące w ekstraktach chmielowych, tj. humulony i izohumulony, wywołują smak gorzki, dlatego istotne jest sprecyzowanie ich indywidualnych cech goryczkowych. W tym celu dla badanych składników goryczkowych użyto prognozowanie farmakoforowe, metodą SPM (Simple Pharmacophore Model). Metoda ta pozwala sterować procesem izomeryzacji humulonów, co umożliwia modyfikację cech organoleptycznych piw. W badaniach ankietowych analizowano wpływ zmiennych socjodemograficznych na wiedzę i opinię konsumentów na temat smaku gorzkiego w piwach. Badania te wykazały, że konsumenci preferują głównie piwa średnio- lub wysokogoryczkowe. Z analizy statystycznej wynika, że znajomość terminu IBU (International Bitterness Units) determinował głównie wiek respondentów.
Monografia jest kompleksowym opracowaniem naukowym obejmującym szereg istotnych kwestii związanyc... more Monografia jest kompleksowym opracowaniem naukowym obejmującym szereg istotnych kwestii związanych z jakością buraka ćwikłowego jako surowca będącego źródłem metabolitów wtórnych wpływających na jakość sensoryczną i zdrowotną produktów spożywczych. W monografii przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat rynku warzyw w Polsce. Opisano przeprowadzone badania składu jakościowego buraków, stosując metody oparte na spektrometrii mas, które pozwoliły na zidentyfikowanie nowych, dotąd nieopisanych saponin triterpenowych w różnych odmianach buraków ćwikłowych oraz zmian ich zawartości w czasie obróbki termicznej surowca oraz przechowywania wyprodukowanych przetworów. Przedstawiono wpływ przetwarzania surowca i przechowywania gotowych przetworów z buraka na cechy sensoryczne, w tym smak słodki i gorzki. Wskazano rolę saponin triterpenowych jako antyoksydantów, zwiększających wartość prozdrowotną produktów otrzymanych z tego surowca. Wyznaczono kryteria doboru surowców w celu otrzymania prod...
Journal of Chromatography B, 2016
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 2022
Background. Food products made from red beet have aroused growing interest among consumers owing ... more Background. Food products made from red beet have aroused growing interest among consumers owing to their health qualities. The quality of food products is determined to a large extent by the ingredients they are produced from. The health properties and sensory qualities of a given product are the most important features for consumers when choosing a particular product. The triterpene saponins in red beets constitute a group of compounds which influence the sensory quality of food products from this raw material. However, neither the biological activity of nor the bitter taste caused by red beet saponins has been comprehensively described in the literature. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of saponins on the sensory quality of products which incorporate red beets. Materials and methods. The analysed food products were juices made from three cultivars of red beet roots. Sensory evaluation of the obtained juices and analytical sensory study of the bitter taste of saponins was carried out. The bitter taste recognition thresholds of saponins isolated from the cultivars under study were used to analyse the taste qualities of the finished products. Results. The taste qualities of the analysed food products depended on the content of saponins in the final product. As compounds contributing to the bitter taste of red beets, saponins influenced the sensory qualities of the finished food products. In the case of saponins isolated from the analysed beet cultivars, it was found that the values of the defined thresholds of bitter taste recognition were higher than the saponin content in the juices obtained from these cultivars. As a result, the bitter features of juice are not detected due to the low content of saponins in them. This analysis was confirmed by the sensory evaluation of the juices, during which a team of selected evaluators indicated that sweet was the dominant flavour of the juices from Forono, Modana and Tytus cultivars, and that there was no clear sensation of its bitter features. Conclusion. Based on the determined thresholds of bitter taste recognition in saponins isolated from different beet cultivars (minimum concentration causing the sensation of bitter taste in red beet) and the comparison with the total saponin content in the final product, one can conclude whether or not a given product demonstrates bitter features. The application potential of the red beet cultivars under study was indicated as regards their suitability for use in the production of foodstuffs.
Background. The red beet is an important source of natural colourants and antioxidants in the die... more Background. The red beet is an important source of natural colourants and antioxidants in the diet, such as betalain pigments (betacyanins and betaxanthins). Betalain pigments are commonly used in the food industry for colouring food products. Material and methods. The authors of this study analysed changes in the content of betalain pigments and their antioxidative capacity during the 12-month storage of a betalain preparation (pH 7.0) made from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in a laboratory. Additionally, the HPLC technique was used to isolate individual betalain pigments from the preparation and to assess their antioxidative activity. Results. During the storage (12 months at 20°C) of the dry preparation (pH 7.0) red pigments decomposed almost completely. The loss of their content amounted to 94%, and their antioxidative capacity decreased only by 31%. The content of yellow pigments, which was measured spectrophotometrically using Nilsson’s method, increased over two times. Neobetan...
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2017
Red beets and their products are mainly consumed after processing. In this study, the effect of p... more Red beets and their products are mainly consumed after processing. In this study, the effect of pH on changes in antioxidant capacity (AC) and the content of betalain pigments were analysed during the heating of a betalain preparation solution. With pH ranging from 4 to 9 during the heat-treatment, the content of red pigments decreased depending on the pH level of the sample. The losses of red pigments in the investigated betalain preparation solution increased along with rising pH levels of the heated solution. The greatest losses were recorded at pH of 9.0. An opposite correlation was observed for yellow pigments. The content of yellow pigments in the heated betalain preparation solution was increasing along with increasing pH. The most pronounced increase in the content of yellow pigments was found at pH of 6.5 and 7.0. At the same time, the heated betalain preparation solution was shown to exhibit a higher antioxidant capacity at pH of 6.0 (14.9
Prace byly finansowane przez Narodowe centrum Nauki w ramach projektu numer: DEC-2012/07/B/NZ9/00... more Prace byly finansowane przez Narodowe centrum Nauki w ramach projektu numer: DEC-2012/07/B/NZ9/00047.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 2016
Background. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables signifi cantly reduces the risk of car... more Background. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables signifi cantly reduces the risk of cardio-vascular disease. This benefi cial eff ect on the human organism is ascribed to the antioxidant compounds these foods contain. Unfortunately, many products, particularly vegetables, need to be subjected to thermal processing before consumption. The aim of this study was to determine the eff ect of such thermal treatment on the antioxidant capacity and pigment contents in separated fractions of violet pigments (betacyanins) and yellow pigments (betaxanthins and betacyanins). Material and methods. Fractions of violet and yellow pigments were obtained by separation of betalain pigments from fresh roots of 3 red beet cultivars using column chromatography and solid phase extraction (SPE). The betalain pigment content was determined in all samples before and after thermal treatment (90°C/30 min) by spectrophotometry, according to Nilsson's method [1970] and antioxidant capacity was assessed based on ABTS. Betalain pigments in the separated fractions were identifi ed using HPLC-MS. Results. After thermal treatment of betacyanin fractions a slight, but statistically signifi cant degradation of pigments was observed, while the antioxidant capacity of these fractions did not change markedly. Losses of betacyanin content amounted to 13-15% depending on the cultivar, while losses of antioxidant capacity were approx. 7%. HPLC/MS analyses showed that before heating, betanin was the dominant pigment in the betacyanin fraction, while after heating it was additionally 15-decarboxy-betanin. Isolated fractions of yellow pigments in red beets are three times less heat-resistant than betacyanin fractions. At losses of yellow pigment contents in the course of thermal treatment reaching 47%, antioxidant capacity did not change markedly (a decrease by approx. 5%). In the yellow pigment fractions neobetanin was the dominant peak in the HPLC chromatogram, while vulgaxanthin was found in a much smaller area, whereas after heating additionally 2-decarboxy-2,3-dehydro-neobetanin was detected. Conclusion. Both groups of betalain pigments (betacyanins and betaxanthins) exhibit antioxidant capacity before and after heating. Violet beatacyjanins are 3 times more stable when heated than yellow betaxanthins.
Zywnosc Nauka Technologia Jakosc/Food Science Technology Quality, 2016
S u m m a r y Many varieties of beetroots (Beta vulgaris L.) are valued for their productivity as... more S u m m a r y Many varieties of beetroots (Beta vulgaris L.) are valued for their productivity as well as their content of nutrients and pigments from a group of betalains that have strong antioxidant properties. On the other hand, the strong bitterness of roots of several beet varieties is a frequent reason for their being not accepted by consumers. The hitherto published studies describe too vaguely the diversity of beetroot varieties in terms of their bitter taste. Up to now, it is still not clear, which of the secondary metabolites that naturally occur in beetroots is responsible for their bitter taste and aftertaste. The objective of this study was to determine the group of compounds that caused that beetroots had a bitter taste and bitter aftertaste of a high intensity level. The first stage in the research study was to select the most bitter beetroot cultivars based on the sensory characteristics of fresh beet roots (of their flesh and skin) of six cultivars ('Nochowski', 'Chrobry', 'Noe 21', 'Rywal', 'Opolski', and 'Wodan'). The sensory profile of the analysed group of beets showed that the flesh and skin of the 'Nochowski', 'Chrobry', and 'Noe 21' cultivars were characterized by the most intense bitterness. The 'Rywal', 'Opolski', and 'Wodan' cultivars were marked by a relatively low intensity level of the bitterness notes. A mixture of triterpene saponins was isolated from a lyophilisate in the roots of the 'Nochowski' cultivar that, according to the sensory evaluation results, was classified into the group with the strongest bitterness traits. The results of sensory analyses of the saponin mixture of the 'Nochowski' cultivar, its concentration being C = 1.3515 g/dm 3 , confirmed that the group of those compounds had a strong bitter taste comparable to that of the quinine solution at a C 2 = 6.6 × 10-3 g/dm 3 concentration. It was also proved that the beetroot extracts tested were a mixture composed exclusively of saponin compounds, which varied in their chemical structure.
Journal of Chromatography B, 2016
We profiled triterpene saponins from the roots of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. cultivars Huzar and... more We profiled triterpene saponins from the roots of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. cultivars Huzar and Boryna using reversed-phase liquid chromatography combined with negative-ion electrospray ionization quadrupole mass spectrometry. We tentatively identified 26 triterpene saponins, including 17 that had not been detected previously in this plant species and 7 saponins that were tentatively identified as new compounds. All observed compounds were glycosides of five different aglycones, of which gypsogenin and norhederagenin are reported for the first time in sugar beet. Thirteen of the saponins detected in sugar beet roots were substituted with dioxolane-type (4 saponins) or acetal-type (9 saponins) dicarboxylic acids. Among the 26 detected saponins, we identified 2 groups of isomers distinguished using high-resolution mass measurements that were detected only in the Huzar cultivar of sugar beet.
Food Chemistry, 2016
Triterpene saponins are important bioactive constituents with an enormous variety in structure wi... more Triterpene saponins are important bioactive constituents with an enormous variety in structure widely distributed in many plants. Here, we profiled triterpene saponins from the skin and flesh of red beetroot Beta vulgaris L. cultivars Nochowski from 2012 and 2013 season using reversed-phase liquid chromatography combined with negative-ion electrospray ionisation quadrupole mass spectrometry. We tentatively identified 44 triterpene saponins, of which 37 had not been detected previously in the root of red beets and 27 saponins were tentatively identified as potentially new compounds. All observed compounds were glycosides of four different aglycone structures, of which akebonoic acid and gypsogenin were not detected previous in red beetroot. Based on the high-resolution mass measurements among these 44 detected saponins 10 groups of isomers were identified. We report for the first time that 18 saponins with dioxolane-type (2 saponins) and acetal-type (16 saponins) substituents were detected in the roots of red beet.
Badania zostały sfinansowane ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji... more Badania zostały sfinansowane ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji numer DEC-2012/07/B/NZ9/00047.
Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna, 2012
Nauki Inżynierskie i Technologie, 2022
W pracy analizowano preferencje konsumentów wobec różnych rodzajów piw ze szczególnym uwzględnien... more W pracy analizowano preferencje konsumentów wobec różnych rodzajów piw ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem akceptacji cech goryczkowych oraz przeprowadzono prognozowanie metodą farmakoforową smaku gorzkiego składników goryczkowych. Związki występujące w ekstraktach chmielowych, tj. humulony i izohumulony, wywołują smak gorzki, dlatego istotne jest sprecyzowanie ich indywidualnych cech goryczkowych. W tym celu dla badanych składników goryczkowych użyto prognozowanie farmakoforowe, metodą SPM (Simple Pharmacophore Model). Metoda ta pozwala sterować procesem izomeryzacji humulonów, co umożliwia modyfikację cech organoleptycznych piw. W badaniach ankietowych analizowano wpływ zmiennych socjodemograficznych na wiedzę i opinię konsumentów na temat smaku gorzkiego w piwach. Badania te wykazały, że konsumenci preferują głównie piwa średnio- lub wysokogoryczkowe. Z analizy statystycznej wynika, że znajomość terminu IBU (International Bitterness Units) determinował głównie wiek respondentów.
Engineering Sciences And Technologies
W pracy analizowano preferencje konsumentów wobec różnych rodzajów piw ze szczególnym uwzględnien... more W pracy analizowano preferencje konsumentów wobec różnych rodzajów piw ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem akceptacji cech goryczkowych oraz przeprowadzono prognozowanie metodą farmakoforową smaku gorzkiego składników goryczkowych. Związki występujące w ekstraktach chmielowych, tj. humulony i izohumulony, wywołują smak gorzki, dlatego istotne jest sprecyzowanie ich indywidualnych cech goryczkowych. W tym celu dla badanych składników goryczkowych użyto prognozowanie farmakoforowe, metodą SPM (Simple Pharmacophore Model). Metoda ta pozwala sterować procesem izomeryzacji humulonów, co umożliwia modyfikację cech organoleptycznych piw. W badaniach ankietowych analizowano wpływ zmiennych socjodemograficznych na wiedzę i opinię konsumentów na temat smaku gorzkiego w piwach. Badania te wykazały, że konsumenci preferują głównie piwa średnio- lub wysokogoryczkowe. Z analizy statystycznej wynika, że znajomość terminu IBU (International Bitterness Units) determinował głównie wiek respondentów.
Monografia jest kompleksowym opracowaniem naukowym obejmującym szereg istotnych kwestii związanyc... more Monografia jest kompleksowym opracowaniem naukowym obejmującym szereg istotnych kwestii związanych z jakością buraka ćwikłowego jako surowca będącego źródłem metabolitów wtórnych wpływających na jakość sensoryczną i zdrowotną produktów spożywczych. W monografii przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat rynku warzyw w Polsce. Opisano przeprowadzone badania składu jakościowego buraków, stosując metody oparte na spektrometrii mas, które pozwoliły na zidentyfikowanie nowych, dotąd nieopisanych saponin triterpenowych w różnych odmianach buraków ćwikłowych oraz zmian ich zawartości w czasie obróbki termicznej surowca oraz przechowywania wyprodukowanych przetworów. Przedstawiono wpływ przetwarzania surowca i przechowywania gotowych przetworów z buraka na cechy sensoryczne, w tym smak słodki i gorzki. Wskazano rolę saponin triterpenowych jako antyoksydantów, zwiększających wartość prozdrowotną produktów otrzymanych z tego surowca. Wyznaczono kryteria doboru surowców w celu otrzymania prod...
Journal of Chromatography B, 2016
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 2022
Background. Food products made from red beet have aroused growing interest among consumers owing ... more Background. Food products made from red beet have aroused growing interest among consumers owing to their health qualities. The quality of food products is determined to a large extent by the ingredients they are produced from. The health properties and sensory qualities of a given product are the most important features for consumers when choosing a particular product. The triterpene saponins in red beets constitute a group of compounds which influence the sensory quality of food products from this raw material. However, neither the biological activity of nor the bitter taste caused by red beet saponins has been comprehensively described in the literature. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of saponins on the sensory quality of products which incorporate red beets. Materials and methods. The analysed food products were juices made from three cultivars of red beet roots. Sensory evaluation of the obtained juices and analytical sensory study of the bitter taste of saponins was carried out. The bitter taste recognition thresholds of saponins isolated from the cultivars under study were used to analyse the taste qualities of the finished products. Results. The taste qualities of the analysed food products depended on the content of saponins in the final product. As compounds contributing to the bitter taste of red beets, saponins influenced the sensory qualities of the finished food products. In the case of saponins isolated from the analysed beet cultivars, it was found that the values of the defined thresholds of bitter taste recognition were higher than the saponin content in the juices obtained from these cultivars. As a result, the bitter features of juice are not detected due to the low content of saponins in them. This analysis was confirmed by the sensory evaluation of the juices, during which a team of selected evaluators indicated that sweet was the dominant flavour of the juices from Forono, Modana and Tytus cultivars, and that there was no clear sensation of its bitter features. Conclusion. Based on the determined thresholds of bitter taste recognition in saponins isolated from different beet cultivars (minimum concentration causing the sensation of bitter taste in red beet) and the comparison with the total saponin content in the final product, one can conclude whether or not a given product demonstrates bitter features. The application potential of the red beet cultivars under study was indicated as regards their suitability for use in the production of foodstuffs.
Background. The red beet is an important source of natural colourants and antioxidants in the die... more Background. The red beet is an important source of natural colourants and antioxidants in the diet, such as betalain pigments (betacyanins and betaxanthins). Betalain pigments are commonly used in the food industry for colouring food products. Material and methods. The authors of this study analysed changes in the content of betalain pigments and their antioxidative capacity during the 12-month storage of a betalain preparation (pH 7.0) made from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in a laboratory. Additionally, the HPLC technique was used to isolate individual betalain pigments from the preparation and to assess their antioxidative activity. Results. During the storage (12 months at 20°C) of the dry preparation (pH 7.0) red pigments decomposed almost completely. The loss of their content amounted to 94%, and their antioxidative capacity decreased only by 31%. The content of yellow pigments, which was measured spectrophotometrically using Nilsson’s method, increased over two times. Neobetan...
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2017
Red beets and their products are mainly consumed after processing. In this study, the effect of p... more Red beets and their products are mainly consumed after processing. In this study, the effect of pH on changes in antioxidant capacity (AC) and the content of betalain pigments were analysed during the heating of a betalain preparation solution. With pH ranging from 4 to 9 during the heat-treatment, the content of red pigments decreased depending on the pH level of the sample. The losses of red pigments in the investigated betalain preparation solution increased along with rising pH levels of the heated solution. The greatest losses were recorded at pH of 9.0. An opposite correlation was observed for yellow pigments. The content of yellow pigments in the heated betalain preparation solution was increasing along with increasing pH. The most pronounced increase in the content of yellow pigments was found at pH of 6.5 and 7.0. At the same time, the heated betalain preparation solution was shown to exhibit a higher antioxidant capacity at pH of 6.0 (14.9
Prace byly finansowane przez Narodowe centrum Nauki w ramach projektu numer: DEC-2012/07/B/NZ9/00... more Prace byly finansowane przez Narodowe centrum Nauki w ramach projektu numer: DEC-2012/07/B/NZ9/00047.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 2016
Background. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables signifi cantly reduces the risk of car... more Background. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables signifi cantly reduces the risk of cardio-vascular disease. This benefi cial eff ect on the human organism is ascribed to the antioxidant compounds these foods contain. Unfortunately, many products, particularly vegetables, need to be subjected to thermal processing before consumption. The aim of this study was to determine the eff ect of such thermal treatment on the antioxidant capacity and pigment contents in separated fractions of violet pigments (betacyanins) and yellow pigments (betaxanthins and betacyanins). Material and methods. Fractions of violet and yellow pigments were obtained by separation of betalain pigments from fresh roots of 3 red beet cultivars using column chromatography and solid phase extraction (SPE). The betalain pigment content was determined in all samples before and after thermal treatment (90°C/30 min) by spectrophotometry, according to Nilsson's method [1970] and antioxidant capacity was assessed based on ABTS. Betalain pigments in the separated fractions were identifi ed using HPLC-MS. Results. After thermal treatment of betacyanin fractions a slight, but statistically signifi cant degradation of pigments was observed, while the antioxidant capacity of these fractions did not change markedly. Losses of betacyanin content amounted to 13-15% depending on the cultivar, while losses of antioxidant capacity were approx. 7%. HPLC/MS analyses showed that before heating, betanin was the dominant pigment in the betacyanin fraction, while after heating it was additionally 15-decarboxy-betanin. Isolated fractions of yellow pigments in red beets are three times less heat-resistant than betacyanin fractions. At losses of yellow pigment contents in the course of thermal treatment reaching 47%, antioxidant capacity did not change markedly (a decrease by approx. 5%). In the yellow pigment fractions neobetanin was the dominant peak in the HPLC chromatogram, while vulgaxanthin was found in a much smaller area, whereas after heating additionally 2-decarboxy-2,3-dehydro-neobetanin was detected. Conclusion. Both groups of betalain pigments (betacyanins and betaxanthins) exhibit antioxidant capacity before and after heating. Violet beatacyjanins are 3 times more stable when heated than yellow betaxanthins.
Zywnosc Nauka Technologia Jakosc/Food Science Technology Quality, 2016
S u m m a r y Many varieties of beetroots (Beta vulgaris L.) are valued for their productivity as... more S u m m a r y Many varieties of beetroots (Beta vulgaris L.) are valued for their productivity as well as their content of nutrients and pigments from a group of betalains that have strong antioxidant properties. On the other hand, the strong bitterness of roots of several beet varieties is a frequent reason for their being not accepted by consumers. The hitherto published studies describe too vaguely the diversity of beetroot varieties in terms of their bitter taste. Up to now, it is still not clear, which of the secondary metabolites that naturally occur in beetroots is responsible for their bitter taste and aftertaste. The objective of this study was to determine the group of compounds that caused that beetroots had a bitter taste and bitter aftertaste of a high intensity level. The first stage in the research study was to select the most bitter beetroot cultivars based on the sensory characteristics of fresh beet roots (of their flesh and skin) of six cultivars ('Nochowski', 'Chrobry', 'Noe 21', 'Rywal', 'Opolski', and 'Wodan'). The sensory profile of the analysed group of beets showed that the flesh and skin of the 'Nochowski', 'Chrobry', and 'Noe 21' cultivars were characterized by the most intense bitterness. The 'Rywal', 'Opolski', and 'Wodan' cultivars were marked by a relatively low intensity level of the bitterness notes. A mixture of triterpene saponins was isolated from a lyophilisate in the roots of the 'Nochowski' cultivar that, according to the sensory evaluation results, was classified into the group with the strongest bitterness traits. The results of sensory analyses of the saponin mixture of the 'Nochowski' cultivar, its concentration being C = 1.3515 g/dm 3 , confirmed that the group of those compounds had a strong bitter taste comparable to that of the quinine solution at a C 2 = 6.6 × 10-3 g/dm 3 concentration. It was also proved that the beetroot extracts tested were a mixture composed exclusively of saponin compounds, which varied in their chemical structure.
Journal of Chromatography B, 2016
We profiled triterpene saponins from the roots of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. cultivars Huzar and... more We profiled triterpene saponins from the roots of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. cultivars Huzar and Boryna using reversed-phase liquid chromatography combined with negative-ion electrospray ionization quadrupole mass spectrometry. We tentatively identified 26 triterpene saponins, including 17 that had not been detected previously in this plant species and 7 saponins that were tentatively identified as new compounds. All observed compounds were glycosides of five different aglycones, of which gypsogenin and norhederagenin are reported for the first time in sugar beet. Thirteen of the saponins detected in sugar beet roots were substituted with dioxolane-type (4 saponins) or acetal-type (9 saponins) dicarboxylic acids. Among the 26 detected saponins, we identified 2 groups of isomers distinguished using high-resolution mass measurements that were detected only in the Huzar cultivar of sugar beet.
Food Chemistry, 2016
Triterpene saponins are important bioactive constituents with an enormous variety in structure wi... more Triterpene saponins are important bioactive constituents with an enormous variety in structure widely distributed in many plants. Here, we profiled triterpene saponins from the skin and flesh of red beetroot Beta vulgaris L. cultivars Nochowski from 2012 and 2013 season using reversed-phase liquid chromatography combined with negative-ion electrospray ionisation quadrupole mass spectrometry. We tentatively identified 44 triterpene saponins, of which 37 had not been detected previously in the root of red beets and 27 saponins were tentatively identified as potentially new compounds. All observed compounds were glycosides of four different aglycone structures, of which akebonoic acid and gypsogenin were not detected previous in red beetroot. Based on the high-resolution mass measurements among these 44 detected saponins 10 groups of isomers were identified. We report for the first time that 18 saponins with dioxolane-type (2 saponins) and acetal-type (16 saponins) substituents were detected in the roots of red beet.