keiji hirata - (original) (raw)

Papers by keiji hirata

Research paper thumbnail of Preface KSE 2016

2016 Eighth International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE), 2016

Welcome to Hanoi, Vietnam and the 8th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineerin... more Welcome to Hanoi, Vietnam and the 8th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineering (KSE 2016). Following the success of the previous conferences in the series, KSE 2016 continues to provide a forum for researchers to discuss problems, exchange results, identify emerging issues and establish collaborations in related areas of Knowledge and Systems Engineering. KSE 2016 is organized by the Le Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU), Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and University of Engineering and Technology (UET).

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Research paper thumbnail of E-026 適切な和音区間長を推定する和音認識手法について(E分野:自然言語・音声・音楽,一般論文)

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest editors’ preface

New Generation Computing, Sep 1, 1993

Makoto AMAMIYA Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Seinences, Kyushu University, 6-1... more Makoto AMAMIYA Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Seinences, Kyushu University, 6-1, Kasuga-Koen, Kasugashi, Fukuoka 816, Japan. Fumio MIZOGUCHI Intelligent System Laboratory, Science University of Tokyo, 2641, Yarnazaki, Nodashi, Chiba 278, Japan. Keiji H1RATA NTT Basic Research Laboratories, 3-9-11, Midorieho, Musashinoshi, Tokyo 180, Japan. Hideki YASUKAWA Tokyo Information Systems Researach Laboratory, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd., 4-5-15, Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo 140, Japan.

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Research paper thumbnail of \pi-Calculus Semantics of Moded Flat GHC

Also, the one-page abstract appeared in Proc. of ICLP'9

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Research paper thumbnail of Embedding of Moded Flat GHC into Polyadic pi-Calculus

Proceedings of FGCS'94 Workshop on Parallel Logic Programmin

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Research paper thumbnail of Progress Report on PIM Development

Proceedings of ICOT USA-Japan Joint Worksho

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Research paper thumbnail of Representation of jazz piano knowledge using a deductive object-oriented approach

International Computer Music Conference, 1996

This paper presents a method for representing jazz piano knowledge that is based on the deductive... more This paper presents a method for representing jazz piano knowledge that is based on the deductive object-oriented (DOO) approach. One of the motivations behind this research is the desire to clarify which elements of musical knowledge can be handled by our current ...

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Research paper thumbnail of PIM Architectures and R&D Status

Proceedings of ICOT-DTI Joint Meetin

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Research paper thumbnail of Prototyping A Jazz Piano Knowledge Base System With A Deductive Object-Oriented Approach

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Research paper thumbnail of Parallel and Distributed Implementation of Concurrent Logic Programming Language KL1

Future Generation Computer Systems, Jun 1, 1992

Workshop Paper第五世代コンピュータ技術開発機構で開発された5種類の並列推論マシンPIMの各ハードウェア構成と,それらの上で共通に実行される核言語KL1の実行処理系の機構を総括的かつ... more Workshop Paper第五世代コンピュータ技術開発機構で開発された5種類の並列推論マシンPIMの各ハードウェア構成と,それらの上で共通に実行される核言語KL1の実行処理系の機構を総括的かつ詳細に述べ議論を加え

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Research paper thumbnail of Proving Correctness of Translation from Moded Flat GHC to π-Calculus

Logic Programming, 1995

This poster presents a translation from moded Flat Guarded Horn Clauses (FGHC) [4] to polyadic π-... more This poster presents a translation from moded Flat Guarded Horn Clauses (FGHC) [4] to polyadic π-calculus (PPC) [3] and proves the correctness of the translation. This presentation introduces FGHC– (a subset of moded FGHC), presents the rules for translation from an FGHC– program to PPC statements, introduces the moded ground equality theory (MGE) in order to define the unification in FGHC–, and shows that the translation is correct with respect to the Ueda's operational semantics of GHC based on a transition system. FGHC– has almost the same descriptive power as FGHC and makes the translation quite straightforward [1]. Since every unification is directed (i.e. moded), each occurrence of FGHC– terms can be statically classified into either a generator or consumer of data. Correspondingly, the translator provides two kinds of PPC agents. A moded logical variable is basically translated into a PPC agent for duplication. Moreover, predicate invocation and the head of a definition clause are also represented by the same kinds of PPC agents. The data generation, consumption and duplication by PPC agents implement moded passive and active unification in FGHC–; MCE prescribes the unification in FGHC–. Then the transition rules of translated PPC statements for concurrent rewriting, one-step reduction, and active unification are given. Finally, these transition rules are proved to be equivalent to Ueda's operational semantics under MGE. Understanding FGHC– at the PPC level has the following advantages. This translation provides a new theoretical basis for investigating an interesting property, duality, where processes and messages of GHC play the same roles as data carriers [2]. Since translated PPC statements can be regarded as the specification of source pro grams in FGHC–, even the behavior of programs including nonlogical built-in predicates can be studied at the PPC level. Moreover, MGE gives us a new insight into well-moding and the groundness of moded variables.

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Research paper thumbnail of Musical Knowledge Programming for a New Form of Music Distribution

NTT, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Can we calculate music like numbers ?

At present, music is considered an art, and composition of music something that only a small numb... more At present, music is considered an art, and composition of music something that only a small number of skillful and knowledgeable people can engaged in. One major epochal change was when Thomas Edison invented the well-known tin foil phonograph almost 130 years ago; the phonograph drastically changed the way people related to music, and the world now familiar to us emerged. Along the way, the modern listening style, music industry and technology have also been established. However, music was originally a medium everyone could enjoy creating before the phonograph; ordinary people could readily hear others’ performances almost anywhere, anytime. The author believes that a computer has the potential to make music a more expressive medium than it was before the phonograph.

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Estimates for the DADO Machine: A Comparison of Treat and Rete

DADO is a highly parallel, VLSI-based, tree structured computer, intended (or the rapid execution... more DADO is a highly parallel, VLSI-based, tree structured computer, intended (or the rapid execution of production system programs. In this paper we describe a new match algorithm for executing production systems on DADO that is capable of handling both temporally redundant and nontemporally redundant production systems. We argue that the new algorithm is faster than the original DADO algorithm intended for nontemporally redundant systems. We also show that the new algorithm executed on parallel hardware is faster and more space efficient than parallel implementations of the RETE match algorithm, which is appropriate for temporally redundant systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Incremental performance synthesis system based on 2-stage performance rendering method

This paper presents the design principle, the system organization and the implementation of a mus... more This paper presents the design principle, the system organization and the implementation of a musical system \Ha-Hi-Hun" that we are developing. We believe that the next-generation performance rendering system should be able to re ne and improve a generated performance interactively, incrementally and locally through direct instructions in the natural language of a musician. In addition, the generated performance must re ect the musician's intention properly. For these purposes, we propose a new framework called two-stage performance rendering. The rst stage translates a musician's instruction in natural language into the deviations of the onset time, duration and amplitude of structurally important notes and second stage spreads the deviations over surrounding notes. key words Music, Performance Rendering, Performance Synthesis, Knowledge Representation, Music Theory, Case-Based Reasoning

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Research paper thumbnail of A Current Status Report on Music Entertainment Software

This paper presents music entertainment software SoundComplete (SC) and describes its design poli... more This paper presents music entertainment software SoundComplete (SC) and describes its design policy, functions, and user interface; SC can be played with by a music novice to create and exchange new pieces. SC provides a user with a set of modules for manipulating musical fragments. A user freely combines the modules in Patch Editor and creates a new piece of the musical fragments imported from the Web as a starting point. A user exports a music piece at any moment of processing. The main features of SC include: a method that a user creates a new piece by adding small modifications to existing musical fragments, an environment where others’ pieces can be easily obtained, and operations applied to high-level musical structures such as melody and metrics and functions making it possible to flexibly combine the operations in the Patch Editor. This paper introduces a sample session of SC, where the SC’s user interface and modules invoked are explained. Finally, we mention future work.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Implementation Method for Generalized Frequency Modulation Synthesizer

Generalized frequency modulation (GFM) synthesizer has the network architecture like neural netwo... more Generalized frequency modulation (GFM) synthesizer has the network architecture like neural networks that can be optimized by the well-known backpropagation technique (Figure 1) [2]. Many of commercial FM synthesizers [3, pp.224-250] provides the presets which are built-in connection patterns of oscillators with predefined parameters of amplitudes and carrier and modulating frequencies because some expert skills for manipulating parameters to generate new desired sounds are required. If we could imagine a single connection patterns of oscillators subsuming every preset, we would reach an idea of a general form of the FM synthesizer which looks like a neural network, the activation functions of which are vibrating functions. Figure 1 presents how oscillator units are interconnected with weights w; the depth is M , the width is N , and Σ stands for weighted sum. The input to the network is vector {A1, A2, · · ·AN}, and the output is waveform S. For an oscillator unit by a typical vibr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Agents that Create Melodies based on Estimating Gaussian Functions in the Pitch Space of Consonance

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2020

Music is organized by simple physical structures, such as the relationship between the frequencie... more Music is organized by simple physical structures, such as the relationship between the frequencies of tones. We have focused on the frequency ratio between notes and have proposed lattice spaces, which express the ratios of pitches and pulses. Agents produce melodies using distributions in the lattice spaces. In this study, we upgrade the system to analyze existing music. Therefore, the system can obtain the distribution of the pitch in the pitch lattice space and create melodies. We confirm that the system fits the musical features, such as modes and scales of the existing music as GMM. The probability density function in the pitch lattice space is suggested to be suitable for expressing the primitive musical structure of the pitch. However, there are a few challenges of not adapting a 12-equal temperament and dynamic variation of the mode; in this study, we focus on these challenges.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Agents for Creating Melodies and Investigation of Interaction between the Agents

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Papipuun: Music Summarization System based on GTTM

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Research paper thumbnail of Preface KSE 2016

2016 Eighth International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE), 2016

Welcome to Hanoi, Vietnam and the 8th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineerin... more Welcome to Hanoi, Vietnam and the 8th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineering (KSE 2016). Following the success of the previous conferences in the series, KSE 2016 continues to provide a forum for researchers to discuss problems, exchange results, identify emerging issues and establish collaborations in related areas of Knowledge and Systems Engineering. KSE 2016 is organized by the Le Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU), Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and University of Engineering and Technology (UET).

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Research paper thumbnail of E-026 適切な和音区間長を推定する和音認識手法について(E分野:自然言語・音声・音楽,一般論文)

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest editors’ preface

New Generation Computing, Sep 1, 1993

Makoto AMAMIYA Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Seinences, Kyushu University, 6-1... more Makoto AMAMIYA Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Seinences, Kyushu University, 6-1, Kasuga-Koen, Kasugashi, Fukuoka 816, Japan. Fumio MIZOGUCHI Intelligent System Laboratory, Science University of Tokyo, 2641, Yarnazaki, Nodashi, Chiba 278, Japan. Keiji H1RATA NTT Basic Research Laboratories, 3-9-11, Midorieho, Musashinoshi, Tokyo 180, Japan. Hideki YASUKAWA Tokyo Information Systems Researach Laboratory, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd., 4-5-15, Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo 140, Japan.

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Research paper thumbnail of \pi-Calculus Semantics of Moded Flat GHC

Also, the one-page abstract appeared in Proc. of ICLP'9

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Research paper thumbnail of Embedding of Moded Flat GHC into Polyadic pi-Calculus

Proceedings of FGCS'94 Workshop on Parallel Logic Programmin

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Research paper thumbnail of Progress Report on PIM Development

Proceedings of ICOT USA-Japan Joint Worksho

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Research paper thumbnail of Representation of jazz piano knowledge using a deductive object-oriented approach

International Computer Music Conference, 1996

This paper presents a method for representing jazz piano knowledge that is based on the deductive... more This paper presents a method for representing jazz piano knowledge that is based on the deductive object-oriented (DOO) approach. One of the motivations behind this research is the desire to clarify which elements of musical knowledge can be handled by our current ...

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Research paper thumbnail of PIM Architectures and R&D Status

Proceedings of ICOT-DTI Joint Meetin

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Research paper thumbnail of Prototyping A Jazz Piano Knowledge Base System With A Deductive Object-Oriented Approach

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Research paper thumbnail of Parallel and Distributed Implementation of Concurrent Logic Programming Language KL1

Future Generation Computer Systems, Jun 1, 1992

Workshop Paper第五世代コンピュータ技術開発機構で開発された5種類の並列推論マシンPIMの各ハードウェア構成と,それらの上で共通に実行される核言語KL1の実行処理系の機構を総括的かつ... more Workshop Paper第五世代コンピュータ技術開発機構で開発された5種類の並列推論マシンPIMの各ハードウェア構成と,それらの上で共通に実行される核言語KL1の実行処理系の機構を総括的かつ詳細に述べ議論を加え

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Research paper thumbnail of Proving Correctness of Translation from Moded Flat GHC to π-Calculus

Logic Programming, 1995

This poster presents a translation from moded Flat Guarded Horn Clauses (FGHC) [4] to polyadic π-... more This poster presents a translation from moded Flat Guarded Horn Clauses (FGHC) [4] to polyadic π-calculus (PPC) [3] and proves the correctness of the translation. This presentation introduces FGHC– (a subset of moded FGHC), presents the rules for translation from an FGHC– program to PPC statements, introduces the moded ground equality theory (MGE) in order to define the unification in FGHC–, and shows that the translation is correct with respect to the Ueda's operational semantics of GHC based on a transition system. FGHC– has almost the same descriptive power as FGHC and makes the translation quite straightforward [1]. Since every unification is directed (i.e. moded), each occurrence of FGHC– terms can be statically classified into either a generator or consumer of data. Correspondingly, the translator provides two kinds of PPC agents. A moded logical variable is basically translated into a PPC agent for duplication. Moreover, predicate invocation and the head of a definition clause are also represented by the same kinds of PPC agents. The data generation, consumption and duplication by PPC agents implement moded passive and active unification in FGHC–; MCE prescribes the unification in FGHC–. Then the transition rules of translated PPC statements for concurrent rewriting, one-step reduction, and active unification are given. Finally, these transition rules are proved to be equivalent to Ueda's operational semantics under MGE. Understanding FGHC– at the PPC level has the following advantages. This translation provides a new theoretical basis for investigating an interesting property, duality, where processes and messages of GHC play the same roles as data carriers [2]. Since translated PPC statements can be regarded as the specification of source pro grams in FGHC–, even the behavior of programs including nonlogical built-in predicates can be studied at the PPC level. Moreover, MGE gives us a new insight into well-moding and the groundness of moded variables.

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Research paper thumbnail of Musical Knowledge Programming for a New Form of Music Distribution

NTT, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Can we calculate music like numbers ?

At present, music is considered an art, and composition of music something that only a small numb... more At present, music is considered an art, and composition of music something that only a small number of skillful and knowledgeable people can engaged in. One major epochal change was when Thomas Edison invented the well-known tin foil phonograph almost 130 years ago; the phonograph drastically changed the way people related to music, and the world now familiar to us emerged. Along the way, the modern listening style, music industry and technology have also been established. However, music was originally a medium everyone could enjoy creating before the phonograph; ordinary people could readily hear others’ performances almost anywhere, anytime. The author believes that a computer has the potential to make music a more expressive medium than it was before the phonograph.

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Estimates for the DADO Machine: A Comparison of Treat and Rete

DADO is a highly parallel, VLSI-based, tree structured computer, intended (or the rapid execution... more DADO is a highly parallel, VLSI-based, tree structured computer, intended (or the rapid execution of production system programs. In this paper we describe a new match algorithm for executing production systems on DADO that is capable of handling both temporally redundant and nontemporally redundant production systems. We argue that the new algorithm is faster than the original DADO algorithm intended for nontemporally redundant systems. We also show that the new algorithm executed on parallel hardware is faster and more space efficient than parallel implementations of the RETE match algorithm, which is appropriate for temporally redundant systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Incremental performance synthesis system based on 2-stage performance rendering method

This paper presents the design principle, the system organization and the implementation of a mus... more This paper presents the design principle, the system organization and the implementation of a musical system \Ha-Hi-Hun" that we are developing. We believe that the next-generation performance rendering system should be able to re ne and improve a generated performance interactively, incrementally and locally through direct instructions in the natural language of a musician. In addition, the generated performance must re ect the musician's intention properly. For these purposes, we propose a new framework called two-stage performance rendering. The rst stage translates a musician's instruction in natural language into the deviations of the onset time, duration and amplitude of structurally important notes and second stage spreads the deviations over surrounding notes. key words Music, Performance Rendering, Performance Synthesis, Knowledge Representation, Music Theory, Case-Based Reasoning

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Research paper thumbnail of A Current Status Report on Music Entertainment Software

This paper presents music entertainment software SoundComplete (SC) and describes its design poli... more This paper presents music entertainment software SoundComplete (SC) and describes its design policy, functions, and user interface; SC can be played with by a music novice to create and exchange new pieces. SC provides a user with a set of modules for manipulating musical fragments. A user freely combines the modules in Patch Editor and creates a new piece of the musical fragments imported from the Web as a starting point. A user exports a music piece at any moment of processing. The main features of SC include: a method that a user creates a new piece by adding small modifications to existing musical fragments, an environment where others’ pieces can be easily obtained, and operations applied to high-level musical structures such as melody and metrics and functions making it possible to flexibly combine the operations in the Patch Editor. This paper introduces a sample session of SC, where the SC’s user interface and modules invoked are explained. Finally, we mention future work.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Implementation Method for Generalized Frequency Modulation Synthesizer

Generalized frequency modulation (GFM) synthesizer has the network architecture like neural netwo... more Generalized frequency modulation (GFM) synthesizer has the network architecture like neural networks that can be optimized by the well-known backpropagation technique (Figure 1) [2]. Many of commercial FM synthesizers [3, pp.224-250] provides the presets which are built-in connection patterns of oscillators with predefined parameters of amplitudes and carrier and modulating frequencies because some expert skills for manipulating parameters to generate new desired sounds are required. If we could imagine a single connection patterns of oscillators subsuming every preset, we would reach an idea of a general form of the FM synthesizer which looks like a neural network, the activation functions of which are vibrating functions. Figure 1 presents how oscillator units are interconnected with weights w; the depth is M , the width is N , and Σ stands for weighted sum. The input to the network is vector {A1, A2, · · ·AN}, and the output is waveform S. For an oscillator unit by a typical vibr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Agents that Create Melodies based on Estimating Gaussian Functions in the Pitch Space of Consonance

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2020

Music is organized by simple physical structures, such as the relationship between the frequencie... more Music is organized by simple physical structures, such as the relationship between the frequencies of tones. We have focused on the frequency ratio between notes and have proposed lattice spaces, which express the ratios of pitches and pulses. Agents produce melodies using distributions in the lattice spaces. In this study, we upgrade the system to analyze existing music. Therefore, the system can obtain the distribution of the pitch in the pitch lattice space and create melodies. We confirm that the system fits the musical features, such as modes and scales of the existing music as GMM. The probability density function in the pitch lattice space is suggested to be suitable for expressing the primitive musical structure of the pitch. However, there are a few challenges of not adapting a 12-equal temperament and dynamic variation of the mode; in this study, we focus on these challenges.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Agents for Creating Melodies and Investigation of Interaction between the Agents

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Papipuun: Music Summarization System based on GTTM

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