emel lüleci - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by emel lüleci
Acıbadem üniversitesi sağlık bilimleri dergisi, Sep 1, 2014
Purpose: Today's competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in p... more Purpose: Today's competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in production to proceed not only in the higher quality of service enterprises but also requires effective and efficient operation. It is very important to manage and guide individuals who show different responses in the face of different events in the same direction. At this point, it is very important to emphasize the importance of ethical codes as helpers for organizations. In this context, this research aims to explore the relationship between demographic variables and the health care workers' guilt and shame scores. Method: In this study, the work experiences of hospital staff were examined in terms of sex, guilt and shame. Analyses were evaluated in SPSS 11.5. According to the research results there is no significant relation between age, gender and marital status associated with guilt and shame. However, the survey tasks show that there is significant relationship between individuals' guilt and shame scores. Another result of the study is that as the guilt increases, the score for shame decreases. Differences in demographic characteristics in business have created a sense of guilt and shame in reducing the impact of perceptions of organizational ethical codes is of paramount importance. Ethical codes are effective tools to disseminate format standards to all employees in an understandable way. Conclusion: As a result, in an organization usage of effective ethical codes provide resistance to unethical or illegal actions to take place by applying pressure to employees.
Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, Jul 26, 2017
Topical NSAIDs in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis Öz Osteoartrit (OA), eklemlerde en sık rastlana... more Topical NSAIDs in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis Öz Osteoartrit (OA), eklemlerde en sık rastlanan, destruksiyonla sonuçlanan kronik bir hastalıktır. Eklemlerdeki ağrı ve fonksiyon kaybının toplumdaki en sık nedenidir. Genel olarak toplumda 65 yaş üzeri bireylerde semptomatik OA %40'a varan oranlarda görülebilir. OA'da tedavinin amaçları eklem ağrısı ve tutukluğunu azaltmak, eklem mobilitesini korumak ve iyileştirmek, fiziksel kısıtlılıkları ve engelliliği azaltmak, yaşam kalitesini arttırmak, eklem hasarının ilerlemesini önlemek ve hastalığın seyri ve sonuçları konusunda hastayı eğitmektir. Önerilen farmakolojik modaliteler ise asetaminofen, nonsteroid antiinflamatuvar ilaçlar, topikal antiinflamatuvar ilaçlar ve kapsaisin, intraartiküler kortikosteroid ve hiyalüronatlar, semptomatik yavaş etkili OA ilaçları ve opioid analjezikleri içerir. Bu derlemede OA li hastalarda topikal NSAİ ilaçların etkinliği üzerinde duracağız
Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, Jun 30, 2019
Objective:The elderly population, defined as ≥65 years old, is increasing with time in society. D... more Objective:The elderly population, defined as ≥65 years old, is increasing with time in society. Depressive symptoms in old age lead to worsening of physical and cognitive abilities. This study investigated the prevalence of depressive symptoms in elderly people living in a residential home in Istanbul and factors affecting this indication. Methods:The study was conducted in a descriptive and cross-sectional manner. The questionnaire, which included sociodemographic questions and inquiries on factors affecting depression, Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form-15 (GDS-15), and Mini-Mental test, was administered to 77 elderly people. Results:Twenty-nine of the participants were females and 48 were males, with a mean age of 75.9 ± 8.2 years. The mean GDS-15 score of the elderly was 4.04 ± 3.42. Concerns regarding leaving the residential home, low telephone call frequency, persistent physical illness, and inability to complete self-care activities were significantly associated with depressive symptoms. Conclusion:Depressive symptoms are common in the elderly living in residential homes. This occurrence is closely related to social support and health status. Further studies are warranted to determine if factors associated with such symptoms are risk factors for depression.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2008
Background: Coccygodynia is a pain in the region of the coccyx that radiates to the sacral, perin... more Background: Coccygodynia is a pain in the region of the coccyx that radiates to the sacral, perineal area. The cause of the pain is often unknown. Coccygodynia is diagnosed through the patient's past history, a physical examination, and dynamic radiographic study, but the injection of local anesthetics or a diagnostic nerve blockade are needed to distinguish between somatic, neuropathic, and combined pain. Ganglion impar is a single retroperitoneal structure made of both paravertebral sympathetic ganglions. Although there are no standard guidelines for the treatment of coccygodynia, ganglion impar blockade is one of the effective options for treatment. Methods: Here, we report a 42-year-old female patient presenting with severe pain in the coccygeal area after spinal arachnoid cyst removal. Results: Treatment involved neurolysis with absolute alcohol on the ganglion impar through the transsacrococcygeal junction. Pain was relieved without any complications. Conclusion: Our case report offers the ganglion impar blockade using the transsacrococcygeal approach with absolute alcohol can improve intractable coccydynia. Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index, VAS = visual analog score.
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, Mar 25, 2021
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2021
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2008
ethod and Study: DesignA double blind randomized control rial was undertaken in 57 patients with ... more ethod and Study: DesignA double blind randomized control rial was undertaken in 57 patients with similar demographics. wenty seven patients (group1) had palatine blocks or surface naesthesia (5 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine), in addition to standardzed multimodal analgesia and antiemesis provided to the other hirty patients (group2). Postoperative nausea and vomiting was lassified as mild (nausea), moderate (single episode of vomiting) nd severe if vomiting was more than once. Patients with a history f substance abuse or at the extremes of life were excluded.
Turkish journal of family medicine and primary care, 2016
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to understand the factors related to domestic violence of th... more OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to understand the factors related to domestic violence of the working children in the Industry Complex in a district of Istanbul. Method: This qualitative study was carried out with children working in the Industry Complex of Pendik using a convenience sample. These children were working in this Complex under the guidance of Community for Helping the Working Children. Three focus group discussions were held to collect the data each composed of 10 children with one moderator and one reporter. The focus group discussions were held at the work places of these children and during their working hours. In this study, phenomenological approach and thematic analysis was used. Results: In our sample, all the children were males, aged between 14-18 years. The majority were the children of low income families who were not able to graduate from elementary school. Nine themes emerged from the data: perception/explanation of violence at home; to be misinterpre...
Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the life style of elderly’s living in nursing homes an... more Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the life style of elderly’s living in nursing homes and factors affecting on the issue. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in seven nursing homes one being public and the other six being private. An inventory form has been applied to 161 communicable elderly living in nursing homes who have accepted to participate in the study. SPSS 11.5 package program has been used to evaluate data. Results: Mean age of elderly was 74.38±9.59 years. Among participants, 54.0% of elderly’s were staying in public nursing home, 58,4% were males, 41,9% were widow/widowers and 37,5% were single. 30.9% of males, 11.9% of females and 23.0% of all elderly living in nursing homes have still been smoking. 63.9 of smoking elderly have stated that they were smoking one or more than one package of cigarettes per day. The ratio of smokers have been found to be statistically significantly higher among those staying in public nursing home, among males, amo...
Giris ve Amac: Otenazi; olumun kacinilmaz oldugu ve iyilestirme olanagi olmayan veya dayanilmaz a... more Giris ve Amac: Otenazi; olumun kacinilmaz oldugu ve iyilestirme olanagi olmayan veya dayanilmaz acilar icinde olan kisinin tibbi yollarla oldurulmesi veya tibbi yardimin kesilerek olume terk edilmesi seklinde tanimlanmaktadir. Aktif otenazi Turkiye’de yasal degildir. Arastirmanin amaci 2013-2014 egitim doneminde birinci sinif ogrencisi olup, 2018-2019 egitim doneminde intorn olan tip fakultesi ogrencilerinin otenazi hakkindaki dusuncelerinin nasil degistigini degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici nitelikteki bu arastirma Istanbul’da bir devlet universitesi tip fakultesinde 2013-2014 egitim doneminde birinci sinifa baslayan 170 ogrencinin 126’sinin ve 2018-2019 egitim doneminde ayni fakultede egitimine intorn olarak devam eden 156 ogrencilerinin 111’inin ogrencinin katilimi ile gerceklestirilmistir. Yatay gecis ve erasmus ogrencileri ile sinif tekrari yapanlar ilk calismaya katilmadiklari icin orneklem disi birakilip ayni ogrencilere ulasilmistir. Veriler arastirmacilar tar...
Giris ve amac: Ulkemizde pek cok antijen, serbest eczanelerde satisa sunulmaktadir. Bu antijenler... more Giris ve amac: Ulkemizde pek cok antijen, serbest eczanelerde satisa sunulmaktadir. Bu antijenlerin etkinliklerini kaybetmemeleri icin dogru kosullarda saklanmalari ve tasinmalari gerekmektedir. Soguk zincir olarak adlandirilan bu kosullar, asi disinda sicaga hassas pek cok farmasotik urunun saklanmasi icin de gereklidir. Ancak ulkemizde yurutulen calismalar, eczanelerde soguk zincir kosullarinin olusturulmasi ve surdurulmesinde ciddi yetersizlikler oldugunu ortaya koymaktadir. Bu calismalar, eczane buzdolaplarinin dogru sicaklik araliginda olmadigini ve eczanelerde soguk zincir izleminin yapilmasina olanak veren sicaklik izlem gereclerin bulunmadigini gostermektedir. Yari deneysel olarak planlanan bu calismanin amaci, oncelikle eczanelerin soguk zincir saglama durumlarinin, calisanlarin bu konudaki bilgi ve davranis durumunun belirlenmesi ve bunun sonucunda soguk zincir kosullarinin iyilestirilmesine yonelik olusturulacak bir mudahalenin, serbest eczanelerde etkinliginin degerlen...
OBJECTIVE:The suicidal intent is a sudden impulse and results from a vast variety of reasons. The... more OBJECTIVE:The suicidal intent is a sudden impulse and results from a vast variety of reasons. The suicide rates among physicians are found to be higher than general population according to recent studies. AIM: This study aims to determine occupational satisfaction, depression and suicidal intent of residents of a University Hospital in Istanbul. METHOD: The type of research is descriptive. The population of the research is assistant physicians working in a University Hospital in Istanbul. 144 physicians who agreed to participate and were available during the data collection period participated in the study. Since the sampling method was not used and the participants were reached haphazardly, our study could be descriptive, not cross-sectional. This is a major limitation of our study. The mean age of the physicians was 27,1 and 94 (65,3%) were females and 50 (37,4%) were males. The questionnaire which consisted of descriptive questions and 3 scales (Beck depression inventory (BDI), M...
Purpose: Today’s competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in p... more Purpose: Today’s competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in production to proceed not only in the higher quality of service enterprises but also requires effective and efficient operation. It is very important to manage and guide individuals who show different responses in the face of different events in the same direction. At this point, it is very important to emphasize the importance of ethical codes as helpers for organizations. In this context, this research aims to explore the relationship between demographic variables and the health care workers’ guilt and shame scores. Method: In this study, the work experiences of hospital staff were examined in terms of sex, guilt and shame. Analyses were evaluated in SPSS 11.5. According to the research results there is no significant relation between age, gender and marital status associated with guilt and shame. However, the survey tasks show that there is significant relationship between individuals’...
G iris ve Amac : Cocuklarda 5 yas oncesinde baslayan sismanlik gorece daha tehlikelidir. Saglik o... more G iris ve Amac : Cocuklarda 5 yas oncesinde baslayan sismanlik gorece daha tehlikelidir. Saglik olcutlerinin egilimini belirlemek, mudahale planlamak ve politika gelistirmek icin onemlidir. Bu calismada 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013 yillarinda yapilan Turkiye Nufus ve Saglik Arastirmasi (TNSA) verileri kullanilarak bes yas alti cocuklarda fazla kilolu/sisman olma sikligi ve etkileyen faktorlerin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem : Arastirma, TNSA verilerinin ikincil analizi seklinde gerceklestirilmistir. Bu calismada Dunya Saglik Orgutu (DSO) tarafindan hazirlanan en yeni referans sistemi olan 2006 DSO Cocuk Buyume Standartlarina gore yasa-gore-BKI gostergesi hesaplanmistir. Yasa-gore-BKI gostergesi Z skoru referans grubun ortancasindan iki standart sapma ustu olan cocuklar fazla kilolu/sisman olarak belirlenmistir. Bir annenin birden cok cocugunun arastirmaya dahil edilmesi durumunda bu hanelerin ve annelerin ozelliklerinin baskin olmasinin onune gecmek amaciyla her hanede...
Giris ve Amac: Dunya Saglik Orgutu’nun tanimina gore son adet tarihinden itibaren 37. gestasyonel... more Giris ve Amac: Dunya Saglik Orgutu’nun tanimina gore son adet tarihinden itibaren 37. gestasyonel haftadan once gerceklesen tum canli dogumlar ‘premature dogum’ olarak tanimlanmaktadir. Dogum kilosuna gore ise 1501-2500 gram olanlara dusuk dogum agirlikli (DDA), 1001-1500 gram olanlara cok DDA ve 1000 gram altinda olanlara ise cok cok DDA bebek olarak siniflandirilmaktadir. Anne ve cocuk sagligini dogrudan etkileyen gebelik, dogum ve postpartum donemdeki komplikasyonlar ozellikle gelismekte olan ulkelerde baslica mortalite ve morbidite nedeni olmaya devam etmektedir. Kadinlarin gebeligi riskli hale getirecek lokal veya sistemik saglik sorunlarina ve gebeliklerinde yuksek riskli davranislara ya da yasam bicimine sahip olmasi da ayrica onem arz etmektedir. Onceki gebeliklerde ve kisinin tibbi oykusunde saptanan riskler sonraki gebeliklerde tekrarlayabilmekte ve buna bagli olarak yasanan sorunlarin boyutu ve siddeti artabilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci bir devlet universitesi tip fakul...
Giris ve Amac: Gelismekte olan ulkelerde cocuk ve bebek olumlerinin nedenleri arasinda yetersiz b... more Giris ve Amac: Gelismekte olan ulkelerde cocuk ve bebek olumlerinin nedenleri arasinda yetersiz beslenme ilk siralarda yer almaktadir. Cocugu eriskinden ayiran en onemli ozelliklerden biri olan buyume, cocuk sagliginin temel gostergesidir. Buyumenin izlenmesi cocugun hastalik durumunun erken tanilanmasinda, beslenmesinin degerlendirilmesinde, buyumede meydana gelen duraksama ya da yavaslamalarin erken donemde tespit edilmesinde cok onemli bir yere sahiptir. Calismamizin amaci, Istanbul’ da bir Aile Sagligi Merkezine basvuran takipli 0-2 yas arasi bebek ve cocuklarin buyume ve gelismesinin uzerine etki eden faktorleri arastirmaktir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici tipte bir arastirmadir. 2-6 Haziran 2014 tarihinde ulasabildiklerimiz arastirmaya dahil edilmistir. Toplam 111 bebek ve cocugun ailesi ile gorusulmustur. 0-2 yas arasindaki bebek ve cocuklarin buyume ve gelismesine etki eden faktorleri tespit edebilmek icin hazirlanmis ailenin sosyo-demografik ozelliklerini ve beslenme ozelli...
Giris: Firinda calisanlar icin firinci astimi gelistirme riski hâlâ artmaktadir. Calismanin amaci... more Giris: Firinda calisanlar icin firinci astimi gelistirme riski hâlâ artmaktadir. Calismanin amaci Istanbul’da bir ilcede uretim yapan firinlarda imalat bolumunde calisan iscilerde solunumsal ve alerjik rinit gibi bozukluklarin sikligini saptamak akciger fonksiyonlarini incelemek ve bu gozlemleri ekmek uretiminde calismayan bir grubu referans alarak karsilastirmaktir. Yontem: Istanbul Ili Maltepe Ilcesi’nde bulunan firinlarda calisanlarin tamami(61 firin 333 calisan) calismaya dahil edilmistir. Calismada kullanilan anket, onceki hastalik bilgisi, alerjiler, kullanilan ilaclar, tutun kullanimi, astim semptomlari ve isle ilgili semptomlari sorgulayan sorulari icermekteydi. Calisanlarin spirometre cihazi ile solunum fonksiyon testleri yapildi. Bulgular: Arastirmaya dahil edilenlerin %96.7’si erkek, %3.3’u kadin; yas ortalamalari 33. 99±10.06 ve calisma yili ortalamasi 13.48± 10.54’dur. Firin calisanlarinin %60.1’i sigara icmektedir. Firin calisanlarinin spirometre olcumlerinin %67.6’sin...
Introduction and Aim:As in many professions today, health workers are worn out and exhausted. Bur... more Introduction and Aim:As in many professions today, health workers are worn out and exhausted. Burnout syndrome is high in these occupational groups, especially where there is close relationship with people and also where stress is dominant. The study aims to examine participants' burnout levels using some sociodemographic parameters. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted by applying a questionnaire consisting of questions about sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, "Maslach Burnout Scale" (MBL) was also applied to health workers of a Chest Diseases Government Hospital in Istanbul between March-April 2018. Required permissions have been obtained from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Ethics Board and Provincial Health Directorate. Research is Cross-sectional. Data was obtained from 192 (82,5%) of 240 participants of the whole study population. The data were evaluated by chi-square and Fisher’s exact chi-square tests. Results: Approximate...
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the perspective of private hospitals regarding experience innovation. METHO... more OBJECTIVE To evaluate the perspective of private hospitals regarding experience innovation. METHODS The qualification-type study was conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, in February 2015, and comprised 17 hospitals where patients and employees were interviewed using a semi-structured consultation guide. The employees were examined regarding the meaning of innovation, awareness of experience innovation and its measurement. The patients were asked about the reason for choosing a hospital, the actual reason for arrival at the hospital and the impressions while leaving the hospital. Based on the obtained answers, experience innovation was examined. RESULTS Of the 87 subjects interviewed, 51(59%) were patients and 36(41%) were hospital employees. Overall, there were 61(70%) women and 26(30%) men in the age range of 21-75 years. It was observed that the tendencies of hospitals for innovation activities were high, but they confused it with novelty. CONCLUSIONS Investments made without taking exp...
Acıbadem üniversitesi sağlık bilimleri dergisi, Sep 1, 2014
Purpose: Today's competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in p... more Purpose: Today's competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in production to proceed not only in the higher quality of service enterprises but also requires effective and efficient operation. It is very important to manage and guide individuals who show different responses in the face of different events in the same direction. At this point, it is very important to emphasize the importance of ethical codes as helpers for organizations. In this context, this research aims to explore the relationship between demographic variables and the health care workers' guilt and shame scores. Method: In this study, the work experiences of hospital staff were examined in terms of sex, guilt and shame. Analyses were evaluated in SPSS 11.5. According to the research results there is no significant relation between age, gender and marital status associated with guilt and shame. However, the survey tasks show that there is significant relationship between individuals' guilt and shame scores. Another result of the study is that as the guilt increases, the score for shame decreases. Differences in demographic characteristics in business have created a sense of guilt and shame in reducing the impact of perceptions of organizational ethical codes is of paramount importance. Ethical codes are effective tools to disseminate format standards to all employees in an understandable way. Conclusion: As a result, in an organization usage of effective ethical codes provide resistance to unethical or illegal actions to take place by applying pressure to employees.
Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, Jul 26, 2017
Topical NSAIDs in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis Öz Osteoartrit (OA), eklemlerde en sık rastlana... more Topical NSAIDs in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis Öz Osteoartrit (OA), eklemlerde en sık rastlanan, destruksiyonla sonuçlanan kronik bir hastalıktır. Eklemlerdeki ağrı ve fonksiyon kaybının toplumdaki en sık nedenidir. Genel olarak toplumda 65 yaş üzeri bireylerde semptomatik OA %40'a varan oranlarda görülebilir. OA'da tedavinin amaçları eklem ağrısı ve tutukluğunu azaltmak, eklem mobilitesini korumak ve iyileştirmek, fiziksel kısıtlılıkları ve engelliliği azaltmak, yaşam kalitesini arttırmak, eklem hasarının ilerlemesini önlemek ve hastalığın seyri ve sonuçları konusunda hastayı eğitmektir. Önerilen farmakolojik modaliteler ise asetaminofen, nonsteroid antiinflamatuvar ilaçlar, topikal antiinflamatuvar ilaçlar ve kapsaisin, intraartiküler kortikosteroid ve hiyalüronatlar, semptomatik yavaş etkili OA ilaçları ve opioid analjezikleri içerir. Bu derlemede OA li hastalarda topikal NSAİ ilaçların etkinliği üzerinde duracağız
Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, Jun 30, 2019
Objective:The elderly population, defined as ≥65 years old, is increasing with time in society. D... more Objective:The elderly population, defined as ≥65 years old, is increasing with time in society. Depressive symptoms in old age lead to worsening of physical and cognitive abilities. This study investigated the prevalence of depressive symptoms in elderly people living in a residential home in Istanbul and factors affecting this indication. Methods:The study was conducted in a descriptive and cross-sectional manner. The questionnaire, which included sociodemographic questions and inquiries on factors affecting depression, Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form-15 (GDS-15), and Mini-Mental test, was administered to 77 elderly people. Results:Twenty-nine of the participants were females and 48 were males, with a mean age of 75.9 ± 8.2 years. The mean GDS-15 score of the elderly was 4.04 ± 3.42. Concerns regarding leaving the residential home, low telephone call frequency, persistent physical illness, and inability to complete self-care activities were significantly associated with depressive symptoms. Conclusion:Depressive symptoms are common in the elderly living in residential homes. This occurrence is closely related to social support and health status. Further studies are warranted to determine if factors associated with such symptoms are risk factors for depression.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2008
Background: Coccygodynia is a pain in the region of the coccyx that radiates to the sacral, perin... more Background: Coccygodynia is a pain in the region of the coccyx that radiates to the sacral, perineal area. The cause of the pain is often unknown. Coccygodynia is diagnosed through the patient's past history, a physical examination, and dynamic radiographic study, but the injection of local anesthetics or a diagnostic nerve blockade are needed to distinguish between somatic, neuropathic, and combined pain. Ganglion impar is a single retroperitoneal structure made of both paravertebral sympathetic ganglions. Although there are no standard guidelines for the treatment of coccygodynia, ganglion impar blockade is one of the effective options for treatment. Methods: Here, we report a 42-year-old female patient presenting with severe pain in the coccygeal area after spinal arachnoid cyst removal. Results: Treatment involved neurolysis with absolute alcohol on the ganglion impar through the transsacrococcygeal junction. Pain was relieved without any complications. Conclusion: Our case report offers the ganglion impar blockade using the transsacrococcygeal approach with absolute alcohol can improve intractable coccydynia. Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index, VAS = visual analog score.
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, Mar 25, 2021
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2021
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2008
ethod and Study: DesignA double blind randomized control rial was undertaken in 57 patients with ... more ethod and Study: DesignA double blind randomized control rial was undertaken in 57 patients with similar demographics. wenty seven patients (group1) had palatine blocks or surface naesthesia (5 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine), in addition to standardzed multimodal analgesia and antiemesis provided to the other hirty patients (group2). Postoperative nausea and vomiting was lassified as mild (nausea), moderate (single episode of vomiting) nd severe if vomiting was more than once. Patients with a history f substance abuse or at the extremes of life were excluded.
Turkish journal of family medicine and primary care, 2016
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to understand the factors related to domestic violence of th... more OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to understand the factors related to domestic violence of the working children in the Industry Complex in a district of Istanbul. Method: This qualitative study was carried out with children working in the Industry Complex of Pendik using a convenience sample. These children were working in this Complex under the guidance of Community for Helping the Working Children. Three focus group discussions were held to collect the data each composed of 10 children with one moderator and one reporter. The focus group discussions were held at the work places of these children and during their working hours. In this study, phenomenological approach and thematic analysis was used. Results: In our sample, all the children were males, aged between 14-18 years. The majority were the children of low income families who were not able to graduate from elementary school. Nine themes emerged from the data: perception/explanation of violence at home; to be misinterpre...
Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the life style of elderly’s living in nursing homes an... more Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the life style of elderly’s living in nursing homes and factors affecting on the issue. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in seven nursing homes one being public and the other six being private. An inventory form has been applied to 161 communicable elderly living in nursing homes who have accepted to participate in the study. SPSS 11.5 package program has been used to evaluate data. Results: Mean age of elderly was 74.38±9.59 years. Among participants, 54.0% of elderly’s were staying in public nursing home, 58,4% were males, 41,9% were widow/widowers and 37,5% were single. 30.9% of males, 11.9% of females and 23.0% of all elderly living in nursing homes have still been smoking. 63.9 of smoking elderly have stated that they were smoking one or more than one package of cigarettes per day. The ratio of smokers have been found to be statistically significantly higher among those staying in public nursing home, among males, amo...
Giris ve Amac: Otenazi; olumun kacinilmaz oldugu ve iyilestirme olanagi olmayan veya dayanilmaz a... more Giris ve Amac: Otenazi; olumun kacinilmaz oldugu ve iyilestirme olanagi olmayan veya dayanilmaz acilar icinde olan kisinin tibbi yollarla oldurulmesi veya tibbi yardimin kesilerek olume terk edilmesi seklinde tanimlanmaktadir. Aktif otenazi Turkiye’de yasal degildir. Arastirmanin amaci 2013-2014 egitim doneminde birinci sinif ogrencisi olup, 2018-2019 egitim doneminde intorn olan tip fakultesi ogrencilerinin otenazi hakkindaki dusuncelerinin nasil degistigini degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici nitelikteki bu arastirma Istanbul’da bir devlet universitesi tip fakultesinde 2013-2014 egitim doneminde birinci sinifa baslayan 170 ogrencinin 126’sinin ve 2018-2019 egitim doneminde ayni fakultede egitimine intorn olarak devam eden 156 ogrencilerinin 111’inin ogrencinin katilimi ile gerceklestirilmistir. Yatay gecis ve erasmus ogrencileri ile sinif tekrari yapanlar ilk calismaya katilmadiklari icin orneklem disi birakilip ayni ogrencilere ulasilmistir. Veriler arastirmacilar tar...
Giris ve amac: Ulkemizde pek cok antijen, serbest eczanelerde satisa sunulmaktadir. Bu antijenler... more Giris ve amac: Ulkemizde pek cok antijen, serbest eczanelerde satisa sunulmaktadir. Bu antijenlerin etkinliklerini kaybetmemeleri icin dogru kosullarda saklanmalari ve tasinmalari gerekmektedir. Soguk zincir olarak adlandirilan bu kosullar, asi disinda sicaga hassas pek cok farmasotik urunun saklanmasi icin de gereklidir. Ancak ulkemizde yurutulen calismalar, eczanelerde soguk zincir kosullarinin olusturulmasi ve surdurulmesinde ciddi yetersizlikler oldugunu ortaya koymaktadir. Bu calismalar, eczane buzdolaplarinin dogru sicaklik araliginda olmadigini ve eczanelerde soguk zincir izleminin yapilmasina olanak veren sicaklik izlem gereclerin bulunmadigini gostermektedir. Yari deneysel olarak planlanan bu calismanin amaci, oncelikle eczanelerin soguk zincir saglama durumlarinin, calisanlarin bu konudaki bilgi ve davranis durumunun belirlenmesi ve bunun sonucunda soguk zincir kosullarinin iyilestirilmesine yonelik olusturulacak bir mudahalenin, serbest eczanelerde etkinliginin degerlen...
OBJECTIVE:The suicidal intent is a sudden impulse and results from a vast variety of reasons. The... more OBJECTIVE:The suicidal intent is a sudden impulse and results from a vast variety of reasons. The suicide rates among physicians are found to be higher than general population according to recent studies. AIM: This study aims to determine occupational satisfaction, depression and suicidal intent of residents of a University Hospital in Istanbul. METHOD: The type of research is descriptive. The population of the research is assistant physicians working in a University Hospital in Istanbul. 144 physicians who agreed to participate and were available during the data collection period participated in the study. Since the sampling method was not used and the participants were reached haphazardly, our study could be descriptive, not cross-sectional. This is a major limitation of our study. The mean age of the physicians was 27,1 and 94 (65,3%) were females and 50 (37,4%) were males. The questionnaire which consisted of descriptive questions and 3 scales (Beck depression inventory (BDI), M...
Purpose: Today’s competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in p... more Purpose: Today’s competitive environment makes it necessary for enterprises that are engaged in production to proceed not only in the higher quality of service enterprises but also requires effective and efficient operation. It is very important to manage and guide individuals who show different responses in the face of different events in the same direction. At this point, it is very important to emphasize the importance of ethical codes as helpers for organizations. In this context, this research aims to explore the relationship between demographic variables and the health care workers’ guilt and shame scores. Method: In this study, the work experiences of hospital staff were examined in terms of sex, guilt and shame. Analyses were evaluated in SPSS 11.5. According to the research results there is no significant relation between age, gender and marital status associated with guilt and shame. However, the survey tasks show that there is significant relationship between individuals’...
G iris ve Amac : Cocuklarda 5 yas oncesinde baslayan sismanlik gorece daha tehlikelidir. Saglik o... more G iris ve Amac : Cocuklarda 5 yas oncesinde baslayan sismanlik gorece daha tehlikelidir. Saglik olcutlerinin egilimini belirlemek, mudahale planlamak ve politika gelistirmek icin onemlidir. Bu calismada 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013 yillarinda yapilan Turkiye Nufus ve Saglik Arastirmasi (TNSA) verileri kullanilarak bes yas alti cocuklarda fazla kilolu/sisman olma sikligi ve etkileyen faktorlerin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem : Arastirma, TNSA verilerinin ikincil analizi seklinde gerceklestirilmistir. Bu calismada Dunya Saglik Orgutu (DSO) tarafindan hazirlanan en yeni referans sistemi olan 2006 DSO Cocuk Buyume Standartlarina gore yasa-gore-BKI gostergesi hesaplanmistir. Yasa-gore-BKI gostergesi Z skoru referans grubun ortancasindan iki standart sapma ustu olan cocuklar fazla kilolu/sisman olarak belirlenmistir. Bir annenin birden cok cocugunun arastirmaya dahil edilmesi durumunda bu hanelerin ve annelerin ozelliklerinin baskin olmasinin onune gecmek amaciyla her hanede...
Giris ve Amac: Dunya Saglik Orgutu’nun tanimina gore son adet tarihinden itibaren 37. gestasyonel... more Giris ve Amac: Dunya Saglik Orgutu’nun tanimina gore son adet tarihinden itibaren 37. gestasyonel haftadan once gerceklesen tum canli dogumlar ‘premature dogum’ olarak tanimlanmaktadir. Dogum kilosuna gore ise 1501-2500 gram olanlara dusuk dogum agirlikli (DDA), 1001-1500 gram olanlara cok DDA ve 1000 gram altinda olanlara ise cok cok DDA bebek olarak siniflandirilmaktadir. Anne ve cocuk sagligini dogrudan etkileyen gebelik, dogum ve postpartum donemdeki komplikasyonlar ozellikle gelismekte olan ulkelerde baslica mortalite ve morbidite nedeni olmaya devam etmektedir. Kadinlarin gebeligi riskli hale getirecek lokal veya sistemik saglik sorunlarina ve gebeliklerinde yuksek riskli davranislara ya da yasam bicimine sahip olmasi da ayrica onem arz etmektedir. Onceki gebeliklerde ve kisinin tibbi oykusunde saptanan riskler sonraki gebeliklerde tekrarlayabilmekte ve buna bagli olarak yasanan sorunlarin boyutu ve siddeti artabilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci bir devlet universitesi tip fakul...
Giris ve Amac: Gelismekte olan ulkelerde cocuk ve bebek olumlerinin nedenleri arasinda yetersiz b... more Giris ve Amac: Gelismekte olan ulkelerde cocuk ve bebek olumlerinin nedenleri arasinda yetersiz beslenme ilk siralarda yer almaktadir. Cocugu eriskinden ayiran en onemli ozelliklerden biri olan buyume, cocuk sagliginin temel gostergesidir. Buyumenin izlenmesi cocugun hastalik durumunun erken tanilanmasinda, beslenmesinin degerlendirilmesinde, buyumede meydana gelen duraksama ya da yavaslamalarin erken donemde tespit edilmesinde cok onemli bir yere sahiptir. Calismamizin amaci, Istanbul’ da bir Aile Sagligi Merkezine basvuran takipli 0-2 yas arasi bebek ve cocuklarin buyume ve gelismesinin uzerine etki eden faktorleri arastirmaktir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici tipte bir arastirmadir. 2-6 Haziran 2014 tarihinde ulasabildiklerimiz arastirmaya dahil edilmistir. Toplam 111 bebek ve cocugun ailesi ile gorusulmustur. 0-2 yas arasindaki bebek ve cocuklarin buyume ve gelismesine etki eden faktorleri tespit edebilmek icin hazirlanmis ailenin sosyo-demografik ozelliklerini ve beslenme ozelli...
Giris: Firinda calisanlar icin firinci astimi gelistirme riski hâlâ artmaktadir. Calismanin amaci... more Giris: Firinda calisanlar icin firinci astimi gelistirme riski hâlâ artmaktadir. Calismanin amaci Istanbul’da bir ilcede uretim yapan firinlarda imalat bolumunde calisan iscilerde solunumsal ve alerjik rinit gibi bozukluklarin sikligini saptamak akciger fonksiyonlarini incelemek ve bu gozlemleri ekmek uretiminde calismayan bir grubu referans alarak karsilastirmaktir. Yontem: Istanbul Ili Maltepe Ilcesi’nde bulunan firinlarda calisanlarin tamami(61 firin 333 calisan) calismaya dahil edilmistir. Calismada kullanilan anket, onceki hastalik bilgisi, alerjiler, kullanilan ilaclar, tutun kullanimi, astim semptomlari ve isle ilgili semptomlari sorgulayan sorulari icermekteydi. Calisanlarin spirometre cihazi ile solunum fonksiyon testleri yapildi. Bulgular: Arastirmaya dahil edilenlerin %96.7’si erkek, %3.3’u kadin; yas ortalamalari 33. 99±10.06 ve calisma yili ortalamasi 13.48± 10.54’dur. Firin calisanlarinin %60.1’i sigara icmektedir. Firin calisanlarinin spirometre olcumlerinin %67.6’sin...
Introduction and Aim:As in many professions today, health workers are worn out and exhausted. Bur... more Introduction and Aim:As in many professions today, health workers are worn out and exhausted. Burnout syndrome is high in these occupational groups, especially where there is close relationship with people and also where stress is dominant. The study aims to examine participants' burnout levels using some sociodemographic parameters. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted by applying a questionnaire consisting of questions about sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, "Maslach Burnout Scale" (MBL) was also applied to health workers of a Chest Diseases Government Hospital in Istanbul between March-April 2018. Required permissions have been obtained from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Ethics Board and Provincial Health Directorate. Research is Cross-sectional. Data was obtained from 192 (82,5%) of 240 participants of the whole study population. The data were evaluated by chi-square and Fisher’s exact chi-square tests. Results: Approximate...
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the perspective of private hospitals regarding experience innovation. METHO... more OBJECTIVE To evaluate the perspective of private hospitals regarding experience innovation. METHODS The qualification-type study was conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, in February 2015, and comprised 17 hospitals where patients and employees were interviewed using a semi-structured consultation guide. The employees were examined regarding the meaning of innovation, awareness of experience innovation and its measurement. The patients were asked about the reason for choosing a hospital, the actual reason for arrival at the hospital and the impressions while leaving the hospital. Based on the obtained answers, experience innovation was examined. RESULTS Of the 87 subjects interviewed, 51(59%) were patients and 36(41%) were hospital employees. Overall, there were 61(70%) women and 26(30%) men in the age range of 21-75 years. It was observed that the tendencies of hospitals for innovation activities were high, but they confused it with novelty. CONCLUSIONS Investments made without taking exp...