marcia linn - (original) (raw)

Papers by marcia linn

Research paper thumbnail of Being fluent with information technology

Research paper thumbnail of Building community using the design principles database

Proceedings of the first joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs Instructional Design and Learning and Instruction with Computers: Tuebingen, 2004

In this study, we describe a mechanism to support designers in sharing and building design knowle... more In this study, we describe a mechanism to support designers in sharing and building design knowledge. The Design Principles Database was developed as an infrastructure for designers to publish, connect, discuss and review design ideas. The database is intended to be built by and serve the community of educational software designers. In this study we examine how the activities of a two-week workshop with educational software designers helped participants synthesize their knowledge. Our outcomes are based on qualitative ...

Research paper thumbnail of Collaboration and knowledge integration

Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - CSCL'09, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Learning and Instruction: An Examination of Four Research Perspectives in Science Education

Review of Educational Research, 1988

... As a result, we primarily compare these perspectives to the others in order to propose an int... more ... As a result, we primarily compare these perspectives to the others in order to propose an integrated perspective on science education. ... Summary In summary, research from the concept-learning perspective characterizes the conceptions that students hold, offers ideas ...

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching children to control variables: Investigation of a free-choice environment

Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1977

Research paper thumbnail of Exhibit Evaluation-Informed Decision Making

Curator: The Museum Journal, 2000

... One way is to look for new events-for instance, a new puzzle at the game table that is never ... more ... One way is to look for new events-for instance, a new puzzle at the game table that is never ... Aninformed decision-making model was proposed ... Use of the model in assessing currently available exhibits, center needs, development of new exhibits, and learning in the center was ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Value of Interactive Learning Experiences

Curator: The Museum Journal, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Museums Through Evaluation

Curator: The Museum Journal, 2000

... Evaluation ELANNA S. YALOW, RANDALL J. STROSSEN, DENNIS L. JENNINGS. ... He wished to evaluat... more ... Evaluation ELANNA S. YALOW, RANDALL J. STROSSEN, DENNIS L. JENNINGS. ... He wished to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative exhibits and adjunct systems (ie punch board, audio tapes) at the Carder Glass exhibit at the Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. ...

Research paper thumbnail of When do Adolescents Reason?

European Journal of Science Education, 1980

... x2 = 7-6 p< 0-05. Kendall's Tau = 0-34; p< 0-005. Page 5. WHEN DO ADOLESCENTS REAS... more ... x2 = 7-6 p< 0-05. Kendall's Tau = 0-34; p< 0-005. Page 5. WHEN DO ADOLESCENTS REASON? 433 ... 168-177. PIAGET, J. 1971, The theory of stages in cognitive development. In Measurement and Piaget edited by DR Green, MP Ford and GB Flamer (McGraw Hill: New York). ...

Research paper thumbnail of WISE Research — Promoting International Collaboration

Science Education Research in the Knowledge-Based Society, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Instruction

Handbook of Applied Cognition, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Learning to teach computer programming

Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on Computing education research workshop - ICER '09, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Partners in learning

Research paper thumbnail of Science

Cognition and Instruction, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching science through online, peer discussions: SpeakEasy in the Knowledge Integration Environment

International Journal of Science Education, 2000

... Hoadley, Centre for Technology in Learning, SRI International, 333 Rowenswood Avenue, Menlo P... more ... Hoadley, Centre for Technology in Learning, SRI International, 333 Rowenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493, USA and Learning, Design and Technology, Staford University School of Education, Palo Alto, CA 94305-3096, USA; e-mail: christopher.hoadley@ ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the science enrichment activities (SEA) program: A decision oriented model

Studies in Educational Evaluation, 1978


Research paper thumbnail of Designing and Validating Assessments of Complex Thinking in Science

Theory Into Practice, 2015

ABSTRACT Typical assessment systems often measure isolated ideas rather than the coherent underst... more ABSTRACT Typical assessment systems often measure isolated ideas rather than the coherent understanding valued in current science classrooms. Such assessments may motivate students to memorize rather than to use new ideas to solve complex problems. To meet the requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards, instruction needs to emphasize sustained investigations and assessments need to create a detailed picture of students&#39; conceptual understanding and reasoning processes.This article describes the design process and potential for automated scoring of 2 forms of inquiry assessment: Energy Stories and MySystem. To design these assessments, we formed a partnership of teachers, discipline experts, researchers, technologists, and psychometricians to align curriculum, assessments, and rubrics. We illustrate how these items document middle school students&#39; reasoning about energy flow in life science. We used evidence from review by science teachers and experts in the discipline; classroom experiments; and psychometric analysis to validate the assessments, rubrics, and automated scoring.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Technology on Science Instruction: Historical Trends and Current Opportunities

International Handbook of Science Education, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of From Separation to Partnership in Science Education: Students, Laboratories, and the Curriculum

Microcomputer–Based Labs: Educational Research and Standards, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Differences in Cognition and Educational Performance

Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Being fluent with information technology

Research paper thumbnail of Building community using the design principles database

Proceedings of the first joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs Instructional Design and Learning and Instruction with Computers: Tuebingen, 2004

In this study, we describe a mechanism to support designers in sharing and building design knowle... more In this study, we describe a mechanism to support designers in sharing and building design knowledge. The Design Principles Database was developed as an infrastructure for designers to publish, connect, discuss and review design ideas. The database is intended to be built by and serve the community of educational software designers. In this study we examine how the activities of a two-week workshop with educational software designers helped participants synthesize their knowledge. Our outcomes are based on qualitative ...

Research paper thumbnail of Collaboration and knowledge integration

Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - CSCL'09, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Learning and Instruction: An Examination of Four Research Perspectives in Science Education

Review of Educational Research, 1988

... As a result, we primarily compare these perspectives to the others in order to propose an int... more ... As a result, we primarily compare these perspectives to the others in order to propose an integrated perspective on science education. ... Summary In summary, research from the concept-learning perspective characterizes the conceptions that students hold, offers ideas ...

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching children to control variables: Investigation of a free-choice environment

Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1977

Research paper thumbnail of Exhibit Evaluation-Informed Decision Making

Curator: The Museum Journal, 2000

... One way is to look for new events-for instance, a new puzzle at the game table that is never ... more ... One way is to look for new events-for instance, a new puzzle at the game table that is never ... Aninformed decision-making model was proposed ... Use of the model in assessing currently available exhibits, center needs, development of new exhibits, and learning in the center was ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Value of Interactive Learning Experiences

Curator: The Museum Journal, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Museums Through Evaluation

Curator: The Museum Journal, 2000

... Evaluation ELANNA S. YALOW, RANDALL J. STROSSEN, DENNIS L. JENNINGS. ... He wished to evaluat... more ... Evaluation ELANNA S. YALOW, RANDALL J. STROSSEN, DENNIS L. JENNINGS. ... He wished to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative exhibits and adjunct systems (ie punch board, audio tapes) at the Carder Glass exhibit at the Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. ...

Research paper thumbnail of When do Adolescents Reason?

European Journal of Science Education, 1980

... x2 = 7-6 p< 0-05. Kendall's Tau = 0-34; p< 0-005. Page 5. WHEN DO ADOLESCENTS REAS... more ... x2 = 7-6 p< 0-05. Kendall's Tau = 0-34; p< 0-005. Page 5. WHEN DO ADOLESCENTS REASON? 433 ... 168-177. PIAGET, J. 1971, The theory of stages in cognitive development. In Measurement and Piaget edited by DR Green, MP Ford and GB Flamer (McGraw Hill: New York). ...

Research paper thumbnail of WISE Research — Promoting International Collaboration

Science Education Research in the Knowledge-Based Society, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Instruction

Handbook of Applied Cognition, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Learning to teach computer programming

Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on Computing education research workshop - ICER '09, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Partners in learning

Research paper thumbnail of Science

Cognition and Instruction, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching science through online, peer discussions: SpeakEasy in the Knowledge Integration Environment

International Journal of Science Education, 2000

... Hoadley, Centre for Technology in Learning, SRI International, 333 Rowenswood Avenue, Menlo P... more ... Hoadley, Centre for Technology in Learning, SRI International, 333 Rowenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493, USA and Learning, Design and Technology, Staford University School of Education, Palo Alto, CA 94305-3096, USA; e-mail: christopher.hoadley@ ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the science enrichment activities (SEA) program: A decision oriented model

Studies in Educational Evaluation, 1978


Research paper thumbnail of Designing and Validating Assessments of Complex Thinking in Science

Theory Into Practice, 2015

ABSTRACT Typical assessment systems often measure isolated ideas rather than the coherent underst... more ABSTRACT Typical assessment systems often measure isolated ideas rather than the coherent understanding valued in current science classrooms. Such assessments may motivate students to memorize rather than to use new ideas to solve complex problems. To meet the requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards, instruction needs to emphasize sustained investigations and assessments need to create a detailed picture of students&#39; conceptual understanding and reasoning processes.This article describes the design process and potential for automated scoring of 2 forms of inquiry assessment: Energy Stories and MySystem. To design these assessments, we formed a partnership of teachers, discipline experts, researchers, technologists, and psychometricians to align curriculum, assessments, and rubrics. We illustrate how these items document middle school students&#39; reasoning about energy flow in life science. We used evidence from review by science teachers and experts in the discipline; classroom experiments; and psychometric analysis to validate the assessments, rubrics, and automated scoring.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Technology on Science Instruction: Historical Trends and Current Opportunities

International Handbook of Science Education, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of From Separation to Partnership in Science Education: Students, Laboratories, and the Curriculum

Microcomputer–Based Labs: Educational Research and Standards, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Differences in Cognition and Educational Performance

Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, 2006