margarita ekadjaja - (original) (raw)
Papers by margarita ekadjaja
International Journal of Application on Economics and Business, Nov 28, 2023
International Journal of Application on Economics and Business, Nov 28, 2023
Buletin Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara, Apr 22, 2018
Jurnal Serina Abdimas
Information regarding the break even is very important for business people as a guide for determi... more Information regarding the break even is very important for business people as a guide for determining the prices related to determination of marketing strategies. Partners in PKM activities is a family business in the culinary field of Palembang specialties, namely pempek. Along with customer demand and the desire of the owner of Pempek X to develop its business, they plan to add their product with crackers made from fish. Pempek X must determine how many units of product to be sold to cover all expenses due to additional investment in these new products. As a solution, the PKM implementation team provided training for calculating the return on principal from multi-products to be marketed using the BEP-M method. PKM implementation activities are packaged in the form of training which begins with the implementation of a webinar to provide an understanding of the calculation of the break even, followed by mapping the amount of variable costs, fixed costs, estimates of revenue for vari...
International Journal of Application on Economics and Business
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the company's efforts to manage worki... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the company's efforts to manage working capital in improving the company financial performance. One way to operate the company's working capital properly, is by implementing the cash conversion cycle. Cash conversion cycle is a cycle of cash flow in the company which is measured by using the ratios of the Average Collection Period, Inventory Turnover, and Average Payment Period, and indirectly has an influence on the profitability of the company. The research subjects are retail companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2017-2020. Using double regression analysis with the EViews application, the result was obtained that the Average Collection Period (ACP) has a positive but not significant effect on financial performance. Different results were obtained from the variables of Average Payment Period (APP) and Inventory Collection Period (ICP), in which each of them has a significant and negative effect on...
Jurnal Ekonomi
Brand identity needs to have a resonance with customers, the right price and marketing strategy c... more Brand identity needs to have a resonance with customers, the right price and marketing strategy can make customers try to buy or become loyal customers. This study analyzes the factors that influence customer decisions in purchasing products by adopting variables in marketing: brand identity, price, and word of mouth, and then analyzes whether they have some significant effect to put on purchasing decisions. The research of data was obtained from customers of Mixue products who are domiciled in the Bandung area. The results of data processing through the PLS-SEM application show that price and brand identity have a positive but not significant effect on purchasing decisions, while word of mouth has a significant positive influence on purchasing decisions. This shows that currently the word of mouth marketing strategy is more effective in getting customers or buyers.
Jurnal Ekonomi, Nov 30, 2022
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
The PKM team collaborated with Trinity Charcoal Indonesia which is a producer of charcoal briquet... more The PKM team collaborated with Trinity Charcoal Indonesia which is a producer of charcoal briquettes in measuringperformance using the SWOT balanced scorecard method. The background of implementation of PKM activities is thepartner's expectation to increase profits to grow the company, because the increase in sales achieved by partner is notfollowed by the expected increase in profits. PKM activities help partners take advantage of their strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats in determining business strategies so as to create a balance between various perspectives andthus partners can focus more on the target market to be served. The initial stage of implementing PKM was the teamconducted a webinar using the Zoom application with the topic of using the balanced scorecard for performancemeasurement. The success of the webinar implementation is evaluated through the partner's ability to create a balancedscorecard related to its business activities. The next step is t...
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
The COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities for partners to expand their businesses because... more The COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities for partners to expand their businesses because electronic equipment and computer repair services have increased. However, due to PPKM policy, there is no direct interaction between sellers and customers. This PKM activity is held for analyzing the feasibility of new business locations for business development through a business feasibility study. Alfin Electronic Shop is an MSME located in the Kebayoran Lama Market with business activities in selling electronic equipment and servicing electronic equipment and computers. With the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions as a government effort to overcome the covid 19 pandemic, there is no direct interaction between sellers or service providers with customers so that income decreases. Partner seeks to expand its market share in the Tangerang area and its surroundings to increase revenue. The location selection was carried out using a factor weighting method with the highest t...
Jurnal Muara Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan jawaban terhadap kontradiksi dalam hasil penelitian sebelumny... more Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan jawaban terhadap kontradiksi dalam hasil penelitian sebelumnya, serta memberikan sudut pandang baru dengan membagi kelompok usia responden di bawah dan di atas 40 tahun. Pembedaan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana faktor usia berhubungan dengan tingkat kematangan berpikir dan bertindak seseorang, baik dalam pembuatan keputusan sehari-hari maupun financial management decision. Hal baru yang ditawarkan penelitian ini adalah mencari bukti efektivitas financial literacy sebagai mediasi yang baik untuk faktor-faktor penentu financial management decision seperti financial knowledge dan financial inclusion. Jika financial literacy memang diyakini memiliki arti penting maka financial literacy dapat berperan sebagai mediator. Penelitian ini telah memberikan jawaban yang jelas akan terdukungnya 3 hipotesis alternatif melalui signifikansi path coefficient yang dapat dilihat pada hasil uji bootstrapping level direct effect (H1 dan H2). Secara khusus, ...
Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2021 (ICEBM 2021)
Jurnal Ekonomi, 2020
The balance of shareholders and stakeholders in managing the company is in line with the principl... more The balance of shareholders and stakeholders in managing the company is in line with the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Companies sometimes require additional external funds to develop their business. Fulfillment of external funding needs can be obtained from banking and non-banking financial institutions. The study population was banking companies for the period 2011 - 2018 using double linear regression as a data analysis tool. The results of the study found that banking corporate governance and financial risk have implications for banking performance.The results found that banking corporate governance and financial risk have implications for banking performance. The GCG variables, Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR) have a unidirectional relationship with banking performance. The variables of Non Performing Loan (NPL) and Expense to Operating Income (ETOI) have an opposite relationship, meaning that banks must reduce non-performing loans and op...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM 2019) UNTAR, 2020
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi, Oct 22, 2019
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi, Oct 22, 2019
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia, 2021
The Covid-19 Pandemic has been greatly affecting micro, small, and medium businesses, especially ... more The Covid-19 Pandemic has been greatly affecting micro, small, and medium businesses, especially since the government issued the regulation on large-scale social distancing in order to reduce the spread of Corona virus. This community-engagement service activity aimed to socialize the digital marketing to market the products related to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and the existence of Covid-19 Pandemic. Limun Sari Buah is a type of medium-scale business established in 1970 producing lemonade drinks which are sold per crate consisting of 600 ml bottles. Currently, the sale of Limun Sari Buah is decreased due to the people’s activities reduction due to the pandemic and the lack of available flavor variants. The team of Community-Engagement Services attempts to provide a solution to Limun Sari Buah in the field of marketing according to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and diversifying the lemonade-drink product variants. The efforts done by the team of UNTAR Community-Engagement...
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022
After the economic crisis, Indonesian banks began to compile the Indonesian Banking Architecture ... more After the economic crisis, Indonesian banks began to compile the Indonesian Banking Architecture to design the Indonesian banking system. Banks mostly have a motive to increase their market share by increasing the amount of third-party funds and the amount of credit extended, thus changing the character of the banking market structure in Indonesia. This research measures the effect of performance as reflected in the level of bank profitability in relation to the market structure by assuming that these conditions are influenced by internal (Asset Liability Management) and market factors. Bank market concentration is measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. This research concludes that the Indonesian banking industry has a monopolistic market structure. The effect of bank market concentration, capital ratio, and liquidity ratio are positive and significant on bank performance. Conversely, the credit risk ratio has a negative effect on banking performance. Received: 31 August 2021...
Jurnal Ekonomi, 2017
In relation with fast economical growth in Indonesia and followed by the growth of the stock exch... more In relation with fast economical growth in Indonesia and followed by the growth of the stock exchange, investing in the stock exchange is become one of the profitable choices for the investor. The main indicator of Indonesian stock exchange performance is called IHSG. This research aiming to describe the correlation between regional index (STI Index and KLCI)and IHSG either simultaneously or partially in BEI. The samples used in this research is regional index during 2008-2012. Model of analysis used in this research is multiple regression analysis. Simultant used to test the influence from entire / all variable regional index to IHSG with significant level of 5%. The research stated that, simultaneously there was a significanct correlation between regional Index (STI and KLCI) to IHSG the Fhitung > Ftabel (326.4711 > 3,35). Partially there was significant correlation among STI and KLCI to IHSG and there was a significanct correlation among regional Index (STI and KLCI)to the ...
Jurnal Ekonomi, 2018
Profit of a company is used by creditor and investor to evaluate the performance of the managemen... more Profit of a company is used by creditor and investor to evaluate the performance of the management, estimate earnings power, and to predict future profit. Earning qualityis measured from the accrual. A company with high accrual is indicating that the quality of company profit is low, and vice versa. According to Chan,et al. (2001) profit quality in the financial report will increase company value which is reflected in the stock return. Purpose of the this research is to understand the impact of variable ofinstitutional shareholding, board size, board independence, investment opportunity set, firm size, and leverageto theearnings quality. This research is using manufacturing industry that listed in the Indonesian stock exchange during the period of 2013-2016,sample is taken using purposive samplin technique.Based on analysis result and research is done using double linear regression with the eviews 9.0 software, we can conclude that there is a significant positive influence between ...
International Journal of Application on Economics and Business, Nov 28, 2023
International Journal of Application on Economics and Business, Nov 28, 2023
Buletin Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara, Apr 22, 2018
Jurnal Serina Abdimas
Information regarding the break even is very important for business people as a guide for determi... more Information regarding the break even is very important for business people as a guide for determining the prices related to determination of marketing strategies. Partners in PKM activities is a family business in the culinary field of Palembang specialties, namely pempek. Along with customer demand and the desire of the owner of Pempek X to develop its business, they plan to add their product with crackers made from fish. Pempek X must determine how many units of product to be sold to cover all expenses due to additional investment in these new products. As a solution, the PKM implementation team provided training for calculating the return on principal from multi-products to be marketed using the BEP-M method. PKM implementation activities are packaged in the form of training which begins with the implementation of a webinar to provide an understanding of the calculation of the break even, followed by mapping the amount of variable costs, fixed costs, estimates of revenue for vari...
International Journal of Application on Economics and Business
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the company's efforts to manage worki... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the company's efforts to manage working capital in improving the company financial performance. One way to operate the company's working capital properly, is by implementing the cash conversion cycle. Cash conversion cycle is a cycle of cash flow in the company which is measured by using the ratios of the Average Collection Period, Inventory Turnover, and Average Payment Period, and indirectly has an influence on the profitability of the company. The research subjects are retail companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2017-2020. Using double regression analysis with the EViews application, the result was obtained that the Average Collection Period (ACP) has a positive but not significant effect on financial performance. Different results were obtained from the variables of Average Payment Period (APP) and Inventory Collection Period (ICP), in which each of them has a significant and negative effect on...
Jurnal Ekonomi
Brand identity needs to have a resonance with customers, the right price and marketing strategy c... more Brand identity needs to have a resonance with customers, the right price and marketing strategy can make customers try to buy or become loyal customers. This study analyzes the factors that influence customer decisions in purchasing products by adopting variables in marketing: brand identity, price, and word of mouth, and then analyzes whether they have some significant effect to put on purchasing decisions. The research of data was obtained from customers of Mixue products who are domiciled in the Bandung area. The results of data processing through the PLS-SEM application show that price and brand identity have a positive but not significant effect on purchasing decisions, while word of mouth has a significant positive influence on purchasing decisions. This shows that currently the word of mouth marketing strategy is more effective in getting customers or buyers.
Jurnal Ekonomi, Nov 30, 2022
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
The PKM team collaborated with Trinity Charcoal Indonesia which is a producer of charcoal briquet... more The PKM team collaborated with Trinity Charcoal Indonesia which is a producer of charcoal briquettes in measuringperformance using the SWOT balanced scorecard method. The background of implementation of PKM activities is thepartner's expectation to increase profits to grow the company, because the increase in sales achieved by partner is notfollowed by the expected increase in profits. PKM activities help partners take advantage of their strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats in determining business strategies so as to create a balance between various perspectives andthus partners can focus more on the target market to be served. The initial stage of implementing PKM was the teamconducted a webinar using the Zoom application with the topic of using the balanced scorecard for performancemeasurement. The success of the webinar implementation is evaluated through the partner's ability to create a balancedscorecard related to its business activities. The next step is t...
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
The COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities for partners to expand their businesses because... more The COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities for partners to expand their businesses because electronic equipment and computer repair services have increased. However, due to PPKM policy, there is no direct interaction between sellers and customers. This PKM activity is held for analyzing the feasibility of new business locations for business development through a business feasibility study. Alfin Electronic Shop is an MSME located in the Kebayoran Lama Market with business activities in selling electronic equipment and servicing electronic equipment and computers. With the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions as a government effort to overcome the covid 19 pandemic, there is no direct interaction between sellers or service providers with customers so that income decreases. Partner seeks to expand its market share in the Tangerang area and its surroundings to increase revenue. The location selection was carried out using a factor weighting method with the highest t...
Jurnal Muara Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan jawaban terhadap kontradiksi dalam hasil penelitian sebelumny... more Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan jawaban terhadap kontradiksi dalam hasil penelitian sebelumnya, serta memberikan sudut pandang baru dengan membagi kelompok usia responden di bawah dan di atas 40 tahun. Pembedaan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana faktor usia berhubungan dengan tingkat kematangan berpikir dan bertindak seseorang, baik dalam pembuatan keputusan sehari-hari maupun financial management decision. Hal baru yang ditawarkan penelitian ini adalah mencari bukti efektivitas financial literacy sebagai mediasi yang baik untuk faktor-faktor penentu financial management decision seperti financial knowledge dan financial inclusion. Jika financial literacy memang diyakini memiliki arti penting maka financial literacy dapat berperan sebagai mediator. Penelitian ini telah memberikan jawaban yang jelas akan terdukungnya 3 hipotesis alternatif melalui signifikansi path coefficient yang dapat dilihat pada hasil uji bootstrapping level direct effect (H1 dan H2). Secara khusus, ...
Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2021 (ICEBM 2021)
Jurnal Ekonomi, 2020
The balance of shareholders and stakeholders in managing the company is in line with the principl... more The balance of shareholders and stakeholders in managing the company is in line with the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Companies sometimes require additional external funds to develop their business. Fulfillment of external funding needs can be obtained from banking and non-banking financial institutions. The study population was banking companies for the period 2011 - 2018 using double linear regression as a data analysis tool. The results of the study found that banking corporate governance and financial risk have implications for banking performance.The results found that banking corporate governance and financial risk have implications for banking performance. The GCG variables, Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR) have a unidirectional relationship with banking performance. The variables of Non Performing Loan (NPL) and Expense to Operating Income (ETOI) have an opposite relationship, meaning that banks must reduce non-performing loans and op...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM 2019) UNTAR, 2020
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi, Oct 22, 2019
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi, Oct 22, 2019
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia, 2021
The Covid-19 Pandemic has been greatly affecting micro, small, and medium businesses, especially ... more The Covid-19 Pandemic has been greatly affecting micro, small, and medium businesses, especially since the government issued the regulation on large-scale social distancing in order to reduce the spread of Corona virus. This community-engagement service activity aimed to socialize the digital marketing to market the products related to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and the existence of Covid-19 Pandemic. Limun Sari Buah is a type of medium-scale business established in 1970 producing lemonade drinks which are sold per crate consisting of 600 ml bottles. Currently, the sale of Limun Sari Buah is decreased due to the people’s activities reduction due to the pandemic and the lack of available flavor variants. The team of Community-Engagement Services attempts to provide a solution to Limun Sari Buah in the field of marketing according to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and diversifying the lemonade-drink product variants. The efforts done by the team of UNTAR Community-Engagement...
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022
After the economic crisis, Indonesian banks began to compile the Indonesian Banking Architecture ... more After the economic crisis, Indonesian banks began to compile the Indonesian Banking Architecture to design the Indonesian banking system. Banks mostly have a motive to increase their market share by increasing the amount of third-party funds and the amount of credit extended, thus changing the character of the banking market structure in Indonesia. This research measures the effect of performance as reflected in the level of bank profitability in relation to the market structure by assuming that these conditions are influenced by internal (Asset Liability Management) and market factors. Bank market concentration is measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. This research concludes that the Indonesian banking industry has a monopolistic market structure. The effect of bank market concentration, capital ratio, and liquidity ratio are positive and significant on bank performance. Conversely, the credit risk ratio has a negative effect on banking performance. Received: 31 August 2021...
Jurnal Ekonomi, 2017
In relation with fast economical growth in Indonesia and followed by the growth of the stock exch... more In relation with fast economical growth in Indonesia and followed by the growth of the stock exchange, investing in the stock exchange is become one of the profitable choices for the investor. The main indicator of Indonesian stock exchange performance is called IHSG. This research aiming to describe the correlation between regional index (STI Index and KLCI)and IHSG either simultaneously or partially in BEI. The samples used in this research is regional index during 2008-2012. Model of analysis used in this research is multiple regression analysis. Simultant used to test the influence from entire / all variable regional index to IHSG with significant level of 5%. The research stated that, simultaneously there was a significanct correlation between regional Index (STI and KLCI) to IHSG the Fhitung > Ftabel (326.4711 > 3,35). Partially there was significant correlation among STI and KLCI to IHSG and there was a significanct correlation among regional Index (STI and KLCI)to the ...
Jurnal Ekonomi, 2018
Profit of a company is used by creditor and investor to evaluate the performance of the managemen... more Profit of a company is used by creditor and investor to evaluate the performance of the management, estimate earnings power, and to predict future profit. Earning qualityis measured from the accrual. A company with high accrual is indicating that the quality of company profit is low, and vice versa. According to Chan,et al. (2001) profit quality in the financial report will increase company value which is reflected in the stock return. Purpose of the this research is to understand the impact of variable ofinstitutional shareholding, board size, board independence, investment opportunity set, firm size, and leverageto theearnings quality. This research is using manufacturing industry that listed in the Indonesian stock exchange during the period of 2013-2016,sample is taken using purposive samplin technique.Based on analysis result and research is done using double linear regression with the eviews 9.0 software, we can conclude that there is a significant positive influence between ...