jacobus mosse - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by jacobus mosse
Jurnal Perikanan, Jun 18, 2024
Papalele : jurnal penelitian sosial ekonomi perikanan dan kelautan, Dec 15, 2023
Marine Research in Indonesia, May 11, 2007
The blue spot rock cod, Cephalopholis cyanostigma, is a small common coral reef serranid that for... more The blue spot rock cod, Cephalopholis cyanostigma, is a small common coral reef serranid that forms a significant proportion of the discarded by-catch in the Great Barrier line fishery. Samples were obtained by spear and line fishing at Orpheus Island (range 114-294 mm FL, mean = 226 mm, n = 137) and from Pelorus Island (range 120-285 mm FL, mean = 214 mm, n = 125). Sagittal otoliths were used to obtain age-based parameter estimates for the populations at each island. Analysis of marginal increments on monthly samples suggested that a single opaque band was deposited annually during November-December. Recaptures of three fishes (9,18, and 24 years old) in July and November 1997, five years after injection of oxytetracycline, further corroborated our conclusion that band formation was annual. The maximum age in our samples of 31 years suggested that the blue spotted rock cod was one of the longest lived serranids documented to date. The von Bertalanffy growth function provided the best description of the pattern of growth for populations at both islands with high coefficients of determination (R 2 = 0.86 and 0.82 for Orpheus and Pelorus islands, respectively). Female population of both sites grew relatively slow, not reaching asymptotic size until 7-10 yrs. Statistical comparisons on male and female growth patterns were not significant, however. There were significant differences in growth parameters between islands with C. cyanostigma on average growing larger at Orpheus Island (L= 258 mm and K= 0.22) compared with Pelorus Island (L=244 mm and K = 0.25). These age-based population parameter estimates indicated that C. cyanostigma was considerably longer lived than expected for a small coral reef serranid and further demonstrated the utility of age-based methods in studies of the demography of tropical reef fish. The implication for conservation and fisheries management of small tropical serranids is that species with similar population parameters are likely to sustain much lower levels of fishing mortality than previously thought.
IOP conference series, Jul 1, 2023
Caranx ignobilis, is one of the iconic culture species in Ambon inner bay recently, unfortunately... more Caranx ignobilis, is one of the iconic culture species in Ambon inner bay recently, unfortunately feeding remains problematic, yet is of profound importance. This study is aimed to examine the effect of feeding and unfed period cycles on growth trajectories and the well being during treatment. In totall, 259 fish ranging in size of 17.05cm-20.47cm SL and weight between 142.00 gr - 221.25 gr were subjected to receive three different feeding regimes. All fish were kept in 3x3x3m pollyethylene net cages receiving 1 day unfed and 1 day re-feeding (1F1RF), 2 days unfed and 2 days re-feeding (2F2RF), 3 days unfed and 3 days re-feeding (3F3RF) were compared to the fish feed daily as control group. Low value fish of shortfin scad, Decapterus macrosoma, were given twice per day at 0900hrs-1000hrs am and 1600hrs-1700hrs pm as much as 15% of total biomass. Standard length and weigth were recorded once per two weeks for 5 months. Analysis of mean length at harvest time showed no significant differences (Fα 0.05 : 1.6297 Fcritical = 2,866). Tukey test among treatments and control revealed significant differences, q value range from 8,23-14,29>qcritical0,05, 36, 4 = 3,845. No significant difference, however among treatments; q = 3,2 1 indicating growth compensation, while the RCF = 1.36 suggesting the same body condition with control group and remain in good fit.
IOP conference series, Oct 1, 2017
The fisheries data supplied by fisheries agency have served as the primary tool for regional fish... more The fisheries data supplied by fisheries agency have served as the primary tool for regional fisheries statistics. However, it is recognized these data are incomplete and often underestimate actual catches, particularly for small-scale fisheries. There is no widely accepted definition of small-scale fisheries or global data on number of small-scale fishers and their catches. This study reconstructed total marine catches from 1980 to 2015 for Southwest Maluku (MBD) regency, by applying an established catch construction approach utilizing all available quantitative and qualitative data, combined with assumption-based estimations and interpolations. As newly established regency since 2009, there is lack of fisheries data available which is needed for fisheries management. Fishers' knowledge is important information taken from to construct long-term fisheries data. Estimated total fish withdrawal from MBD waters was 86,849.66 tonnes during 1980-2015, dominated by pelagic fishes. Consistency of estimated total removal and total landings at MBD regency play important role in small-scale fisheries management and this method of visualizing the history of fishery from poor-data condition might be an optimistic effort.
Procedia environmental sciences, 2015
Although many definitions present the concept of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF),there ... more Although many definitions present the concept of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF),there are lack of consensus on the definition and scope for the management. Design and implementation of this specific management are still ambiguous because the formulation criteria are not specified. Supporting by Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), EAF in Indonesia has been implemented since 2010. Among 32 EAFM indicators used, standard CPUE, fish size, juvenile caught proportion, and species composition will be reviewed based on the reference values which are more useful in showing single-species approach management. Balance fishery as the alternative of single-species approach will be introduced.
Marine Research in Indonesia, 1970
IOP conference series, Jun 20, 2020
In Maluku, Indonesia, trap fishing is one of the traditional fisheries that plays an important ro... more In Maluku, Indonesia, trap fishing is one of the traditional fisheries that plays an important role in supplying reef fish to sea food restaurants and to the trade of live fish. To support the implementation of ecosystem-based fishery management, it is important to analyse the catch of trap through a multi-species approach rather than a single-species (selectivity) approach. In this study, multi-species catch analyses estimated species diversity, trophic levels and spatial distribution based on catch data, and sustainability of catch based on biological and ecological information. Traps were fished from February 2018 to January 2019 in waters 5 to 40m deep in Ambon Bay, Waai Bay and at Babar Island. The most abundant fishes caught were the family Mullidae, Parupeneus barberinus (n = 102) and P. indicus (n = 126). Spatial distribution of species analysed with Multivariate Principle Component Analysis showed each trap has significant co-varying species. The mean trophic level of the traps was 3.37 (SE: 0.175), indicating that the trap catches were dominated by low to moderate levels of carnivorous secondary consumers. From 42 species captured by traps, the least likely to be sustainable was Heniochus cuminatus and the most likely to be sustainable were, Selar boops. It is proposed that traditional trapping is a suitable practice in coral reef areas, with low impacts on the community of reef fish that eventually supporting balance fishery.
Approximately 253 specimens of freshwater fish Homaloptera amphisguamata (Weber and de Beaufort) ... more Approximately 253 specimens of freshwater fish Homaloptera amphisguamata (Weber and de Beaufort) were collected during dry and rainy seasons from the upper reached of Alas river, Sumatra island in 1981-1983. Their food, growth and reproduction were studied. Phytoplanktonic algae, especially Bacillariophyceae and small aquatic insects are their food preference. The growth pattern was different between sex, that is allometric for the male and isometric for the female. Relatively, there is no difference of condition factor between sex (0.850 for the male and 0.848 for the female). However, tne'vaiues were different between seasons. The mixed value in average was around 0.934 in rainy season and around 0.775 in dry season. Total fecundity highly varied from 63 up to 470 or 93 in average. The bigger size of the fish tended to show higher fecundity value. The percentage number of matured gonads during the rainy season was 8.89-22.55 % and in dry season was 8.21-18.33%. The diameter of matured eggs was around 2.01 mm in average.
Agrikan, Jan 28, 2020
Kecamatan Seram Timur Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur cukup terkenal dengan hasil perikanan tangkap ... more Kecamatan Seram Timur Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur cukup terkenal dengan hasil perikanan tangkap dan salah satunya adalah ikan karang. Penelitian tentang parameter populasi dari ikan karang di Indonesia masing tergolong sedikit sehingga penulis memandang perlu untuk melakukan penelitian ini guna menambah kajian ilmu tentang parameter populasi ikan karang di Indonesia dan di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur secara khusus. Pengambilan sampel di Perairan Kecamatan Seram Timur dilakukan selama 8 bulan, sebanyak 622 ekor ikan sampel. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah pola pertumbuhan, parameter pertumbuhan aju mortalitas (M, F dan Z) dan laju eksploitasi (E). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebaran frekuensi panjang dari semua jenis ikan berada pada satu kelompok ukuran panjang, dengan pola pertumbuhan pada semua jenis ikan karang adalah alometrik negative antara 314.74 mm sampai 460.00 mm dengan nilai koefisien pertumbuhan (K) berkisar antara 0.42 sampai 1.10 per tahun dimana umut t0 berkisar antara-0.0735 sampai-0.2530. Laju mortaltas akibat penangkapan (F) pada umumnya lebih rendah dari laju mortalitas alami (M) kecuali pada jenis Lutjanus lentjan yang menyebabkan rata-rata laju ekploitasi (E) masih dibawah 50% sehingga dapat dikatan bahwa ikan-ikan karang diperairan kecamatan Seram Timur masih berada pada kondisi under exploitation.
IOP conference series, Oct 28, 2019
Fusilier (Pisces: Caesionidae) gillnet, called jaring lalosi, have been used since decades by fis... more Fusilier (Pisces: Caesionidae) gillnet, called jaring lalosi, have been used since decades by fishers from Assilulu village, meanwhile its scientific information is limited. The aim of this study is to learn the reef fish species selectivity of jaring lalosi and to assess its bycatch using productivity and susceptibility assessment (PSA). This study was conducted at Pulau Tiga waters, Central Maluku Regency, for 3 months observation: October 2017, February and April 2018. Jaring lalosi which means fusilier gillnet, caught dark-banded fusilier, Pterocaesio tile, 94.4% of the total catch. The rest of the catch we represented as bycatch of jaring lalosi. As a high resilience and low vulnerability species, the sustainability of dark-banded fusilier fisheries is unlikely to be fully concerned. As high mobility schooling species, dark-banded fusilier was caught at different communities of reef fishes. MDS analysis showed discrepancy of species selectivity of fusilier gillnet by monthly catch rate. The PSA for bycatch resulted 2 reef species are least likely to be sustainable, 12 reef species are most likely to be sustainable on the criteria of recovery axis and 3 pelagic species are the most sustainable species. We concluded that the practiced of jaring lalosi has low impacts on reef fish community and tendency to overfishing is almost none as long as there is no increasing on fishing pressure. For the implementation of fisheries management based on ecosystem approach (EAFM), bycatch assessment should be applied to other fishing gears.
Aquaculture and Fisheries, Mar 1, 2023
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, Feb 1, 2021
Pengelolaan perikanan atau konservasi memerlukan informasi tentang bobot ikan untuk estimasi biom... more Pengelolaan perikanan atau konservasi memerlukan informasi tentang bobot ikan untuk estimasi biomassa dan regulasi penangkapan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan hubungan panjang-bobot hasil pendekatan hirarki bayesian dengan pengukuran regresi langsung ikan selar bentong, Selar crumenophthalmus. Ikan selar bentong dikoleksi dari lima tempat pendaratan ikan di Pulau Ambon dari bulan Maret hingga Agustus 2020. Pengukuran panjang total dan bobot ikan selar bentong bertujuan untuk memperoleh hubungan panjang-bobot dengan formulasi W = a * L b. Uji general linear model dipakai untuk menguji parameter b (kemiringan) pada bulan pengamatan yang berbeda. Uji-t satu sampel dipakai untuk menguji pertumbuhan isometrik (b=3). Hasil penghitungan hubungan panjang-bobot berdasarkan pengukuran langsung dibandingkan dengan hasil estimasi dengan pendekatan bayesian dan diuji dengan uji-t. Nilai parameter b dari pengamatan langsung tidak berbeda untuk bulan pengamatan (F = 0,77, df = 70, P = 0,89) dan ikan selar memiliki pola pertumbuhan isometrik, b=3 (t =-1,13, df = 4, P = 0,32). Pengukuran regresi langsung memperoleh parameter log 10 (a) =-1,99 (±sb = 1,06) dan b = 3,06 (±sb = 0,084). Metode Bayesian menghasilkan parameter log 10 (a) =-2,07 (±sb = 0,2365) dan parameter b = 3,21 (±sb = 0,1497). Estimasi bobot dengan pendekatan bayesian terlalu tinggi (t = 1,65; df = 405; P < 0,0001), memungkinkan timbulnya bias pada pendugaan biomassa. Hasil ini berarti metode bayesian adalah over estimasi, sehingga perlu banyak data dan info yang digabung untuk menekan bias dalam mengestimasi hubungan panjang-bobot dan biomassa.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
The fisheries data supplied by fisheries agency have served as the primary tool for regional fish... more The fisheries data supplied by fisheries agency have served as the primary tool for regional fisheries statistics. However, it is recognized these data are incomplete and often underestimate actual catches, particularly for small-scale fisheries. There is no widely accepted definition of small-scale fisheries or global data on number of small-scale fishers and their catches. This study reconstructed total marine catches from 1980 to 2015 for Southwest Maluku (MBD) regency, by applying an established catch construction approach utilizing all available quantitative and qualitative data, combined with assumption-based estimations and interpolations. As newly established regency since 2009, there is lack of fisheries data available which is needed for fisheries management. Fishers' knowledge is important information taken from to construct long-term fisheries data. Estimated total fish withdrawal from MBD waters was 86,849.66 tonnes during 1980-2015, dominated by pelagic fishes. Consistency of estimated total removal and total landings at MBD regency play important role in small-scale fisheries management and this method of visualizing the history of fishery from poor-data condition might be an optimistic effort.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Fusilier (Pisces: Caesionidae) gillnet, called jaring lalosi, have been used since decades by fis... more Fusilier (Pisces: Caesionidae) gillnet, called jaring lalosi, have been used since decades by fishers from Assilulu village, meanwhile its scientific information is limited. The aim of this study is to learn the reef fish species selectivity of jaring lalosi and to assess its bycatch using productivity and susceptibility assessment (PSA). This study was conducted at Pulau Tiga waters, Central Maluku Regency, for 3 months observation: October 2017, February and April 2018. Jaring lalosi which means fusilier gillnet, caught dark-banded fusilier, Pterocaesio tile, 94.4% of the total catch. The rest of the catch we represented as by-catch of jaring lalosi. As a high resilience and low vulnerability species, the sustainability of dark-banded fusilier fisheries is unlikely to be fully concerned. As high mobility schooling species, dark-banded fusilier was caught at different communities of reef fishes. MDS analysis showed discrepancy of species selectivity of fusilier gillnet by monthly c...
Marine Research in Indonesia, 1970
Study on demersal fish in Kupang bay was carried for 6 months, from July 2002 to December 2002. S... more Study on demersal fish in Kupang bay was carried for 6 months, from July 2002 to December 2002. Sampling was conducted twice a month at the ten-selected locations within the bay using different fishing gears such as gill net, bottom logline, hand line and traps. Fishes caught were stored in a icebox and transferred to the laboratory of the Fisheries Faculty of Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang for further identification. Similarity index of fish species of the study sites was analyzed using non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) of the matrix Bray Curtis similarity. A computer program PRIMER was used to perform the analysis. The result shows that there are 56 species (total catch 890 fishes) found during this study and their similarity index revealed three groups of study sites. Interestingly, it seems that these species remained to have some strong association with the existing ecosystem.
Monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja morfometrik ikan kuwe, Caranx iqnobilis pada sistem akuakultur ma... more Monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja morfometrik ikan kuwe, Caranx iqnobilis pada sistem akuakultur masih kurang dan terbatas. Padahal melalui studi ini dapat mengevaluasi kinerja produksi akuakultur dapat terpantau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja morfometrik ikan kuwe dalam sistem keramba jaring apung Penelitian ini berlangsung selama enam bulan dan bertempat di perairan teluk Ambon dalam. Analisis data dilakukan di Computational Biology Studio, MMSCE Universitas Pattmuar. Data morfometrik dilakukan secara digital menggunakan perangkat lunak Image-J. Analisis kinerja karakter menggunakan pendekatan kurva Bruri dan koefisien Bruri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi karakter morfometrik ikan kuwe pada setiap lokasi budidaya di keramba jaring apung (KJA) dan yang dijadikan sebagai benchmarks berdasarkan rasio bobot tubuh, rasio panjang tubuh, dan rasio tinggi tubuh memiliki presentase karakter yang bervariasi. Kinerja morfometrik ikan Kuwe berdasarkan rasio b...
The aim of this research was to know the effectiveness of the trap which was modified and redesig... more The aim of this research was to know the effectiveness of the trap which was modified and redesigned from its original. The research was conducted in the water of Baa, Rotendao district, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The trap was operated for 3 months started from August to November 2004 by using three types of baits. Fishes were collected from the trap every 2-3 days immersion by pulling up the trap on board. There were 69 individuals fishes in one trap representing 11 families and 15 species. Most fish species were highly economic values and was dominated by snappers (Lutjanidae) and groupers (Serranidae). The fish size were ranging from 17 to 29 cm of tolat lenght (TL). There was no significant difference between bait used on the catch (p>0.05) suggesting that bait may not be required anymore on this specific reef fishing methods. It is realized that further studies may be required, however in the mean time, this gear may provide an alternative method for small scale reef fishing.
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 2021
Fisheries management or conservation requires information on length-weight relationship (LWR) for... more Fisheries management or conservation requires information on length-weight relationship (LWR) for the fishing regulation and biomass estimation. This study aims to assess LWR estimation using two methods, regular and Bayesian hierarchical approached for big-eye Scad (Selar crumenophthalmus). Samples of big eye Scad were collected at several fish landings around Ambon Island from March to August 2020. Length-weight relationship measurement to obtain the parameters of W = a*Lb was tested using generalized linear model and t-test. The parameter b for monthly sampling was not significantly different (F = 0.77, df = 70, P = 0.89) and showed isometric growth b=3 (t = -1.13, df = 4, P = 0.32). Regular measurement resulted parameter log10(a) = -1.99 (±SD = 1.06) dan b = 3.06 (±SD = 0.084). Bayesian method produced parameter log10(a) = -2.07 (±SD = 0.2365) dan parameter b = 3.21 (±SD = 0.1497). Weight measurement from HB approach was significantly higher than the regular method (t = 1.65; df...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
In Maluku, Indonesia, trap fishing is one of the traditional fisheries that plays an important ro... more In Maluku, Indonesia, trap fishing is one of the traditional fisheries that plays an important role in supplying reef fish to sea food restaurants and to the trade of live fish. To support the implementation of ecosystem-based fishery management, it is important to analyse the catch of trap through a multi-species approach rather than a single-species (selectivity) approach. In this study, multi-species catch analyses estimated species diversity, trophic levels and spatial distribution based on catch data, and sustainability of catch based on biological and ecological information. Traps were fished from February 2018 to January 2019 in waters 5 to 40m deep in Ambon Bay, Waai Bay and at Babar Island. The most abundant fishes caught were the family Mullidae, Parupeneus barberinus (n = 102) and P. indicus (n = 126). Spatial distribution of species analysed with Multivariate Principle Component Analysis showed each trap has significant co-varying species. The mean trophic level of the t...
Jurnal Perikanan, Jun 18, 2024
Papalele : jurnal penelitian sosial ekonomi perikanan dan kelautan, Dec 15, 2023
Marine Research in Indonesia, May 11, 2007
The blue spot rock cod, Cephalopholis cyanostigma, is a small common coral reef serranid that for... more The blue spot rock cod, Cephalopholis cyanostigma, is a small common coral reef serranid that forms a significant proportion of the discarded by-catch in the Great Barrier line fishery. Samples were obtained by spear and line fishing at Orpheus Island (range 114-294 mm FL, mean = 226 mm, n = 137) and from Pelorus Island (range 120-285 mm FL, mean = 214 mm, n = 125). Sagittal otoliths were used to obtain age-based parameter estimates for the populations at each island. Analysis of marginal increments on monthly samples suggested that a single opaque band was deposited annually during November-December. Recaptures of three fishes (9,18, and 24 years old) in July and November 1997, five years after injection of oxytetracycline, further corroborated our conclusion that band formation was annual. The maximum age in our samples of 31 years suggested that the blue spotted rock cod was one of the longest lived serranids documented to date. The von Bertalanffy growth function provided the best description of the pattern of growth for populations at both islands with high coefficients of determination (R 2 = 0.86 and 0.82 for Orpheus and Pelorus islands, respectively). Female population of both sites grew relatively slow, not reaching asymptotic size until 7-10 yrs. Statistical comparisons on male and female growth patterns were not significant, however. There were significant differences in growth parameters between islands with C. cyanostigma on average growing larger at Orpheus Island (L= 258 mm and K= 0.22) compared with Pelorus Island (L=244 mm and K = 0.25). These age-based population parameter estimates indicated that C. cyanostigma was considerably longer lived than expected for a small coral reef serranid and further demonstrated the utility of age-based methods in studies of the demography of tropical reef fish. The implication for conservation and fisheries management of small tropical serranids is that species with similar population parameters are likely to sustain much lower levels of fishing mortality than previously thought.
IOP conference series, Jul 1, 2023
Caranx ignobilis, is one of the iconic culture species in Ambon inner bay recently, unfortunately... more Caranx ignobilis, is one of the iconic culture species in Ambon inner bay recently, unfortunately feeding remains problematic, yet is of profound importance. This study is aimed to examine the effect of feeding and unfed period cycles on growth trajectories and the well being during treatment. In totall, 259 fish ranging in size of 17.05cm-20.47cm SL and weight between 142.00 gr - 221.25 gr were subjected to receive three different feeding regimes. All fish were kept in 3x3x3m pollyethylene net cages receiving 1 day unfed and 1 day re-feeding (1F1RF), 2 days unfed and 2 days re-feeding (2F2RF), 3 days unfed and 3 days re-feeding (3F3RF) were compared to the fish feed daily as control group. Low value fish of shortfin scad, Decapterus macrosoma, were given twice per day at 0900hrs-1000hrs am and 1600hrs-1700hrs pm as much as 15% of total biomass. Standard length and weigth were recorded once per two weeks for 5 months. Analysis of mean length at harvest time showed no significant differences (Fα 0.05 : 1.6297 Fcritical = 2,866). Tukey test among treatments and control revealed significant differences, q value range from 8,23-14,29>qcritical0,05, 36, 4 = 3,845. No significant difference, however among treatments; q = 3,2 1 indicating growth compensation, while the RCF = 1.36 suggesting the same body condition with control group and remain in good fit.
IOP conference series, Oct 1, 2017
The fisheries data supplied by fisheries agency have served as the primary tool for regional fish... more The fisheries data supplied by fisheries agency have served as the primary tool for regional fisheries statistics. However, it is recognized these data are incomplete and often underestimate actual catches, particularly for small-scale fisheries. There is no widely accepted definition of small-scale fisheries or global data on number of small-scale fishers and their catches. This study reconstructed total marine catches from 1980 to 2015 for Southwest Maluku (MBD) regency, by applying an established catch construction approach utilizing all available quantitative and qualitative data, combined with assumption-based estimations and interpolations. As newly established regency since 2009, there is lack of fisheries data available which is needed for fisheries management. Fishers' knowledge is important information taken from to construct long-term fisheries data. Estimated total fish withdrawal from MBD waters was 86,849.66 tonnes during 1980-2015, dominated by pelagic fishes. Consistency of estimated total removal and total landings at MBD regency play important role in small-scale fisheries management and this method of visualizing the history of fishery from poor-data condition might be an optimistic effort.
Procedia environmental sciences, 2015
Although many definitions present the concept of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF),there ... more Although many definitions present the concept of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF),there are lack of consensus on the definition and scope for the management. Design and implementation of this specific management are still ambiguous because the formulation criteria are not specified. Supporting by Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), EAF in Indonesia has been implemented since 2010. Among 32 EAFM indicators used, standard CPUE, fish size, juvenile caught proportion, and species composition will be reviewed based on the reference values which are more useful in showing single-species approach management. Balance fishery as the alternative of single-species approach will be introduced.
Marine Research in Indonesia, 1970
IOP conference series, Jun 20, 2020
In Maluku, Indonesia, trap fishing is one of the traditional fisheries that plays an important ro... more In Maluku, Indonesia, trap fishing is one of the traditional fisheries that plays an important role in supplying reef fish to sea food restaurants and to the trade of live fish. To support the implementation of ecosystem-based fishery management, it is important to analyse the catch of trap through a multi-species approach rather than a single-species (selectivity) approach. In this study, multi-species catch analyses estimated species diversity, trophic levels and spatial distribution based on catch data, and sustainability of catch based on biological and ecological information. Traps were fished from February 2018 to January 2019 in waters 5 to 40m deep in Ambon Bay, Waai Bay and at Babar Island. The most abundant fishes caught were the family Mullidae, Parupeneus barberinus (n = 102) and P. indicus (n = 126). Spatial distribution of species analysed with Multivariate Principle Component Analysis showed each trap has significant co-varying species. The mean trophic level of the traps was 3.37 (SE: 0.175), indicating that the trap catches were dominated by low to moderate levels of carnivorous secondary consumers. From 42 species captured by traps, the least likely to be sustainable was Heniochus cuminatus and the most likely to be sustainable were, Selar boops. It is proposed that traditional trapping is a suitable practice in coral reef areas, with low impacts on the community of reef fish that eventually supporting balance fishery.
Approximately 253 specimens of freshwater fish Homaloptera amphisguamata (Weber and de Beaufort) ... more Approximately 253 specimens of freshwater fish Homaloptera amphisguamata (Weber and de Beaufort) were collected during dry and rainy seasons from the upper reached of Alas river, Sumatra island in 1981-1983. Their food, growth and reproduction were studied. Phytoplanktonic algae, especially Bacillariophyceae and small aquatic insects are their food preference. The growth pattern was different between sex, that is allometric for the male and isometric for the female. Relatively, there is no difference of condition factor between sex (0.850 for the male and 0.848 for the female). However, tne'vaiues were different between seasons. The mixed value in average was around 0.934 in rainy season and around 0.775 in dry season. Total fecundity highly varied from 63 up to 470 or 93 in average. The bigger size of the fish tended to show higher fecundity value. The percentage number of matured gonads during the rainy season was 8.89-22.55 % and in dry season was 8.21-18.33%. The diameter of matured eggs was around 2.01 mm in average.
Agrikan, Jan 28, 2020
Kecamatan Seram Timur Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur cukup terkenal dengan hasil perikanan tangkap ... more Kecamatan Seram Timur Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur cukup terkenal dengan hasil perikanan tangkap dan salah satunya adalah ikan karang. Penelitian tentang parameter populasi dari ikan karang di Indonesia masing tergolong sedikit sehingga penulis memandang perlu untuk melakukan penelitian ini guna menambah kajian ilmu tentang parameter populasi ikan karang di Indonesia dan di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur secara khusus. Pengambilan sampel di Perairan Kecamatan Seram Timur dilakukan selama 8 bulan, sebanyak 622 ekor ikan sampel. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah pola pertumbuhan, parameter pertumbuhan aju mortalitas (M, F dan Z) dan laju eksploitasi (E). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebaran frekuensi panjang dari semua jenis ikan berada pada satu kelompok ukuran panjang, dengan pola pertumbuhan pada semua jenis ikan karang adalah alometrik negative antara 314.74 mm sampai 460.00 mm dengan nilai koefisien pertumbuhan (K) berkisar antara 0.42 sampai 1.10 per tahun dimana umut t0 berkisar antara-0.0735 sampai-0.2530. Laju mortaltas akibat penangkapan (F) pada umumnya lebih rendah dari laju mortalitas alami (M) kecuali pada jenis Lutjanus lentjan yang menyebabkan rata-rata laju ekploitasi (E) masih dibawah 50% sehingga dapat dikatan bahwa ikan-ikan karang diperairan kecamatan Seram Timur masih berada pada kondisi under exploitation.
IOP conference series, Oct 28, 2019
Fusilier (Pisces: Caesionidae) gillnet, called jaring lalosi, have been used since decades by fis... more Fusilier (Pisces: Caesionidae) gillnet, called jaring lalosi, have been used since decades by fishers from Assilulu village, meanwhile its scientific information is limited. The aim of this study is to learn the reef fish species selectivity of jaring lalosi and to assess its bycatch using productivity and susceptibility assessment (PSA). This study was conducted at Pulau Tiga waters, Central Maluku Regency, for 3 months observation: October 2017, February and April 2018. Jaring lalosi which means fusilier gillnet, caught dark-banded fusilier, Pterocaesio tile, 94.4% of the total catch. The rest of the catch we represented as bycatch of jaring lalosi. As a high resilience and low vulnerability species, the sustainability of dark-banded fusilier fisheries is unlikely to be fully concerned. As high mobility schooling species, dark-banded fusilier was caught at different communities of reef fishes. MDS analysis showed discrepancy of species selectivity of fusilier gillnet by monthly catch rate. The PSA for bycatch resulted 2 reef species are least likely to be sustainable, 12 reef species are most likely to be sustainable on the criteria of recovery axis and 3 pelagic species are the most sustainable species. We concluded that the practiced of jaring lalosi has low impacts on reef fish community and tendency to overfishing is almost none as long as there is no increasing on fishing pressure. For the implementation of fisheries management based on ecosystem approach (EAFM), bycatch assessment should be applied to other fishing gears.
Aquaculture and Fisheries, Mar 1, 2023
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, Feb 1, 2021
Pengelolaan perikanan atau konservasi memerlukan informasi tentang bobot ikan untuk estimasi biom... more Pengelolaan perikanan atau konservasi memerlukan informasi tentang bobot ikan untuk estimasi biomassa dan regulasi penangkapan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan hubungan panjang-bobot hasil pendekatan hirarki bayesian dengan pengukuran regresi langsung ikan selar bentong, Selar crumenophthalmus. Ikan selar bentong dikoleksi dari lima tempat pendaratan ikan di Pulau Ambon dari bulan Maret hingga Agustus 2020. Pengukuran panjang total dan bobot ikan selar bentong bertujuan untuk memperoleh hubungan panjang-bobot dengan formulasi W = a * L b. Uji general linear model dipakai untuk menguji parameter b (kemiringan) pada bulan pengamatan yang berbeda. Uji-t satu sampel dipakai untuk menguji pertumbuhan isometrik (b=3). Hasil penghitungan hubungan panjang-bobot berdasarkan pengukuran langsung dibandingkan dengan hasil estimasi dengan pendekatan bayesian dan diuji dengan uji-t. Nilai parameter b dari pengamatan langsung tidak berbeda untuk bulan pengamatan (F = 0,77, df = 70, P = 0,89) dan ikan selar memiliki pola pertumbuhan isometrik, b=3 (t =-1,13, df = 4, P = 0,32). Pengukuran regresi langsung memperoleh parameter log 10 (a) =-1,99 (±sb = 1,06) dan b = 3,06 (±sb = 0,084). Metode Bayesian menghasilkan parameter log 10 (a) =-2,07 (±sb = 0,2365) dan parameter b = 3,21 (±sb = 0,1497). Estimasi bobot dengan pendekatan bayesian terlalu tinggi (t = 1,65; df = 405; P < 0,0001), memungkinkan timbulnya bias pada pendugaan biomassa. Hasil ini berarti metode bayesian adalah over estimasi, sehingga perlu banyak data dan info yang digabung untuk menekan bias dalam mengestimasi hubungan panjang-bobot dan biomassa.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
The fisheries data supplied by fisheries agency have served as the primary tool for regional fish... more The fisheries data supplied by fisheries agency have served as the primary tool for regional fisheries statistics. However, it is recognized these data are incomplete and often underestimate actual catches, particularly for small-scale fisheries. There is no widely accepted definition of small-scale fisheries or global data on number of small-scale fishers and their catches. This study reconstructed total marine catches from 1980 to 2015 for Southwest Maluku (MBD) regency, by applying an established catch construction approach utilizing all available quantitative and qualitative data, combined with assumption-based estimations and interpolations. As newly established regency since 2009, there is lack of fisheries data available which is needed for fisheries management. Fishers' knowledge is important information taken from to construct long-term fisheries data. Estimated total fish withdrawal from MBD waters was 86,849.66 tonnes during 1980-2015, dominated by pelagic fishes. Consistency of estimated total removal and total landings at MBD regency play important role in small-scale fisheries management and this method of visualizing the history of fishery from poor-data condition might be an optimistic effort.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Fusilier (Pisces: Caesionidae) gillnet, called jaring lalosi, have been used since decades by fis... more Fusilier (Pisces: Caesionidae) gillnet, called jaring lalosi, have been used since decades by fishers from Assilulu village, meanwhile its scientific information is limited. The aim of this study is to learn the reef fish species selectivity of jaring lalosi and to assess its bycatch using productivity and susceptibility assessment (PSA). This study was conducted at Pulau Tiga waters, Central Maluku Regency, for 3 months observation: October 2017, February and April 2018. Jaring lalosi which means fusilier gillnet, caught dark-banded fusilier, Pterocaesio tile, 94.4% of the total catch. The rest of the catch we represented as by-catch of jaring lalosi. As a high resilience and low vulnerability species, the sustainability of dark-banded fusilier fisheries is unlikely to be fully concerned. As high mobility schooling species, dark-banded fusilier was caught at different communities of reef fishes. MDS analysis showed discrepancy of species selectivity of fusilier gillnet by monthly c...
Marine Research in Indonesia, 1970
Study on demersal fish in Kupang bay was carried for 6 months, from July 2002 to December 2002. S... more Study on demersal fish in Kupang bay was carried for 6 months, from July 2002 to December 2002. Sampling was conducted twice a month at the ten-selected locations within the bay using different fishing gears such as gill net, bottom logline, hand line and traps. Fishes caught were stored in a icebox and transferred to the laboratory of the Fisheries Faculty of Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang for further identification. Similarity index of fish species of the study sites was analyzed using non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) of the matrix Bray Curtis similarity. A computer program PRIMER was used to perform the analysis. The result shows that there are 56 species (total catch 890 fishes) found during this study and their similarity index revealed three groups of study sites. Interestingly, it seems that these species remained to have some strong association with the existing ecosystem.
Monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja morfometrik ikan kuwe, Caranx iqnobilis pada sistem akuakultur ma... more Monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja morfometrik ikan kuwe, Caranx iqnobilis pada sistem akuakultur masih kurang dan terbatas. Padahal melalui studi ini dapat mengevaluasi kinerja produksi akuakultur dapat terpantau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja morfometrik ikan kuwe dalam sistem keramba jaring apung Penelitian ini berlangsung selama enam bulan dan bertempat di perairan teluk Ambon dalam. Analisis data dilakukan di Computational Biology Studio, MMSCE Universitas Pattmuar. Data morfometrik dilakukan secara digital menggunakan perangkat lunak Image-J. Analisis kinerja karakter menggunakan pendekatan kurva Bruri dan koefisien Bruri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi karakter morfometrik ikan kuwe pada setiap lokasi budidaya di keramba jaring apung (KJA) dan yang dijadikan sebagai benchmarks berdasarkan rasio bobot tubuh, rasio panjang tubuh, dan rasio tinggi tubuh memiliki presentase karakter yang bervariasi. Kinerja morfometrik ikan Kuwe berdasarkan rasio b...
The aim of this research was to know the effectiveness of the trap which was modified and redesig... more The aim of this research was to know the effectiveness of the trap which was modified and redesigned from its original. The research was conducted in the water of Baa, Rotendao district, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The trap was operated for 3 months started from August to November 2004 by using three types of baits. Fishes were collected from the trap every 2-3 days immersion by pulling up the trap on board. There were 69 individuals fishes in one trap representing 11 families and 15 species. Most fish species were highly economic values and was dominated by snappers (Lutjanidae) and groupers (Serranidae). The fish size were ranging from 17 to 29 cm of tolat lenght (TL). There was no significant difference between bait used on the catch (p>0.05) suggesting that bait may not be required anymore on this specific reef fishing methods. It is realized that further studies may be required, however in the mean time, this gear may provide an alternative method for small scale reef fishing.
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 2021
Fisheries management or conservation requires information on length-weight relationship (LWR) for... more Fisheries management or conservation requires information on length-weight relationship (LWR) for the fishing regulation and biomass estimation. This study aims to assess LWR estimation using two methods, regular and Bayesian hierarchical approached for big-eye Scad (Selar crumenophthalmus). Samples of big eye Scad were collected at several fish landings around Ambon Island from March to August 2020. Length-weight relationship measurement to obtain the parameters of W = a*Lb was tested using generalized linear model and t-test. The parameter b for monthly sampling was not significantly different (F = 0.77, df = 70, P = 0.89) and showed isometric growth b=3 (t = -1.13, df = 4, P = 0.32). Regular measurement resulted parameter log10(a) = -1.99 (±SD = 1.06) dan b = 3.06 (±SD = 0.084). Bayesian method produced parameter log10(a) = -2.07 (±SD = 0.2365) dan parameter b = 3.21 (±SD = 0.1497). Weight measurement from HB approach was significantly higher than the regular method (t = 1.65; df...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
In Maluku, Indonesia, trap fishing is one of the traditional fisheries that plays an important ro... more In Maluku, Indonesia, trap fishing is one of the traditional fisheries that plays an important role in supplying reef fish to sea food restaurants and to the trade of live fish. To support the implementation of ecosystem-based fishery management, it is important to analyse the catch of trap through a multi-species approach rather than a single-species (selectivity) approach. In this study, multi-species catch analyses estimated species diversity, trophic levels and spatial distribution based on catch data, and sustainability of catch based on biological and ecological information. Traps were fished from February 2018 to January 2019 in waters 5 to 40m deep in Ambon Bay, Waai Bay and at Babar Island. The most abundant fishes caught were the family Mullidae, Parupeneus barberinus (n = 102) and P. indicus (n = 126). Spatial distribution of species analysed with Multivariate Principle Component Analysis showed each trap has significant co-varying species. The mean trophic level of the t...