mufti hasan alfani - (original) (raw)
Papers by mufti hasan alfani
Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konsep bisnis waralaba pad... more Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konsep bisnis waralaba pada Rumah Makan Pondok Patin HM Yunus Air Tiris dan bagaimana tinjauan ekonomi Islam terhadap bisnis waralaba pada Rumah Makan tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan pada Rumah Makan Pondok Patin HM Yunus Air Tiris yang beralamat di Kelurahan Air Tiris, RT 003, RW 006, Kabupaten Kampar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui konsep bisnis waralaba dan mengetahui tinjauan ekonomi Islam terhadap bisnis waralaba pada Rumah Makan Pondok Patin HM Yunus Air Tiris. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan menganalisa buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. Data dari penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder yang kemudian dianalisa menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 5 orang, dengan mengambil sampel dari populasi menggunakan metode total samp...
Branding is an important factor for every businessman in the sustainability of his business. The ... more Branding is an important factor for every businessman in the sustainability of his business. The Big brands become alternative choices for consumers in determining the products they want to buy. Therefore a brand is built with a relatively long period of time for businessman. However, for the Beginner businessman, often the brand is not a priority. They only care about how much the products they sell are in demand and are bought by consumers regardless of the brand name of the product itself. This study aims to determine the branding process carried out by the beginner businessman. Researchers look at this problem from the perspective of marketing communication. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Informants consisted of 20 students/graduated who are beginner businessman. The characteristics of a beginner businessman are determined at least one year of the business being run, and are the first-time businessman to have a business. The results of ...
Keterampilan komunikasi menjadi modal penting bagi para entrepreneur muda dalam merintis dan memb... more Keterampilan komunikasi menjadi modal penting bagi para entrepreneur muda dalam merintis dan membangun sebuah bisnis. Selain memiliki jiwa pengusaha, pebisnis pemula juga diharapkan memiliki kompetensi komunikasi. Kompetensi komunikasi bukan hanya diperlukan untuk berhadapan langsung dengan calon konsumen tetapi juga bagaimana berkomunikasi melalui media. Kegiatan ini dalam bentuk pelatihan kompetensi komunikasi untuk pebisnis pemula. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi komunikasi bagi para tenant yang merupakan mahasiswa dan alumni di Universitas Islam Riau. Kegiatan pelatihan terdiri atas 3 tahap, yakni: Brainstorming, Pelatihan dan Monitoring & Evaluasi. Kegiatan brainstorming dilakukan untuk menggali lebih dalam masalah yang dihadapi oleh para peserta, terutama masalah komunikasi. Sesi I fokus pada keterampilan komunikasi entrepreneur (baik secara langsung maupun by media) dan sesi II adalah presentasi bisnis para tenant. Kegiatan pelatihan ini sangat berguna ...
Journal of Management Info, 2019
The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of Quality of Work Life toward job performance ... more The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of Quality of Work Life toward job performance and work satisfaction at education staff in Islamic University of Riau. This research employs descriptive method and quantitative approach. This research also employs causality or influence relationship model. This research use SEM (Structural Equation Model) Analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS) for data analysis. The results of this research conclude that are: 1) Quality of Work Life affects to the performance of employees with path coefficient value is 0.220147 and t value is 4.91345 (t table 1,97202). It means that the education staff who have a high Quality of Work Life will be able to increase their performance. 2) Quality of Work Life also affects to the job satisfaction with path coefficient value is 0.5787916 and t value is 12.802941 (t table 1,97202). It means that the education staff who have high Quality of Work Life will be able to improve their performance, and 3) Quality...
Jurnal Tabarru': Islamic Banking and Finance, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis pengaruh Quality of Work Life (QWL) terhadap k... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis pengaruh Quality of Work Life (QWL) terhadap kinerja dan kepuasan kerja karyawan PT. Bank BRI Syariah Cabang Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model kausalitas atau hubungan pengaruh. Untuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan, digunakan teknik analisis SEM (Stuctural Equation Model) dengan analisis data menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS) dan sebagai pembanding menggunakan pendekatan Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) sebagai program analisis dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan : 1) Quality of Work Life berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dimana karyawan yang memiliki Quality of Work Life tinggi akan semakin dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya. 2) Quality of Work Life juga berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja dimana karyawan yang memiliki Quality of Work Life tinggi akan semakin dapat meningkatkan kinerj...
Jurnal Riset Komunikasi, 2020
Bisnis kreatif dalam beberapa dekade terakhir mengalami perkembangan ditopang dengan kemutakhiran... more Bisnis kreatif dalam beberapa dekade terakhir mengalami perkembangan ditopang dengan kemutakhiran teknologi. Fenomena ini kemudian dikomodifikasi menggunakan pendekatan sosial. Model di atas dikenal dengan istilah Socio-technopreneurship. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai social media marketing sebagai media pemasaran dan media sosial dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam membangun brand awareness ke-5 jenis usaha diantaranya unaware of brand, brand recognition, brand recall, dan top of mind, mendukung selebgram, penelitian ini berpusat di business center kantin terapung Universitas Islam Riau yang mengakomodasi berbagai wirausaha muda baik mahasiswa maupun alumni dengan bentuk bisnis di bidang apapun baik barang maupun jasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kesimpulan didapatkan bahwa kompetensi pengelolaan media sosial khususnya instagram yang digunakan oleh para informan untuk media bisnis ce...
Tea drinks in packs have begun to be in great demand by consumers, with the exception of Pucuk Ha... more Tea drinks in packs have begun to be in great demand by consumers, with the exception of Pucuk Harum Tea. Pucuk Harum Tea is one of the teas that has experienced a significant increase from previous years, so that it can compete with other packaged tea drinks. Packaging tea enthusiasts come from various circles, from students, employees, the general public, and students are no exception. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Brand Awareness, Price and Advertisements on the Decision to Pucuk Harum Tea Pekanbaru Pelita Indonesia Students. The method used is multiple linear regression analysis. dith sample of 150 respondents who bought the tea shoots Harum. The results showed that Brand Awareness and Advertisements simultaneously and partially had an effect and significant effect on the Purchase and Price Decisions had no effect on the decision to purchase Pucuk Harum Tea for Pekanbaru Pelita Indonesia Students. Minuman teh dalam kemasan sudah mulai banyak diminati ol...
Plastic waste is a problem that has not been resolved to date, meanwhile with an increase in the ... more Plastic waste is a problem that has not been resolved to date, meanwhile with an increase in the population will also follow the increase in the volume of waste generation generated from human activities. Other alternatives are needed to handle the volume of plastic waste in the Dumai City environment such as making ecobricks. This research is intended to see the relationship between plastic waste processing and ecobrick manufacturing on the level of environmental awareness for Dumie STIE-TN students using simple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 24. From the results of simple linear regression it can be concluded that making ecobrick has a positive regression coefficient. This shows that the making of ecobrick, has a positive influence on the level of environmental concern for students of STIE-TN Dumai. Keywords: Ecobrick, Plastic Waste, Environment
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)
Advances in internet technology currently make online shopping systems become instant and very po... more Advances in internet technology currently make online shopping systems become instant and very popular. This study aims to determine the analysis of the Effect of Prices and Promotions on Impulse Buying in Online Products According to Islamic Economics. Where the results of the pre-survey to students of the Faculty of Islam about Online products on the influence of prices and promotions on impulsive purchases. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique by taking a sample of 100 respondents. This research uses a quantitative approach with the method of data analysis of Multiple Linear Regression with the help of the SPSS Program Application Version 21.0 for Windows. The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of Price and Promotion on the performance of Impulse Buying on online products. As well as the effect of Price and Promotion on Impulse Buying in the Sharia Economy perspective on the influence of consumer behavior on purchasing decis...
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)
The legacy of the Malay kingdom of Riau has become a valuable historical site as one of the areas... more The legacy of the Malay kingdom of Riau has become a valuable historical site as one of the areas of the Islamic kingdom which has become a current sharia tourist destination. The purpose of this study was to determine the management strategy of the Riau Province An-Nur Grand Mosque, the Ar-Rahman Grand Mosque in Pekanbaru City, and the Senapelan Grand Mosque in Pekanbaru City as religious tourism destinations in Pekanbaru City. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interviews, documentation, and analyzing books related to research. The data analysis used was an interactive analysis model. The results of this study illustrate that 1. The implementation of planning in Islamic tourism in Pekanbaru City through the formation of the board 2. The implementation of the organization that has been formed by the management in managing the mosque as a religious tourism destination based on the main task and schedule made as a form of board coordination 3. Implementation of t...
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)
Literasi terkait dengan kompetensi dan pengetahuan seseorang tentang disiplin ilmu atau area tert... more Literasi terkait dengan kompetensi dan pengetahuan seseorang tentang disiplin ilmu atau area tertentu. Literasi perbankan syariah merupakan pemahaman seseorang tentang produk perbankan syariah dan kemampuannya untuk mengambil keputusan keuangan secara efektif. Dengan demikian, literasi produk perbankan syariah menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman seseorang secara komprehensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui literasi produk perbankan syariah pada guru pondok pesantren di Kota Pekanbaru, agar nantinya guru pondok pesantren tidak hanya mengetahui tetapi juga mampu mengakses dan menggunakan produk-produk yang ada di perbankan syariah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana literasi produk perbankan syariah bagi guru pondok pesantren di Kota Pekanbaru?. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui literasi produk perbankan syariah pada guru pondok pesantren di Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ...
Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konsep bisnis waralaba pad... more Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konsep bisnis waralaba pada Rumah Makan Pondok Patin HM Yunus Air Tiris dan bagaimana tinjauan ekonomi Islam terhadap bisnis waralaba pada Rumah Makan tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan pada Rumah Makan Pondok Patin HM Yunus Air Tiris yang beralamat di Kelurahan Air Tiris, RT 003, RW 006, Kabupaten Kampar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui konsep bisnis waralaba dan mengetahui tinjauan ekonomi Islam terhadap bisnis waralaba pada Rumah Makan Pondok Patin HM Yunus Air Tiris. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan menganalisa buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. Data dari penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder yang kemudian dianalisa menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 5 orang, dengan mengambil sampel dari populasi menggunakan metode total samp...
Branding is an important factor for every businessman in the sustainability of his business. The ... more Branding is an important factor for every businessman in the sustainability of his business. The Big brands become alternative choices for consumers in determining the products they want to buy. Therefore a brand is built with a relatively long period of time for businessman. However, for the Beginner businessman, often the brand is not a priority. They only care about how much the products they sell are in demand and are bought by consumers regardless of the brand name of the product itself. This study aims to determine the branding process carried out by the beginner businessman. Researchers look at this problem from the perspective of marketing communication. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Informants consisted of 20 students/graduated who are beginner businessman. The characteristics of a beginner businessman are determined at least one year of the business being run, and are the first-time businessman to have a business. The results of ...
Keterampilan komunikasi menjadi modal penting bagi para entrepreneur muda dalam merintis dan memb... more Keterampilan komunikasi menjadi modal penting bagi para entrepreneur muda dalam merintis dan membangun sebuah bisnis. Selain memiliki jiwa pengusaha, pebisnis pemula juga diharapkan memiliki kompetensi komunikasi. Kompetensi komunikasi bukan hanya diperlukan untuk berhadapan langsung dengan calon konsumen tetapi juga bagaimana berkomunikasi melalui media. Kegiatan ini dalam bentuk pelatihan kompetensi komunikasi untuk pebisnis pemula. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi komunikasi bagi para tenant yang merupakan mahasiswa dan alumni di Universitas Islam Riau. Kegiatan pelatihan terdiri atas 3 tahap, yakni: Brainstorming, Pelatihan dan Monitoring & Evaluasi. Kegiatan brainstorming dilakukan untuk menggali lebih dalam masalah yang dihadapi oleh para peserta, terutama masalah komunikasi. Sesi I fokus pada keterampilan komunikasi entrepreneur (baik secara langsung maupun by media) dan sesi II adalah presentasi bisnis para tenant. Kegiatan pelatihan ini sangat berguna ...
Journal of Management Info, 2019
The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of Quality of Work Life toward job performance ... more The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of Quality of Work Life toward job performance and work satisfaction at education staff in Islamic University of Riau. This research employs descriptive method and quantitative approach. This research also employs causality or influence relationship model. This research use SEM (Structural Equation Model) Analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS) for data analysis. The results of this research conclude that are: 1) Quality of Work Life affects to the performance of employees with path coefficient value is 0.220147 and t value is 4.91345 (t table 1,97202). It means that the education staff who have a high Quality of Work Life will be able to increase their performance. 2) Quality of Work Life also affects to the job satisfaction with path coefficient value is 0.5787916 and t value is 12.802941 (t table 1,97202). It means that the education staff who have high Quality of Work Life will be able to improve their performance, and 3) Quality...
Jurnal Tabarru': Islamic Banking and Finance, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis pengaruh Quality of Work Life (QWL) terhadap k... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis pengaruh Quality of Work Life (QWL) terhadap kinerja dan kepuasan kerja karyawan PT. Bank BRI Syariah Cabang Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model kausalitas atau hubungan pengaruh. Untuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan, digunakan teknik analisis SEM (Stuctural Equation Model) dengan analisis data menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS) dan sebagai pembanding menggunakan pendekatan Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) sebagai program analisis dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan : 1) Quality of Work Life berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dimana karyawan yang memiliki Quality of Work Life tinggi akan semakin dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya. 2) Quality of Work Life juga berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja dimana karyawan yang memiliki Quality of Work Life tinggi akan semakin dapat meningkatkan kinerj...
Jurnal Riset Komunikasi, 2020
Bisnis kreatif dalam beberapa dekade terakhir mengalami perkembangan ditopang dengan kemutakhiran... more Bisnis kreatif dalam beberapa dekade terakhir mengalami perkembangan ditopang dengan kemutakhiran teknologi. Fenomena ini kemudian dikomodifikasi menggunakan pendekatan sosial. Model di atas dikenal dengan istilah Socio-technopreneurship. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai social media marketing sebagai media pemasaran dan media sosial dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam membangun brand awareness ke-5 jenis usaha diantaranya unaware of brand, brand recognition, brand recall, dan top of mind, mendukung selebgram, penelitian ini berpusat di business center kantin terapung Universitas Islam Riau yang mengakomodasi berbagai wirausaha muda baik mahasiswa maupun alumni dengan bentuk bisnis di bidang apapun baik barang maupun jasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kesimpulan didapatkan bahwa kompetensi pengelolaan media sosial khususnya instagram yang digunakan oleh para informan untuk media bisnis ce...
Tea drinks in packs have begun to be in great demand by consumers, with the exception of Pucuk Ha... more Tea drinks in packs have begun to be in great demand by consumers, with the exception of Pucuk Harum Tea. Pucuk Harum Tea is one of the teas that has experienced a significant increase from previous years, so that it can compete with other packaged tea drinks. Packaging tea enthusiasts come from various circles, from students, employees, the general public, and students are no exception. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Brand Awareness, Price and Advertisements on the Decision to Pucuk Harum Tea Pekanbaru Pelita Indonesia Students. The method used is multiple linear regression analysis. dith sample of 150 respondents who bought the tea shoots Harum. The results showed that Brand Awareness and Advertisements simultaneously and partially had an effect and significant effect on the Purchase and Price Decisions had no effect on the decision to purchase Pucuk Harum Tea for Pekanbaru Pelita Indonesia Students. Minuman teh dalam kemasan sudah mulai banyak diminati ol...
Plastic waste is a problem that has not been resolved to date, meanwhile with an increase in the ... more Plastic waste is a problem that has not been resolved to date, meanwhile with an increase in the population will also follow the increase in the volume of waste generation generated from human activities. Other alternatives are needed to handle the volume of plastic waste in the Dumai City environment such as making ecobricks. This research is intended to see the relationship between plastic waste processing and ecobrick manufacturing on the level of environmental awareness for Dumie STIE-TN students using simple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 24. From the results of simple linear regression it can be concluded that making ecobrick has a positive regression coefficient. This shows that the making of ecobrick, has a positive influence on the level of environmental concern for students of STIE-TN Dumai. Keywords: Ecobrick, Plastic Waste, Environment
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)
Advances in internet technology currently make online shopping systems become instant and very po... more Advances in internet technology currently make online shopping systems become instant and very popular. This study aims to determine the analysis of the Effect of Prices and Promotions on Impulse Buying in Online Products According to Islamic Economics. Where the results of the pre-survey to students of the Faculty of Islam about Online products on the influence of prices and promotions on impulsive purchases. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique by taking a sample of 100 respondents. This research uses a quantitative approach with the method of data analysis of Multiple Linear Regression with the help of the SPSS Program Application Version 21.0 for Windows. The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of Price and Promotion on the performance of Impulse Buying on online products. As well as the effect of Price and Promotion on Impulse Buying in the Sharia Economy perspective on the influence of consumer behavior on purchasing decis...
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)
The legacy of the Malay kingdom of Riau has become a valuable historical site as one of the areas... more The legacy of the Malay kingdom of Riau has become a valuable historical site as one of the areas of the Islamic kingdom which has become a current sharia tourist destination. The purpose of this study was to determine the management strategy of the Riau Province An-Nur Grand Mosque, the Ar-Rahman Grand Mosque in Pekanbaru City, and the Senapelan Grand Mosque in Pekanbaru City as religious tourism destinations in Pekanbaru City. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interviews, documentation, and analyzing books related to research. The data analysis used was an interactive analysis model. The results of this study illustrate that 1. The implementation of planning in Islamic tourism in Pekanbaru City through the formation of the board 2. The implementation of the organization that has been formed by the management in managing the mosque as a religious tourism destination based on the main task and schedule made as a form of board coordination 3. Implementation of t...
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)
Literasi terkait dengan kompetensi dan pengetahuan seseorang tentang disiplin ilmu atau area tert... more Literasi terkait dengan kompetensi dan pengetahuan seseorang tentang disiplin ilmu atau area tertentu. Literasi perbankan syariah merupakan pemahaman seseorang tentang produk perbankan syariah dan kemampuannya untuk mengambil keputusan keuangan secara efektif. Dengan demikian, literasi produk perbankan syariah menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman seseorang secara komprehensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui literasi produk perbankan syariah pada guru pondok pesantren di Kota Pekanbaru, agar nantinya guru pondok pesantren tidak hanya mengetahui tetapi juga mampu mengakses dan menggunakan produk-produk yang ada di perbankan syariah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana literasi produk perbankan syariah bagi guru pondok pesantren di Kota Pekanbaru?. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui literasi produk perbankan syariah pada guru pondok pesantren di Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ...