nedim polat - (original) (raw)
Papers by nedim polat
Türk otolarengoloji arşivi, Aug 27, 2013
Konjenital epulis: Olgu sunumu Özet Konjenital epulis (KE) ya da konjenital granüler hücreli tümö... more Konjenital epulis: Olgu sunumu Özet Konjenital epulis (KE) ya da konjenital granüler hücreli tümör yenidoğanın nadir bir tümörü olup çoğunluğu kız cinsiyette görülür. Histolojik orijini ve etiyolojisi henüz tam aydınlatılamamış KE oral kaviteden sarkan büyük, doğumsal, soliter kitle olarak karşımıza çıkar. Genelde maksiller ya da mandibüler gingivadan köken alarak yenidoğanda ciddi beslenme ve/veya solunum problemi oluşturan KE'nin tedavisi geciktirilmeden yapılacak basit kitle eksizyonudur. Benign histopatolojiye sahip epuliste cerrahi sonrası nüks bildirilmemiştir. Henüz dört saatlikken ağız içi kitleye bağlı beslenme problemi nedeniyle tarafımızdan acil olarak opere edilen, sonrasında patoloji sonucu konjenital granüler hücreli tümör olarak gelen kız yenidoğan olgu nadir görülmesi sebebiyle literatür bilgileri eşliğinde tartışıldı.
Indian Journal of Surgery, Jul 1, 2023
GİRİŞ Palpabl tiroid nodülleri normal populasyonda %4-7 arasında bulunmaktadır. İnsidental olarak... more GİRİŞ Palpabl tiroid nodülleri normal populasyonda %4-7 arasında bulunmaktadır. İnsidental olarak ultrasonografik tetkiklerle bulunan nodüllerin oranı ise %13-67'dir. Nodüllerin çoğu asempto-matiktir (1). Çoğu benign özellik göstermesine rağmen, tiroid bezi karsinomları endokrin sistem maligniteleri içinde en yaygın olanıdır (2). Ade-nomlar, multinodüler guatrlar, tiroiditler, kistler, tiroid malformasyonları, fokal granulomatöz hastalıklar gibi pek çok benign durum tiroid no-dülü olarak ortaya çıkar. Klinik olarak belirgin tek nodüllerin %50'inden fazlasının multinodü-ler guatr veya tiroidit oldukları gösterilmiştir. Klinik olarak saptanmış soliter nodüllerin yalnız-ca %0,1-0,2'si malign bulunmuştur (3). Bu çalış-ÖZET Amaç: Tiroid bezinde nodüllerle sık karşılaşılmaktadır. Görül-me sıklığı %7'nin üzerindedir. Nodüllerin çoğu benign olması-na rağmen, tiroid bezi karsinomları; endokrin sistem malignite-leri içinde en yaygın olanıdır. Klinik olarak belirgin tek nodül-l...
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2011
A 13-year-old girl presented with a 1-month history of vulval swellings, gradually getting bigger... more A 13-year-old girl presented with a 1-month history of vulval swellings, gradually getting bigger and causing discomfort. She attained menarche at the age of 12 and her periods since were regular. She was not sexually active and there was no history of trauma. She had a past history of a benign cyst removed from her left breast. On examination, purplish-blue coloured swellings measuring 16 1 cm were noted, one on the right and two on the left labium minus and two on the posterior aspect of fourchette. Examination under anaesthesia was done and the swellings were excised. Repair was done with 3–0 Vicryl rapide to prevent scarring. Histopathological examination confirmed benign haemangiomata. She was followed-up postoperatively in the gynaecology out-patient clinic at 6 and 12 months, with no evidence of recurrence or scarring.
Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 2008
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour (IMT) is a rare benign lesion of unknown aetiology. It mimics... more Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour (IMT) is a rare benign lesion of unknown aetiology. It mimics, clinically and radiologically, malignant tumours (especially sarcoma). It was initially described in the lung, but it was subsequently recognised that virtually any anatomic location can be involved. IMTs of the gastro-intestinal tract are rare and there have been only nine confirmed cases involving the appendix to date. We presented a 20-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of IMT that caused acute appendicitis. An appendectomy is the most efficient treatment in cases where the lesion is limited to the appendix. Being aware of such an entity and being careful in the differential diagnosis of the appendiceal masses, especially the large masses, may prevent overtreatment.
Acta Dermato Venereologica, 2009
Sir, A new World Health Organization-European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (... more Sir, A new World Health Organization-European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (WHO-EORTC) classification of cutaneous lymphomas was proposed recently (1), and has been widely accepted as an important consensual advance for the characterization and management of cutaneous lymphomas (2, 3). In this classification, primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (PCBCLs) were divided into the following three main groups: primary cutaneous follicular centre lymphoma, primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type (PCLBCL-LT) and primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (4). PCLBCL-LT shows positive staining for the Bcl-2 protein. The expression of Bcl-2 characterizes not only PCLBCL-LT, as previously demonstrated, but also PCL-BCL-LT defined on the basis of morphology (5-8). We report here a case of an elderly man who presented with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) encephalopathy in association with PCLBCL-LT.
Mide kanseri sikliginda genel azalmaya ragmen halen onemli bir saglik sorunudur. Dunyada kanser n... more Mide kanseri sikliginda genel azalmaya ragmen halen onemli bir saglik sorunudur. Dunyada kanser nedeniyle olumlerde ikinci siradadir. Mide adenokarsinomu tum mide kanserlerinin yaklasik %90’ini olusturur ve midenin en sik rastlanilan tumorudur. Mide kanseri etyolojisinde en cok suclanan faktorlerin basinda prekanseroz mide lezyonlari gelmektedir. Epidemiyolojik ve patoloji calismalari sonucunda intestinal tip mide karsinogenezindeki olaylar dizisinin, kronik gastritis, atrofi, intestinal metaplazi, displazi ve karsinoma seklinde oldugu kabul edilmektedir. Mide karsinogenezindeki bu degisimler serisi siklikla Correa kaskadi olarak adlandirilir. Bu kansere giden sureci baslatan cogunlukla H. pylori infeksiyonudur (1-7).
Journal of the Turkish Academy of Dermatology, 2014
Observation: Cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is characterized by a pathologic increase in the number ... more Observation: Cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is characterized by a pathologic increase in the number of mast cells in cutaneous tissues. Although bullae can occur in all forms of CM, bullous eruption is most commonly associated with diffuse CM (DCM) and is known as bullous mastocytosis (BM). Herein we report an 18-month-old male diagnosed as BM complicated by milia. To the best of our knowledge the present case report is the first to describe BM complicated by milia.
A 7 year-old boy with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) was under treatment according t... more A 7 year-old boy with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) was under treatment according to the ALL BFM 2000 protocol. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis did not reveal any blast cells at the beginning of the therapy. The patient developed bilateral visual loss at the third month of therapy. In the fundus examination there was bilateral optic disc edema, and serous retinal detachment with subretinal infiltrates. The patient with his bone marrow in remission was treated by systemic and intratechal chemotherapy combined with craniospinal and orbital radiotherapy. Subretinal fluid began to resolve and visual acuity improved, 24 hours after initiation of systemic and intratecal chemotherapy. The patient died of bone marrow relapse during preparation period for bone marrrow transplantation. Acute visual loss due to serous retinal detachment may be the first sign of relapse in ALL. Detailed ophthalmic examination should be performed in patients with leukemia as early diagnosis and prompt...
Background/aim: In the pathogenesis of intestinal type gastric cancer, the importance of the proc... more Background/aim: In the pathogenesis of intestinal type gastric cancer, the importance of the process of atrophic gastritis-intestinal metaplasiadysplasia- cancer is well known. In this study, assuming that it will provide a good database in gastric cancer follow-up programs, we intended to establish the rates of gastric precancerous lesion (atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia) in patients with dyspepsia. Materials and methods: From June 2003 - February 2004, 310 consecutive patients (172 females, 138 males, mean age 55.8, range 16-80) who applied for gastrointestinal endoscopy due to dyspepsia were included in the study. Five biopsies were taken from the antrum and corpus of these patients using the updated Sidney system and were examined histopathologically. Results: In these patients, we determined 8% (24 patients) with atrophic gastritis, 20% (61 patients) with intestinal metaplasia (complete or incomplete), and 4% (13 patients) with dysplasia. While H. pylori was (+) i...
Purpose: Tumor invasion of the external anal sphincteric muscle in patients with lower rectal can... more Purpose: Tumor invasion of the external anal sphincteric muscle in patients with lower rectal cancer is one of the most important contraindications for the intersphincteric resection technique, which is the most common sphincter-sparing method in lower rectal cancer surgery. The main purpose of this article is showed that in lower rectum patients with external anal sphincter invasion, the tumoral lower rectal segment can be excised together with the invaded proximal segment of the external anal sphincter muscle system using the transsphincteric rectal resection surgeries performed with combined abdominal and perineal access, and it is highlighted that they can be considered as sphincter-sparing surgical procedures in these cases.Methods: This study includes the retrospective evaluation of 4 male and 1 female patient with advanced lower rectal adenocarcinoma detected external anal sphincteric invasion on their preoperative MRI results who underwent proximal segmental sphincteric exci...
The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital, 2021
Objectives: The aim of this study is the documentation of human papilloma virus (HPV) frequency a... more Objectives: The aim of this study is the documentation of human papilloma virus (HPV) frequency and types seen in the city of Istanbul, Turkey, as well as evaluation of the relationship between these subtypes and cytological and pathological diagnoses. Methods: 4879 cases were studied in our molecular pathology department between 2001 and 2019 in Istanbul. Between 2001 and 2010, 1692 cases were screened for HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, and 33 by conventional hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Since 2011, up to 49 HPV typing has been performed for 3187 cases with chip array. The cases were referred to the pathology center and the hospital pathology department by clinicians for screening before HPV vaccination and on the observation of precancerous changes and koilocyts in cytological-histopathological evaluations. Results: In this study, the frequency of HPV was found to be 10.8% (527 HPV-positive cases). Among these, 348 cases were high-risk groups, whether or not they wer...
Turkish journal of haematology : official journal of Turkish Society of Haematology, 2010
Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is a clinical entity characterized by prolonged fever, splenomegaly... more Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is a clinical entity characterized by prolonged fever, splenomegaly and cytopenias. Secondary HPS can be related to underlying conditions including malignancies. HPS in association with malignant diseases, especially lymphoma, is a well-known entity in adults but is rare in children [1-5]. We report three cases of malignancies associated with HPS according to the criteria of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)2004 [6]. All the clinical and laboratory findings of the patients are summarized in Table 1.
Objective: Nodules of the thyroid gland are frequently encountered, occurring in up to 7% of the ... more Objective: Nodules of the thyroid gland are frequently encountered, occurring in up to 7% of the population. Although most of these nodules are benign, carcinomas of the thyroid gland are the most common malignancy of the endocrine system. Clinically more than 50% of the marked single nodules have been observed as multinodular goiters or thyroiditis. Only 0.1- 0.2% of the (clinically observed) solitary multinodules have been observed as malignant. Thyroid lesions diagnosed in our department have been reevaluated to define their distribitution. Study Design: Between the years 2004-2008, 1632 thyroid operation materials have been inspected in the pathology department. Their histopathological features have been evaluated retrospectively Results: 84% of the 1632 thyroid materials have been diagnosed as benign, and 16% as malignant. Conclusion: Adenomatous hyperplasia is the most common thyroid diease. It has been diagnosed as 77.5% among the benign lesions. While thyroid cancer is the m...
Primary ovarian pregnancy is a rare type of extrauterine pregnancy with an incidence of 0.5-1% of... more Primary ovarian pregnancy is a rare type of extrauterine pregnancy with an incidence of 0.5-1% of all ectopic pregnancies. The incidence ranges from 1/40000 to 1/7000 deliveries. We report a primary ovarian pregnancy in a spontaneus conception cycle in a 40-year-old woman with no predisposing factor. The patient was admitted to the emergency clinic with signs and symptoms of acute abdomen with heamoperitoneum , in a preshock state. An emergency laparotomy and wedge resection of the ovary was performed. Histopathologic examination showed chorion villi embedded in the ovarian tissue in multiple sections in different areas of the material. This is a discussion about this rare phenomenon, its ethiology, differential and clinical diagnosis and a review of literature.
Şisli Etfal Tıp Bulteni, 2013
Ovarian masses sometimes can be seen as bulky masses reaching to huge amounts. Most pathologic si... more Ovarian masses sometimes can be seen as bulky masses reaching to huge amounts. Most pathologic signs can be attributed to compression effect on intraabdominal organs, vascular structures and ascites made by tumor. After removal of such huge pelvic masses, serious clinical hypotension and inferior vena cava (IVC) syndrome can be seen related to the aspiration of high levels of fluid or resection of bulky mass. Here, we present four cases of bulky ovarian masses by means of gynecologic surgery, anaesthesia and pathology. Case: 54, 35, 39, 42 years old patients having 20 kg and 40x20cm; 14 kg and 40x40x40 cm, 17 kg and 45x50 cm and 53x50 cm adnexal masses respectively were operated. Histopathologies were found each to be the first two borderline mucinous carcinomas, third one was benign endometrioid tumor and the fourth one was mucinous cystadenoma complexed with teratom structures. On preoperative assessment, patients had dyspnea and tachypnea due to huge abdominal distention, blood gas parameters were hypoxic. To prevent supin hypotensive syndrome and other complications peroperatively, cases were evaluated by anesthesiology and the appropriate anesthesia technique was chosen, no major complications were seen in the peroperative or postoperative periods. Discussion: Giant ovarian cyst excision may be associated with significant mortality. Most of the problems are due to the size of the cyst and to the patient‘s poor condition. Serious problems in this case mainly develop because of intraoperative blood loss and duration of the operation, postoperative hypotension and electrolyte disorders may be seen. Special attention should be paid to ventilator monitoring and hemodynamic assessment peroperatively and intraoperative fluid imbalance, hypotermia and coagulopathy regulation and the operative approach in the planning area needs to be done carefully.
Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2013
Primer ovaryan ektopik gebelik oldukça nadir görülüp tüm dış gebeliklerin %0,5-1'ini oluşturur. İ... more Primer ovaryan ektopik gebelik oldukça nadir görülüp tüm dış gebeliklerin %0,5-1'ini oluşturur. İnsidansı 1/7000-40000 gebeliktir. Spontan bir siklusta hiçbir predispozan faktör olmaksızın 40 yaşında bir hastada oluşmuş bir primer ovaryan ektopik gebelik olgusu sunacağız. Hasta akut batın belirti ve bulgularıyla preşok durumda acil kliniğimize başvurdu. Transvajinal ultrasonografide 30 mm çapında kistik sol ovaryan kitle tespit edildi. Müracaatında hemoglobin seviyesi 8,4g/dl ve serum bHCG seviyesi 2548 mlU/ml idi. Acil laparotomi ve over kama rezeksiyonu uygulandı. Histopatolojik olarak alınan materyalin yapılan çoklu kesilerinde birçok alanda over dokusu içine invaze olmuş koryon villusları izlenmiştir. Bu nadir olgunun etyolojisi, ayırıcı tanısı, klinik tanısı hakkında bilgi verilerek literatür gözden geçirilmiştir.
Cukurova Medical Journal, Sep 30, 2018
BMC medical imaging, Jan 18, 2018
Malignant plasma cell proliferation may present as a disseminated disease (multiple myeloma), a s... more Malignant plasma cell proliferation may present as a disseminated disease (multiple myeloma), a solitary plasmacytoma of bone, or an extramedullary plasmacytoma of soft tissue. The latter plasmacytomas represent approximately 3% of all plasma cell proliferations, and 80% develop in the head-and-neck region. The unexpected clinical presentation of such masses may be present. Here, we report a rare case of primary tonsillar plasmacytoma in a 42-year-old female. The patient presented with asymmetric tonsillar hypertrophy that was resistant to antibiotherapy. Upon further workup, we found no evidence of multiple myeloma or light-chain disease. The patient underwent surgery and, at the last follow-up, exhibited no evidence of such disease. In adults presenting with asymptomatic tonsillar enlargement, the possibility of submucosal masses should be considered, thus encouraging the radiologist to evaluate crypts within the palatine tonsil on a postcontrast MRI, besides enlargement and signa...
Türk otolarengoloji arşivi, Aug 27, 2013
Konjenital epulis: Olgu sunumu Özet Konjenital epulis (KE) ya da konjenital granüler hücreli tümö... more Konjenital epulis: Olgu sunumu Özet Konjenital epulis (KE) ya da konjenital granüler hücreli tümör yenidoğanın nadir bir tümörü olup çoğunluğu kız cinsiyette görülür. Histolojik orijini ve etiyolojisi henüz tam aydınlatılamamış KE oral kaviteden sarkan büyük, doğumsal, soliter kitle olarak karşımıza çıkar. Genelde maksiller ya da mandibüler gingivadan köken alarak yenidoğanda ciddi beslenme ve/veya solunum problemi oluşturan KE'nin tedavisi geciktirilmeden yapılacak basit kitle eksizyonudur. Benign histopatolojiye sahip epuliste cerrahi sonrası nüks bildirilmemiştir. Henüz dört saatlikken ağız içi kitleye bağlı beslenme problemi nedeniyle tarafımızdan acil olarak opere edilen, sonrasında patoloji sonucu konjenital granüler hücreli tümör olarak gelen kız yenidoğan olgu nadir görülmesi sebebiyle literatür bilgileri eşliğinde tartışıldı.
Indian Journal of Surgery, Jul 1, 2023
GİRİŞ Palpabl tiroid nodülleri normal populasyonda %4-7 arasında bulunmaktadır. İnsidental olarak... more GİRİŞ Palpabl tiroid nodülleri normal populasyonda %4-7 arasında bulunmaktadır. İnsidental olarak ultrasonografik tetkiklerle bulunan nodüllerin oranı ise %13-67'dir. Nodüllerin çoğu asempto-matiktir (1). Çoğu benign özellik göstermesine rağmen, tiroid bezi karsinomları endokrin sistem maligniteleri içinde en yaygın olanıdır (2). Ade-nomlar, multinodüler guatrlar, tiroiditler, kistler, tiroid malformasyonları, fokal granulomatöz hastalıklar gibi pek çok benign durum tiroid no-dülü olarak ortaya çıkar. Klinik olarak belirgin tek nodüllerin %50'inden fazlasının multinodü-ler guatr veya tiroidit oldukları gösterilmiştir. Klinik olarak saptanmış soliter nodüllerin yalnız-ca %0,1-0,2'si malign bulunmuştur (3). Bu çalış-ÖZET Amaç: Tiroid bezinde nodüllerle sık karşılaşılmaktadır. Görül-me sıklığı %7'nin üzerindedir. Nodüllerin çoğu benign olması-na rağmen, tiroid bezi karsinomları; endokrin sistem malignite-leri içinde en yaygın olanıdır. Klinik olarak belirgin tek nodül-l...
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2011
A 13-year-old girl presented with a 1-month history of vulval swellings, gradually getting bigger... more A 13-year-old girl presented with a 1-month history of vulval swellings, gradually getting bigger and causing discomfort. She attained menarche at the age of 12 and her periods since were regular. She was not sexually active and there was no history of trauma. She had a past history of a benign cyst removed from her left breast. On examination, purplish-blue coloured swellings measuring 16 1 cm were noted, one on the right and two on the left labium minus and two on the posterior aspect of fourchette. Examination under anaesthesia was done and the swellings were excised. Repair was done with 3–0 Vicryl rapide to prevent scarring. Histopathological examination confirmed benign haemangiomata. She was followed-up postoperatively in the gynaecology out-patient clinic at 6 and 12 months, with no evidence of recurrence or scarring.
Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 2008
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour (IMT) is a rare benign lesion of unknown aetiology. It mimics... more Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour (IMT) is a rare benign lesion of unknown aetiology. It mimics, clinically and radiologically, malignant tumours (especially sarcoma). It was initially described in the lung, but it was subsequently recognised that virtually any anatomic location can be involved. IMTs of the gastro-intestinal tract are rare and there have been only nine confirmed cases involving the appendix to date. We presented a 20-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of IMT that caused acute appendicitis. An appendectomy is the most efficient treatment in cases where the lesion is limited to the appendix. Being aware of such an entity and being careful in the differential diagnosis of the appendiceal masses, especially the large masses, may prevent overtreatment.
Acta Dermato Venereologica, 2009
Sir, A new World Health Organization-European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (... more Sir, A new World Health Organization-European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (WHO-EORTC) classification of cutaneous lymphomas was proposed recently (1), and has been widely accepted as an important consensual advance for the characterization and management of cutaneous lymphomas (2, 3). In this classification, primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (PCBCLs) were divided into the following three main groups: primary cutaneous follicular centre lymphoma, primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type (PCLBCL-LT) and primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (4). PCLBCL-LT shows positive staining for the Bcl-2 protein. The expression of Bcl-2 characterizes not only PCLBCL-LT, as previously demonstrated, but also PCL-BCL-LT defined on the basis of morphology (5-8). We report here a case of an elderly man who presented with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) encephalopathy in association with PCLBCL-LT.
Mide kanseri sikliginda genel azalmaya ragmen halen onemli bir saglik sorunudur. Dunyada kanser n... more Mide kanseri sikliginda genel azalmaya ragmen halen onemli bir saglik sorunudur. Dunyada kanser nedeniyle olumlerde ikinci siradadir. Mide adenokarsinomu tum mide kanserlerinin yaklasik %90’ini olusturur ve midenin en sik rastlanilan tumorudur. Mide kanseri etyolojisinde en cok suclanan faktorlerin basinda prekanseroz mide lezyonlari gelmektedir. Epidemiyolojik ve patoloji calismalari sonucunda intestinal tip mide karsinogenezindeki olaylar dizisinin, kronik gastritis, atrofi, intestinal metaplazi, displazi ve karsinoma seklinde oldugu kabul edilmektedir. Mide karsinogenezindeki bu degisimler serisi siklikla Correa kaskadi olarak adlandirilir. Bu kansere giden sureci baslatan cogunlukla H. pylori infeksiyonudur (1-7).
Journal of the Turkish Academy of Dermatology, 2014
Observation: Cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is characterized by a pathologic increase in the number ... more Observation: Cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is characterized by a pathologic increase in the number of mast cells in cutaneous tissues. Although bullae can occur in all forms of CM, bullous eruption is most commonly associated with diffuse CM (DCM) and is known as bullous mastocytosis (BM). Herein we report an 18-month-old male diagnosed as BM complicated by milia. To the best of our knowledge the present case report is the first to describe BM complicated by milia.
A 7 year-old boy with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) was under treatment according t... more A 7 year-old boy with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) was under treatment according to the ALL BFM 2000 protocol. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis did not reveal any blast cells at the beginning of the therapy. The patient developed bilateral visual loss at the third month of therapy. In the fundus examination there was bilateral optic disc edema, and serous retinal detachment with subretinal infiltrates. The patient with his bone marrow in remission was treated by systemic and intratechal chemotherapy combined with craniospinal and orbital radiotherapy. Subretinal fluid began to resolve and visual acuity improved, 24 hours after initiation of systemic and intratecal chemotherapy. The patient died of bone marrow relapse during preparation period for bone marrrow transplantation. Acute visual loss due to serous retinal detachment may be the first sign of relapse in ALL. Detailed ophthalmic examination should be performed in patients with leukemia as early diagnosis and prompt...
Background/aim: In the pathogenesis of intestinal type gastric cancer, the importance of the proc... more Background/aim: In the pathogenesis of intestinal type gastric cancer, the importance of the process of atrophic gastritis-intestinal metaplasiadysplasia- cancer is well known. In this study, assuming that it will provide a good database in gastric cancer follow-up programs, we intended to establish the rates of gastric precancerous lesion (atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia) in patients with dyspepsia. Materials and methods: From June 2003 - February 2004, 310 consecutive patients (172 females, 138 males, mean age 55.8, range 16-80) who applied for gastrointestinal endoscopy due to dyspepsia were included in the study. Five biopsies were taken from the antrum and corpus of these patients using the updated Sidney system and were examined histopathologically. Results: In these patients, we determined 8% (24 patients) with atrophic gastritis, 20% (61 patients) with intestinal metaplasia (complete or incomplete), and 4% (13 patients) with dysplasia. While H. pylori was (+) i...
Purpose: Tumor invasion of the external anal sphincteric muscle in patients with lower rectal can... more Purpose: Tumor invasion of the external anal sphincteric muscle in patients with lower rectal cancer is one of the most important contraindications for the intersphincteric resection technique, which is the most common sphincter-sparing method in lower rectal cancer surgery. The main purpose of this article is showed that in lower rectum patients with external anal sphincter invasion, the tumoral lower rectal segment can be excised together with the invaded proximal segment of the external anal sphincter muscle system using the transsphincteric rectal resection surgeries performed with combined abdominal and perineal access, and it is highlighted that they can be considered as sphincter-sparing surgical procedures in these cases.Methods: This study includes the retrospective evaluation of 4 male and 1 female patient with advanced lower rectal adenocarcinoma detected external anal sphincteric invasion on their preoperative MRI results who underwent proximal segmental sphincteric exci...
The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital, 2021
Objectives: The aim of this study is the documentation of human papilloma virus (HPV) frequency a... more Objectives: The aim of this study is the documentation of human papilloma virus (HPV) frequency and types seen in the city of Istanbul, Turkey, as well as evaluation of the relationship between these subtypes and cytological and pathological diagnoses. Methods: 4879 cases were studied in our molecular pathology department between 2001 and 2019 in Istanbul. Between 2001 and 2010, 1692 cases were screened for HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, and 33 by conventional hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Since 2011, up to 49 HPV typing has been performed for 3187 cases with chip array. The cases were referred to the pathology center and the hospital pathology department by clinicians for screening before HPV vaccination and on the observation of precancerous changes and koilocyts in cytological-histopathological evaluations. Results: In this study, the frequency of HPV was found to be 10.8% (527 HPV-positive cases). Among these, 348 cases were high-risk groups, whether or not they wer...
Turkish journal of haematology : official journal of Turkish Society of Haematology, 2010
Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is a clinical entity characterized by prolonged fever, splenomegaly... more Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is a clinical entity characterized by prolonged fever, splenomegaly and cytopenias. Secondary HPS can be related to underlying conditions including malignancies. HPS in association with malignant diseases, especially lymphoma, is a well-known entity in adults but is rare in children [1-5]. We report three cases of malignancies associated with HPS according to the criteria of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)2004 [6]. All the clinical and laboratory findings of the patients are summarized in Table 1.
Objective: Nodules of the thyroid gland are frequently encountered, occurring in up to 7% of the ... more Objective: Nodules of the thyroid gland are frequently encountered, occurring in up to 7% of the population. Although most of these nodules are benign, carcinomas of the thyroid gland are the most common malignancy of the endocrine system. Clinically more than 50% of the marked single nodules have been observed as multinodular goiters or thyroiditis. Only 0.1- 0.2% of the (clinically observed) solitary multinodules have been observed as malignant. Thyroid lesions diagnosed in our department have been reevaluated to define their distribitution. Study Design: Between the years 2004-2008, 1632 thyroid operation materials have been inspected in the pathology department. Their histopathological features have been evaluated retrospectively Results: 84% of the 1632 thyroid materials have been diagnosed as benign, and 16% as malignant. Conclusion: Adenomatous hyperplasia is the most common thyroid diease. It has been diagnosed as 77.5% among the benign lesions. While thyroid cancer is the m...
Primary ovarian pregnancy is a rare type of extrauterine pregnancy with an incidence of 0.5-1% of... more Primary ovarian pregnancy is a rare type of extrauterine pregnancy with an incidence of 0.5-1% of all ectopic pregnancies. The incidence ranges from 1/40000 to 1/7000 deliveries. We report a primary ovarian pregnancy in a spontaneus conception cycle in a 40-year-old woman with no predisposing factor. The patient was admitted to the emergency clinic with signs and symptoms of acute abdomen with heamoperitoneum , in a preshock state. An emergency laparotomy and wedge resection of the ovary was performed. Histopathologic examination showed chorion villi embedded in the ovarian tissue in multiple sections in different areas of the material. This is a discussion about this rare phenomenon, its ethiology, differential and clinical diagnosis and a review of literature.
Şisli Etfal Tıp Bulteni, 2013
Ovarian masses sometimes can be seen as bulky masses reaching to huge amounts. Most pathologic si... more Ovarian masses sometimes can be seen as bulky masses reaching to huge amounts. Most pathologic signs can be attributed to compression effect on intraabdominal organs, vascular structures and ascites made by tumor. After removal of such huge pelvic masses, serious clinical hypotension and inferior vena cava (IVC) syndrome can be seen related to the aspiration of high levels of fluid or resection of bulky mass. Here, we present four cases of bulky ovarian masses by means of gynecologic surgery, anaesthesia and pathology. Case: 54, 35, 39, 42 years old patients having 20 kg and 40x20cm; 14 kg and 40x40x40 cm, 17 kg and 45x50 cm and 53x50 cm adnexal masses respectively were operated. Histopathologies were found each to be the first two borderline mucinous carcinomas, third one was benign endometrioid tumor and the fourth one was mucinous cystadenoma complexed with teratom structures. On preoperative assessment, patients had dyspnea and tachypnea due to huge abdominal distention, blood gas parameters were hypoxic. To prevent supin hypotensive syndrome and other complications peroperatively, cases were evaluated by anesthesiology and the appropriate anesthesia technique was chosen, no major complications were seen in the peroperative or postoperative periods. Discussion: Giant ovarian cyst excision may be associated with significant mortality. Most of the problems are due to the size of the cyst and to the patient‘s poor condition. Serious problems in this case mainly develop because of intraoperative blood loss and duration of the operation, postoperative hypotension and electrolyte disorders may be seen. Special attention should be paid to ventilator monitoring and hemodynamic assessment peroperatively and intraoperative fluid imbalance, hypotermia and coagulopathy regulation and the operative approach in the planning area needs to be done carefully.
Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2013
Primer ovaryan ektopik gebelik oldukça nadir görülüp tüm dış gebeliklerin %0,5-1'ini oluşturur. İ... more Primer ovaryan ektopik gebelik oldukça nadir görülüp tüm dış gebeliklerin %0,5-1'ini oluşturur. İnsidansı 1/7000-40000 gebeliktir. Spontan bir siklusta hiçbir predispozan faktör olmaksızın 40 yaşında bir hastada oluşmuş bir primer ovaryan ektopik gebelik olgusu sunacağız. Hasta akut batın belirti ve bulgularıyla preşok durumda acil kliniğimize başvurdu. Transvajinal ultrasonografide 30 mm çapında kistik sol ovaryan kitle tespit edildi. Müracaatında hemoglobin seviyesi 8,4g/dl ve serum bHCG seviyesi 2548 mlU/ml idi. Acil laparotomi ve over kama rezeksiyonu uygulandı. Histopatolojik olarak alınan materyalin yapılan çoklu kesilerinde birçok alanda over dokusu içine invaze olmuş koryon villusları izlenmiştir. Bu nadir olgunun etyolojisi, ayırıcı tanısı, klinik tanısı hakkında bilgi verilerek literatür gözden geçirilmiştir.
Cukurova Medical Journal, Sep 30, 2018
BMC medical imaging, Jan 18, 2018
Malignant plasma cell proliferation may present as a disseminated disease (multiple myeloma), a s... more Malignant plasma cell proliferation may present as a disseminated disease (multiple myeloma), a solitary plasmacytoma of bone, or an extramedullary plasmacytoma of soft tissue. The latter plasmacytomas represent approximately 3% of all plasma cell proliferations, and 80% develop in the head-and-neck region. The unexpected clinical presentation of such masses may be present. Here, we report a rare case of primary tonsillar plasmacytoma in a 42-year-old female. The patient presented with asymmetric tonsillar hypertrophy that was resistant to antibiotherapy. Upon further workup, we found no evidence of multiple myeloma or light-chain disease. The patient underwent surgery and, at the last follow-up, exhibited no evidence of such disease. In adults presenting with asymptomatic tonsillar enlargement, the possibility of submucosal masses should be considered, thus encouraging the radiologist to evaluate crypts within the palatine tonsil on a postcontrast MRI, besides enlargement and signa...