nejat ira - (original) (raw)
Papers by nejat ira
Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi, 2004
Educational policy analysis and strategic research, May 27, 2021
The negative effects of natural and social issues on individuals have necessitated the discussion... more The negative effects of natural and social issues on individuals have necessitated the discussion of the concept of subjective well-being as a major health concern. Teachers' subjective well-being has a crucial role in the functioning of the education system. This qualitative descriptive study aims to examine the views of refugees’ teachers on their subjective well-being. The data obtained in the study were collected with semi-structured interviews. The data were collected from seven teachers working at a public primary school in Canakkale, Turkey in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The analyses of the semi-structured interviews with the teachers of the refugee students produced four subjective well-being themes – i.e., family relationships, communication with refugee students, cooperation with parents, and working conditions. The data revealed that teacher's good relationships with the refugee students’ family members and parents, culture-sensitive education-oriented communication with students, and working conditions with a supporting school environment were key to enhancing subjective well-being of the refugees’ teachers. This result presented a crucial implication for policymakers to prepare in-service training for the population of the interviewed teachers.
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 2021
The negative effects of natural and social issues on individuals have necessitated the discussion... more The negative effects of natural and social issues on individuals have necessitated the discussion of the concept of subjective well-being as a major health concern. Teachers' subjective well-being has a crucial role in the functioning of the education system. This qualitative descriptive study aims to examine the views of refugees’ teachers on their subjective well-being. The data obtained in the study were collected with semi-structured interviews. The data were collected from seven teachers working at a public primary school in Canakkale, Turkey in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The analyses of the semi-structured interviews with the teachers of the refugee students produced four subjective well-being themes – i.e., family relationships, communication with refugee students, cooperation with parents, and working conditions. The data revealed that teacher's good relationships with the refugee students’ family members and parents, culture-sensitive education-oriented communication with students, and working conditions with a supporting school environment were key to enhancing subjective well-being of the refugees’ teachers. This result presented a crucial implication for policymakers to prepare in-service training for the population of the interviewed teachers.
Yuksekogretim orgutlerinin yonetsel etkililiklerinin degerlendirilmesi, yuksekogretim orgutlerini... more Yuksekogretim orgutlerinin yonetsel etkililiklerinin degerlendirilmesi, yuksekogretim orgutlerinin daha iyi yonetilerek, bilimsel ve akademik amaclarina ulasmalarini saglayacaktir. Bu yaklasimdan hareketle, bu calismanin amaci, ozgun formu Murry (1993) tarafindan gelistirilen ve 2009 yilinda guncellenen “Yonetsel Etkililik Olcegi”ni Turkceye uyarlamaktir. Ilk etapta olcegin kapsam ve gorunus gecerliligi icin uzman gorusu alinmis, sonra olcegin dil gecerliligi saglanmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini, 2009-2010 ogretim yilinda 14 kamu universitesinin egitim fakultelerinde gorev yapmakta olan 1650 ogretim elemani olusturmaktadir. “Basit Seckisiz (tesadufi) Ornekleme” yontemi kullanilan calismada 162 kisi ornekleme alinmistir. Olcegin faktor yapisi acimlayici faktor analizi ile incelenmis, olcegin bes faktorlu bir yapi gosterdigi belirlenmistir. Olcegin boyutlarinin Cronbah Alfa ic tutarlilik katsayilari, “planlama ve karar verme” .94, “orgutleme ve insan kaynaklari yonetimi” .94, “ekip cal...
Information Development, 2021
The aim of the study was to investigate secondary school students’ and teachers’ access to inform... more The aim of the study was to investigate secondary school students’ and teachers’ access to information technologies in Turkey by making interregional comparisons. Document analysis of the qualitative research methods was employed to analyze the reports issued by the Turkish Ministry of National Education, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The results of the research revealed the importance of access to information and communication technologies for both students and teachers: 67.9% of the participating students were found to have Internet connection and 69.1% a computer in their homes, while 80.3% of the students were observed to use a computer outside the school, but 19.7% were not. The results also showed that 64.6% of the students have Internet connection in their classrooms, but 29.2% of these students do not use the Internet in the classroom, whereas 8.9% use it in the classroom all the time. The rate of students using a digital device for reading is 38.1%, while that of those not using one is 61.9%. Some 32.1% of secondary school students were revealed not to have Internet connection at home. Additionally, 77% of teachers were not trained in online teaching prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the findings, teachers can be suggested to develop projects – i.e., of TUBITAK, E-twinning, and Erasmus – which potentially encourage students to use information and communication technologies so that both teachers and students can benefit from them. It is also suggested that the Ministry of National Education should work on improving the information communication technology competencies of teachers and students. Besides, policies should be developed to eliminate regional differences in terms of access to digital resources and technology in terms of equal opportunities and opportunities.
International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports &Science Education, 2020
Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, 2004
Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling (TIJSEG) ISSN: 1300-7432, Jun 28, 2021
The Korean Research Association For The Business Education, 2014
International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education, 2019
SCHOOL GOVERNANCE AND SELF LEADERSHIP School governance is defined as the ability to share decisi... more SCHOOL GOVERNANCE AND SELF LEADERSHIP School governance is defined as the ability to share decision-making power between teachers, parents, and other members of civil society, who are stakeholders of the school, and in general, school governance, as well as rules and policies for school and staff development and decision-making processes on how to manage the school. The question of how schools should be managed to create a suitable or ideal learning environment for students is the focus of international educational research (Darling-Hammond and Bullmaster, 1997). Self-leadership is defined as providing the motivation needed by the individual to perform his / her duties and responsibilities and thus improving himself / herself by affecting himself / herself (Ugurluoglu, 2010). The concept of self-leadership has begun to be considered as a remarkable concept in terms of educational sciences in recent years. With the increasing number of students and teachers, the concept of self-leade...
Okul yoneticilerinin sorumluluklari altinda olan ogrenci ve ogretmenlerinin yaraticiliklarini on ... more Okul yoneticilerinin sorumluluklari altinda olan ogrenci ve ogretmenlerinin yaraticiliklarini on plana cikaracak bir yonetim modeli gelistirmeleri gerekmektedir. Bunun icin okul yoneticilerinin ogrencilerin ve ogretmenlerin ozgur birey olmasi sorumlulugunu ne derece yerine getirdigi kritik bir onem tasimaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci, okul yoneticilerinin varoluscu dusunce cercevesinde degerlendirilmesini saglayacak bir olcme aracini gelistirmektir. Bu amacla gelistirilen Varoluscu Okul Yoneticisi Degerlendirme Olcegi’ni olusturan 25 madde ve 3 faktorun istenen niteliklere sahip olmasi ve yapilan acimlayici ve dogrulayici faktor analizleri sonucunda gecerliliginin ve guvenirliliginin yuksek olmasi kullanilabilecegini gostermektedir.
Calisma hayatinda ozellikle son yillarda uzerinde agirlikli olarak calisilan konulardan biri, onc... more Calisma hayatinda ozellikle son yillarda uzerinde agirlikli olarak calisilan konulardan biri, once insan anlayisina dayali olarak calisani ise almaktan cok elde tutmak ve mutlu etmektir. Bu konuya katki saglayan uygulamalardan biri, performans degerlendirmedir. Ancak, performans degerlendirme sonuclarinin gercegi yansitip yansitmadigi noktasindaki tartismalar bu sonuclarin olusumuna etki eden faktorleri ortaya cikarmayi giderek daha zorunlu hale getirmektedir. Bu noktada calismada, performans degerlendirme sonuclarini etkileyen faktorlerden cinsiyet faktoru ele alinmaktadir. Degerlendirici ya da degerlendirilenin cinsiyetinin kadin ya da erkek olmasinin performans sonuclari uzerindeki etkisini ortaya koyabilmek amaci ile arastirmanin hipotezi, “degerlendirici cinsiyeti ve degerlendirilen cinsiyeti, gerceklestirilecek performans degerlendirmeleri uzerinde bir farklilik olusturacaktir” seklinde olusturulmustur. Hipotez universite ogrencilerden olusun 331 kisilik bir orneklem ile sinan...
The Anthropologist, 2014
This paper aims to provide a scale in order to determine teachers’ perspective on the LYS success... more This paper aims to provide a scale in order to determine teachers’ perspective on the LYS success. A 45-item scale was developed as a result of literature review. In order to check the validity and reliability, the scale was applied to 638 high school teachers working in 36 public schools in Kocaeli. In this paper we show that the LYS-success scale can be used due to its high validity and reliability assured through confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis and due to the fact that components, 12 item and 4 factors, forming the LYS-success scale have desired qualifications. LYS about the success of students, parents and administrators in the area will contribute to the development of scales.
As in many countries, there is a pressure on social security system of Turkey to reduce overall c... more As in many countries, there is a pressure on social security system of Turkey to reduce overall costs and increase savings at the same time. While the private sector responds these pressures by increasing flexible and atypical working types as expected, surprisingly, the public sector increasingly applies similar strategies. In this context, the education sector is exposed to various employment reforms and regulations. In this sense, more unsecured practices such as paid teaching and fixed-term contracts are replacing indefinite term job contracts both in private and public sectors. The negative side of this process is the unequal dual structure where a group of teachers are employed under indefinite term job contracts with stable social security coverage and where even a larger group of teachers are employed with fixed-term job contracts and covered only within their teaching period. These teachers, who are excluded from formal right-based social security system, inevitably, replac...
e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2018
Etkili bir sinif yonetiminin gerceklesmesinde gelecegin ogretmenleri olan ogretmen adaylarinin si... more Etkili bir sinif yonetiminin gerceklesmesinde gelecegin ogretmenleri olan ogretmen adaylarinin sinif yonetim algilarinin belirlenmesi onemlidir. Bu calismada, sinif yonetimini yapilandirmaci bakis acisiyla ele alan ve farkli branslardaki ogretmen adaylarinin yapilandirmaci bir sinif yonetimi algisina ne kadar sahip olduklarini belirlemeye yonelik, sinif yonetimini hem ogretimsel hem de davranissal yonetimi boyutlarda temel alan bir sinif yonetim algisi olcegi gelistirilmesi hedeflenmistir. Ancak arastirmacinin sinirli erisimi nedeniyle, az ornekleme ulasilmasi ile ancak acimlayici faktor analizi ile gecerlik ve guvenirlik analizleri yapilabilmistir. Bu nedenle bu calisma, bir on calisma olarak belirtilebilir. Olcek gelistirilirken, Martin ve Sass (2010) calismasi, sinif yonetimine iliskin algilarin belirlenmesi icin teorik cercevede temel alinmistir. Calismaya 2017-2018 akademik yilinda, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi’nde Psikolojik Danismanlik ve Rehberlik, Almanca Ogretmenlig...
Calismada ogretim elemanlarinin is erteleme davranislarina etki edebilecek bazi faktorleri goster... more Calismada ogretim elemanlarinin is erteleme davranislarina etki edebilecek bazi faktorleri gosterebilmek, bu alanda ileriye yonelik calismalara destek olabilmek amaciyla egitim fakulteleri bunyesindeki ogretim elemanlarinin A tipi kisilik duzeyleri ile is erteleme davranislari arasindaki iliski arastirilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini kolayda ornekleme teknigi ile secilen iki devlet ve bir vakif universitesinin egitim fakultesinde gorev yapmakta olan 79 ogretim elemani olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada, Isi Erteleme Davranisi Olcegi, A Tipi Kisilik Olcegi, kisisel bilgi formu kullanilmistir. Arastirmada iliskisel arastirma deseni kullanilmis olup; A tipi kisilik ile alt boyutlarinin isi erteleme davranisini aciklama duzeyleri incelenmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore isi erteleme ile hiza verilen onem ve zamanlamaya verilen onem arasinda negatif yonde anlamli bir iliski bulunmaktadir. Dogrusal coklu regresyon analizi sonuclarina gore isi erteleme davranisi duzeyindeki toplam varyansin %...
Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi, 2004
Educational policy analysis and strategic research, May 27, 2021
The negative effects of natural and social issues on individuals have necessitated the discussion... more The negative effects of natural and social issues on individuals have necessitated the discussion of the concept of subjective well-being as a major health concern. Teachers' subjective well-being has a crucial role in the functioning of the education system. This qualitative descriptive study aims to examine the views of refugees’ teachers on their subjective well-being. The data obtained in the study were collected with semi-structured interviews. The data were collected from seven teachers working at a public primary school in Canakkale, Turkey in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The analyses of the semi-structured interviews with the teachers of the refugee students produced four subjective well-being themes – i.e., family relationships, communication with refugee students, cooperation with parents, and working conditions. The data revealed that teacher's good relationships with the refugee students’ family members and parents, culture-sensitive education-oriented communication with students, and working conditions with a supporting school environment were key to enhancing subjective well-being of the refugees’ teachers. This result presented a crucial implication for policymakers to prepare in-service training for the population of the interviewed teachers.
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 2021
The negative effects of natural and social issues on individuals have necessitated the discussion... more The negative effects of natural and social issues on individuals have necessitated the discussion of the concept of subjective well-being as a major health concern. Teachers' subjective well-being has a crucial role in the functioning of the education system. This qualitative descriptive study aims to examine the views of refugees’ teachers on their subjective well-being. The data obtained in the study were collected with semi-structured interviews. The data were collected from seven teachers working at a public primary school in Canakkale, Turkey in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The analyses of the semi-structured interviews with the teachers of the refugee students produced four subjective well-being themes – i.e., family relationships, communication with refugee students, cooperation with parents, and working conditions. The data revealed that teacher's good relationships with the refugee students’ family members and parents, culture-sensitive education-oriented communication with students, and working conditions with a supporting school environment were key to enhancing subjective well-being of the refugees’ teachers. This result presented a crucial implication for policymakers to prepare in-service training for the population of the interviewed teachers.
Yuksekogretim orgutlerinin yonetsel etkililiklerinin degerlendirilmesi, yuksekogretim orgutlerini... more Yuksekogretim orgutlerinin yonetsel etkililiklerinin degerlendirilmesi, yuksekogretim orgutlerinin daha iyi yonetilerek, bilimsel ve akademik amaclarina ulasmalarini saglayacaktir. Bu yaklasimdan hareketle, bu calismanin amaci, ozgun formu Murry (1993) tarafindan gelistirilen ve 2009 yilinda guncellenen “Yonetsel Etkililik Olcegi”ni Turkceye uyarlamaktir. Ilk etapta olcegin kapsam ve gorunus gecerliligi icin uzman gorusu alinmis, sonra olcegin dil gecerliligi saglanmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini, 2009-2010 ogretim yilinda 14 kamu universitesinin egitim fakultelerinde gorev yapmakta olan 1650 ogretim elemani olusturmaktadir. “Basit Seckisiz (tesadufi) Ornekleme” yontemi kullanilan calismada 162 kisi ornekleme alinmistir. Olcegin faktor yapisi acimlayici faktor analizi ile incelenmis, olcegin bes faktorlu bir yapi gosterdigi belirlenmistir. Olcegin boyutlarinin Cronbah Alfa ic tutarlilik katsayilari, “planlama ve karar verme” .94, “orgutleme ve insan kaynaklari yonetimi” .94, “ekip cal...
Information Development, 2021
The aim of the study was to investigate secondary school students’ and teachers’ access to inform... more The aim of the study was to investigate secondary school students’ and teachers’ access to information technologies in Turkey by making interregional comparisons. Document analysis of the qualitative research methods was employed to analyze the reports issued by the Turkish Ministry of National Education, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The results of the research revealed the importance of access to information and communication technologies for both students and teachers: 67.9% of the participating students were found to have Internet connection and 69.1% a computer in their homes, while 80.3% of the students were observed to use a computer outside the school, but 19.7% were not. The results also showed that 64.6% of the students have Internet connection in their classrooms, but 29.2% of these students do not use the Internet in the classroom, whereas 8.9% use it in the classroom all the time. The rate of students using a digital device for reading is 38.1%, while that of those not using one is 61.9%. Some 32.1% of secondary school students were revealed not to have Internet connection at home. Additionally, 77% of teachers were not trained in online teaching prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the findings, teachers can be suggested to develop projects – i.e., of TUBITAK, E-twinning, and Erasmus – which potentially encourage students to use information and communication technologies so that both teachers and students can benefit from them. It is also suggested that the Ministry of National Education should work on improving the information communication technology competencies of teachers and students. Besides, policies should be developed to eliminate regional differences in terms of access to digital resources and technology in terms of equal opportunities and opportunities.
International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports &Science Education, 2020
Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, 2004
Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling (TIJSEG) ISSN: 1300-7432, Jun 28, 2021
The Korean Research Association For The Business Education, 2014
International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education, 2019
SCHOOL GOVERNANCE AND SELF LEADERSHIP School governance is defined as the ability to share decisi... more SCHOOL GOVERNANCE AND SELF LEADERSHIP School governance is defined as the ability to share decision-making power between teachers, parents, and other members of civil society, who are stakeholders of the school, and in general, school governance, as well as rules and policies for school and staff development and decision-making processes on how to manage the school. The question of how schools should be managed to create a suitable or ideal learning environment for students is the focus of international educational research (Darling-Hammond and Bullmaster, 1997). Self-leadership is defined as providing the motivation needed by the individual to perform his / her duties and responsibilities and thus improving himself / herself by affecting himself / herself (Ugurluoglu, 2010). The concept of self-leadership has begun to be considered as a remarkable concept in terms of educational sciences in recent years. With the increasing number of students and teachers, the concept of self-leade...
Okul yoneticilerinin sorumluluklari altinda olan ogrenci ve ogretmenlerinin yaraticiliklarini on ... more Okul yoneticilerinin sorumluluklari altinda olan ogrenci ve ogretmenlerinin yaraticiliklarini on plana cikaracak bir yonetim modeli gelistirmeleri gerekmektedir. Bunun icin okul yoneticilerinin ogrencilerin ve ogretmenlerin ozgur birey olmasi sorumlulugunu ne derece yerine getirdigi kritik bir onem tasimaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci, okul yoneticilerinin varoluscu dusunce cercevesinde degerlendirilmesini saglayacak bir olcme aracini gelistirmektir. Bu amacla gelistirilen Varoluscu Okul Yoneticisi Degerlendirme Olcegi’ni olusturan 25 madde ve 3 faktorun istenen niteliklere sahip olmasi ve yapilan acimlayici ve dogrulayici faktor analizleri sonucunda gecerliliginin ve guvenirliliginin yuksek olmasi kullanilabilecegini gostermektedir.
Calisma hayatinda ozellikle son yillarda uzerinde agirlikli olarak calisilan konulardan biri, onc... more Calisma hayatinda ozellikle son yillarda uzerinde agirlikli olarak calisilan konulardan biri, once insan anlayisina dayali olarak calisani ise almaktan cok elde tutmak ve mutlu etmektir. Bu konuya katki saglayan uygulamalardan biri, performans degerlendirmedir. Ancak, performans degerlendirme sonuclarinin gercegi yansitip yansitmadigi noktasindaki tartismalar bu sonuclarin olusumuna etki eden faktorleri ortaya cikarmayi giderek daha zorunlu hale getirmektedir. Bu noktada calismada, performans degerlendirme sonuclarini etkileyen faktorlerden cinsiyet faktoru ele alinmaktadir. Degerlendirici ya da degerlendirilenin cinsiyetinin kadin ya da erkek olmasinin performans sonuclari uzerindeki etkisini ortaya koyabilmek amaci ile arastirmanin hipotezi, “degerlendirici cinsiyeti ve degerlendirilen cinsiyeti, gerceklestirilecek performans degerlendirmeleri uzerinde bir farklilik olusturacaktir” seklinde olusturulmustur. Hipotez universite ogrencilerden olusun 331 kisilik bir orneklem ile sinan...
The Anthropologist, 2014
This paper aims to provide a scale in order to determine teachers’ perspective on the LYS success... more This paper aims to provide a scale in order to determine teachers’ perspective on the LYS success. A 45-item scale was developed as a result of literature review. In order to check the validity and reliability, the scale was applied to 638 high school teachers working in 36 public schools in Kocaeli. In this paper we show that the LYS-success scale can be used due to its high validity and reliability assured through confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis and due to the fact that components, 12 item and 4 factors, forming the LYS-success scale have desired qualifications. LYS about the success of students, parents and administrators in the area will contribute to the development of scales.
As in many countries, there is a pressure on social security system of Turkey to reduce overall c... more As in many countries, there is a pressure on social security system of Turkey to reduce overall costs and increase savings at the same time. While the private sector responds these pressures by increasing flexible and atypical working types as expected, surprisingly, the public sector increasingly applies similar strategies. In this context, the education sector is exposed to various employment reforms and regulations. In this sense, more unsecured practices such as paid teaching and fixed-term contracts are replacing indefinite term job contracts both in private and public sectors. The negative side of this process is the unequal dual structure where a group of teachers are employed under indefinite term job contracts with stable social security coverage and where even a larger group of teachers are employed with fixed-term job contracts and covered only within their teaching period. These teachers, who are excluded from formal right-based social security system, inevitably, replac...
e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2018
Etkili bir sinif yonetiminin gerceklesmesinde gelecegin ogretmenleri olan ogretmen adaylarinin si... more Etkili bir sinif yonetiminin gerceklesmesinde gelecegin ogretmenleri olan ogretmen adaylarinin sinif yonetim algilarinin belirlenmesi onemlidir. Bu calismada, sinif yonetimini yapilandirmaci bakis acisiyla ele alan ve farkli branslardaki ogretmen adaylarinin yapilandirmaci bir sinif yonetimi algisina ne kadar sahip olduklarini belirlemeye yonelik, sinif yonetimini hem ogretimsel hem de davranissal yonetimi boyutlarda temel alan bir sinif yonetim algisi olcegi gelistirilmesi hedeflenmistir. Ancak arastirmacinin sinirli erisimi nedeniyle, az ornekleme ulasilmasi ile ancak acimlayici faktor analizi ile gecerlik ve guvenirlik analizleri yapilabilmistir. Bu nedenle bu calisma, bir on calisma olarak belirtilebilir. Olcek gelistirilirken, Martin ve Sass (2010) calismasi, sinif yonetimine iliskin algilarin belirlenmesi icin teorik cercevede temel alinmistir. Calismaya 2017-2018 akademik yilinda, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi’nde Psikolojik Danismanlik ve Rehberlik, Almanca Ogretmenlig...
Calismada ogretim elemanlarinin is erteleme davranislarina etki edebilecek bazi faktorleri goster... more Calismada ogretim elemanlarinin is erteleme davranislarina etki edebilecek bazi faktorleri gosterebilmek, bu alanda ileriye yonelik calismalara destek olabilmek amaciyla egitim fakulteleri bunyesindeki ogretim elemanlarinin A tipi kisilik duzeyleri ile is erteleme davranislari arasindaki iliski arastirilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini kolayda ornekleme teknigi ile secilen iki devlet ve bir vakif universitesinin egitim fakultesinde gorev yapmakta olan 79 ogretim elemani olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada, Isi Erteleme Davranisi Olcegi, A Tipi Kisilik Olcegi, kisisel bilgi formu kullanilmistir. Arastirmada iliskisel arastirma deseni kullanilmis olup; A tipi kisilik ile alt boyutlarinin isi erteleme davranisini aciklama duzeyleri incelenmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore isi erteleme ile hiza verilen onem ve zamanlamaya verilen onem arasinda negatif yonde anlamli bir iliski bulunmaktadir. Dogrusal coklu regresyon analizi sonuclarina gore isi erteleme davranisi duzeyindeki toplam varyansin %...