alfa nelwan - (original) (raw)
Papers by alfa nelwan
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2017
Produksi ikan merupakan salah satu indikator kinerja armada penangkapan. Ukuran upaya penangkapa... more Produksi ikan merupakan salah satu indikator kinerja armada penangkapan. Ukuran upaya penangkapan akan menentukan produksi tersebut. Dinamika perikanan tangkap dapat digambarkan dari fluktuasi upaya penangkapan ikan, produksi dan produktivitas penangkapan ikan. Perikanan di pantai barat Sulawesi Selatan dibedakan menjadi 3 perikanan menurut perairan di hadapan provinsi tersebut, yaitu zona A (perairan Kepulauan Spermonde), zona B (Teluk Mandar), dan zona C (perairan Kabupaten Majene dan Mamuju). Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan kinerja perikanan tangkap pada ketiga zona perikanan setelah melakukan standarisasi upaya penangkapan dari 8 delapan jenis unit penangkapan ikan, serta mempertimbangkan kebijakan pembangunan perikanan dalam kurun waktu 30 tahun (1977-2006). Armada penangkapan ikan dari ketiga zona perikanan menunjukkan tren signifikan menurun hubungan antara upaya penangkapan dan CPUE (<em>catch perunit effort) </em>untuk kurun waktu tersebut. Kinerja ...
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2016
Acoustic technology for fisheries is one of technologies with the advantages to detect marine res... more Acoustic technology for fisheries is one of technologies with the advantages to detect marine resources including estimating density and the presence of fish and relatively more accurate than conventional methods. The present study aims to assess the effectiveness of the operation of the lift-net with hydroacoustic technology in an effort to increase the productivity of the fisherman of boat liftnet. The study was conducted on fishing activity of boat liftnet in the Makassar Strait from April to May 2015 by utilizing the tools of acoustic technology in the operation of the boat liftnet. The analysis method is based on the productivity of the boat liftnet. The results showed that the productivity of fishing gear which is operated by using the tools of fisheries acoustic were improved compared with the fishing effort without acoustic tools. This result is expected to be a reference to research on the use of acoustic technology in a variety of fishing gear and as reference to research ...
Oleh : Drs. A. M. Asaf Nadjuddan, M.A. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertuj... more Oleh : Drs. A. M. Asaf Nadjuddan, M.A. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan masalah bimbingan dan konseling yang dihadapi mahasiswa baru Universitas Hasanuddin tahun akademik 2001/2002. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen adaptasi dari Personal Needs Assesment Form. Responden yang digunakan dalam penitian ini adalah berjumlah 150 responden yang terdiri dari Fakultas Satra dan Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Unniversitas Hasanuddin Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Fakultas Sastra sangat penting diadakan pelayanan wawancara konseling; dibidang teknik belajar (51,24%), pengembangan karier (55,50%) dan penyesuaian diri sebesar (63,21%). Sedang pada Fakultas kedokteran untuk bidang teknik belajar (43,24%), pengembangan karier (56,97%) dan penyesuaian diri sebesar (58,73%). Kata kunci : Bimbingan konseling, teknik belajar, pengembangan karier 02.2 ANALISIS JENDER PADA HAK PEMILIKAN PEREMPUAN ATAS TANAH PEMBERIAN DALAM PERKAWINAN Oleh : Nurfaidah Said, S.H, M.H. MKW
Journal Ipteks Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Oct 1, 2014
The research included the characteristics of Fish Catch of Fixed-Typed Liftnet (Bagan Tancap) bas... more The research included the characteristics of Fish Catch of Fixed-Typed Liftnet (Bagan Tancap) based on the characteristics of surrounding ecosystem. This research was carried out from September to December 2012 at Bone Bay waters. The objective of this research was to analysis the total and composition of fish catch based on the characteristics of surrounding ecosystem in supporting responsible fisheries. The data collection was at every hauling time, total and composition of fish catch was weighed and separated for every sampling. The result showed that there were 29 fish species dominated small pelagic fishes. Fish catch in the surrounding ecosystem of stone was dominated by ketang-ketang (Scatophagus argus) 57% and partly was Gabel kalong (Platax teira) 1.7% while at the surrounding ecosystem of padang lamun was dominated by Belanak (Mugil sp) 46.15% and partly was teri (Spratelloides robustus) 1.54%. The catching results for every hauling at the surrounding ecosystem of padang lamun were better than at the surrounding ecosystem of stone. Based on the structure of size, a lot of fish catch are small. Therefore, it is suggested that the size of the mesh size increased from 0.5 cm to 1.0 cm or more.
Jurnal Akuatika, Mar 1, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menentukan produktivitas penangkapan bagan tancap (2) menentuk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menentukan produktivitas penangkapan bagan tancap (2) menentukan komposisi jenis ikan dan frekuensi kemunculan jenis ikan hasil tangkapan; (3) membandingkan produktivitas penangkapan bagan tancap berdasarkan jarak dari pantai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Punagaya, Kec. Bangkala, Kab. Jeneponto pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2011. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus pada dua unit penangkapan bagan tancap. Teknik pengambilan data yang dilakukan selama penelitian yaitu melakukan pengukuran secara langsung dilapangan. Perbandingan hasil tangkapan dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji perbandingan non parametrik Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi total bagan tancap yang dioperasikan dekat dari pantai sebesar 422,23 kg,sedangkan bagan tancap yang jauh dari pantai sebesar 732,92 kg. Terdapat 32 jenis ikan yang tertangkap dari bagan tancap dekat pantai, sedangkan bagan tancap yang jauh dari pantai terdapat 34 jenis ikan. Terdapat 10 jenis ikan yang dominan tertangkap, baik bagan tancap dekat pantai maupun yang jauh dari pantai. Tidak terdapat perbedaan produktivitas penangkapan yang signifikan antara bagan yang tancap yang dioperasikan dekat pantai dengan bagan tancap yang dioperasikan jauh dari pantai.
International Journal of Geosciences, 2013
Potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna in the Bone Bay-Flores Sea were investigated from satel... more Potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna in the Bone Bay-Flores Sea were investigated from satellite-based oceanography and catch data, using a linear model (generalized linear model) constructed from generalized additive models and geographic information systems. Monthly mean remotely sensed sea surface temperature and surface chlorophyll-a concentration during the southeast monsoon (April-August) were used for the year 2012. The best generalized additive model was selected to assess the effect of marine environment variables (sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration) on skipjack tuna abundance (catch per unit effort). Then, the appropriate linear model was constructed from the functional relationship of the generalized additive model for generating a robust predictive model. Model selection process for the generalized additive model was based on significance of model terms, decrease in residual deviance, and increase in cumulative variance explained, whereas the model selection for the linear model was based on decrease in residual deviance, reduction in Akaike's Information Criterion, increasing cumulative variance explained and significance of model terms. The best model was selected to predict skipjack tuna abundance and their spatial distribution patterns over entire study area. A simple linear model was used to verify the predicted values. Results indicated that the distribution pattern of potential fishing zones for skipjack during the southeast monsoon were well characterized by sea surface temperatures ranging from 28.5˚C to 30.5˚C and chlorophyll-a ranging from 0.10 to 0.20 mg·m −3 . Predicted highest catch per unit efforts were significantly consistent with the fishing data (P < 0.01, R 2 = 0.8), suggesting that the oceanographic indicators may correspond well with the potential feeding ground for skipjack tuna. This good feeding opportunity for skipjack was driven the dynamics of upwelling operating within study area which are capable of creating a highly potential fishing zone during the southeast monsoon.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2017
Produksi ikan merupakan salah satu indikator kinerja armada penangkapan. Ukuran upaya penangkapa... more Produksi ikan merupakan salah satu indikator kinerja armada penangkapan. Ukuran upaya penangkapan akan menentukan produksi tersebut. Dinamika perikanan tangkap dapat digambarkan dari fluktuasi upaya penangkapan ikan, produksi dan produktivitas penangkapan ikan. Perikanan di pantai barat Sulawesi Selatan dibedakan menjadi 3 perikanan menurut perairan di hadapan provinsi tersebut, yaitu zona A (perairan Kepulauan Spermonde), zona B (Teluk Mandar), dan zona C (perairan Kabupaten Majene dan Mamuju). Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan kinerja perikanan tangkap pada ketiga zona perikanan setelah melakukan standarisasi upaya penangkapan dari 8 delapan jenis unit penangkapan ikan, serta mempertimbangkan kebijakan pembangunan perikanan dalam kurun waktu 30 tahun (1977-2006). Armada penangkapan ikan dari ketiga zona perikanan menunjukkan tren signifikan menurun hubungan antara upaya penangkapan dan CPUE (<em>catch perunit effort) </em>untuk kurun waktu tersebut. Kinerja ...
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2016
Acoustic technology for fisheries is one of technologies with the advantages to detect marine res... more Acoustic technology for fisheries is one of technologies with the advantages to detect marine resources including estimating density and the presence of fish and relatively more accurate than conventional methods. The present study aims to assess the effectiveness of the operation of the lift-net with hydroacoustic technology in an effort to increase the productivity of the fisherman of boat liftnet. The study was conducted on fishing activity of boat liftnet in the Makassar Strait from April to May 2015 by utilizing the tools of acoustic technology in the operation of the boat liftnet. The analysis method is based on the productivity of the boat liftnet. The results showed that the productivity of fishing gear which is operated by using the tools of fisheries acoustic were improved compared with the fishing effort without acoustic tools. This result is expected to be a reference to research on the use of acoustic technology in a variety of fishing gear and as reference to research ...
Oleh : Drs. A. M. Asaf Nadjuddan, M.A. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertuj... more Oleh : Drs. A. M. Asaf Nadjuddan, M.A. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan masalah bimbingan dan konseling yang dihadapi mahasiswa baru Universitas Hasanuddin tahun akademik 2001/2002. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen adaptasi dari Personal Needs Assesment Form. Responden yang digunakan dalam penitian ini adalah berjumlah 150 responden yang terdiri dari Fakultas Satra dan Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Unniversitas Hasanuddin Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Fakultas Sastra sangat penting diadakan pelayanan wawancara konseling; dibidang teknik belajar (51,24%), pengembangan karier (55,50%) dan penyesuaian diri sebesar (63,21%). Sedang pada Fakultas kedokteran untuk bidang teknik belajar (43,24%), pengembangan karier (56,97%) dan penyesuaian diri sebesar (58,73%). Kata kunci : Bimbingan konseling, teknik belajar, pengembangan karier 02.2 ANALISIS JENDER PADA HAK PEMILIKAN PEREMPUAN ATAS TANAH PEMBERIAN DALAM PERKAWINAN Oleh : Nurfaidah Said, S.H, M.H. MKW
Journal Ipteks Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Oct 1, 2014
The research included the characteristics of Fish Catch of Fixed-Typed Liftnet (Bagan Tancap) bas... more The research included the characteristics of Fish Catch of Fixed-Typed Liftnet (Bagan Tancap) based on the characteristics of surrounding ecosystem. This research was carried out from September to December 2012 at Bone Bay waters. The objective of this research was to analysis the total and composition of fish catch based on the characteristics of surrounding ecosystem in supporting responsible fisheries. The data collection was at every hauling time, total and composition of fish catch was weighed and separated for every sampling. The result showed that there were 29 fish species dominated small pelagic fishes. Fish catch in the surrounding ecosystem of stone was dominated by ketang-ketang (Scatophagus argus) 57% and partly was Gabel kalong (Platax teira) 1.7% while at the surrounding ecosystem of padang lamun was dominated by Belanak (Mugil sp) 46.15% and partly was teri (Spratelloides robustus) 1.54%. The catching results for every hauling at the surrounding ecosystem of padang lamun were better than at the surrounding ecosystem of stone. Based on the structure of size, a lot of fish catch are small. Therefore, it is suggested that the size of the mesh size increased from 0.5 cm to 1.0 cm or more.
Jurnal Akuatika, Mar 1, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menentukan produktivitas penangkapan bagan tancap (2) menentuk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menentukan produktivitas penangkapan bagan tancap (2) menentukan komposisi jenis ikan dan frekuensi kemunculan jenis ikan hasil tangkapan; (3) membandingkan produktivitas penangkapan bagan tancap berdasarkan jarak dari pantai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Punagaya, Kec. Bangkala, Kab. Jeneponto pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2011. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus pada dua unit penangkapan bagan tancap. Teknik pengambilan data yang dilakukan selama penelitian yaitu melakukan pengukuran secara langsung dilapangan. Perbandingan hasil tangkapan dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji perbandingan non parametrik Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi total bagan tancap yang dioperasikan dekat dari pantai sebesar 422,23 kg,sedangkan bagan tancap yang jauh dari pantai sebesar 732,92 kg. Terdapat 32 jenis ikan yang tertangkap dari bagan tancap dekat pantai, sedangkan bagan tancap yang jauh dari pantai terdapat 34 jenis ikan. Terdapat 10 jenis ikan yang dominan tertangkap, baik bagan tancap dekat pantai maupun yang jauh dari pantai. Tidak terdapat perbedaan produktivitas penangkapan yang signifikan antara bagan yang tancap yang dioperasikan dekat pantai dengan bagan tancap yang dioperasikan jauh dari pantai.
International Journal of Geosciences, 2013
Potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna in the Bone Bay-Flores Sea were investigated from satel... more Potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna in the Bone Bay-Flores Sea were investigated from satellite-based oceanography and catch data, using a linear model (generalized linear model) constructed from generalized additive models and geographic information systems. Monthly mean remotely sensed sea surface temperature and surface chlorophyll-a concentration during the southeast monsoon (April-August) were used for the year 2012. The best generalized additive model was selected to assess the effect of marine environment variables (sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration) on skipjack tuna abundance (catch per unit effort). Then, the appropriate linear model was constructed from the functional relationship of the generalized additive model for generating a robust predictive model. Model selection process for the generalized additive model was based on significance of model terms, decrease in residual deviance, and increase in cumulative variance explained, whereas the model selection for the linear model was based on decrease in residual deviance, reduction in Akaike's Information Criterion, increasing cumulative variance explained and significance of model terms. The best model was selected to predict skipjack tuna abundance and their spatial distribution patterns over entire study area. A simple linear model was used to verify the predicted values. Results indicated that the distribution pattern of potential fishing zones for skipjack during the southeast monsoon were well characterized by sea surface temperatures ranging from 28.5˚C to 30.5˚C and chlorophyll-a ranging from 0.10 to 0.20 mg·m −3 . Predicted highest catch per unit efforts were significantly consistent with the fishing data (P < 0.01, R 2 = 0.8), suggesting that the oceanographic indicators may correspond well with the potential feeding ground for skipjack tuna. This good feeding opportunity for skipjack was driven the dynamics of upwelling operating within study area which are capable of creating a highly potential fishing zone during the southeast monsoon.