neti yuliana - (original) (raw)
Teaching Documents by neti yuliana
Swelling power and solubility are among the important properties of flour in application of a pro... more Swelling power and solubility are among the important properties of flour in application of a product. In this study, the swelling power and solubility pattern at 80 o C and 90 o C of flour fermented with diffrent starters were determined. Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, yeast, and their mixed starters as well as starter from sweetpotatoes pickle, were used as starters in the fermentation of sweetpotatoes during 5 days. Results indicated that fermentation starters had similar pattern on the swelling power and solubility of the flour, mean while, fermentation time had significant effect on these parameters. Fermentation time had effect quadrartic pattern on both swelling power and solubility. Longer fermentation time resulted in higher swelling power but deacrese after day-4. Similarly, longer fermentation time resulted in lower solubility until day-3. ABSTRAK Daya pembengkakan dan kelarutan merupakan sifat penting tepung dalam penentuan aplikasi suatu produk. Pada studi ini , dipelajari pola pembengkakan dan kelarutan pada suhu 80 o C dan 90 o C dari tepung fermentasi berbagai kultur. Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides , khamir, dan campurannya, serta cairan acar ubi jalar, digunakan sebagai starter dalam fermentasi ubi jalar selama 5 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima starter fermentasi menghasilkan pola daya pembengkakan dan kelarutan tepung yang sama. Sementara, waktu fermentasi memiliki efek yang nyata terhadap parameter tersebut. Waktu fermentasi berpengaruh dan menghasilkan pola kuadratik terhadap daya pembengkakan dan kelarutan. Semakin lama waktu fermentasi , menghasilkan daya pembengkakan semakin tinggi tetapi menurun setelah hari ke 4. Demikian pula, waktu fermentasi yang lebih lama menghasilkan kelarutan semakin menurun sampai hari ke 3. Kata kunci: daya pembengkakan, kelarutan, tepung ubi jalar fermentasi
Papers by neti yuliana
Deleted Journal, Mar 12, 2024
Selama pengolahan buah kakao menjadi biji kakao kering akan dihasilkan limbah pulpa kakao yang se... more Selama pengolahan buah kakao menjadi biji kakao kering akan dihasilkan limbah pulpa kakao yang selama ini belum termanfaatkan oleh petani. Semakin meningkatnya produksi biji kakao, mengakibatkan semakin meningkatnya limbah pulpa kakao yang terbuang. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan memberikan pendampingan mengenai pemanfaatan limbah pulpa kakao menjadi Nata de Cacao pada kelompok tani kakao di Desa Suka Agung, Tanggamus. Kegiatan di lapang terbagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi akhir. Metode kegiatan terdiri dari praktik dan ceramah. Kegiatan pengabdian pada kelompok tani kakao telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan anggota kelompok tani dalam pengolahan limbah pulpa kakao. Selain itu, juga telah meningkatkan keterampilan anggota kelompok tani dalam pengolahan Nata de Cacao. Kegiatan ini perlu ditindak lanjuti kembali di masa mendatang.
Malaysian applied biology, Oct 30, 2023
One of the food ingredients with the potential to be used as raw material for low glycemic index ... more One of the food ingredients with the potential to be used as raw material for low glycemic index food is functional cassava pulp flour (FCPF) which has a dietary fiber content of 23.84% and resistant starch of 7.31%. The present research aimed to obtain the optimal substitution concentration of FCPF to produce cookies with the best nutritional, organoleptic, and physical characteristics and a low glycemic index. It was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six levels of substitution concentration of FCPF, namely, 0% (control), 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. The results showed that the higher the concentration of FCPF substitution, the higher the fiber content, the resistant starch content, and the texture of cookies. Cookies with a 50% FCPF substitute concentration have the same organoleptic quality as those made from wheat flour (6.6 versus 6.9) but with the lowest glycemic index (40.29%). Cookie products with a 50% FCPF formulation are categorized as foods with a low glycemic index.
international food research journal, Aug 29, 2023
High noodle consumption is associated with an increased risk of generative diseases due to noodle... more High noodle consumption is associated with an increased risk of generative diseases due to noodles' relatively high glycaemic response. Plants containing high phenolic compounds can reduce the glycaemic response of carbohydrate-rich foods. The present work thus aimed to evaluate the physical properties and glycaemic response of tapioca noodles fortified with a mixture of turmeric (T), cinnamon (C), and guava leaves (G) powder. The proportions of herbs (T
Abstract Resistant starch is starch that can not be digested in the human intestine and have phys... more Abstract Resistant starch is starch that can not be digested in the human intestine and have physiological effects that are beneficial to health such as being prebiotics. Prebiotics research on resistant starchs type of III and IV modified from breadfruit is rarely. This study was aimed to evaluate the potential prebiotic resistant starchs type of III and IV modified from breadfruit. Research used randomized complete block design (RAKL) with three replications and six levels of treatment : control of natural starch (S0K), retrogradasi (S3R), RS type of IV acetylation (S4A), RS type of IV phosphorylation (S4F), and glucose (S5G). The difference between the treatment means were assessed by ANOVA and continued with Least Significant Difference (LSD) at level of 5%. The results showed that the resistant starchs type of III and IV have prebiotic potency because these can be used as fermentation substrate of colonic bacteria to produce Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA). Based on pH, SCFA, ALB, and fermentability, the best treatment is S3R (resistant starch type of III retrogradation) with the characteristic as follows : pH value of 5.600, total lactic acid bacteria log 8.586 colonies / mL, total free fatty acid 0.824% and 51.113% fermentability. Keywords: resistant starch, resistant starchs type III and IV, and prebiotic
MOJ Food Processing & Technology
Starch can be added to yogurt to improve its body and texture, specially to increase viscosity an... more Starch can be added to yogurt to improve its body and texture, specially to increase viscosity and reduce syneresis. Starch utilization in a product can be done in the form of flour containing the main component of the starch. This study aims to determine the concentration of fermented sweet potato flour (FSPF) to produce the best quality characteristics of Ambon banana yogurt, significantly reducing syneresis and retain sensory yogurt. In this research, three levels of fermented sweet potato flour (0, 1, and 2 %) with three replicates were considered. The results showed that fermented sweet potato flour affects the quality characteristics of Ambon banana yogurt, and FSPF supplementation is proven to reduce syneresis. The best characteristics of yogurt are found in fermented sweet potato flour concentration of 2%, which produces a viscosity of 3400 cP, protein content of 3.72%, and fat content of 4.45%; syneresis 3.97%; total dissolved solids was 18.77%, and the sensory score was ar...
Food Research
Fermentation treatments change the pasting properties of sweet potato flour, which may improve it... more Fermentation treatments change the pasting properties of sweet potato flour, which may improve its utilization in composite flour. This research was carried out to evaluate the pasting properties of composite fermented sweet potato flour and the quality of composite salted noodles using those composite flour. Sweet potato slices were fermented using five different starters (spontaneous, Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, a mix of Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and a mix of Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and processed into flour. Native sweet potato flour without fermentation was also prepared as a control. A total of six sweet potato flour (SPF) were then used to substitute 50% of the wheat flour in composite white salted noodles. Then, the pasting properties of the composite flour and the quality of the noodles were evaluated. Results proved that composite fermented SPF had higher pasting p...
Socialization and assistance for implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) have been carrie... more Socialization and assistance for implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) have been carried out in the banana chip small enterprise in Karang Turi village, South Lampung. The community service used the descriptive observational methods with the stages of interviews, lectures and discussions, and GMP assessment before and after the implementation of GMP (CPPB-IRT). Initial observations indicated non-conformities with the GMP (CPPB-IRT) requirements as much as 46.15% of the total 31 elements of the examination. Major non-conformities were in the facility elements and hygiene and sanitation activities, employee health and hygiene, maintenance and sanitation and hygiene programs. Socialization and assistance for implementing GMP in Pak Sumaji's chip small enterprises were gradually able to improve the production process system and the behavior of a healthy and clean life according to CPPB with fairly good criteria (65%).
Nova Publisher eBooks, Oct 1, 2020
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN, Mar 1, 2022
Ummy Nissa, merupakan salah satu IKM yang memproduksi kerupuk kemplang yang terletak di Gedung Ta... more Ummy Nissa, merupakan salah satu IKM yang memproduksi kerupuk kemplang yang terletak di Gedung Tataan, Kabupaten Pesawaran. Pelaku usaha Ummy Nissa belum mengenal dan memahami bagaimana cara berproduksi pangan yang baik, sehingga memerlukan pendampingan dalam penerapan Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan dengan tahapan: (1) evaluasi pelaksanaan GMP pada IKM Ummy Nissa, (2) pelatihan GMP melalui ceramah dan diskusi, dan (3) praktik berproduksi sesuai dengan GMP. Prinsip prinsip GMP mengacu pada surat keputusan menteri RI No: 23/Men.Kes/SK/I/1978 tentang pedoman cara berproduksi makanan yang baik. Pendampingan meningkatkan skor penilaian dari kriteria kurang menjadi cukup, dan kriteria cukup menjadi baik pada butir-butir terpilih dari 13 aspek penilaian penerapan GMP.
Sentra Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Keripik di Jalan Pagar Alam merupakan salah satu sentra wisata... more Sentra Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Keripik di Jalan Pagar Alam merupakan salah satu sentra wisata kuliner yang cukup digemari dan sangat dikenal masyarakat Lampung. Akan tetapi, produk yang dihasilkan dari IRT keripik ini sudah jenuh, tidak ada inovasi dan tidak ada pembaharuan. Produk keripik dijual dalam bentuk apa adanya, umumnya tidak dikemas atau ditampilkan dalam bentuk curah, sehingga sulit untuk dipasarkan ke supermarket atau ekspor ke luar negeri. Oleh karena itu transfer teknologi tepat guna diperlukan untuk mengembangkan diversifikasi kemasan, rasa, dan bentuk keripik pisang. Tim Pengabdian THP memandang perlu melakukan pendampingan diversifikasi kemasan yang pada kegiatan ini dilakukan pada Kelompok Usaha Bersama Telo Rezeki. Kegiatan pengabdian meningkatkan pengembangan wawasan secara signifikan (45%); perubahan prilaku dalam pemilihan kemasan dan penggunaan kemasan (25%) dan wawasan diversifikasi rasa (25%), serta peningkatan wawasan diversifikasi bentuk (50%).
The Chips Home Industry Center at Pagar Alam street are well known by the people of Lampung and o... more The Chips Home Industry Center at Pagar Alam street are well known by the people of Lampung and one of the favorite culinary centers. The problem with the chips industry is the products produced are saturated, there are no innovations and no renewal. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer appropriate technology to develop packaging diversification, taste and shape of banana chips. The THP Team considers that it necessary to carry out a diversified packaging assistance program. After dedication, there was a significant development of insights from 45% to 90%; and changes in behavior in the selection and use of packaging from 55% to 80%; insight into taste diversification from 60% to 85% and insight into form diversification increased from 40% to 90%
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian, Nov 6, 2017
The research objective was to determine the impact of providing complementary weaning food (MP-AS... more The research objective was to determine the impact of providing complementary weaning food (MP-ASI) formula made from fermented corn with soybean tempeh on the nutritional status of two years children (baduta). Provision of complementary weaning food formula made from fermented corn with soybean tempeh to baduta was conducted for 2 consecutive months that preceded the measurement of nutritional status based index baduta BB / U as a baseline (pre-test). Further measurements of nutritional status is done every month until the end of the the MP-ASI formula giving. Analysis of the impact of giving complementary weaningfood on nutritional status of children (baduta) using unpaired t test (paired t-test). The results showed the difference in the nutritional status of children (baduta) based index BB /U at 95% confidence level between before and after the MP-ASI feeding with nutritional adequacy level (NAL) of vitamin A 119%.
Jurnal Agritech Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM, Aug 29, 2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi perubahan karakterisitik biokimia fermentasi tempoyak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi perubahan karakterisitik biokimia fermentasi tempoyak dengan Pediococcus acidilactici sebagai kultur starter pada tiga tingkat konsentrasi gula (0%; 2,5% dan 5%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan konsentrasi gula sampai dengan 5% belum mempengaruhi perubahan karakterisitk biokimia tempoyak (pH, total asam, total gula reduksi). Namun demikian konsentrasi gula berpengaruh terhadap total individu komponen asam organik (asam laktat dan asam asetat). Sebaliknya, perubahan karakterisitik biokimia (pH, total asam, total gula reduksi) tempoyak sangat dipengaruhi oleh lama fermentasi, yaitu semakin lama fermentasi, pH dan gula reduksi semakin menurun, sedangkan total asam meningkat.
Applied food research, Jun 1, 2023
Sentra Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Keripik di Jalan Pagar Alam sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat Lam... more Sentra Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Keripik di Jalan Pagar Alam sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat Lampung dan merupakan salah satu sentra wisata kuliner yang cukup digemari. Permasalahan dari IRT keripik ini adalah produk-produk yang dihasilkan sudah jenuh, tidak ada inovasi dan tidak ada pembaharuan. Menurut ketua kelompok usaha keripik, Sucipto Adi, bahwa produk keripik dijual dalam bentuk apa adanya sehingga sulit untuk dipasarkan ke Super Market atau Ekspor ke Luar Negeri. Selain itu kripik yang dihasilkan hanya dua jenis yaitu kripik pisang dan kripik singkong dengan diversifikasi cita rasa saja. Oleh karena itu perlu kelembagaan yang dinamis, peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan masyarakat, dan transfer teknologi tepat guna pengembangan usaha kripik harus dilakukan secara cermat, tepat dan efisien guna memperkuat daya saing. Tim Pengabdian THP memandang perlu untuk melakukan Program Hi-link agar dapat meningkatkan daya saing dan kualitas produksi di kawasan sentra industri kripik ini. Program dilakukan selama 3 tahun dan transfer IPTEK yang akan diberikan meliputi re-inforrcement kemandirian dan transfer teknologi. Dengan tujuan: Tahun ke-1 adalah pembenahan mutu produk dan Tahun ke-2 adalah ekspose produk dan kawasan sentra IRT serta Tahun ke-3 adalah target ekspor.Kegiatan Hi-Link yang dilakukan mulai dari penguatan kelembagaan, bantuan alat dan kemasan serta pembukaan rumah contoh keripik, semuanya sangat berdampak besar terhadap pengembangan usaha bagi industry keripik pisang di sentra keripik pisang Bandar Lampung, serta dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan pengelola IRT terhadap keripik buah dan kemasan, serta berdampak dalam meningkatkan penjualan. Pendampingan dalam pembuatan web, instagram, facebook, serta media social lainnya oleh tim Hi-Link juga ikut mempromosikan daerah sentra industry keripik Bandar Lampung. Penelitian-penelitian yang mendukung pengolahan keripik pisang dan pengolahan limbah turut mendukung pengelolaan industry keripik, mahasiwa yang turut serta dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 orang dengan focus pengelolaan limbah (2 orang) dan pengolahan keripik (1 orang). Kata kunci: Re-inforcement, kemandirian, IPTEK, ekspor
Swelling power and solubility are among the important properties of flour in application of a pro... more Swelling power and solubility are among the important properties of flour in application of a product. In this study, the swelling power and solubility pattern at 80 o C and 90 o C of flour fermented with diffrent starters were determined. Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, yeast, and their mixed starters as well as starter from sweetpotatoes pickle, were used as starters in the fermentation of sweetpotatoes during 5 days. Results indicated that fermentation starters had similar pattern on the swelling power and solubility of the flour, mean while, fermentation time had significant effect on these parameters. Fermentation time had effect quadrartic pattern on both swelling power and solubility. Longer fermentation time resulted in higher swelling power but deacrese after day-4. Similarly, longer fermentation time resulted in lower solubility until day-3. ABSTRAK Daya pembengkakan dan kelarutan merupakan sifat penting tepung dalam penentuan aplikasi suatu produk. Pada studi ini , dipelajari pola pembengkakan dan kelarutan pada suhu 80 o C dan 90 o C dari tepung fermentasi berbagai kultur. Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides , khamir, dan campurannya, serta cairan acar ubi jalar, digunakan sebagai starter dalam fermentasi ubi jalar selama 5 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima starter fermentasi menghasilkan pola daya pembengkakan dan kelarutan tepung yang sama. Sementara, waktu fermentasi memiliki efek yang nyata terhadap parameter tersebut. Waktu fermentasi berpengaruh dan menghasilkan pola kuadratik terhadap daya pembengkakan dan kelarutan. Semakin lama waktu fermentasi , menghasilkan daya pembengkakan semakin tinggi tetapi menurun setelah hari ke 4. Demikian pula, waktu fermentasi yang lebih lama menghasilkan kelarutan semakin menurun sampai hari ke 3. Kata kunci: daya pembengkakan, kelarutan, tepung ubi jalar fermentasi
Deleted Journal, Mar 12, 2024
Selama pengolahan buah kakao menjadi biji kakao kering akan dihasilkan limbah pulpa kakao yang se... more Selama pengolahan buah kakao menjadi biji kakao kering akan dihasilkan limbah pulpa kakao yang selama ini belum termanfaatkan oleh petani. Semakin meningkatnya produksi biji kakao, mengakibatkan semakin meningkatnya limbah pulpa kakao yang terbuang. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan memberikan pendampingan mengenai pemanfaatan limbah pulpa kakao menjadi Nata de Cacao pada kelompok tani kakao di Desa Suka Agung, Tanggamus. Kegiatan di lapang terbagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi akhir. Metode kegiatan terdiri dari praktik dan ceramah. Kegiatan pengabdian pada kelompok tani kakao telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan anggota kelompok tani dalam pengolahan limbah pulpa kakao. Selain itu, juga telah meningkatkan keterampilan anggota kelompok tani dalam pengolahan Nata de Cacao. Kegiatan ini perlu ditindak lanjuti kembali di masa mendatang.
Malaysian applied biology, Oct 30, 2023
One of the food ingredients with the potential to be used as raw material for low glycemic index ... more One of the food ingredients with the potential to be used as raw material for low glycemic index food is functional cassava pulp flour (FCPF) which has a dietary fiber content of 23.84% and resistant starch of 7.31%. The present research aimed to obtain the optimal substitution concentration of FCPF to produce cookies with the best nutritional, organoleptic, and physical characteristics and a low glycemic index. It was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six levels of substitution concentration of FCPF, namely, 0% (control), 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. The results showed that the higher the concentration of FCPF substitution, the higher the fiber content, the resistant starch content, and the texture of cookies. Cookies with a 50% FCPF substitute concentration have the same organoleptic quality as those made from wheat flour (6.6 versus 6.9) but with the lowest glycemic index (40.29%). Cookie products with a 50% FCPF formulation are categorized as foods with a low glycemic index.
international food research journal, Aug 29, 2023
High noodle consumption is associated with an increased risk of generative diseases due to noodle... more High noodle consumption is associated with an increased risk of generative diseases due to noodles' relatively high glycaemic response. Plants containing high phenolic compounds can reduce the glycaemic response of carbohydrate-rich foods. The present work thus aimed to evaluate the physical properties and glycaemic response of tapioca noodles fortified with a mixture of turmeric (T), cinnamon (C), and guava leaves (G) powder. The proportions of herbs (T
Abstract Resistant starch is starch that can not be digested in the human intestine and have phys... more Abstract Resistant starch is starch that can not be digested in the human intestine and have physiological effects that are beneficial to health such as being prebiotics. Prebiotics research on resistant starchs type of III and IV modified from breadfruit is rarely. This study was aimed to evaluate the potential prebiotic resistant starchs type of III and IV modified from breadfruit. Research used randomized complete block design (RAKL) with three replications and six levels of treatment : control of natural starch (S0K), retrogradasi (S3R), RS type of IV acetylation (S4A), RS type of IV phosphorylation (S4F), and glucose (S5G). The difference between the treatment means were assessed by ANOVA and continued with Least Significant Difference (LSD) at level of 5%. The results showed that the resistant starchs type of III and IV have prebiotic potency because these can be used as fermentation substrate of colonic bacteria to produce Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA). Based on pH, SCFA, ALB, and fermentability, the best treatment is S3R (resistant starch type of III retrogradation) with the characteristic as follows : pH value of 5.600, total lactic acid bacteria log 8.586 colonies / mL, total free fatty acid 0.824% and 51.113% fermentability. Keywords: resistant starch, resistant starchs type III and IV, and prebiotic
MOJ Food Processing & Technology
Starch can be added to yogurt to improve its body and texture, specially to increase viscosity an... more Starch can be added to yogurt to improve its body and texture, specially to increase viscosity and reduce syneresis. Starch utilization in a product can be done in the form of flour containing the main component of the starch. This study aims to determine the concentration of fermented sweet potato flour (FSPF) to produce the best quality characteristics of Ambon banana yogurt, significantly reducing syneresis and retain sensory yogurt. In this research, three levels of fermented sweet potato flour (0, 1, and 2 %) with three replicates were considered. The results showed that fermented sweet potato flour affects the quality characteristics of Ambon banana yogurt, and FSPF supplementation is proven to reduce syneresis. The best characteristics of yogurt are found in fermented sweet potato flour concentration of 2%, which produces a viscosity of 3400 cP, protein content of 3.72%, and fat content of 4.45%; syneresis 3.97%; total dissolved solids was 18.77%, and the sensory score was ar...
Food Research
Fermentation treatments change the pasting properties of sweet potato flour, which may improve it... more Fermentation treatments change the pasting properties of sweet potato flour, which may improve its utilization in composite flour. This research was carried out to evaluate the pasting properties of composite fermented sweet potato flour and the quality of composite salted noodles using those composite flour. Sweet potato slices were fermented using five different starters (spontaneous, Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, a mix of Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and a mix of Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and processed into flour. Native sweet potato flour without fermentation was also prepared as a control. A total of six sweet potato flour (SPF) were then used to substitute 50% of the wheat flour in composite white salted noodles. Then, the pasting properties of the composite flour and the quality of the noodles were evaluated. Results proved that composite fermented SPF had higher pasting p...
Socialization and assistance for implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) have been carrie... more Socialization and assistance for implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) have been carried out in the banana chip small enterprise in Karang Turi village, South Lampung. The community service used the descriptive observational methods with the stages of interviews, lectures and discussions, and GMP assessment before and after the implementation of GMP (CPPB-IRT). Initial observations indicated non-conformities with the GMP (CPPB-IRT) requirements as much as 46.15% of the total 31 elements of the examination. Major non-conformities were in the facility elements and hygiene and sanitation activities, employee health and hygiene, maintenance and sanitation and hygiene programs. Socialization and assistance for implementing GMP in Pak Sumaji's chip small enterprises were gradually able to improve the production process system and the behavior of a healthy and clean life according to CPPB with fairly good criteria (65%).
Nova Publisher eBooks, Oct 1, 2020
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN, Mar 1, 2022
Ummy Nissa, merupakan salah satu IKM yang memproduksi kerupuk kemplang yang terletak di Gedung Ta... more Ummy Nissa, merupakan salah satu IKM yang memproduksi kerupuk kemplang yang terletak di Gedung Tataan, Kabupaten Pesawaran. Pelaku usaha Ummy Nissa belum mengenal dan memahami bagaimana cara berproduksi pangan yang baik, sehingga memerlukan pendampingan dalam penerapan Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan dengan tahapan: (1) evaluasi pelaksanaan GMP pada IKM Ummy Nissa, (2) pelatihan GMP melalui ceramah dan diskusi, dan (3) praktik berproduksi sesuai dengan GMP. Prinsip prinsip GMP mengacu pada surat keputusan menteri RI No: 23/Men.Kes/SK/I/1978 tentang pedoman cara berproduksi makanan yang baik. Pendampingan meningkatkan skor penilaian dari kriteria kurang menjadi cukup, dan kriteria cukup menjadi baik pada butir-butir terpilih dari 13 aspek penilaian penerapan GMP.
Sentra Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Keripik di Jalan Pagar Alam merupakan salah satu sentra wisata... more Sentra Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Keripik di Jalan Pagar Alam merupakan salah satu sentra wisata kuliner yang cukup digemari dan sangat dikenal masyarakat Lampung. Akan tetapi, produk yang dihasilkan dari IRT keripik ini sudah jenuh, tidak ada inovasi dan tidak ada pembaharuan. Produk keripik dijual dalam bentuk apa adanya, umumnya tidak dikemas atau ditampilkan dalam bentuk curah, sehingga sulit untuk dipasarkan ke supermarket atau ekspor ke luar negeri. Oleh karena itu transfer teknologi tepat guna diperlukan untuk mengembangkan diversifikasi kemasan, rasa, dan bentuk keripik pisang. Tim Pengabdian THP memandang perlu melakukan pendampingan diversifikasi kemasan yang pada kegiatan ini dilakukan pada Kelompok Usaha Bersama Telo Rezeki. Kegiatan pengabdian meningkatkan pengembangan wawasan secara signifikan (45%); perubahan prilaku dalam pemilihan kemasan dan penggunaan kemasan (25%) dan wawasan diversifikasi rasa (25%), serta peningkatan wawasan diversifikasi bentuk (50%).
The Chips Home Industry Center at Pagar Alam street are well known by the people of Lampung and o... more The Chips Home Industry Center at Pagar Alam street are well known by the people of Lampung and one of the favorite culinary centers. The problem with the chips industry is the products produced are saturated, there are no innovations and no renewal. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer appropriate technology to develop packaging diversification, taste and shape of banana chips. The THP Team considers that it necessary to carry out a diversified packaging assistance program. After dedication, there was a significant development of insights from 45% to 90%; and changes in behavior in the selection and use of packaging from 55% to 80%; insight into taste diversification from 60% to 85% and insight into form diversification increased from 40% to 90%
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian, Nov 6, 2017
The research objective was to determine the impact of providing complementary weaning food (MP-AS... more The research objective was to determine the impact of providing complementary weaning food (MP-ASI) formula made from fermented corn with soybean tempeh on the nutritional status of two years children (baduta). Provision of complementary weaning food formula made from fermented corn with soybean tempeh to baduta was conducted for 2 consecutive months that preceded the measurement of nutritional status based index baduta BB / U as a baseline (pre-test). Further measurements of nutritional status is done every month until the end of the the MP-ASI formula giving. Analysis of the impact of giving complementary weaningfood on nutritional status of children (baduta) using unpaired t test (paired t-test). The results showed the difference in the nutritional status of children (baduta) based index BB /U at 95% confidence level between before and after the MP-ASI feeding with nutritional adequacy level (NAL) of vitamin A 119%.
Jurnal Agritech Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM, Aug 29, 2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi perubahan karakterisitik biokimia fermentasi tempoyak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi perubahan karakterisitik biokimia fermentasi tempoyak dengan Pediococcus acidilactici sebagai kultur starter pada tiga tingkat konsentrasi gula (0%; 2,5% dan 5%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan konsentrasi gula sampai dengan 5% belum mempengaruhi perubahan karakterisitk biokimia tempoyak (pH, total asam, total gula reduksi). Namun demikian konsentrasi gula berpengaruh terhadap total individu komponen asam organik (asam laktat dan asam asetat). Sebaliknya, perubahan karakterisitik biokimia (pH, total asam, total gula reduksi) tempoyak sangat dipengaruhi oleh lama fermentasi, yaitu semakin lama fermentasi, pH dan gula reduksi semakin menurun, sedangkan total asam meningkat.
Applied food research, Jun 1, 2023
Sentra Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Keripik di Jalan Pagar Alam sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat Lam... more Sentra Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Keripik di Jalan Pagar Alam sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat Lampung dan merupakan salah satu sentra wisata kuliner yang cukup digemari. Permasalahan dari IRT keripik ini adalah produk-produk yang dihasilkan sudah jenuh, tidak ada inovasi dan tidak ada pembaharuan. Menurut ketua kelompok usaha keripik, Sucipto Adi, bahwa produk keripik dijual dalam bentuk apa adanya sehingga sulit untuk dipasarkan ke Super Market atau Ekspor ke Luar Negeri. Selain itu kripik yang dihasilkan hanya dua jenis yaitu kripik pisang dan kripik singkong dengan diversifikasi cita rasa saja. Oleh karena itu perlu kelembagaan yang dinamis, peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan masyarakat, dan transfer teknologi tepat guna pengembangan usaha kripik harus dilakukan secara cermat, tepat dan efisien guna memperkuat daya saing. Tim Pengabdian THP memandang perlu untuk melakukan Program Hi-link agar dapat meningkatkan daya saing dan kualitas produksi di kawasan sentra industri kripik ini. Program dilakukan selama 3 tahun dan transfer IPTEK yang akan diberikan meliputi re-inforrcement kemandirian dan transfer teknologi. Dengan tujuan: Tahun ke-1 adalah pembenahan mutu produk dan Tahun ke-2 adalah ekspose produk dan kawasan sentra IRT serta Tahun ke-3 adalah target ekspor.Kegiatan Hi-Link yang dilakukan mulai dari penguatan kelembagaan, bantuan alat dan kemasan serta pembukaan rumah contoh keripik, semuanya sangat berdampak besar terhadap pengembangan usaha bagi industry keripik pisang di sentra keripik pisang Bandar Lampung, serta dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan pengelola IRT terhadap keripik buah dan kemasan, serta berdampak dalam meningkatkan penjualan. Pendampingan dalam pembuatan web, instagram, facebook, serta media social lainnya oleh tim Hi-Link juga ikut mempromosikan daerah sentra industry keripik Bandar Lampung. Penelitian-penelitian yang mendukung pengolahan keripik pisang dan pengolahan limbah turut mendukung pengelolaan industry keripik, mahasiwa yang turut serta dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 orang dengan focus pengelolaan limbah (2 orang) dan pengolahan keripik (1 orang). Kata kunci: Re-inforcement, kemandirian, IPTEK, ekspor
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Hasil Pertanian, Dec 20, 2012
Newest Updates in Physical Science Research Vol. 6, 2021
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most commonly used yeast in the fermentation process on high star... more Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most commonly used yeast in the fermentation process on high starch/carbohydrate substrates, for example, cassava pulp, a by-product from the tapioca industry. In addition to the pure culture of S. cerevisiae, the fermentation process of cassava pulp can be done using tape yeast (a consortium of yeast, fungal and bacteria). The objective of this research was to study the growth kinetics of S. cerevisiae and tape yeast on cassava pulp fermentation and its granular morphology changes. The growth kinetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and tape yeast was observed through cells number, rate of starch degradation, rate of dietary fiber degradation, rate of cyanide degradation, and rate of protein formation; the granular morphology analysis was conducted with the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The research showed that the S. cerevisiae pure culture could grow better during cassava pulp fermentation compared to tape yeast, which is reflected by the logarithmic growth rate (up to 72 h versus 48 h) and causes changes in granular morphology. The difference in the growth rate between S. cerevisiae pure culture and tape yeast will cause a difference in starch degradation rate (73.02 mg/h versus 65.09 mg/h), dietary fiber degradation rate (87.33 mg/h versus 21.09 mg/h), cyanide degradation rate (92.57.10-2 ppm/h versus 97.49.10-2 ppm/h), protein formation rate (48.92 mg/h versus 50.08 mg/h).