iswanti purwaningsih - (original) (raw)


Papers by iswanti purwaningsih

Research paper thumbnail of A Literature Review: The Effect of Yoga Exercises on Lowering Blood Pressure in the Elderly with Hypertension

Proceedings of the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2021 (BIS-HSS 2021), 2023

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Basic Life Support Training on the Knowledge and Skills of Adolescents

KnE Life Sciences, Feb 7, 2022

Basic life support (LBS) is a set of interventions aimed at restoring and maintaining vital organ... more Basic life support (LBS) is a set of interventions aimed at restoring and maintaining vital organ functions in victims of cardiac and respiratory arrest. Knowledge and skills in doing LBS can be improved by training. This literature review was carried out to determine the effect of LBS training on increasing the knowledge and skills of adolescents in performing first aid in cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest. Articles published in 2010-2020 were found through Google Scholar and the Garuda portal. The results of the 5 articles that were reviewed showed significant changes in the knowledge and skills of adolescents before and after being given training. This suggests that LBS training can improve the level of knowledge and skills of adolescents in performing first aid in cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemahaman Mahasiswa D III Keperawatan DI Diy Tentang Patient Safety

Jurnal Kesehatan Karya Husada, Aug 31, 2015

Latar Belakang : Keselamatan pasien atau patient safety saat ini menjadi issu penting dalam pelay... more Latar Belakang : Keselamatan pasien atau patient safety saat ini menjadi issu penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Keselamatan pasien menjadi penting bukan hanya keselamatan bagi pasien saja, akan tetapi juga keselamatan bagi petugas dan staff yang ada di rumah sakit. Saat ini issu keselamatan pasien menjadi trend yang dibahas dan menjadi isu yang sering muncul di media terkait maraknya berita malpraktek dan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan yang terjadi di rumah sakit Rumah sakit sebagai sebuah pusat pelayanan kesehatan yang terdiri dari berbagai macam profesi , namun sebagai ujung tombak dalam pelayanan adalah perawat dan dokter yang selalu ada di setiap lini pelayanan, termasuk didalamnya mahasiswa praktikan. Tujuan : dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan mahasiswa D III Keperawatan tentang Patient Safety di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, tehnik pengambilan data adalah dengan focus Group Discussion dan indepht interview terhadap mahasiswa D III Keperawatan semester V di wilayah Yogyakarta. Pengambilan data dengan tehnik FGD dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali dengan jumlah partisipan 8-9 orang, dan indepth interview dilakukan terhadap 2 orang partisipan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah secara kuantitatif, yang diawali dengan ditranskripkan selanjutnya dilakukan open coding dan kemudian di cari inti core nya. Hasil dan Pembahasan :.Partisipan dalam mendeskripsikan keselamatan pasien meliputi pengertian , faktor risiko / kejadian yang mengancam keselamatan pasien maupun upaya untuk pencegahan kejadian yang mengancam pasien, sudah bisa menggambarkan kewaspadaan mahasiswa terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya unsafe dan pentingnya mewujudkan keselamatan pasien secara umum. Namun, belum sepenuhnya menggambarkan konsep patient safety dikembangkan oleh KKP-RS, maupun oleh badan akreditasi internasional. Kesimpulan : Pemahaman mahasiswa tentang konsep patient safety secara umum belum sesuai standar KKPRS, diperlukan penambahan mata kuliah tentang patient safety secara khusus

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Wound Treatment with Moist Wound Healing Effective for Healing Diabetic Ulcus

Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences

Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that is chronic and requires ongoing medical care in a v... more Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that is chronic and requires ongoing medical care in a variety of ways that can reduce the risk of multi-factors beyond glycemic control. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus will cause an increase in complications, one of which is diabetic ulcers. Achieving better wound healing is the main goal of diabetic ulcer management. Moisturizing dressings can provide a supportive environment for cells to carry out the wound healing process and prevent further damage or trauma. This study was to determine the effect of modern dressing with moist healing on diabetic ulcers. This type of research is a quantitative research with a quasi-experimental research design with an accidental sampling approach. Data was collected using demographic data and the Wocare For Indonesian Nurses (WINNERS) Scale assessment sheet which is a modified Bates-Jasen score to predict and evaluate the average score of wound healing. WINNERS scale consists of 10 assessments. The result...

Research paper thumbnail of A Literature Review: The Effect of Yoga Exercises on Lowering Blood Pressure in the Elderly with Hypertension

Proceedings of the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2021 (BIS-HSS 2021), 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Basic life support training for ambulance drivers in pre-hospitalization transport

Community Empowerment, Nov 1, 2022

The limited means of transportation becomes a problem in conducting pre-hospitalization, especial... more The limited means of transportation becomes a problem in conducting pre-hospitalization, especially in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The mileage that reaches 39 km from the center of Yogyakarta can increase the patient's risk of experiencing multiple trauma. The ambulance driver is the officer responsible for operating the ambulance and providing basic life support in handling cases of cardiac arrest during the transportation process. The purpose of this program is to improve pre-hospitalization transportation skills in handling first aid in an effort to prevent death. The methods of this community service include health counseling, mentoring, and training. Basic life support training has been proven to improve the knowledge and skills of village ambulance drivers so that it can be used as a provision for pre-hospitalization in providing health services to prevent death and unwanted complications.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Basic Life Support Training on the Knowledge and Skills of Adolescents

KnE Life Sciences, 2022

Basic life support (LBS) is a set of interventions aimed at restoring and maintaining vital organ... more Basic life support (LBS) is a set of interventions aimed at restoring and maintaining vital organ functions in victims of cardiac and respiratory arrest. Knowledge and skills in doing LBS can be improved by training. This literature review was carried out to determine the effect of LBS training on increasing the knowledge and skills of adolescents in performing first aid in cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest. Articles published in 2010-2020 were found through Google Scholar and the Garuda portal. The results of the 5 articles that were reviewed showed significant changes in the knowledge and skills of adolescents before and after being given training. This suggests that LBS training can improve the level of knowledge and skills of adolescents in performing first aid in cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest. Keywords: LBS training, knowledge, skills, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest

Research paper thumbnail of Psychology of Parents with Children with Cancer in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health, 2021

Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator kesehatan pada suatu Negara dan menjadi p... more Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator kesehatan pada suatu Negara dan menjadi prioritas penanganan dan pencegahannya. Penyebab kematian Ibu masih di dominasi oleh perdarahan. Faktor predisposisi perdarahan salah satunya adalaha anemia, yang secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh Gizi ibu hamil. Selama hamil ibu harus mendapatkan Gizi yang optimal agar kehamilannya menjadi aman, janin tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik serta untuk keselamatan dalam persalinan. Untuk pencegahan dan usaha preventif yang dimulai sejak hamil perlu adanya edukasi tentang pentingnya Gizi pada ibu hamil dan sumber-sumber bahan makanan yang tinggi akan kandungan zat besi. Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan pada ibu hamil tentang pentingnya zat besi dan sumber bahan makanan yang mengandung zat besi. Metode pelaksanaan ini dilakukan secara virtual dengan pendekatan Emodemo, dilakukan pada tanggal 2-31 Juli 2020 dengan mitra Ibu Hamil di BPM Yefi Marliandiani. Hasil dari kegiatan PPM ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan ibu mengenai tanda dan gejala anemia, bahan makanan yang mengandung zat besi serta cara mencegah terjadinya anemia, tetapi dalam kegiatan ini masih perlu adanya perbaikan dalam segi persiapan tehnis pelaksanaan (jika dilakukan secara daring) karena masih ada kendala dalam koneksi wifi. Kesimpulan kegiatan PPM ini berjalan dengan lancer dan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan pada Ibu hamil.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemahaman Mahasiswa D III Keperawatan DI Diy Tentang Patient Safety

Latar Belakang : Keselamatan pasien atau patient safety saat ini menjadi issu penting dalam pelay... more Latar Belakang : Keselamatan pasien atau patient safety saat ini menjadi issu penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Keselamatan pasien menjadi penting bukan hanya keselamatan bagi pasien saja, akan tetapi juga keselamatan bagi petugas dan staff yang ada di rumah sakit. Saat ini issu keselamatan pasien menjadi trend yang dibahas dan menjadi isu yang sering muncul di media terkait maraknya berita malpraktek dan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan yang terjadi di rumah sakit Rumah sakit sebagai sebuah pusat pelayanan kesehatan yang terdiri dari berbagai macam profesi , namun sebagai ujung tombak dalam pelayanan adalah perawat dan dokter yang selalu ada di setiap lini pelayanan, termasuk didalamnya mahasiswa praktikan. Tujuan : dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan mahasiswa D III Keperawatan tentang Patient Safety di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, tehnik pengambilan data adalah deng...

Research paper thumbnail of Improving entrepreneurial motivation for health workers through entrepreneurship training

Enfermería Clínica, 2020

Problems that exist in health segment is the number of medical graduates that is not comparable w... more Problems that exist in health segment is the number of medical graduates that is not comparable with the amount of job vacancy and that makes health worker need to have another skill or ability. The program that is held by Yogyakarta Husada Health Polytechnic to equipt the graduate is to provide entrepreneurship training, which is in accordance with their competence in order to open up opportunities of business either independently or collaborated. The method of this research is using descriptive method. The data collection is done by observation, documentation study of business growth done by all the tenant (student or alumni) after getting training doing visits and internship. The sample of the research was student and alumni of nurses and midwives in Karya Husada Health Polytechnic who has participated in entrepreneurship training. The results were obtained by this program is carried out during 3 years since 2015 until 2017 first year of this study followed as many as 20 participants, second year do allowed by 21 participants, third years of this study followed by 34 participants and that mean there was 75 participant of the sample. After further training has been given then do an evaluation and monitoring, in first year there were 6 (30%) of entrepreneur is independent, second year there was 9 people (42.86%) of entrepreneurs are independent, in third years there was 12 people (35.29%) are independent entrepreneurs. Meanwhile the participants who still need mentoring and guidance form first year till third year as many as 48 people. Type of business that they do in the form of goods or services. Conclusion of the entrepreneurship training activities is the activity that can create new entrepreneur who was independent in health segment or non- medical segment both in form of goods or services.

Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual and Religious Characteristics in Cancer Patients

KnE Life Sciences, 2022

Bio-psycho-socio-spiritual problems often appear in cancer patients; however, the spiritual and r... more Bio-psycho-socio-spiritual problems often appear in cancer patients; however, the spiritual and religious characteristics that appear in cancer patients have not been widely studied. The objective of this research was to analyze the spiritual and religious characteristics of cancer patients. This research consisted of a scoping review of national and international articles published in 2013-2018. The researchers searched for articles through Google Scholar, PubMed, and ProQuest with the keywords ‘cancer’, ‘spiritual’ and ‘religious’. There were 2,727 articles identified, and the 38 articles that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed. According to the results, spiritual and religious characteristics in cancer patients included the use of spirituality and religion as a coping mechanism, belief in God as a source of strength, the need for family support and spiritual or religious communities, cancer as a process of spiritual or religious maturity, and changes in spiritual or religio...

Research paper thumbnail of PKM Pos Kesehatan Pesantren (Poskestren) DI Pondok Pesantren Modern MBS Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta Tahun 2018

Latar Belakang: Pesantren merupakan salah satu bentuk Lembaga Pendidikan yang dapat menjadi salah... more Latar Belakang: Pesantren merupakan salah satu bentuk Lembaga Pendidikan yang dapat menjadi salah satu ujung tombak dalam peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat dan siswa khusunya para santri dengan mengedepankan upaya preventif dan promotive. Upaya tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh kader santi husada yang telah mendapatkan bekal. Penyakit-penyakit yang lazim terjadi dipemukiman khusus dapat dicegah dan diskrining dari awal, sehingga dapat tercegah dan mendapatkan penangan dini. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam kegiatan ini adalah : 1) poskestren belum berjalan optimal, santri belum mendapatkan pelatihan tentang santri husada; 2) belum lengkapnya fasilitas yang ada di pos kesehatan MBS Pleret Bantul.Tujuan : Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya upaya pelayanan kesehatan bagi warga pesantren dan kemampuan santri dalam penanganan kasus-kasus kesehatan ringan yang terjadi di pondok.Metode: Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan kepada kader sa...

Research paper thumbnail of A Literature Review: The Effect of Yoga Exercises on Lowering Blood Pressure in the Elderly with Hypertension

Proceedings of the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2021 (BIS-HSS 2021), 2023

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Basic Life Support Training on the Knowledge and Skills of Adolescents

KnE Life Sciences, Feb 7, 2022

Basic life support (LBS) is a set of interventions aimed at restoring and maintaining vital organ... more Basic life support (LBS) is a set of interventions aimed at restoring and maintaining vital organ functions in victims of cardiac and respiratory arrest. Knowledge and skills in doing LBS can be improved by training. This literature review was carried out to determine the effect of LBS training on increasing the knowledge and skills of adolescents in performing first aid in cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest. Articles published in 2010-2020 were found through Google Scholar and the Garuda portal. The results of the 5 articles that were reviewed showed significant changes in the knowledge and skills of adolescents before and after being given training. This suggests that LBS training can improve the level of knowledge and skills of adolescents in performing first aid in cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemahaman Mahasiswa D III Keperawatan DI Diy Tentang Patient Safety

Jurnal Kesehatan Karya Husada, Aug 31, 2015

Latar Belakang : Keselamatan pasien atau patient safety saat ini menjadi issu penting dalam pelay... more Latar Belakang : Keselamatan pasien atau patient safety saat ini menjadi issu penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Keselamatan pasien menjadi penting bukan hanya keselamatan bagi pasien saja, akan tetapi juga keselamatan bagi petugas dan staff yang ada di rumah sakit. Saat ini issu keselamatan pasien menjadi trend yang dibahas dan menjadi isu yang sering muncul di media terkait maraknya berita malpraktek dan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan yang terjadi di rumah sakit Rumah sakit sebagai sebuah pusat pelayanan kesehatan yang terdiri dari berbagai macam profesi , namun sebagai ujung tombak dalam pelayanan adalah perawat dan dokter yang selalu ada di setiap lini pelayanan, termasuk didalamnya mahasiswa praktikan. Tujuan : dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan mahasiswa D III Keperawatan tentang Patient Safety di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, tehnik pengambilan data adalah dengan focus Group Discussion dan indepht interview terhadap mahasiswa D III Keperawatan semester V di wilayah Yogyakarta. Pengambilan data dengan tehnik FGD dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali dengan jumlah partisipan 8-9 orang, dan indepth interview dilakukan terhadap 2 orang partisipan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah secara kuantitatif, yang diawali dengan ditranskripkan selanjutnya dilakukan open coding dan kemudian di cari inti core nya. Hasil dan Pembahasan :.Partisipan dalam mendeskripsikan keselamatan pasien meliputi pengertian , faktor risiko / kejadian yang mengancam keselamatan pasien maupun upaya untuk pencegahan kejadian yang mengancam pasien, sudah bisa menggambarkan kewaspadaan mahasiswa terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya unsafe dan pentingnya mewujudkan keselamatan pasien secara umum. Namun, belum sepenuhnya menggambarkan konsep patient safety dikembangkan oleh KKP-RS, maupun oleh badan akreditasi internasional. Kesimpulan : Pemahaman mahasiswa tentang konsep patient safety secara umum belum sesuai standar KKPRS, diperlukan penambahan mata kuliah tentang patient safety secara khusus

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Wound Treatment with Moist Wound Healing Effective for Healing Diabetic Ulcus

Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences

Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that is chronic and requires ongoing medical care in a v... more Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that is chronic and requires ongoing medical care in a variety of ways that can reduce the risk of multi-factors beyond glycemic control. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus will cause an increase in complications, one of which is diabetic ulcers. Achieving better wound healing is the main goal of diabetic ulcer management. Moisturizing dressings can provide a supportive environment for cells to carry out the wound healing process and prevent further damage or trauma. This study was to determine the effect of modern dressing with moist healing on diabetic ulcers. This type of research is a quantitative research with a quasi-experimental research design with an accidental sampling approach. Data was collected using demographic data and the Wocare For Indonesian Nurses (WINNERS) Scale assessment sheet which is a modified Bates-Jasen score to predict and evaluate the average score of wound healing. WINNERS scale consists of 10 assessments. The result...

Research paper thumbnail of A Literature Review: The Effect of Yoga Exercises on Lowering Blood Pressure in the Elderly with Hypertension

Proceedings of the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2021 (BIS-HSS 2021), 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Basic life support training for ambulance drivers in pre-hospitalization transport

Community Empowerment, Nov 1, 2022

The limited means of transportation becomes a problem in conducting pre-hospitalization, especial... more The limited means of transportation becomes a problem in conducting pre-hospitalization, especially in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The mileage that reaches 39 km from the center of Yogyakarta can increase the patient's risk of experiencing multiple trauma. The ambulance driver is the officer responsible for operating the ambulance and providing basic life support in handling cases of cardiac arrest during the transportation process. The purpose of this program is to improve pre-hospitalization transportation skills in handling first aid in an effort to prevent death. The methods of this community service include health counseling, mentoring, and training. Basic life support training has been proven to improve the knowledge and skills of village ambulance drivers so that it can be used as a provision for pre-hospitalization in providing health services to prevent death and unwanted complications.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Basic Life Support Training on the Knowledge and Skills of Adolescents

KnE Life Sciences, 2022

Basic life support (LBS) is a set of interventions aimed at restoring and maintaining vital organ... more Basic life support (LBS) is a set of interventions aimed at restoring and maintaining vital organ functions in victims of cardiac and respiratory arrest. Knowledge and skills in doing LBS can be improved by training. This literature review was carried out to determine the effect of LBS training on increasing the knowledge and skills of adolescents in performing first aid in cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest. Articles published in 2010-2020 were found through Google Scholar and the Garuda portal. The results of the 5 articles that were reviewed showed significant changes in the knowledge and skills of adolescents before and after being given training. This suggests that LBS training can improve the level of knowledge and skills of adolescents in performing first aid in cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest. Keywords: LBS training, knowledge, skills, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest

Research paper thumbnail of Psychology of Parents with Children with Cancer in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health, 2021

Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator kesehatan pada suatu Negara dan menjadi p... more Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator kesehatan pada suatu Negara dan menjadi prioritas penanganan dan pencegahannya. Penyebab kematian Ibu masih di dominasi oleh perdarahan. Faktor predisposisi perdarahan salah satunya adalaha anemia, yang secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh Gizi ibu hamil. Selama hamil ibu harus mendapatkan Gizi yang optimal agar kehamilannya menjadi aman, janin tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik serta untuk keselamatan dalam persalinan. Untuk pencegahan dan usaha preventif yang dimulai sejak hamil perlu adanya edukasi tentang pentingnya Gizi pada ibu hamil dan sumber-sumber bahan makanan yang tinggi akan kandungan zat besi. Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan pada ibu hamil tentang pentingnya zat besi dan sumber bahan makanan yang mengandung zat besi. Metode pelaksanaan ini dilakukan secara virtual dengan pendekatan Emodemo, dilakukan pada tanggal 2-31 Juli 2020 dengan mitra Ibu Hamil di BPM Yefi Marliandiani. Hasil dari kegiatan PPM ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan ibu mengenai tanda dan gejala anemia, bahan makanan yang mengandung zat besi serta cara mencegah terjadinya anemia, tetapi dalam kegiatan ini masih perlu adanya perbaikan dalam segi persiapan tehnis pelaksanaan (jika dilakukan secara daring) karena masih ada kendala dalam koneksi wifi. Kesimpulan kegiatan PPM ini berjalan dengan lancer dan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan pada Ibu hamil.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemahaman Mahasiswa D III Keperawatan DI Diy Tentang Patient Safety

Latar Belakang : Keselamatan pasien atau patient safety saat ini menjadi issu penting dalam pelay... more Latar Belakang : Keselamatan pasien atau patient safety saat ini menjadi issu penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Keselamatan pasien menjadi penting bukan hanya keselamatan bagi pasien saja, akan tetapi juga keselamatan bagi petugas dan staff yang ada di rumah sakit. Saat ini issu keselamatan pasien menjadi trend yang dibahas dan menjadi isu yang sering muncul di media terkait maraknya berita malpraktek dan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan yang terjadi di rumah sakit Rumah sakit sebagai sebuah pusat pelayanan kesehatan yang terdiri dari berbagai macam profesi , namun sebagai ujung tombak dalam pelayanan adalah perawat dan dokter yang selalu ada di setiap lini pelayanan, termasuk didalamnya mahasiswa praktikan. Tujuan : dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan mahasiswa D III Keperawatan tentang Patient Safety di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, tehnik pengambilan data adalah deng...

Research paper thumbnail of Improving entrepreneurial motivation for health workers through entrepreneurship training

Enfermería Clínica, 2020

Problems that exist in health segment is the number of medical graduates that is not comparable w... more Problems that exist in health segment is the number of medical graduates that is not comparable with the amount of job vacancy and that makes health worker need to have another skill or ability. The program that is held by Yogyakarta Husada Health Polytechnic to equipt the graduate is to provide entrepreneurship training, which is in accordance with their competence in order to open up opportunities of business either independently or collaborated. The method of this research is using descriptive method. The data collection is done by observation, documentation study of business growth done by all the tenant (student or alumni) after getting training doing visits and internship. The sample of the research was student and alumni of nurses and midwives in Karya Husada Health Polytechnic who has participated in entrepreneurship training. The results were obtained by this program is carried out during 3 years since 2015 until 2017 first year of this study followed as many as 20 participants, second year do allowed by 21 participants, third years of this study followed by 34 participants and that mean there was 75 participant of the sample. After further training has been given then do an evaluation and monitoring, in first year there were 6 (30%) of entrepreneur is independent, second year there was 9 people (42.86%) of entrepreneurs are independent, in third years there was 12 people (35.29%) are independent entrepreneurs. Meanwhile the participants who still need mentoring and guidance form first year till third year as many as 48 people. Type of business that they do in the form of goods or services. Conclusion of the entrepreneurship training activities is the activity that can create new entrepreneur who was independent in health segment or non- medical segment both in form of goods or services.

Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual and Religious Characteristics in Cancer Patients

KnE Life Sciences, 2022

Bio-psycho-socio-spiritual problems often appear in cancer patients; however, the spiritual and r... more Bio-psycho-socio-spiritual problems often appear in cancer patients; however, the spiritual and religious characteristics that appear in cancer patients have not been widely studied. The objective of this research was to analyze the spiritual and religious characteristics of cancer patients. This research consisted of a scoping review of national and international articles published in 2013-2018. The researchers searched for articles through Google Scholar, PubMed, and ProQuest with the keywords ‘cancer’, ‘spiritual’ and ‘religious’. There were 2,727 articles identified, and the 38 articles that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed. According to the results, spiritual and religious characteristics in cancer patients included the use of spirituality and religion as a coping mechanism, belief in God as a source of strength, the need for family support and spiritual or religious communities, cancer as a process of spiritual or religious maturity, and changes in spiritual or religio...

Research paper thumbnail of PKM Pos Kesehatan Pesantren (Poskestren) DI Pondok Pesantren Modern MBS Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta Tahun 2018

Latar Belakang: Pesantren merupakan salah satu bentuk Lembaga Pendidikan yang dapat menjadi salah... more Latar Belakang: Pesantren merupakan salah satu bentuk Lembaga Pendidikan yang dapat menjadi salah satu ujung tombak dalam peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat dan siswa khusunya para santri dengan mengedepankan upaya preventif dan promotive. Upaya tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh kader santi husada yang telah mendapatkan bekal. Penyakit-penyakit yang lazim terjadi dipemukiman khusus dapat dicegah dan diskrining dari awal, sehingga dapat tercegah dan mendapatkan penangan dini. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam kegiatan ini adalah : 1) poskestren belum berjalan optimal, santri belum mendapatkan pelatihan tentang santri husada; 2) belum lengkapnya fasilitas yang ada di pos kesehatan MBS Pleret Bantul.Tujuan : Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya upaya pelayanan kesehatan bagi warga pesantren dan kemampuan santri dalam penanganan kasus-kasus kesehatan ringan yang terjadi di pondok.Metode: Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan kepada kader sa...