rahmadi rahmadi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Books by rahmadi rahmadi
Pidana Pasal 113 (1) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagai... more Pidana Pasal 113 (1) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp 100.000.000 (seratus juta rupiah). (2) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah). (3) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah). (4) Setiap Orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp,00 (empat miliar rupiah).
This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of ... more This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of the arrival of Islam, the period of the arrival of Islam, the spreader of Islam, and the channels of Islamization. These four problems are studied using a historical approach by analyzing relevant information from various sources. This study concluded that the Islamization in Kalimantan led to an Arab theory, namely that Islam came to this area directly brought by Arabs themselves from the Middle East, both by traders and professional preachers (ulama or Sufi). Furthermore, the Islamization period of the Kalimantan region is divided into four phases, namely the arrival phase in the 7th to 10th centuries; the phase of formation of the Muslim community in the 11th to 15th centuries; the great wave phase of coastal Islamization and the formation of Islamic empires in the 16th to early 17th centuries; and the phase of Islamization from the coast to the interior that occurred in the 17th to 19th centuries. The carriers of Islam at the arrival stage (7th to 12th centuries) were traders, and at the development stage (13th to 17th centuries) were brought by professional preachers (wandering Sufi scholars). Finally, Islamization in Kalimantan was carried out using the channels of da'wah, politics, trade, marriage, and education.
This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of ... more This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of the arrival of Islam, the period of the arrival of Islam, the spreader of Islam, and the channels of Islamization. These four problems are studied using a historical approach by analyzing relevant information from various sources. This study concluded that the Islamization in Kalimantan led to an Arab theory, namely that Islam came to this area directly brought by Arabs themselves from the Middle East, both by traders and professional preachers (ulama or Sufi). Furthermore, the Islamization period of the Kalimantan region is divided into four phases, namely the arrival phase in the 7th to 10th centuries; the phase of formation of the Muslim community in the 11th to 15th centuries; the great wave phase of coastal Islamization and the formation of Islamic empires in the 16th to early 17th centuries; and the phase of Islamization from the coast to the interior that occurred in the 17th to 19th centuries. The carriers of Islam at the arrival stage (7th to 12th centuries) were traders, and at the development stage (13th to 17th centuries) were brought by professional preachers (wandering Sufi scholars). Finally, Islamization in Kalimantan was carried out using the channels of da'wah, politics, trade, marriage, and education.
vi Kami menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa kandungan buku ini memiliki banyak kekurangan. Kekurangan yang... more vi Kami menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa kandungan buku ini memiliki banyak kekurangan. Kekurangan yang ada akan menjadi masukan bagi kami untuk terus menggali dan meng-up date informasi dari sumber-sumber baru yang belum didapatkan ketika buku ini ditulis. Pembacaan ulang juga akan dilakukan untuk meminimalisir kekeliruan data dan kesalahan interpretasi yang mungkin saja terjadi, mengingat banyak aspek yang dibahas pada buku ini. Kritik dan saran juga akan sangat membantu kami dalam melakukan revisi isi buku ini ke depan.
Papers by rahmadi rahmadi
Belajar al-Asma` al-Husna 2: al-Rahman, 2025
Banjarese Scholars and the Evolution of Islamic Education in South Kalimantan Circa 1900-1950, 2024
This article provides a historical overview of Banjarese scholars who were alumni of the Middle E... more This article provides a historical overview of Banjarese scholars who were alumni of the Middle East and Islamic organizations in South Kalimantan, as well as their roles in the development of Islamic educational institutions in the early 20th century. The research employs historical methods with a social-intellectual history approach. The study reveals a significant increase in the number of Middle Eastern alumni in early 20th-century South Kalimantan. These scholars studied in Haramain and Egypt (al-Azhar) during that period. Concurrently, with the rise in the number of Middle Eastern alumni, various Islamic organizations emerged, both locally and nationally. These organizations included Sarekat Islam, Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Musyawaratuththalibin (MTH). Both Middle Eastern alumni and these Islamic organizations collaborated and contributed to establishing Islamic educational institutions, particularly madrasahs, in various regions. They successfully transformed traditional educational systems of majelis taklim (study circles or religious study gatherings) and langgar barangkap (a two-story small mosque) into madrasahs. Some of these madrasahs served as precursors to institutions that later evolved into Islamic boarding schools in the second half of the 20th century. The traditional education system underwent a shift towards a more modern approach, incorporating classical education and general knowledge into the madrasah curriculum. They also established madrasah associations to coordinate and standardize madrasah education systems. Furthermore, they initiated the establishment of Islamic higher education institutions, although this was not fully realized in the early 20th century
Belajar al-Asma` al-Husna: al-Rahman, 2024
Al-Asma` al-Husna: Allah, 2024
Khazanah : jurnal studi Islam dan humaniora, Jul 30, 2023
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Artikel ini membahas tentang tafsir ayat wasathiyyah pada QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 143 dari sejumlah m... more Artikel ini membahas tentang tafsir ayat wasathiyyah pada QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 143 dari sejumlah mufassir baik klasik, modern, maupun kontemporer ditambah dengan pengkaji konsep wasathiyyah dalam Al-Quran. Interpretasi terhadap wasathiyyah tersebut kemudian dilihat implikasinya terhadap praktik moderasi beragama di Indonesia yang tengah disosialisasikan oleh sejumlah pihak. Moderasi beragama yang berbasis pada konsep wasathiyyah sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan oleh sejumlah mufassir dan peneliti menunjukkan bahwa moderasi Qurani merujuk pada karakter adil, seimbang, setimbang, memilih yang terbaik, yang terindah, dan yang paling utama, memiliki posisi yang tinggi, konsistensi atau istiqamah, ketepatan, dan dengan karakter itu masyarakat muslim menjadi ummat teladan bagi masyarakat lainnya. Konsep moderasi beragama yang telah disosialisasikan di Indonesia telah mengandung berbagai karakter yang disebutkan oleh sejumlah mufassir dan pengkaji Al-Qur`an dan dapat diperkaya lagi dengan...
Pidana Pasal 113 (1) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagai... more Pidana Pasal 113 (1) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp 100.000.000 (seratus juta rupiah). (2) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah). (3) Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah). (4) Setiap Orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp,00 (empat miliar rupiah).
This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of ... more This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of the arrival of Islam, the period of the arrival of Islam, the spreader of Islam, and the channels of Islamization. These four problems are studied using a historical approach by analyzing relevant information from various sources. This study concluded that the Islamization in Kalimantan led to an Arab theory, namely that Islam came to this area directly brought by Arabs themselves from the Middle East, both by traders and professional preachers (ulama or Sufi). Furthermore, the Islamization period of the Kalimantan region is divided into four phases, namely the arrival phase in the 7th to 10th centuries; the phase of formation of the Muslim community in the 11th to 15th centuries; the great wave phase of coastal Islamization and the formation of Islamic empires in the 16th to early 17th centuries; and the phase of Islamization from the coast to the interior that occurred in the 17th to 19th centuries. The carriers of Islam at the arrival stage (7th to 12th centuries) were traders, and at the development stage (13th to 17th centuries) were brought by professional preachers (wandering Sufi scholars). Finally, Islamization in Kalimantan was carried out using the channels of da'wah, politics, trade, marriage, and education.
This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of ... more This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of the arrival of Islam, the period of the arrival of Islam, the spreader of Islam, and the channels of Islamization. These four problems are studied using a historical approach by analyzing relevant information from various sources. This study concluded that the Islamization in Kalimantan led to an Arab theory, namely that Islam came to this area directly brought by Arabs themselves from the Middle East, both by traders and professional preachers (ulama or Sufi). Furthermore, the Islamization period of the Kalimantan region is divided into four phases, namely the arrival phase in the 7th to 10th centuries; the phase of formation of the Muslim community in the 11th to 15th centuries; the great wave phase of coastal Islamization and the formation of Islamic empires in the 16th to early 17th centuries; and the phase of Islamization from the coast to the interior that occurred in the 17th to 19th centuries. The carriers of Islam at the arrival stage (7th to 12th centuries) were traders, and at the development stage (13th to 17th centuries) were brought by professional preachers (wandering Sufi scholars). Finally, Islamization in Kalimantan was carried out using the channels of da'wah, politics, trade, marriage, and education.
vi Kami menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa kandungan buku ini memiliki banyak kekurangan. Kekurangan yang... more vi Kami menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa kandungan buku ini memiliki banyak kekurangan. Kekurangan yang ada akan menjadi masukan bagi kami untuk terus menggali dan meng-up date informasi dari sumber-sumber baru yang belum didapatkan ketika buku ini ditulis. Pembacaan ulang juga akan dilakukan untuk meminimalisir kekeliruan data dan kesalahan interpretasi yang mungkin saja terjadi, mengingat banyak aspek yang dibahas pada buku ini. Kritik dan saran juga akan sangat membantu kami dalam melakukan revisi isi buku ini ke depan.
Belajar al-Asma` al-Husna 2: al-Rahman, 2025
Banjarese Scholars and the Evolution of Islamic Education in South Kalimantan Circa 1900-1950, 2024
This article provides a historical overview of Banjarese scholars who were alumni of the Middle E... more This article provides a historical overview of Banjarese scholars who were alumni of the Middle East and Islamic organizations in South Kalimantan, as well as their roles in the development of Islamic educational institutions in the early 20th century. The research employs historical methods with a social-intellectual history approach. The study reveals a significant increase in the number of Middle Eastern alumni in early 20th-century South Kalimantan. These scholars studied in Haramain and Egypt (al-Azhar) during that period. Concurrently, with the rise in the number of Middle Eastern alumni, various Islamic organizations emerged, both locally and nationally. These organizations included Sarekat Islam, Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Musyawaratuththalibin (MTH). Both Middle Eastern alumni and these Islamic organizations collaborated and contributed to establishing Islamic educational institutions, particularly madrasahs, in various regions. They successfully transformed traditional educational systems of majelis taklim (study circles or religious study gatherings) and langgar barangkap (a two-story small mosque) into madrasahs. Some of these madrasahs served as precursors to institutions that later evolved into Islamic boarding schools in the second half of the 20th century. The traditional education system underwent a shift towards a more modern approach, incorporating classical education and general knowledge into the madrasah curriculum. They also established madrasah associations to coordinate and standardize madrasah education systems. Furthermore, they initiated the establishment of Islamic higher education institutions, although this was not fully realized in the early 20th century
Belajar al-Asma` al-Husna: al-Rahman, 2024
Al-Asma` al-Husna: Allah, 2024
Khazanah : jurnal studi Islam dan humaniora, Jul 30, 2023
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Artikel ini membahas tentang tafsir ayat wasathiyyah pada QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 143 dari sejumlah m... more Artikel ini membahas tentang tafsir ayat wasathiyyah pada QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 143 dari sejumlah mufassir baik klasik, modern, maupun kontemporer ditambah dengan pengkaji konsep wasathiyyah dalam Al-Quran. Interpretasi terhadap wasathiyyah tersebut kemudian dilihat implikasinya terhadap praktik moderasi beragama di Indonesia yang tengah disosialisasikan oleh sejumlah pihak. Moderasi beragama yang berbasis pada konsep wasathiyyah sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan oleh sejumlah mufassir dan peneliti menunjukkan bahwa moderasi Qurani merujuk pada karakter adil, seimbang, setimbang, memilih yang terbaik, yang terindah, dan yang paling utama, memiliki posisi yang tinggi, konsistensi atau istiqamah, ketepatan, dan dengan karakter itu masyarakat muslim menjadi ummat teladan bagi masyarakat lainnya. Konsep moderasi beragama yang telah disosialisasikan di Indonesia telah mengandung berbagai karakter yang disebutkan oleh sejumlah mufassir dan pengkaji Al-Qur`an dan dapat diperkaya lagi dengan...
Khazanah : jurnal studi Islam dan humaniora, Dec 30, 2020
This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of ... more This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of the arrival of Islam, the period of the arrival of Islam, the spreader of Islam, and the channels of Islamization. These four problems are studied using a historical approach by analyzing relevant information from various sources. This study concluded that the Islamization in Kalimantan led to an Arab theory, namely that Islam came to this area directly brought by Arabs themselves from the Middle East, both by traders and professional preachers (ulama or Sufi). Furthermore, the Islamization period of the Kalimantan region is divided into four phases, namely the arrival phase in the 7th to 10th centuries; the phase of formation of the Muslim community in the 11th to 15th centuries; the great wave phase of coastal Islamization and the formation of Islamic empires in the 16th to early 17th centuries; and the phase of Islamization from the coast to the interior that occurred in the 17th to 19th centuries. The carriers of Islam at the arrival stage (7th to 12th centuries) were traders, and at the development stage (13th to 17th centuries) were brought by professional preachers (wandering Sufi scholars). Finally, Islamization in Kalimantan was carried out using the channels of da'wah, politics, trade, marriage, and education. Kajian ini membahas empat masalah terkait islamisasi kawasan Kalimantan, yaitu asal kedatangan Islam, masa kedatangan Islam, pembawa Islam dan saluran Islamisasi. Keempat masalah ini dikaji menggunakan pendekatan sejarah dengan melakukan analisis terhadap informasi yang relevant dalam berbagai sumber sejarah. Kajian ini menghasilkan simpulan bahwa Islamisasi di kawasan Kalimantan mengarah ke teori Arab, yakni Islam datang ke kawasan ini dibawa langsung oleh orang Arab sendiri dari Timur Tengah baik oleh pedagang maupun pendakwah profesional (ulama atau sufi). Selanjutnya, periodesasi islamisasi kawasan Kalimantan terjadi dalam empat fase, yaitu fase kedatangan pada abad ke-7 hingga abad ke-10, fase pembentukan komunitas muslim pada abad ke-11 hingga 15, fase gelombang besar islamisasi pesisir dan pembentukan kerajaan Islam pada abad ke-16 hingga awal abad ke-17, dan fase islamisasi dari pesisir ke pedalaman yang tejadi pada abad ke-17 hingga abad ke-19. Adapun pembawa Islam pada tahap kedatangan (abad ke-7 hingga 12) adalah para pedagang dan pada tahap perkembangan (abad ke-13 hingga 17) dibawa oleh para pendakwah profesional (ulama sufi pengembara). Terakhir, islamisasi di Kalimantan dilakukan melalui saluran dakwah, politik, perdagangan, perkawinan, dan pendidikan.
IAIN Antasari Press eBooks, Nov 1, 2017
Buku ini membahas tentang wacana kontemporer metodologi studi ISlam di Indonesia secara umum yang... more Buku ini membahas tentang wacana kontemporer metodologi studi ISlam di Indonesia secara umum yang digali dari sejumlah literatur yang telah dipublikasikan. Sekain itu, buku ini juga menyajikan secara khusus wacana tentang metode tafsir, metode hermeneutika, metode penelitian kualitatif dalam kajian Alquran, metode kritik sanad dan matan hadis, metode memahami hadis, metode studi living hadis dan metode studi pemikiran Islam.
Antasari Press eBooks, Sep 1, 2012
Antasari Press eBooks, Jul 1, 2009
Antasari Press eBooks, Oct 1, 2011
This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of ... more This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of the arrival of Islam, the period of the arrival of Islam, the spreader of Islam, and the channels of Islamization. These four problems are studied using a historical approach by analyzing relevant information from various sources. This study concluded that the Islamization in Kalimantan led to an Arab theory, namely that Islam came to this area directly brought by Arabs themselves from the Middle East, both by traders and professional preachers (ulama or Sufi). Furthermore, the Islamization period of the Kalimantan region is divided into four phases, namely the arrival phase in the 7th to 10th centuries; the phase of formation of the Muslim community in the 11th to 15th centuries; the great wave phase of coastal Islamization and the formation of Islamic empires in the 16th to early 17th centuries; and the phase of Islamization from the coast to the interior that occurred in the 17th to 1...
Buku ini membahas mengenai konsep guru dan murid menurut ulama abad pertengahan, yaitu Imam al-Ma... more Buku ini membahas mengenai konsep guru dan murid menurut ulama abad pertengahan, yaitu Imam al-Mawardi dan Imam al-Ghazali. Konsep al-Mawardi dan al-Ghazali disajikan secara terpisah dan kemudian dianalisis secara komparatif untuk melihat persamaan dan perbedaan pemikiran keduanya mengenai guru dan murid. Selain itu, analisis diarahkan juga ke arah bagaimana pemikiran kedua tokoh itu diterapkan dalam konteks pendidikan Islam sekarang.
Buku ini membahas tentang wacana kontemporer metodologi studi ISlam di Indonesia secara umum yang... more Buku ini membahas tentang wacana kontemporer metodologi studi ISlam di Indonesia secara umum yang digali dari sejumlah literatur yang telah dipublikasikan. Sekain itu, buku ini juga menyajikan secara khusus wacana tentang metode tafsir, metode hermeneutika, metode penelitian kualitatif dalam kajian Alquran, metode kritik sanad dan matan hadis, metode memahami hadis, metode studi living hadis dan metode studi pemikiran Islam.
Buku ini membahas mengenai biografi singkat dan peran tiga tokoh Banjar, yaitu KH. Ideham Chalid,... more Buku ini membahas mengenai biografi singkat dan peran tiga tokoh Banjar, yaitu KH. Ideham Chalid, KH. Hasan Basri dan Djohan Effendi. Biografi mereka disajikan secara kolektif dengan setting sosial politik era penjajahan hingga era Orde Lama dan Orde Baru. Selain menyajikan kisah perjalanan hidup mereka, buku ini juga menyajikan peran sosial-politik dan keagamaan terutama pada era Orde Lama dan Orde Baru. Di sini juga disajikan kesamaan dan perbedaan ketiga tokoh ini baik dari segi latar belakang keluarga, pendidikan maupun kecenderungan pilihan mereka dalam berkiprah di bidang tertentu.
This study seeks to examine the development of Moslem scholars idea on the methodology of religio... more This study seeks to examine the development of Moslem scholars idea on the methodology of religious studies published in the 1969-2012 timeframe. Historical method of collective idea with textual study approach is employed in this study. It is found in the study that the literature of religiuos studies which contain published methodology discussion develop slowly and quantitatively has not increased significantly. The methodology ideas contained in the literature have four variants of ideas, i.e.: the use of the remain scientific method, the use of scientific method for cultural and social religious phenomenon and theological normative approach for doctrine aspects, the use of synthesis method, and the use of non-West approach or the use of selective and critical West approach in religious studies. Keywords: Dynamics of ideas, Moslem Scholars, Religious Studies, published literature Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengkaji perkembangan pemikiran sarjana muslim tentang metodologi studi agama melalui literatur studi agama yang terpublikasi dalam rentang waktu 1964-2012. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah pemikiran kolektif dengan pendekatan kajian teks. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa literatur studi agama yang memuat bahasan metodologi yang terpublikasi berkembang lamban dan tidak mengalami penambahan jumlah yang berarti. Gagasan metodologis yang terkandung di dalamnya memiliki empat varian pemikiran, yaitu cukup menggunakan metode ilmiah yang ada, menggunakan pendekatan ilmiah untuk fenomena keagamaan sosial dan budaya dan pendekatan teologis-normatif untuk aspek doktrin, menggunakan metode sintesis, dan adapula yang menghendaki menggunakan pendekatan non-Barat atau setidaknya menggunakan pendekatan Barat dengan kritis dan selektif dalam studi agama. Kata kunci: Dinamika Pemikiran, Sarjana Muslim, Studi Agama, literatur terpublikasi
Tafsir Ayat Wasathiyyah dalam Al-Qur`an dan Implikasinya dalam Konteks Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia, 2023
This article discusses the interpretation of wasathiyyah verses in QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 143 from s... more This article discusses the interpretation of wasathiyyah verses in QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 143 from several classical, modern, and contemporary mufassir added with a study of the concept of wasathiyyah in the Qur'an. The interpretation of wasathiyyah then looks at the implications for practising religious moderation in Indonesia, where some parties are socializing. The method used in this study is a literature study of tafsir literature and analyzing it comparatively Religious moderation based on the concept of wasathiyyah As has been explained by some mufassir and researchers show that Quranic moderation refers to the character of fairness, balance, balance, choosing the best, the most beautiful, and above all, having a high position, consistency or istiqamah, accuracy, and with that character the Muslim community becomes an example for other societies. The concept of religious moderation socialized in Indonesia has contained various characters mentioned by several mufassir and Qur'an scholars and can be enriched again with several other characters to enhance further and complement the existing wasathiyyah characters. These various wasathiyyah characters need to be socialized and cultured through various channels to become part of the religious tradition of Muslims in Indonesia.
Artikel PkM 4: Menjaga Kesinambungan Kesalihan individual dan Sosial Pasca Ramadhan, 2024