reni nofita - (original) (raw)
Papers by reni nofita
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) pada tahun 2013, menyatakan bahwa Indonesia menjadi n... more The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) pada tahun 2013, menyatakan bahwa Indonesia menjadi negara dengan angka perkawinan anak tertinggi ketujuh di dunia. Berdasarkan data SKAP 2019 tentang indek pengetahuan remaja tentang KRR untuk Provinsi Banten pada angka 44,2%. Tujuan penelitian adalah Diketahuinya determinan perencanaan keluarga pada
Jurnal Kesehatan, Aug 10, 2020
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM), 2018
Menurut data yang dikeluarkan WHO, kekurangan kalsium bisa menyebabkan 200 jenis penyakit. Pada i... more Menurut data yang dikeluarkan WHO, kekurangan kalsium bisa menyebabkan 200 jenis penyakit. Pada ibu hamil kekurangan kalsium dapat beresiko terhadap kejadian preeklamsia pada kehamilan. Hipotesis yang menyatakan kalsium merupakan faktor predisposisi pertama kali disebutkan pada tahun 1980. Hal ini juga terbukti dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya oleh Hofmyer dan kawan-kawan, suplemen kalsium selama kehamilan memiliki efek yang signifikan untuk menurunkan resiko preeklamsia hampir 65%. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di Indonesia mencapai 128.273 per tahun atau sekitar 5,3%. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan insidensi preeklampsia yang terjadi di negara berkembang lainnya yaitu sekitar 1,8% - 18%. Preeklamsia pada kehamilan berpotensi membahayakan ibu dan janin yang sedang dikandungnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui korelasi waktu pemberian kalsium, kepatuhan konsumsi kalsium dengan kejadian resiko tinggi preeclampsia ibu hamil di Wilayah kerja puskesmas Ciputat. Metode penelitian mengg...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM), 2018
Perubahan yang terjadi selama kehamilan meliputi perubahan fisik, emosi dan hasrat seksual.Dampak... more Perubahan yang terjadi selama kehamilan meliputi perubahan fisik, emosi dan hasrat seksual.Dampak dari perubahan tersebut masih cukup banyak pasangan suami istri yang takut, atau ragu-ragu untuk memutuskan melakukan hubungan seksual selama hamil. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan pada penelitian Nunung Yuliyati yang dilakukan Tahun 2011 terdapat sekitar 64,7% ibu hamil trimester III mengeluh cemas ketika melakukan hubungan seksual dan diantara yang mengalami kecemasan dalam hubungan seksual mengatakan tidak bergairah dalam melakukan hubungan seksual, frekuensi hubungan seksual juga tidak mesti rata-rata 1kali seminggu. Tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara frekuensi senggama, orgasme ,posisi hubungan seksual dan durasi hubungan seksual dengan kejadian kontraksi selama hamil. Metode penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional study. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Rawa Buntu, Serpong 1, Serpong 2. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebany...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM)
Background Pregnancy is a special condition for a woman as a prospective mother, because during p... more Background Pregnancy is a special condition for a woman as a prospective mother, because during pregnancy there will be many changes both physical, social and mental changes. During pregnancy there can also be things that cause a high-risk pregnancy especially those associated with anemia. This ignorance is one of the reasons for the lack of supporting media information related to the practice of how to consume FE tablets correctly. This study generally aims to analyze the level of understanding of mothers about how to consume FE tablets and compile an effective video information media for pregnant women about the practice of FE Tablet consumption patterns, so that it can effectively improve mothers' understanding of FE tablet consumption patterns practices that can meet FE's needs to you during pregnancy. In line with the objectives to be achieved in this study, this research uses the action research method. This method was chosen because in the first phase, research will b...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM)
The policy of early initiation of breastfeeding has been socialized in Indonesia since August 200... more The policy of early initiation of breastfeeding has been socialized in Indonesia since August 2007 (Roesli, 2008). The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that all babies get colostrum, namely breast milk on the first and second days to fight various infections and get exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months (Ministry of Health 2012). The IMD implementation policy is also expected to reduce infant mortality (IMD). In infant mortality, 40% occurs in the first month of life and early initiation of breastfeeding can reduce these risk factors for death, thereby reducing 22% for 28-day infant mortality. The research design was a cross sectional study using primary data (questionnaire). This sample uses accidental sampling method. The results showed that of the 87 respondents at Puskesmas Palmerah, the age of 20-35 years old mothers who had good knowledge about IMD were 30 respondents (34.5%), respondents with high education (SMA-PT) had good knowledge about IMD as many as 51 res...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM)
Pregnancy and childbirth are inseparable chain reactions in a normal woman's life. To undergo... more Pregnancy and childbirth are inseparable chain reactions in a normal woman's life. To undergo a safe and comfortable pregnancy, pregnant women must be able to manage their body, mind and spirit holistically during pregnancy. (Kuswandi,2013) Changes in the safety and comfort of pregnant women are closely related to physical and psychological changes. (Prawiroharjo,2015) To reduce the physical and psychological complaints of mothers during pregnancy, what can be done by including the mother in pregnancy exercise classes, Prenatal yoga is a type of exercise that is good for pregnant women to do. Practicing yoga means that pregnant women practice physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.Based on the data obtained at Pamulang Health Center, from 684 pregnant women during January to April, only 20% of pregnant women attended the pregnancy class provided by the puskesmas, the remaining 80% of pregnant women were not involved in gymnastics classes at all. The absence of p...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM)
Anemia in pregnancy is potentially harmful to the mother and child. Based Riskesdas 2013 the pre... more Anemia in pregnancy is potentially harmful to the mother and child. Based Riskesdas 2013 the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in Indonesia amounted to 37.1%, this indicates the incidence of pregnancy anemia in Indonesia is still quite high, this study aims to Know the knowledge before and after getting a health education about the link between diet and the incidence of high risk in pregnancy puskesmass District, Ciputat timur.Metode this research is descriptive analysis with cross sectional study design. Location of the research conducted at the health center subdistrict, Ciputat east, Rengas, Pisangan, Pondok Ranji. Samples in this study were 84 maternal sample is taken by accidental sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire and book ANC. Data analysis using Chi Square Results of the study of 84 pregnant women, obtained 20.9% experienced anemia There is a significant correlation between regularity of the diet and the incidence of anemia, with p ...
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) pada tahun 2013, menyatakan bahwa Indonesia menjadi n... more The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) pada tahun 2013, menyatakan bahwa Indonesia menjadi negara dengan angka perkawinan anak tertinggi ketujuh di dunia. Berdasarkan data SKAP 2019 tentang indek pengetahuan remaja tentang KRR untuk Provinsi Banten pada angka 44,2%. Tujuan penelitian adalah Diketahuinya determinan perencanaan keluarga pada
Jurnal Kesehatan, Aug 10, 2020
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM), 2018
Menurut data yang dikeluarkan WHO, kekurangan kalsium bisa menyebabkan 200 jenis penyakit. Pada i... more Menurut data yang dikeluarkan WHO, kekurangan kalsium bisa menyebabkan 200 jenis penyakit. Pada ibu hamil kekurangan kalsium dapat beresiko terhadap kejadian preeklamsia pada kehamilan. Hipotesis yang menyatakan kalsium merupakan faktor predisposisi pertama kali disebutkan pada tahun 1980. Hal ini juga terbukti dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya oleh Hofmyer dan kawan-kawan, suplemen kalsium selama kehamilan memiliki efek yang signifikan untuk menurunkan resiko preeklamsia hampir 65%. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di Indonesia mencapai 128.273 per tahun atau sekitar 5,3%. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan insidensi preeklampsia yang terjadi di negara berkembang lainnya yaitu sekitar 1,8% - 18%. Preeklamsia pada kehamilan berpotensi membahayakan ibu dan janin yang sedang dikandungnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui korelasi waktu pemberian kalsium, kepatuhan konsumsi kalsium dengan kejadian resiko tinggi preeclampsia ibu hamil di Wilayah kerja puskesmas Ciputat. Metode penelitian mengg...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM), 2018
Perubahan yang terjadi selama kehamilan meliputi perubahan fisik, emosi dan hasrat seksual.Dampak... more Perubahan yang terjadi selama kehamilan meliputi perubahan fisik, emosi dan hasrat seksual.Dampak dari perubahan tersebut masih cukup banyak pasangan suami istri yang takut, atau ragu-ragu untuk memutuskan melakukan hubungan seksual selama hamil. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan pada penelitian Nunung Yuliyati yang dilakukan Tahun 2011 terdapat sekitar 64,7% ibu hamil trimester III mengeluh cemas ketika melakukan hubungan seksual dan diantara yang mengalami kecemasan dalam hubungan seksual mengatakan tidak bergairah dalam melakukan hubungan seksual, frekuensi hubungan seksual juga tidak mesti rata-rata 1kali seminggu. Tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara frekuensi senggama, orgasme ,posisi hubungan seksual dan durasi hubungan seksual dengan kejadian kontraksi selama hamil. Metode penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional study. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Rawa Buntu, Serpong 1, Serpong 2. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebany...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM)
Background Pregnancy is a special condition for a woman as a prospective mother, because during p... more Background Pregnancy is a special condition for a woman as a prospective mother, because during pregnancy there will be many changes both physical, social and mental changes. During pregnancy there can also be things that cause a high-risk pregnancy especially those associated with anemia. This ignorance is one of the reasons for the lack of supporting media information related to the practice of how to consume FE tablets correctly. This study generally aims to analyze the level of understanding of mothers about how to consume FE tablets and compile an effective video information media for pregnant women about the practice of FE Tablet consumption patterns, so that it can effectively improve mothers' understanding of FE tablet consumption patterns practices that can meet FE's needs to you during pregnancy. In line with the objectives to be achieved in this study, this research uses the action research method. This method was chosen because in the first phase, research will b...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM)
The policy of early initiation of breastfeeding has been socialized in Indonesia since August 200... more The policy of early initiation of breastfeeding has been socialized in Indonesia since August 2007 (Roesli, 2008). The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that all babies get colostrum, namely breast milk on the first and second days to fight various infections and get exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months (Ministry of Health 2012). The IMD implementation policy is also expected to reduce infant mortality (IMD). In infant mortality, 40% occurs in the first month of life and early initiation of breastfeeding can reduce these risk factors for death, thereby reducing 22% for 28-day infant mortality. The research design was a cross sectional study using primary data (questionnaire). This sample uses accidental sampling method. The results showed that of the 87 respondents at Puskesmas Palmerah, the age of 20-35 years old mothers who had good knowledge about IMD were 30 respondents (34.5%), respondents with high education (SMA-PT) had good knowledge about IMD as many as 51 res...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM)
Pregnancy and childbirth are inseparable chain reactions in a normal woman's life. To undergo... more Pregnancy and childbirth are inseparable chain reactions in a normal woman's life. To undergo a safe and comfortable pregnancy, pregnant women must be able to manage their body, mind and spirit holistically during pregnancy. (Kuswandi,2013) Changes in the safety and comfort of pregnant women are closely related to physical and psychological changes. (Prawiroharjo,2015) To reduce the physical and psychological complaints of mothers during pregnancy, what can be done by including the mother in pregnancy exercise classes, Prenatal yoga is a type of exercise that is good for pregnant women to do. Practicing yoga means that pregnant women practice physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.Based on the data obtained at Pamulang Health Center, from 684 pregnant women during January to April, only 20% of pregnant women attended the pregnancy class provided by the puskesmas, the remaining 80% of pregnant women were not involved in gymnastics classes at all. The absence of p...
Indonesian Journal of Midwifery (IJM)
Anemia in pregnancy is potentially harmful to the mother and child. Based Riskesdas 2013 the pre... more Anemia in pregnancy is potentially harmful to the mother and child. Based Riskesdas 2013 the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in Indonesia amounted to 37.1%, this indicates the incidence of pregnancy anemia in Indonesia is still quite high, this study aims to Know the knowledge before and after getting a health education about the link between diet and the incidence of high risk in pregnancy puskesmass District, Ciputat timur.Metode this research is descriptive analysis with cross sectional study design. Location of the research conducted at the health center subdistrict, Ciputat east, Rengas, Pisangan, Pondok Ranji. Samples in this study were 84 maternal sample is taken by accidental sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire and book ANC. Data analysis using Chi Square Results of the study of 84 pregnant women, obtained 20.9% experienced anemia There is a significant correlation between regularity of the diet and the incidence of anemia, with p ...