Roxana Bobu Axinte - (original) (raw)

Papers by Roxana Bobu Axinte


The article presents an investigation concerning the applicability of the socio-dynamic counselli... more The article presents an investigation concerning the applicability of the socio-dynamic counselling model for high school students. This type of counselling is based on narrative elements, on the use of creative and therapeutic stories and metaphors to meet the needs of adaptation, of personal and socioprofessional development of students. A challenge for high school counsellors is how to convey clear, appropriate, useful information about the world of work and career opportunities, and how to support the process of self-knowledge and capitalizing on one's potential. Traditionally, career counselling was focused on matching the person to a professional environment on the basis of objective, statistically validated etc. information. The presented approach analyses the idea that the socio-dynamic approach is perceived differently by those involved (students, counsellors). Starting from the premise that the preference for a certain style of work differs depending on the person, the results indicated the existence of gender differences, this type of counselling being preferred by female students. It was also found among the counsellors that there are differences in the preference for the practical use of the model. In their case, the subjective options for a certain way of working were supplemented with an objective factor, namely professional experience, which can be quantified in years of practice in the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional security and coping at students Bobu Jitaru

Journal of Pedagogy • 2022 (1) • LXXX 31, 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic brought changes at the socio-economic level, as it did in our private life.... more The Covid-19 pandemic brought changes at the socio-economic level, as it did in our private life. The strategies imposed by governments worldwide have generated a general model of action, subsequently customized at national level. Although the implemented measures aimed to proactively reduce the risk of infection, their consequences were multiple. In this context, the educational system was forced to rethink the way of carrying out its activities. The analysis considers the feeling of emotional security experienced by students during online teaching activities.
In this context, a qualitative research was conducted, based on the use of the focus group method. The participants in the investigation were students belonging to the 11 faculties with a technical profile within the “Gheorghe Asachi” University in Iasi. We organized three focus groups per year of study - I, II and III. The aim was to understand the effects on students of online education in a pandemic context from the perspective of “feeling of emotional security”. The objectives focused on identifying the individual difficulties experienced by students and analyzing the applied coping strategies. The results highlighted feelings such as fear, anxiety, sadness, insecurity that worsened with the distance from college and friends. Understanding how the pandemic has affected students is important for teachers to identify appropriate ways to come to their support later.

Research paper thumbnail of 2. Applied Teaching Strategies during the Covid 19 Pandemic

Review of Artistic Education

The crisis generated by the Covid 19 pandemic strongly influenced personal experiences, but also ... more The crisis generated by the Covid 19 pandemic strongly influenced personal experiences, but also professional ones. For pre-university and university education in Romania, the transfer to the virtual environment of teaching activities has been a challenge for the design and efficient development of education. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study based on the method of the semi-structured interview, on the teaching strategies and methods that teachers applied in the online school, conducted between November 2020 and June 2021. The aim of the research is to identify teacher adaptation strategies to the requirements of the online school environment and the teaching methods used by them in working with pupils and students. The objectives were: to gather the difficulties encountered by teachers in working with pupils / students, to identify ways to adapt teaching methods to the new educational context, to highlight the benefits that teachers found in the new way of orga...

Research paper thumbnail of A Clustering Algorithm for Multilevel Fast

Research paper thumbnail of Training Programs Part of the Strategy for Teachers’ Professional Development

Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie

Often in discussions with teachers in different contexts, one of the subjects concerned the diffi... more Often in discussions with teachers in different contexts, one of the subjects concerned the difficulties of working with students from "problem classes".In order to meet their needs, we have identified practical solutions, techniques and methods of preventing and modifying behavior, through literature analysis. Thus, the idea of proposing a training program to address the issue of classroom management appeared. In the broader sense, the work of the classroom teacher is a leading activity (according to the education sciences). Any of the actors: Educator, teacher, who effectively coordinate the educational process is concerned about the educational climate of the group. We briefly outline the structure and aims of such a program, as it can be a reference point in optimizing the professional development of teachers and educators.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Personal Development in Students Adapting to the Academic Life


In this article we describe the results obtained in an activity of evaluation of a personal devel... more In this article we describe the results obtained in an activity of evaluation of a personal development program addressed to students in the first year of study. It was carried out within a project financed by the Scholarship Scheme for Universities, concluded between the Ministry of National Education through the Management Unit of Externally Funded Projects and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Energy and Applied Informatics, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi. The specific objectives of the project pursued three intervention components: motivation (M), networking (R) and workload (V). These have been directly correlated with other identified aspects (individual failure, academic failure) that lead to school dropouts and low academic performance. In order to achieve the objectives, the project presented a proposed activity plan for a target group of 80 students for one year of implementation). The activities proposed within the project represent punctual education...

Research paper thumbnail of The School Counselor: Competencies in a Constructivist Model of Counseling for Career Development

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

Abstract Counseling on career development service is difficult to quantify in the immediately obs... more Abstract Counseling on career development service is difficult to quantify in the immediately observable results after completion of a certain activity. A normal question arises in this context: ‘Who is responsible for this?’ We believe it is the responsibility of several factors aimed at educating and training young people to achieve professional development, and the school counselor represents one of these factors. This paper proposes a theoretical and research approach to the process of career counseling from a constructivist perspective. Why constructivist counseling? This approach is an alternative that can be translated to a certain group of beneficiaries in order to support identification and development of a path forward in professional life which will provide them with the opportunity to achieve success. We underline the term “alternative” in order to draw attention to the fact that this is one of the working variants that can be employed by counselors in accordance with the needs and characteristics of each group of beneficiaries. This paper presents an adaptation of the constructivist approach in career counseling in the school medium, where we support it as a strategy to the school counselors, considering them as professionals. We hope that this model would be an alternative to the traditional model of counseling, based on the idea of person-job fit. The analysis of school counselors’ activities is based on two directions: a) the choice of intervention strategies in relation to activities specific to the school they work in (middle school, theoretical/technological/vocational high school), and b) professional experience (beginners or not).

Research paper thumbnail of The Act of Teaching. Tradition and Interactivity

Interactivity-based teaching is a process that develops over time requiring a constant reflective... more Interactivity-based teaching is a process that develops over time requiring a constant reflective practice on behalf of the teacher. When it comes to teaching, together with the technical eclecticism theory, the theory of reflexivity supports a specific teaching approach in direct relation with the teacher's level of experience. Critical-reflexive teaching occurs when a teacher examines their own conceptions, analyzing their own methods from various perspectives, including their own and the beneficiary's at the very least. This research shows that teachers build up progressively the act of teaching in an interactive manner, and this<br> act becomes a constant of their professional conduct as they gain more experience. Another aspect that influences interactivity in teaching is related to the direct conditioning of the educator's professional environment (type of educational institution).<br>

Research paper thumbnail of The Constructivist Model of Counselling and the Students’ Perception on Career

Revista de Pedagogie - Journal of Pedagogy, 2018

Consilierul de carieră contribuie la conturarea încrederii în sine a beneficiarului, în vederea r... more Consilierul de carieră contribuie la conturarea încrederii în sine a beneficiarului, în vederea realizării unei opţiuni adecvate. Putem considera consilierea o acţiune complexă, cu beneficii multiple asupra consiliatului, dar şi pentru viitorul angajator. Pentru elev ne referim la identificarea aşteptărilor şi efectuarea unei alegeri, în vederea obţinerii de satisfacţii în plan personal şi profesional. Din perspectiva angajatorului, acesta doreşte un candidat încrezător în capacităţile sale, bine pregătit şi potrivit organizaţiei. Pe baza modelului constructivist, consilierii pot înţelege modul în care elevii se implică în acest proces, devenind astfel parteneri. Un principiu de bază al constructivismului este cel referitor la valorizarea opiniei celui implicat în proces, respectiv a elevului. Obiectivul principal al studiului are în vedere o descriere a percepţiilor elevilor, prin prisma a două dimensiuni, legate de alegerea pentru viitoarea carieră: importanţa activităţilor specifice consilierii constructiviste în carieră şi rolul stimei de sine. Comparativ a fost identificată şi percepţia consilierilor asupra organizării activităţilor de consiliere, conform modelului constructivist. Analiza comparativă a rezultatelor a evidenţiat similarităţi de opinie la nivelul celor două grupuri de respondenţi, asupra valorii modelului de consiliere constructivist. Acestea, ne determină să considerăm că există deschidere spre modul de organizare şi proiectare a activităţilor de consiliere în manieră constructivistă.

Research paper thumbnail of Carieră Și Succes Profesional Prin Mentorat

Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte ale Educatiei, 2018

<p>Tot mai frecvent se discută în mediul educațional despre valoarea mentoratului pentru pr... more <p>Tot mai frecvent se discută în mediul educațional despre valoarea mentoratului pentru profesorii aflați la începutul carierei didactice. Profesorii debutanți se confruntă cu numeroase provocări în primii ani de activitate și, prin urmare, au nevoie de sprijin acordat de către instituție într-o formă <em>organizată, formală și valorizată. </em>Din punctul de vedere al etapelor, care trebuie parcurse în planul dezvoltării profesionale, furnizarea unui model viabil sub forma unui program de mentorat este recomandată. Astfel se va facilita transferul cunoștințelor teoretice dobândite (în timpul anilor de studii) în activi­tatea lor concretă, astfel încât aceștia să aibă oportunitatea de a-și dezvolta la un nivel superior competențele specifice ocupației de cadru didactic. Prezentăm un studiu ce evidențiază identificarea unui mod de lucru, adecvat carac­teristicilor de învățare ale debutanților, rezultat din analiza comparativă a percepțiilor referitoare la activitatea de mentorat ale celor doi parteneri ai acestui proces: <em>profesorul mentor </em>și<em> profesorul stagiar</em>. Rezultatul obținut evidențiază rolul parteneriatului în procesul de mentorat astfel încât fiecare dintre cei doi actori obține beneficii din perspectiva dezvol­tării carierei didactice, implicit succes și satisfacție profesională.</p><p><strong>CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS THROUGH MENTORING</strong></p><p> </p><p>The value of mentoring has recently been discussed about in the educational community. Debutant teachers face numerous challenges in the first years of their career and, therefore, they need support in <em>an organized, formal and</em><em> value-based manner</em>. From the point of view of the steps to be taken in the field of professional development, it is recommended to provide a viable model in the form of a mentoring program. This will facilitate the transfer of acquired theoretical knowledge during their study years into everyday activities so that they have the opportunity to further improve the competences [...]

Research paper thumbnail of Modelul Constructivist De Consiliere Şi Percepţia Elevilor Asupra Carierei

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Study on the Marine Algae from the Romanian Black Sea Coast

Black Sea seaweed is an important marine resource that can bring many benefits. To use algae for ... more Black Sea seaweed is an important marine resource that can bring many benefits. To use algae for various purposes, preliminary studies are required to know their composition. Preliminary studies are presented in this paper to identify bioactive compounds which hold therapeutic interest. Three species of algae were analysed: green algae represented by Ulva lactuca, brown algae represented by Cystoseira barbata and red algae represented by Ceramium rubrum. Seaweeds were harvested from four harvesting stations located along the Romanian Black Sea coast in two consecutive seasons (autumn 2018 and spring 2019). Following the analysis of the physico-chemical results, sulfate compounds, carbohydrates and total dietary fibers were obtained in appreciable quantities. Comparisons were made between the average values obtained in the two seasons. It is found that in the spring season the percentage values for sulfate and carbohydrates contained in all the algae tested are lower than those obtai...

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigme, Teorii, Modele De Intervenție Ale Consilierii Pentru Carieră

Articolul prezintă o analiză a conceptelor teoretice, care se regăsesc la baza fundamentării deme... more Articolul prezintă o analiză a conceptelor teoretice, care se regăsesc la baza fundamentării demersului practic, realizat de către specialiști, in nișa activităților de consiliere pentru carieră. Sunt prezentate și analizate conceptele de paradigmă, teorie, model de acțiune/ intervenție. Integrarea informațiilor teoretice, aparținând mai multor teorii specifice de con­si­liere, se va regăsi intr-un model de intervenție, asumat de către fiecare consilier. PARADIGMS, THEORIES, INTERVENTION MODELS IN CAREER COUNSELLING This article presents an analysis of the theoretical concepts providing the justifying basis for the specialists’ practical approach in the career counselling’s activities niche. We present and analyse the concepts of paradigm, theory, action/ intervention model. Integration of the theoretical knowledge borrowed from multiple career counselling specific theories leads to one’s own intervention model to be developed by each career counsellor.

Research paper thumbnail of Actul predării. Tradiţie şi interactivitate

Research paper thumbnail of Sociodynamic Counseling: Creativity and Adaptation for the School Counselors


Why do we need sociodynamic counseling? Because it can be an innovative approach for students, an... more Why do we need sociodynamic counseling? Because it can be an innovative approach for students, and they will feel involved and responsible for the decision they make. This article analyzes the use of the sociodynamic counseling model for the secondary-school students. The central role of the metaphor within the discussions highlights the need for creative skills and attitudes. These are necessary for both the counselor and the youngster who is counseled, but, at the same time, they are not suitable for all subjects. This creative approach, however, does not suit all counselors as a way of approaching the interactive process. The idea of addressing areas of professional activity in a metaphorical manner may be an unusual but also a provocative aspect for students, helping them to reflect more seriously upon their future profession. Traditionally, career counseling was centered on attaining a person-profession match, based on providing objective, statistically validated information, etc. In this paper we will analyze the assertion that this sociodynamic approach is perceived differently by those involved (secondary-school students, counselors). Starting from the premise that each person has a preference for a certain style of work, we will argue (theoretically and practically) that there are gender differences in the application of this type of counseling. We will also show that among the counselors it was found that there are differences, regarding the preference for using the model proposed by us in their current activity. In addition to the subjective options for a particular way of working, there is also an objective factor, i.e. the professional experience, quantified by the years of practice in the field.


The article presents an investigation concerning the applicability of the socio-dynamic counselli... more The article presents an investigation concerning the applicability of the socio-dynamic counselling model for high school students. This type of counselling is based on narrative elements, on the use of creative and therapeutic stories and metaphors to meet the needs of adaptation, of personal and socioprofessional development of students. A challenge for high school counsellors is how to convey clear, appropriate, useful information about the world of work and career opportunities, and how to support the process of self-knowledge and capitalizing on one's potential. Traditionally, career counselling was focused on matching the person to a professional environment on the basis of objective, statistically validated etc. information. The presented approach analyses the idea that the socio-dynamic approach is perceived differently by those involved (students, counsellors). Starting from the premise that the preference for a certain style of work differs depending on the person, the results indicated the existence of gender differences, this type of counselling being preferred by female students. It was also found among the counsellors that there are differences in the preference for the practical use of the model. In their case, the subjective options for a certain way of working were supplemented with an objective factor, namely professional experience, which can be quantified in years of practice in the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional security and coping at students Bobu Jitaru

Journal of Pedagogy • 2022 (1) • LXXX 31, 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic brought changes at the socio-economic level, as it did in our private life.... more The Covid-19 pandemic brought changes at the socio-economic level, as it did in our private life. The strategies imposed by governments worldwide have generated a general model of action, subsequently customized at national level. Although the implemented measures aimed to proactively reduce the risk of infection, their consequences were multiple. In this context, the educational system was forced to rethink the way of carrying out its activities. The analysis considers the feeling of emotional security experienced by students during online teaching activities.
In this context, a qualitative research was conducted, based on the use of the focus group method. The participants in the investigation were students belonging to the 11 faculties with a technical profile within the “Gheorghe Asachi” University in Iasi. We organized three focus groups per year of study - I, II and III. The aim was to understand the effects on students of online education in a pandemic context from the perspective of “feeling of emotional security”. The objectives focused on identifying the individual difficulties experienced by students and analyzing the applied coping strategies. The results highlighted feelings such as fear, anxiety, sadness, insecurity that worsened with the distance from college and friends. Understanding how the pandemic has affected students is important for teachers to identify appropriate ways to come to their support later.

Research paper thumbnail of 2. Applied Teaching Strategies during the Covid 19 Pandemic

Review of Artistic Education

The crisis generated by the Covid 19 pandemic strongly influenced personal experiences, but also ... more The crisis generated by the Covid 19 pandemic strongly influenced personal experiences, but also professional ones. For pre-university and university education in Romania, the transfer to the virtual environment of teaching activities has been a challenge for the design and efficient development of education. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study based on the method of the semi-structured interview, on the teaching strategies and methods that teachers applied in the online school, conducted between November 2020 and June 2021. The aim of the research is to identify teacher adaptation strategies to the requirements of the online school environment and the teaching methods used by them in working with pupils and students. The objectives were: to gather the difficulties encountered by teachers in working with pupils / students, to identify ways to adapt teaching methods to the new educational context, to highlight the benefits that teachers found in the new way of orga...

Research paper thumbnail of A Clustering Algorithm for Multilevel Fast

Research paper thumbnail of Training Programs Part of the Strategy for Teachers’ Professional Development

Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie

Often in discussions with teachers in different contexts, one of the subjects concerned the diffi... more Often in discussions with teachers in different contexts, one of the subjects concerned the difficulties of working with students from "problem classes".In order to meet their needs, we have identified practical solutions, techniques and methods of preventing and modifying behavior, through literature analysis. Thus, the idea of proposing a training program to address the issue of classroom management appeared. In the broader sense, the work of the classroom teacher is a leading activity (according to the education sciences). Any of the actors: Educator, teacher, who effectively coordinate the educational process is concerned about the educational climate of the group. We briefly outline the structure and aims of such a program, as it can be a reference point in optimizing the professional development of teachers and educators.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Personal Development in Students Adapting to the Academic Life


In this article we describe the results obtained in an activity of evaluation of a personal devel... more In this article we describe the results obtained in an activity of evaluation of a personal development program addressed to students in the first year of study. It was carried out within a project financed by the Scholarship Scheme for Universities, concluded between the Ministry of National Education through the Management Unit of Externally Funded Projects and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Energy and Applied Informatics, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi. The specific objectives of the project pursued three intervention components: motivation (M), networking (R) and workload (V). These have been directly correlated with other identified aspects (individual failure, academic failure) that lead to school dropouts and low academic performance. In order to achieve the objectives, the project presented a proposed activity plan for a target group of 80 students for one year of implementation). The activities proposed within the project represent punctual education...

Research paper thumbnail of The School Counselor: Competencies in a Constructivist Model of Counseling for Career Development

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

Abstract Counseling on career development service is difficult to quantify in the immediately obs... more Abstract Counseling on career development service is difficult to quantify in the immediately observable results after completion of a certain activity. A normal question arises in this context: ‘Who is responsible for this?’ We believe it is the responsibility of several factors aimed at educating and training young people to achieve professional development, and the school counselor represents one of these factors. This paper proposes a theoretical and research approach to the process of career counseling from a constructivist perspective. Why constructivist counseling? This approach is an alternative that can be translated to a certain group of beneficiaries in order to support identification and development of a path forward in professional life which will provide them with the opportunity to achieve success. We underline the term “alternative” in order to draw attention to the fact that this is one of the working variants that can be employed by counselors in accordance with the needs and characteristics of each group of beneficiaries. This paper presents an adaptation of the constructivist approach in career counseling in the school medium, where we support it as a strategy to the school counselors, considering them as professionals. We hope that this model would be an alternative to the traditional model of counseling, based on the idea of person-job fit. The analysis of school counselors’ activities is based on two directions: a) the choice of intervention strategies in relation to activities specific to the school they work in (middle school, theoretical/technological/vocational high school), and b) professional experience (beginners or not).

Research paper thumbnail of The Act of Teaching. Tradition and Interactivity

Interactivity-based teaching is a process that develops over time requiring a constant reflective... more Interactivity-based teaching is a process that develops over time requiring a constant reflective practice on behalf of the teacher. When it comes to teaching, together with the technical eclecticism theory, the theory of reflexivity supports a specific teaching approach in direct relation with the teacher's level of experience. Critical-reflexive teaching occurs when a teacher examines their own conceptions, analyzing their own methods from various perspectives, including their own and the beneficiary's at the very least. This research shows that teachers build up progressively the act of teaching in an interactive manner, and this<br> act becomes a constant of their professional conduct as they gain more experience. Another aspect that influences interactivity in teaching is related to the direct conditioning of the educator's professional environment (type of educational institution).<br>

Research paper thumbnail of The Constructivist Model of Counselling and the Students’ Perception on Career

Revista de Pedagogie - Journal of Pedagogy, 2018

Consilierul de carieră contribuie la conturarea încrederii în sine a beneficiarului, în vederea r... more Consilierul de carieră contribuie la conturarea încrederii în sine a beneficiarului, în vederea realizării unei opţiuni adecvate. Putem considera consilierea o acţiune complexă, cu beneficii multiple asupra consiliatului, dar şi pentru viitorul angajator. Pentru elev ne referim la identificarea aşteptărilor şi efectuarea unei alegeri, în vederea obţinerii de satisfacţii în plan personal şi profesional. Din perspectiva angajatorului, acesta doreşte un candidat încrezător în capacităţile sale, bine pregătit şi potrivit organizaţiei. Pe baza modelului constructivist, consilierii pot înţelege modul în care elevii se implică în acest proces, devenind astfel parteneri. Un principiu de bază al constructivismului este cel referitor la valorizarea opiniei celui implicat în proces, respectiv a elevului. Obiectivul principal al studiului are în vedere o descriere a percepţiilor elevilor, prin prisma a două dimensiuni, legate de alegerea pentru viitoarea carieră: importanţa activităţilor specifice consilierii constructiviste în carieră şi rolul stimei de sine. Comparativ a fost identificată şi percepţia consilierilor asupra organizării activităţilor de consiliere, conform modelului constructivist. Analiza comparativă a rezultatelor a evidenţiat similarităţi de opinie la nivelul celor două grupuri de respondenţi, asupra valorii modelului de consiliere constructivist. Acestea, ne determină să considerăm că există deschidere spre modul de organizare şi proiectare a activităţilor de consiliere în manieră constructivistă.

Research paper thumbnail of Carieră Și Succes Profesional Prin Mentorat

Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte ale Educatiei, 2018

<p>Tot mai frecvent se discută în mediul educațional despre valoarea mentoratului pentru pr... more <p>Tot mai frecvent se discută în mediul educațional despre valoarea mentoratului pentru profesorii aflați la începutul carierei didactice. Profesorii debutanți se confruntă cu numeroase provocări în primii ani de activitate și, prin urmare, au nevoie de sprijin acordat de către instituție într-o formă <em>organizată, formală și valorizată. </em>Din punctul de vedere al etapelor, care trebuie parcurse în planul dezvoltării profesionale, furnizarea unui model viabil sub forma unui program de mentorat este recomandată. Astfel se va facilita transferul cunoștințelor teoretice dobândite (în timpul anilor de studii) în activi­tatea lor concretă, astfel încât aceștia să aibă oportunitatea de a-și dezvolta la un nivel superior competențele specifice ocupației de cadru didactic. Prezentăm un studiu ce evidențiază identificarea unui mod de lucru, adecvat carac­teristicilor de învățare ale debutanților, rezultat din analiza comparativă a percepțiilor referitoare la activitatea de mentorat ale celor doi parteneri ai acestui proces: <em>profesorul mentor </em>și<em> profesorul stagiar</em>. Rezultatul obținut evidențiază rolul parteneriatului în procesul de mentorat astfel încât fiecare dintre cei doi actori obține beneficii din perspectiva dezvol­tării carierei didactice, implicit succes și satisfacție profesională.</p><p><strong>CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS THROUGH MENTORING</strong></p><p> </p><p>The value of mentoring has recently been discussed about in the educational community. Debutant teachers face numerous challenges in the first years of their career and, therefore, they need support in <em>an organized, formal and</em><em> value-based manner</em>. From the point of view of the steps to be taken in the field of professional development, it is recommended to provide a viable model in the form of a mentoring program. This will facilitate the transfer of acquired theoretical knowledge during their study years into everyday activities so that they have the opportunity to further improve the competences [...]

Research paper thumbnail of Modelul Constructivist De Consiliere Şi Percepţia Elevilor Asupra Carierei

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Study on the Marine Algae from the Romanian Black Sea Coast

Black Sea seaweed is an important marine resource that can bring many benefits. To use algae for ... more Black Sea seaweed is an important marine resource that can bring many benefits. To use algae for various purposes, preliminary studies are required to know their composition. Preliminary studies are presented in this paper to identify bioactive compounds which hold therapeutic interest. Three species of algae were analysed: green algae represented by Ulva lactuca, brown algae represented by Cystoseira barbata and red algae represented by Ceramium rubrum. Seaweeds were harvested from four harvesting stations located along the Romanian Black Sea coast in two consecutive seasons (autumn 2018 and spring 2019). Following the analysis of the physico-chemical results, sulfate compounds, carbohydrates and total dietary fibers were obtained in appreciable quantities. Comparisons were made between the average values obtained in the two seasons. It is found that in the spring season the percentage values for sulfate and carbohydrates contained in all the algae tested are lower than those obtai...

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigme, Teorii, Modele De Intervenție Ale Consilierii Pentru Carieră

Articolul prezintă o analiză a conceptelor teoretice, care se regăsesc la baza fundamentării deme... more Articolul prezintă o analiză a conceptelor teoretice, care se regăsesc la baza fundamentării demersului practic, realizat de către specialiști, in nișa activităților de consiliere pentru carieră. Sunt prezentate și analizate conceptele de paradigmă, teorie, model de acțiune/ intervenție. Integrarea informațiilor teoretice, aparținând mai multor teorii specifice de con­si­liere, se va regăsi intr-un model de intervenție, asumat de către fiecare consilier. PARADIGMS, THEORIES, INTERVENTION MODELS IN CAREER COUNSELLING This article presents an analysis of the theoretical concepts providing the justifying basis for the specialists’ practical approach in the career counselling’s activities niche. We present and analyse the concepts of paradigm, theory, action/ intervention model. Integration of the theoretical knowledge borrowed from multiple career counselling specific theories leads to one’s own intervention model to be developed by each career counsellor.

Research paper thumbnail of Actul predării. Tradiţie şi interactivitate

Research paper thumbnail of Sociodynamic Counseling: Creativity and Adaptation for the School Counselors


Why do we need sociodynamic counseling? Because it can be an innovative approach for students, an... more Why do we need sociodynamic counseling? Because it can be an innovative approach for students, and they will feel involved and responsible for the decision they make. This article analyzes the use of the sociodynamic counseling model for the secondary-school students. The central role of the metaphor within the discussions highlights the need for creative skills and attitudes. These are necessary for both the counselor and the youngster who is counseled, but, at the same time, they are not suitable for all subjects. This creative approach, however, does not suit all counselors as a way of approaching the interactive process. The idea of addressing areas of professional activity in a metaphorical manner may be an unusual but also a provocative aspect for students, helping them to reflect more seriously upon their future profession. Traditionally, career counseling was centered on attaining a person-profession match, based on providing objective, statistically validated information, etc. In this paper we will analyze the assertion that this sociodynamic approach is perceived differently by those involved (secondary-school students, counselors). Starting from the premise that each person has a preference for a certain style of work, we will argue (theoretically and practically) that there are gender differences in the application of this type of counseling. We will also show that among the counselors it was found that there are differences, regarding the preference for using the model proposed by us in their current activity. In addition to the subjective options for a particular way of working, there is also an objective factor, i.e. the professional experience, quantified by the years of practice in the field.