sakiru Akinbode - (original) (raw)

Papers by sakiru Akinbode

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of exogenous corticosterone on testicular function and mating behavior of Nigerian indigenous cocks

Animal Reproduction, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the new agro-certification system (SEEDCODEX) on Nigerian seed industry and crop farming

Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

There have been increase in the incidence of fake crop seeds in Nigerian market. This has multipl... more There have been increase in the incidence of fake crop seeds in Nigerian market. This has multiple implications on crop yield and food security. In order to address this problem the National Agricultural Seed Council (NASC) in 2019 introduced a seed quality assurance tagging and tracking system named SEEDCODEX into the Nigerian seed induatry. Meanwhile, there is no knowledge about the impact of the new system on the industry. This study therefore assessed the impact of Seedcodex on the industry with the aim of understanding the level of awareness, use and constriants among key actors in the seed value chain. Also it has to identify socioeconomic variables affecting the use of seedcodex among end users and come up with recommendations which are capable of enhancing the achievement of the objectives of the system. Data were collected from 44 seed companies, 57 agrodealers and 211 farmers and analyzed with Contingent valuation willingness to pay (WTP), Logit and Tobit regressions. Resu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Does Health Aid Reduce Hiv/Aids Prevalence in Nigeria?

Journal of Humanities, Social Science and Creative Arts, 2020

There has been influx of official development assistance (foreign aid) into the health sector in ... more There has been influx of official development assistance (foreign aid) into the health sector in Nigeria but little or nothing is known about the impact of such funds on specific health outcomes in Nigeria. Given the economic implication of HIV/AIDS, this study therefore assessed the effect of health aid on the prevalence of the HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Relevant data spanning 1990 to 2017were sourced from World Development Indicator (WDI) and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) database and analyzed within the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) framework. Model estimation results revealed that health aid had no significant effect on HIV prevalence in the country. Effective utilization of health aid was advocated in order to reduce the HIV prevalence rate thereby reducing the accompanying burden on the people and the economy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Growth and Income Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa

Economies of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have been growing slowly in recent time. Economi... more Economies of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have been growing slowly in recent time. Economic growth is thought to affect inequality but not much is known about the nature of such relationship in SSA and there is no concordance among the few available. This paper examined the relationship between economic growth and inequality in the region using data from 1990 to 2017estimated with the Panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model and Granger Causality. Hausman’s test suggested the superiority of the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) over the Mean Group (MG) Model. The PMG results showed that economic growth had significant and negative effect on income inequality (proxy by GINI-coefficient) in the long run suggesting a state of the later part of the Kuznet curve. This is in addition to the negative effect in the short run which is contrary to the theory. Furthermore, the result of the Granger Causality test revealed evidence of unidirectional relationship running from economic grow...

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Research paper thumbnail of Women Asset Ownership and Household Poverty in Rural Nigeria

Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, 2017

Several methods have been adopted in studies involving household poverty but very few focused on ... more Several methods have been adopted in studies involving household poverty but very few focused on structural causes and constraints to poverty. Women being most times the homemaker occupy a very important position in the household. This study employed Women Asset Approach to assess household poverty in South-West Nigeria. Data collected from 363 respondents sampled through a multistage sampling procedure were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Probit Regression analysis. The average age of women sampled in study was 45 years while the average income was ₦33,158 (about $195 as at the time of the study). The Asset which had the highest value in the PCA reduction was mobile phone (0.4548) and the lowest Asset Value was black and white television (-0.0430). The mean of the poverty quintile which represented the poverty line was 1.6574. The Logit regression result revealed that education, marital status and income were significant determinants...

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Research paper thumbnail of Inequality, population growth, and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa

SN Social Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact Of Exchange Rate On Economic Growth In Nigeria (1981-2016): An Ardl Approach

Contemporary Economy Journal, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Economics of farm households' food demand in Nigeria

Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

In paper was used the panel data from the Nigeria General Household Survey and commodity prices f... more In paper was used the panel data from the Nigeria General Household Survey and commodity prices from alternative sources between 2010-2016 to estimate farm households' food and non-food demand in Nigeria. The commodity bundles of all the food groups were necessities goods, as their budget elasticities were positive and also inelastic. Animal products were a luxury good. There is no strong complementary and substitutive relationship existing between the commodity groups as the cross price elasticities estimated were smaller than the own price elasticities. Households' expenditure on pulses is not affected by changes in their own prices. Policy issue such as stable food prices is important in ensuring that households are assisted in and encourage consuming balance diets.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exchange Rate Volatility and Agricultural Exports in Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bound Test Approacj

There have been fluctuations in the exchange rate of Naira to other world major currencies especi... more There have been fluctuations in the exchange rate of Naira to other world major currencies especially the US Dollar over time. The implication of this on agricultural exports is unknown. This study determined the effect of exchange rate returns volatility on Nigeria's agricultural export performance using annual data from 1980-2015 sourced from CBN and FAOSTAT. The ARCH-LM test was carried out to establish the presence ofheteroscedasticity in the exchange rate return series as revealed by the significant F-statistic and the nR2• The GARCH (1, 1) model was used to generate the exchange rate return volatiiity series which was subsequently incorporated into the ARDL model for determining factors affecting agricultural exports (cocoa and rubber). The Bound test revealed longrun relationship among variables. Results indicated that exchange rate return volatility did not significantly affect exports both in the short-run and the long-run. This may be partially attributed to the inelas...

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Research paper thumbnail of Corruption, Government Effectiveness and Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies

Aside economic factors causing low human development which have been extensively studied in liter... more Aside economic factors causing low human development which have been extensively studied in literature, the implications of high level of corruption and weak governance prevalent in sub- Saharan African (SSA) countries have not been explored. The study assessed the effects of corruption, government effectiveness and their joint effect on human development in SSA. Data collected on thirty-seven (37) countries within the period of 2005 to 2018 were analyzed using system Generalized Method of Moment which was most suitable for the dataset. Results indicated that lagged human development index (P<0.01), government effectiveness (P<0.05), economic growth rate (P<0.1) and government health spending (P<0.1) had significant positive effect on human development while corruption and its interaction with government effectiveness did not. The results of Arrelano-Bond test of first order autocorrelation and second order autocorrelation of error term as well as the Sargan test and Han...

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Cost of Treating Water-Borne Diseases Among Rural Households in South West Nigeria

Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies

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Research paper thumbnail of Macroeconomic Variables and Food Price Inflation in Nigeria (1980-2018)

Despite the abundance of literature on general inflation, there is limited knowledge on the speci... more Despite the abundance of literature on general inflation, there is limited knowledge on the specific effects of macroeconomic variables on food inflation in Nigeria. The study examined the effects of key macroeconomic variables on food price inflation in Nigeria using data from 1980 to 2018 obtained from the World Bank and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).Stationary tests revealed that some of the series were stationary at level i.e. I(0) while others were stationary at first difference i.e. I(1). Therefore, the data were analyzed within the ARDL framework. The bound test revealed the presence of long run relationship among the variables. Food production, exchange rate, money supply and crude oil prices were significant in the short run while all of these except food production were significant in long run. It takes about 1.1 years for the system to restore back to the long run equilibrium path in case of an external shock. Post estimation tests confirmed the validity of the model ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of health outcome on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: a system generalized method of moment approach

Journal of Economics and Development

PurposeSome progress have been made over time in improving health conditions in Sub-Saharan Afric... more PurposeSome progress have been made over time in improving health conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). There are, however, contradicting reports on the relationship between health outcomes and economic growth in the region. The paper aimed at assessing the effect of health outcome on economic growth in SSA.Design/methodology/approachData for 41 countries from 2000 to 2018 were obtained from WDI and WGI and analyzed using system generalized method of moment (sGMM) which is appropriate for the present scenario. AR(1) and AR(2) tests were used to assess the validity of the model while Sargan and Hansen tests were adopted to examine the validity of the instrumental variables. The robustness of the estimation was confirmed using the pooled OLS and fixed effect regression.FindingsHealth outcome (proxied by life expectancy), lagged GDP per capita, capital formation, labor force (LF), health expenditure (HE), foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade openness (TOP) significantly affected...

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Research paper thumbnail of Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiencies of Pepper Production in South-West Nigeria: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

Despite increases in the cultivation of pepper among farmers in South-West Nigeria, massive trans... more Despite increases in the cultivation of pepper among farmers in South-West Nigeria, massive transportation of pepper from the Northern parts of the country and seasonal fluctuation in prices are still very common. Given a good knowledge of the efficiency levels of various production units (farms), output can be increased in the short-term by improving production efficiency. This study examined technical, allocative and economic efficiencies in pepper production in south-west Nigeria. Data were collected from three hundred pepper farmers who were sampled through a multi-stage sampling procedure. Data were analyzed using the stochastic frontier approach. The results revealed average technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of 0.737, 0.893 and 0.658 respectively. These imply that given the present efficiencies levels, there is room for the average farmer to increase pepper output or save costs without the need to change existing technology. Extension contact, gender, indigeneshi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Profiles and Determinants of Poverty among Urban Households in South-West Nigeria

American Journal of Economics, 2013

Poverty is gradually becoming more visible in urban areas in Nigeria. Therefore, this paper asses... more Poverty is gradually becoming more visible in urban areas in Nigeria. Therefore, this paper assessed the poverty situation and its determinants among urban households in the south-west region of the country. Data collected from a total of 320 households were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Foster Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) index and the ordinary least square multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that majority of the households relied on water from boreholes for drinking, disposed refuse in undesignated places and patronized nearby drug stores when they are ill in place of proper diagnosis and treatment in hospitals. The FGT decomposition showed that 34 percent of the households were poor with a poverty gap and severity indices of 0.11 and 0.06 respectively. The study further revealed that educational level of heads (α=0.01), household size (α=0.05), gender of heads (α=0.01), dependency ratio (α=0.05) and access to credit (α=0.05) exerted significant effect on hous...

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Research paper thumbnail of Access to Credit: Implication for Sustainable Rice Production in Nigeria

Nigeria spends huge sums of money annually on the importation of rice. Rice production requires s... more Nigeria spends huge sums of money annually on the importation of rice. Rice production requires some level of capital outlay. Most of the Nigerian farmers have no take-off capital and access to credit is usually very limited. This study investigated the effect of access to credit on rice production in Nigeria. A total of 208 rice farmers were sampled in Niger State, North-central Nigeria. Data collected were analyzed with the aid of descriptive statistics, t-test of difference of two means, Logit regression model, the Ordinary Least Square Regression model and the Chow test. Male within the economically active age dominated rice production enterprise in the study area. They kept large household size of about 16 people. Few of the farmers belong to cooperative societies and relied more on family labour to carry out farm activities. Farmers who had access to credit recorded higher yield and higher profit which may support economic sustainability of the enterprise. The Logit model resu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Foreign Aid on Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa:A System GMM Approach

South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 2020

Using data for 47 SSA countries from 2000 to 2016, the study examined the effect of foreign aid o... more Using data for 47 SSA countries from 2000 to 2016, the study examined the effect of foreign aid on human development in SSA by employing the System-GMM approach, which is specifically applicable to the present case. Results revealed that aid did not affect human development in SSA, whereas, corruption was found to reduce HDI, while trade openness improved it. Validity of results was confirmed by the Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation in the disturbance term and the Hansen and Sargan tests for the validity of instrumental variables. The study recommended effective framework for utilization of foreign aid and reduction of corruption.

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Research paper thumbnail of Food Security in Nigeria: Impetus for Growth and Development

One of the most important and crucial debates in the world today is how to provide sufficient foo... more One of the most important and crucial debates in the world today is how to provide sufficient food for over seven billion people in the world. In 2019, 690 million people were suffering from hunger globally while about 135 million people in 55 countries and territories were suffering from acute food insecurity with Africa accounting for 73 million of this figure. Food insecurity is one of the major challenges of most African governments occasioned by an increasing number of people living in extreme poverty, high-level corruption, incidences of conflicts/terrorism, low level of human capital and unfavorable climate change in the region. Nigeria has the highest number of people living in extreme poverty globally. The Global Food Security Index (GFSI) rank of Nigeria has been on the increase since 2013 while it was ranked 94th among 113 countries in 2019. Nigeria is facing the challenge of food insecurity, especially in the northeastern and north-central states where conflicts/insurgen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Corruption, Government Effectiveness and Human Development in Sub- Saharan Africa

Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies, 2020

Aside economic factors causing low human development which have been extensively studied in liter... more Aside economic factors causing low human development which have been extensively studied in literature, the implications of high level of corruption and weak governance prevalent in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have not been explored. The study assessed the effects of corruption, government effectiveness and their joint effect on human development in SSA. Data collected on thirty-seven (37) countries within the period of 2005 to 2018 were analyzed using system Generalized Method of Moment which was most suitable for the dataset. Results indicated that lagged human development index (P<0.01), government effectiveness (P<0.05), economic growth rate (P<0.1) and government health spending (P<0.1) had significant positive effect on human development while corruption and its interaction with government effectiveness did not. The results of Arrelano-Bond test of first order autocorrelation and second order autocorrelation of error term as well as the Sargan test and Hans...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of health outcome on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: a system generalized method of moment approach

Journal of Economics and Development

PurposeSome progress have been made over time in improving health conditions in Sub-Saharan Afric... more PurposeSome progress have been made over time in improving health conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). There are, however, contradicting reports on the relationship between health outcomes and economic growth in the region. The paper aimed at assessing the effect of health outcome on economic growth in SSA.Design/methodology/approachData for 41 countries from 2000 to 2018 were obtained from WDI and WGI and analyzed using system generalized method of moment (sGMM) which is appropriate for the present scenario. AR(1) and AR(2) tests were used to assess the validity of the model while Sargan and Hansen tests were adopted to examine the validity of the instrumental variables. The robustness of the estimation was confirmed using the pooled OLS and fixed effect regression.FindingsHealth outcome (proxied by life expectancy), lagged GDP per capita, capital formation, labor force (LF), health expenditure (HE), foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade openness (TOP) significantly affected...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of exogenous corticosterone on testicular function and mating behavior of Nigerian indigenous cocks

Animal Reproduction, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the new agro-certification system (SEEDCODEX) on Nigerian seed industry and crop farming

Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

There have been increase in the incidence of fake crop seeds in Nigerian market. This has multipl... more There have been increase in the incidence of fake crop seeds in Nigerian market. This has multiple implications on crop yield and food security. In order to address this problem the National Agricultural Seed Council (NASC) in 2019 introduced a seed quality assurance tagging and tracking system named SEEDCODEX into the Nigerian seed induatry. Meanwhile, there is no knowledge about the impact of the new system on the industry. This study therefore assessed the impact of Seedcodex on the industry with the aim of understanding the level of awareness, use and constriants among key actors in the seed value chain. Also it has to identify socioeconomic variables affecting the use of seedcodex among end users and come up with recommendations which are capable of enhancing the achievement of the objectives of the system. Data were collected from 44 seed companies, 57 agrodealers and 211 farmers and analyzed with Contingent valuation willingness to pay (WTP), Logit and Tobit regressions. Resu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Does Health Aid Reduce Hiv/Aids Prevalence in Nigeria?

Journal of Humanities, Social Science and Creative Arts, 2020

There has been influx of official development assistance (foreign aid) into the health sector in ... more There has been influx of official development assistance (foreign aid) into the health sector in Nigeria but little or nothing is known about the impact of such funds on specific health outcomes in Nigeria. Given the economic implication of HIV/AIDS, this study therefore assessed the effect of health aid on the prevalence of the HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Relevant data spanning 1990 to 2017were sourced from World Development Indicator (WDI) and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) database and analyzed within the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) framework. Model estimation results revealed that health aid had no significant effect on HIV prevalence in the country. Effective utilization of health aid was advocated in order to reduce the HIV prevalence rate thereby reducing the accompanying burden on the people and the economy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Growth and Income Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa

Economies of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have been growing slowly in recent time. Economi... more Economies of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have been growing slowly in recent time. Economic growth is thought to affect inequality but not much is known about the nature of such relationship in SSA and there is no concordance among the few available. This paper examined the relationship between economic growth and inequality in the region using data from 1990 to 2017estimated with the Panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model and Granger Causality. Hausman’s test suggested the superiority of the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) over the Mean Group (MG) Model. The PMG results showed that economic growth had significant and negative effect on income inequality (proxy by GINI-coefficient) in the long run suggesting a state of the later part of the Kuznet curve. This is in addition to the negative effect in the short run which is contrary to the theory. Furthermore, the result of the Granger Causality test revealed evidence of unidirectional relationship running from economic grow...

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Research paper thumbnail of Women Asset Ownership and Household Poverty in Rural Nigeria

Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, 2017

Several methods have been adopted in studies involving household poverty but very few focused on ... more Several methods have been adopted in studies involving household poverty but very few focused on structural causes and constraints to poverty. Women being most times the homemaker occupy a very important position in the household. This study employed Women Asset Approach to assess household poverty in South-West Nigeria. Data collected from 363 respondents sampled through a multistage sampling procedure were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Probit Regression analysis. The average age of women sampled in study was 45 years while the average income was ₦33,158 (about $195 as at the time of the study). The Asset which had the highest value in the PCA reduction was mobile phone (0.4548) and the lowest Asset Value was black and white television (-0.0430). The mean of the poverty quintile which represented the poverty line was 1.6574. The Logit regression result revealed that education, marital status and income were significant determinants...

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Research paper thumbnail of Inequality, population growth, and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa

SN Social Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact Of Exchange Rate On Economic Growth In Nigeria (1981-2016): An Ardl Approach

Contemporary Economy Journal, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Economics of farm households' food demand in Nigeria

Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

In paper was used the panel data from the Nigeria General Household Survey and commodity prices f... more In paper was used the panel data from the Nigeria General Household Survey and commodity prices from alternative sources between 2010-2016 to estimate farm households' food and non-food demand in Nigeria. The commodity bundles of all the food groups were necessities goods, as their budget elasticities were positive and also inelastic. Animal products were a luxury good. There is no strong complementary and substitutive relationship existing between the commodity groups as the cross price elasticities estimated were smaller than the own price elasticities. Households' expenditure on pulses is not affected by changes in their own prices. Policy issue such as stable food prices is important in ensuring that households are assisted in and encourage consuming balance diets.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exchange Rate Volatility and Agricultural Exports in Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bound Test Approacj

There have been fluctuations in the exchange rate of Naira to other world major currencies especi... more There have been fluctuations in the exchange rate of Naira to other world major currencies especially the US Dollar over time. The implication of this on agricultural exports is unknown. This study determined the effect of exchange rate returns volatility on Nigeria's agricultural export performance using annual data from 1980-2015 sourced from CBN and FAOSTAT. The ARCH-LM test was carried out to establish the presence ofheteroscedasticity in the exchange rate return series as revealed by the significant F-statistic and the nR2• The GARCH (1, 1) model was used to generate the exchange rate return volatiiity series which was subsequently incorporated into the ARDL model for determining factors affecting agricultural exports (cocoa and rubber). The Bound test revealed longrun relationship among variables. Results indicated that exchange rate return volatility did not significantly affect exports both in the short-run and the long-run. This may be partially attributed to the inelas...

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Research paper thumbnail of Corruption, Government Effectiveness and Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies

Aside economic factors causing low human development which have been extensively studied in liter... more Aside economic factors causing low human development which have been extensively studied in literature, the implications of high level of corruption and weak governance prevalent in sub- Saharan African (SSA) countries have not been explored. The study assessed the effects of corruption, government effectiveness and their joint effect on human development in SSA. Data collected on thirty-seven (37) countries within the period of 2005 to 2018 were analyzed using system Generalized Method of Moment which was most suitable for the dataset. Results indicated that lagged human development index (P<0.01), government effectiveness (P<0.05), economic growth rate (P<0.1) and government health spending (P<0.1) had significant positive effect on human development while corruption and its interaction with government effectiveness did not. The results of Arrelano-Bond test of first order autocorrelation and second order autocorrelation of error term as well as the Sargan test and Han...

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Cost of Treating Water-Borne Diseases Among Rural Households in South West Nigeria

Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies

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Research paper thumbnail of Macroeconomic Variables and Food Price Inflation in Nigeria (1980-2018)

Despite the abundance of literature on general inflation, there is limited knowledge on the speci... more Despite the abundance of literature on general inflation, there is limited knowledge on the specific effects of macroeconomic variables on food inflation in Nigeria. The study examined the effects of key macroeconomic variables on food price inflation in Nigeria using data from 1980 to 2018 obtained from the World Bank and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).Stationary tests revealed that some of the series were stationary at level i.e. I(0) while others were stationary at first difference i.e. I(1). Therefore, the data were analyzed within the ARDL framework. The bound test revealed the presence of long run relationship among the variables. Food production, exchange rate, money supply and crude oil prices were significant in the short run while all of these except food production were significant in long run. It takes about 1.1 years for the system to restore back to the long run equilibrium path in case of an external shock. Post estimation tests confirmed the validity of the model ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of health outcome on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: a system generalized method of moment approach

Journal of Economics and Development

PurposeSome progress have been made over time in improving health conditions in Sub-Saharan Afric... more PurposeSome progress have been made over time in improving health conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). There are, however, contradicting reports on the relationship between health outcomes and economic growth in the region. The paper aimed at assessing the effect of health outcome on economic growth in SSA.Design/methodology/approachData for 41 countries from 2000 to 2018 were obtained from WDI and WGI and analyzed using system generalized method of moment (sGMM) which is appropriate for the present scenario. AR(1) and AR(2) tests were used to assess the validity of the model while Sargan and Hansen tests were adopted to examine the validity of the instrumental variables. The robustness of the estimation was confirmed using the pooled OLS and fixed effect regression.FindingsHealth outcome (proxied by life expectancy), lagged GDP per capita, capital formation, labor force (LF), health expenditure (HE), foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade openness (TOP) significantly affected...

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Research paper thumbnail of Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiencies of Pepper Production in South-West Nigeria: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

Despite increases in the cultivation of pepper among farmers in South-West Nigeria, massive trans... more Despite increases in the cultivation of pepper among farmers in South-West Nigeria, massive transportation of pepper from the Northern parts of the country and seasonal fluctuation in prices are still very common. Given a good knowledge of the efficiency levels of various production units (farms), output can be increased in the short-term by improving production efficiency. This study examined technical, allocative and economic efficiencies in pepper production in south-west Nigeria. Data were collected from three hundred pepper farmers who were sampled through a multi-stage sampling procedure. Data were analyzed using the stochastic frontier approach. The results revealed average technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of 0.737, 0.893 and 0.658 respectively. These imply that given the present efficiencies levels, there is room for the average farmer to increase pepper output or save costs without the need to change existing technology. Extension contact, gender, indigeneshi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Profiles and Determinants of Poverty among Urban Households in South-West Nigeria

American Journal of Economics, 2013

Poverty is gradually becoming more visible in urban areas in Nigeria. Therefore, this paper asses... more Poverty is gradually becoming more visible in urban areas in Nigeria. Therefore, this paper assessed the poverty situation and its determinants among urban households in the south-west region of the country. Data collected from a total of 320 households were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Foster Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) index and the ordinary least square multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that majority of the households relied on water from boreholes for drinking, disposed refuse in undesignated places and patronized nearby drug stores when they are ill in place of proper diagnosis and treatment in hospitals. The FGT decomposition showed that 34 percent of the households were poor with a poverty gap and severity indices of 0.11 and 0.06 respectively. The study further revealed that educational level of heads (α=0.01), household size (α=0.05), gender of heads (α=0.01), dependency ratio (α=0.05) and access to credit (α=0.05) exerted significant effect on hous...

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Research paper thumbnail of Access to Credit: Implication for Sustainable Rice Production in Nigeria

Nigeria spends huge sums of money annually on the importation of rice. Rice production requires s... more Nigeria spends huge sums of money annually on the importation of rice. Rice production requires some level of capital outlay. Most of the Nigerian farmers have no take-off capital and access to credit is usually very limited. This study investigated the effect of access to credit on rice production in Nigeria. A total of 208 rice farmers were sampled in Niger State, North-central Nigeria. Data collected were analyzed with the aid of descriptive statistics, t-test of difference of two means, Logit regression model, the Ordinary Least Square Regression model and the Chow test. Male within the economically active age dominated rice production enterprise in the study area. They kept large household size of about 16 people. Few of the farmers belong to cooperative societies and relied more on family labour to carry out farm activities. Farmers who had access to credit recorded higher yield and higher profit which may support economic sustainability of the enterprise. The Logit model resu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Foreign Aid on Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa:A System GMM Approach

South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 2020

Using data for 47 SSA countries from 2000 to 2016, the study examined the effect of foreign aid o... more Using data for 47 SSA countries from 2000 to 2016, the study examined the effect of foreign aid on human development in SSA by employing the System-GMM approach, which is specifically applicable to the present case. Results revealed that aid did not affect human development in SSA, whereas, corruption was found to reduce HDI, while trade openness improved it. Validity of results was confirmed by the Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation in the disturbance term and the Hansen and Sargan tests for the validity of instrumental variables. The study recommended effective framework for utilization of foreign aid and reduction of corruption.

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Research paper thumbnail of Food Security in Nigeria: Impetus for Growth and Development

One of the most important and crucial debates in the world today is how to provide sufficient foo... more One of the most important and crucial debates in the world today is how to provide sufficient food for over seven billion people in the world. In 2019, 690 million people were suffering from hunger globally while about 135 million people in 55 countries and territories were suffering from acute food insecurity with Africa accounting for 73 million of this figure. Food insecurity is one of the major challenges of most African governments occasioned by an increasing number of people living in extreme poverty, high-level corruption, incidences of conflicts/terrorism, low level of human capital and unfavorable climate change in the region. Nigeria has the highest number of people living in extreme poverty globally. The Global Food Security Index (GFSI) rank of Nigeria has been on the increase since 2013 while it was ranked 94th among 113 countries in 2019. Nigeria is facing the challenge of food insecurity, especially in the northeastern and north-central states where conflicts/insurgen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Corruption, Government Effectiveness and Human Development in Sub- Saharan Africa

Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies, 2020

Aside economic factors causing low human development which have been extensively studied in liter... more Aside economic factors causing low human development which have been extensively studied in literature, the implications of high level of corruption and weak governance prevalent in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have not been explored. The study assessed the effects of corruption, government effectiveness and their joint effect on human development in SSA. Data collected on thirty-seven (37) countries within the period of 2005 to 2018 were analyzed using system Generalized Method of Moment which was most suitable for the dataset. Results indicated that lagged human development index (P<0.01), government effectiveness (P<0.05), economic growth rate (P<0.1) and government health spending (P<0.1) had significant positive effect on human development while corruption and its interaction with government effectiveness did not. The results of Arrelano-Bond test of first order autocorrelation and second order autocorrelation of error term as well as the Sargan test and Hans...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of health outcome on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: a system generalized method of moment approach

Journal of Economics and Development

PurposeSome progress have been made over time in improving health conditions in Sub-Saharan Afric... more PurposeSome progress have been made over time in improving health conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). There are, however, contradicting reports on the relationship between health outcomes and economic growth in the region. The paper aimed at assessing the effect of health outcome on economic growth in SSA.Design/methodology/approachData for 41 countries from 2000 to 2018 were obtained from WDI and WGI and analyzed using system generalized method of moment (sGMM) which is appropriate for the present scenario. AR(1) and AR(2) tests were used to assess the validity of the model while Sargan and Hansen tests were adopted to examine the validity of the instrumental variables. The robustness of the estimation was confirmed using the pooled OLS and fixed effect regression.FindingsHealth outcome (proxied by life expectancy), lagged GDP per capita, capital formation, labor force (LF), health expenditure (HE), foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade openness (TOP) significantly affected...

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