selfi handayani - (original) (raw)
Papers by selfi handayani
Elderly need social and economic support. To improve the quality of life of the elderly, socioeco... more Elderly need social and economic support. To improve the quality of life of the elderly, socioeconomic demands can be satisfied. This study aims to analyze the relationship of education history, income, employment status with the quality of life in the elderly. The method used study cross Sectional and analysis bivariate was used to test Chi-Square. The participants in the study were over 60 years old (n=145). A self-identity questionnaire was used to collect information on education, income, and employment status during the interview. The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life in the elderly. The results show a significant (p = 0.020) relationship between income and elderly quality of life. There was no significant relationship between elderly quality of life and educational history (p=0,327) or employment status (p=0,495). Because the income obtained was less than the minimum wage of Rp. 1.829.500, made elderly's quality of life decreased
Smart Society Empowerment Journal, 2022
Pendahuluan: Kader yang merupakan tangan panjang dari Puskesmas memiliki peranan yang penting dal... more Pendahuluan: Kader yang merupakan tangan panjang dari Puskesmas memiliki peranan yang penting dalam bidang kesehatan, karena memiliki fungsi strategis dalam menangani masalah kesehatan perseorangan maupun masyarakat. Setiap bulan kader melaksanakan kegiatan layanan pemeriksaan di posyandu lansia dan balita serta posbindu dengan supervisi bidan pembina wilayah serta dibawah tanggungjawab Puskesmas. Puskesmas Gondangrejo terdapat di Kabupaten karanganyar yang memiliki 93 buah posyandu dengan 240 kadernya yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah kecamatan. Hampir 100% kader merangkap sebagai kader posyandu lansia maupun balita serta posbindu. Oleh karena itu kemampuan dan ketrampilan kader perlu selalu ditingkatkan melalui pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan kesehatan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kader posyandu dan posbindu di wilayah Puskesmas Gondangrejo Karanganyar.Metode : Pengabdian dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan kader tentang antropometri kepada k...
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan : Kasus diabetes mellitus (DM) di dunia terus meningkat, dan sebagian besar m... more ABSTRAK Pendahuluan : Kasus diabetes mellitus (DM) di dunia terus meningkat, dan sebagian besar merupakan DM tipe 2. Diabetes melitus yang tidak terkontrol dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi, antara lain berupa hepatopati. Komplikasi dapat dicegah dengan pengendalian kadar glukosa darah. Biji mahoni ( Swietenia macrophylla King) diketahui mengandung isolat 1,4-bis-(3,4,5-trimetoksi-fenil)-tetrahidro-furo(3,4-c) furan yang dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Penelitian mengenai pengaruh isolat tersebut terhadap gambaran histopatologi hepar pada kasus DM belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh isolat biji mahoni tersebut terhadap gambaran histopatologi hepar tikus model DM tipe 2. Metode : Penelitian eksperimental laboratorium ini menggunakan rancangan post test only control group design . Sampel 36 tikus putih dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok secara random: KN (kontrol normal), K(-) (DM tanpa perlakuan), K(+) (DM+glibenklamid), P1, P2, dan P3 (DM+isol...
Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya, 2021
Pendahuluan: Asupan yodium yang kurang dapat menimbulkan berbagai gejala termasuk gondok atau pem... more Pendahuluan: Asupan yodium yang kurang dapat menimbulkan berbagai gejala termasuk gondok atau pembesaran kelenjar tiroid yang disebut juga Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY). Yodium diperlukan untuk membentuk hormon tiroid yang mengatur pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tubuh manusia. Tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan yodium dapat menyebabkan hipotiroidisme, penyerapan kalsium terhambat, gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat dan protein, dan gangguan pertumbuhan, seperti tinggi badan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan tinggi badan antara remaja di daerah endemis gondok dan daerah non endemik gondok di Karanganyar. Metode: Penelitian cross sectional yang dilakukan di Karanganyar yang terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu di Ngargoyoso sebagai daerah endemis gondok dan di Colomadu sebagai daerah bebas gondok. Sampel penelitian adalah remaja fase akhir, yaitu siswa SMK kelas XII. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik simple random sampling dan diperoleh 187 responden. Data diperol...
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan, 2021
Jamblang (Syzygium cumini L.) leaves contain several phytochemical compounds. These phytochemical... more Jamblang (Syzygium cumini L.) leaves contain several phytochemical compounds. These phytochemicals are thought to have roles as antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic, and antioxidant agents. This study aims to prove that there is an effect of giving ethanolic extract of jamblang leaves on body weight (BW) of metabolic syndrome (MS) Wistar rats induced by high-fat high-fructrose diet (HFFD) and injection of Streptozotocin (STZ)-Nicotinamide (Na), to determine different doses effect on the weight of Wistar rats. Laboratory experimental research with pre-post test control group. Samples were 8 weeks male Wistar (Rattus noverigicus) weighing 150-200 grams chosen by purposive random sampling method. Thirty rats were divided into 5 groups, each consisting of 6 rats. Normal group, metabolic syndrome group, 3 treatment groups MS were given jamblang leaf extract 100 mg/KgBW, 150mg/KgBW, 200mg/KgBW for 28 days. Data were analyzed by one way ANOVA test and repeated ANOVA test. The study showed...
BACKGROUND: Geographical condition may affect human behavior and phyisical development. Soil and ... more BACKGROUND: Geographical condition may affect human behavior and phyisical development. Soil and water in goiter endemic areas generally lack of iodine. This study aimed to determine dental maturity, oral hygiene, and height of junior high school students in goiter endemic area. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This cross sectional study was conducted in a goiter endemic area in Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar regency, Central Java, with junior high school students were taken by purposive sampling as study sample. The dependent variables included dental maturity, oral hygiene, and height. Dental maturity was assessed by counting the number of tooth eruption. Oral hygiene was assessed by the number of OHI-S. Height was measured by microtoise. Chi Square test was used to test differences. RESULTS: There were 208 students aged 12 to 15 years, consisting of 96 boys (46.2%) and 112 girls (53.8%). Dental maturity of girls were better than dental maturity of boys, and it was statistically significant (p=0.006). As many as 51 boys (53.1%) had complete and 45 boys (46.9%) had incomplete dental maturity. As many as 80 girls (76.4%) had complete and 32 girls (28.6%) had incomplete dental maturity. Oral hygiene between both sexes was comparable, and it was not statistically significant (p= 0.180). As many as 15 boys (15.6%) had good, 76 boys (79.2%) had moderate, and 5 boys (5.2%) had poor oral hygiene. As many as 18 girls (16.1%) had good, 80 girls (71.4%) had moderate, and 14 girls (12.5%) had poor oral hygiene. Mean height of boys was 151 cm, with maximum height of 173 cm and minimum height of 126 cm. Mean height of girls was 149 cm, with maximum height of 171 cm and minimum height of 136 cm. The mean height of junior high school students in goiter endemic area in Ngargoyoso district was still normal compared with non-goiter endemic area. CONCLUSION: Dental maturity of girls were better than dental maturity of boys. Most of oral hygiene of junior high school students were in the medium category. Oral hygiene between both sexes was comparable. The mean height of junior high school students in goiter endemic area in Ngargoyoso district was still normal.
Chronic stress (CS) exposure causes cytogenic and structural changes in the hipocampus which lead... more Chronic stress (CS) exposure causes cytogenic and structural changes in the hipocampus which lead to cognitive impairment. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce cortisol secretion and protects hipocampus from stress-related damage. We hypothesize that acupunture can alleviate stress-induced working memory deficit.mthis study aimed to investigate whether electroacupuncture (EA) can improve memory in chronic stress model in rat. This was an experimental study with pretest and postest control group design. Rats were divided randomly into four groups: control group (C), CS group (T1), EA group (T2), and EA plus CS group (T3). Working memory was assessed using Eight-arm radial maze. A marked decrease in working memory was observed in the CS group demonstrated by more working memory correct errors (p=0.020) and incorrect errors (p=0.024) than control group. The CS plus EA rats made fewer working memory correct error (p=0.001) and incorrect error (p=0.000) compared to the CS only group. EA ...
Journal of International Students, 2020
The purpose of this narrative study was to explore how an international PhD student-mother, who h... more The purpose of this narrative study was to explore how an international PhD student-mother, who has a young child, negotiated and coped with the challenges to complete her studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Multiple semi-structured interviews were adopted to collect narrative data. Anchored in a thematic analysis, qualitative data showed that the participant encountered such challenges as the skills of managing academic time and activities, difficulty in focusing on studying, worries about family conditions in Indonesia and financial needs. We concluded that physical, mental and spiritual strengths of an individual derived from family and community support play a pivotal role in thinking of, managing, and coping with various challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.
AbstrakPertumbuhan tulang panjang menentukan tinggi badan akhir seseorang. Tinggi badan merupakan... more AbstrakPertumbuhan tulang panjang menentukan tinggi badan akhir seseorang. Tinggi badan merupakan ciri fenotipe yang mempengaruhi penampilan dan kepercayaan diri individu. Seringkali anak dengan tinggi badan tidak normal atau perawakan pendek mengalami gangguan psikososial. Anak dapat mempunyai kompetensi sosial yang rendah dan problem sosial lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan orang normal yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi karier dan status sosial seseorang. Hal ini dapat menjadi masalah penting yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian, dan menjadi alasan bagi orang tua untuk mencari pengobatan.Penanganan perawakan pendek yang dilakukan saat ini adalah dengan memberikan hormon pertumbuhan GH dan IGF-1. Terapi dengan kedua hormon tersebut mampu meningkatkan tinggi badan, tetapi cara pengobatan hormon sulit dilakukan, disamping mahal biayanya seringkali mempunyai efek samping yang tidak diinginkan. Laserpunktur menawarkan terapi yang mudah, murah, efisien dan...
Background: Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola Linn.) juice contains flavonoids, epicatechins, proant... more Background: Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola Linn.) juice contains flavonoids, epicatechins, proanthocyanidins, and tanins that can protect liver from free radicals. The objectives of this research we re to know the effect of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola Linn.) juice to liver histological damage of albino rat induced by paracetamol. Methods: This was laboratory experimental research with post test only controlled group design. Samples were 28 male rats from Wistar type, 2-3 months old and + 200 g of each weight. Samples were divided into 4 groups of 7 rats each. Sampling technique used in this research was incidental sampling. The control group (K) and the first treatment group (P1), rats were administered aquadest for 14 days. The second treatment group (P2), rats were administered star fruits juice with the concentration of 50% 2ml/200 g body weight of rat and the third group (P3), rats were administered star fruits juice with the concentration of 100% 2ml/200 g body weight of rat...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021), 2021
Background and aims: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had tremendous effects ... more Background and aims: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had tremendous effects on medical education including anatomy. In pandemic conditions students cannot study with cadavers which has been known as "gold standard" for anatomy learning. Alternatives anatomy learning media are pursued, one of which is using anatomy video. This research aims to develop anatomy video for anatomy system and using them. Methods: We utilize a consumer camera to record anatomy educational video in the laboratory setting using plastinated specimens., and then prepare them to play on Youtube. The process of creating content includes storyline creation, preparation of anatomy specimens for system, setting an anatomy laboratory, video recording, editing and publishing on Youtube Channel. Students the questions about utilize the videos Results: The results show that these videos are appropriate material for an alternative educational media in learning anatomy in the pandemic era and future, although there are still some weaknesses found in these video. can acces video anytime and anywhere so they can study anatomy freely and more flexibly. Conclusions: Anatomy video of digestive system helps students for learning anatomy in pandemic era and future.
Background: Height is an important clinical indicator to derive Body Mass Index (BMI) and also to... more Background: Height is an important clinical indicator to derive Body Mass Index (BMI) and also to estimate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). However, height measurement in someone who cannot stand properly like the elderly or lower ekstremity abnormality may become difficult. Therefore, estimating height with another antropometric measurement may become a solution. In another study, arm span showed the highest correlation with standing height. The different morfologic between male and female also important to find the different estimating height formula. Objectives: This research aimed to know arm span to height ratio data in students from Medicine Faculty 2008 of Sebelas Maret University and the differences of arm span to height ratio between male and female. Methods: This research was an analytical observational research with cross sectional approach. The sample data collected using purposive sampling method within inclusion and exclusion criteria. From the population, 60 samples (30 males and 30 females) chose by simple random sampling method, then measured their height and arm span. Height measured in anatomical position using microtoise staturmeter. Arm span measured using ruler tape from the longest finger in right hand to the longest finger in left hand. All data analyzed using normality test Kolmogorov-Smirnov and followed with t-independent test if the distribution data showed normal. Results : T-independent test result p = 0.03 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: This study found a difference in arm span to height ratio between male and female students in Faculty of Medicine 2008, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
Makara Journal of Health Research, 2014
The majority of female batik workers uses non-ergonomic chairs (dingklik) that pose risks of musc... more The majority of female batik workers uses non-ergonomic chairs (dingklik) that pose risks of musculoskeletal disorders. This study aimed to design an ergonomic chair and evaluate its effectiveness in reducing musculoskeletal disorders among the workers. This is a quasi-experimental study (using one group pre and post-test design) on 50 female batik workers selected by quota sampling. Musculoskeletal disorders were measured among the samples before and after the use of the designed ergonomic chair which they were asked to use for two months. T-test, ANCOVA, Wilcoxon test, McNemar test and Chi Square test were used for the analysis. The study found statistical significant differences of risk factor against musculoskeletal disorders among the workers before and after their use of the designed ergonomic chair (p< 0.05); and of musculoskeletal disorders before and after using the ergonomic chair (p= 0,035). Body Mass Index (BMI) was identified as a confounding factor, and statistical significant difference of musculoskeletal disorders were also found among the workers with <25 and >25 BMI even before and after using the ergonomic chair (p=0.033 and p=0.015 respectively). By ANCOVA statistical test, after controlling BMI, another statistical difference of musculoskeletal disorders was also identified before and after using the ergonomic chair (p=0.033). It is concluded that the designed ergonomic chair is effective to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Abstrak Pengaruh Pemakaian Kursi Ergonomis terhadap Gangguan Muskuloskeletal pada Pekerja Wanita Batik Tulis di Kabupaten Sragen. Sebagian besar posisi kerja pekerja batik tulis di Sragen tidak ergonomis, sehingga berisiko terjadi gangguan muskuloskeletal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain kursi ergonomis dan menilai efektifitas desain kursi terhadap gangguan muskuloskeletal pekerja wanita batik tulis. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental quasi dengan pendekatan one group pre and posttest design. Populasi adalah seluruh pekerja industri Batik Sragen. Teknik sampling quota random sampling. Sampel sebanyak 50 orang diukur tingkat risiko keparahan gangguan muskuloskeletalnya sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan kursi ergonomis. Selanjutnya, dilakukan uji Wilcoxon test, McNemar test, dan Chi Square test. Perbedaan tingkat risiko keparahan muskuloskeletal sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan kursi ergonomis (p< 0,05). Terdapat perbedaan keluhan muskuloskeletal sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan kursi ergonomis (p=0,035). Indeks massa tubuh teridentifikasi sebagai confounding factor karena terdapat hubungan yang signifikan terhadap gangguan muskuloskeletal, baik sebelum maupun sesudah menggunakan kursi ergonomis (masing-masing p=0,033 dan p=0,015). Melalui uji Ancova, confounding factor dikendalikan, diperoleh hasil uji yang tetap signifikan (p=0,033). Kursi kerja ergonomis menurunkan risiko keparahan gangguan muskuloskeletal.
Latar Belakang: Bising intermiten bisa menimbulkan stres yang merangsang HPA axis untuk menyebabk... more Latar Belakang: Bising intermiten bisa menimbulkan stres yang merangsang HPA axis untuk menyebabkan kerusakan duodenum. Akupunktur sudah diindikasikan untuk terapi ulkus duodenum. Tujuan penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh elektroakupunktur titik Zusanli (ST 36) dan Zhongwan (CV 12) terhadap perbaikan gambaran histologis duodenum tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang terpapar bising intermiten. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratoris dengan rancangan the post-test only control group design. Subyek penelitian adalah tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus) galur Wistar sebanyak 28 ekor yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok secara random, yaitu Kelompok Kontrol (K) yaitu kelompok yang tidak mendapat perlakuan, Kelompok Perlakuan 1 (P1) yaitu kelompok yang mendapat paparan bising, Kelompok Perlakuan 2 (P2) yaitu kelompok yang mendapat paparan bising dan dibiarkan mengalami recovery fisiologis selama 30 hari, dan Kelompok Perlakuan 3 (P3) yaitu kelompok yang menda...
Jurnal Abdidas, 2021
Sampai saat ini Covid 19 masih melanda dunia dan mendorong adanya masa dengan adaptasi baru denga... more Sampai saat ini Covid 19 masih melanda dunia dan mendorong adanya masa dengan adaptasi baru dengan selalu mengedepankan protokol kesehatan. Salah satu protokol kesehatan yang wajib ditaati adalah pemakaian masker. Bukan saja petugas kesehatan yang menggunakan masker, namun masyarakat luas diharuskan pula ber masker. Masker kain merupakan jenis masker yang dapat dipakai oleh masyarakat umum. Masker ini dapat dijumpai dengan berbagai bahan dan model serta dapat diproduksi sendiri baik oleh pabrikan atau penjahit rumahan. Masker yang ideal dibutuhkan untuk dapat berfungsi secara optimal. Masker ini sebaiknya memenuhi standar WHO sehingga mampu mengurangi penularan Covid 19 secara signifikan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi terkait masker, yang meliputi jenis dan bahan masker, memakai dan membuat masker kain yang ideal sesuai WHO kepada para penjahit rumahan di kecamatan Tasikmadu karanganyar. Mitra pada pengabdian ini adalah empat penjahit rumahan yang berdomisili...
International Journal of Research and Review
Background - Health services are one of the most widely used public services, administered by BPJ... more Background - Health services are one of the most widely used public services, administered by BPJS Health reaching 222.5 million people as of December 31, 2020. This figure is equivalent to 81.3% of the total population in Indonesia. The Doku application is an application that will help level I Health Facilities and Hospitals to manage BPJS patient services. The Doku application will replace the conventional BPJS patient services at Level I Health Facilities and Hospitals to online. This business opportunity is quite large, even though there are threats from existing applications, with more brands and users, but based on the results of QSPM is product development strategy, Doku will always update features and add according to market needs. Method - Product design operational management approach. Result - This product design helps companies to implement user requirements in the form of user interface. Keywords: Application, Doku, Feature Update, Business opportunity.
JOSSAE : Journal of Sport Science and Education
This study aims to knowing the differences in effectiveness of the timing cold water immersion ag... more This study aims to knowing the differences in effectiveness of the timing cold water immersion against the onset of delayed onset muscle soreness after submaximal exercise. This research is an experimental study with posttest-only with control group design. The pain of delayed onset muscle soreness measured by Visual Analog Scale. The subjects were 30 samples, which split into 3 groups. Data analysis to determine the result of this study used the one way ANOVA with α determined at 0.05. The result of this study indicate that there are significant differences in each group, the group that received the immersion had a lower pain scale than the control group, also the group that was treated 1 hour after exercise showed better results than the 4 hours, CWI after 1 hour after exercise can inhibit migration of neutrophils which are the main cells of secondary damage that will induce pain. The conclusion of this study is cold water immersion after 1 hour after exercise is better than the 4 hours.
Abdimas Universal
Special Needs Children in SLB Anugerah, Colomadu, Karanganyar, Central Java, are still difficult ... more Special Needs Children in SLB Anugerah, Colomadu, Karanganyar, Central Java, are still difficult to practice how to brush teeth correctly and still lack of understanding of oral health, so that the hygiene and dental health status and mouth are still lacking. Therefore it is necessary to fix it. The purpose of this activity is to carry out one component of the Higher Education Tri Dharma that is community service. The benefits of this service are for special needs students to increase their knowledge about oral health and improve their skills in brushing their teeth properly. The dedication method is a lecture on how to maintain dental and oral health as well as the practice of brushing teeth along with the target audience, all Special Needs Children in SLB Anugerah, Colomadu, Karanganyar. A total of 52 people were present. The results of the dedication showed that 42.3% of the targets were able to practice brushing teeth with enough categories and 57.7% were still in the poor categ...
Elderly need social and economic support. To improve the quality of life of the elderly, socioeco... more Elderly need social and economic support. To improve the quality of life of the elderly, socioeconomic demands can be satisfied. This study aims to analyze the relationship of education history, income, employment status with the quality of life in the elderly. The method used study cross Sectional and analysis bivariate was used to test Chi-Square. The participants in the study were over 60 years old (n=145). A self-identity questionnaire was used to collect information on education, income, and employment status during the interview. The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life in the elderly. The results show a significant (p = 0.020) relationship between income and elderly quality of life. There was no significant relationship between elderly quality of life and educational history (p=0,327) or employment status (p=0,495). Because the income obtained was less than the minimum wage of Rp. 1.829.500, made elderly's quality of life decreased
Smart Society Empowerment Journal, 2022
Pendahuluan: Kader yang merupakan tangan panjang dari Puskesmas memiliki peranan yang penting dal... more Pendahuluan: Kader yang merupakan tangan panjang dari Puskesmas memiliki peranan yang penting dalam bidang kesehatan, karena memiliki fungsi strategis dalam menangani masalah kesehatan perseorangan maupun masyarakat. Setiap bulan kader melaksanakan kegiatan layanan pemeriksaan di posyandu lansia dan balita serta posbindu dengan supervisi bidan pembina wilayah serta dibawah tanggungjawab Puskesmas. Puskesmas Gondangrejo terdapat di Kabupaten karanganyar yang memiliki 93 buah posyandu dengan 240 kadernya yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah kecamatan. Hampir 100% kader merangkap sebagai kader posyandu lansia maupun balita serta posbindu. Oleh karena itu kemampuan dan ketrampilan kader perlu selalu ditingkatkan melalui pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan kesehatan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kader posyandu dan posbindu di wilayah Puskesmas Gondangrejo Karanganyar.Metode : Pengabdian dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan kader tentang antropometri kepada k...
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan : Kasus diabetes mellitus (DM) di dunia terus meningkat, dan sebagian besar m... more ABSTRAK Pendahuluan : Kasus diabetes mellitus (DM) di dunia terus meningkat, dan sebagian besar merupakan DM tipe 2. Diabetes melitus yang tidak terkontrol dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi, antara lain berupa hepatopati. Komplikasi dapat dicegah dengan pengendalian kadar glukosa darah. Biji mahoni ( Swietenia macrophylla King) diketahui mengandung isolat 1,4-bis-(3,4,5-trimetoksi-fenil)-tetrahidro-furo(3,4-c) furan yang dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Penelitian mengenai pengaruh isolat tersebut terhadap gambaran histopatologi hepar pada kasus DM belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh isolat biji mahoni tersebut terhadap gambaran histopatologi hepar tikus model DM tipe 2. Metode : Penelitian eksperimental laboratorium ini menggunakan rancangan post test only control group design . Sampel 36 tikus putih dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok secara random: KN (kontrol normal), K(-) (DM tanpa perlakuan), K(+) (DM+glibenklamid), P1, P2, dan P3 (DM+isol...
Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya, 2021
Pendahuluan: Asupan yodium yang kurang dapat menimbulkan berbagai gejala termasuk gondok atau pem... more Pendahuluan: Asupan yodium yang kurang dapat menimbulkan berbagai gejala termasuk gondok atau pembesaran kelenjar tiroid yang disebut juga Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY). Yodium diperlukan untuk membentuk hormon tiroid yang mengatur pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tubuh manusia. Tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan yodium dapat menyebabkan hipotiroidisme, penyerapan kalsium terhambat, gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat dan protein, dan gangguan pertumbuhan, seperti tinggi badan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan tinggi badan antara remaja di daerah endemis gondok dan daerah non endemik gondok di Karanganyar. Metode: Penelitian cross sectional yang dilakukan di Karanganyar yang terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu di Ngargoyoso sebagai daerah endemis gondok dan di Colomadu sebagai daerah bebas gondok. Sampel penelitian adalah remaja fase akhir, yaitu siswa SMK kelas XII. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik simple random sampling dan diperoleh 187 responden. Data diperol...
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan, 2021
Jamblang (Syzygium cumini L.) leaves contain several phytochemical compounds. These phytochemical... more Jamblang (Syzygium cumini L.) leaves contain several phytochemical compounds. These phytochemicals are thought to have roles as antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic, and antioxidant agents. This study aims to prove that there is an effect of giving ethanolic extract of jamblang leaves on body weight (BW) of metabolic syndrome (MS) Wistar rats induced by high-fat high-fructrose diet (HFFD) and injection of Streptozotocin (STZ)-Nicotinamide (Na), to determine different doses effect on the weight of Wistar rats. Laboratory experimental research with pre-post test control group. Samples were 8 weeks male Wistar (Rattus noverigicus) weighing 150-200 grams chosen by purposive random sampling method. Thirty rats were divided into 5 groups, each consisting of 6 rats. Normal group, metabolic syndrome group, 3 treatment groups MS were given jamblang leaf extract 100 mg/KgBW, 150mg/KgBW, 200mg/KgBW for 28 days. Data were analyzed by one way ANOVA test and repeated ANOVA test. The study showed...
BACKGROUND: Geographical condition may affect human behavior and phyisical development. Soil and ... more BACKGROUND: Geographical condition may affect human behavior and phyisical development. Soil and water in goiter endemic areas generally lack of iodine. This study aimed to determine dental maturity, oral hygiene, and height of junior high school students in goiter endemic area. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This cross sectional study was conducted in a goiter endemic area in Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar regency, Central Java, with junior high school students were taken by purposive sampling as study sample. The dependent variables included dental maturity, oral hygiene, and height. Dental maturity was assessed by counting the number of tooth eruption. Oral hygiene was assessed by the number of OHI-S. Height was measured by microtoise. Chi Square test was used to test differences. RESULTS: There were 208 students aged 12 to 15 years, consisting of 96 boys (46.2%) and 112 girls (53.8%). Dental maturity of girls were better than dental maturity of boys, and it was statistically significant (p=0.006). As many as 51 boys (53.1%) had complete and 45 boys (46.9%) had incomplete dental maturity. As many as 80 girls (76.4%) had complete and 32 girls (28.6%) had incomplete dental maturity. Oral hygiene between both sexes was comparable, and it was not statistically significant (p= 0.180). As many as 15 boys (15.6%) had good, 76 boys (79.2%) had moderate, and 5 boys (5.2%) had poor oral hygiene. As many as 18 girls (16.1%) had good, 80 girls (71.4%) had moderate, and 14 girls (12.5%) had poor oral hygiene. Mean height of boys was 151 cm, with maximum height of 173 cm and minimum height of 126 cm. Mean height of girls was 149 cm, with maximum height of 171 cm and minimum height of 136 cm. The mean height of junior high school students in goiter endemic area in Ngargoyoso district was still normal compared with non-goiter endemic area. CONCLUSION: Dental maturity of girls were better than dental maturity of boys. Most of oral hygiene of junior high school students were in the medium category. Oral hygiene between both sexes was comparable. The mean height of junior high school students in goiter endemic area in Ngargoyoso district was still normal.
Chronic stress (CS) exposure causes cytogenic and structural changes in the hipocampus which lead... more Chronic stress (CS) exposure causes cytogenic and structural changes in the hipocampus which lead to cognitive impairment. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce cortisol secretion and protects hipocampus from stress-related damage. We hypothesize that acupunture can alleviate stress-induced working memory deficit.mthis study aimed to investigate whether electroacupuncture (EA) can improve memory in chronic stress model in rat. This was an experimental study with pretest and postest control group design. Rats were divided randomly into four groups: control group (C), CS group (T1), EA group (T2), and EA plus CS group (T3). Working memory was assessed using Eight-arm radial maze. A marked decrease in working memory was observed in the CS group demonstrated by more working memory correct errors (p=0.020) and incorrect errors (p=0.024) than control group. The CS plus EA rats made fewer working memory correct error (p=0.001) and incorrect error (p=0.000) compared to the CS only group. EA ...
Journal of International Students, 2020
The purpose of this narrative study was to explore how an international PhD student-mother, who h... more The purpose of this narrative study was to explore how an international PhD student-mother, who has a young child, negotiated and coped with the challenges to complete her studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Multiple semi-structured interviews were adopted to collect narrative data. Anchored in a thematic analysis, qualitative data showed that the participant encountered such challenges as the skills of managing academic time and activities, difficulty in focusing on studying, worries about family conditions in Indonesia and financial needs. We concluded that physical, mental and spiritual strengths of an individual derived from family and community support play a pivotal role in thinking of, managing, and coping with various challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.
AbstrakPertumbuhan tulang panjang menentukan tinggi badan akhir seseorang. Tinggi badan merupakan... more AbstrakPertumbuhan tulang panjang menentukan tinggi badan akhir seseorang. Tinggi badan merupakan ciri fenotipe yang mempengaruhi penampilan dan kepercayaan diri individu. Seringkali anak dengan tinggi badan tidak normal atau perawakan pendek mengalami gangguan psikososial. Anak dapat mempunyai kompetensi sosial yang rendah dan problem sosial lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan orang normal yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi karier dan status sosial seseorang. Hal ini dapat menjadi masalah penting yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian, dan menjadi alasan bagi orang tua untuk mencari pengobatan.Penanganan perawakan pendek yang dilakukan saat ini adalah dengan memberikan hormon pertumbuhan GH dan IGF-1. Terapi dengan kedua hormon tersebut mampu meningkatkan tinggi badan, tetapi cara pengobatan hormon sulit dilakukan, disamping mahal biayanya seringkali mempunyai efek samping yang tidak diinginkan. Laserpunktur menawarkan terapi yang mudah, murah, efisien dan...
Background: Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola Linn.) juice contains flavonoids, epicatechins, proant... more Background: Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola Linn.) juice contains flavonoids, epicatechins, proanthocyanidins, and tanins that can protect liver from free radicals. The objectives of this research we re to know the effect of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola Linn.) juice to liver histological damage of albino rat induced by paracetamol. Methods: This was laboratory experimental research with post test only controlled group design. Samples were 28 male rats from Wistar type, 2-3 months old and + 200 g of each weight. Samples were divided into 4 groups of 7 rats each. Sampling technique used in this research was incidental sampling. The control group (K) and the first treatment group (P1), rats were administered aquadest for 14 days. The second treatment group (P2), rats were administered star fruits juice with the concentration of 50% 2ml/200 g body weight of rat and the third group (P3), rats were administered star fruits juice with the concentration of 100% 2ml/200 g body weight of rat...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021), 2021
Background and aims: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had tremendous effects ... more Background and aims: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had tremendous effects on medical education including anatomy. In pandemic conditions students cannot study with cadavers which has been known as "gold standard" for anatomy learning. Alternatives anatomy learning media are pursued, one of which is using anatomy video. This research aims to develop anatomy video for anatomy system and using them. Methods: We utilize a consumer camera to record anatomy educational video in the laboratory setting using plastinated specimens., and then prepare them to play on Youtube. The process of creating content includes storyline creation, preparation of anatomy specimens for system, setting an anatomy laboratory, video recording, editing and publishing on Youtube Channel. Students the questions about utilize the videos Results: The results show that these videos are appropriate material for an alternative educational media in learning anatomy in the pandemic era and future, although there are still some weaknesses found in these video. can acces video anytime and anywhere so they can study anatomy freely and more flexibly. Conclusions: Anatomy video of digestive system helps students for learning anatomy in pandemic era and future.
Background: Height is an important clinical indicator to derive Body Mass Index (BMI) and also to... more Background: Height is an important clinical indicator to derive Body Mass Index (BMI) and also to estimate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). However, height measurement in someone who cannot stand properly like the elderly or lower ekstremity abnormality may become difficult. Therefore, estimating height with another antropometric measurement may become a solution. In another study, arm span showed the highest correlation with standing height. The different morfologic between male and female also important to find the different estimating height formula. Objectives: This research aimed to know arm span to height ratio data in students from Medicine Faculty 2008 of Sebelas Maret University and the differences of arm span to height ratio between male and female. Methods: This research was an analytical observational research with cross sectional approach. The sample data collected using purposive sampling method within inclusion and exclusion criteria. From the population, 60 samples (30 males and 30 females) chose by simple random sampling method, then measured their height and arm span. Height measured in anatomical position using microtoise staturmeter. Arm span measured using ruler tape from the longest finger in right hand to the longest finger in left hand. All data analyzed using normality test Kolmogorov-Smirnov and followed with t-independent test if the distribution data showed normal. Results : T-independent test result p = 0.03 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: This study found a difference in arm span to height ratio between male and female students in Faculty of Medicine 2008, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
Makara Journal of Health Research, 2014
The majority of female batik workers uses non-ergonomic chairs (dingklik) that pose risks of musc... more The majority of female batik workers uses non-ergonomic chairs (dingklik) that pose risks of musculoskeletal disorders. This study aimed to design an ergonomic chair and evaluate its effectiveness in reducing musculoskeletal disorders among the workers. This is a quasi-experimental study (using one group pre and post-test design) on 50 female batik workers selected by quota sampling. Musculoskeletal disorders were measured among the samples before and after the use of the designed ergonomic chair which they were asked to use for two months. T-test, ANCOVA, Wilcoxon test, McNemar test and Chi Square test were used for the analysis. The study found statistical significant differences of risk factor against musculoskeletal disorders among the workers before and after their use of the designed ergonomic chair (p< 0.05); and of musculoskeletal disorders before and after using the ergonomic chair (p= 0,035). Body Mass Index (BMI) was identified as a confounding factor, and statistical significant difference of musculoskeletal disorders were also found among the workers with <25 and >25 BMI even before and after using the ergonomic chair (p=0.033 and p=0.015 respectively). By ANCOVA statistical test, after controlling BMI, another statistical difference of musculoskeletal disorders was also identified before and after using the ergonomic chair (p=0.033). It is concluded that the designed ergonomic chair is effective to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Abstrak Pengaruh Pemakaian Kursi Ergonomis terhadap Gangguan Muskuloskeletal pada Pekerja Wanita Batik Tulis di Kabupaten Sragen. Sebagian besar posisi kerja pekerja batik tulis di Sragen tidak ergonomis, sehingga berisiko terjadi gangguan muskuloskeletal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain kursi ergonomis dan menilai efektifitas desain kursi terhadap gangguan muskuloskeletal pekerja wanita batik tulis. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental quasi dengan pendekatan one group pre and posttest design. Populasi adalah seluruh pekerja industri Batik Sragen. Teknik sampling quota random sampling. Sampel sebanyak 50 orang diukur tingkat risiko keparahan gangguan muskuloskeletalnya sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan kursi ergonomis. Selanjutnya, dilakukan uji Wilcoxon test, McNemar test, dan Chi Square test. Perbedaan tingkat risiko keparahan muskuloskeletal sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan kursi ergonomis (p< 0,05). Terdapat perbedaan keluhan muskuloskeletal sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan kursi ergonomis (p=0,035). Indeks massa tubuh teridentifikasi sebagai confounding factor karena terdapat hubungan yang signifikan terhadap gangguan muskuloskeletal, baik sebelum maupun sesudah menggunakan kursi ergonomis (masing-masing p=0,033 dan p=0,015). Melalui uji Ancova, confounding factor dikendalikan, diperoleh hasil uji yang tetap signifikan (p=0,033). Kursi kerja ergonomis menurunkan risiko keparahan gangguan muskuloskeletal.
Latar Belakang: Bising intermiten bisa menimbulkan stres yang merangsang HPA axis untuk menyebabk... more Latar Belakang: Bising intermiten bisa menimbulkan stres yang merangsang HPA axis untuk menyebabkan kerusakan duodenum. Akupunktur sudah diindikasikan untuk terapi ulkus duodenum. Tujuan penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh elektroakupunktur titik Zusanli (ST 36) dan Zhongwan (CV 12) terhadap perbaikan gambaran histologis duodenum tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang terpapar bising intermiten. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratoris dengan rancangan the post-test only control group design. Subyek penelitian adalah tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus) galur Wistar sebanyak 28 ekor yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok secara random, yaitu Kelompok Kontrol (K) yaitu kelompok yang tidak mendapat perlakuan, Kelompok Perlakuan 1 (P1) yaitu kelompok yang mendapat paparan bising, Kelompok Perlakuan 2 (P2) yaitu kelompok yang mendapat paparan bising dan dibiarkan mengalami recovery fisiologis selama 30 hari, dan Kelompok Perlakuan 3 (P3) yaitu kelompok yang menda...
Jurnal Abdidas, 2021
Sampai saat ini Covid 19 masih melanda dunia dan mendorong adanya masa dengan adaptasi baru denga... more Sampai saat ini Covid 19 masih melanda dunia dan mendorong adanya masa dengan adaptasi baru dengan selalu mengedepankan protokol kesehatan. Salah satu protokol kesehatan yang wajib ditaati adalah pemakaian masker. Bukan saja petugas kesehatan yang menggunakan masker, namun masyarakat luas diharuskan pula ber masker. Masker kain merupakan jenis masker yang dapat dipakai oleh masyarakat umum. Masker ini dapat dijumpai dengan berbagai bahan dan model serta dapat diproduksi sendiri baik oleh pabrikan atau penjahit rumahan. Masker yang ideal dibutuhkan untuk dapat berfungsi secara optimal. Masker ini sebaiknya memenuhi standar WHO sehingga mampu mengurangi penularan Covid 19 secara signifikan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi terkait masker, yang meliputi jenis dan bahan masker, memakai dan membuat masker kain yang ideal sesuai WHO kepada para penjahit rumahan di kecamatan Tasikmadu karanganyar. Mitra pada pengabdian ini adalah empat penjahit rumahan yang berdomisili...
International Journal of Research and Review
Background - Health services are one of the most widely used public services, administered by BPJ... more Background - Health services are one of the most widely used public services, administered by BPJS Health reaching 222.5 million people as of December 31, 2020. This figure is equivalent to 81.3% of the total population in Indonesia. The Doku application is an application that will help level I Health Facilities and Hospitals to manage BPJS patient services. The Doku application will replace the conventional BPJS patient services at Level I Health Facilities and Hospitals to online. This business opportunity is quite large, even though there are threats from existing applications, with more brands and users, but based on the results of QSPM is product development strategy, Doku will always update features and add according to market needs. Method - Product design operational management approach. Result - This product design helps companies to implement user requirements in the form of user interface. Keywords: Application, Doku, Feature Update, Business opportunity.
JOSSAE : Journal of Sport Science and Education
This study aims to knowing the differences in effectiveness of the timing cold water immersion ag... more This study aims to knowing the differences in effectiveness of the timing cold water immersion against the onset of delayed onset muscle soreness after submaximal exercise. This research is an experimental study with posttest-only with control group design. The pain of delayed onset muscle soreness measured by Visual Analog Scale. The subjects were 30 samples, which split into 3 groups. Data analysis to determine the result of this study used the one way ANOVA with α determined at 0.05. The result of this study indicate that there are significant differences in each group, the group that received the immersion had a lower pain scale than the control group, also the group that was treated 1 hour after exercise showed better results than the 4 hours, CWI after 1 hour after exercise can inhibit migration of neutrophils which are the main cells of secondary damage that will induce pain. The conclusion of this study is cold water immersion after 1 hour after exercise is better than the 4 hours.
Abdimas Universal
Special Needs Children in SLB Anugerah, Colomadu, Karanganyar, Central Java, are still difficult ... more Special Needs Children in SLB Anugerah, Colomadu, Karanganyar, Central Java, are still difficult to practice how to brush teeth correctly and still lack of understanding of oral health, so that the hygiene and dental health status and mouth are still lacking. Therefore it is necessary to fix it. The purpose of this activity is to carry out one component of the Higher Education Tri Dharma that is community service. The benefits of this service are for special needs students to increase their knowledge about oral health and improve their skills in brushing their teeth properly. The dedication method is a lecture on how to maintain dental and oral health as well as the practice of brushing teeth along with the target audience, all Special Needs Children in SLB Anugerah, Colomadu, Karanganyar. A total of 52 people were present. The results of the dedication showed that 42.3% of the targets were able to practice brushing teeth with enough categories and 57.7% were still in the poor categ...