anis septiani - (original) (raw)
Papers by anis septiani
Jurnal media teknik dan sistem industri, Mar 31, 2023
Improper workload design can have a negative effect on workers and ultimately have a direct impac... more Improper workload design can have a negative effect on workers and ultimately have a direct impact on performance. Because the excessive load will affect the level of stress which results in a person's cognitive failure to be high. Practical activities in the laboratory have an important role in helping students and lecturers at the university to understand the science being studied. A laboratory assistant who is in charge of and responsible for the management of laboratories at the university so that practicum activities can take place properly. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on laboratory workers regarding the current level of workload and performance and the relationship between the two. The measurement results are then analyzed to get the ideal workload for laboratory workers and find out what affects performance. The method used is to provide a Cognitive Failure Questionnaire (CFQ) and Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME). The number of respondents is 11 laboratory workers in the UNISBA Faculty of Engineering. Correlation testing on the results of the questionnaire was carried out using the Person Product Moment and Spearman Rank methods. The results obtained indicate that cognitive failure in laboratory work is influenced by the age of the laboratory assistant with a significance value of 0.024 <0.05 and a correlation coefficient of-0.672, it shows that the older the age, the lower the cognitive failure score. Then the last education level of the laboratory assistant with a significance value of 0.027 <0.05 and a correlation coefficient of 0.662 which shows the higher the level of laboratory education, the higher the cognitive failure score it produces as well. While the laboratory work experience affects the mental workload of the laboratory assistant with a significance value of 0.014 <0.05 and a correlation coefficient of-0.712 which shows that the longer the laboratory work experience the more effort for activities carried out daily produces a relatively small score.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Ethos : Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Jan 31, 2022
Background implementation PKM is the potential work risk that will be experienced by tea pickers ... more Background implementation PKM is the potential work risk that will be experienced by tea pickers from low back pain caused by working without paying attention to correct work methods based on ergonomic principles. The purpose of PKM is to provide training on the correct manual lifting method to reduce occupational risks for workers. The method is providing education and training to participants with material on occupational health and training the application of manual lifting methods with 41 participants. Evaluation of training results was carried out by distributing pre-test and post-test questionnaires consisting of 3 questions regarding occupational health and 5 questions regarding manual lifting. The questionnaire was made as a closed questionnaire. The results obtained after training were an increase in workers' knowledge and awareness of the importance of paying attention to occupational health and the right way of working. From the post-test results, the number of participants who answered "don't know" about occupational health decreased 15.3% compared to the results of the pre-test. In terms of knowledge of how to work manually, the number of participants who answered "don't know" in the post-test decreased by 21.5%. All participants stated they were willing to apply it in the workplace. Key word: Occupational Health, Manual Handling Method Abstrak. Latar belakang pelaksanaan PKM adanya potensi risiko kerja yang akan dialami pekerja pemetik teh berupa low back pain yang disebabkan bekerja tanpa memperhatikan metoda kerja yang benar berdasarkan prinsip ergonomi. Tujuan PKM memberikan pelatihan mengenai metode pengangkatan manual yang benar untuk mengurangi risiko kerja bagi pekerja. Metode pelatihan dengan memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan kepada peserta dengan materi Kesehatan kerja dan pelatihan penerapan metode pengangkatan manual dengan peserta 41 orang. Evalusi hasil pelatihan dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner pre-test dan post-test yang terdiri dari 3 pertanyaan mengenai Kesehatan kerja dan 5 pertanyaan mengenai pengangkatan manual. Kuesioner dibuat bersifat kuesioner tertutup. Hasil yang didapatkan setelah dilakukan pelatihan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran pekerja akan pentingnya memperhatikan kesehatan kerja dan cara kerja yang benar. Dari hasil post-test, jumlah peserta yang memberikan jawaban "tidak mengetahui" mengenai kesehatan kerja menurun sebesar 15,3% dibandingkan dengan hasil pre-test. Di sisi lain dalam hal pengetahuan mengenai cara kerja manual, jumlah peserta yang memberikan jawaban "tidak mengetahui" dalam post-test menurun sebanyak 21,5%. Jawaban butir lima mengenai penerapan metoda pengangkatan manual yang benar seluruh peserta menyatakan bersedia menerapkan di tempat kerja.
Infomatek: Jurnal Informatika, Manajemen dan Teknologi, Nov 23, 2018
Keberhasilan kerja manusia dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu : faktor individual dan faktor situ... more Keberhasilan kerja manusia dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu : faktor individual dan faktor situasional. Faktor individual adalah faktor yang sudah melekat dan sudah ada pada diri masing-masing pekerja dimana hal ini tidak bisa diubah, salah satu contohnya adalah ukuran anthropometri individu pekerja. Sedangkan faktor situasional justru merupakan faktor yang dapat diubah dan dapat diatur. Faktor lingkungan dimana individu bekerja merupakan faktor situasional, seperti: temperatur, kelembaban, sirkulasi udara, kebisingan, getaran mekanik, warna, bau-bauan dan pencahayaan. Lingkungan kerja dikatakan baik jika pekerja dapat melakukan pekerjaan secara optimal, sehat dan aman. Ketidaksesuaian lingkungan kerja dapat mempengaruhi performansi pekerja dalam bekerja dimana dalam jangka panjang hal tersebut akan menyebabkan penurunan produktifitas kerja. Oleh karena itu lingkungan kerja harus dibuat dan atau dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi kondusif bagi pekerja untuk melakukan pekerjaannya dengan nyaman dan aman. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan ukuran anthropometri yang ideal untuk pekerja perakitan otoped yang menghasilkan performansi kerja yang optimal adalah persentile ke-80 dan juga diketahui temperatur 20°C-30°C masih merupakan temperatur yang nyaman buat pekerja perakitan otoped, kebisingan 50 dB-85 dB juga masih merupakan kebisingan yang nyaman buat pekerja perakitan otoped dan pencahayaan yang nyaman bagi pekerja perakitan otoped yang dapat menghasilkan produktifitas kerja yang baik adalah pada 150 lux.
KnE Social Sciences, Nov 8, 2022
The mental workload and ergonomic aspects in the world of work have often not been considered. Al... more The mental workload and ergonomic aspects in the world of work have often not been considered. Although in past literature it has been stated that mental workload and ergonomic aspects have a direct impact on worker productivity. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the ergonomics aspect and measure the mental workload of the UNISBA Faculty of Engineering education staff. The method used in this study is an ergonomics evaluation questionnaire (ergonomic checklist) and a mental workload questionnaire (Nasa-TLX). The stages carried out include problem formulation, preliminary study by observing the research object, literature study, preparing questionnaires, distributing questionnaires, data processing, and analysis. The results showed that there was educational staff who were included in the category of having a very high mental workload and needed attention to ergonomic aspects, especially related to buildings (ventilation) and work organization (attention to pregnant and lactating women).
F1000Research, Feb 11, 2022
Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of food micro and small-scale enterprises (food ... more Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of food micro and small-scale enterprises (food MSEs) in West Java Province, Indonesia. Halal awareness is the first step toward obtaining halal certificates, which confirm that the product is lawful according to Islamic Sharia. Unfortunately, most of the food sold on the market do not have halal certificates due to a lack of halal awareness and intention on the part of the entrepreneurs. Methods: This study aims at measuring the level of halal awareness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certification. Halal awareness is assumed to be influenced by knowledge of halal and MSEs' entrepreneurial perceptions of the benefits of halal certificates. Furthermore, halal awareness, attitudes, and perceptions of ease of procedures will encourage the intention to register halal certification. An electronic Google Form with a cover letter and a set of questionnaires was distributed to collect data. Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) was chosen to evaluate the adopted theoretical models in the exploratory research. Results: The results show that halal awareness is influenced by knowledge of halal and perceptions of benefits. Moreover, halal awareness influences positively the intention to obtain a halal certificate, but the intention is not significantly affected by attitudes and perceptions of procedures for obtaining halal certification. This shows that halal awareness will increase the intention to register halal certification. However, it does not impact attitudes/actions to register for halal certification due to the misconceptions about the procedures for obtaining halal certificates. Conclusions: Micro and small entrepreneurs in West Java Province, Indonesia have a good level of awareness about halal food. However, their products are not halal-certified due to the perceptions of the
KnE Social Sciences, Nov 8, 2022
The current level of environmental damage has become a global problem. Office buildings have many... more The current level of environmental damage has become a global problem. Office buildings have many activities that require a lot of energy consumption, including water and electricity. They also produced a lot of waste which harms the environment. Overcoming this environmental problem requires cooperation from all elements of society, especially academics in universities who act as the scientific community. The Eco Campus/Eco-Office program is the solution that is applicable in overcoming problems in the campus's environment. This study aims to develop a design for implementing the Eco-Office at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA). The method used is a descriptive qualitative method using observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study were in the form of alternative and technical strategies. These alternative strategies included policy documents, standard operating procedures (SOP) for Eco-Office, and the formation of a special team to handle the Eco Office and routine outreach at the Faculty of Engineering, UNISBA. The technical strategies based on the existing conditions were energy efficiency (water and electricity), waste management, reducing the usage of papers, and maintaining office sanitation.
Jurnal Media Teknik dan Sistem Industri
Improper workload design can have a negative effect on workers and ultimately have a direct impac... more Improper workload design can have a negative effect on workers and ultimately have a direct impact on performance. Because the excessive load will affect the level of stress which results in a person's cognitive failure to be high. Practical activities in the laboratory have an important role in helping students and lecturers at the university to understand the science being studied. A laboratory assistant who is in charge of and responsible for the management of laboratories at the university so that practicum activities can take place properly. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on laboratory workers regarding the current level of workload and performance and the relationship between the two. The measurement results are then analyzed to get the ideal workload for laboratory workers and find out what affects performance. The method used is to provide a Cognitive Failure Questionnaire (CFQ) and Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME). The number of respondents is 11 labora...
KnE Social Sciences
The mental workload and ergonomic aspects in the world of work have often not been considered. Al... more The mental workload and ergonomic aspects in the world of work have often not been considered. Although in past literature it has been stated that mental workload and ergonomic aspects have a direct impact on worker productivity. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the ergonomics aspect and measure the mental workload of the UNISBA Faculty of Engineering education staff. The method used in this study is an ergonomics evaluation questionnaire (ergonomic checklist) and a mental workload questionnaire (Nasa-TLX). The stages carried out include problem formulation, preliminary study by observing the research object, literature study, preparing questionnaires, distributing questionnaires, data processing, and analysis. The results showed that there was educational staff who were included in the category of having a very high mental workload and needed attention to ergonomic aspects, especially related to buildings (ventilation) and work organization (attention to pregnant ...
Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product ... more Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product is lawful following Islamic sharia. However, most of food sold on the market do not have halal certificate due to the entrepreneur's halal awareness and intention problems. The level of halal awereness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certificate should be measured. A set of questionnaire is distributed electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic oubreak. <br>This file contains of a copy of the online questionnaire that was distributed to respondents. We used a structured questionnaire adapted from previous research to collect data: Giyanti <i></i>.(2019), Waluyo (2013), Ambali and Bakar (2013), Abdul (2014), Ngah (2014), Abdul <i>et al</i>. (2013), Menteri Hukum dan HAM (2014)
Dataset of Questionnaire Result of Halal awareness to register halal certificate. Our respondents... more Dataset of Questionnaire Result of Halal awareness to register halal certificate. Our respondents were food MSE entrepreneurs who are members of a West Java Community of MSME. The criteria for the respondents are 1) micro and small-scale food entrepreneurs with net assets are less than 500 million Rupiahs and the annual sales turnover are less than 2,500 Rupiahs; 2) have an ongoing business; 3) do not have a halal certificate. This dataset contains demographic information as well as responses from respondents (s)
Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product ... more Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product is lawful following Islamic sharia. However, most of food sold on the market do not have halal certificate due to the entrepreneur's halal awareness and intention problems. The level of halal awereness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certificate should be measured. A set of questionnaire is distributed electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic oubreak. <br>This file contains of a copy of the online questionnaire that was distributed to respondents. We used a structured questionnaire adapted from previous research to collect data: Giyanti <i></i>.(2019), Waluyo (2013), Ambali and Bakar (2013), Abdul (2014), Ngah (2014), Abdul <i>et al</i>. (2013), Menteri Hukum dan HAM (2014)<br>
This data is about the profile of respondents coming from West Java Community of MSME. The respon... more This data is about the profile of respondents coming from West Java Community of MSME. The respondents are consists of 100 micro and small food entrepreneurs.<br>
Dataset of Questionnaire Result from the respondents of Halal awareness to register halal certifi... more Dataset of Questionnaire Result from the respondents of Halal awareness to register halal certificate. Our respondents were food MSE entrepreneurs who are members of a West Java Community of MSME. The criteria for the respondents are 1) micro and small-scale food entrepreneurs with net assets are less than 500 million Rupiahs and the annual sales turnover are less than 2,500 Rupiahs; 2) have an ongoing business; 3) do not have a halal certificate. This dataset contains demographic information as well as responses from respondents (s)
Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product ... more Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product is lawful following Islamic sharia. However, most of food sold on the market do not have halal certificate due to the entrepreneur's halal awareness and intention problems. The level of halal awereness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certificate should be measured. A set of questionnaire is distributed electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic oubreak. <br>This file contains of a copy of the online questionnaire that was distributed to respondents. We used a structured questionnaire adapted from previous research to collect data: Giyanti <i></i>.(2019), Waluyo (2013), Ambali and Bakar (2013), Abdul (2014), Ngah (2014), Abdul <i>et al</i>. (2013), Menteri Hukum dan HAM (2014)
F1000Research, 2022
Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of food micro and small-scale enterprises (food ... more Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of food micro and small-scale enterprises (food MSEs) in West Java Province, Indonesia. Halal awareness is the first step toward obtaining halal certificates, which confirm that the product is lawful according to Islamic Sharia. Unfortunately, most of the food sold on the market do not have halal certificates due to a lack of halal awareness and intention on the part of the entrepreneurs. Methods: This study aims at measuring the level of halal awareness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certification. Halal awareness is assumed to be influenced by knowledge of halal and MSEs' entrepreneurial perceptions of the benefits of halal certificates. Furthermore, halal awareness, attitudes, and perceptions of ease of procedures will encourage the intention to register halal certification. An electronic Google Form with a cover letter and a set of questionnaires was distributed to collect data. Structural Equati...
ETHOS: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
Background implementation PKM is the potential work risk that will be experienced by tea pickers ... more Background implementation PKM is the potential work risk that will be experienced by tea pickers from low back pain caused by working without paying attention to correct work methods based on ergonomic principles. The purpose of PKM is to provide training on the correct manual lifting method to reduce occupational risks for workers. The method is providing education and training to participants with material on occupational health and training the application of manual lifting methods with 41 participants. Evaluation of training results was carried out by distributing pre-test and post-test questionnaires consisting of 3 questions regarding occupational health and 5 questions regarding manual lifting. The questionnaire was made as a closed questionnaire. The results obtained after training were an increase in workers’ knowledge and awareness of the importance of paying attention to occupational health and the right way of working. From the post-test results, the number of participan...
Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 2020
Keberhasilan kerja manusia dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu : faktor individual dan faktor situ... more Keberhasilan kerja manusia dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu : faktor individual dan faktor situasional. Faktor individual adalah faktor yang sudah melekat dan sudah ada pada diri masing-masing pekerja dimana hal ini tidak bisa diubah, salah satu contohnya adalah ukuran anthropometri individu pekerja. Sedangkan faktor situasional justru merupakan faktor yang dapat diubah dan dapat diatur. Faktor lingkungan dimana individu bekerja merupakan faktor situasional, seperti: temperatur, kelembaban, sirkulasi udara, kebisingan, getaran mekanik, warna, bau-bauan dan pencahayaan. Lingkungan kerja dikatakan baik jika pekerja dapat melakukan pekerjaan secara optimal, sehat dan aman. Ketidaksesuaian lingkungan kerja dapat mempengaruhi performansi pekerja dalam bekerja dimana dalam jangka panjang hal tersebut akan menyebabkan penurunan produktifitas kerja. Oleh karena itu lingkungan kerja harus dibuat dan atau dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi kondusif bagi pekerja untuk melakukan peke...
Jurnal media teknik dan sistem industri, Mar 31, 2023
Improper workload design can have a negative effect on workers and ultimately have a direct impac... more Improper workload design can have a negative effect on workers and ultimately have a direct impact on performance. Because the excessive load will affect the level of stress which results in a person's cognitive failure to be high. Practical activities in the laboratory have an important role in helping students and lecturers at the university to understand the science being studied. A laboratory assistant who is in charge of and responsible for the management of laboratories at the university so that practicum activities can take place properly. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on laboratory workers regarding the current level of workload and performance and the relationship between the two. The measurement results are then analyzed to get the ideal workload for laboratory workers and find out what affects performance. The method used is to provide a Cognitive Failure Questionnaire (CFQ) and Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME). The number of respondents is 11 laboratory workers in the UNISBA Faculty of Engineering. Correlation testing on the results of the questionnaire was carried out using the Person Product Moment and Spearman Rank methods. The results obtained indicate that cognitive failure in laboratory work is influenced by the age of the laboratory assistant with a significance value of 0.024 <0.05 and a correlation coefficient of-0.672, it shows that the older the age, the lower the cognitive failure score. Then the last education level of the laboratory assistant with a significance value of 0.027 <0.05 and a correlation coefficient of 0.662 which shows the higher the level of laboratory education, the higher the cognitive failure score it produces as well. While the laboratory work experience affects the mental workload of the laboratory assistant with a significance value of 0.014 <0.05 and a correlation coefficient of-0.712 which shows that the longer the laboratory work experience the more effort for activities carried out daily produces a relatively small score.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Ethos : Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Jan 31, 2022
Background implementation PKM is the potential work risk that will be experienced by tea pickers ... more Background implementation PKM is the potential work risk that will be experienced by tea pickers from low back pain caused by working without paying attention to correct work methods based on ergonomic principles. The purpose of PKM is to provide training on the correct manual lifting method to reduce occupational risks for workers. The method is providing education and training to participants with material on occupational health and training the application of manual lifting methods with 41 participants. Evaluation of training results was carried out by distributing pre-test and post-test questionnaires consisting of 3 questions regarding occupational health and 5 questions regarding manual lifting. The questionnaire was made as a closed questionnaire. The results obtained after training were an increase in workers' knowledge and awareness of the importance of paying attention to occupational health and the right way of working. From the post-test results, the number of participants who answered "don't know" about occupational health decreased 15.3% compared to the results of the pre-test. In terms of knowledge of how to work manually, the number of participants who answered "don't know" in the post-test decreased by 21.5%. All participants stated they were willing to apply it in the workplace. Key word: Occupational Health, Manual Handling Method Abstrak. Latar belakang pelaksanaan PKM adanya potensi risiko kerja yang akan dialami pekerja pemetik teh berupa low back pain yang disebabkan bekerja tanpa memperhatikan metoda kerja yang benar berdasarkan prinsip ergonomi. Tujuan PKM memberikan pelatihan mengenai metode pengangkatan manual yang benar untuk mengurangi risiko kerja bagi pekerja. Metode pelatihan dengan memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan kepada peserta dengan materi Kesehatan kerja dan pelatihan penerapan metode pengangkatan manual dengan peserta 41 orang. Evalusi hasil pelatihan dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner pre-test dan post-test yang terdiri dari 3 pertanyaan mengenai Kesehatan kerja dan 5 pertanyaan mengenai pengangkatan manual. Kuesioner dibuat bersifat kuesioner tertutup. Hasil yang didapatkan setelah dilakukan pelatihan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran pekerja akan pentingnya memperhatikan kesehatan kerja dan cara kerja yang benar. Dari hasil post-test, jumlah peserta yang memberikan jawaban "tidak mengetahui" mengenai kesehatan kerja menurun sebesar 15,3% dibandingkan dengan hasil pre-test. Di sisi lain dalam hal pengetahuan mengenai cara kerja manual, jumlah peserta yang memberikan jawaban "tidak mengetahui" dalam post-test menurun sebanyak 21,5%. Jawaban butir lima mengenai penerapan metoda pengangkatan manual yang benar seluruh peserta menyatakan bersedia menerapkan di tempat kerja.
Infomatek: Jurnal Informatika, Manajemen dan Teknologi, Nov 23, 2018
Keberhasilan kerja manusia dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu : faktor individual dan faktor situ... more Keberhasilan kerja manusia dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu : faktor individual dan faktor situasional. Faktor individual adalah faktor yang sudah melekat dan sudah ada pada diri masing-masing pekerja dimana hal ini tidak bisa diubah, salah satu contohnya adalah ukuran anthropometri individu pekerja. Sedangkan faktor situasional justru merupakan faktor yang dapat diubah dan dapat diatur. Faktor lingkungan dimana individu bekerja merupakan faktor situasional, seperti: temperatur, kelembaban, sirkulasi udara, kebisingan, getaran mekanik, warna, bau-bauan dan pencahayaan. Lingkungan kerja dikatakan baik jika pekerja dapat melakukan pekerjaan secara optimal, sehat dan aman. Ketidaksesuaian lingkungan kerja dapat mempengaruhi performansi pekerja dalam bekerja dimana dalam jangka panjang hal tersebut akan menyebabkan penurunan produktifitas kerja. Oleh karena itu lingkungan kerja harus dibuat dan atau dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi kondusif bagi pekerja untuk melakukan pekerjaannya dengan nyaman dan aman. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan ukuran anthropometri yang ideal untuk pekerja perakitan otoped yang menghasilkan performansi kerja yang optimal adalah persentile ke-80 dan juga diketahui temperatur 20°C-30°C masih merupakan temperatur yang nyaman buat pekerja perakitan otoped, kebisingan 50 dB-85 dB juga masih merupakan kebisingan yang nyaman buat pekerja perakitan otoped dan pencahayaan yang nyaman bagi pekerja perakitan otoped yang dapat menghasilkan produktifitas kerja yang baik adalah pada 150 lux.
KnE Social Sciences, Nov 8, 2022
The mental workload and ergonomic aspects in the world of work have often not been considered. Al... more The mental workload and ergonomic aspects in the world of work have often not been considered. Although in past literature it has been stated that mental workload and ergonomic aspects have a direct impact on worker productivity. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the ergonomics aspect and measure the mental workload of the UNISBA Faculty of Engineering education staff. The method used in this study is an ergonomics evaluation questionnaire (ergonomic checklist) and a mental workload questionnaire (Nasa-TLX). The stages carried out include problem formulation, preliminary study by observing the research object, literature study, preparing questionnaires, distributing questionnaires, data processing, and analysis. The results showed that there was educational staff who were included in the category of having a very high mental workload and needed attention to ergonomic aspects, especially related to buildings (ventilation) and work organization (attention to pregnant and lactating women).
F1000Research, Feb 11, 2022
Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of food micro and small-scale enterprises (food ... more Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of food micro and small-scale enterprises (food MSEs) in West Java Province, Indonesia. Halal awareness is the first step toward obtaining halal certificates, which confirm that the product is lawful according to Islamic Sharia. Unfortunately, most of the food sold on the market do not have halal certificates due to a lack of halal awareness and intention on the part of the entrepreneurs. Methods: This study aims at measuring the level of halal awareness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certification. Halal awareness is assumed to be influenced by knowledge of halal and MSEs' entrepreneurial perceptions of the benefits of halal certificates. Furthermore, halal awareness, attitudes, and perceptions of ease of procedures will encourage the intention to register halal certification. An electronic Google Form with a cover letter and a set of questionnaires was distributed to collect data. Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) was chosen to evaluate the adopted theoretical models in the exploratory research. Results: The results show that halal awareness is influenced by knowledge of halal and perceptions of benefits. Moreover, halal awareness influences positively the intention to obtain a halal certificate, but the intention is not significantly affected by attitudes and perceptions of procedures for obtaining halal certification. This shows that halal awareness will increase the intention to register halal certification. However, it does not impact attitudes/actions to register for halal certification due to the misconceptions about the procedures for obtaining halal certificates. Conclusions: Micro and small entrepreneurs in West Java Province, Indonesia have a good level of awareness about halal food. However, their products are not halal-certified due to the perceptions of the
KnE Social Sciences, Nov 8, 2022
The current level of environmental damage has become a global problem. Office buildings have many... more The current level of environmental damage has become a global problem. Office buildings have many activities that require a lot of energy consumption, including water and electricity. They also produced a lot of waste which harms the environment. Overcoming this environmental problem requires cooperation from all elements of society, especially academics in universities who act as the scientific community. The Eco Campus/Eco-Office program is the solution that is applicable in overcoming problems in the campus's environment. This study aims to develop a design for implementing the Eco-Office at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA). The method used is a descriptive qualitative method using observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study were in the form of alternative and technical strategies. These alternative strategies included policy documents, standard operating procedures (SOP) for Eco-Office, and the formation of a special team to handle the Eco Office and routine outreach at the Faculty of Engineering, UNISBA. The technical strategies based on the existing conditions were energy efficiency (water and electricity), waste management, reducing the usage of papers, and maintaining office sanitation.
Jurnal Media Teknik dan Sistem Industri
Improper workload design can have a negative effect on workers and ultimately have a direct impac... more Improper workload design can have a negative effect on workers and ultimately have a direct impact on performance. Because the excessive load will affect the level of stress which results in a person's cognitive failure to be high. Practical activities in the laboratory have an important role in helping students and lecturers at the university to understand the science being studied. A laboratory assistant who is in charge of and responsible for the management of laboratories at the university so that practicum activities can take place properly. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on laboratory workers regarding the current level of workload and performance and the relationship between the two. The measurement results are then analyzed to get the ideal workload for laboratory workers and find out what affects performance. The method used is to provide a Cognitive Failure Questionnaire (CFQ) and Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME). The number of respondents is 11 labora...
KnE Social Sciences
The mental workload and ergonomic aspects in the world of work have often not been considered. Al... more The mental workload and ergonomic aspects in the world of work have often not been considered. Although in past literature it has been stated that mental workload and ergonomic aspects have a direct impact on worker productivity. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the ergonomics aspect and measure the mental workload of the UNISBA Faculty of Engineering education staff. The method used in this study is an ergonomics evaluation questionnaire (ergonomic checklist) and a mental workload questionnaire (Nasa-TLX). The stages carried out include problem formulation, preliminary study by observing the research object, literature study, preparing questionnaires, distributing questionnaires, data processing, and analysis. The results showed that there was educational staff who were included in the category of having a very high mental workload and needed attention to ergonomic aspects, especially related to buildings (ventilation) and work organization (attention to pregnant ...
Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product ... more Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product is lawful following Islamic sharia. However, most of food sold on the market do not have halal certificate due to the entrepreneur's halal awareness and intention problems. The level of halal awereness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certificate should be measured. A set of questionnaire is distributed electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic oubreak. <br>This file contains of a copy of the online questionnaire that was distributed to respondents. We used a structured questionnaire adapted from previous research to collect data: Giyanti <i></i>.(2019), Waluyo (2013), Ambali and Bakar (2013), Abdul (2014), Ngah (2014), Abdul <i>et al</i>. (2013), Menteri Hukum dan HAM (2014)
Dataset of Questionnaire Result of Halal awareness to register halal certificate. Our respondents... more Dataset of Questionnaire Result of Halal awareness to register halal certificate. Our respondents were food MSE entrepreneurs who are members of a West Java Community of MSME. The criteria for the respondents are 1) micro and small-scale food entrepreneurs with net assets are less than 500 million Rupiahs and the annual sales turnover are less than 2,500 Rupiahs; 2) have an ongoing business; 3) do not have a halal certificate. This dataset contains demographic information as well as responses from respondents (s)
Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product ... more Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product is lawful following Islamic sharia. However, most of food sold on the market do not have halal certificate due to the entrepreneur's halal awareness and intention problems. The level of halal awereness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certificate should be measured. A set of questionnaire is distributed electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic oubreak. <br>This file contains of a copy of the online questionnaire that was distributed to respondents. We used a structured questionnaire adapted from previous research to collect data: Giyanti <i></i>.(2019), Waluyo (2013), Ambali and Bakar (2013), Abdul (2014), Ngah (2014), Abdul <i>et al</i>. (2013), Menteri Hukum dan HAM (2014)<br>
This data is about the profile of respondents coming from West Java Community of MSME. The respon... more This data is about the profile of respondents coming from West Java Community of MSME. The respondents are consists of 100 micro and small food entrepreneurs.<br>
Dataset of Questionnaire Result from the respondents of Halal awareness to register halal certifi... more Dataset of Questionnaire Result from the respondents of Halal awareness to register halal certificate. Our respondents were food MSE entrepreneurs who are members of a West Java Community of MSME. The criteria for the respondents are 1) micro and small-scale food entrepreneurs with net assets are less than 500 million Rupiahs and the annual sales turnover are less than 2,500 Rupiahs; 2) have an ongoing business; 3) do not have a halal certificate. This dataset contains demographic information as well as responses from respondents (s)
Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product ... more Halal awareness is the gate for obtaining halal certificates which is guarantee that the product is lawful following Islamic sharia. However, most of food sold on the market do not have halal certificate due to the entrepreneur's halal awareness and intention problems. The level of halal awereness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certificate should be measured. A set of questionnaire is distributed electronically due to COVID-19 pandemic oubreak. <br>This file contains of a copy of the online questionnaire that was distributed to respondents. We used a structured questionnaire adapted from previous research to collect data: Giyanti <i></i>.(2019), Waluyo (2013), Ambali and Bakar (2013), Abdul (2014), Ngah (2014), Abdul <i>et al</i>. (2013), Menteri Hukum dan HAM (2014)
F1000Research, 2022
Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of food micro and small-scale enterprises (food ... more Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of food micro and small-scale enterprises (food MSEs) in West Java Province, Indonesia. Halal awareness is the first step toward obtaining halal certificates, which confirm that the product is lawful according to Islamic Sharia. Unfortunately, most of the food sold on the market do not have halal certificates due to a lack of halal awareness and intention on the part of the entrepreneurs. Methods: This study aims at measuring the level of halal awareness and the intention of food MSE entrepreneurs to register halal certification. Halal awareness is assumed to be influenced by knowledge of halal and MSEs' entrepreneurial perceptions of the benefits of halal certificates. Furthermore, halal awareness, attitudes, and perceptions of ease of procedures will encourage the intention to register halal certification. An electronic Google Form with a cover letter and a set of questionnaires was distributed to collect data. Structural Equati...
ETHOS: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
Background implementation PKM is the potential work risk that will be experienced by tea pickers ... more Background implementation PKM is the potential work risk that will be experienced by tea pickers from low back pain caused by working without paying attention to correct work methods based on ergonomic principles. The purpose of PKM is to provide training on the correct manual lifting method to reduce occupational risks for workers. The method is providing education and training to participants with material on occupational health and training the application of manual lifting methods with 41 participants. Evaluation of training results was carried out by distributing pre-test and post-test questionnaires consisting of 3 questions regarding occupational health and 5 questions regarding manual lifting. The questionnaire was made as a closed questionnaire. The results obtained after training were an increase in workers’ knowledge and awareness of the importance of paying attention to occupational health and the right way of working. From the post-test results, the number of participan...
Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 2020
Keberhasilan kerja manusia dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu : faktor individual dan faktor situ... more Keberhasilan kerja manusia dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu : faktor individual dan faktor situasional. Faktor individual adalah faktor yang sudah melekat dan sudah ada pada diri masing-masing pekerja dimana hal ini tidak bisa diubah, salah satu contohnya adalah ukuran anthropometri individu pekerja. Sedangkan faktor situasional justru merupakan faktor yang dapat diubah dan dapat diatur. Faktor lingkungan dimana individu bekerja merupakan faktor situasional, seperti: temperatur, kelembaban, sirkulasi udara, kebisingan, getaran mekanik, warna, bau-bauan dan pencahayaan. Lingkungan kerja dikatakan baik jika pekerja dapat melakukan pekerjaan secara optimal, sehat dan aman. Ketidaksesuaian lingkungan kerja dapat mempengaruhi performansi pekerja dalam bekerja dimana dalam jangka panjang hal tersebut akan menyebabkan penurunan produktifitas kerja. Oleh karena itu lingkungan kerja harus dibuat dan atau dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi kondusif bagi pekerja untuk melakukan peke...