sevgi gezici - (original) (raw)
Papers by sevgi gezici
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Oct 30, 2020
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi tarım ve doğa dergisi, Oct 31, 2022
Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, May 9, 2022
Review Article ÖZET Alzheimer hastalığı (AH), hafıza kaybı ve bilişsel bozulma ile kendini göster... more Review Article ÖZET Alzheimer hastalığı (AH), hafıza kaybı ve bilişsel bozulma ile kendini gösteren, demansa neden olan nörodejeneratif bir hastalıktır. AH'nda gözlenen demansın şiddeti ve dolayısıyla başlangıcı, genetik ve çevresel faktörlere bağlı olarak bireyler ve toplumlar arasında farklılık göstermektedir. AH ve diğer nörodejeneratif hastalıklarla mücadelede çok yönlü terapötik stratejiler uygulanmasına rağmen, başarı sadece semptomatik tedavi ile sınırlıdır. AH'nın başlangıcını veya ilerlemesini erteleyebilecek terapötik müdahaleler, hastalığın prevalansının azaltılmasına önemli ölçüde katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu bağlamda, tarihsel süreçlerden bu yana hafızanın güçlendirilmesi ve demans gelişiminin engellenmesi ile ilgili diğer komplikasyonlar için tıbbi bitkilerden yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar, günümüzde de tıbbi bitkiler ve bunlardan elde edilen fitokimyasalların, AH'nın tedavisinde potansiyel öneme sahip olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Etki mekanizmaları tam olarak aydınlatılamamış olmasına rağmen; anti-enflamatuvar, anti-amiloidojenik, anti-kolinesteraz, hipolipidemik ve antioksidan etkiler dahil olmak üzere geniş farmakolojik aktivite yelpazesi ile, bitkilerin farklı kısımları içerdikleri polifenoller (flavonoitler, tanenler), lignanlar, triterpenler, steroller ve alkaloitler gibi birçok değerli fitokimyasal bileşikler sayesinde ilaç geliştirme çalışmaları için güçlü bir rezervuardır. Sunulan makalede, AH'nın seyrinin yavaşlatılmasında ve etkili tedavi stratejilerinin geliştirilmesinde farmakolojik alanda umut vaat eden çeşitli bitkiler ve bunlardan izole edilen fitokimyasallar, etki mekanizmaları ile birlikte derlenmiştir.
Journal of Phytonanotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mar 1, 2023
Punicic acid (PuA) is a type of conjugated linolenic acid (CLnA), commonly found in pomegranate s... more Punicic acid (PuA) is a type of conjugated linolenic acid (CLnA), commonly found in pomegranate seed oil, bitter gourd seed oil, and snake gourd seed oil. The aim of this study was to determine the molecular targets, in silico drug-like properties, and potential interactions of PuA through network-based pharmacological approaches. In this study, PuA was entered into the ChEBI and PubChem databases, and the possible interacting genes and proteins of PuA were predicted using DIGEP-Pred, Gene Cards, DisGeNET, and PharmGKB. The drug-likeness properties and toxicity characteristics of PuA were assigned using the SwissADME and ProToxII databases. Afterward, the STRING database and Cytoscape software were used to clarify the role of possible interacting proteins to create a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. The KEGG enrichment database was also used for mapping pathways at the molecular level. The predicted pharmacological activities of PuA showed that it is an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase 1, phosphatidylglycerophosphatase and alkylacetylglycerophosphatase, protector of mucomembranous, antagonist of the hormone, scavenger of hydroxyls and free radicals, and regulator of lipid metabolism at (Pa)>0.7. According to the pharmacokinetic properties and drug-likeness analysis, PuA could be a potential drug candidate with avalue of-0.30, in addition to good brain barrier permeability and gastrointestinal absorption. Moreover, the results of toxicity analysis revealed that PuA did not cause any detectable toxicity with an LD 50 of 3200 mg/kg. A total of 36 protein-codinggenes were identified as likely interacting targets of PuA, and PTGS2, IL6, PPARG, GSR, PPARA, PPARG, CAT, SLC2A4, CCL2, and GAPDH were selected as core targets in the PPI network (confidence score = 0.4). Based on the KEGG enrichment of pathways, a total of 129 different signaling pathways was identified as possible pathways regulated by PuA. Among them, the HIF-1signaling pathway, transcriptional dysregulation in cancer, AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications, FOXO signaling pathway, microRNAs in cancer, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, thyroid hormone signaling pathway, the PPAR signaling pathway, and IL-17 signaling pathway were indicated as the major signaling pathways associated with PuA-regulated proteins (FDR<0.05). The preliminary results of this study support the beneficial effects of PuAon human health, including its antileukemia, anticancer, antiobesity, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antineoplastic properties. Accordingly, the combina tion of PuA and network-based pharmacology has the potential to reveal the therapeutic and molecular mechanisms of PuA.
Trakya university journal of natural sciences, Apr 15, 2022
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) flowers and its distilled products are of major raw mater... more Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) flowers and its distilled products are of major raw materials for cosmetic, perfumery, medicine and cleaning industries. Lavender flower production, essential oils and their qualities are affected by growing conditions and used agricultural methods. Mulching is a cultural application used for horticultural production in order to combat weeds, keep the soil temperature constant, eliminate soil moisture evaporation, provide favourable growth conditions for ample flower production, and improve the quality essential oil production. In this sense, plastic mulch application is the mainly preferred method by the growers, due to its low costs and durability. In the present study, two-year field (2014-2015) studies were carried out to evaluate the lavender flower production, essential oil yield in both conventional (without mulch) and plastic mulching systems in city of Kilis-Turkey. The individual essential oil compounds were identified using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). Essential oils obtained from dried flowers were assayed for their neuroprotective effects. According to the results, fresh and dry inflorescence yields, dry flower yields, flower essential oil contents and compositions were affected by different growing methods, including (1) plastic mulching system and (2) conventional (without mulch) system. Considering the fresh inflorescence changes, mulching increased the yield by 147.84% in the first year while no significant changes were noted between treatments. Interestingly, dry inflorescence yield did not show a significant increase for both growing systems at first year but mulching enhanced the yield by 9.87% in the second year, in related to the traditional treatment. The results revealed that dry flower was not affected by both growing systems corresponding to the years. As for essential oil content, no changes were noted for both growing systems in the first year, whilst mulching increased the content by 13.73% in the second year. As the case of agricultural yield, the neuroprotective activities of essential oils obtained from mulching conditions exerted higher inhibitory roles against Acetyl-cholinesterase (AChE), butyryl-cholinesterase (BChE), and tyrosinase (TYRO) enzymes, in relative to the traditional treatments by 81.62%, 84.12%, 73.34% in the first year and by 76.15%, 79.80% and 68.02% in the second year. Such a high variation in neuroprotective activities can be explained by changes in essential oil contents, as observed for the percentage of the compounds. Consequently, these findings reveal that mulching application significantly contributes to the increase of agricultural yield and the growing of medicinal and aromatic plants that are more resistant to changing environmental conditions and biotic stress factors. Özet: Lavanta (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) çiçekleri ve distile ürünleri kozmetik, parfümeri, ilaç ve temizlik endüstrilerinin başlıca hammaddesidir. Lavanta çiçeği üretimi, uçucu yağlar ve nitelikleri, yetiştirme koşullarından ve kullanılan tarım yöntemlerinden etkilenir. Malçlama, yabani otlarla mücadele etmek, toprak sıcaklığını sabit tutmak, topraktaki nem buharlaşmasını ortadan kaldırmak, bol çiçek üretimi için uygun büyüme koşullarını sağlamak ve kaliteli uçucu yağ üretimini iyileştirmek amacıyla bahçecilik üretiminde kullanılan kültürel bir uygulamadır. Bu anlamda plastik malç uygulaması, düşük maliyeti ve dayanıklılığı nedeniyle yetiştiriciler tarafından en çok tercih edilen yöntemdir. Bu çalışmada, Kilis ilinde hem geleneksel (malçsız) %81.62, %84.12, %73.34 ve ikinci yılda %76.15, %79.80 ve %68.02 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Nöroprotektif aktivitelerdeki bu kadar yüksek bir varyasyon, bileşiklerin yüzdesi için gözlemlendiği gibi, uçucu yağ içeriğindeki değişiklikleri ile de açıklanabilir. Sonuç olarak bu bulgular, malçlama uygulamasının tarımsal verimin artmasına ve değişen çevre koşullarına ve biyotik stres faktörlerine daha dayanıklı tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin yetiştirilmesine önemli ölçüde katkı sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır.
Anadolu kliniği tıp bilimleri dergisi, Mar 20, 2020
Çin›de başlayan ve pek çok ülkeye yayılan Covid-19, 'Koronavirüs Pandemisi' olarak dünya çapında ... more Çin›de başlayan ve pek çok ülkeye yayılan Covid-19, 'Koronavirüs Pandemisi' olarak dünya çapında bütün insanlığı tehdit eden bir salgın hastalık haline gelmiştir. Virüsün insandan insana hızlıca bulaşması ve yüksek ölüm oranına sahip olması, standart terapi protokollerinin geliştirilmesi ve onaylanması için acil bir ihtiyaç ortaya çıkarmıştır. Etkili tedavi stratejilerinin geliştirilebilmesi için; virüsün yapısal özellikleri, biyolojisi ve konak hücredeki enfeksiyon mekanizmaları tam olarak bilinmelidir. Şimdiye kadar, Covid-19'un tam olarak etkili bir tedavisi bilinmemekle birlikte, olası antiviral ilaçların klinik deneme ve değerlendirmeleri devam etmektedir. Tıbbi bitkiler glikozitler, saponinler, flavonoidler, proantosiyanidinler, terpenoidler, fenil propanoidler, tanenler, reçineler, lignanlar, sülfitler, polifenolikler, kumarinler, furil bileşikleri, alkaloidler ve uçucu yağlar olmak üzere çok çeşitli aktif fitokimyasal bileşikler ihtiva ettiklerinden dolayı pek çok hastalıkta olduğu gibi viral kaynaklı hastalıklarda da konakçının bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirerek antiviral etki göstermektedir. Yaygın olarak kullanılan bazı yenilebilir yabani bitkilerin, baharatların ve bitkisel çayların çeşitli virüslere karşı güçlü antiviral aktivite gösterdikleri dahası, bunlardan bazılarının farklı tür koronavirüs kaynaklı hastalıklarda da kullanılma potansiyelinde olan fito-antiviral ajanlar oldukları önceki çalışmalarda ortaya konulmuştur. Bu derlemede ise; bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici, hastalıklara karşı koruyucu ve tedavi edici olarak Türkiye'de geleneksel kullanıma sahip olan laden türleri (Cistus spp.), bazı kekik türleri (Origanum, Thymus ve Thymbra), meyan kökü (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) ve zeytin yaprağı (Olea europea L.) ve bunlardan elde edilecek biyoaktif bileşiklerin koronavirüs enfeksiyonları ile mücadelede bitkisel kaynaklı doğal terapötikler olarak kullanılma potansiyelleri güncel literatür bilgileri ışığında sunulmuştur.
Annals of Phytomedicine An International Journal
Chrysin is a natural compound with numerous pharmacological properties, especially antioxidant, a... more Chrysin is a natural compound with numerous pharmacological properties, especially antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antiviral, antitumor, anticancer, and hepatoprotective activities. Although, the biological activities of chrysin have been described and its possible pharmacological properties have been previously determined, its pharmacokinetic properties against Alzheimer's disease (AD) have not been fully elucidated based on gene targets, drug-likeness, molecular signaling pathways, and network-based pharmacology analyses. In this study, we aimed to reveal the molecular targets and potential interactions of chrysin against AD by gene-set enrichment and bioinformatics approach. The chrysin was entered into the PubChem and ChEBI database, and the targets of chrysin were estimated using DIGEP-Pred. Then, GeneCards, DisGeNET, PharmGKB, and Swiss Target Prediction were used to identify possible interacting genes and proteins. The drug-likeness properties and toxicity characteristics of chrysin were determined using Swiss ADME and ProToxII databases. In addition, STRING and KEGG enrichment database were used to elucidate the role of probable interacting proteins to construct a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and a network of molecular targeting pathways, respectively. Based on the results of pharmacokinetic properties and drug-likeness analysis, chrysin predicted to have a good drug-likeness activity (score =-0.21), as well as good brain barrier permeability (BBB score = 3.71) with no observable toxicity. A total of 38 genes were identified as the top genes that interact with chrysin against Alzheimer's disease. ILB, IL6, TNF, MAPK1, CASP3, PSEN1, PSEN2, PTGS2, NFKB1, AKT1, GSK3B, and APP were selected as top core targets that may play a significant role in AD treatment. Furthermore, a total of 158 different pathways were identified as the probably modulated pathways, corresponding to 38 protein targets. Besides neurodegeneration and AD, pathways in cancer, lipid and atherosclerosis, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance, AGE-RAGE signaling in diabetic complications, HIF-1 signaling, PI3K-Akt signaling, MAPK signaling, IL-17 signaling, neurotrophin and sphingolipid signaling were defined as the top pathways associated with chrysin-regulated proteins. Overall, the results indicated that the network-based approach could provide a novel approach to uncover the therapeutic mechanisms of chrysin against AD.
The Natural Products Journal
Handbook of Cancer and Immunology
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Herbal Bioactive-Based Drug Delivery Systems, 2022
Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi, 2021
Öz: Nörodejeneratif hastalıklar, sinir hücrelerindeki yapısal ve işlevsel dejenerasyon ve/veya si... more Öz: Nörodejeneratif hastalıklar, sinir hücrelerindeki yapısal ve işlevsel dejenerasyon ve/veya sinir hücrelerinin ölümü ile karakterize multifaktöryel hastalıklardır. Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington, Amyotrofik Lateral Skleroz ve Multiple Skleroz insanların yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyen ve hızlı ilerleme yeteneğinde olan en önemli nörodejeneratif hastalıklardır. Nörodejeneratif hastalıkların kesin bir tedavisi henüz bulunmamakla birlikte; hastalığın seyrini yavaşlatarak insanların yaşam kalitelerini artırmayı hedefleyen tedavi yaklaşımları uygulanmaktadır. Mevcut terapötik müdahaleler ve bu doğrultuda kullanılan ilaçların, kronik kullanımda ciddi yan etkiler meydana getirmiş olması, uygulanan tedavi stratejilerinde karşılaşılan en önemli güçlükler arasında olup; bu durum hastaların geleneksel tıp uygulamalarına yönelmesine neden olmuştur. Bu bağlamda, nörodejenerasyonda beyin hasarlarının iyileşmesine katkıda bulunan ve yeni sinaps oluşumlarını teşvik ederek öğrenme ve hafıza fonksiyonlarını artırıcı yönde potansiyele sahip olan nöroprotektif özellikteki tıbbi bitkilerle yapılan tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamaları günümüzde önemli bir yaklaşım haline gelmiştir. Tıbbi bitkiler; ihtiva ettikleri fitokimyasallar sayesinde, nörodejeneratif hastalık gelişimi ile ilişkili hücresel ve moleküler mekanizmalarda etkili olarak, hastalığın prognozunu yavaşlatmaya ciddi anlamda katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu derlemede, nörodejeneratif hastalıkların mekanizmaları ve bu hastalıkların tedavisinde terapötik ajan olarak kullanılma potansiyeline sahip olan nöroprotektif tıbbi bitkiler ve fitokimyasallar kaleme alınmıştır.
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences, 2021
Food & Function, 2019
Consumption of cereal foods has been related to health improvement, which is partly because of th... more Consumption of cereal foods has been related to health improvement, which is partly because of their phytochemicals.
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2013
Transporter associated with antigen presenting (TAP) 1 and TAP2 genes are localized in the major ... more Transporter associated with antigen presenting (TAP) 1 and TAP2 genes are localized in the major histocompatability complex (MHC) class II region and form a heterodimer playing a key role in endogenous pathways for antigen presentation. Defects of these genes have been reported to be common in different types of cancer. Polymorphisms identified in these loci have also been investigated and reported to be associated with several autoimmune disorders, viral infections and neoplasms. In the present study, for the first time, the allele and genotype frequencies of TAP1-333, TAP2-565, TAP2-651 and TAP2-665 were determined in patients with hematological malignancies (HM) using a PCR-RFLP method and compared with the frequencies in the control group. Our results suggested an association of TAP1-333 polymorphism with multiple myeloma-MM and TAP2-565 polymorphism with chronic lymphoid leukemia-CLL. In addition, it could be concluded that the TAP2-665 GG genotype might be a risk factor for all types of hematological malignancies included in this study.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010
Spices are the building blocks of flavor in foods. This research work was focused on two importan... more Spices are the building blocks of flavor in foods. This research work was focused on two important spices, i.e., ginger and cumin. Ginger and cumin both are recognized for their antioxidant properties. So, this study was designed to evaluate the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum). The highest yield for volatile oil was obtained by the cumin sample, which was 2.52 +/- 0.11%, while the fresh ginger showed the lowest yield (0.31 +/- 0.08%). The analysis of volatile oils of fresh and dried ginger showed camphene, p-cineole, alpha-terpineol, zingiberene and pentadecanoic acid as major components, while the major components in cumin volatile oil were cuminal, gamma-terpinene and pinocarveol. In nonvolatile extracts the highest yield was obtained by the methanol extract of cumin (4.08 +/- 0.17% w/w), while the n-hexane extract of fresh ginger showed the lowest yield (0.52 +/- 0.03% w/w). Maximum total phenolic contents were observed in the methanol extract of fresh ginger (95.2 mg/g dry extract) followed by the hexane extract of fresh ginger (87.5 mg/g dry extract). The hexane extract of cumin showed the lowest total phenolic content (10.6 mg/g dry extract). The DPPH method showed the highest antioxidant activity for cumin essential oil (85.44 +/- 0.50%) followed by dried ginger essential oil (83.87 +/- 0.50%) and fresh ginger essential oil (83.03 +/- 0.54%). The FRAP of essential oils showed almost comparative results with DPPH. Cumin essential oil was found best in reducing Fe(3+) ions, followed by dried and fresh ginger. Our results suggest that both ginger and cumin can be used as potential sources of natural antioxidants in foods.
Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics, Aug 27, 2014
Traditional Medicine Research
Annals of Phytomedicine: An International Journal, 2021
Oleuropein, a valuable nutraceutical with powerful antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, an... more Oleuropein, a valuable nutraceutical with powerful antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and cardioprotective properties, is the most abundant polyphenolic compound in olive leaf, fruits, and olive oil from the olive tree (Olea europaea L., Fam. Oleaceae). Biological activities and nutritional value of oleuropein have been previously identified; however, the molecular mechanisms of its action and pharmacological properties based on bioinformatics analyses have not been systematically revealed yet. In this work, network-based bioinformatics approached were implemented to evaluate targets of oleuropein in human genomes and proteomes, interacting genes of oleuropein and probable modulated pathways. The oleuropein was input into the ChEBI database, and the targets of its were predicted using DIGEP-Pred, and then, top interacting genes were identified by gene cards database. Afterward, STRING and KEGG enrichment database were used to construct a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and molecular targeting pathway network, respectively. A total of 21 genes coding proteins, i.e.
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Oct 30, 2020
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi tarım ve doğa dergisi, Oct 31, 2022
Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, May 9, 2022
Review Article ÖZET Alzheimer hastalığı (AH), hafıza kaybı ve bilişsel bozulma ile kendini göster... more Review Article ÖZET Alzheimer hastalığı (AH), hafıza kaybı ve bilişsel bozulma ile kendini gösteren, demansa neden olan nörodejeneratif bir hastalıktır. AH'nda gözlenen demansın şiddeti ve dolayısıyla başlangıcı, genetik ve çevresel faktörlere bağlı olarak bireyler ve toplumlar arasında farklılık göstermektedir. AH ve diğer nörodejeneratif hastalıklarla mücadelede çok yönlü terapötik stratejiler uygulanmasına rağmen, başarı sadece semptomatik tedavi ile sınırlıdır. AH'nın başlangıcını veya ilerlemesini erteleyebilecek terapötik müdahaleler, hastalığın prevalansının azaltılmasına önemli ölçüde katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu bağlamda, tarihsel süreçlerden bu yana hafızanın güçlendirilmesi ve demans gelişiminin engellenmesi ile ilgili diğer komplikasyonlar için tıbbi bitkilerden yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar, günümüzde de tıbbi bitkiler ve bunlardan elde edilen fitokimyasalların, AH'nın tedavisinde potansiyel öneme sahip olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Etki mekanizmaları tam olarak aydınlatılamamış olmasına rağmen; anti-enflamatuvar, anti-amiloidojenik, anti-kolinesteraz, hipolipidemik ve antioksidan etkiler dahil olmak üzere geniş farmakolojik aktivite yelpazesi ile, bitkilerin farklı kısımları içerdikleri polifenoller (flavonoitler, tanenler), lignanlar, triterpenler, steroller ve alkaloitler gibi birçok değerli fitokimyasal bileşikler sayesinde ilaç geliştirme çalışmaları için güçlü bir rezervuardır. Sunulan makalede, AH'nın seyrinin yavaşlatılmasında ve etkili tedavi stratejilerinin geliştirilmesinde farmakolojik alanda umut vaat eden çeşitli bitkiler ve bunlardan izole edilen fitokimyasallar, etki mekanizmaları ile birlikte derlenmiştir.
Journal of Phytonanotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mar 1, 2023
Punicic acid (PuA) is a type of conjugated linolenic acid (CLnA), commonly found in pomegranate s... more Punicic acid (PuA) is a type of conjugated linolenic acid (CLnA), commonly found in pomegranate seed oil, bitter gourd seed oil, and snake gourd seed oil. The aim of this study was to determine the molecular targets, in silico drug-like properties, and potential interactions of PuA through network-based pharmacological approaches. In this study, PuA was entered into the ChEBI and PubChem databases, and the possible interacting genes and proteins of PuA were predicted using DIGEP-Pred, Gene Cards, DisGeNET, and PharmGKB. The drug-likeness properties and toxicity characteristics of PuA were assigned using the SwissADME and ProToxII databases. Afterward, the STRING database and Cytoscape software were used to clarify the role of possible interacting proteins to create a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. The KEGG enrichment database was also used for mapping pathways at the molecular level. The predicted pharmacological activities of PuA showed that it is an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase 1, phosphatidylglycerophosphatase and alkylacetylglycerophosphatase, protector of mucomembranous, antagonist of the hormone, scavenger of hydroxyls and free radicals, and regulator of lipid metabolism at (Pa)>0.7. According to the pharmacokinetic properties and drug-likeness analysis, PuA could be a potential drug candidate with avalue of-0.30, in addition to good brain barrier permeability and gastrointestinal absorption. Moreover, the results of toxicity analysis revealed that PuA did not cause any detectable toxicity with an LD 50 of 3200 mg/kg. A total of 36 protein-codinggenes were identified as likely interacting targets of PuA, and PTGS2, IL6, PPARG, GSR, PPARA, PPARG, CAT, SLC2A4, CCL2, and GAPDH were selected as core targets in the PPI network (confidence score = 0.4). Based on the KEGG enrichment of pathways, a total of 129 different signaling pathways was identified as possible pathways regulated by PuA. Among them, the HIF-1signaling pathway, transcriptional dysregulation in cancer, AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications, FOXO signaling pathway, microRNAs in cancer, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, thyroid hormone signaling pathway, the PPAR signaling pathway, and IL-17 signaling pathway were indicated as the major signaling pathways associated with PuA-regulated proteins (FDR<0.05). The preliminary results of this study support the beneficial effects of PuAon human health, including its antileukemia, anticancer, antiobesity, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antineoplastic properties. Accordingly, the combina tion of PuA and network-based pharmacology has the potential to reveal the therapeutic and molecular mechanisms of PuA.
Trakya university journal of natural sciences, Apr 15, 2022
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) flowers and its distilled products are of major raw mater... more Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) flowers and its distilled products are of major raw materials for cosmetic, perfumery, medicine and cleaning industries. Lavender flower production, essential oils and their qualities are affected by growing conditions and used agricultural methods. Mulching is a cultural application used for horticultural production in order to combat weeds, keep the soil temperature constant, eliminate soil moisture evaporation, provide favourable growth conditions for ample flower production, and improve the quality essential oil production. In this sense, plastic mulch application is the mainly preferred method by the growers, due to its low costs and durability. In the present study, two-year field (2014-2015) studies were carried out to evaluate the lavender flower production, essential oil yield in both conventional (without mulch) and plastic mulching systems in city of Kilis-Turkey. The individual essential oil compounds were identified using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). Essential oils obtained from dried flowers were assayed for their neuroprotective effects. According to the results, fresh and dry inflorescence yields, dry flower yields, flower essential oil contents and compositions were affected by different growing methods, including (1) plastic mulching system and (2) conventional (without mulch) system. Considering the fresh inflorescence changes, mulching increased the yield by 147.84% in the first year while no significant changes were noted between treatments. Interestingly, dry inflorescence yield did not show a significant increase for both growing systems at first year but mulching enhanced the yield by 9.87% in the second year, in related to the traditional treatment. The results revealed that dry flower was not affected by both growing systems corresponding to the years. As for essential oil content, no changes were noted for both growing systems in the first year, whilst mulching increased the content by 13.73% in the second year. As the case of agricultural yield, the neuroprotective activities of essential oils obtained from mulching conditions exerted higher inhibitory roles against Acetyl-cholinesterase (AChE), butyryl-cholinesterase (BChE), and tyrosinase (TYRO) enzymes, in relative to the traditional treatments by 81.62%, 84.12%, 73.34% in the first year and by 76.15%, 79.80% and 68.02% in the second year. Such a high variation in neuroprotective activities can be explained by changes in essential oil contents, as observed for the percentage of the compounds. Consequently, these findings reveal that mulching application significantly contributes to the increase of agricultural yield and the growing of medicinal and aromatic plants that are more resistant to changing environmental conditions and biotic stress factors. Özet: Lavanta (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) çiçekleri ve distile ürünleri kozmetik, parfümeri, ilaç ve temizlik endüstrilerinin başlıca hammaddesidir. Lavanta çiçeği üretimi, uçucu yağlar ve nitelikleri, yetiştirme koşullarından ve kullanılan tarım yöntemlerinden etkilenir. Malçlama, yabani otlarla mücadele etmek, toprak sıcaklığını sabit tutmak, topraktaki nem buharlaşmasını ortadan kaldırmak, bol çiçek üretimi için uygun büyüme koşullarını sağlamak ve kaliteli uçucu yağ üretimini iyileştirmek amacıyla bahçecilik üretiminde kullanılan kültürel bir uygulamadır. Bu anlamda plastik malç uygulaması, düşük maliyeti ve dayanıklılığı nedeniyle yetiştiriciler tarafından en çok tercih edilen yöntemdir. Bu çalışmada, Kilis ilinde hem geleneksel (malçsız) %81.62, %84.12, %73.34 ve ikinci yılda %76.15, %79.80 ve %68.02 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Nöroprotektif aktivitelerdeki bu kadar yüksek bir varyasyon, bileşiklerin yüzdesi için gözlemlendiği gibi, uçucu yağ içeriğindeki değişiklikleri ile de açıklanabilir. Sonuç olarak bu bulgular, malçlama uygulamasının tarımsal verimin artmasına ve değişen çevre koşullarına ve biyotik stres faktörlerine daha dayanıklı tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin yetiştirilmesine önemli ölçüde katkı sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır.
Anadolu kliniği tıp bilimleri dergisi, Mar 20, 2020
Çin›de başlayan ve pek çok ülkeye yayılan Covid-19, 'Koronavirüs Pandemisi' olarak dünya çapında ... more Çin›de başlayan ve pek çok ülkeye yayılan Covid-19, 'Koronavirüs Pandemisi' olarak dünya çapında bütün insanlığı tehdit eden bir salgın hastalık haline gelmiştir. Virüsün insandan insana hızlıca bulaşması ve yüksek ölüm oranına sahip olması, standart terapi protokollerinin geliştirilmesi ve onaylanması için acil bir ihtiyaç ortaya çıkarmıştır. Etkili tedavi stratejilerinin geliştirilebilmesi için; virüsün yapısal özellikleri, biyolojisi ve konak hücredeki enfeksiyon mekanizmaları tam olarak bilinmelidir. Şimdiye kadar, Covid-19'un tam olarak etkili bir tedavisi bilinmemekle birlikte, olası antiviral ilaçların klinik deneme ve değerlendirmeleri devam etmektedir. Tıbbi bitkiler glikozitler, saponinler, flavonoidler, proantosiyanidinler, terpenoidler, fenil propanoidler, tanenler, reçineler, lignanlar, sülfitler, polifenolikler, kumarinler, furil bileşikleri, alkaloidler ve uçucu yağlar olmak üzere çok çeşitli aktif fitokimyasal bileşikler ihtiva ettiklerinden dolayı pek çok hastalıkta olduğu gibi viral kaynaklı hastalıklarda da konakçının bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirerek antiviral etki göstermektedir. Yaygın olarak kullanılan bazı yenilebilir yabani bitkilerin, baharatların ve bitkisel çayların çeşitli virüslere karşı güçlü antiviral aktivite gösterdikleri dahası, bunlardan bazılarının farklı tür koronavirüs kaynaklı hastalıklarda da kullanılma potansiyelinde olan fito-antiviral ajanlar oldukları önceki çalışmalarda ortaya konulmuştur. Bu derlemede ise; bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici, hastalıklara karşı koruyucu ve tedavi edici olarak Türkiye'de geleneksel kullanıma sahip olan laden türleri (Cistus spp.), bazı kekik türleri (Origanum, Thymus ve Thymbra), meyan kökü (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) ve zeytin yaprağı (Olea europea L.) ve bunlardan elde edilecek biyoaktif bileşiklerin koronavirüs enfeksiyonları ile mücadelede bitkisel kaynaklı doğal terapötikler olarak kullanılma potansiyelleri güncel literatür bilgileri ışığında sunulmuştur.
Annals of Phytomedicine An International Journal
Chrysin is a natural compound with numerous pharmacological properties, especially antioxidant, a... more Chrysin is a natural compound with numerous pharmacological properties, especially antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antiviral, antitumor, anticancer, and hepatoprotective activities. Although, the biological activities of chrysin have been described and its possible pharmacological properties have been previously determined, its pharmacokinetic properties against Alzheimer's disease (AD) have not been fully elucidated based on gene targets, drug-likeness, molecular signaling pathways, and network-based pharmacology analyses. In this study, we aimed to reveal the molecular targets and potential interactions of chrysin against AD by gene-set enrichment and bioinformatics approach. The chrysin was entered into the PubChem and ChEBI database, and the targets of chrysin were estimated using DIGEP-Pred. Then, GeneCards, DisGeNET, PharmGKB, and Swiss Target Prediction were used to identify possible interacting genes and proteins. The drug-likeness properties and toxicity characteristics of chrysin were determined using Swiss ADME and ProToxII databases. In addition, STRING and KEGG enrichment database were used to elucidate the role of probable interacting proteins to construct a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and a network of molecular targeting pathways, respectively. Based on the results of pharmacokinetic properties and drug-likeness analysis, chrysin predicted to have a good drug-likeness activity (score =-0.21), as well as good brain barrier permeability (BBB score = 3.71) with no observable toxicity. A total of 38 genes were identified as the top genes that interact with chrysin against Alzheimer's disease. ILB, IL6, TNF, MAPK1, CASP3, PSEN1, PSEN2, PTGS2, NFKB1, AKT1, GSK3B, and APP were selected as top core targets that may play a significant role in AD treatment. Furthermore, a total of 158 different pathways were identified as the probably modulated pathways, corresponding to 38 protein targets. Besides neurodegeneration and AD, pathways in cancer, lipid and atherosclerosis, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance, AGE-RAGE signaling in diabetic complications, HIF-1 signaling, PI3K-Akt signaling, MAPK signaling, IL-17 signaling, neurotrophin and sphingolipid signaling were defined as the top pathways associated with chrysin-regulated proteins. Overall, the results indicated that the network-based approach could provide a novel approach to uncover the therapeutic mechanisms of chrysin against AD.
The Natural Products Journal
Handbook of Cancer and Immunology
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Herbal Bioactive-Based Drug Delivery Systems, 2022
Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi, 2021
Öz: Nörodejeneratif hastalıklar, sinir hücrelerindeki yapısal ve işlevsel dejenerasyon ve/veya si... more Öz: Nörodejeneratif hastalıklar, sinir hücrelerindeki yapısal ve işlevsel dejenerasyon ve/veya sinir hücrelerinin ölümü ile karakterize multifaktöryel hastalıklardır. Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington, Amyotrofik Lateral Skleroz ve Multiple Skleroz insanların yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyen ve hızlı ilerleme yeteneğinde olan en önemli nörodejeneratif hastalıklardır. Nörodejeneratif hastalıkların kesin bir tedavisi henüz bulunmamakla birlikte; hastalığın seyrini yavaşlatarak insanların yaşam kalitelerini artırmayı hedefleyen tedavi yaklaşımları uygulanmaktadır. Mevcut terapötik müdahaleler ve bu doğrultuda kullanılan ilaçların, kronik kullanımda ciddi yan etkiler meydana getirmiş olması, uygulanan tedavi stratejilerinde karşılaşılan en önemli güçlükler arasında olup; bu durum hastaların geleneksel tıp uygulamalarına yönelmesine neden olmuştur. Bu bağlamda, nörodejenerasyonda beyin hasarlarının iyileşmesine katkıda bulunan ve yeni sinaps oluşumlarını teşvik ederek öğrenme ve hafıza fonksiyonlarını artırıcı yönde potansiyele sahip olan nöroprotektif özellikteki tıbbi bitkilerle yapılan tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamaları günümüzde önemli bir yaklaşım haline gelmiştir. Tıbbi bitkiler; ihtiva ettikleri fitokimyasallar sayesinde, nörodejeneratif hastalık gelişimi ile ilişkili hücresel ve moleküler mekanizmalarda etkili olarak, hastalığın prognozunu yavaşlatmaya ciddi anlamda katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu derlemede, nörodejeneratif hastalıkların mekanizmaları ve bu hastalıkların tedavisinde terapötik ajan olarak kullanılma potansiyeline sahip olan nöroprotektif tıbbi bitkiler ve fitokimyasallar kaleme alınmıştır.
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences, 2021
Food & Function, 2019
Consumption of cereal foods has been related to health improvement, which is partly because of th... more Consumption of cereal foods has been related to health improvement, which is partly because of their phytochemicals.
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2013
Transporter associated with antigen presenting (TAP) 1 and TAP2 genes are localized in the major ... more Transporter associated with antigen presenting (TAP) 1 and TAP2 genes are localized in the major histocompatability complex (MHC) class II region and form a heterodimer playing a key role in endogenous pathways for antigen presentation. Defects of these genes have been reported to be common in different types of cancer. Polymorphisms identified in these loci have also been investigated and reported to be associated with several autoimmune disorders, viral infections and neoplasms. In the present study, for the first time, the allele and genotype frequencies of TAP1-333, TAP2-565, TAP2-651 and TAP2-665 were determined in patients with hematological malignancies (HM) using a PCR-RFLP method and compared with the frequencies in the control group. Our results suggested an association of TAP1-333 polymorphism with multiple myeloma-MM and TAP2-565 polymorphism with chronic lymphoid leukemia-CLL. In addition, it could be concluded that the TAP2-665 GG genotype might be a risk factor for all types of hematological malignancies included in this study.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010
Spices are the building blocks of flavor in foods. This research work was focused on two importan... more Spices are the building blocks of flavor in foods. This research work was focused on two important spices, i.e., ginger and cumin. Ginger and cumin both are recognized for their antioxidant properties. So, this study was designed to evaluate the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum). The highest yield for volatile oil was obtained by the cumin sample, which was 2.52 +/- 0.11%, while the fresh ginger showed the lowest yield (0.31 +/- 0.08%). The analysis of volatile oils of fresh and dried ginger showed camphene, p-cineole, alpha-terpineol, zingiberene and pentadecanoic acid as major components, while the major components in cumin volatile oil were cuminal, gamma-terpinene and pinocarveol. In nonvolatile extracts the highest yield was obtained by the methanol extract of cumin (4.08 +/- 0.17% w/w), while the n-hexane extract of fresh ginger showed the lowest yield (0.52 +/- 0.03% w/w). Maximum total phenolic contents were observed in the methanol extract of fresh ginger (95.2 mg/g dry extract) followed by the hexane extract of fresh ginger (87.5 mg/g dry extract). The hexane extract of cumin showed the lowest total phenolic content (10.6 mg/g dry extract). The DPPH method showed the highest antioxidant activity for cumin essential oil (85.44 +/- 0.50%) followed by dried ginger essential oil (83.87 +/- 0.50%) and fresh ginger essential oil (83.03 +/- 0.54%). The FRAP of essential oils showed almost comparative results with DPPH. Cumin essential oil was found best in reducing Fe(3+) ions, followed by dried and fresh ginger. Our results suggest that both ginger and cumin can be used as potential sources of natural antioxidants in foods.
Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics, Aug 27, 2014
Traditional Medicine Research
Annals of Phytomedicine: An International Journal, 2021
Oleuropein, a valuable nutraceutical with powerful antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, an... more Oleuropein, a valuable nutraceutical with powerful antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and cardioprotective properties, is the most abundant polyphenolic compound in olive leaf, fruits, and olive oil from the olive tree (Olea europaea L., Fam. Oleaceae). Biological activities and nutritional value of oleuropein have been previously identified; however, the molecular mechanisms of its action and pharmacological properties based on bioinformatics analyses have not been systematically revealed yet. In this work, network-based bioinformatics approached were implemented to evaluate targets of oleuropein in human genomes and proteomes, interacting genes of oleuropein and probable modulated pathways. The oleuropein was input into the ChEBI database, and the targets of its were predicted using DIGEP-Pred, and then, top interacting genes were identified by gene cards database. Afterward, STRING and KEGG enrichment database were used to construct a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and molecular targeting pathway network, respectively. A total of 21 genes coding proteins, i.e.