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Papers by sibel çimen
2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP), Dec 13, 2021
Calibration Test Sites (CALTS) are utilized to calibrate horizontally polarized antennas which ar... more Calibration Test Sites (CALTS) are utilized to calibrate horizontally polarized antennas which are used in EMC tests and electromagnetic pollution measurements in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1000 MHz. In order for an established site to be accepted as CALTS, it must be verified by the use of precise and calculable dipole antennas compatible with the CISPR 16-1-5 standard. The relevant parameters of the dipole antenna and the measurement method are described in the CISPR 16-1-5 standard. In this paper, the design, the production and the performance measurements of a pair of calculable dipole antennas with a 3-dB hybrid balun to be employed in Site Insertion Loss (SIL) measurements of a CALTS in the frequency range of 30 MHz – 1000 MHz are presented. A CALTS whose dimensions are 30mx60m will be established at TÜBITAK UME. In addition, the parameters of the manufactured dipole antennas with the 3-dB hybrid balun defined in the CISPR 16-1-5 standard are measured using a special calibration adapter designed by us. Finally, theoretical SIL values are calculated with software for all measurement frequencies by using the measured parameters of the dipole antennas with the 3-dB hybrid balun.
2022 30th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Nov 15, 2022
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2006
A Matlab-based lumped (LC) and scattered (microstrip line) filter design tool is designed. Based ... more A Matlab-based lumped (LC) and scattered (microstrip line) filter design tool is designed. Based on the analogy between wave and circuit (transmission line) theories a broadband filter prototype is introduced for all types of lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filters. The designed microstrip filters are also validated via the finite-difference time-domain method. The tool can be used as teaching, learning, and design purposes.
Metamaterials (MTM) have attracted great attention for the last couple of years. These new materi... more Metamaterials (MTM) have attracted great attention for the last couple of years. These new materials have a wide potential range of applications and research has focused on understanding electromagnetic properties of MTM. This presentation aims to review numerical simulation strategies of modeling MTM based on FDTD method and to give characteristic examples.
Radioengineering, 2019
A novel compact band-stop frequency selective surface (FSS) with angular and polarization stabili... more A novel compact band-stop frequency selective surface (FSS) with angular and polarization stability performance for ultra-wide band (UWB) applications is presented in this paper. The designed unit cell consists of a square loop element and a crossed dipole with a ring slot element. The novel unit cell size is miniaturized to 0.047λ × 0.047λ, where λ is free-space wavelength corresponding to the lowest frequency of the UWB band. The-3dB bandwidth of the proposed FSS is between 3.05 GHz and 10.73 GHz frequencies which covers the whole UWB band as defined by FCC. Due to compact size of unit cell, the proposed FSS has good angular stability up to 60° incident angles both perpendicular (TE) and parallel (TM) polarization. The maximum resonance frequency deviation is 1.75% for TE polarization. In addition, the proposed FSS has excellent stable resonant frequency. The designed FSS is fabricated and experimental measurements are performed. There is a good consistency between numerical simulations and measurement results.
2017 20th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 2017
In this study, an ultra wide band microstrip antenna fed by coplanar wavequide with enhanced maxi... more In this study, an ultra wide band microstrip antenna fed by coplanar wavequide with enhanced maximum gain is designed. Size of the designed antenna is 60×38mm and the dielectric material (Rogers RO3006) with relative dielectric constant er=6,15 is used. At the designing stages, the effects of the modifications on the gain is examined too. The gain of the modified antenna is increased with minimum 1dB and maximum 3 dB at whole bandwith.
Radioengineering, 2018
This study presents a novel Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) design with angularly stable and po... more This study presents a novel Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) design with angularly stable and polarization independent band-stop response. The presented FSS comprises miniaturized unit cells printed on two layers of the dielectric substrates. The-3dB bandwidth of proposed FSS is between 2.98 GHz and 10.86 GHz frequencies. The unit cell dimension is 0.064λ 0.064λ with the thickness of 0.02λ, where λ is the wavelength of the lower operational frequency. The proposed FSS has angular stability up to 60 for TE polarization. The designed FSS is simulated and analyzed by using the commercial software, CST Microwave Studio. The simulation results are verified by measurements carried on a fabricated prototype and a good agreement is achieved.
2013 Xviiith International Seminar Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 2013
In this study, an eye shaped ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 2.5-18 GHz is design... more In this study, an eye shaped ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 2.5-18 GHz is designed. The designed antenna covering the entire band assigned for the UWB application, which is more than 151%. The RCS (radar cross section) of the designed antenna is reduced by modifying the physical structure. RCS of the antenna is reduced up to 15 dB. The proposed antenna is fabricated and the experimental results of the radiation performances are in a good agreement with the simulation results.
2013 Second International Japan-Egypt Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (JEC-ECC), 2013
In this study, an octagonal shaped ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 2.5-18 GHz is ... more In this study, an octagonal shaped ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 2.5-18 GHz is designed. The designed antenna covering the entire band is assigned for the UWB applications, which is about 150%. The RCS (radar cross section) of the designed antenna is reduced by modifying the physical structure. RCS of the antenna is reduced up to 25 dB. The proposed antenna is fabricated and the experimental results of the radiation performance are in a good agreement with the simulation results.
2013 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), 2013
In this study, an ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 3-15 GHz is designed. The desig... more In this study, an ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 3-15 GHz is designed. The designed antenna has an arrow shaped patch and a ground layer. The size of the antenna is 41×31 mm and it's easy to produce. Because it has a simple geometric structure. The RCS (radar cross section) of the designed antenna is reduced by modifying the physical structure. RCS of the antenna is reduced up to 25 dB. The proposed antenna is fabricated and the experimental results of the radiation performance are in a good agreement with the simulation results.
2009 20th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2009
ABSTRACT Metamaterials (MTM) have recently attracted much attention in electromagnetic engineerin... more ABSTRACT Metamaterials (MTM) have recently attracted much attention in electromagnetic engineering. Initial studies have focused on understanding their electromagnetic properties and responses, but applications have also begun to appear in the literature. This paper presents visualization of electromagnetic waves interacting with multi-layer MTM slabs in two-dimension as well as analytical and numerical S-parameter extraction.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2014
A novel planar octagonal-shaped antenna with reduced radar cross section (RCS) for ultra-wideband... more A novel planar octagonal-shaped antenna with reduced radar cross section (RCS) for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications is designed and demonstrated experimentally. The proposed antenna is modified using the geometrical shaping method in order to get the RCS reduction. This method is based on the subtraction of metal areas which have the minimum current distributions on the surface of printed antenna. Both of the reference and modified octagonal-shaped antennas are operating at 2.5-18 GHz frequency range with %151 fractional bandwidths. The full-wave electromagnetic simulations and laboratory measurements are performed to characterize their RCSs as a function of frequency, radiation patterns and scattering characteristics. The radiation performance of modified antenna is stable and consistent with the reference antenna. Also the results show that the designed UWB antenna has lower RCS compared to the reference antenna. About 10 dBsm RCS reduction is obtained in the whole operation bandwidth. The designed antenna has very large RCS reduction up to 25 dBsm, especially in the low frequency range.
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi
Bu calismada, tek katmanli, Ultra Genis Bantli (UGB), acisal kararli ve polarizasyondan bagimsiz ... more Bu calismada, tek katmanli, Ultra Genis Bantli (UGB), acisal kararli ve polarizasyondan bagimsiz ozgun bir bant durduran frekans secici yuzey (FSY) tasarimi sunulmaktadir. Tasarlanan UGB-FSY’nin birim hucre geometrisi, halka seklindeki iletken serit ile halka aciklikli capraz dipol seklindeki iletken seritlerin bir araya getirilmesiyle olusturulmustur. Birim hucre boyutu, UGB bandin en dusuk frekansina karsilik gelen serbest uzay dalga boyu cinsinden 0,07λ × 0,07λ’dir. Onerilen UGB-FSY’nin -3 dB bandi, Federal Iletisim Komisyonu (Federal Communications Commission - FCC) tarafindan tanimlanan UGB bandini kapsayan 3,5 GHz ve 11 GHz frekanslari arasindadir. Birim hucrenin cok kucuk olmasindan dolayi, hem TE hem de TM modunda 60 dereceye kadar acisal kararlilik gostermektedir. Tasarlanan UGB-FSY’nin bilgisayar benzetimleri icin CST Microwave Studio programi kullanilmistir. Benzetim sonuclarinin dogrulugunu test etmek icin FSY uretilerek olcumleri yapilmistir. Benzetim sonuclari ile olcum sonuclari birbiriyle uyumludur.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Jun 4, 2014
In this study, a novel axe-shaped ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with low-backscattering radar cros... more In this study, a novel axe-shaped ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with low-backscattering radar cross-section (RCS) is designed. The designed UWB antenna bandwidth is 3.4–15.5 GHz covering the entire band assigned for the UWB applications. The RCS of the designed antenna is reduced by modifying the geometrical shape. This technique is based on the subtraction of the metal areas which have the minimum current distributions on the surface of the printed antenna. Therefore the backscattering RCS of the modified axe-shaped UWB antenna is reduced up to 10 dB in the whole frequency band while maintaining the radiation performance. The size of the antenna is 0.32λ l ×0.39λ l, where λ l is the wavelength at the lower operation frequency and the fractional bandwidth is 128%. The radiation patterns, scattering characteristics and the RCS of both the modified and reference axe-shaped UWB antennas are simulated and experimentally verified. The simulation and measurement results are in a good agreement.
In this study, a dual band compact antenna that can provide dual polarization for each band is pr... more In this study, a dual band compact antenna that can provide dual polarization for each band is proposed and its design is presented. Proposed structure operates at 0.96 GHz and 1.81 GHz frequencies. Thus the antenna can be used for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) applications. It consists of two symmetrical antennas that placed closely to obtain compact size. The distance (edge to edge) between these antennas is 10 mm ~ 0.032 λl , as the λl is the wavelength at the lower band of the operation. Isolation between the feeding ports in the structure has been succeeded with a slot on the ground plane, the length and width of the slot adjusts the isolation. In the two operation frequencies the isolation is below -10dB. The proposed MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) antenna is simulated and then fabricated prototype is measured. The results of simulation and measurements are presented and the results are consistent with each other.
2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - Italy (ACES), 2017
In this paper, a novel frequency selective surface (FSS) is designed for reduction of radar cross... more In this paper, a novel frequency selective surface (FSS) is designed for reduction of radar cross section (RCS) level in the reflectarray antenna. A 9×9 variable size FSS structure is constructed on double opposite side geometry. The reduction of RCS performance is compared with ground plane backed and designed FSS backed reflectarray antenna. The simulation results demonstrate that the FSS backed reflectarray antenna can achieve the reduction of RCS level in-band and out-of-band. Also gain and radiation performance of FSS backed reflectarray antenna is nearly same with ground plane backed reflectarray antenna.
2017 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2017
In this study, effects of the different end shapes on the gain flatness of an Antipodal Vivaldi A... more In this study, effects of the different end shapes on the gain flatness of an Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna (APVA) operating over 3.1–10.6 GHz are investigated. The antenna having an ending with parallel wires is proposed for gain flatness in this study. Numerical studies are performed for four different APVAs having endings in different shapes of elliptical, circular and partially square forms and parallel wires. The best gain flatness is obtained for the antenna having the ending of the parallel wires.
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2020
2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP), Dec 13, 2021
Calibration Test Sites (CALTS) are utilized to calibrate horizontally polarized antennas which ar... more Calibration Test Sites (CALTS) are utilized to calibrate horizontally polarized antennas which are used in EMC tests and electromagnetic pollution measurements in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1000 MHz. In order for an established site to be accepted as CALTS, it must be verified by the use of precise and calculable dipole antennas compatible with the CISPR 16-1-5 standard. The relevant parameters of the dipole antenna and the measurement method are described in the CISPR 16-1-5 standard. In this paper, the design, the production and the performance measurements of a pair of calculable dipole antennas with a 3-dB hybrid balun to be employed in Site Insertion Loss (SIL) measurements of a CALTS in the frequency range of 30 MHz – 1000 MHz are presented. A CALTS whose dimensions are 30mx60m will be established at TÜBITAK UME. In addition, the parameters of the manufactured dipole antennas with the 3-dB hybrid balun defined in the CISPR 16-1-5 standard are measured using a special calibration adapter designed by us. Finally, theoretical SIL values are calculated with software for all measurement frequencies by using the measured parameters of the dipole antennas with the 3-dB hybrid balun.
2022 30th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Nov 15, 2022
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2006
A Matlab-based lumped (LC) and scattered (microstrip line) filter design tool is designed. Based ... more A Matlab-based lumped (LC) and scattered (microstrip line) filter design tool is designed. Based on the analogy between wave and circuit (transmission line) theories a broadband filter prototype is introduced for all types of lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filters. The designed microstrip filters are also validated via the finite-difference time-domain method. The tool can be used as teaching, learning, and design purposes.
Metamaterials (MTM) have attracted great attention for the last couple of years. These new materi... more Metamaterials (MTM) have attracted great attention for the last couple of years. These new materials have a wide potential range of applications and research has focused on understanding electromagnetic properties of MTM. This presentation aims to review numerical simulation strategies of modeling MTM based on FDTD method and to give characteristic examples.
Radioengineering, 2019
A novel compact band-stop frequency selective surface (FSS) with angular and polarization stabili... more A novel compact band-stop frequency selective surface (FSS) with angular and polarization stability performance for ultra-wide band (UWB) applications is presented in this paper. The designed unit cell consists of a square loop element and a crossed dipole with a ring slot element. The novel unit cell size is miniaturized to 0.047λ × 0.047λ, where λ is free-space wavelength corresponding to the lowest frequency of the UWB band. The-3dB bandwidth of the proposed FSS is between 3.05 GHz and 10.73 GHz frequencies which covers the whole UWB band as defined by FCC. Due to compact size of unit cell, the proposed FSS has good angular stability up to 60° incident angles both perpendicular (TE) and parallel (TM) polarization. The maximum resonance frequency deviation is 1.75% for TE polarization. In addition, the proposed FSS has excellent stable resonant frequency. The designed FSS is fabricated and experimental measurements are performed. There is a good consistency between numerical simulations and measurement results.
2017 20th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 2017
In this study, an ultra wide band microstrip antenna fed by coplanar wavequide with enhanced maxi... more In this study, an ultra wide band microstrip antenna fed by coplanar wavequide with enhanced maximum gain is designed. Size of the designed antenna is 60×38mm and the dielectric material (Rogers RO3006) with relative dielectric constant er=6,15 is used. At the designing stages, the effects of the modifications on the gain is examined too. The gain of the modified antenna is increased with minimum 1dB and maximum 3 dB at whole bandwith.
Radioengineering, 2018
This study presents a novel Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) design with angularly stable and po... more This study presents a novel Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) design with angularly stable and polarization independent band-stop response. The presented FSS comprises miniaturized unit cells printed on two layers of the dielectric substrates. The-3dB bandwidth of proposed FSS is between 2.98 GHz and 10.86 GHz frequencies. The unit cell dimension is 0.064λ 0.064λ with the thickness of 0.02λ, where λ is the wavelength of the lower operational frequency. The proposed FSS has angular stability up to 60 for TE polarization. The designed FSS is simulated and analyzed by using the commercial software, CST Microwave Studio. The simulation results are verified by measurements carried on a fabricated prototype and a good agreement is achieved.
2013 Xviiith International Seminar Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, 2013
In this study, an eye shaped ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 2.5-18 GHz is design... more In this study, an eye shaped ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 2.5-18 GHz is designed. The designed antenna covering the entire band assigned for the UWB application, which is more than 151%. The RCS (radar cross section) of the designed antenna is reduced by modifying the physical structure. RCS of the antenna is reduced up to 15 dB. The proposed antenna is fabricated and the experimental results of the radiation performances are in a good agreement with the simulation results.
2013 Second International Japan-Egypt Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (JEC-ECC), 2013
In this study, an octagonal shaped ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 2.5-18 GHz is ... more In this study, an octagonal shaped ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 2.5-18 GHz is designed. The designed antenna covering the entire band is assigned for the UWB applications, which is about 150%. The RCS (radar cross section) of the designed antenna is reduced by modifying the physical structure. RCS of the antenna is reduced up to 25 dB. The proposed antenna is fabricated and the experimental results of the radiation performance are in a good agreement with the simulation results.
2013 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), 2013
In this study, an ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 3-15 GHz is designed. The desig... more In this study, an ultra wide band (UWB) antenna which radiates at 3-15 GHz is designed. The designed antenna has an arrow shaped patch and a ground layer. The size of the antenna is 41×31 mm and it's easy to produce. Because it has a simple geometric structure. The RCS (radar cross section) of the designed antenna is reduced by modifying the physical structure. RCS of the antenna is reduced up to 25 dB. The proposed antenna is fabricated and the experimental results of the radiation performance are in a good agreement with the simulation results.
2009 20th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2009
ABSTRACT Metamaterials (MTM) have recently attracted much attention in electromagnetic engineerin... more ABSTRACT Metamaterials (MTM) have recently attracted much attention in electromagnetic engineering. Initial studies have focused on understanding their electromagnetic properties and responses, but applications have also begun to appear in the literature. This paper presents visualization of electromagnetic waves interacting with multi-layer MTM slabs in two-dimension as well as analytical and numerical S-parameter extraction.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2014
A novel planar octagonal-shaped antenna with reduced radar cross section (RCS) for ultra-wideband... more A novel planar octagonal-shaped antenna with reduced radar cross section (RCS) for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications is designed and demonstrated experimentally. The proposed antenna is modified using the geometrical shaping method in order to get the RCS reduction. This method is based on the subtraction of metal areas which have the minimum current distributions on the surface of printed antenna. Both of the reference and modified octagonal-shaped antennas are operating at 2.5-18 GHz frequency range with %151 fractional bandwidths. The full-wave electromagnetic simulations and laboratory measurements are performed to characterize their RCSs as a function of frequency, radiation patterns and scattering characteristics. The radiation performance of modified antenna is stable and consistent with the reference antenna. Also the results show that the designed UWB antenna has lower RCS compared to the reference antenna. About 10 dBsm RCS reduction is obtained in the whole operation bandwidth. The designed antenna has very large RCS reduction up to 25 dBsm, especially in the low frequency range.
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi
Bu calismada, tek katmanli, Ultra Genis Bantli (UGB), acisal kararli ve polarizasyondan bagimsiz ... more Bu calismada, tek katmanli, Ultra Genis Bantli (UGB), acisal kararli ve polarizasyondan bagimsiz ozgun bir bant durduran frekans secici yuzey (FSY) tasarimi sunulmaktadir. Tasarlanan UGB-FSY’nin birim hucre geometrisi, halka seklindeki iletken serit ile halka aciklikli capraz dipol seklindeki iletken seritlerin bir araya getirilmesiyle olusturulmustur. Birim hucre boyutu, UGB bandin en dusuk frekansina karsilik gelen serbest uzay dalga boyu cinsinden 0,07λ × 0,07λ’dir. Onerilen UGB-FSY’nin -3 dB bandi, Federal Iletisim Komisyonu (Federal Communications Commission - FCC) tarafindan tanimlanan UGB bandini kapsayan 3,5 GHz ve 11 GHz frekanslari arasindadir. Birim hucrenin cok kucuk olmasindan dolayi, hem TE hem de TM modunda 60 dereceye kadar acisal kararlilik gostermektedir. Tasarlanan UGB-FSY’nin bilgisayar benzetimleri icin CST Microwave Studio programi kullanilmistir. Benzetim sonuclarinin dogrulugunu test etmek icin FSY uretilerek olcumleri yapilmistir. Benzetim sonuclari ile olcum sonuclari birbiriyle uyumludur.
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Jun 4, 2014
In this study, a novel axe-shaped ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with low-backscattering radar cros... more In this study, a novel axe-shaped ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with low-backscattering radar cross-section (RCS) is designed. The designed UWB antenna bandwidth is 3.4–15.5 GHz covering the entire band assigned for the UWB applications. The RCS of the designed antenna is reduced by modifying the geometrical shape. This technique is based on the subtraction of the metal areas which have the minimum current distributions on the surface of the printed antenna. Therefore the backscattering RCS of the modified axe-shaped UWB antenna is reduced up to 10 dB in the whole frequency band while maintaining the radiation performance. The size of the antenna is 0.32λ l ×0.39λ l, where λ l is the wavelength at the lower operation frequency and the fractional bandwidth is 128%. The radiation patterns, scattering characteristics and the RCS of both the modified and reference axe-shaped UWB antennas are simulated and experimentally verified. The simulation and measurement results are in a good agreement.
In this study, a dual band compact antenna that can provide dual polarization for each band is pr... more In this study, a dual band compact antenna that can provide dual polarization for each band is proposed and its design is presented. Proposed structure operates at 0.96 GHz and 1.81 GHz frequencies. Thus the antenna can be used for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) applications. It consists of two symmetrical antennas that placed closely to obtain compact size. The distance (edge to edge) between these antennas is 10 mm ~ 0.032 λl , as the λl is the wavelength at the lower band of the operation. Isolation between the feeding ports in the structure has been succeeded with a slot on the ground plane, the length and width of the slot adjusts the isolation. In the two operation frequencies the isolation is below -10dB. The proposed MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) antenna is simulated and then fabricated prototype is measured. The results of simulation and measurements are presented and the results are consistent with each other.
2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - Italy (ACES), 2017
In this paper, a novel frequency selective surface (FSS) is designed for reduction of radar cross... more In this paper, a novel frequency selective surface (FSS) is designed for reduction of radar cross section (RCS) level in the reflectarray antenna. A 9×9 variable size FSS structure is constructed on double opposite side geometry. The reduction of RCS performance is compared with ground plane backed and designed FSS backed reflectarray antenna. The simulation results demonstrate that the FSS backed reflectarray antenna can achieve the reduction of RCS level in-band and out-of-band. Also gain and radiation performance of FSS backed reflectarray antenna is nearly same with ground plane backed reflectarray antenna.
2017 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2017
In this study, effects of the different end shapes on the gain flatness of an Antipodal Vivaldi A... more In this study, effects of the different end shapes on the gain flatness of an Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna (APVA) operating over 3.1–10.6 GHz are investigated. The antenna having an ending with parallel wires is proposed for gain flatness in this study. Numerical studies are performed for four different APVAs having endings in different shapes of elliptical, circular and partially square forms and parallel wires. The best gain flatness is obtained for the antenna having the ending of the parallel wires.
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2020