snjezana schuster - (original) (raw)
Papers by snjezana schuster
Uvod. Razvoj fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj uglavnom je, iako s malim vremenskim odmakom, pratio razvo... more Uvod. Razvoj fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj uglavnom je, iako s malim vremenskim odmakom, pratio razvoj fizioterapije u svijetu. Zaceci fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj mogu se pratiti u pisanim materijalima s pocetka 20. st., a vezani su uz razvoj ortopedije, medicinske i socijalne rehabilitacije, dok struka svoj uzlet zapocinje neposredno nakon 2. svjetskog rata osnivanjem prve skole za skolovanje fizioterapeuta. Pocetak organiziranog djelovanja fizioterapeuta. Organizirano djelovanje fizioterapeuta u svijetu pocelo je 1894. godine u Velikoj Britaniji, a Svjetska konfederacija za fizikalnu terapiju (World Confederation for Physical Therapy, WCPT) osnovana je u Danskoj 1951. godine. Pet godina nakon osnivanja Svjetske konfederacije za fizioterapiju u Kopenhagenu - tocnije 25. studenoga 1956., osniva se Udruženje fizio i radnih terapeuta Hrvatske. Drustvo vec 1959. ostvaruje kontakte sa Svjetskom konfederacijom za fizikalnu terapiju. Kroz svoje djelovanje Drustvo od osnutka promice razvoj fizio...
Collegium antropologicum
The aim of this study was to examine the association between sleep disturbances, as an indicator ... more The aim of this study was to examine the association between sleep disturbances, as an indicator of sleep quality, Body Mass Index, and age in adult participants. The study involved 73 participants (62 women and 11 men) with an average age of 35.74 years. Through an online questionnaire, we collected the data on participants’ height, body mass, gender, and sleep disturbances. Based on their height and mass, we calculated the Body Mass Index as an indicator of body fat for each participant. We used items from a shorter version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index to assess sleep disturbances. Participants were asked to answer how often they experienced different disturbances while falling asleep or sleeping in the last month. The results of the study indicated an association between sleep disturbances and Body Mass Index. Compared to participants who rarely experienced sleep disturbances, participants with frequent disturbances were more likely to have a high Body Mass Index (indica...
Journal of Health Sciences
Introduction: Research shows that urinary and sexual dysfunction is very common neurological sequ... more Introduction: Research shows that urinary and sexual dysfunction is very common neurological sequelae of stroke with a markedly significant impact on body self-image and quality of life. Still, there is a lack of recent research to address this problem in female stroke survivors. The study aimed to examine the existence and level of urinary and sexual dysfunction, quality of life, and self-reported body image in a group of women after stroke and compare findings with those found in a group of women with other chronic non-neurological diseases. Methods: This study’s sample consisted of 30 females; two groups composed of 15. The stroke group consisted of subjects after stroke and the non-neurological group with different chronic non-neurological, mainly muscle-skeletal conditions. This study’s specific interest data were collected from respondents through pelvic floor distress inventory (PFDI-20), the pelvic floor impact questionnaire (PFIQ-7), female sexual function index (FSFI), and...
Journal of applied health sciences, 2022
Distance education, which was implemented as a form of education in the past years, has become mo... more Distance education, which was implemented as a form of education in the past years, has become more important with the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic all over the world. In Turkey, since March 23, 2019, education had passed gradually to distance education at all educational levels, including physiotherapy and rehabilitation study programs at universities. There are 123 departments the Distance Education University in Turkey. 87.5% of students found the efficiency of distance education low for practical courses and 78.5% for theoretical courses. 90.3% of the students preferred traditional education and 9.7% preferred distance education. The first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Croatia was confirmed on February 25, 2020. In the research by Puljak et al., regarding the opinions of university students of health sciences, many students did not express concern about the lack of practical lessons, voicing opinions that this can be compensated once they start working. Most students indi...
Purpose. Sexual dysfunction is registered as an ever increasing problem that occurs equally in me... more Purpose. Sexual dysfunction is registered as an ever increasing problem that occurs equally in men and women. In women who are actively involved in sports, sexual dysfunction has so far not been sufficiently studied. Etiology of sexual dysfunction is complex and related to changes in the vascular, neurological, endocrine and muscular system as well as psychological factors. In sports, there are also sports-specific biomechanical factors and fatigue which can predispose to the condition. Methods. A detailed search on sexual dysfunction in female athletes was performed using Medline/Pub Med, EMBASE, and OvidSP from their inception to January 2017. The search was performd using following terms: „sexual function“ OR „sexual dysfunction“ AND „female athlete“ and it was not limited with respect to trial design and time when article was published. Studies included in this review had to meet the following inclusion criteria: report on the incidence, etiology or pathogenesis of the sexual dy...
Acta Clinica Croatica, 2016
Physical activity (PA) during normal pregnancy has various positive eff ects on pregnant women's ... more Physical activity (PA) during normal pregnancy has various positive eff ects on pregnant women's health. Determination of the relationship between PA and health outcomes requires accurate measurement of PA in pregnant women. Th e purpose of this review is to provide a summary of valid and reliable PA questionnaires for pregnant women. During 2013, Pubmed, OvidSP and Web of Science databases were searched for trials on measurement properties of PA questionnaires for pregnant population. Six studies and four questionnaires met the inclusion criteria: Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire, Modifi ed Kaiser Physical Activity Survey, Short Pregnancy Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire and Th ird Pregnancy Infection and Nutrition Study Physical Activity Questionnaire. Assessment of validity and reliability was performed using correlations of the scores in these questionnaires with objective measures and subjective measures (self-report) of PA, as well as test-retest reliability coeffi cients. Sample sizes included in analysis varied from 45 to 177 subjects. Th e best validity and reliability characteristics (together with eff ect sizes) were identifi ed for the Modifi ed Kaiser Physical Activity Survey and Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (French, Vietnamese, standard). In conclusion, assessment of PA during pregnancy remains a challenging and complex task. Questionnaires are a simple and eff ective, yet limited tool for assessing PA.
Udžbenik se sastoji od slijedecih poglavlja:Uvod, Prilagodba organizma pod utjecajem tjelesnog vj... more Udžbenik se sastoji od slijedecih poglavlja:Uvod, Prilagodba organizma pod utjecajem tjelesnog vježbanja, Tjelesno vježbanje u posebno osjetljivim razdobljima života, Tjelesno vježbanje u nekim fizioloskim stanjima žene, Tjelesno vježbanje i neki poremecaji metabolizma, Tjelesno vježbanje i srcanožilni sustav, Tjelesno vježbanje i zdravlje osoba s posebnim potrebama, Utjecaj tjelesnog vježbanja na psihicku dobrobit, Socijalizacijski aspekt tjelesnog vježbanja, Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura u službi zdravlja djece, ucenika i mladeži, Sportska rekreacija u nas i u svijetu, Aerobika, karakteristike u ucinci na povecanje aerobne sposobnosti i promjene i sastavu tijela, Suvremeni stavovi prema tjelesnom vježbanju i temeljne zdravstvene preporuke.
Schmorl’s nodes are defined as pathological changes on the vertebral bodies associated with genet... more Schmorl’s nodes are defined as pathological changes on the vertebral bodies associated with genetic inheritance, mechanical injuries, traumas and causes of unclear. In the paleopathological literature, these lesions are strongly related to lifestyle, mostly with hard physical labor ; therefore they are often used as indicators of physical stress in archaeological populations. A long-term anthropological and statistical analysis has been started in 2015, on the osteological material of the medieval cemetery of Perkata, curated at the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. Our research goal is to define typology of Schmorl's node in order to understand and explain their possible etiology. Until now, 500 vertebrae have been systematically recorded and analyzed with macro- and microscopic visual methods. Schmorl’s nodes, based on their morphology, could be divided into four types (A, B, C and D) and preliminary results showed at the different frequencies of these morphological categor...
Manual Therapy, 2016
Transverse friction massage (TFM), as an often used technique by therapists, is known for its eff... more Transverse friction massage (TFM), as an often used technique by therapists, is known for its effect in reducing the pain and loosing the scar tissues. Nevertheless, its effects on neuromotor driving mechanism including the electromechanical delay (EMD), force transmission and excitation-contraction (EC) coupling which could be used as markers of stiffness changes, has not been computed using ultrafast ultrasound (US) when combined with external sensors. Hence, the aim of this study was to find out produced neuromotor changes associated to stiffness when TFM was applied over Quadriceps femoris (QF) tendon in healthy subjcets. Fourteen healthy males and fifteen age-gender matched controls were recruited. Surface EMG (sEMG), ultrafast US and Force sensors were synchronized and signals were analyzed to depict the time delays corresponding to EC coupling, force transmission, EMD, torque and rate of force development (RFD). TFM has been found to increase the time corresponding to EC coupling and EMD, whilst, reducing the time belonging to force transmission during the voluntary muscle contractions. A detection of the increased time of EC coupling from muscle itself would suggest that TFM applied over the tendon shows an influence on changing the neuro-motor driving mechanism possibly via afferent pathways and therefore decreasing the active muscle stiffness. On the other hand, detection of decreased time belonging to force transmission during voluntary contraction would suggest that TFM increases the stiffness of tendon, caused by faster force transmission along non-contractile elements. Torque and RFD have not been influenced by TFM.
Slijedom povijesnih događaja u razvoju fizioterapije, proces obrazovanja i rada nisu bili paralel... more Slijedom povijesnih događaja u razvoju fizioterapije, proces obrazovanja i rada nisu bili paralelni. Osnivanje Katedre za fizikalnu terapiju i balneologiju davne 1942. godine na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (Budak, 1942.) jasno je odredilo smjer djelokruga rada po profesionalnim razinama, stupnju obrazovanja (srednja skola od 1947. god.) i ingerenciji u struci i na neki nacin definirala buducnost odnosa fizioterapije i fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije. Posljedice takvog odnosa vidljive su i danas, a ulaze u sve strukture razvoja fizioterapije kao samostalne profesije. Promjene drustvenog poretka , izlazak iz SFRJ, samostalnost RH, tranzicija državne i državnih struktura, jacanje kapitalizma i ekonomske krize, donijelo je za fizioterapiju te regije profesionalnu razinu kojom se ona promatra kroz prizmu ponude i potražnje. U tim trenucima ukazuje se potreba za visokom profesionalnom razinom obrazovanja fizioterapeuta koji s jedne strane opcenito, nose kao povijesnu tekovinu ali i breme, MANUALNE TEHNIKE - MASAŽU, a na drugoj strani „ratno profiterstvo“ (ukazanom potrebom za fizioterapeutima): „vise ratova- vise ranjenih- vise fizioterapeuta“. Ratni sukobi sasvim su sigurno jedan od razloga sporog razvoja gospodarstva na podrucju danasnje Hrvatske u proslosti. Osim prvog povoljnog razdoblja za rast BDP Hrvatske ( 1870.-1913.), BDP po stanovniku uvecan je za 4 puta između 1950.-1980. godine. Razlog tom povoljnom razdoblju sigurno je bila industrijska revolucija kao i znanstveno-tehnoloska ali i tadasnja politicka snaga koja je znala definirati gospodarske interese Hrvatske i provesti ih. U vrijeme kada se otvara prvi studij fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj, odnosno mogucnost viseg obrazovanja kao nastavak obrazovanja nakon srednje skole, u Jugoslaviji je visoko obrazovanje bilo posve besplatno. Ipak, Jugoslavija je na kraju svog puta imala tek oko 7% visokoobrazovanog radnog stanovnistva i ogroman broj nepismenih, te je po obrazovanju, nakon 45 godina besplatnog visokoskolskog obrazovanja, bila na samom europskom i svjetskom dnu.
Fizikalna Medicina I Rehabiliatcija, 2014
Timski rad strucno je nacelo i imperativ u funkciji zastite zdravlja stanovnistva i svakog pacije... more Timski rad strucno je nacelo i imperativ u funkciji zastite zdravlja stanovnistva i svakog pacijenta osobno. Uloga fizioterapeuta u razlicitim modelima timske suradnje promatra se kao znacajan doprinos strucnog djelovanja i usavrsavanja timskih vjestina posebice u komunikaciji, predanosti i suradnji za koju su osnovni pokretac motiv od strane suradnika i korisnika odnosno pacijenta. Nacela timske suradnje imaju potrebu izgradnje tima sa vrsnim strucnjacima priznatim od strane struke, stoga se u fizioterapiji u Zakonu o fizioterapijskoj djelatnosti (clanak 3, 2009.)* fizioterapeut obvezuje provoditi i primjenjivati strucno znanje, postujuci pravila nacela prava pacijenata, eticka i strucna nacela koja su temelj za timski rezultat , uspjesnost i obostrano zadovoljstvo.
Etiology of pathological changes on the vertebral bodies such as Schmorl’s nodes is still unclear... more Etiology of pathological changes on the vertebral bodies such as Schmorl’s nodes is still unclear. Many causes, such as developmental factors, degenerative mechanisms, infection, neoplasia and trauma, have been proposed but none critically evaluated. Number of theories addressing their pathogenesis has been suggested, but no consensus currently exists. In the paleopathological literature, these lesions are strongly related to lifestyle, mostly with hard physical labor ; therefore they are often used as indicators of physical stress in archaeological populations. Our research goal is to define typology of Schmorl's nodes in order to understand and explain their possible etiology as a new approach to pathological changes of the human spine in physical anthropology and physical therapy. A long-term anthropological and statistical analysis started in February 2015, on the osteological material of the medieval cemetery of Perkata-Nyuli dűlő site, curated at the Hungarian National Mus...
Uvod. Razvoj fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj uglavnom je, iako s malim vremenskim odmakom, pratio razvo... more Uvod. Razvoj fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj uglavnom je, iako s malim vremenskim odmakom, pratio razvoj fizioterapije u svijetu. Zaceci fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj mogu se pratiti u pisanim materijalima s pocetka 20. st., a vezani su uz razvoj ortopedije, medicinske i socijalne rehabilitacije, dok struka svoj uzlet zapocinje neposredno nakon 2. svjetskog rata osnivanjem prve skole za skolovanje fizioterapeuta. Pocetak organiziranog djelovanja fizioterapeuta. Organizirano djelovanje fizioterapeuta u svijetu pocelo je 1894. godine u Velikoj Britaniji, a Svjetska konfederacija za fizikalnu terapiju (World Confederation for Physical Therapy, WCPT) osnovana je u Danskoj 1951. godine. Pet godina nakon osnivanja Svjetske konfederacije za fizioterapiju u Kopenhagenu - tocnije 25. studenoga 1956., osniva se Udruženje fizio i radnih terapeuta Hrvatske. Drustvo vec 1959. ostvaruje kontakte sa Svjetskom konfederacijom za fizikalnu terapiju. Kroz svoje djelovanje Drustvo od osnutka promice razvoj fizio...
Collegium antropologicum
The aim of this study was to examine the association between sleep disturbances, as an indicator ... more The aim of this study was to examine the association between sleep disturbances, as an indicator of sleep quality, Body Mass Index, and age in adult participants. The study involved 73 participants (62 women and 11 men) with an average age of 35.74 years. Through an online questionnaire, we collected the data on participants’ height, body mass, gender, and sleep disturbances. Based on their height and mass, we calculated the Body Mass Index as an indicator of body fat for each participant. We used items from a shorter version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index to assess sleep disturbances. Participants were asked to answer how often they experienced different disturbances while falling asleep or sleeping in the last month. The results of the study indicated an association between sleep disturbances and Body Mass Index. Compared to participants who rarely experienced sleep disturbances, participants with frequent disturbances were more likely to have a high Body Mass Index (indica...
Journal of Health Sciences
Introduction: Research shows that urinary and sexual dysfunction is very common neurological sequ... more Introduction: Research shows that urinary and sexual dysfunction is very common neurological sequelae of stroke with a markedly significant impact on body self-image and quality of life. Still, there is a lack of recent research to address this problem in female stroke survivors. The study aimed to examine the existence and level of urinary and sexual dysfunction, quality of life, and self-reported body image in a group of women after stroke and compare findings with those found in a group of women with other chronic non-neurological diseases. Methods: This study’s sample consisted of 30 females; two groups composed of 15. The stroke group consisted of subjects after stroke and the non-neurological group with different chronic non-neurological, mainly muscle-skeletal conditions. This study’s specific interest data were collected from respondents through pelvic floor distress inventory (PFDI-20), the pelvic floor impact questionnaire (PFIQ-7), female sexual function index (FSFI), and...
Journal of applied health sciences, 2022
Distance education, which was implemented as a form of education in the past years, has become mo... more Distance education, which was implemented as a form of education in the past years, has become more important with the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic all over the world. In Turkey, since March 23, 2019, education had passed gradually to distance education at all educational levels, including physiotherapy and rehabilitation study programs at universities. There are 123 departments the Distance Education University in Turkey. 87.5% of students found the efficiency of distance education low for practical courses and 78.5% for theoretical courses. 90.3% of the students preferred traditional education and 9.7% preferred distance education. The first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Croatia was confirmed on February 25, 2020. In the research by Puljak et al., regarding the opinions of university students of health sciences, many students did not express concern about the lack of practical lessons, voicing opinions that this can be compensated once they start working. Most students indi...
Purpose. Sexual dysfunction is registered as an ever increasing problem that occurs equally in me... more Purpose. Sexual dysfunction is registered as an ever increasing problem that occurs equally in men and women. In women who are actively involved in sports, sexual dysfunction has so far not been sufficiently studied. Etiology of sexual dysfunction is complex and related to changes in the vascular, neurological, endocrine and muscular system as well as psychological factors. In sports, there are also sports-specific biomechanical factors and fatigue which can predispose to the condition. Methods. A detailed search on sexual dysfunction in female athletes was performed using Medline/Pub Med, EMBASE, and OvidSP from their inception to January 2017. The search was performd using following terms: „sexual function“ OR „sexual dysfunction“ AND „female athlete“ and it was not limited with respect to trial design and time when article was published. Studies included in this review had to meet the following inclusion criteria: report on the incidence, etiology or pathogenesis of the sexual dy...
Acta Clinica Croatica, 2016
Physical activity (PA) during normal pregnancy has various positive eff ects on pregnant women's ... more Physical activity (PA) during normal pregnancy has various positive eff ects on pregnant women's health. Determination of the relationship between PA and health outcomes requires accurate measurement of PA in pregnant women. Th e purpose of this review is to provide a summary of valid and reliable PA questionnaires for pregnant women. During 2013, Pubmed, OvidSP and Web of Science databases were searched for trials on measurement properties of PA questionnaires for pregnant population. Six studies and four questionnaires met the inclusion criteria: Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire, Modifi ed Kaiser Physical Activity Survey, Short Pregnancy Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire and Th ird Pregnancy Infection and Nutrition Study Physical Activity Questionnaire. Assessment of validity and reliability was performed using correlations of the scores in these questionnaires with objective measures and subjective measures (self-report) of PA, as well as test-retest reliability coeffi cients. Sample sizes included in analysis varied from 45 to 177 subjects. Th e best validity and reliability characteristics (together with eff ect sizes) were identifi ed for the Modifi ed Kaiser Physical Activity Survey and Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (French, Vietnamese, standard). In conclusion, assessment of PA during pregnancy remains a challenging and complex task. Questionnaires are a simple and eff ective, yet limited tool for assessing PA.
Udžbenik se sastoji od slijedecih poglavlja:Uvod, Prilagodba organizma pod utjecajem tjelesnog vj... more Udžbenik se sastoji od slijedecih poglavlja:Uvod, Prilagodba organizma pod utjecajem tjelesnog vježbanja, Tjelesno vježbanje u posebno osjetljivim razdobljima života, Tjelesno vježbanje u nekim fizioloskim stanjima žene, Tjelesno vježbanje i neki poremecaji metabolizma, Tjelesno vježbanje i srcanožilni sustav, Tjelesno vježbanje i zdravlje osoba s posebnim potrebama, Utjecaj tjelesnog vježbanja na psihicku dobrobit, Socijalizacijski aspekt tjelesnog vježbanja, Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura u službi zdravlja djece, ucenika i mladeži, Sportska rekreacija u nas i u svijetu, Aerobika, karakteristike u ucinci na povecanje aerobne sposobnosti i promjene i sastavu tijela, Suvremeni stavovi prema tjelesnom vježbanju i temeljne zdravstvene preporuke.
Schmorl’s nodes are defined as pathological changes on the vertebral bodies associated with genet... more Schmorl’s nodes are defined as pathological changes on the vertebral bodies associated with genetic inheritance, mechanical injuries, traumas and causes of unclear. In the paleopathological literature, these lesions are strongly related to lifestyle, mostly with hard physical labor ; therefore they are often used as indicators of physical stress in archaeological populations. A long-term anthropological and statistical analysis has been started in 2015, on the osteological material of the medieval cemetery of Perkata, curated at the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. Our research goal is to define typology of Schmorl's node in order to understand and explain their possible etiology. Until now, 500 vertebrae have been systematically recorded and analyzed with macro- and microscopic visual methods. Schmorl’s nodes, based on their morphology, could be divided into four types (A, B, C and D) and preliminary results showed at the different frequencies of these morphological categor...
Manual Therapy, 2016
Transverse friction massage (TFM), as an often used technique by therapists, is known for its eff... more Transverse friction massage (TFM), as an often used technique by therapists, is known for its effect in reducing the pain and loosing the scar tissues. Nevertheless, its effects on neuromotor driving mechanism including the electromechanical delay (EMD), force transmission and excitation-contraction (EC) coupling which could be used as markers of stiffness changes, has not been computed using ultrafast ultrasound (US) when combined with external sensors. Hence, the aim of this study was to find out produced neuromotor changes associated to stiffness when TFM was applied over Quadriceps femoris (QF) tendon in healthy subjcets. Fourteen healthy males and fifteen age-gender matched controls were recruited. Surface EMG (sEMG), ultrafast US and Force sensors were synchronized and signals were analyzed to depict the time delays corresponding to EC coupling, force transmission, EMD, torque and rate of force development (RFD). TFM has been found to increase the time corresponding to EC coupling and EMD, whilst, reducing the time belonging to force transmission during the voluntary muscle contractions. A detection of the increased time of EC coupling from muscle itself would suggest that TFM applied over the tendon shows an influence on changing the neuro-motor driving mechanism possibly via afferent pathways and therefore decreasing the active muscle stiffness. On the other hand, detection of decreased time belonging to force transmission during voluntary contraction would suggest that TFM increases the stiffness of tendon, caused by faster force transmission along non-contractile elements. Torque and RFD have not been influenced by TFM.
Slijedom povijesnih događaja u razvoju fizioterapije, proces obrazovanja i rada nisu bili paralel... more Slijedom povijesnih događaja u razvoju fizioterapije, proces obrazovanja i rada nisu bili paralelni. Osnivanje Katedre za fizikalnu terapiju i balneologiju davne 1942. godine na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (Budak, 1942.) jasno je odredilo smjer djelokruga rada po profesionalnim razinama, stupnju obrazovanja (srednja skola od 1947. god.) i ingerenciji u struci i na neki nacin definirala buducnost odnosa fizioterapije i fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije. Posljedice takvog odnosa vidljive su i danas, a ulaze u sve strukture razvoja fizioterapije kao samostalne profesije. Promjene drustvenog poretka , izlazak iz SFRJ, samostalnost RH, tranzicija državne i državnih struktura, jacanje kapitalizma i ekonomske krize, donijelo je za fizioterapiju te regije profesionalnu razinu kojom se ona promatra kroz prizmu ponude i potražnje. U tim trenucima ukazuje se potreba za visokom profesionalnom razinom obrazovanja fizioterapeuta koji s jedne strane opcenito, nose kao povijesnu tekovinu ali i breme, MANUALNE TEHNIKE - MASAŽU, a na drugoj strani „ratno profiterstvo“ (ukazanom potrebom za fizioterapeutima): „vise ratova- vise ranjenih- vise fizioterapeuta“. Ratni sukobi sasvim su sigurno jedan od razloga sporog razvoja gospodarstva na podrucju danasnje Hrvatske u proslosti. Osim prvog povoljnog razdoblja za rast BDP Hrvatske ( 1870.-1913.), BDP po stanovniku uvecan je za 4 puta između 1950.-1980. godine. Razlog tom povoljnom razdoblju sigurno je bila industrijska revolucija kao i znanstveno-tehnoloska ali i tadasnja politicka snaga koja je znala definirati gospodarske interese Hrvatske i provesti ih. U vrijeme kada se otvara prvi studij fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj, odnosno mogucnost viseg obrazovanja kao nastavak obrazovanja nakon srednje skole, u Jugoslaviji je visoko obrazovanje bilo posve besplatno. Ipak, Jugoslavija je na kraju svog puta imala tek oko 7% visokoobrazovanog radnog stanovnistva i ogroman broj nepismenih, te je po obrazovanju, nakon 45 godina besplatnog visokoskolskog obrazovanja, bila na samom europskom i svjetskom dnu.
Fizikalna Medicina I Rehabiliatcija, 2014
Timski rad strucno je nacelo i imperativ u funkciji zastite zdravlja stanovnistva i svakog pacije... more Timski rad strucno je nacelo i imperativ u funkciji zastite zdravlja stanovnistva i svakog pacijenta osobno. Uloga fizioterapeuta u razlicitim modelima timske suradnje promatra se kao znacajan doprinos strucnog djelovanja i usavrsavanja timskih vjestina posebice u komunikaciji, predanosti i suradnji za koju su osnovni pokretac motiv od strane suradnika i korisnika odnosno pacijenta. Nacela timske suradnje imaju potrebu izgradnje tima sa vrsnim strucnjacima priznatim od strane struke, stoga se u fizioterapiji u Zakonu o fizioterapijskoj djelatnosti (clanak 3, 2009.)* fizioterapeut obvezuje provoditi i primjenjivati strucno znanje, postujuci pravila nacela prava pacijenata, eticka i strucna nacela koja su temelj za timski rezultat , uspjesnost i obostrano zadovoljstvo.
Etiology of pathological changes on the vertebral bodies such as Schmorl’s nodes is still unclear... more Etiology of pathological changes on the vertebral bodies such as Schmorl’s nodes is still unclear. Many causes, such as developmental factors, degenerative mechanisms, infection, neoplasia and trauma, have been proposed but none critically evaluated. Number of theories addressing their pathogenesis has been suggested, but no consensus currently exists. In the paleopathological literature, these lesions are strongly related to lifestyle, mostly with hard physical labor ; therefore they are often used as indicators of physical stress in archaeological populations. Our research goal is to define typology of Schmorl's nodes in order to understand and explain their possible etiology as a new approach to pathological changes of the human spine in physical anthropology and physical therapy. A long-term anthropological and statistical analysis started in February 2015, on the osteological material of the medieval cemetery of Perkata-Nyuli dűlő site, curated at the Hungarian National Mus...