sri suro adhawati - (original) (raw)

Papers by sri suro adhawati

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Efisiensi Produksi Tambak Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus Vaname) di Kabupaten Maros

Media Agribisnis

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar hasil efesiensi produksi tambak udang vaname di k... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar hasil efesiensi produksi tambak udang vaname di kabupaten maros. Penelitian ini di lakukan di beberapa kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten maros , provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Populasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Petambak Udang Vannmei. Dengan jumlah seluruh populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 29 orang Petambak Udang Vannmei. Metode penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode sensus atau jenuh, dimana yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh populasi Petambak Udang Vannmei yang ada di Kabupaten Maros, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Adapun total pendapatan dengan luas lahan budidaya 1a sebesar Rp.48.266.000 untuk luas lahan 2 ha sejumlah Rp.266.232.000 sedangkan untuk luas lahan 3ha pendapatan sebesar Rp.529.860.750 dan untuk luas lahan 4 ha sebesar Rp.1.097.910.000

Research paper thumbnail of Valuasi Ekonomi Sumberdaya Terumbu Karang DI Pulau Saugi, Kabupaten Pangkep, Indonesia


Degradasi sumberdaya terumbu karang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya memberikan dampak negative te... more Degradasi sumberdaya terumbu karang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya memberikan dampak negative terhadap penurunan nilai ekonomi dari sumberdaya terumbu karang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi besarnya nilai ekonomi total sumberdaya terumbu karang yang terdiri dari nilai manfaat, nilai pilihan, dan nilai keberadaan. Peneltian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2011 sampai bulan januari 2012 di Pulau Saugi, Kabupaten Pangkep. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) dengan pertimbangan bahwa sebagian besar aktivitas nelayan dilakukan di sekitar perairan pulau yang di kelilingi oleh ekosistem terumbu karang. Penelitian ini metode survey, pengambilan sampel dari suatu populasi dengan bantuan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data yang pokok. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara Cluster Random Sampling (secara pengelompokan) yaitu pengampilan sampel dengan cara mengelompokkan jenis-jenis sampel berdasarkan karakteristik, jumlah sampel sebanyak 46 yang berstatus seb...

Research paper thumbnail of armorata) di Kecamatan Polombangkeng Utara Kabupaten Takalar

Kecamatan Polombangkeng Utara merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang memiliki potensi perikanan tang... more Kecamatan Polombangkeng Utara merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang memiliki potensi perikanan tangkap/darat yang cukup besar, dengan data potensi perikanan tangkap pada tahun 2016 sebesar 3,827 ton. Hal ini mendorong munculnya usaha mikro penangkapan ikan betutu yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan nelayan. Pemasaran dan investasi merupakan kendala terbesar dalam usaha penangkapan ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa besar produksi dan pendapatan nelayan serta pemasaran ikan betutu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai Oktober 2018. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat bantu berupa kuisioner. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu metode random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 22 orang yang dimana 14 nelayan bubu, 6 nelayan pancing, 1 pedagang pengumpul dan 1 eksportir. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis keuntungan dan analisis pemasaran. Hasil pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis productivity of seaweed cultivation (Glacilaria. sp) in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Seaweed is one of the leading commodities that has enormous potential supported by sea area of 5.... more Seaweed is one of the leading commodities that has enormous potential supported by sea area of 5.8 million km2 with a total area of seaweed cultivation reaching 1.110.900 ha. One type of kelp cultured in ponds is Glacilaria sp. Seaweed production is a strategic step at the level of crop development as it involves a high workload, a simple growing technology, a relatively short planting time of about 45 days (fast yield), and relatively cheap production costs. The increasing demand for seaweed from year to year is not followed by an increase production volumes and fluctuating prices. The purpose of this research is to determine the description of the agrifood subsystem and to determine the productivity of the seaweed company Glacilaria sp. in the regency of Takalar. The design of the research used qualitative and quantitative types. The number of samples used was 63 people. The results of this study were to look at the productivity of the seaweed cultivation of Glacilaria sp. The pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Performance Analysis of Fisheries Processing Product Group of Government in Bulukumba Regency

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2019

The purpose of this study was to identify the performance of a group of fisheries processing comp... more The purpose of this study was to identify the performance of a group of fisheries processing companies assisted by the government, in this case, the Department of Marine and Fisheries, namely to look at the input performance of production volume and execution of product sales output. This research was conducted for three months from November 2018 to February 2019 in Bulukumba Regency. The method used is descriptive research using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data taken is primary an d secondary data using interview and observation methods. The results of the performance efficiency test of the marine and fisheries service assisted groups are quite efficient.

Research paper thumbnail of Input and output market risk Vaname Shrimp hatchery business (Litopenaeus vannamei)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

The research aims to identify and analyze the sources of risk from the input and output markets o... more The research aims to identify and analyze the sources of risk from the input and output markets of the vaname shrimp hatchery business, and to find strategies to overcome the risks. The study was conducted in June - August 2019 in the Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Survey research type. Descriptive analysis methods are used to explain the source of risk. Value at Risk (VaR) is used to analyze the source of risk, and the analysis of preventive strategies is used to find strategies to minimize risk. The results of the study: (1) sources of input market risk consist of feed prices with a probability of 36.53% and a parent price with a probability of 25.93%. Sources of output market risk; consist of fry prices with a probability of 44.74%. and fry sales with a probability of 78.52%. (2) sources of feed price risk are in quadrant II, and sources of risk for parent prices, fry prices, and fry sales are in quadrant III. (3) strategies for overcoming risks, namely making feed purch...

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Ekonomi dan Produktivitas Alat Tangkap Perikanan

Jurnal Samudra Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The income of coastal communities as fishermen is relatively low because the economic activity of... more The income of coastal communities as fishermen is relatively low because the economic activity of the fishing gear used is not yet optimal. This study aims to analyze the economic value and productivity of fishing gear that provides optimal income. The research was conducted in two coastal districts of Bone Bay, namely Tellu Siattinge and Kajuara. The location was determined purposively with the consideration that the Tellu Siattinge area is in the north while the Kajuara area is in the south. This type of survey research uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The research results stated the fishing gear with the highest economic value was the purse seine type in the Kajuara District and the bagan cungkil type in the Tellu Siattinge District. The second result identified that the fishing gear that had the highest productivity was the bagan tancap type in Kajuara and the bagan cungkil type in Tellu Siattinge waters.

Research paper thumbnail of I-BIKK Usaha Abon Ikan Kering

Research paper thumbnail of Social study of cantrang ( Danish trawl ) fisheries post Moratorium at Makassar Straits and Bone Gulf , South Sulawesi Province , Indonesia

Cantrang is an active fishing gear through casing fish schooling. The operation method of cantran... more Cantrang is an active fishing gear through casing fish schooling. The operation method of cantrang is to pull the gear from the bottom of the water. Cantrang is an unfriendly fishing gear due to its being modified from the trawl. In the year 1980, trawl was banned from being operated due to its damage on the environment. In 2015, through the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, Decree No.2/PERMEN/KP/2015, the government issued a Moratorium on using the cantrang boat at the Indonesian management fisheries. The aim of the study is to analyze a post moratorium social impact on the cantrang gear. The data were analyzed using five parameters, i.e: the development of the cantrang gear, fishermen economic activities, availability and opportunity of the labor, structural jobless, and financial capability of the fishermen. A study was conducted in August 2016 to April 2017 at three locations, which were Takala, Pangkep and Palopo Regency. The location of the study was purposively selected with ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Optimization of Economic Activity for the Fishery in the Little Island at South Sulawesi: Initiative to Lift Poverty Around the Fishery Villages to Sustainable Food Development

Research paper thumbnail of Program Pengembangan Usaha Produk Intelektual Kampus (Ppmu-Ppupik): Produk Tuna Nut Cookies

. PPUPIK is a multi-year community service program. The application form of the program is in the... more . PPUPIK is a multi-year community service program. The application form of the program is in the form of cookies business made from the best quality fresh tuna and peanuts. Product marketing uses the trademark O’SEA. Tuna nut cookies are cookies innovated from product development techniques, using simple technology, processed based on the standardization of processing hygiene and food safety quality standards. The purpose of activities is to earn income, place of learning, improve skills, create jobs, and create business opportunities for students and the community. The tuna nut cookis business is carried out within the campus. For quality control and product development activities, use the Fisheries Socio-Economic Entrepreneurship Laboratory of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries (FIKP) Unhas. For production and marketing activities carried out in the Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship unit of FIKP Unhas. Production is carried out 3 times a week, 12 times a month and 144 times per ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen Ikan Hias di Kota Makassar

Kepuasaan konsumen merupakan sangat penting dilakukan oleh suatu usaha bisnis ikan hias karena ha... more Kepuasaan konsumen merupakan sangat penting dilakukan oleh suatu usaha bisnis ikan hias karena hal ini sangat menentukan tingkat pertumbuhan usaha. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa persen indeks kepuasaan konsumen ikan hias di Pasar Hobi. Pengambilan data pada bulan april sampai mei 2019. Penetuan lokasi dilakukan secara purposive dengan pertimbangan bahwa pasar hobi adalah satu-satunya pasar ikan hias yang ada di Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey di mana pengambilan pengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat bantu pengumpulan data. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan rumus linier time function, sehingga jumlah responden yang didapatkan sebanyak 48 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan importance performance analysis (analisis tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat pelaksanaan) dan costumer satisfaction index (indeks kepuasan pelanggan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 3 atribut yang diperlukan ditingkatkan kine...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pemasaran Bandeng Presto

Strategi pemasaran yang tepat dimulai dari evaluasi diri baik secara internal maupun eksternal. P... more Strategi pemasaran yang tepat dimulai dari evaluasi diri baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi bauran pemasaran (7P) yang diterapkan di UMKM Tegar Mandiri di Kecamatan Maros Baru Kabupaten Maros. Sampel sebanyak 20 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik Cluster sampling. Penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai rerata pada setiap aspek pada tanggapan produsen (Internal) : product 3,3 kategori sangat baik, price 3 kategori baik, place 2,6 kategori baik, promotion 2,5 kategori kurang baik, people 2,5 kategori kurang baik, process 2,8 kategori baik, physical evidence 2,8 kategori baik. Berdasarkan tanggapan konsumen rerata pada setiap aspek (Eksternal): product 3,1 kategori baik, price 3 kategori baik, place 2,6 kategori baik, promotion 1,7 kategori tidak baik, people 3 kategori baik, process 3 kategori baik, physical evidence 2,6 kategori baik. Hasil ini menandakan diperlukan sebuah kebijakan yang kuat untuk memperbaiki strategi pemasaran pada ...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Valuation of Seaweed Cultivation in Mangrove Ecosystem Waters Nunukan District: The Outer Islands of the Indonesia-Malaysia Border

Plant Archives, 2021

The research objective was to analyze the direct benefits of the mangrove ecosystem as a provider... more The research objective was to analyze the direct benefits of the mangrove ecosystem as a provider of seaweed aquaculture and to analyze whether the mangrove ecosystem management patterns carried out by farmers were optimal. The research was conducted at two locations, namely in the waters of the mangrove ecosystem, Tanjung Harapan, and the waters of the Mansapa mangrove ecosystem, Nunukan District, the outer island of the IndonesiaMalaysia border. Type of survey research. The research sample is seaweed cultivators. The analysis method used is Market Value analysis and Benefit-Cost Analysis. The results of the study (1) the direct benefit value of the Tanjung Harapan mangrove ecosystem is IDR 10,481,586,441 per ha per year (IDR 873,465,536 per ha per month) and Mansapa is IDR 1,850,995,241 per ha per year (IDR 155,249,603 per ha per month). The overall benefits of the mangrove ecosystem in the two locations amounted to IDR. 122,715,139 per ha per month. Tanjung Harapan contributed 85...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study of Economic Value Post Cantrang Moratorium in the Weters of the Gulf of Bone and Makassar Straits, South Sulawesi Province

Research paper thumbnail of Seaweed Market Share Analysis (Euchema cottonii) in The Village District Mallari Awangpone in Bone District

This study used simple cluster sampling that divided into three (3) Groups: seaweed farmes (12 pe... more This study used simple cluster sampling that divided into three (3) Groups: seaweed farmes (12 people), traders (2 persons), and a wholesalers (1 person). The results of this study showed that the market potential of seaweed a. cottonii was Rp. 158.400., Seaweed marketing channel model consists of two models namely, the first model consists of seaweed farmers, traders and wholesalers. White the second channel consists of seaweed farmers directly to wholesalers. Seaweed market share is still low compare to overall regency areas, with the value for Awangpone 0.91%, and Bone Regency of 0.11%

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pendapatan Nelayan Teripang di Desa Palla'Lakkang Kecamatan Galesong Kabupaten Takalar

Teripang’s fishery product constitutes one of oceanic result already long time become internation... more Teripang’s fishery product constitutes one of oceanic result already long time become international trade trade goods and as provider of potential protein. Requirement will product it tends to increase from year goes to year, with production untul now pending of arreast at nature by fishermen. With marks sense fisherman patriarch that do terpang’s arrest at goes out to sea, point out that fishery catches at village. Palla’lakkang constitutes one of leiving for islandic at this resulting oceanic fishery, evenless if supported by available sumberdaya amount usufructs region, one that constitute waters that have type teripang that heterogeneous one gets to be utilized or is a prey to fisherman to get production / increases income.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Income of Trolling Line and Set Longline Fishing Fishermen in Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency

Capture fisheries business is one of the coastal community business activities in Mallusetasi Dis... more Capture fisheries business is one of the coastal community business activities in Mallusetasi District which focuses on fish production by carrying out fishing activities in the sea using trolling line and set longline fishing gear. This study aims to comparative analysis of income of trolling line and set longline fishing rods so it can be used as a reference in the selection of effective and efficient fishing gear at Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency. This study was conducted in November 2017-January 2019 at Mallusetasi District. The data were analyzed using income analysis. This research is quantitative by using a survey method through interviews with a sample of 39 respondents and a set longline fishing rod fisherman totaled 19 respondents, so that the total sample is 50 respondents and observations using purposive sampling technique.. The results showed that the trolling line income was Rp 5.825.923 per month, while the total longline fishing line income was Rp 4.738.040 per ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Usaha Terasi Udang Rebon DI Dusun Je’Ne Desa Lagaruda Kecamatan Sanrobone Kabupaten Takalar

Terasi rebon merupakan makanan yang masuk dalam kategori bumbu pembentuk rasa dan merupakan mak... more Terasi rebon merupakan makanan yang masuk dalam kategori bumbu pembentuk rasa dan merupakan makanan khas yang sangat familiar bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Terasi dibuat dengan menggunakan tehnologi yang sangat sederhana. bahan utama terasi adalah udang rebon. Sebagai bahan baku utama, udang rebon mudah diperoleh dan tersedia dalam jumlah yang berlimpah. Kegiatan Iptek Bagi Masyarakat (IbM) dilakukan pada Industri Rumah Tangga terasi rebon di Dusun Je’ne Desa Lagaruda Kecamatan Sanrobone Kabupaten Takalar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu mitra mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi agar usahanya dapat berkembang pesat. Permasalahan mitra meliputi; masih rendahnya kuantitas dan kualitas produksi. Mitra belum menerapkan standar higenitas dan standar kesehatan dalam pengolahan produk. Dari segi manajemen, mitra belum melaksanakan administrasi dan pembukuan usaha serta legalitas usaha. Sistem pemasaran mitra masih bersifat konvensional. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi mi...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Conditions and Strategy with Gillnet Fishermans in the Pandemi Era COVID-19 (Disease Corona Virus 2019)

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Efisiensi Produksi Tambak Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus Vaname) di Kabupaten Maros

Media Agribisnis

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar hasil efesiensi produksi tambak udang vaname di k... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar hasil efesiensi produksi tambak udang vaname di kabupaten maros. Penelitian ini di lakukan di beberapa kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten maros , provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Populasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Petambak Udang Vannmei. Dengan jumlah seluruh populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 29 orang Petambak Udang Vannmei. Metode penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode sensus atau jenuh, dimana yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh populasi Petambak Udang Vannmei yang ada di Kabupaten Maros, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Adapun total pendapatan dengan luas lahan budidaya 1a sebesar Rp.48.266.000 untuk luas lahan 2 ha sejumlah Rp.266.232.000 sedangkan untuk luas lahan 3ha pendapatan sebesar Rp.529.860.750 dan untuk luas lahan 4 ha sebesar Rp.1.097.910.000

Research paper thumbnail of Valuasi Ekonomi Sumberdaya Terumbu Karang DI Pulau Saugi, Kabupaten Pangkep, Indonesia


Degradasi sumberdaya terumbu karang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya memberikan dampak negative te... more Degradasi sumberdaya terumbu karang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya memberikan dampak negative terhadap penurunan nilai ekonomi dari sumberdaya terumbu karang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi besarnya nilai ekonomi total sumberdaya terumbu karang yang terdiri dari nilai manfaat, nilai pilihan, dan nilai keberadaan. Peneltian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2011 sampai bulan januari 2012 di Pulau Saugi, Kabupaten Pangkep. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) dengan pertimbangan bahwa sebagian besar aktivitas nelayan dilakukan di sekitar perairan pulau yang di kelilingi oleh ekosistem terumbu karang. Penelitian ini metode survey, pengambilan sampel dari suatu populasi dengan bantuan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data yang pokok. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara Cluster Random Sampling (secara pengelompokan) yaitu pengampilan sampel dengan cara mengelompokkan jenis-jenis sampel berdasarkan karakteristik, jumlah sampel sebanyak 46 yang berstatus seb...

Research paper thumbnail of armorata) di Kecamatan Polombangkeng Utara Kabupaten Takalar

Kecamatan Polombangkeng Utara merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang memiliki potensi perikanan tang... more Kecamatan Polombangkeng Utara merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang memiliki potensi perikanan tangkap/darat yang cukup besar, dengan data potensi perikanan tangkap pada tahun 2016 sebesar 3,827 ton. Hal ini mendorong munculnya usaha mikro penangkapan ikan betutu yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan nelayan. Pemasaran dan investasi merupakan kendala terbesar dalam usaha penangkapan ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa besar produksi dan pendapatan nelayan serta pemasaran ikan betutu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai Oktober 2018. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat bantu berupa kuisioner. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu metode random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 22 orang yang dimana 14 nelayan bubu, 6 nelayan pancing, 1 pedagang pengumpul dan 1 eksportir. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis keuntungan dan analisis pemasaran. Hasil pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis productivity of seaweed cultivation (Glacilaria. sp) in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Seaweed is one of the leading commodities that has enormous potential supported by sea area of 5.... more Seaweed is one of the leading commodities that has enormous potential supported by sea area of 5.8 million km2 with a total area of seaweed cultivation reaching 1.110.900 ha. One type of kelp cultured in ponds is Glacilaria sp. Seaweed production is a strategic step at the level of crop development as it involves a high workload, a simple growing technology, a relatively short planting time of about 45 days (fast yield), and relatively cheap production costs. The increasing demand for seaweed from year to year is not followed by an increase production volumes and fluctuating prices. The purpose of this research is to determine the description of the agrifood subsystem and to determine the productivity of the seaweed company Glacilaria sp. in the regency of Takalar. The design of the research used qualitative and quantitative types. The number of samples used was 63 people. The results of this study were to look at the productivity of the seaweed cultivation of Glacilaria sp. The pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Performance Analysis of Fisheries Processing Product Group of Government in Bulukumba Regency

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2019

The purpose of this study was to identify the performance of a group of fisheries processing comp... more The purpose of this study was to identify the performance of a group of fisheries processing companies assisted by the government, in this case, the Department of Marine and Fisheries, namely to look at the input performance of production volume and execution of product sales output. This research was conducted for three months from November 2018 to February 2019 in Bulukumba Regency. The method used is descriptive research using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data taken is primary an d secondary data using interview and observation methods. The results of the performance efficiency test of the marine and fisheries service assisted groups are quite efficient.

Research paper thumbnail of Input and output market risk Vaname Shrimp hatchery business (Litopenaeus vannamei)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

The research aims to identify and analyze the sources of risk from the input and output markets o... more The research aims to identify and analyze the sources of risk from the input and output markets of the vaname shrimp hatchery business, and to find strategies to overcome the risks. The study was conducted in June - August 2019 in the Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Survey research type. Descriptive analysis methods are used to explain the source of risk. Value at Risk (VaR) is used to analyze the source of risk, and the analysis of preventive strategies is used to find strategies to minimize risk. The results of the study: (1) sources of input market risk consist of feed prices with a probability of 36.53% and a parent price with a probability of 25.93%. Sources of output market risk; consist of fry prices with a probability of 44.74%. and fry sales with a probability of 78.52%. (2) sources of feed price risk are in quadrant II, and sources of risk for parent prices, fry prices, and fry sales are in quadrant III. (3) strategies for overcoming risks, namely making feed purch...

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Ekonomi dan Produktivitas Alat Tangkap Perikanan

Jurnal Samudra Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The income of coastal communities as fishermen is relatively low because the economic activity of... more The income of coastal communities as fishermen is relatively low because the economic activity of the fishing gear used is not yet optimal. This study aims to analyze the economic value and productivity of fishing gear that provides optimal income. The research was conducted in two coastal districts of Bone Bay, namely Tellu Siattinge and Kajuara. The location was determined purposively with the consideration that the Tellu Siattinge area is in the north while the Kajuara area is in the south. This type of survey research uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The research results stated the fishing gear with the highest economic value was the purse seine type in the Kajuara District and the bagan cungkil type in the Tellu Siattinge District. The second result identified that the fishing gear that had the highest productivity was the bagan tancap type in Kajuara and the bagan cungkil type in Tellu Siattinge waters.

Research paper thumbnail of I-BIKK Usaha Abon Ikan Kering

Research paper thumbnail of Social study of cantrang ( Danish trawl ) fisheries post Moratorium at Makassar Straits and Bone Gulf , South Sulawesi Province , Indonesia

Cantrang is an active fishing gear through casing fish schooling. The operation method of cantran... more Cantrang is an active fishing gear through casing fish schooling. The operation method of cantrang is to pull the gear from the bottom of the water. Cantrang is an unfriendly fishing gear due to its being modified from the trawl. In the year 1980, trawl was banned from being operated due to its damage on the environment. In 2015, through the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, Decree No.2/PERMEN/KP/2015, the government issued a Moratorium on using the cantrang boat at the Indonesian management fisheries. The aim of the study is to analyze a post moratorium social impact on the cantrang gear. The data were analyzed using five parameters, i.e: the development of the cantrang gear, fishermen economic activities, availability and opportunity of the labor, structural jobless, and financial capability of the fishermen. A study was conducted in August 2016 to April 2017 at three locations, which were Takala, Pangkep and Palopo Regency. The location of the study was purposively selected with ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Optimization of Economic Activity for the Fishery in the Little Island at South Sulawesi: Initiative to Lift Poverty Around the Fishery Villages to Sustainable Food Development

Research paper thumbnail of Program Pengembangan Usaha Produk Intelektual Kampus (Ppmu-Ppupik): Produk Tuna Nut Cookies

. PPUPIK is a multi-year community service program. The application form of the program is in the... more . PPUPIK is a multi-year community service program. The application form of the program is in the form of cookies business made from the best quality fresh tuna and peanuts. Product marketing uses the trademark O’SEA. Tuna nut cookies are cookies innovated from product development techniques, using simple technology, processed based on the standardization of processing hygiene and food safety quality standards. The purpose of activities is to earn income, place of learning, improve skills, create jobs, and create business opportunities for students and the community. The tuna nut cookis business is carried out within the campus. For quality control and product development activities, use the Fisheries Socio-Economic Entrepreneurship Laboratory of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries (FIKP) Unhas. For production and marketing activities carried out in the Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship unit of FIKP Unhas. Production is carried out 3 times a week, 12 times a month and 144 times per ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen Ikan Hias di Kota Makassar

Kepuasaan konsumen merupakan sangat penting dilakukan oleh suatu usaha bisnis ikan hias karena ha... more Kepuasaan konsumen merupakan sangat penting dilakukan oleh suatu usaha bisnis ikan hias karena hal ini sangat menentukan tingkat pertumbuhan usaha. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa persen indeks kepuasaan konsumen ikan hias di Pasar Hobi. Pengambilan data pada bulan april sampai mei 2019. Penetuan lokasi dilakukan secara purposive dengan pertimbangan bahwa pasar hobi adalah satu-satunya pasar ikan hias yang ada di Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey di mana pengambilan pengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat bantu pengumpulan data. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan rumus linier time function, sehingga jumlah responden yang didapatkan sebanyak 48 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan importance performance analysis (analisis tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat pelaksanaan) dan costumer satisfaction index (indeks kepuasan pelanggan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 3 atribut yang diperlukan ditingkatkan kine...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pemasaran Bandeng Presto

Strategi pemasaran yang tepat dimulai dari evaluasi diri baik secara internal maupun eksternal. P... more Strategi pemasaran yang tepat dimulai dari evaluasi diri baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi bauran pemasaran (7P) yang diterapkan di UMKM Tegar Mandiri di Kecamatan Maros Baru Kabupaten Maros. Sampel sebanyak 20 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik Cluster sampling. Penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai rerata pada setiap aspek pada tanggapan produsen (Internal) : product 3,3 kategori sangat baik, price 3 kategori baik, place 2,6 kategori baik, promotion 2,5 kategori kurang baik, people 2,5 kategori kurang baik, process 2,8 kategori baik, physical evidence 2,8 kategori baik. Berdasarkan tanggapan konsumen rerata pada setiap aspek (Eksternal): product 3,1 kategori baik, price 3 kategori baik, place 2,6 kategori baik, promotion 1,7 kategori tidak baik, people 3 kategori baik, process 3 kategori baik, physical evidence 2,6 kategori baik. Hasil ini menandakan diperlukan sebuah kebijakan yang kuat untuk memperbaiki strategi pemasaran pada ...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Valuation of Seaweed Cultivation in Mangrove Ecosystem Waters Nunukan District: The Outer Islands of the Indonesia-Malaysia Border

Plant Archives, 2021

The research objective was to analyze the direct benefits of the mangrove ecosystem as a provider... more The research objective was to analyze the direct benefits of the mangrove ecosystem as a provider of seaweed aquaculture and to analyze whether the mangrove ecosystem management patterns carried out by farmers were optimal. The research was conducted at two locations, namely in the waters of the mangrove ecosystem, Tanjung Harapan, and the waters of the Mansapa mangrove ecosystem, Nunukan District, the outer island of the IndonesiaMalaysia border. Type of survey research. The research sample is seaweed cultivators. The analysis method used is Market Value analysis and Benefit-Cost Analysis. The results of the study (1) the direct benefit value of the Tanjung Harapan mangrove ecosystem is IDR 10,481,586,441 per ha per year (IDR 873,465,536 per ha per month) and Mansapa is IDR 1,850,995,241 per ha per year (IDR 155,249,603 per ha per month). The overall benefits of the mangrove ecosystem in the two locations amounted to IDR. 122,715,139 per ha per month. Tanjung Harapan contributed 85...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study of Economic Value Post Cantrang Moratorium in the Weters of the Gulf of Bone and Makassar Straits, South Sulawesi Province

Research paper thumbnail of Seaweed Market Share Analysis (Euchema cottonii) in The Village District Mallari Awangpone in Bone District

This study used simple cluster sampling that divided into three (3) Groups: seaweed farmes (12 pe... more This study used simple cluster sampling that divided into three (3) Groups: seaweed farmes (12 people), traders (2 persons), and a wholesalers (1 person). The results of this study showed that the market potential of seaweed a. cottonii was Rp. 158.400., Seaweed marketing channel model consists of two models namely, the first model consists of seaweed farmers, traders and wholesalers. White the second channel consists of seaweed farmers directly to wholesalers. Seaweed market share is still low compare to overall regency areas, with the value for Awangpone 0.91%, and Bone Regency of 0.11%

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pendapatan Nelayan Teripang di Desa Palla'Lakkang Kecamatan Galesong Kabupaten Takalar

Teripang’s fishery product constitutes one of oceanic result already long time become internation... more Teripang’s fishery product constitutes one of oceanic result already long time become international trade trade goods and as provider of potential protein. Requirement will product it tends to increase from year goes to year, with production untul now pending of arreast at nature by fishermen. With marks sense fisherman patriarch that do terpang’s arrest at goes out to sea, point out that fishery catches at village. Palla’lakkang constitutes one of leiving for islandic at this resulting oceanic fishery, evenless if supported by available sumberdaya amount usufructs region, one that constitute waters that have type teripang that heterogeneous one gets to be utilized or is a prey to fisherman to get production / increases income.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Income of Trolling Line and Set Longline Fishing Fishermen in Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency

Capture fisheries business is one of the coastal community business activities in Mallusetasi Dis... more Capture fisheries business is one of the coastal community business activities in Mallusetasi District which focuses on fish production by carrying out fishing activities in the sea using trolling line and set longline fishing gear. This study aims to comparative analysis of income of trolling line and set longline fishing rods so it can be used as a reference in the selection of effective and efficient fishing gear at Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency. This study was conducted in November 2017-January 2019 at Mallusetasi District. The data were analyzed using income analysis. This research is quantitative by using a survey method through interviews with a sample of 39 respondents and a set longline fishing rod fisherman totaled 19 respondents, so that the total sample is 50 respondents and observations using purposive sampling technique.. The results showed that the trolling line income was Rp 5.825.923 per month, while the total longline fishing line income was Rp 4.738.040 per ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Usaha Terasi Udang Rebon DI Dusun Je’Ne Desa Lagaruda Kecamatan Sanrobone Kabupaten Takalar

Terasi rebon merupakan makanan yang masuk dalam kategori bumbu pembentuk rasa dan merupakan mak... more Terasi rebon merupakan makanan yang masuk dalam kategori bumbu pembentuk rasa dan merupakan makanan khas yang sangat familiar bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Terasi dibuat dengan menggunakan tehnologi yang sangat sederhana. bahan utama terasi adalah udang rebon. Sebagai bahan baku utama, udang rebon mudah diperoleh dan tersedia dalam jumlah yang berlimpah. Kegiatan Iptek Bagi Masyarakat (IbM) dilakukan pada Industri Rumah Tangga terasi rebon di Dusun Je’ne Desa Lagaruda Kecamatan Sanrobone Kabupaten Takalar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu mitra mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi agar usahanya dapat berkembang pesat. Permasalahan mitra meliputi; masih rendahnya kuantitas dan kualitas produksi. Mitra belum menerapkan standar higenitas dan standar kesehatan dalam pengolahan produk. Dari segi manajemen, mitra belum melaksanakan administrasi dan pembukuan usaha serta legalitas usaha. Sistem pemasaran mitra masih bersifat konvensional. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi mi...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Conditions and Strategy with Gillnet Fishermans in the Pandemi Era COVID-19 (Disease Corona Virus 2019)