sitti suhada - (original) (raw)

Papers by sitti suhada

Research paper thumbnail of Laporan kuliah kerja lapangan plus (KKLP) Angkatan IX Tahun 2001/2002 di Akademi Teknik Soroako INCO Sumitomo Technical Training Centre

vi + 73 hlm. ; 20.4 x 27.5 Cm

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Augmented Reality as an Information Media for the Collection of the Popa-Eyato Museum

Jambura Journal of Informatics

Museums are facilities that display historical objects and provide information to the public and ... more Museums are facilities that display historical objects and provide information to the public and visitors. However, the presentation of information in the museum to the visitors is far from proper due to the lack of details. The guides provided in the museum are not quite engaging. More than that, the information provided is only in the form of a sheet of paper stuck in the collection. This present study aims to develop information media using augmented reality technology. The method used in this research was the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), which had six stages, viz. concept, design, material collecting, manufacture, testing, and distribution. This research develops an application that works as a medium of information related to museum collections using augmented reality, which is more interactive and visitors can use to obtain information from the collection. In addition, this application can visualize 3D and in real-time ethnographic objects in the museum.

Research paper thumbnail of Web Portal Pemasaran Telur Ayam

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

Currently, the consumption demand for eggs is always higher than the level of egg production, but... more Currently, the consumption demand for eggs is always higher than the level of egg production, but there are are still few markets that provide marketing service for the sale of farming products such as eggs. In addition, chicken egg stcok itself is difficult to find manually and has impact on its relatively high price. This study aims to build a web portal for chiken egg marketing, especially chicken farmers in Pilohayanga village, in terms of marketing web-based chicken egg to support business activites and MySQL databases. The finding indicates that the application off the chiken egg marketing system by using a web application can simplify the process of marketing or purchasing chicken eggs online.

Research paper thumbnail of Marketplace Interaktif Jasa IT

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT WEB-BASED (Case Study of the 1304 Gorontalo District Military Command)

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Masyarakat Desa Melalui Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Desa Membangun

Jurnal Sibermas (Sinergi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat), 2021

Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada kegiatan KKN tematik desa membangun adalah meningkatkan prakarsa, ... more Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada kegiatan KKN tematik desa membangun adalah meningkatkan prakarsa, kesadaran dan partisipasi masyarakat desa dalam pembangunan desa yang partisipatif.Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah: (1) mengoptimalkan kinerja pemerintahan desa dan meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat desa dalam proses pembangunan desa, dan (2) mengefektifkan pemerintahan desa dalam mencapai pembangunan desa. Untuk mencapai tujuan dan target khusus ini metode yang digunakan adalah dengan transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi melalui pelaksanaan pendampingan dan sosialisasi dalam mendorong prakarsa dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan desa.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kenderaan Pengangkut Sampah di Kabupaten Gorontalo

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

Environmental And Natural Resource Agency remains experiencing a problem related to waste hauling... more Environmental And Natural Resource Agency remains experiencing a problem related to waste hauling from Temporary Waste Disposal Site (TPS) To Final Disposal Site (TPA). In addition, people living nearby the site complain about certain things such as workers cross by the garbage dump with piling up waste, workers haul the waste at an irregular time as determined, and workers take the wrong route incidentally based on their own reason. Objective of this research was to create a web-based apps system which could monitor trash hauling from Temporary Waste Disposal Site (TPS) to Final Disposal Site (TPA) in area of Limboto Sub-district, Gorontalo District. It was designed by applying prototype system development method. Result of research showed that the created waste Collection Vehicle Monitoring Information System in Gorontalo District could optimize search process for garbage dump provided by gorontalo district government.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Web Service Data Guru di Provinsi Gorontalo

Research paper thumbnail of Pemesanan Jasa Barber Shop Berbasis Android pada Era New Normal

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Monitoring Penganggaran Dan Penatausahaan

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

ASRAF HUMONGGIO. Budgeting and Administration Monitoring Information System (the principal superv... more ASRAF HUMONGGIO. Budgeting and Administration Monitoring Information System (the principal supervisor is Sitti Suhada, S.Kom., MT., and the co-supervisor is Tajuddin Abdilah, S.Kom. M.Cs.) Rapid development of era is followed by an mdispensable need for accurate, quick, and informative information. Financial Agency of Gorontalo District also takes part m this kind of demand. An outdated way to display data often reduces the quality of fmancial statement, which should be in accordance with Government Accounting Standards. Therefore, # requres mstitution to manage and monitor budget and administration throughout Gorontalo Distnict by maintaining existing standardization. Objective of this research was to apply a prototype method to collect needs from the financial statement display. Subsequently, a quick design and system implementation were made to be submitted to the Financial Agency and to achieve feedback as a test material to create a good and proper needs-based system. Result of this research was a Budgeting and Administration Monitormg Information System by using prototype method and bemg applied m PHP programmmg language and MySQL database. The apps is expected to facilitate the Financial Agency in presenting accurate, quick, and more mformative financial statements so that they are easy to understand.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengembangan Sistem Informasi PAUD Menggunakan Metode FAST

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Kinerja Sekolah Dan Guru Di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Gorontalo Berbasis Web

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

Teacher performance assessment is the assessment of each item of activities of teacher's main tas... more Teacher performance assessment is the assessment of each item of activities of teacher's main tasks for the purposes of career, rank, and position development. School accreditation is a systematic and comprehensive assessment for school through self-evaluation and external evaluation (visitation) in order to determine the feasibility and performance of the school. The observation results revealed that the school and teacher performance assessment records were still in the form of archive documents, which were less effective and accurate. Meanwhile, the data storage also used manual system. Therefore, based on the aforementioned problem, this research aimed to design an information system at the Education Board of Gorontalo Regency. System development employed waterfall method, a classical method with systematic and sequential model in terms of software development. The method consisted of five stages, namely : 1) analysis, 2) system design, 3) system implementation, 4) system testing, 5) system maintenance, and also used PHP programming language and MySQL database. The results showed that this application was dependable in assisting the school and the accessor in terms of assessing the performance of teacher and school, respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pelatihan dan Pendampingan dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa

Jurnal Sibermas (Sinergi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat), 2019

Community empowerment can occur if the community itself can improve its own situation/condition a... more Community empowerment can occur if the community itself can improve its own situation/condition and participate in becoming a reformer/motor driving agent in development. The goal that wants to be achieved in this activity is the realization of independent villages that uphold the local wisdom of the community as active participatory actors in an effort to improve the creative economy of the community. Special targets of activities, namely: (1) the increase in awareness of community business, especially in increasing agricultural activities and local culture of the community, (2) the improvement of the knowledge and skills of household businesses that are managed independently by utilizing natural resources. This method of activity is a workshop in the form of socialization, training and mentoring in the community intensively so that it achieves all the expected targets and outsiders, and through the implementation of this activity can improve the creative economy of the community.

Research paper thumbnail of Klasifikasi Status Gizi Menggunakan K-Nearest Neighbor

Kesibukan mahasiswa yang pada umumnya selalu disibukkan dengan berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari meny... more Kesibukan mahasiswa yang pada umumnya selalu disibukkan dengan berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari menyebabkan mahasiswa tersebut kurang memperhatikan asupan gizi, sehingga menyebabkan masalah kekurangan ataupun kelebihan gizi yang berpengaruh pada kesehatan. Selain itu sering ditemui seorang mahasiswa tidak mengetahui berada dimana kelompok status gizinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menerapkan algoritma K-Nearest Neighboar dalam mengklasifikasi status gizi. Penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu metode klasifikasi dalam Data Mining, yaitu K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan menggunakan perhitungan jarak Euclidean. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap 10 data sampel mahasiswa, diperoleh nilai keakuratan sistem sebesar 100%. Kata Kunci : Data Mining, Klasifikasi, K-Nearest Neighbor, Eucledian, Status Gizi.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Pemesanan Jasa Barbershop Berbasis Android

MUHAMMAD SYARIF MUSTAPA. Android-Based Barbershop Service Order App.The principal supervisor is S... more MUHAMMAD SYARIF MUSTAPA. Android-Based Barbershop Service Order App.The principal supervisor is Sitti Suhada,S.Kom., MT, and the co-supervisor is Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku, S.Kom., M.Kom. Nowadays, the barbershop business has grown rapidly and ts widely established in Gorontalo City. The increasing number of barbershop today has highly required the availability of information about barbershop service. The available information needed is the service provided in the barbershop, the pricelist of service, and the profile of the barbershop. The information facilitates the customer to obtain information regarding the barbershop that is suitable for the customer's desires. The research aims to create a barbershop service order app to facilitate the customer in gaming information about the desired barbershop. The method used in this research is the Prototype method. This research produces an android-based information system that can facilitate the barbershop customer in selecting the bar...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Mind Map Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

Jambura Journal of Informatics, 2020

Rendahnya hasil belajar siswa dapat dikarenakan adanya beberapa faktor seperti proses pembelajara... more Rendahnya hasil belajar siswa dapat dikarenakan adanya beberapa faktor seperti proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung serta pemilihan metode pembelajaran. Rendahnya tingkat prestasi hasil belajar siswa juga dipengaruhi oleh siswa yang merasa bosan dalam menerima materi dan tergolong pasif di kelas. Upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa ini dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran mind map. Tujuannya adalah mengukur pengaruh metode pembelajaran mind map pada mata pelajaran komputer dan jaringan dasar terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan Quasi Experimental. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji-t dengan separated varian, menunjukkan bahwa pada taraf signifikan 0.05 dengan diperoleh Thitung 7.65 > Ttabel 1.672, maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan metode pembelajaran mind map terhadap hasil belajar dengan hasil aspek afektif dari kedua kelas dikategorikan baik, rata-rata kelas eksperimen 76% ...

Research paper thumbnail of CLASSIFICATION NEEDS TEACHERS USING ALGORITHM C4.5 (Anggota 1)

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media Komik Untuk Pembelajaran Materi Logika dan Algoritma Komputer

Upaya meningkatkan minat belajar siswa melalui pengembangan media pembelajaran yang menarik masih... more Upaya meningkatkan minat belajar siswa melalui pengembangan media pembelajaran yang menarik masih menjadi kendala dan tantangan utama yang dihadapi oleh guru pada materi Logika dan Algoritma Komputer di SMK Negeri 1 Suwawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran komik untuk materi Logika dan Algoritma Komputer yang dapat menarik minat belajar siswa kelas X. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan Hannafin dan Peck yang terdiri dari 3 fase, yaitu: analisis kebutuhan, desain, serta pengembangan dan implementasi. Media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah memperoleh penilaian oleh ahli materi, dan ahli media serta telah di uji respon dari siswa sebagai pengguna kelayakan dengan kategori kelayakan sangat layak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media pembelajaran komik yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid dan praktis untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran materi Logika dan Algoritma Komputer. Efforts...

Research paper thumbnail of Penentuan Tingkat Kemiskinan Dengan Metode Fuzzy C-Means DI Kabupaten Bone Bolango

Pemerintah Kabupaten Bone Bolango menetapkan stratifikasi kemiskinan ke dalam berbagai tingkatan ... more Pemerintah Kabupaten Bone Bolango menetapkan stratifikasi kemiskinan ke dalam berbagai tingkatan yaitu miskin, hampir miskin dan sangat miskin. Indikator kemiskinan dalam menentukan rumah tangga miskin terdiri dari 14 Indikator yang meliputi luas lantai, jenis lantai, jenis dinding, fasilitas MCK, sumber penerangan, sumber air minum, makanan, pakaian, kesehatan, penghasilan, pendidikan, tabungan dan daerah tempat tinggal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Data Mining clustering dengan algoritma Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). Data yang sudah di cluster dapat diberi label berdasarkan derajat keanggotaan yang terbesar. Hasil penelitian ini berupa perangkat lunak aplikasi penentuan rumah tangga miskin di kabupaten Bone Bolango yang telah melalui pengujian black box

Research paper thumbnail of Pengujian Sistem Pengolahan Data Mahasiswa Berbasis Multi User Dengan Metode Test Case

This research aim to the examination of system of data processing of student base on the multi us... more This research aim to the examination of system of data processing of student base on the multi user by using method test the case. Software examination specially method test the case own the high probabilitas to find the mistake, more careful and accurate so that is not happened by the redudansi in course of data processing student. Research method used by study of book and software examination test the case with the approach of white box testing and bases path testing. Result of research by using method test the case can yield the system and process the restating of at flowchart of input of data processing of student base on the multi user making system become efficient and effective and also system of data processing of student base on the multi user can yield the quality of information system become better.

Research paper thumbnail of Laporan kuliah kerja lapangan plus (KKLP) Angkatan IX Tahun 2001/2002 di Akademi Teknik Soroako INCO Sumitomo Technical Training Centre

vi + 73 hlm. ; 20.4 x 27.5 Cm

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Augmented Reality as an Information Media for the Collection of the Popa-Eyato Museum

Jambura Journal of Informatics

Museums are facilities that display historical objects and provide information to the public and ... more Museums are facilities that display historical objects and provide information to the public and visitors. However, the presentation of information in the museum to the visitors is far from proper due to the lack of details. The guides provided in the museum are not quite engaging. More than that, the information provided is only in the form of a sheet of paper stuck in the collection. This present study aims to develop information media using augmented reality technology. The method used in this research was the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), which had six stages, viz. concept, design, material collecting, manufacture, testing, and distribution. This research develops an application that works as a medium of information related to museum collections using augmented reality, which is more interactive and visitors can use to obtain information from the collection. In addition, this application can visualize 3D and in real-time ethnographic objects in the museum.

Research paper thumbnail of Web Portal Pemasaran Telur Ayam

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

Currently, the consumption demand for eggs is always higher than the level of egg production, but... more Currently, the consumption demand for eggs is always higher than the level of egg production, but there are are still few markets that provide marketing service for the sale of farming products such as eggs. In addition, chicken egg stcok itself is difficult to find manually and has impact on its relatively high price. This study aims to build a web portal for chiken egg marketing, especially chicken farmers in Pilohayanga village, in terms of marketing web-based chicken egg to support business activites and MySQL databases. The finding indicates that the application off the chiken egg marketing system by using a web application can simplify the process of marketing or purchasing chicken eggs online.

Research paper thumbnail of Marketplace Interaktif Jasa IT

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT WEB-BASED (Case Study of the 1304 Gorontalo District Military Command)

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Masyarakat Desa Melalui Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Desa Membangun

Jurnal Sibermas (Sinergi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat), 2021

Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada kegiatan KKN tematik desa membangun adalah meningkatkan prakarsa, ... more Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada kegiatan KKN tematik desa membangun adalah meningkatkan prakarsa, kesadaran dan partisipasi masyarakat desa dalam pembangunan desa yang partisipatif.Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah: (1) mengoptimalkan kinerja pemerintahan desa dan meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat desa dalam proses pembangunan desa, dan (2) mengefektifkan pemerintahan desa dalam mencapai pembangunan desa. Untuk mencapai tujuan dan target khusus ini metode yang digunakan adalah dengan transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi melalui pelaksanaan pendampingan dan sosialisasi dalam mendorong prakarsa dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan desa.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kenderaan Pengangkut Sampah di Kabupaten Gorontalo

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

Environmental And Natural Resource Agency remains experiencing a problem related to waste hauling... more Environmental And Natural Resource Agency remains experiencing a problem related to waste hauling from Temporary Waste Disposal Site (TPS) To Final Disposal Site (TPA). In addition, people living nearby the site complain about certain things such as workers cross by the garbage dump with piling up waste, workers haul the waste at an irregular time as determined, and workers take the wrong route incidentally based on their own reason. Objective of this research was to create a web-based apps system which could monitor trash hauling from Temporary Waste Disposal Site (TPS) to Final Disposal Site (TPA) in area of Limboto Sub-district, Gorontalo District. It was designed by applying prototype system development method. Result of research showed that the created waste Collection Vehicle Monitoring Information System in Gorontalo District could optimize search process for garbage dump provided by gorontalo district government.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Web Service Data Guru di Provinsi Gorontalo

Research paper thumbnail of Pemesanan Jasa Barber Shop Berbasis Android pada Era New Normal

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Monitoring Penganggaran Dan Penatausahaan

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

ASRAF HUMONGGIO. Budgeting and Administration Monitoring Information System (the principal superv... more ASRAF HUMONGGIO. Budgeting and Administration Monitoring Information System (the principal supervisor is Sitti Suhada, S.Kom., MT., and the co-supervisor is Tajuddin Abdilah, S.Kom. M.Cs.) Rapid development of era is followed by an mdispensable need for accurate, quick, and informative information. Financial Agency of Gorontalo District also takes part m this kind of demand. An outdated way to display data often reduces the quality of fmancial statement, which should be in accordance with Government Accounting Standards. Therefore, # requres mstitution to manage and monitor budget and administration throughout Gorontalo Distnict by maintaining existing standardization. Objective of this research was to apply a prototype method to collect needs from the financial statement display. Subsequently, a quick design and system implementation were made to be submitted to the Financial Agency and to achieve feedback as a test material to create a good and proper needs-based system. Result of this research was a Budgeting and Administration Monitormg Information System by using prototype method and bemg applied m PHP programmmg language and MySQL database. The apps is expected to facilitate the Financial Agency in presenting accurate, quick, and more mformative financial statements so that they are easy to understand.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengembangan Sistem Informasi PAUD Menggunakan Metode FAST

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Kinerja Sekolah Dan Guru Di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Gorontalo Berbasis Web

Diffusion: Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Jan 15, 2021

Teacher performance assessment is the assessment of each item of activities of teacher's main tas... more Teacher performance assessment is the assessment of each item of activities of teacher's main tasks for the purposes of career, rank, and position development. School accreditation is a systematic and comprehensive assessment for school through self-evaluation and external evaluation (visitation) in order to determine the feasibility and performance of the school. The observation results revealed that the school and teacher performance assessment records were still in the form of archive documents, which were less effective and accurate. Meanwhile, the data storage also used manual system. Therefore, based on the aforementioned problem, this research aimed to design an information system at the Education Board of Gorontalo Regency. System development employed waterfall method, a classical method with systematic and sequential model in terms of software development. The method consisted of five stages, namely : 1) analysis, 2) system design, 3) system implementation, 4) system testing, 5) system maintenance, and also used PHP programming language and MySQL database. The results showed that this application was dependable in assisting the school and the accessor in terms of assessing the performance of teacher and school, respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pelatihan dan Pendampingan dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa

Jurnal Sibermas (Sinergi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat), 2019

Community empowerment can occur if the community itself can improve its own situation/condition a... more Community empowerment can occur if the community itself can improve its own situation/condition and participate in becoming a reformer/motor driving agent in development. The goal that wants to be achieved in this activity is the realization of independent villages that uphold the local wisdom of the community as active participatory actors in an effort to improve the creative economy of the community. Special targets of activities, namely: (1) the increase in awareness of community business, especially in increasing agricultural activities and local culture of the community, (2) the improvement of the knowledge and skills of household businesses that are managed independently by utilizing natural resources. This method of activity is a workshop in the form of socialization, training and mentoring in the community intensively so that it achieves all the expected targets and outsiders, and through the implementation of this activity can improve the creative economy of the community.

Research paper thumbnail of Klasifikasi Status Gizi Menggunakan K-Nearest Neighbor

Kesibukan mahasiswa yang pada umumnya selalu disibukkan dengan berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari meny... more Kesibukan mahasiswa yang pada umumnya selalu disibukkan dengan berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari menyebabkan mahasiswa tersebut kurang memperhatikan asupan gizi, sehingga menyebabkan masalah kekurangan ataupun kelebihan gizi yang berpengaruh pada kesehatan. Selain itu sering ditemui seorang mahasiswa tidak mengetahui berada dimana kelompok status gizinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menerapkan algoritma K-Nearest Neighboar dalam mengklasifikasi status gizi. Penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu metode klasifikasi dalam Data Mining, yaitu K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dengan menggunakan perhitungan jarak Euclidean. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap 10 data sampel mahasiswa, diperoleh nilai keakuratan sistem sebesar 100%. Kata Kunci : Data Mining, Klasifikasi, K-Nearest Neighbor, Eucledian, Status Gizi.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Pemesanan Jasa Barbershop Berbasis Android

MUHAMMAD SYARIF MUSTAPA. Android-Based Barbershop Service Order App.The principal supervisor is S... more MUHAMMAD SYARIF MUSTAPA. Android-Based Barbershop Service Order App.The principal supervisor is Sitti Suhada,S.Kom., MT, and the co-supervisor is Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku, S.Kom., M.Kom. Nowadays, the barbershop business has grown rapidly and ts widely established in Gorontalo City. The increasing number of barbershop today has highly required the availability of information about barbershop service. The available information needed is the service provided in the barbershop, the pricelist of service, and the profile of the barbershop. The information facilitates the customer to obtain information regarding the barbershop that is suitable for the customer's desires. The research aims to create a barbershop service order app to facilitate the customer in gaming information about the desired barbershop. The method used in this research is the Prototype method. This research produces an android-based information system that can facilitate the barbershop customer in selecting the bar...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Mind Map Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

Jambura Journal of Informatics, 2020

Rendahnya hasil belajar siswa dapat dikarenakan adanya beberapa faktor seperti proses pembelajara... more Rendahnya hasil belajar siswa dapat dikarenakan adanya beberapa faktor seperti proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung serta pemilihan metode pembelajaran. Rendahnya tingkat prestasi hasil belajar siswa juga dipengaruhi oleh siswa yang merasa bosan dalam menerima materi dan tergolong pasif di kelas. Upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa ini dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran mind map. Tujuannya adalah mengukur pengaruh metode pembelajaran mind map pada mata pelajaran komputer dan jaringan dasar terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan Quasi Experimental. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji-t dengan separated varian, menunjukkan bahwa pada taraf signifikan 0.05 dengan diperoleh Thitung 7.65 > Ttabel 1.672, maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan metode pembelajaran mind map terhadap hasil belajar dengan hasil aspek afektif dari kedua kelas dikategorikan baik, rata-rata kelas eksperimen 76% ...

Research paper thumbnail of CLASSIFICATION NEEDS TEACHERS USING ALGORITHM C4.5 (Anggota 1)

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media Komik Untuk Pembelajaran Materi Logika dan Algoritma Komputer

Upaya meningkatkan minat belajar siswa melalui pengembangan media pembelajaran yang menarik masih... more Upaya meningkatkan minat belajar siswa melalui pengembangan media pembelajaran yang menarik masih menjadi kendala dan tantangan utama yang dihadapi oleh guru pada materi Logika dan Algoritma Komputer di SMK Negeri 1 Suwawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran komik untuk materi Logika dan Algoritma Komputer yang dapat menarik minat belajar siswa kelas X. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan Hannafin dan Peck yang terdiri dari 3 fase, yaitu: analisis kebutuhan, desain, serta pengembangan dan implementasi. Media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah memperoleh penilaian oleh ahli materi, dan ahli media serta telah di uji respon dari siswa sebagai pengguna kelayakan dengan kategori kelayakan sangat layak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media pembelajaran komik yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid dan praktis untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran materi Logika dan Algoritma Komputer. Efforts...

Research paper thumbnail of Penentuan Tingkat Kemiskinan Dengan Metode Fuzzy C-Means DI Kabupaten Bone Bolango

Pemerintah Kabupaten Bone Bolango menetapkan stratifikasi kemiskinan ke dalam berbagai tingkatan ... more Pemerintah Kabupaten Bone Bolango menetapkan stratifikasi kemiskinan ke dalam berbagai tingkatan yaitu miskin, hampir miskin dan sangat miskin. Indikator kemiskinan dalam menentukan rumah tangga miskin terdiri dari 14 Indikator yang meliputi luas lantai, jenis lantai, jenis dinding, fasilitas MCK, sumber penerangan, sumber air minum, makanan, pakaian, kesehatan, penghasilan, pendidikan, tabungan dan daerah tempat tinggal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Data Mining clustering dengan algoritma Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). Data yang sudah di cluster dapat diberi label berdasarkan derajat keanggotaan yang terbesar. Hasil penelitian ini berupa perangkat lunak aplikasi penentuan rumah tangga miskin di kabupaten Bone Bolango yang telah melalui pengujian black box

Research paper thumbnail of Pengujian Sistem Pengolahan Data Mahasiswa Berbasis Multi User Dengan Metode Test Case

This research aim to the examination of system of data processing of student base on the multi us... more This research aim to the examination of system of data processing of student base on the multi user by using method test the case. Software examination specially method test the case own the high probabilitas to find the mistake, more careful and accurate so that is not happened by the redudansi in course of data processing student. Research method used by study of book and software examination test the case with the approach of white box testing and bases path testing. Result of research by using method test the case can yield the system and process the restating of at flowchart of input of data processing of student base on the multi user making system become efficient and effective and also system of data processing of student base on the multi user can yield the quality of information system become better.