dyan susila - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by dyan susila
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Jul 6, 2022
Indonesia is a tropical country with a relatively stable intensity of solar radiation throughout ... more Indonesia is a tropical country with a relatively stable intensity of solar radiation throughout the year, ranging from 10 to 12 hours a day, and averaging 4.8 kWh/m²/day. This great potential can be used for heating water for bathing. Water heating technology based on solar collectors is now widely available in the commercial market. Additionally, thermal energy storage from solar radiation is performed using sensible heat and requires a large volume. Assuming that the water is not used until the afternoon, then the heated water is stored in the tube. A phase change material (PCM) was used in several studies to maximize thermal energy storage (TES) from solar radiation. Also, PCM uses latent heat to absorb and release heat. This is adjusted to the water temperature produced from the solar collector, which attains 70°C. Hence, the potential PCM used is solid paraffin, which is widely available in the market with melting temperatures of 40° to50°C. The study was conducted on a solar water heating system using an 80 cm x 50 cm flat plate collector, and thermal energy storage using paraffin wax. Meanwhile, the heat exchanger used a tube with a diameter of 1 inch arranged in series with a pipe length of 50 cm and 36 rods. The mass of paraffin used was 15 kg or 17.7 liters. Furthermore, the test was performed with variations in the flow rate of water, namely: 2, 3, and 4 lpm, and solar radiation of: 997.5 W/m², 1183 W/m², and 1399.8 W/m². From the results, the thermal energy storage process in PCM paraffin with an amount of 15 kg, took 3.2 hours with a total stored energy of 3.6 MJ. Moreover, solar radiation of 1,399.8 W/m² was used as an energy source and water with a flow rate of 4 lpm as a medium heat transfer. Therefore, this radiation has a very significant effect on the heat transfer process to the PCM, while the flow rate with a value of 2 to 4 lpm does not have.
All this time microhydro power plants (MHP) created a resource use of water flow has high fall of... more All this time microhydro power plants (MHP) created a resource use of water flow has high fall of water (head) while for areas that have stream of river but do not have high fall of water (head) still a lot of untapped but has potential hydrokinetic be able rotating turbine. This is what lies behind the research conducted to determine the effect of chord length on the performance of the helical turbine which is expected to come helical turbine performance as the optimum use of the potential hydrokinetic. Helical turbine tested had dimensions of 1.2 m high and 1 m in diameter, blade profile NACA 0030, chord length 15 cm, 20 cm and 25 cm with number of blades 3 pieces. Tests performed on the irrigation canals that open to varying water velocity of 0.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Manufacturing of sustainable products is on a high demand in order to attain a global responsible... more Manufacturing of sustainable products is on a high demand in order to attain a global responsible consumption and production pattern. Among the emerging efforts of various manufacturing companies, production of sustainable vehicles takes a special attention due to its massive impacts to the world’s sustainability dimensions. Meanwhile, youngsters in developing countries are interesting prospective customers for automotive products because their misterious characteristics and potential to contribute to the future sustainability. The research investigated the connectivities between automotive products sustainable designs and young customers purchase intention in Indonesia, using an experimental workshop. Empirical results have shown that each dimension has a significant effect to the youngsters’ preferences, although with different levels.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a potential material that can be converted into biooil through the... more Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a potential material that can be converted into biooil through thermal degradation process or pyrolysis. The efficiency and productivity of pyrolysis can be increased with the use of natural catalyst like kaolin. The addition of catalyst also reduces the overall cost of conversion process. In this study conversion of MSW into Bio Fuel using Pyrolysis in the presence of of natural kaolin as catalyst has been investigated for 60 min at 400°C temperature. During the process 0.5 w/w catalyst to MSW ratio was maintained. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to analyse the chemical composition of bio fuel. It is found that bio-oil production increases substantially with the use of catalyst. It is observed that the production of bio-oil is 23.6 % with the use of catalyst in process, which was only 15.2 % without the use of catalyst. The hydrocarbon range distribution of oil produced through pyrolysis reveals that gasoline and diesel fuel (C 5-C 20) are its main constituents. The functional group detected in bio-oil by GC-MS analysis is similar to that of diesel-48 in which paraffin and olefin are major mass species.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The night air temperature which is below or equal to the temperature of human thermal comfort is ... more The night air temperature which is below or equal to the temperature of human thermal comfort is very potential to be used to help reduce the thermal load of the room. This utilization can help minimize the electrical energy consumption of air conditioning systems. Phase change material (PCM) can be used to utilize the potential of cold air at night as latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES). One model of the application of PCM is the heat exchanger. PCM fills one part of the heat exchanger. The characteristics of heat transfer need to be known so that it can know the cooling rate and the time required in the process. The variable used in this study is the inlet air velocity. In this research, a staggered fins-type heat exchanger which contains PCM with paraffin material is used in the cooling process. The results showed that an increase in speed would accelerate the cooling rate. At a velocity of 3 m.s−1, the average cooling rate of the PCM mass unity was 6.4 °C.hr’.kg−1. With t...
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sakai Sambayan
Pada makalah ini diberikan kegiatan sosialisasi teknologi pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump) ... more Pada makalah ini diberikan kegiatan sosialisasi teknologi pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump) kepada siswa-siswa SMK N 1 Gading Rejo. Materi kegitan yang diberikan secara teori tentang prinsip kerja pompa tanpa motor, pemilihan bahan dan pembuatan komponen-komponen pompa tanpa motor dan praktik yaitu tentang pemasangan dan pengoperasian pompa di lapangan, dan perawatan pompa ini. Berdasarkan kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan, dapat dlihat bahwa antusias siswa-siswa dan guru-guru SMK N 1 Gading Rejo mengikuti kegiatan ini sangat baik untuk memperoleh pemahaman pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump). Hal ini terbukti dengan sikap peserta yang serius dan banyak mengajukan pertanyaan saat pelaksanaan pemberian materi teori dan praktek saat kegiatan ini dilaksanakan. Hasil kegiatan ini juga meningkatkan keinginan antusias siswa-siswa dan guru-guru SMK N 1 Gading Rejo untuk mengaplikasikan penggunaan pompa ini untuk membantu irigasi pertanian mereka dengan tetap meminta bantu...
Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research
This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the Effect of using silica sand before and af... more This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the Effect of using silica sand before and after physical activation on the acceleration of a 4-stroke gasoline motorcycle engine. This research was conducted by testing the acceleration 0 – 80 km/hour and 40 – 80 km/hour with variations in the composition of tapioca in the pellet mixture (1%, 2%, and 3%) and variations in temperature activation (150?C, 200?). C, and 250?C). The silica sand pellets used in this study were 10 mm in diameter with a thickness of 3 mm, which had been activated for 60 minutes. The results showed that the use of silica sand had an effect on the acceleration of a 4-stroke gasoline motorcycle. The best composition of silica sand pellets occurs in the amount of tapioca 3% and with an activation temperature of 250?C, which can increase the acceleration by 12.45% at an acceleration of 0 – 80 km/hour.
Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Unila, 2020
Meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang masih menggunakan bahan bakar fosil sebagai bahan bak... more Meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang masih menggunakan bahan bakar fosil sebagai bahan bakar utama, menyebabkan cadangan bahan bakar fosil semakin menipis. Dengan kondisi seperti ini pemerintah telah mengurangi subsidi bahan bakar dan berencana menerapkan pembatasan pemakaian bahan bakar pada kendaraan bermotor. Fly ash batu bara dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menagtasi hal di atas. Pengujian fly ash ini dilakukan dengan beberapa variasi yaitu pengujian konsumsi bahan bakar, akselerasi, dan emisi gas buang. Konsumsi bahan bakar dilakukan dengan road test (pada kecepatan rata-rata 50 km/jam menempuh jarak 5 km) dan stasioner (pada putaran mesin 8500). Pengujian akselerasi dilakukan pada0-120 km/jam, serta pengujian emisi gas buang pada putaran 1500 dan 8500 rpm. Pelet fly ash yang dibentuk menjadi pelet berdiameter 10 mm dan tebal 3 mm dengan beragam variasi air(air mineral, aquadesh, dan air sumur bor), juga variasi temperatur dan waktu aktivasi fisik (2000 C, 1500 C selama 1 jam d...
PROSIDING SENANTIAS: Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Jan 16, 2021
This paper presents an experimental study on performance of a helical turbine with blade profile ... more This paper presents an experimental study on performance of a helical turbine with blade profile of NACA 0033 for a model of the electric generation system to utilize the stream energy of Way Tebu irrigation in Banjar Agung Udik Village, Pugung District, Tanggamus Regency. The parameters of the helical turbine used were 1 m diameter, 1.2 m turbine length, 41.8 cm chord length, 3 blades, and 62 o angle of blade inclination. The test results showed that the performance of helical turbine using water flow velocities of 0.398 m/s, 0.491 m/s, and 0.548 m/s resulting in maximum turbine efficiency of 86.57%, 74.98%, and 75.33% respectively.
Refrigeration device is used to reduce the temperature of the room or cooled material by absorbin... more Refrigeration device is used to reduce the temperature of the room or cooled material by absorbing heat from the room/material. The most refrigeration device operated by using the vapor compression refrigeration cycle. This research was done experimentally using refrigeration device chiller type to cool the ethylene glycol coolant in the refrigeration box (evaporator unit), and ethylene glycol coolant is used to absorb heat in cold storage and indoor (test room). The results show for the circulation of ethylene glycol coolant to the cold storage COP value is 2.80, while the circulation of ethylene glycol coolant to the indoor COP value is 5.12. On the testing of ethylene glycol coolant was circulated to the indoor with 1000 Watt cooling load, the COP value is 5.19, and for circulated to the cold storage and indoor simultaneously COP is of 3.66. The performance of chiller refrigeration device is influenced by the cooling load, the greater of cooling load that would affect the work of...
Kebutuhan listrik yang terus meningkat dan belum diiringi dengan peningkatan pasokan listrik dari... more Kebutuhan listrik yang terus meningkat dan belum diiringi dengan peningkatan pasokan listrik dari PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) sehingga sering terjadi pemadaman listrik. Masyarakat yang menggunakan listrik dari PLN mencari alternatif lain dengan menggunakan genset sebagai sumber pembangkit listrik sementara. Pada umumnya penggunaan genset digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik rumah tangga, kantor dan toko-toko. Mesin genset umumnya menggunakan bahan bakar bensin. Dengan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak saat ini, biaya operasional genset menjadi meningkat. Untuk mengatasi hal ini sekarang sudah tersedia jenis zat aditif sintetik dan zat aditif alami. Dengan penambahan zat aditif pada bahan bakar (bensin) dapat meningkatkan angka oktan dan kualitas dari bahan bakar sehingga didapatkan pembakaran yang sempurna. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pemakaian zat aditif sintetik dengan zat aditif alami terhadap pemakaian bahan bakar dan emisi gas buang pada genset. Untuk itu dilakukanlah serangkaian pengujian, pada pengujian ini menggunakan mesin genset CAMARO 4-langkah berbahan bakar bensin. Variasi pada pengujian ini meliputi pengujian konsumsi bahan bakar tanpa zat aditif, dengan zat aditif sintetik dan dengan zat aditif alami untuk tanpa beban dan dengan beban 700 watt. Variasi waktu yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu selama 10 menit, 20 menit dan 30 menit. Zat aditif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu jenis zat aditif sintetik dengan perbandingan 1 (satu) pil/tablet untuk 4 liter bensin premium (1:4) dan untuk jenis zat aditif alami dengan perbandingan 1 (satu) pil/tablet untuk 30 liter bensin premium (1:30). Pada pengujian emisi gas buang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan kadar gas CO, HC dan CO 2 yang dihasilkan mesin genset. Dari penelitian ini, didapat penurunan konsumsi bahan bakar terbaik yaitu pada kondisi tanpa beban dengan zat aditif sintetik sebesar 15,66 % dan pada beban 700 watt sebesar 16,99 %. Tegangan listrik yang dihasilkan mesin genset sebesar 181,106 volt dan nyala lampu yang dihasilkan tidak seterang dengan nyala lampu dari PLN yang tegangan listriknya sebesar 220 volt. Untuk penurunan kadar gas CO terbaik yaitu dengan menggunakan zat aditif alami pada kondisi tanpa beban sebesar 5,35 % dan pada beban 700 watt sebesar 9,06 %, untuk penurunan kadar gas HC terbaik yaitu dengan menggunakan zat aditif sintetik pada kondisi tanpa beban sebesar 344 ppm dan pada beban 700 watt sebesar 585 ppm, untuk peningkatan kadar gas CO 2 terbaik yaitu dengan menggunakan zat aditif alami pada kondisi dengan beban 700 watt sebesar 6,3 %. Untuk prestasi terbaik pada penggunaan zat aditif sintetik pada kondisi tanpa beban sebesar 15,66 % dan pada beban 700 watt sebesar 16,99 %. Untuk perbandingan biaya bahan bakar lebih murah menggunakan zat aditif sintetik untuk 1 (satu) liter bahan bakar pada kondisi tanpa beban biaya yang dihabiskan sebesar Rp. 6.645,-dan mesin genset dapat beroperasi selama 2,9 jam, untuk 1 (satu) liter bahan bakar pada kondisi dengan beban 700 watt biaya yang dihabiskan sebesar Rp. 6.645,-dan mesin genset dapat beroperasi selama 1,3 jam. Kata Kunci : Mesin genset, zat aditif sintetik, zat aditif alami, konsumsi bahan bakar, emisi gas buang, biaya bahan bakar.
Hacienda Pública …, 2003
Observed budget balances are an imperfect indicator of the fiscal policy stance, because fluctuat... more Observed budget balances are an imperfect indicator of the fiscal policy stance, because fluctuations in economic ac tivity induce automatic changes in the balance, hence the use of cyclically-adjusted balances (CAB). However, this paper shows that CABs (as measured through one of the two methods currently used by the Commission) tend to be systematically overestimated during downturns and underestimated during expansions. The dominant source of this distortion arises from the filtering of revenues deemed to be cyclical, possibly signalling a problem with the compu tation of elasticities. The effect of the items which are assumed not to move with the cycle is non significant, but this overall result conceals offseting effects: public investment turns to be significantly procyclical and interest payments and transfers to firms are countercyclical.
Fakultas Teknik Unila, Jun 1, 2019
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro Terapan
Usaha Mandiri di desa Wiyono Kabupaten Pesawaran merupakan salah satu bentuk usaha yang bergerak ... more Usaha Mandiri di desa Wiyono Kabupaten Pesawaran merupakan salah satu bentuk usaha yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan kakao melalui proses pengeringan dengan alat pengering sederhana berukuran panjang 2,4 m, lebar 1,2 m dan tinggi 0,6 m. Untuk meningkatkan efektifitas alat pengering yang digunakan dan meningkatkan kualitas hasil pengeringan, maka dilakukan penelitian dengan pertama-tama dilakukan analisis perpindahan panas, laju aliran panas dan distribusi temperatur yang terjadi di dalam alat pengering tersebut. Selanjutnya dari hasil yang diperoleh, dilakukan proses redesain alat pengering. Dalam proses redesain alat pengering berdasarkan perhitungan termal, sebaran suhu dan laju energy panas yang terjadi di dalam ruang pengering serta waktu pengeringan yang dibutuhkan dan kebutuhan bahan bakar (kayu bakar). Tahap selanjutnya, hasil redesain alat dianalisis kembali terutama distribusi temperatur yang terjadi dengan simulasi pemodelan menggunakan Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)....
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sakai Sambayan, 2021
Pada makalah ini diberikan kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump) ke... more Pada makalah ini diberikan kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump) kepada masyarakat petani Pekon Tiga Jaya, Kecamatan Sekincau. Materi pelatihan yang diberikan secara teori dan praktek yaitu tentang prinsip kerja pompa tanpa motor, pemilihan bahan dan pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydram pump), pemasangan dan pengoperasian pompa di lapangan, dan perawatan pompa ini. Berdasarkan kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan, dapat dlihat bahwa antusias masyarakat mengikuti kegiatan ini sangat baik untuk memperoleh pemahaman pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump). Hal ini terbukti dengan sikap masyarakat yang serius dan banyak mengajukan pertanyaan saat pelaksanaan pemberian materi teori dan praktek tentang pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydram pump). Hasil kegiatan ini juga meningkatkan keinginan masyarakat untuk mengaplikasikan penggunaan pompa ini dalam membantu irigasi pertanian mereka dengan menggunakan dana desa, dengan tetap meminta bantuan bimbingan dar...
Turbo : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin, 2020
Indonesia is an agricultural country with a tropical climate. One of the many agricultural produc... more Indonesia is an agricultural country with a tropical climate. One of the many agricultural products in Indonesia is vegetables. Handling of vegetables after harvesting is important because the decrease in product quality can reach up to 50%. This decrease in quality is the result of metabolic processes such as transpiration and respiration that occur in post-harvest vegetables. The respiration rate of vegetables cannot be stopped but can be slowed down by lowering the temperature, so that the freshness of the vegetables can last longer. One method of maintaining the temperature of vegetables is storage in a cool box with cooling media. Phase change material (PCM) is an alternative cooling medium that utilizes latent heat in thermal energy storage. Paraffin is a PCM that can be used for this application. Paraffin has a freezing and melting temperature range that can be adjusted according to your needs, namely by mixing liquid paraffin and solid paraffin. This study used mixed paraffin with a liquid-solid paraffin ratio of 98:2 mass basis. This mixture has a melting temperature of 6 o C until 13 o C and is close to the optimal temperature for storing vegetables, which is 5 o C. In this study, testing was also carried out using water as a comparison. The test results show that ice can make vegetables last longer in cold conditions, namely that it is able to maintain the vegetable temperature below 20 o C for 11 hours, while paraffin only lasts 2 hours. The physical condition of the vegetables that are cooled with ice in the packing changes color and becomes watery because the water in the vegetables is condensed. Meanwhile, on cooling with paraffin it is physically fresher.
Kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmanii BL) is known and cultivated for its aromatic content. In the prev... more Kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmanii BL) is known and cultivated for its aromatic content. In the previous experiment the powder of kayu manis leather can be extracted to be atsiri oil. And the rubbish like; leaf, scrap, the powder from cutting tree, trank are the parts of wood leather that haven’t been used yet, so it will be appear as a problem for the environment. If the rubbish are extacted by steam and water destilation it will produce atsiri oil with good quality and good cost, as a mix ingredient of medicine beverages, food, and parfume. The experiment goal is to filter by using arrange destilation tool to get output the process is an optimal rendeman atsiri oil. An the extract metode used is steam and water destilation. To get a good filter output should be treated by parameter variety suitable with test tool performance they are; pressure variety (1 atm; 1,65 atm; 1.85 atm), temperatur (99oC; 114oC; 119oC) and resident time (1 hour; 2 hour; 3hour). The result of the testing is a...
Penggunaan droplet sebagai media pendingin banyak ditemui dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya ad... more Penggunaan droplet sebagai media pendingin banyak ditemui dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah pada proses pendinginan metal. Saat droplet menumbuk mengenai permukaan panas, droplet akan mengalami penyebaran (spreading) dan pengumpulan kembali (recoil). Kejadian ini tentu saja dipengaruhi oleh derajat kebasahan permukaan (wettability), yang dinyatakan dengan sudut kontak. Dinamika sebaran droplet berlangsung sangat cepat dan sulit diikuti dengan kasat mata, sehingga untuk mengamatinya perlu dilakukan dengan perekaman menggunakan kamera berkecepatan tinggi. Dalam tulisan ini akan dikemukakan bagaimana perilaku droplet, dalam hal ini dinyatakan dengan diameter sebaran droplet dan tinggi droplet, saat menumbuk permukaan panas dengan temperatur 60, 80, 100 dan 120 derajat Celsius. Untuk keperluan tersebut, program pengolahan citra menggunakan program MATLAB telah dikembangkan. Keunggulan metode pengolahan citra adalah dapat digunakan untuk melihat perilaku suatu benda yang sangat...
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Jul 6, 2022
Indonesia is a tropical country with a relatively stable intensity of solar radiation throughout ... more Indonesia is a tropical country with a relatively stable intensity of solar radiation throughout the year, ranging from 10 to 12 hours a day, and averaging 4.8 kWh/m²/day. This great potential can be used for heating water for bathing. Water heating technology based on solar collectors is now widely available in the commercial market. Additionally, thermal energy storage from solar radiation is performed using sensible heat and requires a large volume. Assuming that the water is not used until the afternoon, then the heated water is stored in the tube. A phase change material (PCM) was used in several studies to maximize thermal energy storage (TES) from solar radiation. Also, PCM uses latent heat to absorb and release heat. This is adjusted to the water temperature produced from the solar collector, which attains 70°C. Hence, the potential PCM used is solid paraffin, which is widely available in the market with melting temperatures of 40° to50°C. The study was conducted on a solar water heating system using an 80 cm x 50 cm flat plate collector, and thermal energy storage using paraffin wax. Meanwhile, the heat exchanger used a tube with a diameter of 1 inch arranged in series with a pipe length of 50 cm and 36 rods. The mass of paraffin used was 15 kg or 17.7 liters. Furthermore, the test was performed with variations in the flow rate of water, namely: 2, 3, and 4 lpm, and solar radiation of: 997.5 W/m², 1183 W/m², and 1399.8 W/m². From the results, the thermal energy storage process in PCM paraffin with an amount of 15 kg, took 3.2 hours with a total stored energy of 3.6 MJ. Moreover, solar radiation of 1,399.8 W/m² was used as an energy source and water with a flow rate of 4 lpm as a medium heat transfer. Therefore, this radiation has a very significant effect on the heat transfer process to the PCM, while the flow rate with a value of 2 to 4 lpm does not have.
All this time microhydro power plants (MHP) created a resource use of water flow has high fall of... more All this time microhydro power plants (MHP) created a resource use of water flow has high fall of water (head) while for areas that have stream of river but do not have high fall of water (head) still a lot of untapped but has potential hydrokinetic be able rotating turbine. This is what lies behind the research conducted to determine the effect of chord length on the performance of the helical turbine which is expected to come helical turbine performance as the optimum use of the potential hydrokinetic. Helical turbine tested had dimensions of 1.2 m high and 1 m in diameter, blade profile NACA 0030, chord length 15 cm, 20 cm and 25 cm with number of blades 3 pieces. Tests performed on the irrigation canals that open to varying water velocity of 0.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Manufacturing of sustainable products is on a high demand in order to attain a global responsible... more Manufacturing of sustainable products is on a high demand in order to attain a global responsible consumption and production pattern. Among the emerging efforts of various manufacturing companies, production of sustainable vehicles takes a special attention due to its massive impacts to the world’s sustainability dimensions. Meanwhile, youngsters in developing countries are interesting prospective customers for automotive products because their misterious characteristics and potential to contribute to the future sustainability. The research investigated the connectivities between automotive products sustainable designs and young customers purchase intention in Indonesia, using an experimental workshop. Empirical results have shown that each dimension has a significant effect to the youngsters’ preferences, although with different levels.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a potential material that can be converted into biooil through the... more Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a potential material that can be converted into biooil through thermal degradation process or pyrolysis. The efficiency and productivity of pyrolysis can be increased with the use of natural catalyst like kaolin. The addition of catalyst also reduces the overall cost of conversion process. In this study conversion of MSW into Bio Fuel using Pyrolysis in the presence of of natural kaolin as catalyst has been investigated for 60 min at 400°C temperature. During the process 0.5 w/w catalyst to MSW ratio was maintained. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to analyse the chemical composition of bio fuel. It is found that bio-oil production increases substantially with the use of catalyst. It is observed that the production of bio-oil is 23.6 % with the use of catalyst in process, which was only 15.2 % without the use of catalyst. The hydrocarbon range distribution of oil produced through pyrolysis reveals that gasoline and diesel fuel (C 5-C 20) are its main constituents. The functional group detected in bio-oil by GC-MS analysis is similar to that of diesel-48 in which paraffin and olefin are major mass species.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The night air temperature which is below or equal to the temperature of human thermal comfort is ... more The night air temperature which is below or equal to the temperature of human thermal comfort is very potential to be used to help reduce the thermal load of the room. This utilization can help minimize the electrical energy consumption of air conditioning systems. Phase change material (PCM) can be used to utilize the potential of cold air at night as latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES). One model of the application of PCM is the heat exchanger. PCM fills one part of the heat exchanger. The characteristics of heat transfer need to be known so that it can know the cooling rate and the time required in the process. The variable used in this study is the inlet air velocity. In this research, a staggered fins-type heat exchanger which contains PCM with paraffin material is used in the cooling process. The results showed that an increase in speed would accelerate the cooling rate. At a velocity of 3 m.s−1, the average cooling rate of the PCM mass unity was 6.4 °C.hr’.kg−1. With t...
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sakai Sambayan
Pada makalah ini diberikan kegiatan sosialisasi teknologi pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump) ... more Pada makalah ini diberikan kegiatan sosialisasi teknologi pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump) kepada siswa-siswa SMK N 1 Gading Rejo. Materi kegitan yang diberikan secara teori tentang prinsip kerja pompa tanpa motor, pemilihan bahan dan pembuatan komponen-komponen pompa tanpa motor dan praktik yaitu tentang pemasangan dan pengoperasian pompa di lapangan, dan perawatan pompa ini. Berdasarkan kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan, dapat dlihat bahwa antusias siswa-siswa dan guru-guru SMK N 1 Gading Rejo mengikuti kegiatan ini sangat baik untuk memperoleh pemahaman pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump). Hal ini terbukti dengan sikap peserta yang serius dan banyak mengajukan pertanyaan saat pelaksanaan pemberian materi teori dan praktek saat kegiatan ini dilaksanakan. Hasil kegiatan ini juga meningkatkan keinginan antusias siswa-siswa dan guru-guru SMK N 1 Gading Rejo untuk mengaplikasikan penggunaan pompa ini untuk membantu irigasi pertanian mereka dengan tetap meminta bantu...
Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research
This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the Effect of using silica sand before and af... more This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the Effect of using silica sand before and after physical activation on the acceleration of a 4-stroke gasoline motorcycle engine. This research was conducted by testing the acceleration 0 – 80 km/hour and 40 – 80 km/hour with variations in the composition of tapioca in the pellet mixture (1%, 2%, and 3%) and variations in temperature activation (150?C, 200?). C, and 250?C). The silica sand pellets used in this study were 10 mm in diameter with a thickness of 3 mm, which had been activated for 60 minutes. The results showed that the use of silica sand had an effect on the acceleration of a 4-stroke gasoline motorcycle. The best composition of silica sand pellets occurs in the amount of tapioca 3% and with an activation temperature of 250?C, which can increase the acceleration by 12.45% at an acceleration of 0 – 80 km/hour.
Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Unila, 2020
Meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang masih menggunakan bahan bakar fosil sebagai bahan bak... more Meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang masih menggunakan bahan bakar fosil sebagai bahan bakar utama, menyebabkan cadangan bahan bakar fosil semakin menipis. Dengan kondisi seperti ini pemerintah telah mengurangi subsidi bahan bakar dan berencana menerapkan pembatasan pemakaian bahan bakar pada kendaraan bermotor. Fly ash batu bara dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menagtasi hal di atas. Pengujian fly ash ini dilakukan dengan beberapa variasi yaitu pengujian konsumsi bahan bakar, akselerasi, dan emisi gas buang. Konsumsi bahan bakar dilakukan dengan road test (pada kecepatan rata-rata 50 km/jam menempuh jarak 5 km) dan stasioner (pada putaran mesin 8500). Pengujian akselerasi dilakukan pada0-120 km/jam, serta pengujian emisi gas buang pada putaran 1500 dan 8500 rpm. Pelet fly ash yang dibentuk menjadi pelet berdiameter 10 mm dan tebal 3 mm dengan beragam variasi air(air mineral, aquadesh, dan air sumur bor), juga variasi temperatur dan waktu aktivasi fisik (2000 C, 1500 C selama 1 jam d...
PROSIDING SENANTIAS: Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Jan 16, 2021
This paper presents an experimental study on performance of a helical turbine with blade profile ... more This paper presents an experimental study on performance of a helical turbine with blade profile of NACA 0033 for a model of the electric generation system to utilize the stream energy of Way Tebu irrigation in Banjar Agung Udik Village, Pugung District, Tanggamus Regency. The parameters of the helical turbine used were 1 m diameter, 1.2 m turbine length, 41.8 cm chord length, 3 blades, and 62 o angle of blade inclination. The test results showed that the performance of helical turbine using water flow velocities of 0.398 m/s, 0.491 m/s, and 0.548 m/s resulting in maximum turbine efficiency of 86.57%, 74.98%, and 75.33% respectively.
Refrigeration device is used to reduce the temperature of the room or cooled material by absorbin... more Refrigeration device is used to reduce the temperature of the room or cooled material by absorbing heat from the room/material. The most refrigeration device operated by using the vapor compression refrigeration cycle. This research was done experimentally using refrigeration device chiller type to cool the ethylene glycol coolant in the refrigeration box (evaporator unit), and ethylene glycol coolant is used to absorb heat in cold storage and indoor (test room). The results show for the circulation of ethylene glycol coolant to the cold storage COP value is 2.80, while the circulation of ethylene glycol coolant to the indoor COP value is 5.12. On the testing of ethylene glycol coolant was circulated to the indoor with 1000 Watt cooling load, the COP value is 5.19, and for circulated to the cold storage and indoor simultaneously COP is of 3.66. The performance of chiller refrigeration device is influenced by the cooling load, the greater of cooling load that would affect the work of...
Kebutuhan listrik yang terus meningkat dan belum diiringi dengan peningkatan pasokan listrik dari... more Kebutuhan listrik yang terus meningkat dan belum diiringi dengan peningkatan pasokan listrik dari PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) sehingga sering terjadi pemadaman listrik. Masyarakat yang menggunakan listrik dari PLN mencari alternatif lain dengan menggunakan genset sebagai sumber pembangkit listrik sementara. Pada umumnya penggunaan genset digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik rumah tangga, kantor dan toko-toko. Mesin genset umumnya menggunakan bahan bakar bensin. Dengan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak saat ini, biaya operasional genset menjadi meningkat. Untuk mengatasi hal ini sekarang sudah tersedia jenis zat aditif sintetik dan zat aditif alami. Dengan penambahan zat aditif pada bahan bakar (bensin) dapat meningkatkan angka oktan dan kualitas dari bahan bakar sehingga didapatkan pembakaran yang sempurna. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pemakaian zat aditif sintetik dengan zat aditif alami terhadap pemakaian bahan bakar dan emisi gas buang pada genset. Untuk itu dilakukanlah serangkaian pengujian, pada pengujian ini menggunakan mesin genset CAMARO 4-langkah berbahan bakar bensin. Variasi pada pengujian ini meliputi pengujian konsumsi bahan bakar tanpa zat aditif, dengan zat aditif sintetik dan dengan zat aditif alami untuk tanpa beban dan dengan beban 700 watt. Variasi waktu yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu selama 10 menit, 20 menit dan 30 menit. Zat aditif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu jenis zat aditif sintetik dengan perbandingan 1 (satu) pil/tablet untuk 4 liter bensin premium (1:4) dan untuk jenis zat aditif alami dengan perbandingan 1 (satu) pil/tablet untuk 30 liter bensin premium (1:30). Pada pengujian emisi gas buang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan kadar gas CO, HC dan CO 2 yang dihasilkan mesin genset. Dari penelitian ini, didapat penurunan konsumsi bahan bakar terbaik yaitu pada kondisi tanpa beban dengan zat aditif sintetik sebesar 15,66 % dan pada beban 700 watt sebesar 16,99 %. Tegangan listrik yang dihasilkan mesin genset sebesar 181,106 volt dan nyala lampu yang dihasilkan tidak seterang dengan nyala lampu dari PLN yang tegangan listriknya sebesar 220 volt. Untuk penurunan kadar gas CO terbaik yaitu dengan menggunakan zat aditif alami pada kondisi tanpa beban sebesar 5,35 % dan pada beban 700 watt sebesar 9,06 %, untuk penurunan kadar gas HC terbaik yaitu dengan menggunakan zat aditif sintetik pada kondisi tanpa beban sebesar 344 ppm dan pada beban 700 watt sebesar 585 ppm, untuk peningkatan kadar gas CO 2 terbaik yaitu dengan menggunakan zat aditif alami pada kondisi dengan beban 700 watt sebesar 6,3 %. Untuk prestasi terbaik pada penggunaan zat aditif sintetik pada kondisi tanpa beban sebesar 15,66 % dan pada beban 700 watt sebesar 16,99 %. Untuk perbandingan biaya bahan bakar lebih murah menggunakan zat aditif sintetik untuk 1 (satu) liter bahan bakar pada kondisi tanpa beban biaya yang dihabiskan sebesar Rp. 6.645,-dan mesin genset dapat beroperasi selama 2,9 jam, untuk 1 (satu) liter bahan bakar pada kondisi dengan beban 700 watt biaya yang dihabiskan sebesar Rp. 6.645,-dan mesin genset dapat beroperasi selama 1,3 jam. Kata Kunci : Mesin genset, zat aditif sintetik, zat aditif alami, konsumsi bahan bakar, emisi gas buang, biaya bahan bakar.
Hacienda Pública …, 2003
Observed budget balances are an imperfect indicator of the fiscal policy stance, because fluctuat... more Observed budget balances are an imperfect indicator of the fiscal policy stance, because fluctuations in economic ac tivity induce automatic changes in the balance, hence the use of cyclically-adjusted balances (CAB). However, this paper shows that CABs (as measured through one of the two methods currently used by the Commission) tend to be systematically overestimated during downturns and underestimated during expansions. The dominant source of this distortion arises from the filtering of revenues deemed to be cyclical, possibly signalling a problem with the compu tation of elasticities. The effect of the items which are assumed not to move with the cycle is non significant, but this overall result conceals offseting effects: public investment turns to be significantly procyclical and interest payments and transfers to firms are countercyclical.
Fakultas Teknik Unila, Jun 1, 2019
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro Terapan
Usaha Mandiri di desa Wiyono Kabupaten Pesawaran merupakan salah satu bentuk usaha yang bergerak ... more Usaha Mandiri di desa Wiyono Kabupaten Pesawaran merupakan salah satu bentuk usaha yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan kakao melalui proses pengeringan dengan alat pengering sederhana berukuran panjang 2,4 m, lebar 1,2 m dan tinggi 0,6 m. Untuk meningkatkan efektifitas alat pengering yang digunakan dan meningkatkan kualitas hasil pengeringan, maka dilakukan penelitian dengan pertama-tama dilakukan analisis perpindahan panas, laju aliran panas dan distribusi temperatur yang terjadi di dalam alat pengering tersebut. Selanjutnya dari hasil yang diperoleh, dilakukan proses redesain alat pengering. Dalam proses redesain alat pengering berdasarkan perhitungan termal, sebaran suhu dan laju energy panas yang terjadi di dalam ruang pengering serta waktu pengeringan yang dibutuhkan dan kebutuhan bahan bakar (kayu bakar). Tahap selanjutnya, hasil redesain alat dianalisis kembali terutama distribusi temperatur yang terjadi dengan simulasi pemodelan menggunakan Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)....
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sakai Sambayan, 2021
Pada makalah ini diberikan kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump) ke... more Pada makalah ini diberikan kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump) kepada masyarakat petani Pekon Tiga Jaya, Kecamatan Sekincau. Materi pelatihan yang diberikan secara teori dan praktek yaitu tentang prinsip kerja pompa tanpa motor, pemilihan bahan dan pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydram pump), pemasangan dan pengoperasian pompa di lapangan, dan perawatan pompa ini. Berdasarkan kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan, dapat dlihat bahwa antusias masyarakat mengikuti kegiatan ini sangat baik untuk memperoleh pemahaman pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydraulic ram pump). Hal ini terbukti dengan sikap masyarakat yang serius dan banyak mengajukan pertanyaan saat pelaksanaan pemberian materi teori dan praktek tentang pembuatan pompa tanpa motor (hydram pump). Hasil kegiatan ini juga meningkatkan keinginan masyarakat untuk mengaplikasikan penggunaan pompa ini dalam membantu irigasi pertanian mereka dengan menggunakan dana desa, dengan tetap meminta bantuan bimbingan dar...
Turbo : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin, 2020
Indonesia is an agricultural country with a tropical climate. One of the many agricultural produc... more Indonesia is an agricultural country with a tropical climate. One of the many agricultural products in Indonesia is vegetables. Handling of vegetables after harvesting is important because the decrease in product quality can reach up to 50%. This decrease in quality is the result of metabolic processes such as transpiration and respiration that occur in post-harvest vegetables. The respiration rate of vegetables cannot be stopped but can be slowed down by lowering the temperature, so that the freshness of the vegetables can last longer. One method of maintaining the temperature of vegetables is storage in a cool box with cooling media. Phase change material (PCM) is an alternative cooling medium that utilizes latent heat in thermal energy storage. Paraffin is a PCM that can be used for this application. Paraffin has a freezing and melting temperature range that can be adjusted according to your needs, namely by mixing liquid paraffin and solid paraffin. This study used mixed paraffin with a liquid-solid paraffin ratio of 98:2 mass basis. This mixture has a melting temperature of 6 o C until 13 o C and is close to the optimal temperature for storing vegetables, which is 5 o C. In this study, testing was also carried out using water as a comparison. The test results show that ice can make vegetables last longer in cold conditions, namely that it is able to maintain the vegetable temperature below 20 o C for 11 hours, while paraffin only lasts 2 hours. The physical condition of the vegetables that are cooled with ice in the packing changes color and becomes watery because the water in the vegetables is condensed. Meanwhile, on cooling with paraffin it is physically fresher.
Kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmanii BL) is known and cultivated for its aromatic content. In the prev... more Kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmanii BL) is known and cultivated for its aromatic content. In the previous experiment the powder of kayu manis leather can be extracted to be atsiri oil. And the rubbish like; leaf, scrap, the powder from cutting tree, trank are the parts of wood leather that haven’t been used yet, so it will be appear as a problem for the environment. If the rubbish are extacted by steam and water destilation it will produce atsiri oil with good quality and good cost, as a mix ingredient of medicine beverages, food, and parfume. The experiment goal is to filter by using arrange destilation tool to get output the process is an optimal rendeman atsiri oil. An the extract metode used is steam and water destilation. To get a good filter output should be treated by parameter variety suitable with test tool performance they are; pressure variety (1 atm; 1,65 atm; 1.85 atm), temperatur (99oC; 114oC; 119oC) and resident time (1 hour; 2 hour; 3hour). The result of the testing is a...
Penggunaan droplet sebagai media pendingin banyak ditemui dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya ad... more Penggunaan droplet sebagai media pendingin banyak ditemui dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah pada proses pendinginan metal. Saat droplet menumbuk mengenai permukaan panas, droplet akan mengalami penyebaran (spreading) dan pengumpulan kembali (recoil). Kejadian ini tentu saja dipengaruhi oleh derajat kebasahan permukaan (wettability), yang dinyatakan dengan sudut kontak. Dinamika sebaran droplet berlangsung sangat cepat dan sulit diikuti dengan kasat mata, sehingga untuk mengamatinya perlu dilakukan dengan perekaman menggunakan kamera berkecepatan tinggi. Dalam tulisan ini akan dikemukakan bagaimana perilaku droplet, dalam hal ini dinyatakan dengan diameter sebaran droplet dan tinggi droplet, saat menumbuk permukaan panas dengan temperatur 60, 80, 100 dan 120 derajat Celsius. Untuk keperluan tersebut, program pengolahan citra menggunakan program MATLAB telah dikembangkan. Keunggulan metode pengolahan citra adalah dapat digunakan untuk melihat perilaku suatu benda yang sangat...