Teja Koler-Povh - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Teja Koler-Povh
Članek prikazuje razvoj tehniške in posebej gozdarske terminologije v svetu in Sloveniji. Podaja ... more Članek prikazuje razvoj tehniške in posebej gozdarske terminologije v svetu in Sloveniji. Podaja rezultate prizadevanj posameznih dežel za razvoj gozdarske terminologije. Predstavlja prednosti in pomanjkljivosti numeričnega in deskriptorskega klasifikacijskega sistema kot pomembnega vira terminologije. V preglednici našteva pomembne in v Gozdarski knjižnici v Ljubljani dosegljive vire svetovne gozdarske terminologije od začetkov (1821) do dane
http://www3.fgg.uni-lj.si/ DRUGG-Digitalni repozitorij UL FGG http://drugg.fgg.uni-lj.si/ Ta član... more http://www3.fgg.uni-lj.si/ DRUGG-Digitalni repozitorij UL FGG http://drugg.fgg.uni-lj.si/ Ta članek je avtorjeva zadnja recenzirana različica, kot je bila sprejeta po opravljeni recenziji. Prosimo, da se pri navajanju sklicujte na bibliografske podatke, kot je navedeno:
Library Hi Tech, 2014
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the institutional repository (IR) named DRUGG (... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the institutional repository (IR) named DRUGG (Digital Repository of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering) of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (UL FGG), just from its beginnings in 2011, and using the statistics of visits to present its merits for higher visibility of scholarly publications on the web. The role of all stakeholders involved in the construction of this IR is highlighted. Design/methodology/approach – The historical overview of the awareness of researchers on the UL FGG on worldwide scientific communication through web sites is showed from beginning in the 1990s. Using Google Analytics the statistics of visits and downloads after a year of operations is showed, as well as the statistics of access from different networks from all over the world. Findings – In the DRUGG repository mainly theses are archived which are usually not published elsewhere. T...
Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly jo... more Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. In our research of 2026 articles, published in JCR journals in the field of civil engineering in 2007, we found out that 21% of them are published as open accessed articles, most of them as articles archived in institutional repositories. They reached 29% of all citations in the analysed period. In accordance with these findings, in 2011 the repository at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering was built in open source tool ePrints. 1400 theses as well as 200 research articles have been archived in it till January 2013. The library was one of the most important stakeholders in its building as it is still today. Each of the repository unit is linked into Slovenian bibliographical information system COBISS and its cataloguing part COBIB as well as the part of high valuated research works of Slovenian researchers SICRIS. The statistics (150.000 visits ...
ABSTRACTThe Forestry Library was established in 1948 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Today i... more ABSTRACTThe Forestry Library was established in 1948 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Today it is a faculty and research library. The library, together with its reference and documentation service, is the only information center and provider of scientific and technical literature in the field of forestry in Slovenia. It is also the main repository of sources for the study of Slovenian forest and forestry history. Over the 60 years of its existence, the Forestry Library has collected over 41 000 units of material. In the time of its existence, the library counts over 7000 members; 500 users are active and borrowover 18 000 units annually. From the beginning, it has had good relations and a good history of collaboration with many domestic and foreign institutions. From a small library with a modest but valuable collection kept in a single room it has developed into a 21st century virtual library.
The Forestry Library was established in 1948 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Today it is a f... more The Forestry Library was established in 1948 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Today it is a faculty and research library. The library, together with its reference and documentation service, is the only information center and provider of scientific and technical literature in the field of forestry in Slovenia. It is also the main repository of sources for the study of Slovenian forest and forestry history. Over the 60 years of its existence, the Forestry Library has collected over 41 000 units of material. In the time of its existence, the library counts over 7000 members; 500 users are active and borrowover 18 000 units annually. From the beginning, it has had good relations and a good history of collaboration with many domestic and foreign institutions. From a small library with a modest but valuable collection kept in a single room it has developed into a 21st century virtual library.
After the reform of the doctoral study programme in 2009 at the authors’ faculty, an introductory... more After the reform of the doctoral study programme in 2009 at the authors’ faculty, an introductory course on scientific research methods became mandatory. It includes the topic of including information literacy (IL) and covers all its five main points according to ACRL 2000 standards. A librarian/researcher runs the practical part. After this course has been running for seven years we were interested in its impacts: (1) what are students’ subjective impressions about the course and (2) how such a systematic education on IL topics objectively impacts their publishing and citations. The paper first presents the results of the questionnaire distributed among 120 PhD students who attended the program. The survey was conducted immediately after the completion of the IL course in the period 2009–2016. Four indicators were measured to address question (1): relevance, usefulness, complexity, and compliance with expectations. Question (2) studied by examining students’ citation practices in t...
Odprti dostop je v svetu že uveljavljena pot objavljanja rezultatov znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela... more Odprti dostop je v svetu že uveljavljena pot objavljanja rezultatov znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela. Opravljenih je mnogo raziskav, v katerih ugotavljajo, ali so odprto dostopne objave brane in citirane veckrat kot objave, ki niso odprto ali prosto dostopne. V raziskavi smo pripravili pregled in analizo bibliometrijskih studij, s katerimi so analizirali vplive na obseg in hitrost citiranja, s posebnim poudarkom na vplivu odprtega dostopa in loceno za posamezne znanstvene discipline. Izpostavili smo tudi nekaj drugih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo predvsem na vecjo vidnost objav in posledicno na njihovo vecjo citiranost. Ugotovili smo, da bo v prihodnosti treba poenotiti metodologije proucevanja vplivov odprtega dostopa na citiranost, preden bomo lahko povsem potrdili ali ovrgli hipotezo o pozitivni korelaciji med stevilom citatov in odprtim dostopom.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to study the existing provisions for libraries in terms o... more Purpose: The purpose of this article is to study the existing provisions for libraries in terms of librarianship and labour legislation to ensure comfort and safety in libraries, with an emphasis on higher education libraries. On the basis of the study results, the space of a sample higher education library of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana will be evaluated. Methodology/approach: An overview of library and labour law provisions for higher education libraries has been carried out, and a model scheme of active zones of a sample higher education library of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana (hereinafter UL FGG) has been formulated. The provisions and technical standards have been applied to the UL FGG sample library. A quality study of the sample library indoor environment was carried out, which included measurements of five parameters and evaluation. Results: Taking into account the recommendation...
The keynote provides an overview on the field of research data produced by PhD students, in the c... more The keynote provides an overview on the field of research data produced by PhD students, in the context of open science, open access to research results, e-Science and the handling of electronic theses and dissertations. The keynote includes recent empirical results and recommendations for good practice and further research. In particular, the paper is based on an assessment of 864 print and electronic dissertations in sciences, social sciences and humanities from the Universities of Lille (France) and Ljubljana (Slovenia), submitted between 1987 and 2015, and on a survey on data management with 270 scientists in social sciences and humanities of the University of Lille 3. The keynote starts with an introduction into data-driven science, data life cycle and data publishing. It then moves on to research data management by PhD students, their practice, their needs and their willingness to disseminate and share their data. After this qualitative analysis of information behaviour, we pr...
To improve the international recognition of Geodetski vestnik, the leading Slovenian scientific a... more To improve the international recognition of Geodetski vestnik, the leading Slovenian scientific and professional journal in geodesy, land surveying and geoinformatics, the editorial board took many actions, such as open access to full-text papers at the journals website since 2000 onwards. Indexation in many information systems and databases like Cobiss.si, DOAJ, WoS, DRUGG and CrossRef has increased the visibility of the journal and its articles at both national and international levels. Upon establishing the digital repository DRUGG at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, this journal was the first to take the opportunity to archive its articles as open access articles in the repository. The statistics of articles downloads convinces all the participiants that the archiving in the repository influenced good on journals visibility and citation. The Geodetski vestniks citation in the period 2009-2013 is analysed in this article. Data were collected...
V disertaciji smo proucevali vpliv odprtega dostopa na citiranost znanstvenih clankov na podrocju... more V disertaciji smo proucevali vpliv odprtega dostopa na citiranost znanstvenih clankov na podrocju gradbenistva. Izvedli smo bibliometrijsko analizo clankov in citatov, rezultate smo preverjali s programom za statistiko Mathematica.V prvem delu raziskave smo proucili vpliv odprtega dostopa na stevilo citatov. Na vzorcu znanstvenih objav raziskovalcev in uciteljev Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakultete za gradbenistvo in geodezijo (UL FGG) v obdobju 2003-2008 smo ugotovili, da raziskovalci UL FGG objavljajo v mednarodnih revijah zgornjih dveh kvartilov, kamor so uvrscene revije z visokimi vrednostmi dejavnika vpliva znotraj posamezne vsebinske skupine seznama mednarodnih revij Journal Citation Report. 19 % objav UL FGG je odprtodostopnih. Vzorec raziskave smo razsirili na 2.242 clankov iz 18 mednarodnih revij s podrocij gradbenistva, razvrscenih v dve skupini, odprtodostopne (OA = 469) in odprto nedostopne clanke (NOA = 1.773 clankov). Ugotovili smo, da je odprti dostop eden od mnogih dejavn...
Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly jo... more Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. In our research of 2026 articles, published in JCR journals in the field of civil engineering in 2007, we found out that 21% of them are published as open accessed articles, most of them as articles archived in institutional repositories. They reached 29% of all citations in the analysed period. In accordance with these findings, in 2011 the repository at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering was built in open source tool ePrints. 1400 theses as well as 200 research articles have been archived in it till January 2013. The library was one of the most important stakeholders in its building as it is still today. Each of the repository unit is linked into Slovenian bibliographical information system COBISS and its cataloguing part COBIB as well as the part of high valuated research works of Slovenian researchers SICRIS. The statistics (150.000 visits ...
Članek prikazuje razvoj tehniške in posebej gozdarske terminologije v svetu in Sloveniji. Podaja ... more Članek prikazuje razvoj tehniške in posebej gozdarske terminologije v svetu in Sloveniji. Podaja rezultate prizadevanj posameznih dežel za razvoj gozdarske terminologije. Predstavlja prednosti in pomanjkljivosti numeričnega in deskriptorskega klasifikacijskega sistema kot pomembnega vira terminologije. V preglednici našteva pomembne in v Gozdarski knjižnici v Ljubljani dosegljive vire svetovne gozdarske terminologije od začetkov (1821) do dane
http://www3.fgg.uni-lj.si/ DRUGG-Digitalni repozitorij UL FGG http://drugg.fgg.uni-lj.si/ Ta član... more http://www3.fgg.uni-lj.si/ DRUGG-Digitalni repozitorij UL FGG http://drugg.fgg.uni-lj.si/ Ta članek je avtorjeva zadnja recenzirana različica, kot je bila sprejeta po opravljeni recenziji. Prosimo, da se pri navajanju sklicujte na bibliografske podatke, kot je navedeno:
Library Hi Tech, 2014
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the institutional repository (IR) named DRUGG (... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the institutional repository (IR) named DRUGG (Digital Repository of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering) of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (UL FGG), just from its beginnings in 2011, and using the statistics of visits to present its merits for higher visibility of scholarly publications on the web. The role of all stakeholders involved in the construction of this IR is highlighted. Design/methodology/approach – The historical overview of the awareness of researchers on the UL FGG on worldwide scientific communication through web sites is showed from beginning in the 1990s. Using Google Analytics the statistics of visits and downloads after a year of operations is showed, as well as the statistics of access from different networks from all over the world. Findings – In the DRUGG repository mainly theses are archived which are usually not published elsewhere. T...
Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly jo... more Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. In our research of 2026 articles, published in JCR journals in the field of civil engineering in 2007, we found out that 21% of them are published as open accessed articles, most of them as articles archived in institutional repositories. They reached 29% of all citations in the analysed period. In accordance with these findings, in 2011 the repository at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering was built in open source tool ePrints. 1400 theses as well as 200 research articles have been archived in it till January 2013. The library was one of the most important stakeholders in its building as it is still today. Each of the repository unit is linked into Slovenian bibliographical information system COBISS and its cataloguing part COBIB as well as the part of high valuated research works of Slovenian researchers SICRIS. The statistics (150.000 visits ...
ABSTRACTThe Forestry Library was established in 1948 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Today i... more ABSTRACTThe Forestry Library was established in 1948 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Today it is a faculty and research library. The library, together with its reference and documentation service, is the only information center and provider of scientific and technical literature in the field of forestry in Slovenia. It is also the main repository of sources for the study of Slovenian forest and forestry history. Over the 60 years of its existence, the Forestry Library has collected over 41 000 units of material. In the time of its existence, the library counts over 7000 members; 500 users are active and borrowover 18 000 units annually. From the beginning, it has had good relations and a good history of collaboration with many domestic and foreign institutions. From a small library with a modest but valuable collection kept in a single room it has developed into a 21st century virtual library.
The Forestry Library was established in 1948 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Today it is a f... more The Forestry Library was established in 1948 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Today it is a faculty and research library. The library, together with its reference and documentation service, is the only information center and provider of scientific and technical literature in the field of forestry in Slovenia. It is also the main repository of sources for the study of Slovenian forest and forestry history. Over the 60 years of its existence, the Forestry Library has collected over 41 000 units of material. In the time of its existence, the library counts over 7000 members; 500 users are active and borrowover 18 000 units annually. From the beginning, it has had good relations and a good history of collaboration with many domestic and foreign institutions. From a small library with a modest but valuable collection kept in a single room it has developed into a 21st century virtual library.
After the reform of the doctoral study programme in 2009 at the authors’ faculty, an introductory... more After the reform of the doctoral study programme in 2009 at the authors’ faculty, an introductory course on scientific research methods became mandatory. It includes the topic of including information literacy (IL) and covers all its five main points according to ACRL 2000 standards. A librarian/researcher runs the practical part. After this course has been running for seven years we were interested in its impacts: (1) what are students’ subjective impressions about the course and (2) how such a systematic education on IL topics objectively impacts their publishing and citations. The paper first presents the results of the questionnaire distributed among 120 PhD students who attended the program. The survey was conducted immediately after the completion of the IL course in the period 2009–2016. Four indicators were measured to address question (1): relevance, usefulness, complexity, and compliance with expectations. Question (2) studied by examining students’ citation practices in t...
Odprti dostop je v svetu že uveljavljena pot objavljanja rezultatov znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela... more Odprti dostop je v svetu že uveljavljena pot objavljanja rezultatov znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela. Opravljenih je mnogo raziskav, v katerih ugotavljajo, ali so odprto dostopne objave brane in citirane veckrat kot objave, ki niso odprto ali prosto dostopne. V raziskavi smo pripravili pregled in analizo bibliometrijskih studij, s katerimi so analizirali vplive na obseg in hitrost citiranja, s posebnim poudarkom na vplivu odprtega dostopa in loceno za posamezne znanstvene discipline. Izpostavili smo tudi nekaj drugih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo predvsem na vecjo vidnost objav in posledicno na njihovo vecjo citiranost. Ugotovili smo, da bo v prihodnosti treba poenotiti metodologije proucevanja vplivov odprtega dostopa na citiranost, preden bomo lahko povsem potrdili ali ovrgli hipotezo o pozitivni korelaciji med stevilom citatov in odprtim dostopom.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to study the existing provisions for libraries in terms o... more Purpose: The purpose of this article is to study the existing provisions for libraries in terms of librarianship and labour legislation to ensure comfort and safety in libraries, with an emphasis on higher education libraries. On the basis of the study results, the space of a sample higher education library of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana will be evaluated. Methodology/approach: An overview of library and labour law provisions for higher education libraries has been carried out, and a model scheme of active zones of a sample higher education library of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana (hereinafter UL FGG) has been formulated. The provisions and technical standards have been applied to the UL FGG sample library. A quality study of the sample library indoor environment was carried out, which included measurements of five parameters and evaluation. Results: Taking into account the recommendation...
The keynote provides an overview on the field of research data produced by PhD students, in the c... more The keynote provides an overview on the field of research data produced by PhD students, in the context of open science, open access to research results, e-Science and the handling of electronic theses and dissertations. The keynote includes recent empirical results and recommendations for good practice and further research. In particular, the paper is based on an assessment of 864 print and electronic dissertations in sciences, social sciences and humanities from the Universities of Lille (France) and Ljubljana (Slovenia), submitted between 1987 and 2015, and on a survey on data management with 270 scientists in social sciences and humanities of the University of Lille 3. The keynote starts with an introduction into data-driven science, data life cycle and data publishing. It then moves on to research data management by PhD students, their practice, their needs and their willingness to disseminate and share their data. After this qualitative analysis of information behaviour, we pr...
To improve the international recognition of Geodetski vestnik, the leading Slovenian scientific a... more To improve the international recognition of Geodetski vestnik, the leading Slovenian scientific and professional journal in geodesy, land surveying and geoinformatics, the editorial board took many actions, such as open access to full-text papers at the journals website since 2000 onwards. Indexation in many information systems and databases like Cobiss.si, DOAJ, WoS, DRUGG and CrossRef has increased the visibility of the journal and its articles at both national and international levels. Upon establishing the digital repository DRUGG at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, this journal was the first to take the opportunity to archive its articles as open access articles in the repository. The statistics of articles downloads convinces all the participiants that the archiving in the repository influenced good on journals visibility and citation. The Geodetski vestniks citation in the period 2009-2013 is analysed in this article. Data were collected...
V disertaciji smo proucevali vpliv odprtega dostopa na citiranost znanstvenih clankov na podrocju... more V disertaciji smo proucevali vpliv odprtega dostopa na citiranost znanstvenih clankov na podrocju gradbenistva. Izvedli smo bibliometrijsko analizo clankov in citatov, rezultate smo preverjali s programom za statistiko Mathematica.V prvem delu raziskave smo proucili vpliv odprtega dostopa na stevilo citatov. Na vzorcu znanstvenih objav raziskovalcev in uciteljev Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakultete za gradbenistvo in geodezijo (UL FGG) v obdobju 2003-2008 smo ugotovili, da raziskovalci UL FGG objavljajo v mednarodnih revijah zgornjih dveh kvartilov, kamor so uvrscene revije z visokimi vrednostmi dejavnika vpliva znotraj posamezne vsebinske skupine seznama mednarodnih revij Journal Citation Report. 19 % objav UL FGG je odprtodostopnih. Vzorec raziskave smo razsirili na 2.242 clankov iz 18 mednarodnih revij s podrocij gradbenistva, razvrscenih v dve skupini, odprtodostopne (OA = 469) in odprto nedostopne clanke (NOA = 1.773 clankov). Ugotovili smo, da je odprti dostop eden od mnogih dejavn...
Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly jo... more Scientific communication in technics consists primarily of articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. In our research of 2026 articles, published in JCR journals in the field of civil engineering in 2007, we found out that 21% of them are published as open accessed articles, most of them as articles archived in institutional repositories. They reached 29% of all citations in the analysed period. In accordance with these findings, in 2011 the repository at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering was built in open source tool ePrints. 1400 theses as well as 200 research articles have been archived in it till January 2013. The library was one of the most important stakeholders in its building as it is still today. Each of the repository unit is linked into Slovenian bibliographical information system COBISS and its cataloguing part COBIB as well as the part of high valuated research works of Slovenian researchers SICRIS. The statistics (150.000 visits ...