tomas chochole - (original) (raw)
Papers by tomas chochole
Sborník z mezinárodní konference 2021: Rozvoj kompetencí relevantních pro život a praxi v 21. století
The needs and demands of the global labour market affect many professions and have long shaped th... more The needs and demands of the global labour market affect many professions and have long shaped the field of product design. This premise became the basis for a research study that aimed to map the core competency set of product designers-students and professionals-that the profession requires beyond professional knowledge and skills. These are the soft skills that designers necessarily use in the context of interdisciplinary teamwork. In our research, we worked with students from three universities in the Czech Republic and China, while exploring the needs of professional designers. The research was based on a case study using innovative research methods combined with quantitative and qualitative data processing. The results of this field research were compared with professional studies that have mapped product design labour market needs over the past five years. The research findings were quite surprising, as the preferred soft skills of the respondents are also in demand in the global labour market according to international studies. This implies that product designers need them for a successful career. The survey identified the most important competencies, such as teamwork, problem solving, effective communication, time management and others. Thus, the results of this comparative investigation provide a great opportunity for curriculum development in both higher and secondary education settings with a focus on design, with emphasis also on developing the competency set needed for interdisciplinary teamwork.
The International Academic Forum 2020, 2020
The results of the work of product designers are increasingly not possible without teamwork and e... more The results of the work of product designers are increasingly not possible without teamwork and especially interdisciplinary teamwork. Product designers often have a key role to play in such teams, and in addition to hard skills, they also need the soft competencies needed to interact in a team in order to be successful in their work. This study aimed to map the most important soft skills needed for interdisciplinary teamwork. 98 students in the field of product design and at the same time professional product designers took part in the international research. The research was based on the principle of a case study with journalist's investigative methods in combination with qualitative and quantitative research and comparative analysis of documents. These documents have identified the most necessary soft skills for product designers in the last five years. In the next phase of the study, the research work was focused on building a competency model of the most preferred soft competencies, which are: teamwork, problem solving, communication and time management. The competency model could guide the preparation of educational courses and workshops, in which soft competencies would be developed for students in the field of product design, but also for professional designers. The reason is the clear need for good acquisition and use of competencies that will enable better interdisciplinary teamwork.
Lifelong Learnig - celoživotní vzdělávání, 2015
Technologický vývoj a postupná proměna trhu práce v globální ekonomice kladou stále větší důraz n... more Technologický vývoj a postupná proměna trhu práce v globální ekonomice kladou stále větší důraz na rozvoj funkční gramotnosti dospělých. Pracovních míst pro lidi se základním vzděláním v Evropské unii postupně ubývá ve prospěch zaměstnání, kde je vyžadována vyšší kvalifikace. Ta se však vyznačují vyššími nároky na kompetence a praktické dovednosti. Význam funkční gramotnosti v globální společnosti roste nejen z hlediska pracovního života, ale i sociálního začleňování a plnění společenských rolí. Společnost se digitalizuje, a tak se práce s textem a se základními matematickými operacemi stává prakticky každodenní nutností bez ohledu na stupeň dosaženého vzdělání či konkrétní profesi člověka. Dobrá úroveň funkční gramotnosti v tomto případě otevírá bránu nejen k vyšší efektivitě práce, ale i k lepšímu pracovnímu uplatnění. Mezinárodní výzkumy zaměřené na funkční gramotnost dospělých ale odhalují, že tyto dovednosti určitým skupinám dospělé populace chybějí, což může ohrožovat nejen jejich postavení na pracovním trhu, ale i jejich další fungování v moderní společnosti.
Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen
The high uncertainty in the capital market due to some crises that hit the world over the last fe... more The high uncertainty in the capital market due to some crises that hit the world over the last few decades has the potential to cause herding behavior in the aggregate capital market, both in developed and emerging capital markets. The main objective of this study is to detect the existence of herding behavior, including asymmetric herding and global factor drives (oil prices and fed fund rates) on aggregate herding behavior in the Indonesian and Singapore capital markets during the period Jan 2015 to December 2020. This study employs a cross-sectional dispersion approach to achieve study goals. Research findings denote aggregate herding behavior occurs only in the Singapore capital market, while in Indonesia no herding behavior is detected. Asymmetric herding testing for both capital markets revealed no herding tendency in up and down market conditions. This condition implies that low volatility cannot ensure the absence of aggregate herding behavior. Global factors have proven to ...
– The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2020: Official Conference Proceedings, 2020
The results of the work of product designers are increasingly not possible without teamwork and e... more The results of the work of product designers are increasingly not possible without teamwork and especially interdisciplinary teamwork. Product designers often have a key role to play in such teams, and in addition to hard skills, they also need the soft competencies needed to interact in a team in order to be successful in their work. This study aimed to map the most important soft skills needed for interdisciplinary teamwork. 98 students in the field of product design and at the same time professional product designers took part in the international research. The research was based on the principle of a case study with journalist's investigative methods in combination with qualitative and quantitative research and comparative analysis of documents. These documents have identified the most necessary soft skills for product designers in the last five years. In the next phase of the study, the research work was focused on building a competency model of the most preferred soft competencies, which are: teamwork, problem solving, communication and time management. The competency model could guide the preparation of educational courses and workshops, in which soft competencies would be developed for students in the field of product design, but also for professional designers. The reason is the clear need for good acquisition and use of competencies that will enable better interdisciplinary teamwork.
Orientovat svoji profesní dráhu s dlouhodobou perspektivou se může v kontextu změn na globálním t... more Orientovat svoji profesní dráhu s dlouhodobou perspektivou se může v kontextu změn na globálním trhu práce jevit jako stále obtížnější, a to nejen pro budoucí absolventy středních a vysokých škol, ale i pro lidi, kteří již na trhu práce působí. Nemusí se v tomto případě jednat pouze o zaměstnance, ale i o malé a střední podnikatele. Ti totiž v rámci Evropské unie tvoří asi % všech firem na celém unijním území (Farvaque, Voss, , s.). Statistiky Eurostatu navíc uvádějí, že SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) je v eurozóně přibližně milionů a na celkovém objemu pracovních sil se podílejí téměř %. Jednoznačně tak vytvářejí největší pracovní příležitosti v rámci celé EU a podléhají také největším turbulencím, které pracovní trh pravidelně postihují. Mezi několik klíčových faktorů, které trh pracovních sil svým působením výrazně ovlivňují, patří technologický vývoj společnosti. Ten již od sedm-desátých let minulého století souvisí především s rozvojem informačních a komunikačních te...
The year 2020 significantly expanded our communication possibilities through a global pandemic. W... more The year 2020 significantly expanded our communication possibilities through a global pandemic. We have become people online. In the world of product design, where the final work depends on the cooperation of several different professions, online communication has become key for teamwork and thus for a successful business. We all learned it on the fly as best we could. But if we know which soft skills, we need to strengthen to make our teamwork more effective and our results better, we do not have to go the way of trial and error. This study aimed to map key soft skills in product design students from three different universities and in a group of professional designers in the context of their successful work in a highly competitive market. It turned out that interdisciplinary work in the online mode is not completely simple for this target group, but at the same time the preferred competencies were named, that can be the basis for the opening of different educational courses at uni...
Sborník z mezinárodní konference 2021: Rozvoj kompetencí relevantních pro život a praxi v 21. století
The needs and demands of the global labour market affect many professions and have long shaped th... more The needs and demands of the global labour market affect many professions and have long shaped the field of product design. This premise became the basis for a research study that aimed to map the core competency set of product designers-students and professionals-that the profession requires beyond professional knowledge and skills. These are the soft skills that designers necessarily use in the context of interdisciplinary teamwork. In our research, we worked with students from three universities in the Czech Republic and China, while exploring the needs of professional designers. The research was based on a case study using innovative research methods combined with quantitative and qualitative data processing. The results of this field research were compared with professional studies that have mapped product design labour market needs over the past five years. The research findings were quite surprising, as the preferred soft skills of the respondents are also in demand in the global labour market according to international studies. This implies that product designers need them for a successful career. The survey identified the most important competencies, such as teamwork, problem solving, effective communication, time management and others. Thus, the results of this comparative investigation provide a great opportunity for curriculum development in both higher and secondary education settings with a focus on design, with emphasis also on developing the competency set needed for interdisciplinary teamwork.
The International Academic Forum 2020, 2020
The results of the work of product designers are increasingly not possible without teamwork and e... more The results of the work of product designers are increasingly not possible without teamwork and especially interdisciplinary teamwork. Product designers often have a key role to play in such teams, and in addition to hard skills, they also need the soft competencies needed to interact in a team in order to be successful in their work. This study aimed to map the most important soft skills needed for interdisciplinary teamwork. 98 students in the field of product design and at the same time professional product designers took part in the international research. The research was based on the principle of a case study with journalist's investigative methods in combination with qualitative and quantitative research and comparative analysis of documents. These documents have identified the most necessary soft skills for product designers in the last five years. In the next phase of the study, the research work was focused on building a competency model of the most preferred soft competencies, which are: teamwork, problem solving, communication and time management. The competency model could guide the preparation of educational courses and workshops, in which soft competencies would be developed for students in the field of product design, but also for professional designers. The reason is the clear need for good acquisition and use of competencies that will enable better interdisciplinary teamwork.
Lifelong Learnig - celoživotní vzdělávání, 2015
Technologický vývoj a postupná proměna trhu práce v globální ekonomice kladou stále větší důraz n... more Technologický vývoj a postupná proměna trhu práce v globální ekonomice kladou stále větší důraz na rozvoj funkční gramotnosti dospělých. Pracovních míst pro lidi se základním vzděláním v Evropské unii postupně ubývá ve prospěch zaměstnání, kde je vyžadována vyšší kvalifikace. Ta se však vyznačují vyššími nároky na kompetence a praktické dovednosti. Význam funkční gramotnosti v globální společnosti roste nejen z hlediska pracovního života, ale i sociálního začleňování a plnění společenských rolí. Společnost se digitalizuje, a tak se práce s textem a se základními matematickými operacemi stává prakticky každodenní nutností bez ohledu na stupeň dosaženého vzdělání či konkrétní profesi člověka. Dobrá úroveň funkční gramotnosti v tomto případě otevírá bránu nejen k vyšší efektivitě práce, ale i k lepšímu pracovnímu uplatnění. Mezinárodní výzkumy zaměřené na funkční gramotnost dospělých ale odhalují, že tyto dovednosti určitým skupinám dospělé populace chybějí, což může ohrožovat nejen jejich postavení na pracovním trhu, ale i jejich další fungování v moderní společnosti.
Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen
The high uncertainty in the capital market due to some crises that hit the world over the last fe... more The high uncertainty in the capital market due to some crises that hit the world over the last few decades has the potential to cause herding behavior in the aggregate capital market, both in developed and emerging capital markets. The main objective of this study is to detect the existence of herding behavior, including asymmetric herding and global factor drives (oil prices and fed fund rates) on aggregate herding behavior in the Indonesian and Singapore capital markets during the period Jan 2015 to December 2020. This study employs a cross-sectional dispersion approach to achieve study goals. Research findings denote aggregate herding behavior occurs only in the Singapore capital market, while in Indonesia no herding behavior is detected. Asymmetric herding testing for both capital markets revealed no herding tendency in up and down market conditions. This condition implies that low volatility cannot ensure the absence of aggregate herding behavior. Global factors have proven to ...
– The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2020: Official Conference Proceedings, 2020
The results of the work of product designers are increasingly not possible without teamwork and e... more The results of the work of product designers are increasingly not possible without teamwork and especially interdisciplinary teamwork. Product designers often have a key role to play in such teams, and in addition to hard skills, they also need the soft competencies needed to interact in a team in order to be successful in their work. This study aimed to map the most important soft skills needed for interdisciplinary teamwork. 98 students in the field of product design and at the same time professional product designers took part in the international research. The research was based on the principle of a case study with journalist's investigative methods in combination with qualitative and quantitative research and comparative analysis of documents. These documents have identified the most necessary soft skills for product designers in the last five years. In the next phase of the study, the research work was focused on building a competency model of the most preferred soft competencies, which are: teamwork, problem solving, communication and time management. The competency model could guide the preparation of educational courses and workshops, in which soft competencies would be developed for students in the field of product design, but also for professional designers. The reason is the clear need for good acquisition and use of competencies that will enable better interdisciplinary teamwork.
Orientovat svoji profesní dráhu s dlouhodobou perspektivou se může v kontextu změn na globálním t... more Orientovat svoji profesní dráhu s dlouhodobou perspektivou se může v kontextu změn na globálním trhu práce jevit jako stále obtížnější, a to nejen pro budoucí absolventy středních a vysokých škol, ale i pro lidi, kteří již na trhu práce působí. Nemusí se v tomto případě jednat pouze o zaměstnance, ale i o malé a střední podnikatele. Ti totiž v rámci Evropské unie tvoří asi % všech firem na celém unijním území (Farvaque, Voss, , s.). Statistiky Eurostatu navíc uvádějí, že SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) je v eurozóně přibližně milionů a na celkovém objemu pracovních sil se podílejí téměř %. Jednoznačně tak vytvářejí největší pracovní příležitosti v rámci celé EU a podléhají také největším turbulencím, které pracovní trh pravidelně postihují. Mezi několik klíčových faktorů, které trh pracovních sil svým působením výrazně ovlivňují, patří technologický vývoj společnosti. Ten již od sedm-desátých let minulého století souvisí především s rozvojem informačních a komunikačních te...
The year 2020 significantly expanded our communication possibilities through a global pandemic. W... more The year 2020 significantly expanded our communication possibilities through a global pandemic. We have become people online. In the world of product design, where the final work depends on the cooperation of several different professions, online communication has become key for teamwork and thus for a successful business. We all learned it on the fly as best we could. But if we know which soft skills, we need to strengthen to make our teamwork more effective and our results better, we do not have to go the way of trial and error. This study aimed to map key soft skills in product design students from three different universities and in a group of professional designers in the context of their successful work in a highly competitive market. It turned out that interdisciplinary work in the online mode is not completely simple for this target group, but at the same time the preferred competencies were named, that can be the basis for the opening of different educational courses at uni...